Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Nov 1928, p. 8

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Foaas. BAVA Ld RUGBY BANQUET TO ' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1920 MORROW - CITY SOFTBALL FUNCTION TONIGHT Oshawa Rotary + Club Has Plans Well in Hand For Banquet to Blue Devils * up the local defence easily handled pra tically all that the hy forwa 3 had to offer. One goal in each of the first two periods and two miore in the third spelled defeat for the orontonians. ¢ Stewart got the first midway through the initial stanza on 3 neat lone effort which carried = him through the Toronto defence i top Of Chabot. The latter h chance on the close in drive. In the second period, Ward swooped down on the Toronto net to grab Sichert's rebound from the net post and slap the puck between Chabot's legs. In the third period a sudden dash upon: the Toronto. net. by the netted two goals within a space of seven seconds, halfway through ue session. Ward figured in both, He scored the first on his own, and then made the opening for Hooley Smith to score the next. The Maroons beat Chabot twice in the first period, on fast Stewart-to-Smith combinations but both efforts were called offsides. "Fhe Leafs really threatened only once during the game. That was at the start of the third period when a concerted driving attack on the Mon: treal net by the Blue and White for- wards gave Benedict 3 busy time. The local defence soon. settled down, however, and once more the Maroons took command of the play. | Sores, pares, and Blows At Local Alleys d i - on no h Y= The roll off for the $10 prize at | the Recreation Club was won by Bert Brown last week, a fact which we omitted from our last edition of Strikes, Spares and Blows, His score was 722 and although not ex- actly a high score, It was sufficient to give him a decis've victory cover the remained of the boys included in the roll, CI To enter the charmed circle of the money bowlers at tha Motor City this month, one must now bow! at least & total of 731, Harry Nobes, at present the low man of ten, hoasts a 730 while the high man, Ernie Kirkup, bas 871, In between these two are G. (iream- er with 836, Bill Cater with 811, Jack Brady with 7883, Bill Camp- bell with 766, Aubrey Jewel with 766, Milt Morris with 745, Matt Sutton with 745 apd Jack Purdy with 748, ie * This week's high single at the | Motor City goes to G, Hoffman with 284 while H, Gourley takes the high for three games ith 6486. Down in Bowmanville the other night a bateh of Oshawa ladies took a Bowmanville team into camp and grabbed off all three games, taking the last one with an aggregate of more than 1,000 pips. Ne wonder the Bownmnville Bris couldn't win, The Bowmanyille girls are play- Ing a return game ageipst the Oshawa team at the Motor City pro- bably to-morrow Jisht. The Men's Major City Five Pin gue at the Recreation is having Jones just at presept and Is nding by until the Whiz Bangs the Coca Colas say it with pins decide the champions of the first uarter of the schedule, The Whiz, Bangs and the Coca Coles are ex cted to decide the issue to-mor- row night. a Following the conclusion of the rst quarter of the Men's Major Dity schedule, 8 league meeting has n called at the fon for xt Monday night and sll the of- Is of the league apd the team tains are requested to be op nd, Put in ap appearance around ght o'clock. rb . The Ladies' Maior City Five Pin gue at the Morr City fi gi g a'on~ like a house iy; | it precept with the Chevs and Rexu- | Wellors ont in front spd the res primed of the pack hot at thelr els. * Visas ABA | LI | No team has rome niet the # ninia eyen thus far yndefested Fa pnlv one a has y > =n at Jesst ors Frme. \ wk oh | m™ho nowly formed ten pin league : "Hall, contre {at 6.30 o'clock Thursday Roy Bishan and ND. 6, Co |Orien | es, in [Pall Malls of General Motors te Tughy champions of the Pro- uh ha More than 100 d will be t at the fumne- tion, including all the members of the victorious team and 'its execu- ive, all the members of the Rotary lub, and special speakers and em- Re. otary cofted the occasion while the st' will he of the best, Three toasts, in addition to a toast te His Majesty the King which will be marked in a special way owing to His Majesty's ilineas, will he pro- posed. Alderman G. D. Conant, president of the Rotary Club, will be toastmaster, The first toast will he pronosed to the Ontarin Rughy Football As- sociation, more commonly known as the "O.R.F.U." with W. A. Hew- itt, Sports Editor of the Toronto Daily Star proposing and John De- Gruchy, president of the O.R.F.UT, responding. A toast proposed by H. A. Brown to the General Motors Rughy Faothall club will fallow, ta which a response will he made hy Ross McKinnon and Harry Lecky, The third and last toast will he nye- nosed hy His Worship, Mayor Pres. ton, tn the General Motors Riue Devils, Intermediate Tuehv cham- nions of Ontario, tn whieh the ca®- tain Alex Park. and other members of the team will resnond. The acrasion will he intersnersed with sones and humorous numhers given hy distingnishad Ines] artists amons whom will he Res. Terret. (arlyle, SE ---------- Toronto Millionaires will he in London Friday evening and will take on Bert Corbeau's Panthers, The Millionaires have several nf their Une-up, including Ken Daraty, the speedy forward. Al Gauthier, who was with the London pro team last season, 1a. turning In good nerformances at loft wing for Teddy Oke's ASsroantion, A * Detroit Olympics registered their fifth consecutive victory in the Can- adian: Pro Hockey League when they turned hack the London Pan- thers. Frank Foyston, manager of the "Olvmpiecs, has a strong club, and. with their ten points already registered, have a firm hold on the Irague leadership. Buffalo Bisons, the new entry in the Canadian Pro T.earue, are not meeting with 'the same success as they have suffered ity defeats, all by margins of one goal, while the Fixers took all three points from the Pleetricians. The standing of the ten pin lpague at the Recreation is: Team Pts, PIXOPE is rs wrvisrsrrrsre B IBERDLE ss 0s 2022s ¥srrrss: B BIBYE + rrr "rrrrrrrrrrrs 3 Electricians ..,., .,., [ 0» Ladies Major City five pin stand- ing at the Motor City, Team PWL Pts Regular Fellars ..,,,, 871 11 OYE. rrr sr rsrrrers 10 Mazdas 0M I Maple: Leat OB0-0E08 .. ps rss Whirlwinds ,, ,,,,,, ACBB .,. yirrrrrrrnry Cara Nomes ,,7v00,, Coptralls ., srssrrse BING BEHR + rrrrrrrer CE Standing of the Parts and Service League at the Motor Ciiy is as fol- lows: ; Team Oldsmobiles ,, ,,0s,,4 PODLIBL 410000 s0rs9s d BRICK 2000000000090 # Cadillac pers rray ] ERBRIR +rr: 2100001) # OBE + rrrsrrrrrerh Her EA Oriental Textile League stand- ing te date at the Recreation: Team Pld Pts, LAmIteds 45. p 100000 10 15 nm rrrrrr bp 1 1 pore srrrre 10 10 , PINShes ,::+ +1502» 30, Oshawas ..., ,,,,,, 10 Ontarios ,,., ,,.s,» 10 IFRS IRE +: r +292 TR Manufacturers ,.., .,10 rr ' The standing, including last night's The Times ue, 4 rere re sere PNR RILS 3 seeder Pr rrr HP RWWE® PETE EES PEE SL NN Sark FF a] Pld. Pts. 14 11 | ws: - Team : ohio, rer' h 4 * the Rerrestion got gawpy to a}pP 033 stort last Friday night apd ba rommetition promises to be ex- prtionslly keen. In thelr first aps someon the Assistants defpated Reemers two gemes out of three; | Montreal Mar, in . . A | jas last year's Kitchener players on | Of Group = = : mowed = > Americans ...8 § LJ § J 4 M Of Able Tah Canadiens » » » -» » » » ad dh tad Montreal «+ 00000005" [PPR EIePS FEY YT PEE FEF Ed [EERE RY Rangers Detroit na Hind FRAP LER EAS Last 00 408 Par Sr a -- § 0 's 'M Leafs .0 on LY, Americans '1. wa: Sen, 0 LA Bruins 1. Pittsburg Pir, 0 OANFRO GUE . PW. LT. FA Pls, ard 0 0 17 4 10 10 1q0004d Hi Detroit .... L) 400 09 00 00 > S a -OOMOD hh fh, rt a RD bh fk bh eh i TEE arasnsef 04.0 6 -, . last Night's Results Toronto .....5 Kitchener ,,...1 Pacific Coast DW OTBDW "Hall will be specially de- | PO Coast Vancouver .,.2 Portland .,...0 American Association 8t, Louis ....3 Minneapolis ,,.2 Exhibition Win, Blmwoods § Regina Mon. 2 Senators Stopped Americans in ectic 1-0 Game New York, Nov. 2/--The New York Americans kept their record clear of defeats and climbed to the top of the Canadian division of the National Hockey League tonight by taking a 1 ta 0 decision from the Ottawa Senators, Ottawa also was undefeated up to this game, The teams had played a tie in their first meeting of the season, A brilliant individual play by Nor. mie Himes brought the only goal of the game. In the middle of the sec- ond period, Himes worked his way through the entire Ottawa team to within a few feet of the goal and beat Commell with a perfect shot into the upper corner of the net, "Flat" sh, goalie borrowed from the = Montreal Maroons, took the lion's share of the honors for the victory, Behind the steady American defence, Walsh put up a fine exhibition of cool steady goal: tending. In the final period when tawa was sweeping into American territory, in' a desperate attempt to tie the -score, Walsh's stops attained 2 brilliance worthy of the hest goal tenders in the league. Several times during this frame Walsh alone staved oft a score afer the fast Ottawa at- tack had passed its way through the other American defenders, Both teams got plenty of action ifto the. start with a pair of shots apiece within a short time after the whistle, The Americans bounced several long ones off Connell's pads in succession, while the Senators, trying te -get within: effeetive range, ran afoul of the iron-bound Ameri- can defence. Clancy made a fine dash down the ice, but was carried to the side. Conacher got through the Ottawa line on a lone dash for a sharply angled shot that Connell stopped neatly, urch apd Connor' tried three suc- cessive combination plays, byt each was broken up, Clancy followed with another solo attempt and went sprawling on ®he ice before he cid iy A flock of reseryes took The ice and kept the puck geing with- out a let up in speed, but close work on the. defence kept the goals out of serious danger, Finnigan provided a thrill Hy taking the plick down and around' the RE eriean goal,- but he Pirates Beateu by Boston 1-0 Boston, 'Nov, 27.~--The Boptop Bruins ul, out. the Pittsburg Pir- ates 1 to 0 here today to become runners-up 'in the' American divi: siop of the National Hockey Lea- gue. The game, featured 'by the ened to epd ip a scoreless tle. up- til the third period was reached. Four minutes after play started in timt session, both forward lines staged a scrimmage about the Pir- ples cage. any Oliver ig id bls way through the pack snd was in front of (A Miner when Frederickson circled the visitors' cage. Oliver caught his pass out apd jabbed it past Miller, The Pirates tried to even matters but the Bruins' defensive game was much too tight for their forwards until the 1 ended the fray. Bostonce os, Tho Jett ogl, mpson; ef defence, Hitchman; right defence Sie oki Te wae oir » ; it WIDE, (4 er; Bps Pettinger, Green, Galp- or, i Clapper, Welland, in, Dennepay, Pitisburg--Goal, Miller; left de- tence, Holway; go defénee, Me- Opfirey; centre, Milks; left wipg, Cotton; right wing, Darragh; yes, Sith, MeCurry, 'McKay, rury, White, McKinnon. Referees--G. Mallinson apd D. Ritchie, Manion). Summary First Period .. No score. Second Period No peo; re. Third Period 1--PBoston Oliver (Frederickson) 4. Penpities--Cotton (2), Shore /2), Ritchman (2), MrKinpon, Drury, Clapper, Milks, Smith, could not get in position for a shot, b defence play of both teams, thpeat- Pirate goalie, |' SPORT SNAPSHOTS 'Punts and Tackles bids its readers adie for the season in tonight's An nanding r column which will be greatly missed is Punts a Tackles and ¢ Ja one more n : 4 writen, iter sorry to see it pass from this page season is over in Oshawa and hence Punts and Tackles must expire with it. Punts ating ky LBL The! of his Le by the Dopester, a interest in the particular interest being directed to has accomplished much in Oshawa in arousing, stim- pigein pastime this autumn, with [le al Motors Blue Devils, ter was a hard working, conscientious writer in the interests and his work showed it. t us all hope to see Punts and Tackles again next season, written Something novel in the way of invitations has been sent out for the banquet by the Rotary Club in honor of the General Motors Blue Devils, The invitations are printed in in the s amphlet form and are fashioned exactly of 'a rugby-football while the outside surface is done in brown with the exact outline of a football printed on it. Invitations such as this are worth keeping as souvenirs. They show initiative and thoughtiulness on the part of those behind the project. The Oshawa City Industrial Softball League banquet at the Rotary Hall tonight promises to be an excellent affair, The officials have been preparing for the event for some time and a note of m for the ¢ ¥ g season is certain to be struck, About 120 should be on hand and knowing the boys who'll be there as we do, we give our sympathy to whoever has the job of providing the "eats." Two banquets in two nights is a who come in for both functions. rather big order, especially for those We have heard that Yeporters on some of the big city newspapers have been able to go for weeks at a time, living completely on the banquets they have to cover, And now we are beginning to believe it. . At last the big fish--not the poor fish--of the National Hockey Lea- gue, which for the past few months has been swimming alluringly through the amateur waters, has been landed, Dave Trottier of the Varsity Grads, Canada's Olympic entry of 1928, is the man who has at last been hauled up onto the banks of professionalism. Montreal Maroons are the lucky team, or at least apparently so since every other team in the N.H.L. have been trying to get Trottier inside one of their sweaters. Trottier will probably he a drawing card in himself when Ive visits Toronto for a game against the Maple Leafs, The Port Hope Daily Times' sports writer got his signals crossed in his yesterday's paper and says the following about Oshawa: Oshawa won a senior lacrosse h hip this in their first start in that civenit. They have now won an intermediate softball title, after only two seasons in that game. Oshawa certainly has be- come a veal sport centre, They field strong teams and they receive wonderful support from the Oshawa fans. Except for his second sentence the Port Hope scribe is OK, but he's all wrong when it comes to softball and "two seasons in the game" If he tried to tell that to the Blue Devils they'd forthwith try some rugby tactics on him, Difference Seen by College Star in Pro Hockey New York, Nov. 27--Young men who play hockey for a livelihood don't hit-a bit harder or play nearly #8 roughly as collegians who churn up the ice, perfectly willing to do or die for dear old Rutgers. This is the belief of Myles Lane, once the ace of the Dartmouth hockey team and the first American college star to enter professional ranks, Last Sunday night Lane made his debut here with the world cham- pion New York Rangers and echoes of the cheers that greeted his play then still are ringing in his ears. The youth who for two years was one of the highest scoring football half-hacks in the land, is frank to admit: that he has yet to find his bearings in professional sport, Everything is very different, of course, but the Ranger veterans have found him a willing student, a like- able boy, and something the team has needed for years--a fourth at ridge, Previously there were but three auction addicts on the squad, "The big difference between ama- teyr and iofesgionsl hockey, of course, is the speed and versatility of the league players. It is no longer # question of watching one or two 'good 'men on. a team. Everyone is erackerjack and they have mighty ew weaknesses," Lane said. "It is only natural that when men make their living playing one game they specialize, practice, and become profiicent to an extent beyond any college. athlete," he went on. "They put' a great 'deal of fee! ng into their game, too, but they never could get 8s rough as college players in their to do or'die for Alma Mater," PROTEST THE PUBLIC, N OF REVISED PRA BOOK Liverpool, Nov, 28,~--Publicatio early in December of the revised rayer hook, which Parliament re- ected, was the subject of strong protest at the, Liverpool diocesan conference of the Church of Eng- land. "A motion that the confer. ence should reduce the diocesan contribution to the Church Assem- bly fund by $5,000 as a protest nst the action of the Central ard of Finances in authorizing publication, was vigorously debat- ed apd only withdrawn after assur. snee by Rt. Rev. A, A, Pari. Bish- op of Liverpool, that nothing the conferepce coul would have any effect, f HOLIDAY B STARTS of the elght women sald » was bringing in the liguor for Thanksgiving mince ples or plum uddings. None of the women Re ----. Dave Trottier Nigns Contract With Maroons Montreal, Nov, 27,--Dave Trot- tier, star with last year's Canadian Olympic team, has been signed hy the Montreal Maroons, He will leave tomorrow night with the team for Detroit, and Thursday night he will play his first game of professional hockey against the Cougars. Trottier was signed be- fore tonight's game against the Toronto Maple Leafs, but did not don a uniform, owing to an injured foot, sustained in an amateur game here last night. President Frank Calder, of the National Hockey League, stated he- fore the game that the squabbles between certain teams in the lea- gue as to which would get the ama- teur star's services should he turn pro had been settled satisfactory to all concerned, Rights to Trottier were secured by the Maroons late today from the Toronto Maple Leafs, who elaimed his services should he turn pro through the rumored "gentlemen's agreement" prevalling in the Na- stated to he $15,000 and a player, unnamed, to be turned over to the Leafs at the end of the present sea- son, Trottier's salary with the Ma- roons has not heen announced and it is not known if he received a honns for signing. However, it Is known that he turned down an of- fer of $5.000 a season on a three- vear contract, and 2 $5,000 honus for signing, offered by the Toronto team prior to the start of the sea- son. ROWDYISM IN SCOTCH MOVIE OVER CANADA'S OPPORTUNITIES Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Noy. 28, --Rowdy scénes were wit d in a motion picture theatre here last night when films were shown and pddresses were given outlining op- rtupities for settlement on the Jand in Canada and for training un- employed youths as farm workers. be meeting, organized under he auspices of the Ministry of La- or, broke up in disorder amid 'boos and jeers. The interrupters included 2 group of men who had returned from the Capadian har. yest fields, WOOLWORTH'S BROTHER-IN. LAW, NATIVE OF PICTON, ONTARIO, DEAD Springfield, Mass., Nov. 28.-- Thomas Henry Creighton, brother- in-law of the late Frank W. Wool- worth, and long @ssociated with him in business, died today in his home in Long Meadow, pear here. He joined Mr. Woolworth at luncheon. fourth five and tén cent store and continued the copneection until his retirement five years ago. He was # pative of Picton, Ont. tional Hockey League for a figure, Millionaires Get Down in Front in Cyclone Finish Roi Nov. 28--Phying te ey are really ca Toronta Mi ires humid kl cheners men in ea at the A ena Ga Sto score Rast i A vgh- hight¢l AN. 2: way { 2, ! ere no son between the Millionaires that performed in the two games and the one across the Arena ice last. 4, downing the Dutch, [] h to heat any us Canadian pro Sohal t. The th pose of four, players may. ve " magic change the M camp, but on their . night, practically every man from first regular to the last sub was The locals started rather pi Tf An it seemed a repetition of their init farces but they gradually improve and in the last half of the game, their play was as good as any seen in Canpro hockey here, The s part of the story is that only a seat- tered crowd was present fo seth lay, but if there had been 3 fu ouse, the game could have heen classed with the best of the seagon. It was in the last period that the Millionaires looked so impressive, as they drove down on the Kitchener defence with three men attacks, working clever passing plays « to reach the jaws of the Dutchmen' goal, while they. also back-checked consistently. Not enly the forwards displayed improved hockey hut also the defence, which provided sturdy rotection for Bud Fisher. in goal. here is no doubt that if the Mil lionaires continue the hockey of the last period last night, during the re- mainder of the campaign that. they will have a record string of success: es to their eredit, while they should also earn an appreciative following. 'Leather Pushes (Boxing News) ¢ The boys at the local fight Em+ porium, are laying oft the hard work until a definate date is set for the next show, CIR Light work outs are being in- dulged in, in order to keep in trim, * LJ . Williams, a pew boy with a well set frame and a glorious red thateh has heen working out lately and' shows excellent promise, Woe . Belanger a little fellow weighing all of 90 pounds is as smart a kid' as you would care to look at, The hig hoys get a lot good work out off the' kid", 'He "is so "fast It would take a Nurmi to keepetrack of him, IEE RE Who ever was responsible for the Ontario Regimental band being.on hand Seturday did a wise thing as well as a good stroke of business, J The band dispensed good mar: tial music which kept everybody dancing thus keeping the odd foot warm, CRE Ta But their best work was dane when an injury halted the game, Large Attendance E iTonight at Annual Ban, of Oshawa Softball League ---- An attendance of than 100, bly as mmany as 150 is expected be present to-night at the an. nual banquet of the Oshawa City Industrial Softball League which belng held at 7 o'clock In the Rotary Hall, Centre street. The annual banquet is the occasion of the distribution and presentation of ® various - prizes, trophies and crestd won during the past year and is expected to be a most successful event. . : The main events. of the evening will be the presentation of the D. ad|M, Tod and the Gordon Lefebvre fes to the championship teams he Intermediate and Juvenile sections of the league respectively. The'D,'M. Tod trophy, which is cx- pected to be presented by the doner himself, goes this year to the Ang- lean Young Men's Club who finally emerged' victorious in the Inter. mediate section of the league. The Gordon Lefebvre trophy was won traffic manager of General Motors of Canada. In addition to these presenta. tiofje, it is expected that crests will be given the runners-up in each league, the Oriental Textiles hav: {ng the distinction in the Intermed- fate league, while Maple Leafs were hot on the heels of the Eagles in the Juvenile loop. Five teams which comprised the Intermediate grouping will be ve- presented at the banquet to-night these being Fittings, Textiles, Chev. rolet Nationals, Ontario Motor Sales and the Anglican Young Men's Club. Six teams comprised the juv- i section of the league and all thefe are also expected to send ver presentatives to the occasion. The six teams in the juvenile league were Trinity, Maple Leafs, Cardin. als, Beavers, U.A.C. and Eagles, everal speakers will he on hand fo ® occasion, among these being His Worship, Mayor Preston, Ald- erman D.' A. J. Swanson and A, G. sill Every effort is heing put forward by the officials of the league, Bill Moneour, president, "Chick" Jacobi vice president and David Stretton secretary-treasurer, to make the event a success, which it now has every indication of be ing. PRIZE WINNERS AT ROYAL WINTER FATR The following from this district won prizes at the Royal Winter Fair on Monday. OMe" Shorthorns:---John Miller, Jr, Ashburn--12, Helfer, senior calf; 6, four ealves, bred and owned hy exhibitor; W, A, Dryden, Brook- lin--17, Helfer, junior calf, Olydesdales Robept Duff & Sops, Myrtle--3, mare, foiled in 4 LT Trotting lion Oswald Cowan, Orono--Reserve champion senior mare. Godin, the former Ottawa L [tour who. was turned over to the thus diverting the attention of a lot of wild, fighting mad roghy fans. during the delay, . We always like to use thet word fight--it's a good word and means much to the boxing fap, -- London Panthers will play the Windsor Bull dogs on Wednesday night. Manager Herbie Mitchell a team of experienced hockey play- ers and it looks like the strongest sextet the Border Cities have. turn, ed out since the erection. of the of the Stratford Nationals, year's champions, including Frank Carson, Mike Neville and Ha Emms, is now decked out ip 'W! sor uniforms, It will be the first time this season that me Windsor clubs have clashed and t cord crowds, 'oF Hugh Lehman's Kitchener Flying Dutebhmen, who defested London by the score of 6 to 1 last week, gave Hamilton a sound trimming on Sat- urday night, the seors being 7 to 2. The Flying Dutchmen have a well balanced hockey club which must not be overlooked, and, J the way their forwards sre goals, they will win many games in the Canadian Dro Sroutt. The reported entry of Philadel- phis into the N, H. IL. is not the cut-and-dried proposition that ge- counts would lead ome to believe. President Frank Calder states there has been absolutely . no .defipite move to include Philadelphia in group. Irving T. Weiner has been anxious to have a team . sent Philadelobis in the. hoekev loop but sn 11 would be unwieldy and considered Jively ¢ ~iicials wonld look. with is i i : § g i i 3 H the inclusion of another * Windsor Bulldogs on Wednesday, Bulldogs have been attracting re- Niagara Falls eluyb by the Ottawa Senators, is a real goal getter and is running Pleyre Bollefeulle a closo race for the goal:scoring honors of the cireunit, Godin has scored five PUNTS and TACKLES This, the last i " Tackles," at ave, of Puats banner one. since boys have decided mot to go Montreal, d has become Thus the aban and the the ingly scarce. of this column. But Uthat. suman vif: toc. fobike efore si the season of 1926, 1. the 0 nt Joab to extend my sincerest thanks a sports writer of the Daily" Oscar Baird, for his valuable ance 'which he has given. me in pute ting this column of chatter ac I also want to thank the author 'Boxing News" for his timely boosts through his column, - And I want. fo wish him every success in his future fistic shows, : ' When you run short of chatt I) turn to rhyme so here's one oh was prompted by the battling finish of last Saturday's game. The crepe in London's hanging high Because Blue Deyil poning high They said "You're licked," you. said, "For why?" Fighting team. : |} You put this famous Gas House Ga: Upon The shelf where their pads now hang, While the city clock death knell, rang, Fighting team, their | Then you stepped right into Tunnel Town, And boy, oh man, how the snew came down, : And even when beaten, you didn't frown, Fighting team, We left them with 8 seven point cad, They figured it ample to do the deed For they wouldn't ¢ven your warne ing heed, Fighting team. So you came right back on Saturday And said here's where we earn our ay, Let's every man from Sarnia slay, Fighting team, And when things were looking aw- fully blue And the fans had ceased to cheer for you, You showed 'em all you could coms through, Fighting team. When the score-board seemed de- feat to spell, And plays weren't working very well, You mucked ht in and worked like Sie ~ Fighting team. You tore right in and won the game, You sure upheld your nc'le name, And by yoyr win we've all ned fame, i Fighting team, BIG FIRE IN NEW EEALAND Wellington, N.Z, Nev, #1 greatest fire in the history of Well- ington, Monday night, did damage estimated at 8 quarter of & million sterling ($1,850,000) when » » premises were destroyed im 'the produce market in the heart of the city, This tire started In the esntre of the block and spread in four directions and raged for four hours, opls for Ni ) Soale Sor ) ewsy ' Lalonde's Roar Learn Aviation this summer, . OSHAWA 'Harding watched by 8 crowd of between 50, 000 and 40,000, Sin to Fly NOW !! Cet your Pilot's Certificate by the spring and hold down one of the. highly paid positions in Civil "THE HARDING AIRCRAFT SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTION FOR PILOTS HAS A LIM- ITED NUMBER OF VACANCIES STILL OPEN, =: Enroll Now! o Passenger Flights every Saturday and Sundey from the AIRPORT Aircraft 64 King Street West--Phone 223

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