Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Nov 1928, p. 5

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speedy recovery. Mr. Charlie Luke held a sateen: lui Wifle'an Wed nesday might of t week. ROK home heres i NE Wy Evans has returned home sin Spending a few days with her sister Mrs. J. McGahey, of Lindsay, A number from here attended 3 |the Anniversary services at Pros- pect n Sunday afternoon and even- Nr. and um. D. Thompson, werd nee tat ~v-== whieh waa Jie 2, Nr. and Mrs. Courtley raham by the Shirley people of last week, Mrs. wn. Bright is Feline with d |triends In Oshawa for a week Allie Avery was 3 guest of Ne cai borin Hodgson of Osh- of laws for over Sunday. t pi x terfiel TE and and a pa h Bo of an ie psn made a feeling Bh souch y on the ny y So. iH toget assuring hey wou shears receive i lk in his new owe. ke attended the Torome, Suring She we Wi. and M i right, rs. Sraham, we Erle Cook, Ed ole and Mr. Bert Duff, A Mole 4 and an, Mr, H. Vis oa Ly jf mber of 'oth: hers. os ind MN Frank B ian and ter o arrie spent the wee by at Mr. Oscar Downey's, MAPLE GH GROVE Na ple Grove, "Nov. 2 27 Services on Sunday 2 pot well attended, Our stor, 14 Stainton, B.A, Fo. Feached 3 fplendid sermon in the . afternoon, anthems were gendeted a the choir. fervices next | be as usual, gi Hilda Foley Jhent the week end with friends in Toronto. Mrs, Swallow has returned home fter = spending : few days with 8 fhe n Tarent tealf and fa- ¥ mily 8 - Tiny Ay + orante, i rene ¥ "Lad, Toronto, at his ome here, were. all 'sorry to learn of Mr, Laid 's accident last Wednesday even. ing: when he was knocked into the ditely by @ truck, His condition shows favours ble improvement and we hope he will s00n be able to return home from "the hespital. sague. this week wa held on Mon- from Solina league. In the absence day evening, when we. en aged , visit of our a CH Hie Stev- ens, uly hel vice nM ope nod the meeting. After pressing & o words of welcome tp the vii eague. she called on Mr. Charles: [A 'president of Solina: league to take: charge. he following program was given. De. votional- peri ign Taylor; hors' EBL. ns instymen- hy in Evelyn Tin § topic, hat ey Art eontribyte fo to Rel gion?" r, voces! trio* "by th ies Velo Ye fowls Ld reading, Miss Se llson; solo, Mrs, John Ellowlees ;- reading, Aphi iar ret Scott, © The Ry then anded over to to Miss na willow who conducted a Faniel, after whic " ahments were served, hope to Xi he ree erowd out a on bo a selends time ch k Walters, Fe LE a radio "ofder ght we all ring the : di ones Ca Whe is akin in EEE fa oh i My 44 docial t I' be to come spent. Everyone is. and. bing | their, Hy ' Raglan, Nov. 26,-- Congratula- Lions to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kellipg- ton on the their recent marriage op Nov. .20. 0ld Time Torture No Worse Than Mr, MeArthur's expori- once with inflamed kidneys, Gin Pills brought relis y of Colborne = Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Notting- ham spent' Sundav with Lorne Kraop's of Burketon. Misses Ackney and Gilbank spent the week-end at their respective homes Epson and Bowmanville. A number from here took in the sale of D, M. Jackson of Seugog Is- land of last Wednesday and report prices high. Mr. Wm, Herron has heen busv nressing straw last week in the nei~hhorine district. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Knapps, fam- {ly were Sunday visitors at Mr. Melville Knanps, Sundav services are heine held at the venal hour next Sunday he- ine at & pm. Mr. Meredith Dring spent Sun- dav at his home here. Mr. Arthur Ormiston spent Sun- dav under tha parents] vaof, Misses Bffie and G. Rrawn aro snending a few days in the city this weal, Miss F. Lanemald, of Oshawa was a ernest of Mrs, Irwin Ormiston mm Sundew, Miss Hazel rasa of Toronto. wag hama aver Sunday, Mr, Tyisan Manra has returned to his work in Oshawa after snending a few weeks at his home here. Don't farsat tha hat snnner and hazanp whish is heine held an Wed. nesdav nieht Nav, 28 hy the ladies nf the eammunity, E"YNFZER Ebeneger, Nov. 27. -- Weather conditions were rather severe on Ebenezer were not as well attended as is usually the case, However all hy were present were inspired and educated by the splendid ser- mons delivered hy Rev. J, H, Stain- by the study period at Sunday Schonl. An added feature at the evening service was an f{llnstrated talk. on "Mathegs and Children of Heathen Lands," Nogular services will he held an Sunday next, Every- one is welcome. A very successful meeting of the Women's Missionary Soclety was held on Wednesdav afternoen- nf |ast week at Mrs, R. OC, Pearea's. The program was in charge of Mrs. Pearce's group and was very goed. The speaker was Mrs. Tole of Bow- manville who gave a verv splendid talk to the ladies, Myre. K KE, Cour- tice conducted the devotional perf fod and Mrs. G. P. nis sang a solo. Puring the mestii imnartant husiness was discussed. Following the program, a social time was spent by rll, Mr. and Mrs. G. ¥, Annis and Miss Ada spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs, C. C, Washington at Fen- elon Falls, The hoys of the Trail Rangers held a very pleasent evenine at the home of Master Glenn Pickell on Friday evening last. The gathering was well attended by the members and a very happy and profitable time was spent. A meeting of the Ladies' Berean Class will he held on Thursday aft- ernoon, November 29, at the home of Mrs. F. W, Rundle. A good pro- gram will he given and election of officers will be held, All the ladies are asked to attend. Mr. and Mrs. F. W, Rundle re- cently spent a Tew days in Torontn with "Mr. and Mrs. 0. Warden and alsn attended the Royal Winter Fair. A goodly momber sttepded the Teacher's Training Classes st Bow- manville last week pnd report that they were verw neofitahle, Bear in mind the date of Necem- har 8 for the ropeert and hox so- »'al tn be riven pn that Aste hv the Canpdign Cirls' in Training The short play entitled . "The Torch" will he riven hv the rirls snd this will be followed hy 8 box eocial. Tt 18 honed thst aM who ran will he nresent to help the ~irle in their work. Winter seems to be really here now and the flurries of snow make neonle reslize that it is nearly the foyous Christmas time. 0 -------------------- i Drone, 132 Miss Marion Toronto Iniversit nt the week end with her nr and Mrs. James Dickson wlioe Viola Gilfillan, of Toronto, recently. ic: Greta Martrns, Woy' ood bv at Nichols , Peter- fede of Wig Louise Cowan, of Ti uss home at her father's, Mr. iid Cowan, recently. Jean Moore and Annabelle THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1928 watching for and every possible Dress and Coat Flowers 29c¢ of those to buy small Xmas Jk van of 4 ot great saving that this store is passing along to its customers at Some of the prettiest corsage flowers of the 50c to 63¢ qualities are to be found in the selection, J Sunday last and so Lhe services at, ton in the two church services and, Buy Christmas Greeting Cards By the Box 18 Cards worth from 3c to 13c each, with 18° em- velopes to match. Attractively used for mailing can be 3 39¢ fn 4 box. that ras Gift in, - AN fox The Two Last Days of November are Strictly Clearing Days In Readiness FOR CHRISTMAS SELLING Pretty Laun Handkerchiefs 2 in a Box for 39¢ 3 in a Box for 49¢ Always acceptable and on everyone's list. Two exceptionally good values in the finer quality handkerchiefs that may not be duplicated again. Buy all you require. $1.00 SILKNIT VESTS Selling for 79¢ Pink, peach, mais, nile, orchid, white. Two |At discontinued lines from Watson's, preciate their exceptional worth when you compare them with other makes at this price. BABY PANTS Yard Wide Art Chintz Special 23¢ Yard For bedroom draperies for com: forter coverings and for box coverings. A very inexpensive material that comes in particularly pleasing patterns, You can buy it at @ saving on Thursday and Friday, Ibex--The Standard Quality of Flannelette Blankets choose them for gifts. Horrockse's White . Flannelette An unusually keen price for one of the most widely known qual- ities, Very closely woven, Free from filling, width 30 inches, Special, yard By which all other Blankets are judged, A price that cannot be better- ed in any city in Canada, Full 12/4 size, Special, pair Rag Rugs - extRa | English Hand Blocked Cretonne Cushion Tops Regular 75¢, Special 30¢c each 72 x 84 inches. Collar and Cuff Sets of Ecru Lace, 39¢ and 59¢ two modest prices you are offered You'll ap- | a selection of extremely attractive sets in new French and British laces, Many women will |Irish Embroidered Pillow Cases Beautiful, fine ewbroidery on a very fine linen finish, Irish Cotton. Fin- ished with double scalloped ends. Per pair $1.58 Pure Para Rubbey, seams are cemented. Made in two sizes, medium and large, in either white, natural or pink, Regular 29, Special, 45-inch Ecru Madras Muslin I'he width makes a nice, full cur- tain on almost any window, Pat- terns and quality much better than the price would in- dicate, Special, yard 32¢ WOMEN'S ALL WOOL VESTS A limited quantity of a maker's substandard garments in a fine all usually sells at $2. Sleeveless style. Sizes 36 to 40, Month End Sale quality that $1.00 wool 19c pr. Two Great Values In Cotton Filled Comforters Double bed size, 66 x 72 inches, Coverings of Art Silkoline, Fill- ing of pure milled cotton, Without plain panels.,, 48 With plain panels 0000000000 $2.95 Fancy Bath Towels, 49¢ Each gold. Average size 20 x 40 inches. them ready for Christmas gifts. Attractive colorings in rose, blue and green, hit and miss patterns. 24 x 48 inches. PRACTISE Good generous size, Good, heavy quality. Special White with fancy jacquard and striped ends in rose, blue, helio and Great value at this money, Buy 49c. ea. Oyster Linen Guest Towels, 25¢ ea. Size 17 x 27 inches Cream color with hem- stitched ends in blue, rose, green or gold. Women's White Flette Gowns Long sleeves, V or round neck. An exceptionally good quality for the price, Special We are prepared for the demand with every con- ceivable style and quality, and during the month-end | sale many attractive I values. The Two in One Garment (Bloomer and Brassiere) | in a good quality plain tailored style. ite, | | peach, pink, mauve and | 30.Inch English Cretonnes Just Half Price at 28¢ Yard | Some wonderfully attract- ive designs and colorings ll in a quality with sufficient weight for coverings of every description, Yard oor orien 29¢ EXTRA Hand Painted Pottery Lamps With shade of hand Pointed po parche ment, Regular $7. 4.95 each Re ------------------ of Toronto spent the week end with his pAChls, Mr. Mr. Walter J. Cornish, of old post office corner store block, is SPEping, up 8 harness shop in the fi Re Ae continual ion sc) m es D n- k visiting the Royal Fair. tario, and formerly of the Orono| The autumn thaskofl ering Service "Sorry to hear that Mr, Will Mit- cla chal) of Oshawa It A ss. |W. And Mrs. B. Carscal en of the tote of id gh sisters of Mr. Mit- staff, Spent or week end at Meo D. Mo: Joba Millon sud sister of Fo: cently » ph oe his sister, Mrs. R. dh Eg R Foo, friend | Messrs. James eskard, Bottum's ern em Ries, 3 iin ri Mos Mrs. (Rev) { by .of Toronto, recently sister, To s. C. A. Chap- Davy. Best and Allan Thrasher Mes. was gerved at the close. coe TL asher of cd Mh Mr. George Machel Mr 1 Thrasher is on the teaching Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Cobbledick and Miss June, of Horonto re- rs. Jack Leishman of r 40d Mi Mord Fepeion Fal omen' staff 3 tt PE Lome pas. of Park ne) Char eof Mr on Ves was 2 of Toronto, and Himsa Foster Fu Stanley {Vo Nipigon, spen holiday at o Jas. Hunter's, Mr, Joe e Rresent prow Both eis gn Chia, fer Scripture Df Hamiilon, and 4] lesson was read by re Sterling and and [day evening ancla thankoffering eading Vocal solo by Miss Helen guson 468 Athol St. East Miss Annie McMaster hb class in Music at her home here now, Mrs. Elmer Wilbur attended the funeral of a relative. Mr. Thomp- son at Port Hope recently. Mr. Luther Corpish with a very bad seccident tractor last paiuriyy. He WAS moy- Powers; Fg p Juet by, by Misses Fara , Tuck and ss accom- panied by oy punt, Mrs. M 0; of Forapto, 3 Mrs. - Taglor, lor: Mrs, Froom Toronto, ving A] the ASormer's par- Do ol 7 eis, Ee and wind Mr mM BA, Zion, Noy. 22--Mr. Betord € Cam- Allon "ladies were invited ip to visit Mrs. Cowan, Toronto University, spent the|Cameron. Mr, and Mrs, Thos. | week end at their homes here. Mr, and Mrs, O. W. Rolph mo-|pbut no ladies. Bobcaygeon Riis Mr. joined a shootin e On one Of north- them to ry ig week end. sionary Society e, Whitby, was |cpell, ( inspiring Fer Fic being J. Gray , Mrs. Froom . Billings. [ing it apd 2 wa Fred Cameron had a similar affair on Thursday night, Messrs Al Ayre the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto, fr Ralph Messrs J. W. Balson and Elmer Wilbur spent a couple of days this Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson, Mr, and Mrs. Jas Cameron, spept Tues- with the former's daughter Mr. and Mrs. Chas Fer- is and coal oll to last some time back to Ponty Pool to cut wood apd in some way it became unmanaceable and went down over an embapkment of 20 feet or more. Mr. Cornish was not driving the mechine himself but eron bad # corn busking bee on la helner he has and Mr. Cornish |Oshaws, Monday night, when a few of the {was slong driving his car and hed {Rome suggested to the helper that he take | spent 'the {with berrels of is so ver ill. Mrs, |time now. HW Flin- bawa. |speaker. n attached, filled 1014 baby girl. the machine but the helper thought he could manage it. It will be a |Mrs, Russel Perkins. great loss of gas and oll and great and F. Bert [expense to get the machine on the he for Glaspel are exhibitors of sheep at road again, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cameron are spending the week-end with his cousin Mrs. Jessie Gibson, Toronto, and attending the Royal Fair. Friends here of Mr. apd Mrs; oraish Ranhoncd Wesley Hoskin of Kedron extend sympathy to them and family in the death of their four months- Miss Stanley Chant is visiting ber sister Mrs. Chas Vivian, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. spent the week-end at |ihe number Mrs. James Bennst, 195,213 A of the year. spent the week-end with Mr. and at the Royal Fair in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. W, W. Glaspel, Mrs. F. B. Glaspel in company with Mr. a business trip to U.S.A. the past UTOMOBILES BOUGHT IN TEN MONTHS Ottawa, Nov. 28. -- Adding to- gether the total number of motor |; cars made for sale ip Canada for the first ten months this year, to west of | the number imported in the same Whitby who fs just home from the | {rR indicates that ; Hospital with a baby girl (Beulah Isobel) congratulations. bought 195,213 cars since the first Of course the total ' 1 Ferguson, actaslly bought Oshawa, ' January 1. 14 be g or less in proportion to whether pew cars still uyn- sold is greater or less than om The Dominion Bur- ter |, eau of Statistics in its report terms it the "apparent consumption" for Mr. Walter Trull and mother vis- | the ten months, ited at Claremont on Sunday. Mr. Tracy Glaspel was a very suc» Miss Helen Scott is sick. in 2 [cessful exihibitor of Cotswold sheep hospital pear Lindsay and had an operation for ulcer of the stomach, We hope she recovers rapidly as Helen hs pot beep well for some |and Mrs, George Hilts, Oshawa, | VoL figure of 81,245 cars, . spent a day in Toronto last week The Laymen's banquet for the [at the Fair. Hampton circuit will be held in Hampton church on Pecember 5th, Then fo Zion men are especially nyited to attend. Tickets will be for sale this week. Rev. Jesse Arn- Mr A. T. Stainton hae been on up of Toronto, will be the special | week. Mr. Bert Northcott, is threshing clover seed in this neighborhood. Production of automobjles Canada during October totalled 18,- 536 cars, marking 8 further seass onal decline from the September output of 21.193 ears and the Aug- For the ten months ending Octob- er 31, 1928, the Sp iins Opto Mrs. Alf Ayre, and twin sons Lion of sutomoblics in Canada yar Lloyd and Boyd, Mrs. Elmer Wilbur ['t.0.b., plan, of § sh dos' ? and Gordon visited in Toronto. compared with 169,109,881 yalced at $110,736,126 made @ ing tre corresponding year of 19

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