Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Nov 1928, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1928 §E te i : i i 7 i ; i a i; a 22 iL il by 53 f i g std Is ii: fits 558 i H gs 3 : i z : f il i ume you not quibbling over the language object to {he statement, "The Hon, Langley ressed in his own way the sults of his Investigation into migration matters in Great Bri i ? Free Press ap- tly telephoned a few phrases my that ad to you in Brand- fon, which statements you charae- lerised aa 'false.' You then came lo Winnipeg, and according to the Panat The Entire Musical Scale "Carmen" Model $195. Compare it with Any oO Instrument At ANY Price! See and hear the "Carmen" at your Bruns. wick Dealer's to-day, Notice its beautiful cabinet design, Listen particularly to its exceptional performance, reproducin EVERY NOTE of the ENTIRE musica scale, Compare it with any other instru- ment at ANY price and you will realize the truth of our statement that the CARMEN at $195, presents one of the greatest musical values ever offered in Canada, \ Other Models from $115, In combination with Radio $575, up New Reduced Prices on Rr Builttothe anatrope BS, MJ 1 fr SROTICE EG A Priced from $105. to $395, atrope ' Luke Furniture Co. E. Phone 78-79 = fir i sf and my statement before the Em. high musical slenderds of the ANY Vancouver The Largest Organization of its kind in the Brivish Empire £ F ship owners have been requested the Department of Marine to ad- when their last vessels will leave the head of the Great Lakes. Falling an agreement between United States authorities and own- ers across the harder, the Depart. ment has been unable to arrange for navigation to close on Decem- ber 7 as hoped. Jghte in Operation All Canadian lights and fog alarms on Lake Superior will be kept in operation until the close of navigation, with the exception of Caribou Island, which may close on December 8, and be replaced by an unwatehed flashing gas light: Otter Head, Davieux Island, Que- bec Harbor and -Michipicoten Is. land, east end, which may close on December 13, and Illeparisienne, which may close on December 15, Lights and fog alarms on Lake Huron, Georgian Bay, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario and connecting waters, will be maintained in operation until the close of navigation, exceptiz Lone- ly Island ight, Georgian Bay, which may close before the gen: eral close of navigation. Lights on tue St. Lawrence Riv- er will be maintained in operation until the close of navigation, are but re- Ame tain All gas buoys and other floating alds to navigation will be maintain. ed in position as long as Ice con- ditions will permit, except as else- where advertised, and in cases where it is necessary to remove gas buoys before the close of maviga- tion, The more important points will be marked by spars, The Department of Rallways and Canals has decided that the Cana- dian eanal at Sault Ste, Marle will be kept open this year to lock through all vessels that leave the head of the lakes by midnight of Decemyber 14, ALLEGATIONS MADE BY IMPERIAL GUILD Letter of Complaint Sent to Government at Ottawa London, Nov, 82,--A letter from the Imperial Merchant Service Guild addressed to the Minister of Marine at Ottawa contains serious allegations against the St, Law- rence pilotage service as well' as the Canadian Wreck Commission- er and his courts of inquiry, The principal allegations are neg ligence on the part of the St, Law- rence pilots resulting in costly ac- cidents giving the approach to Canada's principal port a bad name and a tendency on the part of the Wreck Commissioner and his court to shield pilots from blame in the course of official Inquiries and to be unduly severe in judgments against the navigating efficers of ships which earry pilots, The let- ter cites cases where It was sald that offieial inquiries Into the ace cidents revealed the fact that a niot went to sleep leaving naviga- tion of the ship in the hands of an officer who did not know the fin- tricacies of the channel, < Another ease concerned a strand- ed ship, which it is nlleged with the result of gross neglect and in- difference on the part of the pilot, It was established that the pilot lay down In the chart room early in the morning leaving navigation of the ship in the hands of a mate unacquainted with those waters, but the pliof was only suspended for 8 year while loss from damaee to the ship amounted to $15,000. The letter further alleges that the Wreck Commissioner's court makes 8 practices of Imposing fines rang- ing from $100 to $1,000 on pilots and navigating oMcers and' adds the comment that fining pilots $500 1s not & very serious penalty Sines Sher average yearly wage is APPROPRIATION 1S SET ASIDE FOR LEVEL CROSSINGS Two Million Dollars To Be Expended in Improvements in Next Ten Years -- Ota Nov. Appropria- tions totalling $2,000,000 for level jmprovements will be made by the Government during the next ten years, Hon, C. A. Dun- ning, Minister of Railways, announ- ced, The first instalment of $200, 000 will be provided at the forth- session of Parliament. Limitations which restricted the application of the grade erossing fund were removed at the last ses- sion, Mr, Dunning pointed out, and the further sum of $1,968,984.74 has been made available, This re- presents the unspent balance frome the $4,000,000 contributed during the last twenty years by the Gov. ernment, ' So far in 1928, railroads and municipalities have spent almost as much in level erossing protection as they did in the whale of the preced- ing 20 years, Mr, Dunning declar- ed, The railroads have spent $2. 744,000 as compared with $3,230. 000 for the 20-year period ending December 31 last. The municipal ities contributed $2,863,000, as compared with $2,730,000 for the 20 years, The latter figure includes $591,000 spent by the Provinelal Governments, Grade crossings assisted from the fund this year number 102, bringing the total to 1,030 since 1909, It 1s estimatd that there are 20,102 crossings in Canada, of which 26,691 are rural, and 4.511 urban, Crossing accidents during the first 9 months of this year were 242, despite redoubled efforts to cope with the situation, For the whole of 1027 the figure was 310. The fund first hecame available on April 1, 1909 and is under the administration of the Dominion Rallway Board. The hoard has power to make orders for the pro- tection of the public at railways crossing and to opportion the cost as between the federal fund, the railways and the municipalities, Formerly the fund was restricted to crossing which had been in ex- istence on April 1909 but this was changed last session to include all cases where an agreement approved by the board had heen entered into hy the rallway and the munieipal- ity. This materially affected eross- ings in the Western Provinces. The maximum payment from the fund had heen raised from $25,000 to $100,000 for each erossing on a 40 per cent, basis, Other restrie- tions such as the numher of tracks at each crossing and the number of improvements which could he made on one line in each municipality were also lifted, Mention was made by Mr, Dun- ning of the close attention given the situation by Hon. Frank Oliver, who recently retired from the Board of Rallway Commissioners and by the present Western mem- her Hon, T, C, Norris, Representa- tons had also heen made to the Government hy the Canadian Good Roads Association and other hodies. SAVED BY PARACHUTE IN REMARKABLE FALL Marseilles, France, Nov, 22, -- Sergt, Vincent French military pile ot, had a remarkable escape from death Bunday, When his aeroplane took a sud- den dive to the earth from an altl- tude of 5,000 feet, Sergt. Vincent jerked violently on the stick to re- establish equilibrium, and gave the plane such a shoek that he was lit- erally flung bodily out of the fuse- lare, He succeeded in clutching the pull-ring of his parachute and was brought safely to earth. If it's EGGS you want~ feed your hens the good balanced ration that's contained in Quaker FUL-O-PEP EGG MASH Every ounce of this great feed js #| made up of just the things a hen must have to do her best. It's - | cheaper to use because it pays - | bigger profit. We have it for you. HOGG & LYTLE, LIMITED "IPhone 203 Oshawa, Ont. | OPENING TO-DAY THURSDAY A new and modern Foodshop at --- 29 Simcoe St. South "WHERE B0ONOMY MULES" Ill This store will carry a complete line of Fresh Meats, Fresh Fish, : Fruits, Vegetables and Fancy Groceries. A. & P. Stores keep abead of the trend--ahead in quality--ahead with the new foods--and still more important AHEAD IN VALUE GIV- ING, A. & P. is the choice of modern women everywhere. the wide These Grocery Specials Good Until Wednesday Night, November 28th A REAL SAVING SUNLIGHT SOAP 6 Cakes J 1c 3*MINUTE OATS Large Pkg. 23 ¢ We are the retailers of fine Teas in the We offer this selection of fine blends at extremely low prices. : TEAS Nota. 1b. 49° 61 ASSAM INDIA 7 1 e 73 CEYLON ORANGE PEKOE ...... 1b, GLASSCO RASPBERRY JAM 40 0z. Jar 4X¢ CATELLI'S SPAGHETTI MACARONI or VERMICELLI 16 Oz. Pkg. 1 1c Pork and Beans MEDIUMTIN 11¢ | Tomatoes LYNN VALLEY STANDARD 2N0.21-2TINS 2%e THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL FANCY PASTEURIZED BUTTER nw 44. FRESH CREAMERY NATURE'S BEST OR AYLMER'S No, 8 0 PEAS:." 2 Tins 29¢ SANTA OLARA, 00-70 SIZE PRUNES 3 Lbs. 27¢ Fairy Soap 5 Cakes 30¢ KELLOGG'S Cornflakes Pkg, Oc Peanut Clusters 1b, 29¢ Cocoanut Snowballs, 1b, 29¢ Buchan Herring. {.*,". 23¢ WEEK.END SPECIALS ON FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES GRAPES 2 Lbs, 23c BANANAS Dow. 28¢ GRAPEFRUIT 2 for 23¢ SQUASH 2 for 29¢ Potatoes 19. ™ 8L13 w 42. CHEESE - VERYTHING Toilet Paper 4rolls 3c WESTON'S BISCUITS Selector Ib. pkg. 23¢ KARAVAN DATES 2 Pig. 35¢ Cooking Figs ........3 lbs, 29¢ Brazil Nuts 2 No, 2 Tins Carrots .., 330.87 New 26¢ Old 33¢ 2l¢ PORK LOIN ROAST 1» 24€C T ROAST > 22€ FRESH Shoulder X7€ Fancy Cuts of A, & P, Quality Beef, One Price--One Quality RUMP Roast iu 1b. 2§¢ dp se 10. 28 Porterhouse ROAST m= 10. 3§¢ Brisket ves cvs 1, £3 € SIRLOIN Joi" 1b. 29¢ PERFECTION BRAND OLD ENGLISH CURED WILTSHIRE HAMS GAMMON COLLAR SLICED 10. 30¢ WILTSHIRE BACON EXTRA SPECIAL BACK BACO Pea Meal WHOLE BACK Sliced Centre Cut, HALF OR suceo 12. 39C ib, 200 27 © SMOKED SUGAR CURED HAMS 10-12 Ib. Average Half or Whole ib, 29 c OLD ENGLISH STYLE ' Mince Meat - -2 Ibs. BROOKFIELD - 12h Pg X7€ In Our Fish Department BILVERBRIGHT ,.... 00: +00 s0sss SALMON By the Piece, biSe FANCY NO. 1 ,,,,,, »» SHELTS . . b.37e LAKE HERRING - Bb. Z2e EXTRA SPECIAL Family Size, 13 to 2 Ib, Ave, Smoked Finnan b, Haddie"10€ 10-02. Glass Jars OYSTERS 37¢ HADDIE FILLETS - b, 28 FRESH Atantic Cod Pi" bb, 14e cs PACIFIC LIMITED, OF CANADA.

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