Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Nov 1928, p. 18

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aA e Aaasia a A ciiN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1928 Boy Oshawa, PRP TO WEN WW WC Scouts ' Articles Contributed by the Scout Leaders of Covering the Activities of the Various Troops Penns s ssbb sas First Thorntons Corners Troop peld a very successful Hallowe'en party pn Tuesday last, about six- ty Scouts and their friends being ent. A very nove. feature of the evening was the manner in which entrance to the party was gained. A number of obstrue- tions were placed in the basement of the Sunday School, in which building the party was held, and many a shin was barked as its owner wandered through in the dark. Various games were played and about ten o'clock a supper was served after which the party broke ap. The members of the troop wish to thank those responsible for a very enjoyable evening. Spec- fal thanks are due to those gener- ous people Who stayed after the party to whip the hall into ship- shape. A good deed of mo mean impor- tance was performed by the mem- pers of the Second Oshawa Troop when they gathered together 22 pounds of clothing which they seny to a group of families who had lost their all in a recent fire in North- ern Ontario. The Fifth Oshawa Troop held a very busy meeting last Friday night. A number of important items were discussed and plans for the forthcoming Fathers and Sons banquet were carried several steps forward. The event is likely to be a most important one in the his- tory of the troop. A short rehear- sal of the ceremony to take place this Friday was held. At this meeting several new Tenderfoots wil be invested with all true Scout practice. On Monday the matter of the banquet was gone into and the committee are behind it with all their might. TROOP NOTICES 1st Thorntons Corners Troop will meet on Friday next at 7.30 p.m. in headquarters. 4th Oshawa Troop will meet out- side of the Armouries on Friday evening at the usual time. All members are requested to be there on time, 5th Oshawa Troop meet on Fri- day evening at 7.30 p.m at the Y.M.C.A. Boys will please re- member to bring thelr running shoes and to be on time. 6th Oshawa Troop will meet at headquarters on Albany street at 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday, Novem- ber 7. As there was no meeting last week each boy is expected to be on hand. East Whitby Council mn Council met this day at 1 o'clock p.m. in the Clerk's office with all the members present. Reeve Dear born occupied the chair. Minutes of the former mreetings were read and adopted. Communication were read from W. J. Holland, P. M, Higgins, Dis- trict County Engineer, Clerk, City of Oshawa, F. J. Tonkin, Depart- ment Public Highways, Clerk. of Darlington Township, Toronto Gen- eral Trusts Corp., Dyment Ander- son and Company, J. A, Carter and D. J. Kean. On motion of Messrs Smith and Lavis the Dixon Gravel and Sand Company were pald $75 for gravel placed on the boundry between East Whithy and Darlington. The subdivision of Mr, Bertrand being part of lot 11 concession 3 and known as Dearborn Park, was accepted and signed by the Reeve and clerk, Sheep Killed Moved by Mr. Ross seconded hy TIME TABLES | C.P.R, TIME TABLE, New Schedule taki x sey Scheduie al king effect 12.01 a.m. . Daily, . Daily . Daily except Sunday, 2 Daily. Semi . Daily except ay, Going East .m. Daily. . Daily except Sunday, .m. Daily except Sunday, , Daily, ; .m. Daily, All times shown above are times trains depart from Oshawa Station, CN.R. TIME TABLE Effective Sept. 30, 1928, Eastho! und 23 a.m. Daily except Sunday, $ a.m. Sunday only. 9 a.m. Daily. 7 p.m. Daily except Sunday, 2 p.m. Daily except Sunday, 7 p.m. Daily except Sunday, 2 p.m. Daily. 11.09 p.m. Daily except Saturday, 12.09 a.m, Daily. 12.25 a.m, Daily. Westbound 4.44 a.m. Daily, 5.28 a.m. Daily. .45 a.m, Daily except Sunday. 5 6.20 a.m. Daily. 3 a.m, Daily except Sunday. 4 8. 8. 9. 1 2 6. 9. 07 06 p.m. Dailv except Sunday, 37 p.m. Daily. 7.27 p.m Daily except Sundty, 7,14 p.m. Sunday only, 8.45 p.m. Daily except Sunday, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville Mr. Warne, that the following amounts be paid for sheep killed by unknown dog or dogs: Arthur Smith, one sheep, $25; A. J. How- den, valued $12.50; A. J, Howden sheep, $15; A. J. Howden, sheep $15; J. A. Nesbitt, valued, $12.50, Carried. By-Laws Passed The By-law to authorize the borrowing of $36,000. for building purposes of 8, 8. No, 10 was given a third reading and passed. The By-law to authorize the bor- rowing of $34,000 for building pur- poses of 8, S. No. 11 was read a third time and passed. The Clerk was instructed to write the Oshawa St. Railway in reference to a brace wire in the sidewalk at Ross' Corners, Accounts Passed Moved by Mr. Ross seconded by Mr. Lavis that the following ac- counts be paid. Alger Press Print- ing $175; Mothersell and Company Sidewalk $2005.71; Hydro Electric Street lighting $41.16; Boss and Holmes, Sidewalk $900; R. W. Grierson, 8. 8. No. 11, $10,000; S. V. Young, S. 8. No. 10, $6,000; W. A. Ormston, 8. 8. No. 7, $300; C. E, Brown, 8S. S. No. 8, $90; E. Mount- joy, 8. 8. No. 3, $300; Monitary Times. 8.8. 10 and 11, $11.25; Rds, and Bridges, Mr. Holmes, $247.50; 8S. Mitchell, $70; V. Goodman, $168; Baron Korff, $50; Wm, Bromell, $4.20; C. Farewell, $41. 10; Jas. McNally, $113.76; Alex, Sinclair, $37.50; R, Braumer, $100; Chas. Garrard, $366.75; A. G. Ross, $37; D. J. Kean, $39.50; Selecting Jurors Salary, $15; A. Beckett, $121.50; P. G, Purvis, $75, Roads and Bridges 8S. Burgoyne, $37.- 50; H. Ashton, $44.80; G. Bickell, $220.25; Jas Clark, $81.60; W, A, Ormiston, $5.95; George Luke, $21; F. Vallant, $68.75; J. Shields $25.20; Gordon Brent, $48.30; Jno. W.A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 8 KING STREET WEST Hund eds of pec)le wear with utmost comfort Hare's Fa "tic * Lenses $14.95 Dominion Clothing Store 68 King St. W, Phone 2141 Men's Blue Special BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and after Nov. 4 Going West Leave Leave Bowrzapville Oshawa 6.15 g.m. 7.10 a.m, 7.2 am, 8.10 am, 8.20 a.m, 9.30 a.m, x9.45 a.m. 10.20 a.m, *11.30 a.m, 1210 p.m, 1.30 p.m. 2.00 p.m, 2.30 p.m, 3.00 p.m. 3.30 pm. 4.10 p.m, 0 p.m, 5.15 p.m, #6.15 p.m. 7.40 p.m, 9.15 p.m, 10.20 p.m, Arrive Hospital Arrive Whitby 7.25 a.m, 10.50 a.m. 12.45 p.m, 4.35 p.m, 6.45 p.m, 10.55 p.m, ---------- | AUTOMOBILE LOANS | | | | Are your monthly pay: ments too heavy. We can arrange a loan on your car at Beckett, $343.20; Robt Stork $22.- 75; Russel Jollow, $422.50; G. Love, $32.90; Garnet Cochrane, $126. Moved by Mr. Warne seconded by Mr, Ross that the council do now adjourn to meet again on Dev. 3rd mext at one o'clock p.m. in the office of the Clerk. Carried. P. G. Purvis, Clerk. NAVIGATION CLONE : IN HU IN STRAITS Ottawa, Nov. 8. -- Navigation through the Hudson Straits is clos- ed for the winter, it was learned at the Department of Marine today. A wireless despatch from Fort Churchill indicates that the har- bor is frozen over and there is ice as far as the eye can reach, As a result the ice-breaker ' Montcalm has been ordered to return to Que- bec City from Burwell, For several months the Mont. calm h2s been carrying on ice ob- servati®s in the North and is the {ast ship to leave Hudson Bay. N. B. McLean, officer in charge of the Hudson Straits expedition, and sev- eral of the staff are returning on board. There 1s no ice themselves it was stated. in the straits With MAN, WIFE NOW LAUGH AND PLAY--GAS GONE "Thanks to Adlerika, stomach gas is all gone. Now hubby and I laugh and play like we used to--we're sweethearts again--Mrs, P. Olson. Just ONE spoonful Adlerika re- lieves gas and that bloated feeling so that you can cat and sleep well. Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes old waste matter you never thought was there. No matter what you have tried for your stomach and bowels, Adlerika will surprise you, Jury & Lovell, Drug- gists. the closing up of the harbor at Churchill, however, the work of the Montcalm is completed. Several men are remaining at the vafous radio stations through- ou! the straits and will continue sending reports of fice and fog conditions. ce WOMAN'S FANE I CLEARED AFTER SERVING TERM Mrs. Nellie Pope, Aged 71, Exonerated of Complicity in Murder of Husband Detroit, Mich, Nov. 8.--Mrs. Nellie Pope, 71, who served 22 years in State Prison for the murder of her husband, has been cleared of com- plicity in his death.~ The woman was paroled 11 years ago, when William Brusseau, con- victed as an accomvlice, dying, ex- onerated her. Since then she steadily has sought to have her name cleared, that she might "die without a taint on it" as she declared. This wish the Governor finally granted. Mrs Pope was 38 when her husband, a Detroit dentist, was slain with an axe. She and Brusseau, who was Dr. Pope's assistant, were convicted After being paroled, Mrs. Pope technically was a prisoner, reporting regularly to prison authorities. The exceutive pardon relieved her of that. Mrs. Pone will make no effort to he reunited to her daughter, who was five when the murder occurred. "She is married, happy and has children of her own" said, COMMITS CARTER ON A GHARGE OF MANSLAUGHTER Driver of Auto in Which Four Were Killed to Stand Trial PE Barrie, Nov. 8. -- Following an hour and a half preliminary trial, Charles Carter, Toronto chauffeur, was Monday committed for trial on a manslaughter charge. He was the driver of the auto in which four people, Thomas Armstrong! Dorothy and Rebecca Watson and Mary Coleman, all of Toronto, lost their lives at Fennells on October 19, in a collision with a car driven by W. L. Laurie of Agincourt, J. R. Creswell a garage many whose place of business is 140 rods north of the scene of the trag- edy, said a roadster resembling Laurie's, passed his place travell- ing 45 miles an hour immediately preceding the crash, which he heard from his office. Laurie on the stand refused to be shaken in his testimony that he was going 30 fo 35 miles an hour when he sighted the Carter car 60 or 70 yards away, applied the brakes and was almost stopped when Carter erashed into him, cut- tins across the road into the ditch, abreast of me, of it had passed" said Laurie. left Agincourt October 16, and was in Coldwater until October 19, He took out his license to drive on Oc- tober 11. from September 26 when he came back from the Arctic till October 11 without a license pending ex- amination, GAMBLER IS SILENT stein, gambler, died had lived, keeping his own counsel, refusing even to tell the name of the | LETT, NICHOLLS AND HALLATT Real Estate Insurance and Loans Phone 8254 11 King St. East, Oshawa A Real Buy New 6 roomed stucco home with full size ver- andah -- every modern Another auto ahead Cross-exmined, witness said he He admitted driving conv -- central location -- quick posses- sion with only $500.00 cash payment -- balance of $4,000.00 on easy terms. SEE DISNEY Opp. P. O. Phone 1550 Real Estate and Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON 64 King St. West Telephones 572, 223 Night Calls 510, 1560, 2468F 4% Prince STi Oshawa. Ont. PHONE - 716) WHEN DEATH COMES New York, Nov. 7.--Arnold Roth- today as he Laurie as a member of the Hud- son Straits Expedition, and had just returned. his evidence. Carter's bail, in the sum of $10,- 000 was renewed. "My impression is that ELLA CINDERS--The Lyin' Tamer PuLy Ea | ( SIEGFRIED, YOURSELF TOGETHER, | YOU'RE MAKING - YOUR BOW TONIGHT! AN YOU HEAR A ROAR OF APPLAUSE FROM THE AUDIENCE, DON'T FEEL YOU HAVE TO RETURN THE COMPLIMENT | D \F YOU'RE SURE THIS LION WiLL WORK ALL RIGHT? HE WON'T GET WILD 2? man wo kil'ed him, He waz glven pro-lauthorities, altnougn police heliev- tection of the court before giving ed he might have whispered it to some underworld crony and on the theory that this was the case, they spread detectives along at the [to watch for possible reprisals. the woman | time cg the impact that car ahead | "Our lives must stay apart." |of Carter's going north was just 'ed Sunday night in a hotel to which At least he didn't tell it to the Broadway Rothstein died of a wound inflict. ---- take the world métes out to a welcher, he was summoned by telephone, summoned, the police are informed, to be given a verbal ultimatum that the must pay his gambling debts or the under- punishment W. J CULLYY Auctioneer Loans, - Insurance Collection and Real Estate 8406 Simcoe St. 8, Oshawa CALLED TO WINNIPEG Belleville, Nov. 8--Dr. F. E. Ma- lott, who for the past six years has been pastor of Bridge Street United Church, has receive Church, Winnipeg, a call to Young Money to an at 6% per cent, first mortg J. H. R. LUKE Phones: »/1 931; 687TW. LISSEN, HE WOULDN'T BITE A SAUSAGE --AIN'T GOT NQ TEETH, THAT'S WHY! THE ONLY CHANCE YOU TAKE |S THAT HE DIES OF OLD AGE ed BEFORE TRE SHOW'S 5 OVER | NO ff , Copyright 1928, Newspaper Service eT) A Besioes, ILL ee STANDIN' RIGHT HERE IN THE WINGS ! T HANDLED HUNDREDS Q' CATS AND THEY'RE ONLY KITTENS © ME! By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb \\ THEM BIG \\ \ MAYBE YOU ARE OLD, SIGGY, AND. HAVE NO TEETH--BUT I'LL BET YOU CAN STILL _DO A WOT OF GUMMING! T WOULDN'T, BELIEVE THAT LYIN' TAMER, ANYWAY | BRINGING UP FATHER-- By Geo, McManus WHERE. IN THE RR (Wo) 1S THAT STATUY 4 THE VENUS DE MILO? WS TH WHAT 29 7 RE OH! S50 YOu HAVE rr \ WITH AE | TOOK I'T BACK TO Teme ARMD Shr SOs TED You BIG LUM «TH ARE SURREY me EXPRES ARE AWFLLLY IGNORANT ARMS FR. THE MAN MUST THINK YOu ME DIDN'T KNOW aNY MORE THAN | DID ME PET DOLLARS BAMAGES TELLING TOMMY OF A BIRD HIGHWAYMAN, | WELL, TOMMY, SOMETIMES BIRDS AND ANIMALS MAKE THEIR LIVING BY ROBBERY MUCH LIKE SOME PEOPLE DO. THE FRIGATE BIRD IS AN EXAMPLE FEMALE FRIGATE BIRD ON NEST. E3nest BIRDS NEST MANLY IN COLONIES ON TROPICAL ISLANDS. THE BONES OF THE FRIGATE BIRD ARE OF A PNEUMATIC STRUCTURE 4 ~ THAT MAXES THE BODY OF THE BIRD THE GANNETS OUGHT TO HAVE THE FRIGATE BIRDS ARRESTED FOR STEALING. MAYBE THEY HAVEN'T ANY "FLY COPS", Lowest ates Available PARKHILL & GREER 11.40 p.m. 11, 1, Going East Arrive Oshawa Bowmanville 6.50 a.m, 7.50 a.m, 8.50 a.m, LIGHTER THAN ANY OTHER BIRD OF EQUAL YING SIZE, WHEN SPREAD, THE WINGS MEASURE 10 FEET FROM TIP TO TIP. THE ( MALES HAVE A BRIGHT SCARLET POUCH | : BENEATH THE BILL WHICH WHEN INFLATED 4 LOOKS LIKE A TOY BALLOON. © 1928. by King Features Syndicate, Inc. Goonc Britain rights sssrved. [C3+E FRIGATE BIRD 15 ALSO CALLED THE SEA HAWK OR MAN-OF-Y/AR BIRD. IT Phone 1614 87 King St, E. J ; DERIVES ITS NAME OF MAN-OF "WAR BIRD / 8 » 8 vee E58 B3BBEREEE FROM (15 HABIT OF WATCHING GANNETS FISH AND THEN ROBBING THEM OF THEIR PREY. RE --c_a ii 1 Panel Body, /; Ton Truck Chadburn ¥ otor Co, HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTORS 9 Prince 8+, Oshawa Phope 1160 1.00 pm, 11.10 p.m. Time marked are busses to Whitby Hospital. SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE EOSON RE N=ND cB EESER NOPRI nA WNRS OE S528388e8 § OTP TYTTTORS pEBBEEBBREEBRE: DPB To PT TILLIE THE TOILER--Beating Mac to It R MACDougALL,\ AM \ AMAZED AT YoUR STUPIDITY || YOU'RE GOIN CONCERNING Your TRIAL - | AM| | BACK To Your AWARE OF THE FACT THAT Misa | |OFFICE wWikL YOU TONES IS IN LOVE WITH THIS PLEABE GIVE THIS FELLOW NEWTON THAT You SOCIKKED IN, THE EYE - NOW AS YOUR ATTORNEY IT (8 M \ BUSINESS To WIN HER over To OUR BIDE . SEE My Point ve 30 p.m. through pe ~ HERE'S MAC NOW WITH THE CANDY - THANKS A LOY, MR, NO he» <NOW IN THE END LL HAVE TO PAY FOR ALL THESE PRESENTS MY LAWYER 1S SWING TILLIE ~ 'M GONNA tal 10.00 a.m. 12.25 p.m. y a.m, p.m. .30 p.m. a wo Fated Th + A, Henry Insurance & Loans #3% Simcoe St. 8, Phones 1198W Office 1858J --Residence Sonos fifzzeis = Sh EoNnwmeS 28388% For Better Values DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store Corner King and Prince, Casp or Terms Time marked "x" Whitby Hospital. ial Busses For All Rates and Bowmanyille--Phone 412 or 346 Oshawa Waiti Room. | 19 Prince St.-- 1-8 El on, Gene Britain dghts ceserved

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