Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Nov 1928, p. 10

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« THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1928 Suburban and District N ews Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents. TAUNTON Taunton, Nov. 8.--Quite a num- ier from Taunton attended the uneral of the late Mrs. S. Pascoe, n Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lavis visited Mr. and Mrs. John Trull of Bow- eanvi.le recently. - Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Wright of jowmanvitie and Mr. and Mrs, H, . Osborne of Ebenezer were Sum- a visitors at Jesse Arnotts. A meeting was called recently it Maxwell's school to consider the erving of a hot lunch to the pu- »ils during the noon hour. Inspec: or R. A. Hutchison. was present. fhe proposal was carried and now he children enjoy a hot dish with iheir noon hour lunch, CLAREMONT Claremont, Nov. 5--Rev. H. R. Stephens and a number of the mem- bers oi the Baptist church attended a special missionary meeting in Stoutiville on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. McIntyre and Miss Margaret Graham motored to Detroit on Sunday. Miss Ruth Stuttiford spent Satur- day last with her parents at Ashburn, Miss Hilda Selman, of Toronto, spent the week end under the parent- al rool. The Misses Margaret Machellan visited friends Perry on Sunday, The Claremont Choral Club held a very enjoyable dance in the commun- ity hall on Friday evening of last week, The object of the dance was to help pay off the deficit carried over from the books last year. Mrs. C. A. Overland was called to London on Sunday owing to the cri- tical illness of her sister, Miss Jo- sephine Little, following a serious op- eration, The Women's Missionary Society of the United church will hold their regular monthly meeting in the church on Thursday of this week at J pm, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Thompson spent a few days last week with the former's brother, John Thompson, m Goodwood, Members of the Anchor Society of the United church are busy practic- ing the drama, "Cranberry Corners," which they intend presenting in the Claremont community hall on Friday evening, November 16th, Supper will be served by the ladies oi the con- gregation on the same. evening. Fur- ther particulars later. Wm. Coates has rented his house to Wm. Cowie. Mr, and Mrs. R, J. turned from a trip which included London, Galt, Woodstock and otner Western points, R. E. Forsythe and Fred Evars have returned from a week of duck hunting in the Georgian Bay dis- trict, Mr. Jas. McCullough is having the hydro installed in his house and barn. Special Thanksgiving and memorar services will be held in the community park on Sunday afternoon .next, if weather conditions are favourable, otherwise services will be held in the community hall at 3 p.m. Services will be conducted Rev. H. Kk, Stevens, Singing will be led by the combined choir of the Baptist and United churches, The public is cor- dially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wilker motor- ed to London on Sunday where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fraser. Dr. N. F, Tomlinson, Rev. A. MacLellan and Messrs M. J. Wilker and F. Dopking motored to Toronto on Monday evening where they at- tended the consecration and constitu- tion of Todmorden lodge, AF. and AM, and also the ition of the and Mabel in Port Howe have re- hy lodge rooms, The ceremony was in charge of the grand master, the hon- ourable J. S. Martin, assisted by Rev. A. MacLellan, P.D.D.G.M,, in the absence of the Past Grand Mast- er, M.W. Bro. Rowland. Following the cer t was tendered the TR by the officers and members of Todmorden Lodge. The Misses Merle and Veta Steph- enson, of Oshawa, attended the Choral Club dance on Friday evening. Mrs. Thos. Scott and Miss Currie, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Scott, MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, Nov. 7--Services on Sunday were both very largely at- tended. In the absence of our 55; | im tor, Rev. J. H. Stainton, B.A, who was preaching anniversary ser- vices at Vernonville, Rev. Andrew McLaughlin, Grafton, very accept- ably occupied the pulpit here. Mr. Swallow and Miss Edna Swallow very nicely rendered a duet and Mrs, Roy VanCamp a solo. eServices next Sunday will be as usual when we expect Mr, Stainton to be with us again. In Sunday School Miss Mabel Stevens, delegate to the S. S. Convention at Galt will give her report. Mr. Ernie Laird, Toronto, Sunday at home. Mr. and Mrs. John Snowden and Misses Vera Trimble and Eileen Hocken spent Sunday with friends in Oshawa. League last Wednesday evening was in the form of a masquerade so- cial in charge of Miss ni Ah § Seen) ens, social vice-president. A o'clock weird figures of all déScrip- tion began to gather at the hall which was very appropriately decorated with lighted pumpkins and all sorts of* terrifying objects. With Miss Souch at the piano those in masquer- ade were then asked to parade around the hall while Rev, J. H. Stai Mrs. N. I. Metcalf and Mr, WL Cator were to judge the costumes. Prizes were awarded as follows: Best dressed couple, Lloyd Crago and Alan Law; best dressed gent, Ivison Munday; best dressed girl, Mr. Wil- liam Brown. Miss Edna Swallow gave a reading on the origin of Hal- lowe'en after which Mrs, Ivison Munday sang a solo. We were then divided into groups and the remainder of the evening was spent in contests and games. Candy was served. A 10¢ fine was imposed on all those who did not come in costume, the pro- ceeds of which amounted to a little over $3.00, On Thursday evening of this week our leaguers are expecting a visit from Newcastle league, Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Power and son Gordon, Orono, and , Miss Carrie Power, town, visited at Mr. Chester Power's on Sunday. RAGLAN Raglan, Nov. 6.--The Ladies' are making preparation for a hot supper and bazaar to be held on Wednesday, November 28th. Reserve the date, Miss Jessie Sleete, of Bowman- ville, spent Sunday with her brother, Mr, Albert Sleete. A pleasant evening was spent on Thursday night last at the home oi Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Brent when the folks of the community gathered and presented them with a beautiful wicker chair and the following ad- dress was read by Mr, Orval Lyle, Mr, Carl Avery making the presen tation, To Mr, and Mrs, Dear Friends: -- We, your neighbours, friends and acquaintances, have gathered here this evening to express in a sociable way our good wishes for your fu- ture happiness and prosperity. Hay- ing known you for many years, we have always found you a good neigh- bour, a genial friend and we, the people of Raglan, are pleased to think that you are still to remain in Aid Gordon Brent: our neighbourhood and continue to one of us. In order to express our esteem for you and our sincere good wishes for your future happiness and success in a practical way, we ask you to accept this chair, True friendship should from worries free us So let this gladsome fact elate you So let us be merry, come and see us A knife and fork and plate await you, Signed on behalf of the Community by Orval Lyle and Carl Avery. Mr. and Mrs. White and family, of Port Perry, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, H, Powell. Miss Rose Brent is visiting rela- tives in Toronto this week. Church at the regular hour 7 p.m. next Sunday evening, November 11, It being Armistice day Rev, Mr. Merriman is preparing special ser- vices. be COLUMBUS Columbus, Nov, 7.--Mr, John Gay has gone for the winter to Baltimore with his sister, Mrs, Langmaid, P. G. Purves has returned home after spending the past week with Mrs. Purves' parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. Greyy, at Chatham, Mrs, Pur- ves is visiting for a while, Miss B. Stevenson who has been staying with her aunt, Mrs. H. Wil- son this summer has returned to her home in Whithy, Mr, J. F. Clugston has returned home after spending the past few days in Meaford and Mrs. Clubston has come home after spending a month visiting with her mother, Mrs, Crabtree has returned with them, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Langmaid and Evelyn, of Taunton, spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Hall's. The Hallowe'en party that was held by public school 5.8. No, 6 m the township hall on Friday night was a great success, A good crowd was present. All report a good time, . Byrce Cook, of Oshawa, is spend- ing his holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hobbs and child- ren, Mrs. S. Vanstone, of Whitby, » guited at Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson on Sun Mr. "Rob. Gilroy, of Toronto, visit- ed at Mr. and Mrs. L. Ellens". Miss Mary Marchington, of To- ronto, a. Mr. and Mrs. L. Ellens'. Mrs. L. L. Guy and Mrs. C. Hayes spent Sunday at Oshawa. Mr. Wm. Ward spent Sunday at Whitby at Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilroy's. John Bromell spent Sunday at To- ronto. Miss Hannah M. Valentine visited at Mrs. S. Hayes'. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tarves spent the week end at Blackstock with Mr. and Mrs. Beacock. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown, of Osh- awa, spent Saturday with Mrs, F. Garifat. Mr. David McKenzi. spent Sunday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hayes spent Sun- day at Oshawa. KEDRON Kedron, Nov. 6.--Mrs. S. Conlia, Miss Kathleen and Mr, Fabian Con- Ie visited friends in Toronto on Sun- "Miss Lena Hoskin visited with her cousin, Miss Mary Rundl:, of Hamp- ton, last week. Miss Beatrice Mountjoy was host- ess to a very pleasant Hallowe'en party on Friday evening last. The guests, numbering thirty, arriving in disguised costumes, provoked much laughter, After each had guessed "Who's Who," they unmasked and proceeded to playin, progressive Lost Heir, Miss Doris Stainton be- ing successful to win the ladies' first Ree a bottle of perfume, and Mr. . W. Heard, the gent's first prize, a deck of Lost Heir, Miss Wilma Werry the ladies' consolation prize, a kewpie doll and Mr, Gordon Da- vis, the gent's consolation prize, a tin orn, At midnight tables were set and a bountiful lunch served, after which jolly games were in- dulged in. Thanks being tendered to the hostess and her parents, for the excellent entertainment received. All returned to their homes feeling that such community gatherings help to lighten the toil of daily routine. Mr, and Mrs, R, J. Luke visited Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Pascoe and at- tended the church re-opening ser- vices at Solina = Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Werry, Misses Bernice Werry 3x Beatrice Mount- joy and Mr. Harold Werry attend- ed the church .e-opening service at Solina on Sunday evening. Next Sunday, November 11, being Armistice day and Thanksgiving Sun- day, there will be special services here, Miss Hindman, of Los Angeles, California, visited at Mr. V. N. Hos- kin's, recently. Mr. Frank Conlin and children, North Oshawa, and Mrs. Paget and children, Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. S. Conlin, on Sunday. Teachers' Training Classes will be held at Brooklin on the evenings from November 12 to November 10, inclusive. The friends of Mrs. F, W, Lee are sorry to hear of her recent illness but are glad to know that she is im- proving. ORONO Orono, Nov. &--Mrs. William Cor- am is reported to be critically ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. J, Tamblyn. Mrs. 1. C. Bradley has returned home from Peterboro where she has been assisting in nursing the awe Mrs. Byers, Miss Hilda Gamsby on the office staff of the General Motors, Oshawa, who has been out for a few wecks on sick leave, after a visit in To- ronto, and Miss Buchanan at Mount Forest is home for a few days be- fore resuming her position, Mr. D. J. Gibson bought last week from Mr. R, L, Osborne the well known Osborne farm, 157 acres un the Clarke side of the boundary linc, 35th lot in the 3rd concession, There Clarke and Darlington, being ue are fine buildings on the place and a water system to residence and stables. We congratulate Mr. Gibson on se- curing this fine property, Mr, and Mrs, Joe Phillips, of To- ronto, and Mr. G, A. Galaspie, ex- M.P, of Pecterboro, were recent vis- itors at the home of Mrs. A, E. Fow- ler, Centre street Rey, William Sterling took the service at Pontypool on Sunday eve- ning, exchanging with Rev. W. H, A Boomhour who took the service at Leskard. a Miss Rysk, f Toronto, is visiting her sister, ee Frank Peate, Messrs Walter and Cecil Chilcott, of Darlington township, were knock- ed down and badly injured when struck by a car driven by James Sam- is, about nine o'clock saturday night, The accident occurred one mile west of Newcastle when the two boys were walking east on the north side of the highway. Samis was driving cast and although there was not an- other car in sight on the highway he swerved his car to the poys and struck the backs of the two boys knocking Walter down into the ditch with terrific force and pinning Robh- ert under the car. Samis seemed to be in a stupor immediately after the crash. Provincial Constable H, Story who was in Bowmanville at the tine was soon on the scene and placed Samis under arrest. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. White attend- ed the funcral of her mother, Mrs, H. Byers, at Peterboro on Tuesday. Dr. Breslin will be at his office in the Temperance House, Orono, on Friday only of each week. Mr. Fred Graham, of Pontypool, drew Baytown in the Army and Navy Veterans' Pool, Handicap, October 31st and will re- ceive about $11,800 as a second prize. A Quebec man drew the winner Pa- lais Royal II. and a prize of about $35,- 400. Mr. Dan Walker, a former Orono- ite, now living retired at Woodville, was in town Friday attending the funeral of his cousin, the late Robert Moon, and called on many old friends, It is over fifty years since Mr. Walk- er was a boy here living with his uncle John Jackson in the house now occupied by Mr. George Cowan, south Main street, Mr, Walker has a family of two sons and two daugh- ters. One son on the Toronto teach- ing staff, the other one on the statf of the Imperial Life staff, Toronto, Cambridgeshire 1 STRICKEN DOWN IN PRIME OF LIFE "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Rid Her of Crippling Rheumatism How it is to think of men and tere) od with di tism very ago. I keep i ry tives' Alva in the hour, as I think they wonderful For more than a Juange ol century Fritadive iy get 0c. a he horse dealers everywhere. A deer hunting party = comprising Messrs John J. Gilfillan, M. G. Lin- ton and Garnet Gamsby, leit last Monday for the old hunting ground in the orth Country. We wish them the best of luck. HARMONY Harmony, Nov, 6.--Mr., and Mrs. R. Luke and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Stacey in the city. Miss Post and Mrs. Vandawater of Brighton and Mr. and Mrs. J. Wannop spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J, Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. D, E. Weise visit- ed at Napanee on Sunday with Mrs, 8. E. Winter. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lott of the city and Miss Mary Lott of Brussels visited Mr. and Mrs, A. Lott on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Saunders enter- tained about twenty of their friends on 'Thursday evening with games and dancing an enjoyable time was spent. Supper was served by the hostess and the friends left for their homes about midnight, Miss Stickland and Mrs, J. Hew- itt, of Toronto were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hollman. Miss D. Campbell spent the week- eng with friends at Woodville. Miss Evelyn Scott is spending the week-end with relatives at Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. J, Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. J. Bates attended the Ath- letic Club play a® Janetville on Fri- day night, Mrs. R. Luke and baby Mrs. S. Baldwin in the Thursday. Mrs. J. Clarke and children spent Friday with Mre, W, Wilson in the city. Mrs. Chas. Mackie and Mrs. R. Kellett were at Black:tock on Fri- day. Mr, and Mrs. J. Saunders and family spent Sunday in the city with Mr. and Mrs. J. Severs. Mr. BE. Wes¥eo snont I'riday oft- ernoon in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. N, Lyons and baby of North Oshawa visited Mr, and Mrs, H. Willson and Mr. and Mrs. R. Terwilligan Friday ¢vening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson moved into their new house, Mr. and Mrs, J. Clarke moved into their new house. Mr. and Mrs. K. Fletcher enter- tained a few of their friends at the home on Friday evening, Progres- sive Euchre was plaved during the eveninm, Mrs. Chas Machie winning the ladies' prize Mr. H, Willson the gent's prize while Mr. P. Timmins received the consolation prize. A dainty luncheon was served hy the hostess about midnirht and a very enioyahle evening was snent hy all Don't forget to reserve Nov, 8th, for the play "The Country Minis- visited city on have have ter" put on by the South Simcoe { | officidmessage by the boys in France Home and school club under the auspices of the Harmony Home and | and Flanders was in a decided con- | trast to that at home. No outwara School Club in the Hatmony Com- | signs of joy was to be seem, other munity Hall. SEAGRAVE Seagrave, Nov. 7.--All roads lead to the Scagrave United church on Sunday, November 11 and Monday, November 12. Special services on Sunday mcaing and evening. 10.50 am. and 7 Rev. Edmison, of Little Britta, "will preach in the morning and Rev. Asher P. Lotter, of Oakwood, in the evening. Special music by the choir. On Monday eve- ning a hot fowl supper will be ser- ved from 5 to 8 o'clock, after which a high class entertainment will be given by Miss Margereta Boyle, elo- cutionist, and Mr. Thomas McKay, Scottish tenor, of Toronto. Come and bring your friends and you will not be disappointed. The Ladies' Aid are doing evervthing they can to make this Thanksgiving day one long to be remembered in our community. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dowson spent Sunday in Oshawa. Mr. Angus Wilkinson, of Oshawa, visited friends at Seagrave and Plea- sant Point for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rowe and family, of Oshawa, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Shunk, on Spnday. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Sweelman and Mr. and Mrs. T. Pickells, Miss C. Sinclair, Miss M. Dobson, Mr. Lorne and Mansel Sweetman, all of Toron- to, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wannamaker, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Orr Shunk ana daughter Merle, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. I. Irwin and daughter Sina, spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W, King, of Oakwooa. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Collins, of Oshawa, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Harding, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Berthwaite and daughter Merlla, of Roseneath, vig- ited Mr. and Mrs, W. Clarke, over the week end. Mrs. F. Billingham and two child- ren, of Toronto, are visiting friends here. Mrs. Geo. C. Foster and daughters, of Bowmanville, were calling on their friends this week. Mr. Roy Scott spent the week end in Toronto. While there he attended the special services of the unveiling of the 58th Battalion colors of which he was a member, These things take us back to the days when we gave our sons for God and Country. Mr, and Mrs. L. Linder and Mrs. Banks were Scagrave visitors recent- ly at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Shunk, Mr. and Mrs. A. Orchard visited in Oshawa one day last week. The November monthly mectine of the Ladies' Aid will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Corsier, 50 McMillan Drive, Oshawa. This is expected to be the event of the sea- son. Mrs. Crosier having honored the Ladies' Aid by leaving her name on the books is very much appreciated. All the members and their hushands are to attend this meeting as re quested, Raspberries of the most delicious kind and the bushes loaded were found in the garden of Mr, James Shunk last week, people coming irom Toronto were treated to this fruit and found them very appetizing at this time of the year. The ladies of the United church are holding a bazaar on December 5th in aid of church and missionary work. Anyone wishing fo contribute to our azaar the same will be appreciate! The many friends of Mrs. J. Lamb will be pleased to know she is im- proving in health although still under the doctor's care. Scagrave, Nov. 5---Ten years have passed since the order "Cease fire," was given, culminating four years oi the bloodiest warfare in the history of the world, To many it was a day of great re- joicing and to a greater number it was a day of sadness. A sadness of which there are two distinct kinds, With the arrival of the most joyful message that was ever broadcasted to every corner of the earth, a dem- onstration was given that showed in no uncertain terms the feelings of those at home. The receiving of the than a look or a smile of relief irom ordeal that had been ours for such a long time. Back of that smile was a heartache from the thought of the bo¥s that would be left behind, as we who were spared, went home to join our loved omes. It is to them our thoughts go back this day, as we bow our heads for a few moments in silence. The memory of them will always remain fresh in the minds of those with whom they served. It hardly scems necessary that we on have to recall the fact that is a memorial day, excepting for the rising generation to whom is given the same spirit of sacrifice to the loved ones of those who had been spared the supreme sacrifice, it was a day of great rejoicing, but to those who had lost their loved ones, a day of sadness, with the last ray & hope gone that their boys would come marching home victorious. There was one remaining class oi people to whom it was a day of dif- ferent sadness, a people who were not with the spirit of Calvary, but a spirit of greed and selfishness. The signing of the armistice sounded tne death knell to the days oi huge pro- fits at the cost of their country and the sacrifices of the flower of the world's young manhood. As a cer- tain Rev. gentleman made the re- mark at a memorial service last Sun- day, certain of his parishoners- had made the remark to him that al- though it was All Saints week, and All Saints' Sunday, they did not thisk it was appropriate to have Saintly hymns for a soldiers' memorial ser- vice, to which he disagreed. For while they may not have been Saints in a literary way, were they not embued with the same spirit of Christ of Calvary, who gave His life for others. The words of the hymns below is a most appropriate one: O Valiant Hearts, who to you glory came Through dust of conflict and through battle flames Tranquil you lie, your knightly vir- tue proved Your mumory hallowed in the land you loved. Proudly you gathered, rank on rank to war As who had heard God's from afar; All you had hope for all you had gave To save mankind, yourselves yom scorned to save, message Splendid you passed the great sur- render made Into the light that never more shall fade, Deep your contentment in that blest abode Who wait the last clear trumpet call of God. Long years ago as earth lay dark and still Rose a loud cry upon a lonely hill While in the frailty of our human clay Christ our Redeemer, self same way, passed the Still stands His cross from that dread hcur to this, Like some bright star above the dark abyss; Still through the veil, the pitying eyes Look down to bless our lesser Cal- varies, Victor's These were her servants in His steps they trod Following through death, tyred Son of God Victor, He rose, victorious too shall rise They who have drank His cup of Sacrifice, the mar- O risen Lord, O Shepherd dead Whose Cross has brought them and whose Staff has led, In glorious hope their proud saving land Commits her children to Thy gra- cious hand, --Amen of our and By-Product Coke Puts Money . In Your Pocket and Comfort In Your Home 4x Ze Only the very fin- est low ash, high heat value coal is used for Hamilton By-Product Coke. Ze The coal is care- fully crushed and blended in proper size to produce a dense coke. Be 1tis then skillfully baked (or "coked") at the proper tempera ture to produce a coke that is just right for domestic use. és The coke is tien crushed and screened clone) vi sizes. and graded so that it is clean and of uniform Burns Steadily--Burns Clean --Burns Economically MADE IN HAMILTON, ONTARIO, IN COKE OVENS OWNED AND OPERATED BY CANADIANS Tune in on The Hamilion By-Product Program every Friday nid rom every CKGW T Torenlo, and from CKOC Hamilton. H. M. Fowlds & Son 81 King St, West Sold in Oshawa by McLau_hlin Coal & upplies Limited 110 King St, West ASHBURN | Ashburn, Nov, 6.--Mrs. Wallace and family late of Scotland are he- ing welcomed to our village. Mr. | Wallace has been helping Mr, Geo. West in the blacksmith shop for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Duff family of Toronto spent the end with Mrs, Duff's father, Somerville. and week Mr. R. | ston, McCrae last week. ) hav: returned from their honeymoon and heir farm east Mr. hunting trip in the and expects to return with a well | filled bag of game Congratulations to only son of Mr. Sam Johnston who was married to Miss Margaret on Monday of Johnston of are Lindsay Mr, settling on t of the village. James Duff is on his annta) northern woods Mr, and Mrs. the throat, Meloids, 25¢ Unrivalled for effectiveness in re- lieving hoarseneds and tickling in AVE WITH SAFETY ERVICE ATISFACTION AT THE REXALL STORE LORIE GENTLEMAN'S TALCUM 35c If you would enjoy a cool and velvety skin after shaving use 50c Williams' Pink Pills 35¢ 3 for $1.00 85¢ Kruschen Salts 69¢ 35¢ Sloan's Liniment 29¢ 35¢ Danderine For 30c 40c Fletcher's Castoria 29c¢ 50c Klenzo Shaving Cream 39¢ 50c Dodd's Kidney Pills 35¢ 40c Thomas' Eclectric Oil 33c Powder or Cream-->50c. A PRESENT FOR YOU We are going to give you on Thursday, Friday and Satur- day. a 25c wash cloth FREE with a box of Jonteel Face Jar of Jonteel Combination Those dull and straggly locks may have their silken lustre restored with RIKER'S EMULSI- FIED COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO, A small quantity used when washing the hair leaves it soft and fluffy, and the scalp clean and healthy 35¢ For 4 Oz, Bottle The Aristocrat of Toilet Creams "Shari Beauty Cream' im- parts a youthful glow to tired and worn tissues, makes a perfect skin cleans- er, and base for powder, $1.50 Large Jar 60c Chase's Nerve Food 50c 25¢ Rosewater 25¢ Carter's * Liver Pills 20c Chase's Kidney & Liver Pills Oriental Bath Salts 39¢ $1.30 Scott's Emulsion 99¢ TWO FOR ONE During Thursday, Friday and Saturday we offer you FREE a box of Riker's Laxative Bromide of Quinine Tablets with a bottle of Rexall Bronchial Syrup, 50c. Whether it be at the afternoon bridge or the dinner party no treat is more enthusiastically re- ceived than BILLY BURKE CHOCOLATES. Assorted mel- low creams in delicious chocolate, 60c Per Pound Bittle Duke CREAMY CHOCOLATES 4 TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY Toute FeRoutoctoatoatoct oc CR Se aie aay i cy 3 3 FREE DELIVERY Bode tooo aad Aten 3 King E., Phone 28 JURY AND LOVELL THE REXALL STORES Simcoe S., Phone 68 SERVICE STORES IN OSHAWA A A A A Ar Joe John-

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