Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Nov 1928, p. 14

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Face rou LEBEN EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS the presentation of an electric table lamp to them. COBOURG LAD KILLED BY PASSING CAR Cobourg, Nov. 15.--Willlam Brannigan, aged 6, was killed Tu when he darted out on the road " was struck by a motor car. An inquest will be held. -- ease DEALER FINED Belleville, Nov, 15.--Harry Yan- over, fur dealer, of this city, was fined $300 and costs at Bancroft yesterday by Magistrate Jarman, He was charged with having illeg- ally in his possession four beaver de | pelts, On another charge, of having Buy your Coal from the Dixon Coal Co. Phone 262 4 DIRECT LINES TO CENTRAL All Coal therou ughly screened and loaded on vehicles for delivery wi breakage. electric automatic loaders to avoid 'Solvay Coke" Forked to Insure Cleanliness Gen. Motors Wood Bone Dry--Speaks for Itself Jeddo Coal The Best the Mines Produce QUALITY AND SERVICE ASSURED DIXON COAL CO. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1928 [i 0 vite Sup. WX" Oa. WOLFE is Kingston, Ont., Fraser, found in a bush on Wolfe Island with a bullet thro his head, died late Tuesday night in Hotel Dieu hospital, The coroner said it is unlikely that, an inquest would be held as suicide was clear- ly indicated. HEAVY SENTENCE FOR Nov, AG~--Albert ville, , aged 58, was found guilty by Magistrate Mikel of com- offense against Cla; mi a serious girl 11 years of age. He was sen. tenced to two years in Portsmouth Pententiary and to receive tem lashes, five to be administered be- fore the first five months of his term and the Temaintor five months before his DEATH OF YOUTHFUL HUNTER PROBED HY BELLEVILLE JURY terboro, Nov. 15.--A verdict of dental death was returned yesterday afternoon by the Coromn- er's jury empanelled to inquire into the death of Ross Lytle, 16-year- old Buckhorn boy, who was shot while deer hunting on the Oregon Trail on Sunday, Nov. 4. Lytle had been hunting with four chums, and while shooting at a bear he fell with a bullet-hole in his forehead. The jury were unable to say which boy fired the fatal shot. LIFE SAVER HONORED FOR SAVING GIRL'S LIFE Lindsay, Nov, 15.--Lorne North. ey of Fenelon Falls was presented with a life-saving certificate for saving the life of Sarah Henderson. Mr, Northey saved the life of the girl in the summer, He jumped into the canal fully clothed, to rescue her, The presentation was made in the Presbyterian Church in Fenelon Falls at the annual fowl supper, at which about 500 people were present, DIES AT GREAT AGE OF NINETY-EIGHT YEARS Belleville, Nov, 15,--Mrs, Mary Smith, a resident of Belleville for the past eighty-two years, died at her home Tuesday at the age of 98. Born in England she came to Can. ada at the age of sixteen, the voy. age taking three months, She came by boat to Kingston and then by stage to Belleville, With the excep- tion of short trips in the surround- T he Arcade ltd. = CONSIDER THE.E VALUES | FOR FRIDAY $2.95 - House Dresses - $1.95 Tomorrow we offer 5 dozen Ladies' House Dresses at greatly reduced prices made of good quality percale. Tomorrow $1.95 each Women's Overall Aprons Materials of English Ginghams, light and dark colors, Friday 79c Women' s Stamped Smocks 79c Made of English Broadcloth, easily worked, Special $1.49 Reg. 98c, | | people who suffer from ailing joints | | right in, "Toyville' Getting Ready During the past few days we have remodelled our entire store, made OF Nov. 15.--Joseph | 4] was going, but Mrs. || make creaky, swollen, | joints work with just as | | named Joint-Ease, after being test- | | ed successfully on many obstinate | | eases, is offered through progres- | pain-tormented joints | caused by rheumatism, but what- | | spine or finger, and when you rub Peterboro, Nov. 15.--Mary Bail- ey, 16-year-old daughter return, On the: might of her disap- the girl dressed herself and left her home about 8 o'clock in her usual manner. She did mot tell her mother where she Bailey saw nothing unusual in that, She had worked at the Albion Knitting Company on Park street, until about a week previous to her dis- appearance, when she left her posi- tion and had not secured another. CAR WRECKED ON THEIR WAY HOME Belleville, Nov. 15.--Croft Smith, Belleville barber, and his brother, Percy Smith also of this city had a narrow escape from serious injury on Monday night when the car in which they were driving from Teo- ronto was wrecked near Bowman- ville, The two men were proceed. ing along at a moderate rate of speed when another car driven by X, Talbot, 70 Waddell street, Tor- onto, approached at a rapid speed from the opposite direction, It is alleged that Talbot was proceeding in a reckless manner and his car is sald to have swerved from one side of the road to the other, Smith veered to the left to escape the crash but his rear left wheel was caught and the motor was hurled into the opposite ditch, It was almost completely wrecked. NEW POSTMASTER FOR PEMBROKE APPOINTED Pembroke, Nov, 15.--Pembroke's new Postmaster has been appoint- ed, The man chosen to succeed Joseph McCool is Robert Sanford Graham, at present Examiner in the Department of National Reven- ue, Pembroke, Mr. Graham, aged 36 years, was born in Beachburg, and is the son of the late Mr, and Mrs, W, J, Graham, He went West in 1014, and enlisted later in the year in Manitoba with the Sixth Fort Garry Horse, later transfer- ring to the Sixieenth Canadian Scottish as Sergeant, He was wounded at Ploegstraet in Novem. ber, 1915, and again in June, 1916, at Hill 60, Invalided home, he re- turned to the front in November, 1916, and was again wounded in 1918 at Arras, Mr, Graham 'has a military medal and the Mon's Star, UTILITIES COMMISSION TO BE ELECTED SOON Lindsay, Nov, 16.--The municl- pal election pot is commencing to simmer in Lindsay, With nomina- tion date less than two weeks away, the citizens are discussing the personnel of next year year's municipal government, Mayor R, I, Moore, who has already served a term, and who is entitled by prece- dent to another term, will again be in the field. Rumor has it that friends of Dr, White, who has served in the council for the past three years, would like to see him contest the mayoralty, Reeve J. O'Reilly, who has served the muni- cipality in varied capacities for over a quarter of a century, will, it is reported, retire from munici- pal life, The electors will be called upon this year to elect an electric JOINT-EASE - Stift, Swollen Joints Rheumatic or Otherwise Says: "When Joint-Ease Gels in=--Joint Agony Gets Out," It was high-lclass pharmacist who saw prescription after prescription fail to help hundreds of his custom- ers to get rid of rheumatic swell- ings and stiff, inflamed joints, And it was this same man who asserted that a remedy could and would be compounded that would tormented much smoothness as they ever did, Now this prescription, rightly sive pharmacists to the millions of that need limbering up. Swollen, twingy, inflamed stiff, are usually ever the cause Joint-Ease soaks through skin and flesh, and gets right to and corrects the trouble at its source, Remember Joint-Ease is for ail- ments of the joints, whether in enkle, knee, hip, elbow, shoulder, it on, you may expect speedy and gratifying results, It is now on sale at Jury and Lovell and W.H. Karn and druggist OF PROFITS Picton, Nov, 15.--Horace 8. Col- liver, M.P.P., was the successful defendant in a suit brought against him by C. ¥, Jarvis of Picton and heard yesterday before Mr. Jus- tice Rose at the Fall Assizes of the Supreme Court. The case was the result of a dispute in connection with the division. of uly tire alleged that $3,000 should have been allowed him in addition to 50 per cent. of the met profits under an agreement made. The court dismissed the action with all costs awarded the defendant. There are no criminal cases on the list at this session of the court and Mr, Justice Rose was presented with the traditional white gloves by Sheriff Barker. TRAPPED IN SEWER WARNS COMRADES Was Found Dying Three Hours After by Green- wich Firemen Firemen in gas masks took part in a thrilling attempt to rescue a worker--one of a party of four-- who had ben trapped in a sewer in Greenwich Road, Greenwich, After a search of three hours they succeeded in getting the man out, but he died on his way to the Miller General Hospital, The dead man is John Gosney, 66, of Hither Green Lane, Lewls- ham. He leaves a widow and three children. Another sewerman, Christopher Freeman, 80, of Reculver Road, Rotherhithe, suffering from a scalded arm, was treated at the hospital, but not detained, Blast of Hot Air The four men entered the sewer soon after midday at a manhole opposite Capella Place to look for an airshaft, which was helieved to be near the pumping station, Deptford The sewer is not more than 3 ft 8 in, in diameter, and after the party had gone some distance John Gosney sald, "I'm smallest; let me go first." The other men gave way, and Gosney found the airshaft about 400 feet from the Capella Place man- hole, Then there was a sudden blast of steam or hot air, and the cry was raised, "Run for it, boys." When three of the men scram- bled out of the manhole, however, Gosney was missing. The alarm was raised, and be- fore the arrival of the fire brigade a rope was lowered, A large crowd which had gath- ered had to be kept back by the police, Wearing gas-masks two firemen dashed up in a motor-ear and, at- tached to a rope, immediately went down the manhole, They searched for an hour with- out success, Meanwhile, other rire- men had arrived and joined in the search, Gosney was found near the alr- shaft and brought to the surface in a dying condition, CRUSHED TO DEATH BY ROLLING LOGS Another Injured as Logs on Flat Car Break Away from Stays Port Colborne, Noy, 15.--One man met with almost instant death and another was seriously hurt at the Humberstone lock gates on the ship canal construction yesterday when a pile of logs on a flat car broke its stays and rolled off, Two other men jumped clear, The man killed was Charles Kody, 38, and the injured was Steve Bornemira, both of 38 Victoria street, Welland, The superintendent of the Steel Gauge Construction Company, in charge of work on the lock gates had inspected the load just prior to the accident, it is said, and found no pressure on the stays holding the logs on the car. An inquest was opened under Dr. Grant Black and adjourned un- til next Tuesday. LORD CUSHENDUN CONFINED TO BED London, Nov, 15.--Lord Cush- endun, who has been acting as for- eign minister in the absence of Sir Austen Chamberlain, was confined to his bed Monday, with a feverish cold, He has been obliged to cancel all engagements for the next few everywhere for 60 cents a tube. days. "I Couldn't Resist Them Neither Can Any Man!"' 542 Men's and Young Men's Winter vercoats COME WHERE YOU CAN PICK AND CHOOSE FROM HUNDREDS OF WINTER 0'COATS-ANY STYLE-ANY CLOTH 18202429 CUTS THE SELLING PRICEBY $$ $ 29503450 CHINCHILLAS - WHITNEY - MELTONS BARRYMORES BOYS'OVERCOATS 235 BOYS' 0'COATS-ANY STYLE-ANY CLOTH $8.45 - $10.45 - $12.45 - $14.45 - $16.45 MEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHINGS FALL INTO LINE TRU-KNIT Winter Weight Eun Sg, a $2.00 value, AJl sizes $1. 39 $3.00 quality heayy weight "Jama" cloth pyjamas, Newest Paiteriy in 8 Uhiks Christ "$1 95 - --. Ege in latest tweeds, leather sweats and silk lined. 10 dozen only " 95¢ BE o 0000 perrrrrres Regular $2.00 uality wool Mnsd Gloves in brown or Grey Worn S149 Men's fine Broadcloth Shirts, plain colors and patterns, Col» lar attached or Sepak $1 59 ate collar . Pure Wool Sweaters in coat style with or ge £olipss, Serra pate rates Penman's Merino Shirts or Drawers 18 good vi wisieY Wight, Sizes 34 to 44, VAIO ,.:505 rrsssrnr = 89¢c Men's Genuine Fur Felt Hat-- 255, Choose one at 32:99 Merino Combination hi id wear in good win big wei al $1.20 Penman's Fleece Lined Shirts 14. The finest quality 09€ Pullovers, Coat Sweaters and Windbreakers in plats and taney Penman ages 4 mine good , getting ready for the biggest Christmas business this Watch for the opening announcement of our big many store ever ' Toy Department, ) LIGHIKIKRG 11 COUGH SYRUP NIGHT COUGHS BRONCHITIS STHMA The ArcadeLtd. |

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