---- 4 : 'Mire, Spain' and family, "ul Sur Mrs. Waddell, Sr. Nr, and Mra. Waddell Jr, Mo. and pT @ibbs, Jn, all of Toronto, were al ts over the wok end wit and Mrs." Gibbs, Sr. at their er home, ise Marian Melaurin of To- ronto is: visiting Port Perry friends. Mr. Philip Wind and Miss joyce Wind, both. - Tarom, were home the week-end. as Martha Pearson of Guelph is visiting her sister, Mra, A. A Br and 'Mrs. D. W. Melntosh visited sdriends in. Cobourg last wo 'Coates was in Toronto om day, Yonda Tad Mrs. Wm. Cutts leave on Tuesday Tor Florida, where they will spend the winter | * On Thursday, November 1st, the duction of Rev. clver as min- "he stack pald two. visits ta Por Perry last week: On Wednesday November Tth, to Mr. and Mra, [John Dowson (mee Elva Hortop) ; om Thursday, November 8, A. and M Ellsworth Bea- cock (mee Nora Wallace) a son. ister of St. Johm's Presbyterian Church, Port Perry, and Breadal- bane Presbyteriam Church, Utica. took place, We are glad to see the manse occupied again 4 hope that Mr, and Mrs. -Mclver Ww happy in their new surroundings, r. and Mrs. A. M., Roberts of Otterville visited Mr. Robert's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Roberts, last week, Master Teddy Cooney went back with them for a visit Mrs, G. A. Woods was in To- ronto one day last week Mr. and Mrs. W, H, McCaw have left for their winter home in Flori- da Mr. Fred Schell, James Boe, Ar- thur Somerville, Merle Hooey, Roy Somerville, John Moase, Keith Hooey, Earl Beare, John Leask, C, Heayn, Geo, Hood, Clarcrce Hood of Port Perry, W, Mark, M. McLaren, J. Carter, Scugog, and S. Reynolds 'of Seagrave are among as home for the weekend. Miss Rhea Walker, who is in the Port Perry hospital, is progressing nicely after am operation for ap- pendicitis. Miss M. Toronto Harriden of 'spent the week-end with Mr, and rs. A. H. Rose. Mr, Clarence Cook is retiring from the restaurant business, hav- ing sold out to Mr George Hall 'e wish Mr, Hall success in his undertaking. Mrs. G. A. Alexander spent Sun- day with friends in Bowmanville Mr. Robert Heayn, Mr. Chas Heayn and Mr, H. Franklin are home after a successful deer humt, bringing home three fine speck mens, Miss Elsie Rose of Markdale and Miss Grace Rose of Toronto were home for the holiday. Mr. Clinton Shortt of Toronto was home for the week-end, . RAGLAN Raglan, Nov. 13.--We had an un- usual visitor for Thanksgiving-- a little deer. It was seem coming from the north on its way to th town of Raglan. "Boys take notice." Mr. Fergus Nottingham of Port ST And Raa He rR, Br 'pariment, _ article? Contrast th everything clean and sanitary; packed specially for you by the --_-- Niscutt Girl Will Serve You = i |! ' LAE | Se JA anumhany Nl! g\\ A q) a 807 BISCUI'L'S . B ISCUITS are appetizing only when fresh, and they are "always fresh" when bought at our busy Groceterias, Have you ever bought biscuits and found to your great disappointment that the goods had apparently been in stock a long time and had lost that . y+ erigpness and rich flavor which are the ohief qualities of a real, high-grade y with the biscuits you buy from our attractive de. Note the white uniformed attendant and the surroundings: our choice of various lines selected and Piscuit girl in a neat package, v STORE HOURS i 8,00 am, to 6,00 pm, Wed, 8 p.m, to 18,80 noon Sat, 8 am, to 10,00 p.m, STORES AT Simcoe St, % [Speciais Are Exceptional Value for Nov. 15-21 Regular Iter 1 of Exceptional Value Marshmallows Ca d, Foner or casting Sardines .» Tin 34¢ SPECIAL~ Fray Bentos pnper Briicions @ Tins 3le Chocolates Faith sort: ment of hard and soft centres 1 «lb, Box 39¢ 8.0.8. Cleanser Jui" back pte pad Phg, 14c Cream of Barley sia." Phg, 28¢ Mac Three Muffets vou ean nn depend hese .. Phg. 12¢ Golden Bantam Corn Brn sm Tin 16¢ P Sim ed 2 Tins 7c Table Figs fur ols Lb. 22¢ Fard Dates Now lock rrr rirre Lb 18 Raisins farms aust: 2 Phgs. 27¢ 2 Phgs. 27¢ "Raisins a Pad Seedless Bue tS Lbs, 23¢ SUR 7X | Coffee [igh Fark Brand--Finest Ground Fresh Lb Dany, » 57¢ Golden Syry, : \ Mes 2b, Tin 26¢ Barnum's Animal Biscuits A Treat for sid bhe Kiddies Value 2 pigs De ------ DELIVERIES Mon,, Tues,, Thurs, 8 p.m, Wed, 11 am, Fri, & Sat, 10.00 a.m, and 3.00 pm, SPECIAL» Pure Raspberry - Mr. and Mis. FB and daughter, Mrs, L. McKee, motored to Walkerville to spend Thanksgiv- ing with Mn, Mrs. Earl:Reeson. Miss Grose spent the week- end umder the paremtal roof. Miss Jessie Slute of Bo spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hubbard, and Mon- day at Mr, Albert Slutes. % Mr. and Mrs Noah Luke, Mr. and Mrs. J, Latimer and son Bill, Mrs. Chas. Luke, were Thanksgiv- ing visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Luke. A fine attendance listened to the splendid Thanksgiving sermon of our pastor, Rev, Mr. Merriam. Mr, and Mrs. Melville Knapp and family spent Sunday at Mr. Lorne Knapp's. Mr. Chas. Fox of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown of Oshawa sent Sunday at Mr. Chas Brawm's. Extensive road work is in gress west of the village. Judging by the extensive equipment employ- ed in the work, our road should be greatly improved. : Mr. and Mrs. T. McKee, Lloyd and Edna of Manchester, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Cook, Miss Louisa Stanley of Prospect, held Thanks- giving at the former's daughter, Mrs. J. Evans, on Monday. Mrs. Maye, of Greenwood, is holi- daving with her daughters, Mrs. Willlam Kellington and Mrs. A. Pilkie, Mr. Arthur Ormiston spent the holiday at his Father's, Mr. Irwin Ormiston, Last Friday evening a delightful time was spent at the home of the newly married, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Brent. Shower gifts were many, useful and rare, from Columbus friends of the happy pair. Games were played, and all the bunch later enjoyed a sumptuous lunch. Mr, and Mrs. D. Thompson ana family are holidaying in Toronto with Mr. N. Grose. Miss Hazel Pearson is home from the city. Miss Mary Wales was a Sunday guest of Mr. D. Lyle's. A car heavily laden, a fine deer on either fender, was encountered on its way eitywards on the high- way between Myrtle and Brooklin. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Avery and daughter spent Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Chris, Wilson's, Mr. and Mrs. William Bray and son Ralph visited at Mr. John Wil- son's on Sundar. Despite the g 1-asant weather conditions for 7 hanksgiving, festiv- itis were prevalent. Mr. Will Blanchard 1s spending a4 week with his mother, Mrs. C. Manchard, of Whitby, Various farmers who have threshed in the vicinity, report the grain yield rood. Mr. and Mrs. J. Moore, of Colum- bus, spent Sunday at the home of thel atter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, G. Moore, of Burketon. We are glad to hear that Mr. Geo, Hubbard is improving nicely, Miss Hazel Ackney and Miss Tva* Qilleank, are home 'over the holi- ay. : BROOKLIN -- Brooklin, Nov, 14.--~Mr, and Mrs, Willam Taylor and Ivene of Cher- yywood are visiting fri-nus here. Mr, Fred Lyons has been con- fined to bed with sickness. Mrs, May is in Toronto visiting With friends for a few days. Miss Louise Robinson is visting friends in Uxbridge over Thanks- giving, Mr. and Mrs, Newton has moved into Mrs, Wm, Elliott's house. Miss Alice Moore of Ottawa has been visiting with = her parents, Mr and Mrs, James Moore. Mr, and Mrs, Glass of New On- tario are moving into Mr.-and Mrs, Landon's house, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey of Brough- an are moving into Mr, Price's house, ' The home of Mr. and Mrs, John H, Mitchell, Green River, was 'the Scene of a pretty wedding when their daughter, Ada Rowena, be- came the bride of Mr, Evereft Pas- coe Mackey, youngest son of Mr, and Mrs, L. L, Mackey, Brooklin, Ont, The Rev, W, Auld of Mark- ham officiated, The wedding music was played by. the 'bride's cousin, Miss Vera Turner, The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a beautiful Bown of pink georgelto over pink satin and carried a shower bouque: of Columbia roses, lily-of- the-yal- ley and fern, Miss Hilda Mackey, Sister of the groom, was brides. maid, gowned in pink taffeta, with silver lace trimmings, and carried & bouquet of roses. The groom was attended by the bride's brother Mr, Hugh G, Michell, 4 During the Hgving of the regis- ter, music was rendered by Miss Turner, Later the happy couple left for an extensive motor trip to the United States. The bride travelled in a blue georgette and velvet frock, a navy cloth coat with Opossum trimmings and small hat to match, On thelr return they will reside at Brooklin, es -- MYRTLE Myrtle, Nov, 13.--Mr. William Tarues, who has been taking Radi- um treatment in the General Hos- pital, Toronto, for his face, has re- turned to his home here and is feeling very much better, Preparations sre b made to Quick Pile Relief Dr. Leophardt's Hem-Rc'l fs guaranteed to banish any form of Plle misery, or money back. It giy- e8 quick actiop even in old, stub- born cases. Hem-Rold is a harmless tablet that removes blood conges- tion fn the lower bowel--the cause of piles. It bring joyful relief quickly and safely or costs nothing. Jury and Levell apd druggists every where. kel. it With. (his gua antee, : Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carveth, Mr. and |. pro- | position, . 5, 1928 road in the spring and by gravel ling and wuch- improved, ERR es Miss Dorcas nied phd and M th iA with Miss NMcFarlan's EE -- visited friends here llonday. Mrs, Smith. of ligh Point is visiting her daughtc:, Mrs. George Painter, A Bradley's mother. - . . Mrs, H. Roy Bright has been vis- iting -in'*Torosto and Hamilton; Mrs, James Pointz of Toronto spent the week-end here, Mr, Bert H. Begtock has gene to Torontd where 'he has secured The Women's Missionary So- ciety are holding their regular meeting dt the home of Mrs. Wil. lism Hoar on Thursday afternoon of this week, i 3 Mr, Tom Duff . returnéd {rom Shirley on Saturday where 'he has been Visiting his son, Lorne, Mr, Erle Batty's sale on Tuesday of last week was well attended and good prices were. realized for. the stock, Auctioneers Ted and Gebrge Jackson of Port Perry, wielded the hammer and provoked keen And fast bidding, i ! Our local hunters geturned from the north on Sunday@but unfortun- ately they were unable to capiure a deer, Jim says he did not even see one, but he thought he heard them in the distance, Better luck next time boys, - ' The Torento-Lindsay bus 'haa extra service on for the holiday, and then they were taxed to cap- aclty, from this neighborhood attended the special service which was held in Brooklin on Sunday 'night. of Mrs, James Dickson's last week and finished quilMng their quilt, which the members have been pieoc- ing, and which has been sold to a local buyer, HAMPTON Hampton, Nov, 13.--A good con- gregation was in a tendance at our Thanksgiving service, on Sunday grading it, it should be|Geo. fox 8 business trip to ay. The boys who served overseas : The Ladies' Aid met at the home PAGE NINE RI ul : = ke , Rew Bick Gocupled the Lan@ Mra: Fawcett and daugh- Joy, Toronto, Sundayed at Mr. Barron's, r. and Mrs, W. W. Horn were to on 'Mz. and Mrs. McGill, of Oshawa, 'hve takem rooms with Mr Irvin Trull. Mr, McGill is employed at the Creamery. Thete Jeaws to JAT4 hee a big demand for houses ys every house FRAY village being occupied by one or two families, 'Miss Laura Virtue, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. . «Mr. and Mrs, Hargy Smith, and family, Toronto, spent the holiday with friends. Messrs, Harry and Percy Cow- ling, Toromto, at home over the holiday, ; Mr. and Mrs. Salem Groat and family, Toronto, were guests of Principal Groat's over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cole spent | with the latter's parents, r. and Mrs. C. W. Souch. Mr. and Mrs. George Edger and Janghter, Rosena, Courtice, at Mn. 'H., W. Wilcox's, Mrs, Juno. Ranton, Mrs. Will Ranton, and daughter, Margaret, Trenton, epent the holiday at Mrs. Gertrude Virtue's, with relatives, X Mr. and Mrs. Will Short, Bow- manville, spent Sunday with the latter's sister, Mrs, Bessie Rob- bins, Miss Reta Carr, Bowmanville, spent Sunday at home. Mrs, Kate Pollard intends spend- ing a few 'weeks with Mrs. Chas. Langmaid. Mr. Frank Hastings, and Mr. @lom Sykes, Toronto University, spent the holiday at their respect- ive homes, Mr, Frank Cryderman, Miss Ed- na Cryderman, Belleville Hospital staff, Mr. Albert Allin, Toronto University, spent the holiday at Mr, A. B, Cryderman's, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Cole and sons, 'Toronto, at Mr. E. S. Cole's, Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Boyd, To- ronto, wi h the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs Enoch Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Williams, Oshawa, at Mr, Alvin Peters', Many males who hate the female of the species are attracted by the fe- male with the specie.~Kingston Whig-Standard. -- INcls Tillie make delican. tempting deserts swbut the flavor must be right--=it must be INVINCIBLE, Try INVINCIBLE, We promise you 8 Aprise: and the word " and only the be oe INVINCIBLE, °" { Quality Food reducts for 43 Years * Jellies as good as the name-- YINVINCIBLE" means "the THEIR ELAVOR 1S TRULY INVINCIBLE 1 Mrs. Jno, Bennett, Bowmanville, |: FEED RIGHT FOR MORE MILK er Y RATION 18% Protein Cows relish this good blend of proteins, : carbohydrates and minerals, molasses indry form, and other valuable ingredi- ents. It keeps them doing their best. Use it with your own hay, according to directions, and you'll win bigger milk profits. We have it--come in and learn how really economical Quaker Dairy Ration is, HOGG & LYTLE, LIMITED Phone 203 Oshawa, Ont, \\x A BR TION HOEAN'S TWO WAY SYSTEM These are Cash and Carry Prices GROCERIES Heinz Catsup, large... . ,88¢c 10 1b, Best G, Sugar ...60¢ 7 1b. Pastry Flour 80¢ 1 pk. Potatoes ,,., ,,,.17¢ 5 1b, Pail Pure Homey. .65¢ 1 1b; Salada B, Tea asc SPECIAL! 1 Ib, Best Coffee ...... 50 40 oz, Glass Plum Jam, , .84¢ 40 oa Pure Orange Mar. malade 4 1b, Tin Rasp, & Apple Jam ' 2 1b, Ginger Snaps 1 Ih, Chocolate Puff Bis, 1 pkg. Christie Sodas , 2 Ibs, Bulk Raisins . Boil Beef Chuck R, Beef d Prime Rik Roll Roast Beef, Pork-- Fresh Shoulders ... Fresh Pork Ham ..,,..,, Fresh Pork loin, Half, , Butt Pork Chops Cooked Meats---- Cooked Ham ,,,,, Roast Pork ., Pressed Beef ,,0900000: Pressed Veal ,, Head Cheese 40¢ -4%¢ 25¢ 20¢ Age B5¢ . + 8bc Tree ere Smoked Back Bacon, Breakfast Bacon, Ib, Peamea! Roll, Ib, ..............oorvvininene win BBR FRED, C. HOEHN 272 Albert St, Phone 273 LH] dies' ER § 3. 4 i | Ready-to-Wear iiihial = == RTED TO-DA Hundreds of ered to the o Visited "This is One of the B Everyone Cordially. pegson.. rr 4% a » eryone' Cordially. Invited to' Attend This Big ping Event Which is Now the Talk of the City. lars In Savings Aany Shoppers Store All Day-- iggest Events 3 i Shop-