Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Oct 1928, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1928 Following is the crop report is- sued by the Ontario Department of Live stock continue to do well on pasture. Weather has been remarkably opem with very Feeders are still Plo finding its way to market at prices igh Agriculture: Bruce -- few cold days. in active demand with the somewhat reduced from the int of September, 10 cents still ing asked for quality feeders. Dufferin--The potato market is undertone Truck [bushel hampers. The crop is mov- of a slightly stronger for good quality potatoes, wen have offered as at the farm during the past There will, in all probability, be a larger quantity of potatoes stored than has been dome formerly, as there has not been any great move- ment from this district to date, Several car loads of first quality Irish Cobbler seed potatoes may be secured in this district, Essex--Sugar beet harvest is in The yield will not be heavy owing to dry weather, but content of It has heen praecti- cally impossible to plow with any. thing but a tractor owing to dry This week's rain should full swing. reports are that the sugar is high, weather. high as 60c per bag for best quality potatoes ES ship York State at'prices from $200.00 to $300.00 per head. Huron--A great amount of poul- try, fowl, and chicken has been es that are satisfactory. The good chicken has yet to come, Eggs are holding up fairly well, Lambton--T0 percent of the ap- ple crop this season will be sold In ing rapidly and a much larger per- centage of each year's crop is being sold locally in the towns and eit- fes of Western Ontario, The build- ing of better roads has also opened up a larger area for the sale of ap- ples on farms where apples are not grown, Fall plowing has been de- layed on account of the land be. ing too dry and hard. The rains of this week will enable the farm- er to continue his fall plowing. Leeds--Pastures are still good, all classes of Live Stock should en- ter the winter in excellent condi. tion, There is still a heavy demand from ,the United States for Dalry Cows. This market has meant hundreds of thousands of dollar tn Leeds County Breeders during . exceptionally good, A number of stockers have put into the stables this year at a fairly high price, as high as 10 1-2 cents being paid for good ones. . Wellington -- Threshing is get- ting pretty. well completed and many straw piles have been care- lesaly blown out the back of the barn with ne attempt to build |stacks on account of the enormous quantities of filth. and dirt belch. ing out in. wild clouds of sow-this- tle down and smut spores. The whole country seems to have re- ceived a. good seeding for next year, Summer fallowing and [treating oats for smut must be fol- lowed up more closely next year, Algoma--Farmers consider this the worst fall in the history of the district, Harvesting has been at a standstill for the last two weeks, At least ome third of the grain is still out, some not cut, which will be a total loss, Grain in stook is laprouting badly, EXTENDING BOVINE ~ FIGHT IN QUEBEC Ottawa, Oct, 29, -- The fight against bovine tuberculosis will be [FEDERAL TOURIST TRAFFIC ESTINATE $300,000,000 Spent in Can. ada by American Visitors Ottawa, Oct. 27.--Close to $300,- 000,000, if mot more, has bee: left in Canada this season by tour- ists coming in by motor ears. This is the departmental esti- mate although it is never possible to figure out the exact amount. The basis, however, is commonly that of numbering four persons to each touring car staying longer than one day and assuming that each pers son spends $5 per day when here, The great bulk of the American tourist traffic by motor car has come to 'Ontario and Quebec and the provincial statistics would seem to indicate that certain pub- licly owned institutions in both provinces have 'shared generously in the 'outdide patronage. For the season now closing the figures will not he worked out for some months, but there has just been issued by the acling commis- sioner of highways, George W Yates, an interesting statistical booklet entitled the Highway, the ER review, r cars increasing by about almost 100,000 to a total of 827.618, The motor truck is coming more into wse because, where the increase im the pass-| 'enger vehicles was 13 per cemt. in commercial trucks it aumberéd 16 per ceat. Estimated Revenue The estimated revenue from licenses, registrations, fines and gasoline (axes is placed at just am- der $23,000,000. All the provinces except Saskatchewan impose a tax on gasoline and while heretofore, the common rate has-been three cents a gallon, Quebec this year raised its tax to five cents and Pre- mier Ferguson has just announced that Ontario will follow suit in the coming year, Between 1926 and 1927 there was an increase from 550,906 to 740,398 or 34 per cent. in the number of American cars staying in Canada for 60 days and an even more remarkable increase from 1,521, 151 to 2,410,087 or 58 per cent, in the cars staying only for 24 hours, In the season now closing the yndoubted increase will be more striking, The figures convey some idea of the enormous visitation of the mo- tor, the equally enormous tourist traffic attracted by good roads and the hundreds of millions whieh, when attracted to Canada, the mo- tor car tourist, nearly all from the United States, sends circulating in this country, Do You Own Your Own FOR QUICK SERVICE HAYTON The Roofer ience. Another One-- Brick Cottage, 5 rooms and bath. Every conven- Immediate pos- i session. Situated Carne \ gie Avenue.: $3,900 with $500 cash. remedy that. Frontenac -- Very heavy rains during the week have checked pro= gress of fall work on the land, Potatoes that were late in being harves.ed show considerable rot, especially on heavier soils, Glengarry -- The past week has been one of continmous rain until the south half of the County is so water-soaked that all farm operations are at a standstill, and in view of the fact that we can only count on two or three weeks more of ploughing weather, it looks as if there will be a lot to do in the Spring, The supply of feed is very short, I was talking wo one farm- extended to a number of areas in 185 Arthur St, Oshawa ebec, it is announced in a pro- mation appearing in the current issue of the Canada Gazette, In accordance with an applica tion from the Minister of Agricul tute By dbs, Jnnediste Stops spent in making better roads with ease in the following newly created | their inevitable inducement to restricted areas:--The counties of tourists, Then there are figures Shefford and St. Hyacinthe and registrations and about the tour- stipulated districts in the counties lst trade and much other data, of Drummond, Sherbrooke, Stan-| Nearly a million motor vehicles stead, Yamaska and Richmond, were registered in the period under motor vehicle and the tourist in Canada. . The relation between them is very close, Detalls are given of the way, in the last and previous years, the now expired grant of $20,000,000 has been the past year," 'Three days of steady rain have turned the root and potato fields into quagmires, Many potatees are - still in the the ground, and it is feared that the Ides from rot will be heavy, Roots are being harvested under vepy difficult circumstances and some silo filling 1s yet to be done, There is an occhsional field of grain still out and a considerable acreage of buckwheat, These crops will be practically a total loss, Norfolk--This week the tobacco market opened, Already about one and a half million pounds have' been sold at prices ranging from 82 to 40c per pound for flue-cured, These prices should be fairly sat. {sfactory this year for our grow. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Officers of the newly instituted St, Gregory's council, Knights of Colum- bus, were installed last night, when the charter was presented to the council by State Deputy Grand Knight J. J. Duffus, Peterboro, ass sisted by District Deputy Grand Knight J. A. Thompson and his staff froog Toronto, The officers are: Grand Knight, J. S. Judge; Deputy Grand Knight, S. Kinlan; financial secretary, Wilired Plunkett; record. W. J. CULLEY, Auctioneer Loans, Insurance Collection and Real Estate SEE DISNEY Opposite Post Office, Phone 1550 ing secretary, Gerald Patterson; trea- surer, E. J. McCaffrey; Chancellor, E. J. O'Reilly; Warden, P. McAdam; Inside Guard, F. Lee; Outside Guard, Joseph Callaghan. Following the business session a pleasant social evs ening was enjoyed, about 105 mem- bers and visitors being present, EE | Lincoln was a rail splitter and Hoover splits infinitives, Clearly, as the Boston Tarnscript remarks, an indication of a Hoover vietory= order Cities Star, By Bill Conselman and Charlie Ph mb ers, Oxford--Egg production has been slowing up but pullets are coming into lay fairly fast and flocks are being put in shape for winter pro duction, Very little fall plowing has been dome to date, but with the corn and root crops pretty well harvested plowing will be general' this week, Prince Edward -- Practically all growers have sold their apples, Prices have been. better than In any previous year, Fall work is well in hand, A few tomatoes are still coming In to the factories, Up to the present there have been no heavy frosts, Prescott and Russéll--We have had continuous rain for the last ten days, Fields are flooded, I creeks are overflowing and the . Nation river has raised a good TIME TABLES AUTOMOBILE LOANS Do you need some Ready Cash, Are your monthly pay- ments too heavy, We can arrange a loan on your car at Lowest "ates Available PARKHILL & GREER Phone 1614 87 King St, BE, two feet over the highway, there- by stopping all automobile traffic North and South, There has been very little or no plowing done dur- ing the last two weeks, and indl- cations show that a good many fields will have to be left unplow- ed this fall, North Simcoe--While the acre- age of fall wheat appears to he slightly below normal, the condi- tion at the present time is much better than average, although some fields are suffering from ex- rt | 99 Sisess Siwest Sows BANKRUPT . SALE OF DRY GOODS 79 Simcoe St. N, yr LOANS ON bE MOTOR CARS We will loan you monies on your motor car, or if Lg can meet your presen . ments we will pay off the Shain a renew your pay- twelve months, ad tial BRINGING UP FATHER BY GOLLY I'D BETTER SWEEP THIS UP BEFORE - MAGGIE SEES IT- CPR, TIME TABLE, + New Schedule taking effect 12.01 a.m, Sunday, April 29, 1928, Going West 5.48 a.m. Daily, 6.23 am, Daily. 8.40 a.m, Daily except Sunday, 4.55 pm. Daily, 7.34 p.m, Dail THE INSECT- | THOUGHT | HEARD A CRASH" WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY BREAKING A CUR AND SAUCER? DON'T You KNOW THEY COST MONEY 7 depart from Oshawa Station, -- CNR, TIME TABLE Effective Sept, 30, 1028, 4 4 JIVIBER § = ORV OD® 88; TOTO S g833g8s8 a ma SN S82 LE .m, Daily, .m, Daily except Sunday; .m. Daily, .m, Daily except ly .m, Daily except a .m. Daily, .m. Dai Sundty. "hdl Daily except Sundsy, On gs h-J » 8s -?® a? TEIVE ELECTRIC PLAY BELONGS 70 THE GROUP OF PLANTS KOM AS SENSITIVE PLANTS £3 i T THOUGHT YOU WERE GONG TO F Aw! THEY BUY A COUPLE EWOULONT CHARGE OF ELECTRIC #L "EM AT THE 3 = ] ; a : B ; i H Ed euecmmic er 15 A ware oF sou AMERICA AND 5 FOUND 1 THE RIVERS, WHEN FULL GROWY 1 ATTAVS A LENGTH OF 5 0R 6 FEEL THE FLECTRIC EEL 15 _WTURES GREATEST SORMGE BATTERY, 5 15.STRONG ENOUGH 10 SHOCK A HORSE AND COMES FROM ELECTR CEIS ALOYS 15 IDES, ) k E34e eLecrmic Rav oR TORPEDO 15 A FISH LONG CELEBRATED FOR ITS POER OF EMITTING AT WILL ELECTRO HOOKS OF POWERFUL INTENSITY, THIS FISH 15 FOUND IY THE MEDITERRANEAN AD THE INDIAN AND PACIFIC OCEANS, ©1920. by King Fanturm Synficats. 15. Gaunt Britain rights reryed. B BERR BRIERE [1113114431 Ek nalts BEoatst 111111111] Ll £ 8 11H } : RERRRBRRRES ° EB SEER EE: BFE TILLIE THE TOILER--A Forced Vacation for Mac 36 G6 i BF BERET fi} Eee 553 = i ¥ ERLE S885 444 111111 fl : fies } 111817 111111] alt i

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