Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Nov 1928, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA DAILY 1IMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1928 raGe 10k eeN ER = C er THE CIASSIEIED SECTION ab Music - Transportation D. Conant, BA, LLB : (38d) FRANK 8, FBBS, BARRISTER, Notary ic, Com anger. M to_loan. ir (af a ! ae oh: 'ey 'Simcoe 1 AF. Annis, new Office. W. E N. SINCLAIR, KC, BANK |} of Commerce Building. (116-1 yr.) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A. --BAR- vister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Money to loan, Office 1434 King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 445. Residence phone 837, GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, etc. Office over Standard Bank! Entrance oe St. Phone 13. J. F. Grierson, K.C,, T, K, Creighton, B.A, i ARTHUR LYN VOCAL TEA cher ( he Conger eat, To exa cdar, 93 Simeos North. Phone 2754F, (129-2 HERBERT C, TRENEER ORGAN- ist and choirmaster of King street United Church will accept pupils in fark So te 6 bee oices Phone oa, si 3 ist and choirmast Church. Teacher Biase, organ, vo- cal. Studio at the ch and 11 Connaught St. Phone 2609W. FREDERICK WILLIAM CHAP: man, 96 Sliverbirch Avenue, To- ronto, Ontario, organist and choir master, teacher of Plano and Vocal. Now making up schedule of classes for seasom 1928-29. Write for special rates, (Oct. 25-Nov, 26) LOUIS 8, HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store, 16 Simcoe street north. Phone 67, Residence 3206W, (9310) PARKHILL AND GREER, BAR- risters, ete, Money to loan. Algsr Bldg. Opposite Post Office, Phone 1614, A, J, Parkhill, A, W. 8, Greer, A, C, H, Field, R. D, Hum- phrers. (Nov. 22-Dec, 22) Medical DR. HAROLD W, TRICK, PHYSI. Insurance ' DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re putable Fire Companies. (118ti) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants attended to and your interests protected, (Oct, 11-1 yr) 77 ONTARIO the C, E. HEPBURN, St, District Representative for Great West Life Assurance Company. Phone 1365). (Feb. 1-1yr.) cian, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Specia references to maternity work and di- seases of women. Two years' post raduate experience, Office and resi- grack 167 Simcoe St. N,, (cor. Brock) phone 303, (119-tf) DR, McKAY, 'PHYSICIAN, SUR- eon, Accoucher. Office and resi- ence, King St, East, corner Victoria St, (Oshawa, Phone 9%4. DR GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children, Office and residence, 97 Bond East, Phone 1155. DR, B, J. HAZLEWOQD, PHYSI- cian and Surgeon, special attention iven to X.ray work and Electro theopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office open 9 am. to 'R m. "0 t Residence 161 King East, OR, DAVID ARCHER, M.D, CM, L. R, C, P, and 8. Edinburgh, Physiglan, Surgeon and Obstetrie- fan, Office 142 Simcoe St, N. Phone 8020, Residence 161 King St, E. Phone 8155, (Nov, 20-Dec. 20) DR, ALVIE E, STEWART, SPEC- falist in Surgery, Office 142 Sim- coe street north, vesidence 166 Simcoe street north, Phone 8020, i Nov, 20-Dec. 20) Re... I CA - Basar Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR, F, T, BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 pm, for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments may be made at| 206 drug store, Phone 97, (49-tf) Dental DR, S, J, PHILLIPS, DENTIST, office over Bassetts', Phone 959; Residence 306, 4-1 yr. DR, FRED A, FLORA, DENTIS/, 37 King street east, Alger building. Phone 2860, Evenings by appoint- ment, (48t7) INSURANCE--OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co, Local agents for one of the best English companies. Of- fice 38 Simcoe St. N. (86-1f) Money to Loan CITY AND FARM LOANS, PRO- gress loans arranged, Parkhill & Greer, Barristers, etc. Alger Bldg, Phone 1614. (49t1) WE CAN ARRANGE LOANS ON completed homes at G14 per ceut. Have funds available for purchase of good second mortgage, Lett, Nicholls & Hallitt, Phone 3264. 11 King St. BE, (g1tf) Building Supplies FOR SALE-CEMENT BLOCKS, sand and gravel, Quality guaranteed. Good loam for lawns. Borrow- dale, Phone 1618, (89th) FOR SALE--SAND, GRAVEL AND stone, Immediate delivery, $1.60 a yayd, Essery Bros, Phone 332 r 11. (Nov, 6-Deec. 6) USED LUMBER FOR BARNS, fences, garages and houses. Half a million feet of 1 in, rough or ton- gued and grooved at $25.00 per thousand, f.0.b. Oshawa in carload lots, Frankel Bros, Eastern Avenue, Toronto, (1171) Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- hanging, graining, ete, Twenty. years' experience, Prices right, Work guar anteed. 151 Huron street. Phone 7W. (45-tf) HILL, DECORATINU, paperhanging, painting. Work guaranteed, Estimates given, Phone 942W, 1356 Broce east (148t1) DAN FENTON, -- PAINTING, DE. corating, paper hanging. Estimates given, 164 Celina Street, Phone 1366J, (Nov. 20 Dee, 20) Auctioneer : Fr GC DR. H, M, COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. north, over Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction. Phone 54. DR. L. E, HUBBELL, DENTIST, Nitrous oxid oxygen gas for extrac- tions, Office, Royal Bank Bldg, Phone 948, residence, 1378M, at PHONE 716J, W.' J, SULLEY, auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 8. We can sell your odd pieces of furnl- ture and other articles at our yards 41 King St, W,, Oshawa, Ontatio, .20tf) OHN H, RENWICK, ORGAN-|Ca Simcoe United CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders, Local and long distance hauling. Phone 924 and 20¢92F., Smith and Cox. -------------------------------------- COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR- 85 Bond St. West Phone 8&2 ks service. Moving CARTAGE AND TRANSFER. LO- s7tf) [cal and long distance hauling. BE. Baird. 15237, 403 Mitchell Ave. Phone (Nov, 3-Dee. 3.) sl Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT Wave Shop. Permanent wave, special $5.00, Marceling, finger waving. 86 Simcoe street morth. Phone ne " t PERMANENT WAVING (DOES not need Finger Waving), $7.60. Evalyne Branch, 111 Colborne St. East, Phone 608J. (59-t1) CINDERELLA DRESS SHOPPE, 153 Simooe St, 8, Marcelling and manicuring from 9 till 6; evenings by appointmant, Phone 2879. LLEWELLYN BEAUTY SHOPPE Marcelling and shampooing. Llew- ellyn Apts. 82 Simcoe St, 8. (ground floor), Phone 3213W, (Oct, 30.-Nov, 30) CROSBY TWO CHAIR BARBER shop and beauty parlor. Marcelling 50 cents. All hair cuts 25 cents, (118d) Veterinary Surgeon DR, SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, Cat and Dog Hospital, King west. Phone 629, (56tf) C, S. DICKENSON, V.S. DISEAS- es of all domestic animals scientifi- cally treated. Dominion Government Veterinary, 34 Brock St. E. Phone 08], (131tf) Dressmeking ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING done at reasonable prices, Apply 21 Rowe St. Phone 1347M, (4781) EXPERIENCED DRESSSMAKER. and tailoring. 33% Simcoe St. N, Apt, 1, Mrs, O'Donnell. Phone 3089W, (Nov, 1-Dec, 1) Automobile Repairing STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE 18 Church St. Repairs all kinds cars. Special attention to bumping and welding, Snappy Battery service charging and repairing. (1071) Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER- fields made to order, We save you money. Estimates free, G. A. Con- fake: 74 Mechanic street. Phone 56tf) BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered 76c, if rental supplied $1, 8, Bligdon, 20 Mill St, Phone 18856W, (Qct, 29-Nov, 20) RADIO SETS, ALL MAKES, RE- paired, cleaned and overhauled, All work guaranteed, Phone 382r1l, Address 695 Kingston Rd, W, (Nov, 17-Dec, 17) FEATHER BEDS, MADE INTO beautiful sanitary folding mat- tresses and comforters, hair, Oster- moor, Felt and Kapok Mattresses remade like new. Representative in town now, Box "M"" Oshawa Dally Times, (Nov, 20-Dec. 20) T Undertaking r Lost and Found DR. J. P. BROCK, DENTIST, 18 Simcoe St. N., over Dewland's Phope 1967, Evenings by appoint- ment, (July 9th) LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. East, Ambulance, Residence, 542 Simcoe street north, Phones 210J and 210W, DR,.W. H, GIFFORD, OFFICE Regent Theatre Bldg, Phone 1780, Residence 66, 66-1 DR. 'LANGMAID, DR, DAVIES, Dentists, 37 King St. E. Special at- tention to gas extraction apd X- ray work. Nurse in atiepdance. Phones 1243 and 231, (958) RET Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- io Land Surveyors and Civil Engin- cers, sub-diyisions, town planning mu } engineers. 365 or 411 Kin S nes 2532] or 2544. 1h) Window Cleaning 0s WINDOW CLEANERS --] AWA WD woodwork and floors screen and storm Jindow ws put on and removed. Phone f | Bruce street. DISNEY-COTT FUNERAL HOMd 87 Celina street, Oshawa, Corner Ambulance. Phone 1082, 196-1) LOST--HEAVY-LINED CAPESKIN glove with mink top, between En- field and Oshawa about two weeks ago, Mrs. Leslie Pascoe, Enfield, (121b) LOST--ONE HOUND PUP GING- er and white, Answers to name of Ginger. Phone 2728. (122¢) Contracting CONCRETE WORK PLASTERING, carpetering, electrical work, If you are contemplating alterations or building phone Hugh Palmateer, 139, 164 Alma St. Satisfaction guaranteed, ¢Oct, 26-Nov, 25) CONCRETE MIXER WITH OPER- ator for hire. Reasonable prices, W, L. Borrowdale. Phone 1618, i (110tf) Dancing OLD TIME DANCE WINTER GAR- den, each Wednesday upder same management as dance over Arcade last winter, Four piece old time or- chestra, (Oct, 26-Nov, 26) "Woodworking HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID, FIN- ished with sanding machine. Phone 2171J, Apply after five p.m. Nov."7-Dec. 7) Architects C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res. phone 909). (8-tf) THOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS- sociate architects, Simcoe St. S. Bros, (eset) Wanted to Buy SECOND HAND DEALER. FUR- piture bought and sold. Cartage and trucking. 186 Bloor St, East, Phone 1617M, (Nov. 23-Dee. 28) STRAYED TO 227 COURT ST. A pet cat, Owner can have same by describing cat and paying for this ad, (122¢) Room and buard Wanted GENTLEMAN WISHES BOARD and room with private family in North End. Apply Box "U" Osh- awa Daily Times. (1200) WANTED--SINGLE ROOM OR single room and board, near Gen- eral Motors, Apply Box "A" Osh- awa Dally Times, (121e) ELDERLY LADY WISHES BOARD and room for light services, Box "R" Oshawa Daily Times, (1222) Help Wanted--Female GENERAL HOUSEMAID WANTED to go to United States, Must be plain cook; Two in family. Refer- ences required. Apply 124 King St, E. Phone 33. (120¢) Motor Cars FORD COUPE FOR SALE. 208 Celina St. (120¢) WANTED-- AN EXPERIENCED housekeeper capable of taking full charge. Apply 35 Gibbs St. Phone 923. (120e) $75 FORD TON TRUCK. RUNS good or will trade for car or Jé ton light delivery. 236 Park nr south, (122¢) WANTED--A RELIABLE WO- man for light housework. No other need apply. Phone 2729M. (1228) TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC. | COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 3 MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load, Also bone dry body wood. Waterous-Meek Limited. Phone 1288, (Apr, 20tf) APPLES!-- SPIES, BALDWINS, Sweets, Wagners, etc, Sold by bar- rel, bushel or peck, Delivered. Also = eggs, F, Shaw, phone 631, (Nov, 6-Dee, 6) LARGE STOCK USED SKATES and boots complete $2. pair. Also sharpening and repairing, 12 Rich- mond St, E, Phone 2774, (118e) EDISON DISC PHONOGRAPH, beautiful cabinet model for sale. Apply 478 Simcoe street north. (120te) FOR SALE --- CREAM REED baby carriage with reversible gear artillery wheels in first class con- dition, Apply 110 Church St. (120¢) WALNUT FURNITURE, USED three months, dining room suite, bedroom suite, living room suite, kitchen table and chairs, Phone 1174J, (121c) FOR SALE--1928 CHEV, BODY panel, 1,500 lbs, Apply Covent Gar: den, (122¢) LINOLEUM RUG 12x12 FEET nearly new. Three Kitchen chairs, nearly new, Apply 122 Prince St. (122a) FOR SALE--QUEBEC HEATER in good condition, Phone 709W. (122¢) Wanted to Rent HOUSE WANTED TO RENT IN good locality, family of three, care- ful tenants, give full particulars. Box *'C"" Oshawa Daily Times, (120¢) ROOM WANTED--LARGE FURN- ished, Centrally located. Business gentleman, Phone 1000 before 6, (122¢) For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT--SIX ROOM- ed houses, Oshawa Blvd. Hardwood floors throughout. Chestnut trim. Built in - cupboards, linen closets, All conveniences. Beautiful homes, Phone 964 J or 1370 W, (90tf) FOR SALE OR RENT--HOUSE § rooms and bath, Electric light, furnace, Garden, fruit trees, Good location, Miss MeCann, Whithy. (122¢) flor 1370 W, flland Buckingham Manor. id | Simcoe St. Victoria Apts. Four and For Remt Real Estate for Sale EXCLUSIVE APARTMENT THE GBORGE 304 SIMCOR ST, SOUTH Beautiful spacious apartments, four rooms and bath, All conveni- ences im- exclusive residential dis- t ict. Electric reirigeration, kitchen maid cabinets Beach stoves, elec tre laundry, storage rooms, shades, curtain rods, janitor, New, clean and without doubt Oshawa's best constructed apartment, Telephone 1550 or call at 29 King St. East. Opposte Post Office. L. V, Disney. (85t1) FOR RENT---SIX ROOM HOUSE hardwood floors, All conveniences, Somerville Avenue. Phone Ng ott) MODERN APARTMENTS North Simcoe St., Simcoe Youth ou five rooms all latest conveniences including, Electric refrigeration, stoves, and fixtures, laundry rooms, with Electric Dryers, incinerator, and shower baths. For further par- ticulars, Apply Your Local Agent fl|or Janitor on Premises. The Trusts i§|and Guarantee Co., Ltd., Manager Toronto, (111tf) HOUSE TO RENT--6 ROOM brick house, All conveniences. Garage. Possession Dec. 1st. Cor. Park Rd. and King St. Box "B" Oshawa Daily Times, (112t1) TO RENT -- FURNISHED BED- rooms suitable for gentlemen or married couple. Breakfast if desir- ed. One block from Motors Office. Also garage 69 Division Street. (1181) APARTMENT TO RENT---FOUR rooms, central, newly decorated, hot water, steam heat, electric refrigerator, stove, janitor ser vice. Rent $46. Phone 1400, Al- ger Press Limited. (121b) FOR RENT--ONE FURNISHED front bedroom, Phone 1778W or call 216 Alice St. (118tf) TO LET--SIX ROOMED BRICK house all conveniences, Phone 1202 J, evening. (120¢) FOR. RENT--TWO FURNISHED rooms, heated, All conveniences. Electric included $25 month, Phone 1889M, 345 Jarvis St, (120¢) NICELY" FURNISHED ROOMS suitable for bedrooms or light housekeeping. Al conveniences. Phone 1671F, (120¢) HOUSE FOR RENT--EVERY CON- venience. Apply 110 Colborne St, E. Phone 1911, (121¢) HOUSE FOR RENT IN HARMONY A. Geisherger, Harmony, for Owner, (121h) TO RENT--COSY BEDROOM FOR gentleman, $3 per week, Near Mot- ors, Also garage. Phone 2882J. (121b) TO RENT--FURNISHED HEATED apartment. Lights and water in- cluded. Immediate possession, Ap- ply 199 William St, BE, (121¢) FOR RENT---LARGE FURNISHED bedroom in private home, Suitable for two gentlemen, With partial board, Close to General Motors office. Phone 865M, (121b) FOR RENT--TWO ROOM FUR- nished bathroom flat, All conveni- ences, Gas and use of phone, 202 Halg St. (121¢) FOR RENT FOR SIX MONTHS TO careful tenant, four room cosy bungalow with back kitchen, Kit. chen and dining room well fur. nished, Rent reasonable, 325 St. Julian St, (121e¢) FOR RENT--3 ROOMS WITH ALL convenience, fifteen dollars & month, Apply 67 Third Ave, Osh- awa, (122b) 'Storm Windows HOUSE FOR RENT--APPLY 295 Vimy Avenue, (122¢) STORM WINDOWS READY GLAZ- ed as low as $1.66, Send for freight paid price, Halliday Com- pany, 14 Halliday Bldg,, Hamilton. ' (7.7.8. nov. 27) WET Pets and Live Stock FOR BALE--TWO YEAR LEICES- ter ram, yearling Cotswold ram, ten Shropshire ram lambs, James Mc- Kenzie, R. R. No, 2, Oshawa. : (1200) LARGE HOUSE TO RENT, FUR- nished, All conveniences, Electric stove, Garage, 621 Carnegie Ave, Phone 2909J, (122¢) FLAT TO RENT IN WHITBY. Central, All conveniences, Apply Mrs, H. Neskel, Dundas St, E,, Whitby, Telephone 2, Whithy, (1222) HOUSE TO RENT, 822 ALBERT St. Apply 211 King St, E, (123t1) FOR SALE--13 SINGLE COMB Rhode Island Red April pullets, Registered stock, Phone 257J or apply 16556 Mill St., after 5 o'clock, (121a) Positron Wanted NURSE, PRACTICAL DISENGAG- ed, Will take maternity. 196 Celina St. Phone 2134F, (122¢) Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR THREE gentlemen, Near Motors. Private home, Apply 158 Agnes St, (121c) ROOM WITH BOARD FOR LADY. Centrally located. Apply giving phone number to Box "G" Oshawa Daily Times, (1223) HOUSE FOR. RENT, SIX ROOMS, brick, King St. W. $35 month, Phone 2962, (122¢) FOR RENT -- SINGLE FRONT bedroom, private home, Centrally located, Apply 199 King St. W. (122¢) TO RENT--ONE LARGE, COZY furnished front room, Suitable for one or two gentlemen, Also garage. 56 Division St. (122¢) Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West. Your pat- ronage is solicited. 2) Corsetiere BOARD AND ROOM FOR GEN- tlemen. Near Motors office, Also garage room for cars. 314 Rich- mond St. E, Phone 1681W, (122¢) Tire Repairing MRS, PENTLAND, SPIRELLA Managing Corsetiere, Spirella Shop 58 Elgin St. E. Phone 936. " ( ) * Money Wanted ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at Ideal Tire Shop. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros, Phone 438. (tf) $800 WANTED FOR ONE OR two years. Will pay eight per cent. Apply Box "B" (121e), REAL ESTATE, OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Lots on Oshawa Park, Victoria Park and Peace Park. Jorms to suit you Office 38 Simcoe Ih FOR SALE--§ ROOMED BRICK bungalow, near factories, 3 piece bath. Hot air furnace, decorated, blinds and electric fixtures. Will take car as part payment. Apply Box "I" Oshawa Dally hie TI FOR SALE-- NEW 6 ROOM house om paved street, Chestnut trim, concrete foundation, extend- ed sun room, Every convemience. Phone 2106W. (120tf) FOR SALE--NEW EIGHT ROOM house on paved street. Gumwood trim. Hardwood floors up and down, 3 piece bath pedestal basin. Frederick and Grooms vicinity, Phone 2106W. (120tf) $5,800--ARTISTIC NEW BUNGA- low, Southern exposure, seven rooms, large living room with coal mantel, book cases, French doors, mirrored door in vestibule, shower bath, side drive and garage. Large lot. Exceptionally cozy house. In restricted locality. Phone owner 3215J, (121¢) SEVEN ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE. All conveniences, hardwood floors, chestnut trim, Price $4,600, $300 down, balance as rent. 288 St, Eloi Ave. Opposite Ritson School. (121b) MODERN 7 ROOM NEW BRICK house, oak floors, chestnut trim, § minutes walk from G.M.C. Owner must sell at sacrifice of $4,500, Box "Y"" Oshawa Daily Times, (121¢) FOR SALE ~-- § ROOM FRAME house water and lights newly dec- orated. $2,500. Terms arranged. Apply 60 Park Rd. 8. or phone 236M. (122a) For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE --S8IX room brick house up to date for larger house or one with a few acres of land within a few miles of Oshawa. Box "W" Oshawa Dally Times. (120¢) FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE ON Oshawa property, splendid 100 acre farm near Brooklin, Good land. Buildings. Electric power and lights. Two miles from Continua- tion school, churches, ete. Always occupied by owner. This is your chance, Enquire quickly, Jones' Real Estate, corner Bond and Sim- coe Sts, Phone 2667. Open even- ings, (121b) FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-- Seven rooms, hot water heated, new brick house on pavement, Near High School and G.M.C, $7.600, Immediate possession, This is a splendid = modern home and is priced $1,000 too low, Buy your home now before General Motors gets busy, prices are sure to ad- vance in the next 30 days, Enjoy some of the real estate boom that is just at your door, Call Jones Real Estate, Phone 2667, Corner Bond and Simcoe Sts, (121b) FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 170 acre farm with first class buildings 4 1-2 miles from Belevillle, Ont, Would consider city or town pro- perty or small farm om or near highway. Price $12,000 easy terms with small cash payment. Apply Box "L'" Oshawa Dally Times. (1224) Notice NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW NOTICE is hereby given that a by-law was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of East Whitby, on the 6th day of November, A, D, 1028, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of Thirty-four Thousand ($34,000.00) Dollars for public school purposes of school section No. 11 of the Township of East Whitby, and that such by-law was registered in the Registry Offire for the County of Ontario, on the Sixth day of November, A.D, '1928, Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereéf must he made within three months after the first publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter, Dated the Eighth day of Novem- ber, A.D, 1928, : PAUL G. RVES p of East Clerk of the Towns Whitby, : (111-116-122) Notice NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO P NT NOTICE is hereby given that an Application will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Prov- ince of Ontario at the next Session thereof on behalf of the City of Oshawa for an Act legalizing, rat- itying and confirming By-law Number 1810 of sald City and the debentures issued thereunder said By-law having been passed for the purpose of borrowing Seventeen thousand dollars ($17,000) to pay for a pavilion erected in Lakeview Park in said City, The existing debenture debt of the City of Osh- awa amounts to the sum of $3, 576,281.31 and no payments of principal or interest due thereon are in arrears, GRIERSON & CREIGHTON, Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitors for the Applicants, Dated at Oshawa, this 17th day of November, 1928, (Bat, Dec 29) PR a Auction Sale Friday, Novembvesr 30th.--Auc- tion sale of farm stock and imple- ) ments, the property of Charles Stephenson, Lot 29, con. 3, Darling- ton 1-4 mile north of Courtice. Sale at eleven o'clock. Lunch provided for those from a distance. See large bills. F., C. Mason, clerk, Wm. Maw, auctioneer. (122a) AAA SSE Notice NOTICE °* I, David A. Harding of Camp Borden wish to announce that I have retired from and have no further interest in a Syndicate known as the Harding Aircraft Syndicate and will not be respons- ible for any debts contracted by the said Syndicate or any of the members thereof on or after the 26th day of October 1928, DATED at Camp Borden, this 13th day of November 1928, DAVID ALLAN HARDING (Nov, 17 and 24) Splendid 50 acre farm within 4 miles of the city of Oshawa, good land, fair buildings. A money maker for the right man. Will consider house pro- perty in exchange. LYCETT'S REAL ESTATE 38 King St. E, Phone 295 i PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8.--We Deliver Felt Bros, 7 he LEADING JEWELER Estab'ished 1886 12 Simcoe St. South Every editor an het, The departments of the Family Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal, are all headed by men of prac. tical experience and nation-wide fame--that's why it's first in pubic esteem, e sub- scription price is only $1 a year or three ean for HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID BY EXPERT MECHANICS 2 OM floors finished like new. Storm windows, combination doors. Gems eral Contractors. : B. W. HAYNES residence 150r2. Wl King St. W. Phone 40, LUMBER F.L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard Phone Oshawa 324 Whitby 12 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST JURY & LOVELL'S EXCLUSIVE OPTICAL PARLORS Scientific Examination of the eyes by experienced Eyesight Specialists, Phone 28 or 20 CONCRETE WORKS Is Your Address for CEMENT BLOCKS And Cement Bricks COAL ff ---- COKE WOOD Waterous-Meek, Limited Oshawa Agents for STANDARD BRICK See--- Standard WATEROUS - MEEK FOR Brick Co. ~Products T0 BUILD GIANT DIRIGIBLES, AKRON Largest Structure in World Will Be Needed to House Zeppelins Akron, 0., Nov, 24.--The largset building in the world without struc- tural supports must be built before the Goodyear-Zeppelin corporation can proceed with construction work on the two giant Navy dirigibles for which contracts have been awarded. While the pew Navy dirigibles will be 785 feet long, 15 feet longer than the Graf Zeppelin, Germany's air Leviathan, the hangar in which they will be constructed must be 1,200 feet long, 360 feet wide, 200 feet high, and be free of pillars or other structural supports. Goodyear have selected the site of the hamgar in Akron. Five years are expected to be re- quired in the construction of the first Goodyear-Zeppelin company, A mink mum of 600 men will be employed ig the construction of the huge shi with the possibility that many mo will be used to speed the work, The new dirigibles will be able carry aeroplanes, release them pick them up in full flight. This will be accomplished by building into the hulls of the ships a complets aeroplane hangar, capable of housing five larger planes, -~ GLACE BAY MEN 8, : SIX WERE Tovar Los® Glase Bay, N.S., Nov. 24.--The motor launch which has been miss. ing with six men since it left here Monday afternoon, was lost ina gale, but all the crew were sav, p according to cables received kh p today from St. Pierre Miquelon wives of two of the six men. was presumed the men had 1 q rescued off Scaterie Island and ear- ried to St. Pierre by a schooner, A message from Joseph Lipkus said: "Don't worry, leaving for home tonight." The second message gent Peter Hines read: "All hands safe, lost boat, leaving for home." The other four men are O'Leary, Joseph McDonald, yi of the two ships provided in the $8,- 000,000 contract awarded to the liam Forbes and Peter Anderson,

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