~ thie GaHAW A bay HIMES, MONDAY, OC LOUBER £9, 1940 MEMORIAL WINDOW YESTERDAY The unveiling and dedication cere- monies of the new memorial window for the late Semator R. A. Mulhol- morning at Enkin, priate of | rami 'oronto, f ing of the memorial win- NATURALIST PURCHASES SANCTUARY IN BELLEVILLE - Belleville, Oct, 29.--Wallace Have- lock Robb, naturalist, has acquired a three hundred acre sanctuary. . "I have located a place where I will run a well protected sanctuary priv- ately, It is three hundred acres in extent and is a real paradise for birds, There are already wild geese upon it and I shall endeavor to propagate them, and if successful shall give Mr, Walter Turner some stock for the Belleville sanctuary." UNITED COUNTIES WARDEN HONORED AT RETIREMENT Cornwall, Oct, 29.--Angus A. Mac- donell, the retiring Warden of the United Counties of Stormont, Dun- das and Glengarry, was honored by his fellow-members at the last sitting of the October session when his ser- vices were recognized in the form of a complimentary address and the gift of a costly gold watch and chain suitably inscribed as an evidence of the high regard in which he is held, Mr. Macdonell expressed his thanks in a neat address and assured his co- workers that it had been a pleasure to preside over such a capable body of men, BELLEVILLE RESIDENT DIES AT HER HOME Belleville, Oct, 29--Miss C, E, Berkeley, a well-known and highly respected resident of this city, pas- sed away at an early hour Sunday after an illness of two months, De- ceased was a faithful member of the United Church, being particularly acs tive in Junior League and Sunday school work. Miss Berkeley stood high in the Council of the Bay of Why Suffer from Headache, Neuralgia or Neuritis, Rheumatone Cap. sules will relieve you quickly, For sale by all good druggists, Quinte Conference and her advice was much respected. She was born in Belleville 52 years ago, being the daughter of the late Mr, John A, Berkeley and Mrs. Berkeley. She has resided in this city. Left to mourn her loss are her mother, two sisters, Mrs. (Rev) D. H. Leitch, \ Sask; Mrs, E. A. Rid- ley, Belleville, and four brothers, Her- bert H, Camsack, Sask.; Cyril J, Buffalo, N.Y.; Garnett, Toronto, and Garvin, of St. Catharines. THINK MATTHEWS A WANTED IN N.Y. Belleville, Oct. 29--Lewis Matthews held by the Trenton police on charg- es of breaking and entering and theft of money from four houses in that town one week ago appeared Satur- day before Magistrate O'Rourke. He was further remanded to jail without bail for another week so that the po- lice could further enquire into his re- cord, In conversation with the Trenton ice it was learned that Matthews wanted at Elmira, N.Y, reforma- tory on a charge of breaking parole, The nature of the crime was not dis- closed in the message received and the Trenton police are writing for more information, It will not effect the action of the Trenton police as to the punishment to be meted out to Matthews providing he is proved guilty to the offence for which he is charged in Trenton. If a jail sen- tence is given, the New York police will have to wait for their man until the expiration of his sentence in Canada and would then have to take extradition proceedings. KINGSTON DENTIST DIES OF HEART ATTACK Kingston, Oct. 29.--Dr, Albert W, Winnett, one of Kingston's leading dental practitioners, died suddenly at his home Saturday morning of heart failure, He was in good health until a few days ago. Dr, Winnett was born in London, Ont, but had been in Kingston for many years, carrying on a large dental practice. He went overseas with the Dental Corps, and shortly after his arrival overseas was made Adjutant of that service, He held the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel previous to that, he having been an officer in the old Fourteenth Regi- ment, Dr, Winnett was a member of the Masonic Order and was Past First Principal of the Ancient Fron- tenac and Cataraqui Chapter, Past Master of the Hugh de Payne Pre- ceptory, and a member of the Shrine of Rameses Temple, He was a mem- ber of the Frontenac Club, the Cata- raqui Gold and Country Club and the Kiwanis Club, He is survived by his wife and one son, Albert, who is at» tending Queen's University, Dr, Win- nett's father predeceased him a few months ago in London, AID WARD IN ESCAPE TWO BOYS ARRESTED Belleville, Oct, 29.~Raymond Bald- win and Walter Boyce, two 17-year- be 1] 5 reli hin ® LR fs z , H DODDS KIDNEY 1 | PILLS TTL) weer old youths of Madoc, appeared before Magistrate Casement Friday after- noon charged with aiding Clayton Akey, a ward, to escape from arrest, T. D, Ruston, inspector of the Child- ren's Aid Society, attended the court for his department. The youths were given a severe lecturing, by the Mag- istrate and were allowed their free- dom on the payment of the costs of the action, It is understood Akey was on a sus- nded sentence and committed an offence, Constable Fitegett went to bring Akey in and Baldwin and Boyce aided in his escape. Akey took re- fuge in a silo and was cornered by the constable, A portable ladder was' thrown away from the silo and Akey only had one means of egress, that being by the chute, Constable Fit- chett took up his position at the chute opening but he did*not reckon with Akey's accomplices. The boys plac- ed the ladder up on the side of the silo, and informed Akey the way was clear, The youth went down the lad- der and escaped across the fields. Baldwin and Boyce were later arrest- ed, REWARD FOR ARREST OF THUGS Buffalo, N.Y., Oct, 29.--A re- ward of $14,000 was offered Tues- day by the post office department for the arrest and conviction of sev- en men who held up a taxicab on the night of October 14, and escap- ed with four pouches of mail after wounding four guards, STOLEN BOAT RECOVERED Provincial Officer Thomas Mitchell has been successful in locating and returning to its owner a motor boat which had been stolen from Long Beach, Scugog Lake, Mr, Mitchell stated that the boat was the property of Cowan Campbell and had been taken from its moorings, a distance down the lake and sunk. It was found by Indians, Hg Thrilling Offering-- Coats 20 Every Cost Enriched by Genuine Fur Selections for Miss and Matron, U Jled sig Matchless Yalues. Every ing wh new, shaw ew, deep haul i 2 ia of fur mater THE ARCADE LIMITED SHITH DEVOTES HALF HIS SPEECH 10 PROHIBITION Democratic Candidate for President Says Question is Close to American Heart _ London, Oct, 29.--The election of Herbert Hoover is not so sure. The magnificent reception accord- ed Al Smith in New England may mean "an explosion upward of the comman man through the crust of Republican complacency." This report made today by the Washington correspondent of the London Times, who nas hitherto regarded Republican victory as a certainty, has aroused considerable comment, Volume is added to the changed tune of London opinion by the principal news story of the Daily Mail, which gives Gov. Smith better than a fighting chance, Smith Stocks Goes Up "There is uneasiness' in the Republican camp," writes the Lon- don Times observer in Washing- ton, "for the chances of election of Gov. Smith have perceptibly improved in the past two wepks and are £till improving, "Those who accompanied this astonishing man into New England have nothing but prodigles to re- count, "Those who remained in New York tell of reports from the West- ern States so encouraging that they hesitate to believe them, May Portend Explosion "These are so many rumblings, as it were, which may portend an explosion upward of the common man through the crust of Republi- can complacency, "For the first time, perhaps, the prediction of Mr. Hoover's success must be made on the Republican side, say the wiseacres, There was too eager denial on his behalf of the history-that Mr, Hoover had once danced with a negress, for it could do him lit.le good with the white folk of the South and may hurt him with the colored voters of the North and Middle West, "It was foolish to rush info print with the denial of the rumor that Mr, Hoover had once voted in England, for the use of the heavy machinery of a National Committee declaration and a State Department let.er leave the impression that there must have heen something in the tale after all, "Finally, the New York speech with its picture of State Socialism as a sort of reiracted Bolshevism, gave the irrepressible Gov, Smith an opening which he used gleefully and wi.h tremendous effect,' Odds Lowered The Daily Mail features the im- provement of Gov, Smith's chances under the heading, "Gov, Smith's Fighting Chance, Wall Street Lowers Its Odds." "The Democrats, although facing heavy odds," the Mail dispatch reads, "are fighting strenuously for 4 an eleventh-hour victory, Their hopes have risen upward like rockets after the triumphant wel- come in Boston this week to Gov, Al Smith, LOVE TANGLE CAUSE JF CULT'S DISASTER I Dissension in Ranks of Colony at Fort Meyers Fort Meyers, Fla,, Oct, 29.--Ten 'ears after "Brother Isaiah," gray- haired and bearded "faith healer," had founded a colony on a 180- acre tract near here, the cult Wed- nesday was facing dissolution be- cause of a court ruling which or- dered the property vacated within three days, A love tangle, prove the basis of trouble, Dissension broke out in the ranks shortly after 'Brother Isaiah" had departed recently for California with two young women members of the colony, leaving "Brother" Helder, In charge as 'eader, Soon after the colony had been founded, Mrs, Eric Younger, whose husband owns the tract, became a member, but is alleged to have eloped with "Brother" Ernest Alden, one of the members, who ~laimed to be a "god man" and to nossess divine powers to rule the 1niverse, Younger obtained a divorce fol- it was revealed, the cult's 'wing his wife's elopement, The last chapter of the cult's his- ry here began when Younger and Brother" Helder engaged in a fist- '1ht. Helder had Younger arrested nd when the latter was acquitted un a charge of assault and battery, Younger entered suit to oust the ~0lony from ifs property. The colony has now dwindled to a dozen men and women, ONTARIO HONEY WINS EXHIBITION HONORS Toronto, Oct. 29, -- Ontario honey products on exhibit at the London Dairy Exhibition now being held in England won first, second and third prizes in competition with honey producers from all parts of the world, according to a cable received by the Ontario Department of Agri: culture. ' The exhibits were those of the On- tario Honey Producers Co-operative Limited, and were the only exhibits of the province to win prizes at the exposition, SE oN STOCK PRICES NOT TOO HIGH SAYS DURANT New York, Oct, 20.--W. C. Durant, "automobile manufacturer and mdrket operator, returned from Europe on the Beremgaria Friday night declaring himself still a bull on stocks. "For the past year, from the constitutional pessimist, from the essional bear and from the vast group who do not realize that conditions have . greatly changed, we have heard the constant ery that prices of stocks are too high," said Mr, Durant, "I most emphatically disagree. It is not that prices of good stocks a year ago prices were much too low. Good stocks, measured by prices of the best foreign securi- ties and income returns, are cheap and are going higher. The New York Stock Exchange ' is the greatest security market in the world, While the busienss today is are now too high, but rather that' INO EVIDENCE OF NEGLIGENCE BY HENRY BALDWIN Crown Fails to Sustain the Charge in Connection With Auto Crash in September Henry Baldwin was discharged by Magistrate Hind in court Satur- day afternoon after the crown had failed to prove a charge of criminal negligence against him. In dismis- sing the case, the magistrate ruled that it was unnecessary to call the defence, as evidence submitted by the crown was not sufficient to warrant a conviction. Cars Baldwin was charged with criminal negligence following the death of Edgar Pratt on September 8 last. Pratt was killed by a section of a lephone pole, which was broken as large, with the many fi which are being split up and more to follow ,the exchange before many months will be called on in busy times to handle from 8,000,000 to 10,000,000 shares a day, "For the benefit of our timid friends who follow the loan situa- tion very closely, it might be well to' add that brokers' loans, secured by the finest collateral in the world, selected and priced by the banks, will of necessity be correa- pondingly increased." BANK ROBBER DROPS LOOT IN SAFETY RUSH Silver Springs, Md., Oct, 29.-- The Silver Springs National Bank was held up Sat, morning by a lone robber who obtained $2,200, but dropped $700 of it as he fled in a shower of bullets fired by bank SmPloyoes, He escaped in a taxi- cab, When covering the kitchen table with oilcloth stretch the matemnar smoothly over the edges and fasten on the under side with gummed tape. The method is quick, the wood is not marred and the cloth can be easily removed at any time, a result of an automobile accident in which Baldwin's car and that of Wil- mot Campbell figured. Campbell has since been committed for trial on a criminal negligence charge. i tnessea Baldwin was defended by Thomas Phelan, of Toronto, while Crown At- torney McGibbon conducted the pro- secution. The witnesses included Fred Haberfield, William G. Kent, Henry Cain, Frank Hinks and Rus- sel White. Dr, Burk's evidence, as given in the Campbell case, was ac- cepted. CYCLISTS T0 START SIX-MONTHY' TOUR Two Montreal Men Ready To Leave Victoria, . B.C. Victoria, B.C.,, Oct, 29.--Louis Degagnier and George Fraser, both originally of Montreal, were hand- cuffed to their Qicycles and are now ready to start on a six-months' tour which iz planned to bring them to their home city, where they will be released from their vehicles, Chief of Police John Fry locke! TELEPHONE to Cental 4 Direct Lines 262 The DIXON COAL CO. Your Furnace, Registers or Hot Water Plant, your Cook Stove or any Heating Unit, may require a minor adjust- ment. We will send an expert to your home, office or store, correct your trouble at no cost to you. Buy Your Coal - Jeddo m5 Prin Coke - Solvay Wood - Gen. Motors Dixon CoalCo. QUALITY, SERVICE ASSURED the handcuffs on the two men and the key is being sent to the Chief of Police in Montreal, who will release them there, One hand- cuff is fastened on the left arm of each of the cyclists and to the end of a six foot chain which is secured to the bar of the bike. The two men say they are "studying nature" through the medium of their bicycle tour, De- gagnier has been riding a bicycle all over Canada and the United States for the past seven years and Fraser has been doing the same for two years. They recently forms ed a partnership when they met in Vancouver. Their proposed route will be by way of Vancouver, Seattle, San Diego thence across the continet to Florida and then to New York and Montreal. MAINTAIN GUARANTEES UNTIL GERMANY HAS PAID Caen, France, Oct, 29.--Speak- ing before 700 mayors of Norman- dy municipalities, Premier Poin --- ee care today reiterated his recent statement that in the forthcoming reparaitons discussions France will insist upon integral reimbursement by Germany of the entire Freamch war debt as well as indemnity for devastation, Until that is done, he said, "we have no right to aban. don out guarantees blindly." 'MALLETT'S COAL VICE Satisfies Corduroy to match, fit storm curtain Very handsome Baby Buggy in coffee 'shade, lined with rich well tempered springs, and ar- tillery wheels, Complete with 525.50 ted on offer. shades, Special 3 Piece Fibre Suite antique buff, comfortable seats, Special Fibre Suite Brown Enamel with decora rocker, holstered in black ground Special LEER] fitted on wire wheels, Well made Baby Buggy in Cream Fibre, lined with Cream Corduroy and A very special Can be supplied in various $2295 tichen Floor Smart Fibre Suite in shaded comprising settee, chair and rocker with cushions covered in smart chintz, The seats have spring construction making very $42.50 8 Piece Fibre Suite in Golden tions on backs comprising large size settee, chair and The seats are auto spring construction and up- d strong chints in bird design on' $79.50 === Mie bellollalallelal BISSELL CARPET SWEEPERS $5.75 to $7.50 Congoleum Rugs New Congoleum Rugs are now on display in the latest patterns and colorings at the lowest price they have beeil for many years, Ranging in sizes and prices as follows; BXD ,000000000000.8650 TB XO ,,00000000,.87.05 Dx 10:6 ,0000000.,811,25 DX 12 ,,000000000,.818.75 -- Printed Linoleums 4 yards wide, Linoleum that will cover your floor with out seam, In heavy quality and well seasoned, Comes in fancy tile, carpet and floral effects, Buy now before the cold weather arrives, Yon will find it easier to handle, Reg, $1.10 for sq. IAPR sor0p0rnrrnn Suite that is made for comfort. Th Arm Chair, Regular $162.50, for Snyder's Chesterfield Suite Snyder's Sani-Bilt Suite, upholstered in fine quality imported Jacquard. A large size ree pieces, comprising Chesterfield, Wing and $149.00 Luke Furniture Company 63 KING STREET EAST PHONES 78-79 5