OTTAWA BELIEVES PRENIER READY T0 WORK WITH HOOVER feasiar Hopi Re tion are 9 Sot s vill ver in ear ject vince 8 \ men ¥ and i ral that the Gover is to co-operate with Mr, Hoo- construction of the pro-|in Quebec sy he belel that the the will not suffer through the de- ters of the Govern di been brought to he pore of that Prov por! terway:. "(For Todor Men, For Outdoor Men, For Men of Slow Circulation, 5.00 $7.00 is obtainable at following store in OSHAWA can = Hy ¥ = ) ITN== po ii These Have Banished the Good Old Canadian Winter! To Meet this New Condition is Born ¢ New Kind of Underwear A wewiy invented spinning and knittin developed in one of s of has been anada's largest and most modern underwear factories, There are four new fabrics, made of cotton -- wool-and-cotton -- and pure wool--so constructed that they permit complete body ventilation and stil against the extremes o rotect cold, Indoors--they give coolness and healthy ventilation, Outdoors --they give snug warmth and protection on the coldest day. tter health, There are four Buff Line Fabrics; For Sembludoor Men, 00 $ Woods Underwear Co,, Limited 70 Crawford Street, Toronto a J UNPERWEAR Examine the four Buff Line fab- rics today--you will find a new comfort and Ack aloo for Woods Buff Lim Hosiny inforesd tor and book wish limes, BUFF LINE UNDERWEAR CANNING'S men's stores all over Canads, The -- yOu ie The whele "question is being stu- A A, + ted | f Avoid Harmful Glare Use onlyInsid i Lamps 'THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, tary duties. Ve one daughter, explains t they are now at the ssion- s to agree to admit wo- stra into the room. e according ly arranged a party for onday night but had to cancel it because the superior authorities had not confirmed the kitchen commit- hg + decision, rs. Runciman, who recently was elected for St, Ives, now intends to contest Tavistock in the next elec- tion, She and her husband, who sits for Swansea, are both Liberals buty bitter enemies of Lloyd George,' and they have refused to accept hi assistance or give him any help. by the fear that Mrs, Runciman's action means taking Tavistock away from Lloyd George's authority. RAILWAY SPONSORS "SAVINGS SCHEME London, Eng, Nov, 22--A joint scheme for the encouragement of thrift and travel has been arranged by the London and North Eastern Railway and the Yorkshire Penny Bank, Depositors in the bank will be enabled to secure a five per cent reduction on rail fares on the North Eastern System. In this way it is believed a valuable encouragement will be afforded people of small means to put by money for the annual vacation and for. other journeys by rail, J. T, Naisby, Passenger Manager of the North Eastern area, in out- lining the scheme pointed out that depositors could make weekly, monthly or occasional deposits at certain branches of the bank, and when wishing to take a holiday, either at home or abroad, they would receive a travel voucher from the bank instead of with- drawing cash, The voucher would be accepted at the station for or- dinary, week-end excursion, or any other class of ticket, except season tickets and 1,000-mile tickets, The cost of the ticket was deducted by the bank from the accountant, less five per cent discount on the cost of the ticket covering the journey over the London and North Eastern Railway system, Cash wanted for other purposes eould he withdrawn from the ae counts in the usual way, Although the aim was to increase thrift and travel by new clients, the facilities were open to every existing depositor of the Yorkshire Penny Bank, U. 5, DESCRIBED AS PLAGE HOSTILE T0 NORMAL CONDITIONS British Novelist Condemns System of Living in Crowded Quarters London, Bng,, Nov, 22--Rebecca West, famous British novelist, who has just returned to England from a visit to the United States, lectur- ing in the packed Kingsway Hall he- fore the Fabian Society recently, pic- | tured the Upited States as a place]. '| where most people live in sky- scrapers with their women perched high in the air where they can't keep a dog, much less families. Lives of American women mater- ially inclined thus become as tragic, she said, as those of peasant women in Europe who must have more chil dren than they want, Miss West said the wealth of America was being used to starve women in order to prevent their nor- mal development and she asserted one of the most sinsister features of American life is the emphasis that is placed on the woman criminal. ages and pages are devoted to bob-haired . bandit and women mur- | | derers receive scores of letters pro- posing marriage, she said, adding that the attitude of the public often bec: hysterical over the women in the sensational cases, Toronto, Ont., Noy, 22 --Almost | |every part of the Empire was rep- Liberal headquarters are perturbed mp-- Biscuit is its most delicious 13 man, aaa STREET CARS CRASH WHEN BRAKES FAIL Hurt Twenty Passengers in Collision at Pittsburgh ron-- Pittsburgh, Pa, Nov. 22.--After a wild dash. of four blocks down hill, @ street car carrying nearly a score of passengers collided with another car Tuesday at Homestead, More than 20 passengers on the two cars were injured, some seriously, As the brakes apparently failed and the crew lost control of the car, men fought their way to the controls in a vain effort to bring the car to a stop, Women clutched their seats in pa- nic and several tried to leap from the car, The car was not stopped until it collided, near the foot of the hill, with a trolley on the East Liberty and Homestead route. Unconscious passengers and those who were more seriously injured were placed in passing automobiles and taken to the Homestead Hos- pital, Within 15 minutes after \ the accident 20 passengers had been ad- mitted to the hospital and others were still arriving, Borough police and firemen ar- rived shortly after the crash and helped extricate passengers from the hyis. i physicians in the Homestead district were summoned. Some of the physicians went to the place of the accident and gave first aid and others went to the hospital to aug- ment the staff there, t FIRE THREATENS QUEBEC CONVENT Quebec, Nov. 22--The St. Ray- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1928 PAGE FIVE As soon as The haters smc cd smoke, the fire alarm was soand- and the volunteer fire brigade "The fire found to ha was 0 have broken : of the dormitories, and is believed to have been caused by a It was extinguished RAGLAN 19.--Thankoffering Raglan, Now. services are being held at Prospect, Rev. Mr. Michal, of Ashburn, ofii- cating, caving our services here which will be at 10.30, conducted by our pastor, Rev. Mr, Merriam, and our Sunday School Superintendent, Mr. Irwin Ormiston wishes to an- nounce that Sunday School will fol- low immediately after church ser- vices on account of bad roads and having to detour. Mrs, Hughaon, of Myrtle, spent Sunday at the home of her son, Mr, Norman Hughson. Miss Hazel Acknery, teacher, spent the week end at her home at Epson, A quilting is being held by the Ladies of the community in the town hall on November 21, all are request- ed to be present, also preparations are being made to hold a bazaar on the 28th of November, in which the quilt is to be sold, Fish pond, booths, etc, are to be the program for the evening. As deer hunting being the sport of the isan jew and fishing st, you might ucky enough to Gatch a deer--instead of fish. The ladies would approciate very much those who might help towards this evening's entertainment, Mr. and Mrs. W, Street, of To- ronto, were Sunday guests of F, Dring's, : Owing to so much mild wet wea- ther, roads north and west of the vil lage will be impassible for some length of time, yet, better weather is hoped for in the near future as it makes it disagreeable for strangers and also those having to detour. Mrs, Gordon Brent spent Thursday at the home of her mother, Mrs, T, Cook, of Columbus. Mr, and Mrs, Billy Lamb and fam- ily were guests of Mrs, Wm. Squelch on Friday. Mrs. Carl Avery and daughter Audrey spent Wednesday at the liome of her mother, Mrs, Chris Wilson, of Prospect, CLAREMONT Claremont, Nov, 22,--In spite of the unfavorable weather, the fowl supper and draw staged by the con- gregation and choir of the United Church in the Community Hall on Friday evening of last week, was a decided success, A delicious sup- per, the kind for which the ladles of Claremont are famed, was served in the early part of the evening to over four hundred people, Following the tea, members of the choir staged the popular drama "Cranberry Corners". Interest in the play centres around tha fact that the heroine, Carlotta Bannis- ter who was portrayed by Miss Clara Underhill is being forcea by her wealthy and domineering aunt to give up her country lover and marry a wealthy cad who, has cruelly wronged Carlotta's father and helped the unscrupulous aunt to secure the fortune which right- fully belongs to Carlotta, How Tom, the faithful though some- what stilted lover befriends Car- lotta's father, who appears u.8 3 tramp broken in health, establishes his innocence of any crime, re-unite father and daughter after a separa- tion. of fifteen years, and inally claims Carlotta for his own, pro- vides interesting entertainment for a couple of hours, The actors, twelve in number, should all be congraulated on the realistic interpretation which each and all gave to the part they play- ed, Deserving of special mention is the way in which Miss Anple ®poffard carried out the part of Anastasia Bannister, the crabbed old maid sunt, Perhaps the jreat- est laugh of the evening is pro- vided when Mr, and Mrs, Hezekiah Hopkins, as played by Mrs, B, Kilpatrick sand Mr, A, Stevensop, arrive unexpectedly at the city home of Miss Bannister on their honeymoon determined to see the whole eity in pro r style, The Dramatic Club has received invitations to repeat the drama in four neighbouring villages, *Cran- berry Corners' will be repeated at Myrtle on Nov, 30, Proce:ls cof the evening amounted to something over two hundred dollars, Master Ted Tomlinson won the Sinclair Silver Cup for public speaking in the Court House at hitby on Friday last, Ted gave a description of his motor trip to Is Your Child the Maritime Provinces last sum- mer. He repeated his speech at the almost | regular meeting of the Anchor So- clety on Monday evening. In spite of the weather, quite a number of interested friends turned out to hear the budding orator. The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held at the home of Mra. Childow on Thurs. day, Nov, 22nd at 3 pan. There will be an exhibit of pioneer an- tiques by all the members, Mrs. G. M. Forsythe will give a paper on "Historical Research of the Com. munity", and there will also he a discussion of curremt events. Roll call, "A Helpful Idea for Mondays or Saturdays." Mrs. Ed. Gibson is out again af ter being confined to the house for a couple of weeks suffering from a sprained ankle. The pulpit of the United Church was occupied on Sunday morning last by Mr. J, D, Mackay of Osh- awa who gave an inspiring address on behalf of the Maintenance and Extension Fund United Church, Mrs. Richard Ward, who had been making such favourable pro- gress toward health is again com- fined to bed at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Bickett. Mrs. Esther Besse of Stayner is visiting Mrs. Blanche Borland. A number of out-of-town people, including Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Rob- bins of Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Gar net Duncan of Richmond Hill, Mrs Albert Rawson, Mr, John Stokes and his mother, Mrs, Tovell of To- ronto motored to Claremont oa Friday evening last to attend the supper and drama in the Com- munity Hall, The Claremont Club will hold ils annual opening Iavitation Dance in the Community Hall en Friday evening, Nov. 23rd. After a long and painful illness extending over many months, death came to Miss Helen Scott on Sun- day, Nov. 18th at her home in the village. The late Miss Scott, daugh- of the ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott, was in her @4th year, and had resided om the old homestead one mile west of the village all her life until moving to the village seve oral years ago where she Mved with her comsin, Miss Effie Miller and her brother Robbert, The late Miss Scott is survived by three sisters, Mrs, Peter MacNab of Kit« chener, Mrs. Dick of Saskatchewan and Mrs. J. Smith eof Uxbridge; and three brothers, Wiliath Georges Robert and David of C t, Funeral services were conducted Rev. A. MacLellan on Tuesday afternoon, interment taking place in * St. John's Cemetery. Miss Scott will be sadly missed by a large number of relatives and life long friends who could mot help being impressed by her patient suffering and her courageous ems durance of such a long siege of pain. The sympathy of the com= munity is extended to those wha are left to mourn the loss of a loving sister and friend, " il 4 Choosing Your Fruits HEN buying fruit at Loblaw's. you personally pick and choose from our well-stocked bins of Highest Quality Fruits--just exactly what you want with no interference and, of course, at the LOWEST PRICES, Items Marked Special on Sale Nov, Fy SPECIAL» PURE Strawherry Domestic 1 «lb, Carton Shortening 17. Poliflor The Antiseptic Floor Wax Small Tin 22. ~ Suggestions ~ Red Currant Jelly Glassco's LIBBY'S and DELMONTE ASPARAGUS Baked Beans Jel Tin 12%¢ Oxo Cubes { Fi%% 10-Cube Pkg, 24c | Symington's Gravy Ivory verses JOT 282 Crabapple Jelly $M Lido ver Jar 18¢ Imperial Lunch Rolls to 3 Roll 3 Rolls 10¢ Boneless Chicken | Beaver Brand---- iin ARR Tin 33¢ Roman Meal Nature's Nut Brown Food Dates Sojaen ialom 2 Ibs, 26¢ Dates © onsen 2 Phgs. 35¢ \ Mincemeat CASTILE Soap 4 cox» 10 Hand-Size Imported wether's 1.o0err PRE: THE Mincemeat Baek IB, 16¢ Mincemeat Vom, Ib. 10e. el Peel Sai lhe 28e 'Golden Syrup \ 280508 rrp. 3lb. Tin 26¢ \JSPECIAL=~ Lavge Size Cheese | '| resented at the reception gi b the ata Medical oil Md pae. Nearly every one of Toronto's 61 women doctors were present as hostesses. Them Up "MAN OVERBOARD" Sl AS CHINA SEES IT In_just a few days--quicker than Hankow, Objna, Noy, 22, -- The you ever dreamt of--these wonder- ferry between Hankow and Wu- ful health building, flesh creating chang was crowded. Sampans tablets called MecCoy's Cod Liver Thin and Weak ? pope were scurrying everywhere, darting dangerously across the bow of the ferry boat. It was then that the cry, "Man overboard!" or what corresponds to it in Chinese, sud- denly rent the air. P, Extract Tablets will start to help any thin, underweight little one. After sickness and when the aii Yuny the are y All over North and South Am- oor? TRE G C ; | Ingersoll Cream end Pimento Bs te wma 2 Phas, 26 ded to the side of the Chateau Cheese ihi%, i-lb. Phe. 19¢ erica and even in Great Britain and Australia tens of thousands of skinny run down men snd women The jnside frosting of E Mazda : grid ; EDISON MAZDA. LAMDS | A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUC 1 i boatman shouted to ask whether the unfortunate one could pay tem , They bartered over the sum and finally the man in the river was picked wp. AIRPLANE ORDERS Jondon Noy, 22.--Orders for Brit- ish aircraft im from Australia and Canada total $1,250,000 and cover types from moths to supermarine -* Napier flying boats, bave put their faith in McCoy's-- and have not been disappointed, Try these wonderful tablets for 80 days and if your frail, sickly child doesn't grestly benefit you get your money back. Jury & Lovell, T, B. Mitchell, W, H. Karn or any druggist for Mec- Coy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets-- as easy to take as candy and 60 pists, 69 cents--Economy Size ' ( ~