Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Nov 1928, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1928 EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS COBOURG MAN SHIPS FINE CABBAGE CROP Cobourg, Nov. 3.--John Gentile, of Prince Edward County planted fif- teen and a hali acres of cabbage this summer, irom which he has obtained a fine crop. He has sent shipments as far west as Vancouver, B.C, where the cabbage was consigned to a poul- try fancier. POWER PROBABLE IN MANVERS TWP. Cobourg, Nov. S.--Bethany resi- dents in Manvers Township are en- thusiastic over the probability of se- curing Hydro light and power, and a number of homes and some busi- ness places are already wired in anti- cipation. The power is expected to come by way of Pontypool and Orono. STRUCK BY BULLET AT RUGBY GAME Picton, Nov, S--John P. Williams, insurance broker, while watching a cugby game at Agriculture Park, was struck by a bullet in the back of the neck. It passed through his neck very close to the spine. It is known the bullet was fired from a .22 rifle, and police are of the opinion that it was a stray bullet and not fired with malicious intent. MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE IN COBOU RG ASSIZES Port Hope, Nov. 5.--A manslaugh- ter charge, arising out of the death of the late Mrs. A. E. Symons, on the provincial highway, at Morrish, some time ago, is one of the features on the docket for the sitting of the Fall Assizes, which opens at Cobourg on Monday, Nov, 5th, before Mr, Justice Raney. In this case, J. L. Corkum, of Toronto, the driver of the ill-fated wuto, will answer the charge. BELLEVILLE BANKER BANQUETS CHEESE- EN FOR 22ND YEAR Belleville, Nov. 5.--John Elliott, manager of the Standard Bank ef Canada, was host last week at his 22nd annual banquet in honor of the cheese manufacturers of Hastings and Prince Edward Counties. Mr, Elliott, who is as keenly interested in agriculture as in finance, was paid the tribute of doing more to bring the county and city" together than anyone ever has, by eliminating the "inferiority-complex" and placing the urban and rural residents on the high plane of superior citizens. "CUTTING" CLASSES PENALIZED AT QUEEN'S Kingston, Nov. 5.--At a meeting of the Medical Faculty of Queen's Uni- TELEPHONE 4 Direct Lines to Central The DIXON 262 COAL CO. Your Furnace, Registers or Hot Water Plant, your Cook Stove or any Heating Unit, may require a minor adjust- ment, We will send an expert to your home, office or store, correct your trouble at no cost to you, Buy Your Coal - Jeddo ee Produced Coke - Solvay Wood - Gen. Motors FROM Dixon Coal Co. QUALITY, SERVICE ASSURED versity a method of dealing with the habit of whole student year im "cut- |i ting" classes when the spirit moves was decided upon. It was announced by Dean Connell today that each time hercaiter when a class absents itself from lectures without arrangement || with the professors, the pass mark of its final examination will be in- creased by 1 per cent. that there has beem a good deal of class "cutting," by the jumior years particularly, and the faculty is meet- ing the situation with an iron hand. |} Ii the new method works out in the Medical Faculty, it is stated that other faculties will adopt it. ' PEMBROKE RESIDENT DIES IN 75TH YEAR Pembroke, Nov, 5.--Mrs. Julia Ann Shannon died Saturday afternoon in the Pembroke General Hospital, fol- lowing an illness which had extend- ed over a period of three months, Mos, Shannon had been a resident of Pembroke for forty-nine years and during that time had made many friends, both in her church work and socially. Mrs. Shannon was born in Beach- burg seventy-four years ago and was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McKay. At the age of 20 years she was married to Mr. Patrick Shannon, of Westmeath, who pre- deceased her five years ago. Mrs. Shannon is survived by two daugh- ters and three sons: Mrs. H. J. Mac- kie, Pembroke; Mrs. W. F. Burke, Toronto; John A, in Budbury; Righ- ard M,, in Toronto, and Ray P, in Montreal. She is also survived by two sisters and two brothers: Mrs, John Courtman, of Ottawa; Miss Gertrude McKay and Mr, Angus Mc- Kay, of Beachburg, and Michael, of Cartier, Ont, CAR AND TRUCK CRASH NEAR PORT HOPE Port Hope, Nov. 5.--Swerving out ta avoid hitting a gravel truck driven by Cecil Smith, of Port Hope, J. C. Ward, of Toronto, chauffeur for Mr. Duncan McLaren, of Toronto, and driving a Cadillac sedan, skidded from the highway and crashed into a deep ditch about half a mile north of Port Hope at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon, J. C. Ward, the chauffeur, was driv- ing McClaren's 12 year old daugh- ter and her governess to Trinity Col- lege School, Port Hope, where they were going to visit McClaren's son, The occupants were taken to the Port Hope Hospital where it was found that all three were suffering considerably from shock and cuts) Yin Wn Hain to be held in Y. M. C. A. Parlours TUESDAY, 8 p.m. Rev. F. Dickie Who is leaving shortly for Vancouver will be present and speak, All Cordially Invited I ZA I A It appears ! ie DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Il | 1 Tere and abrasions. . The little girl appears to be the most seriously injured al- though her condition is not considers ed critical. She is suffering from a badly lacerated left car, which is practically cut in two and also from a deep gash on the right limb. Ward was suffering from shock and miner cuts and abrasions but was able to talk to Chief of Police Murphy after the accident. MRS. J. J. TURNER, OF PETERBORO, DIES Peterboro, Nov. S.--Fatal termina- tion of a lingering illness early Sat- urday mornig, November 3, removed from the fanuly of J. J. Turner, 5135 Water street, a beloved wife, and from the city, a woman whose en- deavors in religious and community fields had won for her a lasting friendship and high regard among all classes The late Mrs. Turner, who, before her marriage was Emma Todd, was born in Lakefield, and had lived in this district all of her life. She was known to the many phases of the life of St. Luke's church of this city, and it was only in January last that she was elected president of the Women's Auxiliary. The Y, W.C.A, and other community institu- tions knew her helpiul influence as well, Her sorrowing husband, ex-Mayor J. J. Turner, Turner and Sons, Ltd, mourns her passing, together with one daughter, Mrs. Kendall Dull, of Toronto, and one sister, Mrs. Jas. Vincent, Harvey street, Peterboro. The entire community extends sin- cerest sympathy to the bereaved. The funeral will take place at 3 p.m. on Monday, November 5, from the family residence, 315 Water street, proceeding to St. Luke's church, where service will be conducted by the Rev. G. J. Bousfield, prior to interment in Little Lake Cemetery, COBOURG MAN GOES TO ASYLUM Cobourg, Nov. 5i--Suddenly be- coming demented on Thursday, a Co- bourg resident after a terrific struggle with police, assisted by others, who had followed him in a chase that ex- tended from his residence in the west PERSONNEL OF THE N. S. CABINET 15 ANNOUNCED Premier Rhodes Names New Men to Take Place of De- feated Ministers Halifax, Nov, §. -- It was an- nounced at the office of Premier E. N. Rhodes today that John F. Mahoney, who led the polls in Hal- ifax County in the provincial elec tions, October 1, had been sworn in as Minister of Natural Resoure- es, succeeding Hon. J. A. Walker, who was defeated in Halifax. 0. I', Goucher, Annapolis, and John Doull, Pletou, were sworn in as members without portfolio. Ow- ing to poo health of Captain, the Hon. J. F. Cahan, Assistant Minister of Highways, who is ser- fously ill in hospital, no action re- garding his resignation has been taken. He was defeated in Yar- mouth. The other two members of the Government who lost at the polls, both Ministers without port- folio, were Dr. W. N. Rehfuss, Lun- enburg, and Dr. B. A Leblanc, Rich- mond The executive council is now as follows: Premier and Provincial Secretary, Hon. Edgar N. Rhodes; Minister of Public Works and Mines, Col., the Hon. Gordon 8S. 'Harrington; Attorney-General Hon. W. N. Hall; Minister of Natural Resources, Hon." John F. Mahor- ey; Minister of Highways, Hon. Percy C. Black; Ministers without Portfolio, Hon. J. Fred Fraser, Hon. O. P. Goucher, Hon. John Doull and.Capt. the Hon. J. F. Cahan, CHIMES AT CHATHAM Chatham, Nov, 5. -- A set of chimes installed in a 90-foot tow- er in the new wing of the Sunday School, was formally dedicated at an impressive ceremony which formed part of the anniversary service in the First Yresbyterian Church Sunday. The dedication was performed by Dr. Wasson of Toronto. The new wing of the Sunday School, with its tower and bells, represents a $30,000 build- ing scheme which had its birth at the anniversary supper a year ago. {count ? ARCHBISHOP GIVES FAREWELL SERMON Morel Questions Should Be Greater Concern of the Church Canterbury, Eng., Nov. 5.--Arch- bishop Randall Thomas Davidson, preaching his farewell sermon in the cathedral last night, said he had qualms concerning the force- fulness of the Church on plain mor- al questions, although he was convineed that it was far strong- er and more united than when his working years began. . In his review of his life-work as Archbishop, he said, that without desiring to belittle the gravity of the difficult question now disturb- ing the Church, "the Prayer Book issue." it would be a mistake to regard these surface troubles as the outstanding fact in the Church of England today. He sald he was convinced that the Church was far stronger, has a truer vision of God's purpose, and is more united in effort and prayer than it was years ago. "But," he concluded, *"'are you satisfied about the forcefulness of the Church on plain moral ques- tions--the problems of married life, the temptations of unmarried life, straightforwardness in industry, or in civic and social fields? "Does the Church adequately Is its witness fearless? 1 know full well the difficulties, but {do we face them frankly and cour- lafeously? 1 ask myself, answer gives me qualms." More than 5.000 persons, includ- ing many notables from all parts of the diocese, gathered at the ca- thedral to hear the farewell of the Archbishop. The pulpit and throne of the Archbishop were dec- orated with roses, and my PASTOR GOING TO TORONTO St. Catharines, Nov. 5--The con- gregation of the Queen street Baptist Church this morning accepted with regret the resignation of Rev. (ieorge McLean, pastor for the past seven years, The resignation be- comes effective on November 23, af- ter which Rev, Mr. McLean will assume the duties as pastor of the Dgnforth Avenue Baptist Church, Toronto, to which position he recent- ly received an unanimous call, are available. Phones 871 -- Fill Up for The wise man never waits till is driven by necessity. Becure your CONGER COAL now while best services \ Winter Conerr Lrmen Coar.Co. Livrren, J. H. B. LURE 931 -- 687.W TWO DEAD, FOUR INJURED IN CRASH Child Killed--Was Recently Orphaned By an Auto Accident Stratford, Nov, 5, One of the most serious automobile crashes of terday afternoon, claimed the lives of Mrs. Harry Fetter, aged 43, of Centreville, near Kitchener, and Frankie Fraser aged 2, of Kitchen- er. Four others were seriously in- jured: Harry aud George Fisher, Otterville, and George Tune and F. Peller, Stratford. The accident occurred about 6.30 o'clock this afternoon eon High- the season in this district late yes- | lot New Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs, Fetter and son and the little Fras- er boy had spent the afternoon in Stratford and were returning home, The other car, driven by Tune, was travelling west toward Strat- ford. The automobiles met head- on just at the Perth-Waterloo boundary, The Tune car is said to have turned out to pass another machine, but this has not heen ver- fied. In any event the Fetter car | Was hurled into the ditch on the {south side of the highway and the {Tune car, almost into the diteh on {the north side. Mrs. Fetter and the little Fraser boy were killed (almost instantly, ad Colds Vapors inhal quickly clear head way No. §, about four miles west | If you did not take advantage the big savings on Saturday--- Read This! end of Cobourg, was finally appre- | hended and placed in a padded cell | at Cobourg jail, from where he will | be taken to Whithy, A local doctor who had attempted to pacify the man was injured when attacked, The cause of the sudden mental derangement of the unfortunate man is believed to have been due to ner- vous re-action which followed a pain- ful accident which occurred several weeks ago. The man had been in- serting a bullet in a .22 rifle when in | some manner it discharged prema- | turely, a portion of the shell entering his hand, When the wound commen- # | | ced to fester the man was placed un- | der medical care. The doctors found it impossible to relieve the patient, who was suffering intensely, and he was sent to Toronto where a frag- ment of the shell of the bullet was removed, After returning to Cobourg, the man showed signs of mental sick- ness on Thursday, and a doctor was summoned, The doctor was attack- ed by the patient, who by this time I EE -- = was totally mad, and the police were notified. Previous to the arrival ot the police, the man rushed from his home and made his way westward, Chief of Police Ruse assisted by pro- i ae ¢ vincial police and others bine B Be th How would you like A new junior Lamp this fall? You cer- rounding him up and after a violent teinly will want one if you see the display we have compris struggle got him in a car which re- ing the very latest models. 50 new designs to choose from. nyoved him to a padded cell in the They come in Silk and Georgette with new colored glass ) fringe, or in Tailor Made Designs and finished with Ruching in place of fringe, Others are in parchment or Vellum with hand painted decorations, mounted on walnut, polychrome, art iron or brass standards at new low prices. Complete On Friday morning he was still in- sane and arrangements were made from $15.95 te $39.45 to send him to Whithy, New shades of striking beauty in silk and Who is Your Skiony Friend, Ethel? georgette with colored glass * fringe are amongst this new shipment. Others have a Tell him to take McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets for a couple very smart Ruching effect, the r are new parchments, vellum and crystaline of months and get enough good healthy flesh on his bones to look with hand painted decorations, Prices com- plete from The: latest Barrymore designs, in surpassingly attractive new color harmonies, are being exhibited, The prices you will find most moderate, Be sure to see the displays of Barrymore Wile ton qualities, No other rugs can compare with them for ens during beauty They stand up gloriously under hard, rough wear, they clean easily and their beauty of color is lasting, Write for free copy of our interesting hook, "The Importance of the Rug in the Decorating Scheme', Barrymore Wilton Rugs with rich Oriental patterns in wons derful color schemes, hoth in Persian and Chinese Designs, We have a very complete range of these Rugs now on display, ranging in size and price as follows; ELTD THE ARCAD Store Open All Day Wednesday These are the days that prove the value of the Arcade Service, Ex« cellent choice of Fall and Winter Merchandise at popular prices, - 18 x 38 27 x 64 36 x 63 ARIA Bissells Sweepers $5.75 0 $7.50 Still a Few Left on Sale si ne rine vi 3480 ,. $7.50 to $12.50 ..B1L75 to $22.50 , $232.05 to $30.50 6-9 x 9-0 ..$30.50 to $60.50 9-0 x 10-6 , .8$50,50 to $100 9-0 x 12-0 ,,$60,50 to $125 DC I A L od, a CICS it a 24 'New Fancy Blankets Direct Imported, at 4.59 each Ld CEDAR CHESTS You will want a Cedar Chest this fall, We have them in polished natural Red Tens nessee Cedar, in all sizes at new low prices, Ranging om §14,50 © Real Walnut Chests, Cedar neh $27.50 *° CHINTZ'S splenaia quality Chintz in a wonderful range of and colorings, There are pat- terns suitable for any room in the house, Most of these ore the noted Kensington primis, For three days' spars ial selling. Reg. ya, 59¢ Bc for .,.. SIMMON'S BED OUTFIT A very handsome Simmons' walnut finished bed with 8 fine Panels in head and foot, fittde with Simmons' Coil Spring and Simmons' Layer Felt Mattress at an extra low price, Reg, $28.95 $38.65 for JE )1\@®)i\ Pretty Plaid Blankets, part wool quality, excelent color combinations, neatly bound with Satinette, Size 66 x 80, elope lolol Comforters $2.50 72 x 72 size Bed Comforters, Covering of good quality Silkoline, filled with fresh Cotton. A splendid bargain, like a real man, Tell him, It's the only way to take those grave-like hollows from 1 | his cheeks and neck. , : Tell him that thousands of thin, Bed Sheets $1.19 each America have improved their Full size Bed Sheets, hemmed 1eady for use. Fine even weave Cotton, plo oo erly $8.90 o $29.50 $24.95 physical health and appearance and bless the day they first heard of these wonderful sugar coated tab- lets so full of weight producing and health buildnig essentials, Ask for McCoy's Cod Liver Ex- tract Tablets Jury & Lovell, T. B. Mitchel!, W. H. Karn and every druggist sells them--#60 tablets-- 60 cents--ecopomy size $1.00. Al- most any thin man or woman can put on five pounds of healthy flesh in 30 days or your money will be funded, Ope woman put on 15 pounds in six weeks. Children grow robust and strong--feeble old people fee] younger in a few weeks. Walnut finished bed with wide solid panel in head and foot, fitted with strong cable spring snd pure cotton fill- od mattress, All sizes in stock. Beg. $20.25, for SIMMON"S - BED OUTFIT Luke Furniture Company 63 King St. E OSHAWA Phone 78-79 Ld

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