Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Nov 1928, p. 6

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' raat AX ' THE OSHAWA DAILY I'MES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1940 EE Se 'Woman's Daily Interest SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the co- operation of its readers in contributing items to this column, Send in a postcard or phone 35. 'Miss Lela Goheen spent the holiday at her home in Colborne. * % % Mr. and Mrs. Bywater spent the week-end with their daughter, Mrs W. J. Fielding, Port Hdpe. . * % 8 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Lennox and daughter, Margaret, spent the holi- day with friends in - Brockville, * * 0% Miss Ida May Braniff was visit- ing her mother, Mrs. W. J. Bran- iff, Brockville, over the holiday. . * . Mrs. William Pomeroy is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. L, Ross, Belleville, * % % Mr. Beverley Knight spent the holiday week-end in Brockville, with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. F. C. Knight. * % % Misses Louise Lowes and Flor- ence Cox and Mr, Frank Cox and Mr, Fred Smith, spent the week-end in Detroit with: " ives, Messrs. Leonard Thomas and Bert Salter spent the week-end and holiday at the home of the former in Lindsay. * » - Mr, Clare L. Andersom, of Toron- to University, spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Anderson, Masson street. * % % Mr, and Mrs. Mel, Bowers and children of Toronto were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hub- bell, 81 McMillan Drive. * * * Miss Muriel Schofield, of Kit- chener, spent the holiday with her mother, Mrs. R. Duizendstra, Sim- coe street south. * * * Mr. and Mrs. R. 8S. Virtue, and daughter, Dorothy, Oshawa Boule- vard, spent Thanksgiving with Mra, Virtue's parents, Mr, and Mrs, C, A. Johnston, Bowmanville, LJ * * Mr. E. Boultbee attended the Old Boys' Reunion at Grove School, Lakefield, of which he was a pupil some months past, on Sunday and Monday of this week. 3 Mr, and Mrs. R. 5. McLaughlin, "Parkwood", are entertaining at ante daughter, Miss Eleanor Mec Laughlin, on December 21. Ne Mr. and Mrs, Willlam Reddick and family, Kendal avenue, spent Over Thirty Years Service to Ca nadian Women v ry > CE 4 HE Rumble-Seat is the Fashion, and Northway's new Coat is the perfect fashion for the Rumble-Seat, It is big and woolly, and light as a feather, It is made in an exclusive Alpaca Wool pile fabric and closely resembles Beaver, The lining is a heavy Baronet Satin, guaranteed for two season's wear, Priced at less than other Coats of this type. Northway Garments are sold at leading stores and Son John NORTHWAY 7 Son 91.93 Wellington Street West T Ontasio (ON THE GARMENT YOU Buy 0 EAD P y age. Whether to break u rom neuritis or seated Aspirin, Just make certain it's genuine; it must have the box and on every tablet. All prescribe Aspirin; does NOT affect the heart Fi » » it is the well known that tions, tbe Tal You doubtless depend on Aspirin to make short work of hezd- aches, but remember that it's just as dependable an antidote for Wapy other pains] Neuralgia? Many have found real relief in an rin . Or for toothache; an effective way to relieve it, the one thing doctors are wil ou should give a child-- of a cold, or relieve the serious pain ism, there's nothing quite like yer on ists, with proven di a dance in honor of their debut. 8 a ha Turtitta, the Maranatha Hall 2 % » Miss N. Thanksgiving in Bloomtie |r. Ouear Zmeh spent last week ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ames, Odrington. Miss Marjorie Weaver spent Thanksgiving with her mother in Frankford. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lindsay spent the holiday week-end with friends in Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Shearer spent the week-end with relatives in Keene. * &% % Miss Laura Gowan spent the holl- day in Deseronto, the guest of Mrs. D. Pratt. * 5 9 Mr. William Stoddart spent the week-end and holiday at his home in Deseronto. s 2 Mrs, Earl Landon -and son, Ver. non, are visiting the former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs, William Fitz. gibbon, Belleville. os . Mr, and Mrs. A. BE, O'Neill, King street east, spent the holiday week- end with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. Brown, Port Hope, * % % Mr. and Mrs, George Pingle and daughter Donna, of Ottawa, spent the week-end with Mr, Pingle's sister, Mra. A. F, Cox, 13 Elgin t. © 4 x ' Miss Elsie Ross of the Grange Park Art School, Toronto, is spend. ing a few weeks with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, W. H, Ross, King St, east, ------ RECEPTIONS ; Mrs, George H, Lander, formerly Miss Inez Bell, will receive for the first time since her marriage on Thursday, November 15, from 3:30 to 6:30, at her home, 66 Drew St, Mrs, George L. Lander and Mrs, Robert J, Bell, will receive with her, MISSION CIRCLE MEETS The Alice Jackson Mission Circle held their monthly meeting last evening in the schoolroom of King Street United Church, with a splen- did attendance, Many matters of business were discussed, and the gift sale, which is to be held, De- cember 11, in the Sunday School room, was discussed in particular, The program consisted of a solo, "My Task", by Muriel Crothers, and a Thanksgiving reading by Mrs, Crozier, HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB, RITSON ROAD, ENROLS MEMBERS The Ritson Road Home School Club met last evening with the president, Mrs, O, D, Friend, presiding. Favorable reports were read by the various committees, The committee in charge of the candy sale [ported the proceeds to amount to $14.50, while the convener of the tea held at the home of Mrs, Friend, reported $20 on hand, Thirty new members were officially enrolled last evening, After the business meetin Treneer of King Street Churc! tertained the club with musical selections and readings, Kathleen Lancaster recited 'In a Belgium Gar- den," After a hearty vote of thanks to Mr, Trencer the meeting closed with the National Anthem, GOSSIP IN THE PANTRY "The Cabbage bowed her queenly head, The Ham boiled .through with and rage, The Salt ran down the cellar For counsel with the Bage; The brown Potato winked his eye, The Pepper sneezed a tear, The Ginger burned up with disdain, The Corn pricked up her ear, The Steak alone in sympathy Did smother back a scoff, The Eggs were so much mortified A dozen scrambled off, For better valuesin DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store Corner King and Prince, or Terms JUST ARRIVED New Evening and Afternoon Dresses, Come and see them. FASHION SHOPPE, OSHAWA 84 Simcoe St, 8, L Rulehortugh spent | Mr, [shoulder at front, en- |8eparate piece of material shaped » of Si " = teas, it Cran ea Lj Tha Site pantry meighborhood ed to be all awry; The he cold sliced tongue ad told A Concentrated Lye." (MeCALL), NEW ELEGANCE A simple dress of printed sheer velvet for the youthully smart woman in combination with geor- gette crepe, with swathed girdle and flaring godet caught at waist- line with ornament of brililants, The shoulder bow with long loose end at back adds individual smart- ness, Experience isn't at all nec- cessary to make it for it is merely a two piece skirt, attached to a two- plece waist with tucks at each' The godet, a to give dipping shirred at top and stitched to dress, It is {irresistible shade of ved dull flat silk crepe, prune shade ,sheer velvet, hlack crepe satin, claret-red canton faille crepe or navy blue wood crepe, Style No, 303 can be had in sizes 16, 18, 20 years; 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust, For the 36-inch size, 2 7-8 yards of 40-inch mater- fal with 1 1-4 yards of 40-inch con- trasting is sufficlent to make it, as pictured, or 8 6-8 yards of one material, Pattern price is 20 cents in stmps or coin (coin preferred), oBooBortsobortootoodontorteotoeboabontntocte ded. 8.8 2 2 2 8 RA PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To The Oshawa Daily Times . Pattern Department Oshawa, Ont, Enclosed find ,,,,,,.,., cents Floss send patterns listed be ow: servssnrnninrree BIB 4000 is, BIZ 11000000 sosnrsenrrnnnres BIZO sop nree flare effect, is in new EE ER RITA] INBIN® srrvrsrrrsrsrsrsrsrsree AdAress ..overvrsrrrnrrrrrere TOWR ssesrsrsvsrsrsrasrrrrrs Provinee ssrsersrvrrsrvressss Price, 20 cents each, Bend stamps or coin. Wrap coin carefully, LAS 8800 000 0.808480 TT TTT TTT TTT TTTTTreree EE EE EE EE EO a rr ray PW WWW Ld ed HUSBANDS AND FRIENDS GUESTS "AT FINE BANQUET Thirty-fifth Birthday of Em- press of England Lodge is Celebrated The Empress of England, No. 26, of the Daughters of England cele- brated their 35th birthday last evening with a banquet, which wae held in the Soms of England hall, King street east, The husbands and friends of the members were the guests, while the guests of homor included four charter members: Sister E, Cooper, who was the first person to join this chapter of the lodge, when it was organized 38 years ago: Sister Tanton, Sister Wickett, Sister Coulter; and Sister Poulter, past grand president, and Mr. Poulter, of Toronto; Sister Nobes, past grand president, and Mr, Nobes of Toronto and Sister Johns of Toronto,, a former mem- bers of this chapter of the lodge, The lodge rooms were decorated with flags, while the three banquet tables were decorated with chry- santhemums, palms and ferns, The present executive of the club and the guests of honor were placed at the head tables. Following the supper a program was held, The platform was gaily decorated with flags. Mr, George Hart, chairman for the evening, spoke a few words, following which Grand Worthy President Sister Poulter spoke on the history and .| some interesting facts, concerning this lodge, Past Grand President Sister Nobes also spoke. A group of song pictures were given under the direction of Mrs, Marks, planist, Miss BE. McIntyre and solo- ist, Mrs, Fisher. The roles were taken by the following: "Alice Blue Gown", Mrs, Marks; "Child. hood", Miss Joyce Marks; "Spanish Days", Mrs, Marks and Mrs, Atkin- son; "Wont You Buy My Pretty Flowers, Joyce Marks and Mr, Annett; *"Rule Britannia", Mrs. Marks, Mrs, Simmons, Mrs, Fuller. ton, Miss Joyce Marks, The follow ing musical program was present- ed: plano solo, Mr, Walter Jack~ son; vocal selection, Mr, McKin- non; plano solo, Mrs, Lee; vocal solo, Mr, Leslie Baker; plano selec- tion, Miss Salter; vocal number, Mrs. Lessly; mandolin solo, Mr. George Puckett; vocal selection, Mr, Burns; comic songs, Mr, Simp- Mr, Mcintyre; vocal solo, Mrs, French; trombone selection, Mr, Lee, accompanied by Mrs, Lee, After the concert District Dep- uty Mrs, Richardson of Whitby pre- sented Miss Cooper and Mrs, Tan. ton with bouquets of chrysanthe. mums on the occasion of their celebrating their 35th anniversary of joining the lodge, -------------- LADIES' AID HEARS FINE REPORT BY THE DEACONNESS Under the presidency of Mrs. Alger, the Ladies' Aid of Simcoe Street United Church met Tuesday afternoon with a splendid attend- ance, A Nominating Committee was selected to bring in a sla'e of of- ficers for the coming yyear and to present reports at the next meeting when elections will take place, A fine program was put on, Miss Bunner of the Oshawa Ladies' Cols lege and Miss Nisby of the O, L. A wonderful complexion can be yours, by using this smooth, fragrant face powder. Ask your druggist or write for free sample, FACE POWDER COLD CREAM VANISHING CREAM CHAMBERLAIN LABORATORIES Dovercourt Road, Toronto son, accompanied at the plano by| YOUNG PEOPLE OF ALBERT STREET GIVE A CONCERT concert, in aid of the building ch Ch . t chu = Yo auspices of the Albert rect People's League. Rev. R A. Whattam opened the program with a few remarks followed by a solo by Mr. Havelock. Mr. Pos contributed a bass solo and Mrs. Noble a piano selection. Miss Cour- tice gave several readings, followed +1 a_piano duet by Mr "Unite and r. Percy Mercer. Mr. Unitt and SCOTTISH NGS PROVE AT KNOX HORCH Delightful Musica Evening Spent With Toronp Arists in the Stellar Role A delightful musica evening, under the a of th choir of the Knox erlan Curch, was held last evening in chureh, | The artists, who are all known in Toronto musical werd well received by the audijce, most of whom were of the ish race and revelled in the of their native land. Miss Elizabeth Irvine a remarkable soprano tractive personality and Beat 4 whites of eggs stiff, fold in 1 cup fish broken in tiny pleces or shredded. Seasom to taste and add little lemon juice (mot neces sary). Make nest of 4 ramekins with mixture and drop whole egg yolk in each and bake uatil browns- tion of such favorites as gar and Rowan Tree. M Evans, violiniste displayed ent in her playing of some and Scotch songs. borne, elocutionist, deligh audience, trained to the a tion of the best in refined tured entertainment. reading, ers, Mr, George Murphy is a Profundo of a rare type, an particularly appealing in . Volga Boat Song," "Asleep inthe Deep," "The Vagabond," and Horn," Mrs. Wallace and Goldburn accompanied the at the piano, reflects the faahionable in design -- in many lightful sets -- and the new Stainless Knives with "Jewelled" Handles in Emers ald, Ruby and S8apphire-- beautiful, colorful, modern, a) C. contributing vocal and piso selections respectively and Miss |, Keddie read a selection from op of Edward Guests poems, suitab) for the Thanksgiving season, Miss Thomas ,the deaconness ad\ dressed the meeting outlining hes work in the homes and relatin some experiences while calling upon the sick in the hospital, and in their homes and also upon needy families, Her address was received with much appreciation. At the close Mrs, Horsey's group served refreshments and a social half hour was spent, Learn. PICKIN' COTTON" and the "ZEPPELIN HOP" Mr, DaCosta is again first introduce these dance hits, and class lessons eac afterncon and evening, Apply in person please. DaCosta Studios of Dancing Sip Pak Wed To Kaus i tainers: free' of th hve CONT HR To 8! er $9338 » for 6).is Private Tuesday THE LEADING JEWELLERS 12 Simcoe St. South FELT BROS. OSHAWA LITT Opening Performances at Rotary Hall, Rotary Park, Centre Street Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, November 14-15-16 at 30.p. m. sharp Four Short Play to Be Presented: "Catherine Parr' | "A Minuet" Maurice Baring -- Louis N, Parker E:T "| "Suppressed Desires" «1 ~Susan Glaspell and | George Cram Cook | --William C, DeMille All local talent, Ovchestral music specially sranged Come and show your interest in a communuity undertaking! in| Subscribers' Season Tickets, $5.00, General Admission, $1.00 to each performance, All Seats reserved, On sale at Mitchell's Drug Store, ® Simcoe Street Nosh, November 13, 14, 15 and 16, H. P. SCHELL, President, EN JOHNSTON, Musical Director, Sec, 12 Street East JOHN CRAIG, Director MRS, F. G. CARSWELL, 54 Dolly and Bobby [AND wien TRIED ON PERFECTLY NEVER ComporThpLE THE CRYSTAL SLIPPER ~ Ir Frrep PERFECTLY CINDERELLA | HEARD of ANYTHING OH» THE NASTY PECEITEVE TH SAID The very SisTEss = Bvr wat 'AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS ~ 11-14%

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