THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, = DAY, NOVEMBER OSHAWA, LIMITED The Newest Styles in Ladies' Coats and Dressesat Arcade + Women's Smart Winter Women's Silk 1 us aman ; $25 Coats $15 Sizes 14 to 20. Coats up to $25.00 for see evves Curtain Nets "ela NAS I Linen Table Cloths $1.39 each 70x70 inches Pure Linen Table Cloths, full Bleached, neat designs. Reg. $2.00. Sale Price, Each $1.39 each Bedroom Towels 19¢ Huck Towels, Linen finigh, good for hard wear. Sale Price, Each EERE EERE RENN | 6 Only Ladies' Fancy Tweed Coats, full lined, army Trimmed, with Fur Collar, Sizes 1 6.95 : Wonderful values in Women's New Coats, all beautifully trimmed with S18 Table Damask 49¢ Pure Linen Table Damask unbleached, 70 inches wide. 6 and 18 only; values up to $26.00, Ta Claar cars ssrrstrstrreress Tee s $7.95 Misses' Size Silk Frocks, A won- Fur, all imariinet and full ined: derful Collection to Choose from excellent cho Ane sizes in all the New Styles and Colors. from 14 to 44. Your Choice of wid Reg, T6c, Sale Price, Yard oats at $4.95 A manufacturer's Sam. Crowds ple. All grouped to sell at at the Arcade Womens Hand chiefs Stamped Aprons 3 for 10¢ AA Fine White or Colored. A Made of good strong face wonderful Handkerchief tory stamped ready to Coats value up to $8.00, Many neat designs to choose from. White Sale Price or Ecru, 36 to 40 inches wide, Greatly Reduced. $4.95 for every day use. work, Everyone is Extended a Cordial Invitation to Attend Our Big Trade Aon Sale Starts Thursday Nov. 22** 1928 J§F® Important Sale of hristmas Handkerchiefs Done up two in a Beautiful Christmas Box, Sale Price, Per Box 25¢ per box Not only one but several outstanding pur- chases have heen made for this special event. Choose for Christmas gifts or for your own use, all excellent qualities and un- usually good values, Ladies' Holeproof Cashmere Stockings Sub-standards 39¢ pr. Pure All Wool Cashmere Stockings wit ribbed Elastic top, effect fitting, double Sole, Heel and Toe, Extra fine gauge, values up to $2,00 per pair, Comes in all the new Tight shades, On Pe while they last, Pair UR Store Remodelled--now a better and a more attractive shopping place, Our Sale has two pur- poses--first to invite you to see the wonderful changes in every department of our Remodelled Store; second, the amazing bargains we have to offer you, So, beginning Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday, we throw on the market a most marvel- lous assortment of merchandise at greatly Re- duced Prices. We're after large volume rather than profit, The remarkable values offered here are only a very few of the many bargains presented, No phone or- -- House Dresses Great! Reduced -- Regular $2.95 for $1.95 Splendid Materials well and neatly made, light and dark Colors, all Sizes, Szle Price $1.95 Buy Silk Bloomers Now for Christmas at B8¢c Pr, Srastly Raduend for tha Women's Silk Bloomers of 39¢c pr. Ladies' Clearing Sale fine Bllk Yarn. Cut in good fitting sizes and are finished Worsted Knitting Yarns Good strong Worsted Fingering Yarn, four ply quality, Comes in Black, Camel, Brown, Red and Heather shades. 27 inches wide, Flannelette soft finish, Comes in White and Stripe Patterns, Flanelette Spedial 15¢ yd, Si | Kotex| a IVE "cll 5557 JR a Milli Sous barge Size | a ne. y Ladies' Silk Bed Ladies' Scarfs Slips Comforters $1.00 | Felts, Velvets Combina- Days You will find many Beautiful quality silk knit Ponty i Valuer 8 this solles i One of the most important ac Shadow Proof Silk Knit Slips. cessories this Season, Materials night gowns, lace trimmed, rious T and Shades. bird MAY Comes in Black, White and 72x72 inches Covered with good free de Chine and Georgettes other New Shades. Greatly re. quality Chintz, filled with fresh ith stencilled end; comes in nS, duced for this Sale, Clean Cotton Jariety of colors, $1.19 Sore Bes hin excellent choice of colors; Girls' and Ny inelud- round or strap styles, val- A, iki; this Grand Clearance, package ie lira ues to $2.00. Sale price... L333 | $1.29 each $1.39 $1.98 $1 Don't corget the Place or Date as theBargains n Are Worth While--- ~ 8imcoeN. -- Phone 1000