THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1928 OCEAN FARE TO CANADA Wires & Fames Sunday, November 25 Children I INE UAE TA LN 17 years--FREE NACA OH Apply at once to Ag i uNes Cor, Hay & Wellington Sts., 6 STREET -- H--CHURCH Canada OSHAWA The House of Friendship Or Nearest Agent | \ f ill be Tepre- > ; sented at mesg ao e invites friends and sympa s to be LAND AIR SERVICES |=: vise "Sea seven years on entiary in May, , when both he and BECOMING REALITY | Sectios eried oe i or ing _to Mempting, to procure an legs! operation on Brooks launched a successful ap- peal, with the ultimate result that United Church Rev. A. MANSELL IRWIN, Au B.D, Clty and Nassau County, furniture, jewelry and race horses, worth in sll, nearly three and a quarter mil- lions To the New. York Hospital, which is £0-0 ating a the Soryelt Meitieal School ans for a huge medical centre here, Mr. Whitney Toft 918,632,176, . Bi the president and fellows of k { bait 11 Mr, Whitney be- queathed $3,823,067, a sum over- 'ahgdowed by donations the milllon- aire had . made to the university during his lifetime for various pur- poses, fie 1 bequests includ: ol establishment of temporary life estates in $27,101,347 to Joan Payne Whitney and John Hay tney, children: of Mr, Whitney, They will have the income from the funds until they veach the ame of 40, when Payne Whitney Grav: sof, » granddaughter, will inherit the met funds of both her mother snd her unele; On the death of hey grandmother, she will also in. herit the net fund of that life es. tate, X Stocks and bonds held by Mr. Whitney totalled $182,028,278, sfer.tazes paid outside of Ney York--it is Sstimmted hat the ent an § com: relat over collect between $30,000,000 and $25,000,000 of Ottawa, Ont, Nov, 24.--"While fearless men continue to lose their lives in attempts to fly the Atlantic and experts debate over the practic. ability of dirigibles, the public is apt to lose sight of the fact that air services over land are becoming a reality,' says the Ottawa Morning Journal in an editorial entitled, "Air Mails a Reality." The Journal continues: "There is a well-established air mall service in the United States; an international air mail service between the United States and Can- ada; and the whole of the Domin- fon will soon be linked up in the same way, The latest announce- ment to this end is that a regular air earriacze of malls is to he heaun between St, John, N, B, and Mon- treal, "Phe truth 1s that, regardless of what fate or science mav have in stars for the future of air traf: fie hetween eontinents, fiving aver Tand has passed the realm of axper- iment, has heen estahlished as a reality of commerce and communi. eation. Tn Government, in Indns- trial, in minine, and in several ath- er activitids. alrnlanes to-day are nlaying their part. and no one whn knows anvihine of their value ean at all helieve that they are a nass- ine phase, They have indeed, he. rome as mneh a renlity as rall- ways or automobiles," hWnd, Foun] © ington. Taxes dng ornia have po Men's Limbs Are More Vancouver, B.C., Nov, 24---~The following letters, written by men, appeared recently in the local press, "Women have shown us how we should dress, Men's occupations are now more strenuous than women's and men should have more lHmbs bared than women, Men's limbs are without doubt far more beautiful ¢ [than women's and this should en- courage the male pulation to dress like women, Perhaps public opinion is responsible for men dressing as they do, Then public opinion becomes an instrument of torture. For health's sake It is time for a change in men's dress." If it is healthy for girls to show thelr legs and arms to the sunlight, why eov- er the hoys with tweed draperies. It will be a sad day if women are ever again persuaded by the mannfac- tures to become travelling clothes- horses, and it is sadder to see our boys rapidly assuming that role, WILL ADDRESS WOMEN Toronto, Ont., Nov, 24 --Premier MacKenzie King will speak to the Women's Canadian Club here this afternoon on "The Paris Peace Pact of 1928 and League of Nations." Fol- lowing the meeting today he will go out of the gity till tomorrow evening when he will' return to catch a train for Ottawa. ' | REL i Ea * 3 : ! of A DOCTOR'S ADVICE: LIGHT ON LAXATIVES! casears begins the ver day after the belng clogged taking. Jpstead of worse than ever, the bowels gre more inclined to move OF THEIR OWN ACCORD. You may have to take cascara several times to estab- lish regularity. But the times yom } |2eed this gentle stimulus grow fur- ther apart. And you NEVER find vou must increase the amount. Beautiful Than Women's | cach And the second correspondent , | writes in the same strain: yesterday he stepped out of the As- sizes court room a free man, n z fter two hours and 35 minutes' deliberation, foun the debonair youth mot i o complicity in_ the by illegal operation on Miss Dembner. Thus ended the costly litigation commen- ced almost after the girl's death in February, 1927, ithrow Mr, Roebuck declared that the ac- Brooks was also a verdict guilty against Withrow, - ect,' he said, "it must m that the operation performed at the Strathcona Hospital was not an pReration performed with anawiil intent. "It means that Dr. Withrow has suffered a grave injustice, He has not had the means 'to carry on a rotracted Jegal battle, so that while Brooks has been out on bail await- ing this decision, i Withrow has been in Kingston Penitentiary. "In my opinion, Dr, should be released at once." ithrow Brooks Elated Brooks, who had slept on the floor of his cell off the courtr while the jury deliberated, showed elation at his acquittal. To newspapermen, he commented on the patience Jus- tice Rose had displayed throughout the trial. He left the within a few minutes of the return of the verdict, meeting his father outside, They were leaving for Buffalo, where they now live, dug- ing he afternoon, he intimated. t is estimated that the four trials and two appeals ccst the Province of Ontario more than $40,000. Jurors' es alo! i faced Ban jo 1 4 . nce WE 'i Brood family ahoth ,000, according: to court ials, Brooks was represented at trial by some o the me ent, and the most highly: emin- coun sel at the Ontario bar, At the trial jun coricluded, his counsel were R, , H, Greer, Kk. w #nd L F. Hell-| muth, K.C,, two recognized leaders in crimipal law, Mr. Greer has been associated with the case since the young man's arrest in March, 1927 A crowded courtroom, many of whom had remained throu h the lunch r, heard the verdict at 2.30 p.m. Before the jurors retired at 4145 am, Mr, Justice Rose had 'addressed them for 90 minutes, 10 ELECT A NEW PRESIDENT FIR ROYAL ACADEMY Succession to Position For merly Occupizd by Late Sir F, Dicksel in Doubt London, Eng, Nov, 24.--Who will succeed the late Bir Frank Dicksee as President of the Royal Academy? The election will take place on December 10th, which will be the 160th snpiversary of the Academy's foundation by King George the Third. The new Presi- dent may be. a painter or an arechi- |: tect, but in any event he must be outstanding representative of his art, and must moreover be able to fulfil the high social traditions 4 ancient office. The ng Bg Sd] ayor R. I. Moore: , W. A. Perry; i Rev. Emest Harston 82 Simcoe St, §, Church Office, Bagot St. Phone 3128 This is a Happy Pro. Friendly GOOD SINGING FINE FELLOWSHIP HELPFUL SERVICE LJ YOU WILL ENJOY WORSHIPPING WITH US, 89 Greta 8t. Phone 3263W Services at the regular hours, Rev. F. J, Max: well in the moming. Monday, 8 p.m.~--So- ol ny in pr e's e. Pictures "From Coast to Coast', Everybody Welcome "The Lord CHRISTADELPHIAN Read Zech, 8, 12; Matt, §, 85) Eze, 48, 53, (margin), City Hall | [[-------- King St. United Church Minister: Rev. Chas. E Cragg, M.A, B.D. Sunday, November 25th 11 am ial Preacher--~Rev, Dr, A, E, Armstrong, of Toronto, 2.30 p.m, ~--Sunday School Session, Classes for all ages, 7 pm~The Minister will preach, Subject: JA Dream and What Came Of It." I ---- CALVARY BAPTIST INDEPENDENT---~ATHOL ST, W, 11 am~--MR, H, M, GILCHRIST, OF OSHAWA, Subject: "JESUS AT CANA OF GALILEE," 3 p.m.~Sunday School. The Merpal Quartette : of Toronto, will sing at the Sunday School and Evening Services, 7 p.m.--Mr, Palmer, leader of the Merpal will speak, Subject: "THE SELF R} uartette, MAN," Presbyterian Church Simeon Btreet North spd REY, A ©. REBVES, B.A. 84 Brock St, W, Phone 1888 eee -- HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Cor, Cour 24 Barrie Sts. REV, 8, C. JARRETT 30 Fairbanks St. St, George's ANGLICAN Cor, Bagot and Centre Sts CANON © 5 dePENUIER, A. 39 Atho) Street West Sunday, November 25 Holy Communion--§ s.m, 11 a.m.~--~Morning Prayer Sunday School Centre St.--2.30 pm 7 p-m.--Evensong, Baptisms 2nd Sunday each month Christ Church (ANGLICAN) Cor, Hillcroft and Mary Sts REV, R. B. PATTERSON. M A, Incumbent, 503 Masson St. ro Sunday, November 25 11 a.m. ~Morning Prayer, 8 p.m, ~Sunday School, "7 pm~--Evensong end sermon, Friday 10 a.m,--Bt, An» drew's Day. Holy Communion Interr cession, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Of the United Church of Canada REV, F, J. MAXWELL, Minister Sunday Services, November 25, 1928 11 am--Rev, A. A. Scott, MA, B.D, 3 p.m.~--Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes, Men's Class will be taught by Mr, F, D, R, Waugh, B.A, 7 pim.~--"The Dream of Dreams, Mustrated by beautifully colored lantern slides, The Minis ter, Monday, 8 p.m.--Young People's Social. Gathering, - All Young People Will Be ade Welcome, Wednesday, 8 p.m.~--~Midweek Prayer Service, Sun- day School Lesson discussed, Everyone Welcome, You Will Enjoy This ES Sess Unity Truth Centre 8. 0. B HALL, KINU ST B Sunday, November 25 11 a.m. Publis service. Bverybody welcome Albert Street UNITED REV, BR. A WHATTAM, Minister 30 Biss Bt, Phone BSTP Sunday, November 25 11 a.m.--Baptismal Serr vice, Subject: "Is It Worth While?" 2.80 p.m.~Sunday School and Eirra Bible Class, 7. pm~--Rev, Dr, Arm strong of Toronto will preach, Everybody welcome, Centre Street UNITED CHURCH (Formerly The Christian Church) REV, W, P. FLETCHER, B.A, DD, Sunday, November 25 11 ame""Tell It," 2.350 pm = Sundey School, ; ; 7 p:m~Rey, Dr. Scott of India. Sunday, November 25 8 a.m~--~Holy Commupn- fon, 11 p.f.--Matins and Ser- mon, 8 p.m.--Sundsy School. 7 pm.--Evepsopg and sermon. Rursl Desp Leng- ford, of Whitby, will preach. GRACE Lutheran Church Sunday, November 25 WELCH'S PARLOURS 9.30 a.m. ~Sunday School, 10.30 a.m.~--~Public Worship Rev, A. C. Habp, 266 Athol Bt. B. ALL ARE CORDIALLY WELCOME 40 <p, ST. SERVICES Sunday, November 25 iL a.m.--" Remembering the Lord." 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m. --Gospel Service. Wednesday, 8 p m.--Bible ing. Friday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meetings, ALL ARE WELCOME Shall Choose Jerusalem Again", "The City of the Great