Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Oct 1928, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1928 e veral from here a held in the hall a stor excha Rev, Foley of Selby Those present enjoyed is Shin all that could be desired, and the t the choir, "While filling siloes is this neigh | borhood, Mr, Arthur Hubbard met with an unfortunate loss, when an unseen object passed into the cutting eg lg UR tunately he was able to re and is able to continue filling, SEAGRAVE Seagrave, Oct, 24,--The season of the year will soon be at hand when with snowstorms come blocked roads and tearing of the motor traffic, From what we have noticed during the past winters a good deal of this could be avoid- ed with very little inconvenience or cost to the individual farmer, The majority of the farmers are very reluctant to revert to the horse and buggy or cutter if the roads are any ways passable for a car, There is not only the saving but the com- fort of riding in a closed car, in comparison to an open cutter or buggy. The chief cause of roads being blocked is the rail fence, the majority of which are all ready in bad need of repair, The plan that is adopted in numerous other town. ships of firat requesting the oteu- pants of farm lands bordering on the roads and concessions to low- er their fences during the winter months and where they do not comply with the vequest, the fences r, and Mrs, McPherson and daughter, Audrey, accompanied by Mra, Cecil Pridham, all of Toronto, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs, John Mark on Friday of .ast|U week, Mr, and Mra, Orr Shunk, Mr, and' Mra, James Shunk spent Sunday with friends on Scugog Island, What 1s the matter with our church, or should we say the con- gregation, Is it last of interest on the part of the ple who do not attend, or does the fault lie with those who do, Or is it because they stay at home to - entertain their friends who use Sunday as visiting day? There is certainly some cause for so many seats being vacant. Our church is In need of some revival to awaken people to the higher things of life, Some people tell us that the world is getting better, hut do they really believe such to be the case? We have not many young people in our community to carry on a Young People's League, hut the older people could attend ut least once a week and help make our church more like the days gone by, Our young people need encouragement to carry on this great work, The writer has done a en deal of travelling around in the past few months and find Sts. rE Your Opportunity For A Safe Sound Investment In the 7% preferred and common stock issued of the Robert Fraser, Ltd, A consolidation of the Electric Nut Krust Bakeries-- Oshawa and Peterboro--also Bachelor Apartment, Hotel and Cafeteria, now being erected at Division and Brock For further information clip coupon and mail to-day Or Phone 3120 1 Gentlemen, WALSH, STONE & ELLIOTT, Investment Brokers, 74 Bimeoe St. N,, Oshawa, Without obligation on my part, kind} have full information regarding this ig let me MAA TT TTT TT MAA TT TT II De you remember the story of the Totem Pole told in our first announcement six months ago We have conscientiously kept this in mind, and the volume of business with which we have been favored since then is an incentive to greater effort on our part to serve the citizens of and the City of Oshawa, Oshawa Lumber Co,, i [3 it | 25 Ritson Road Nosth Phone 2621 CLEARS CHOKED DRAINS CLEANS, DISINFECTED NGS YURE ATL BL RR TUUNRIAY GILLETT'S LYE nearly every country church the same, So many other amusements to attract the younger generation away from God's House, We need the church and the church needs 8. Mr, and Mrs, J. Irwin were called to Cadmus owing to the ill- ness of Mr. rwin's mother, ' CLAREMONT Claremont, Oct. 25--M?r, Donald Rawson, M.A, of Toronto, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs, Reuben Rawson, The Misses Margaret and Mabel MacLellan, Viola, Mary and Georgia Forsythe, attended the North York Inter-High School Field Day which was held in Markham fair ground on Saturday. The pupils of Markham, Richmond Hill, Aurora and New- market high schools contested the various events. Mrs, Thos. Neale went to Palmer- ston on Monday to attend the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Smith, Rev. A. MacLellan conducted arini- versary services in Sandford on Sun- day, The pulpit of the United Church was occupied by Rev. Mr, Quaife of Zephyr, Sr Luther Bowes of Peterhoro visited his mother, Mrs. Jos, Readman on Friday of last week, Mrs, Wm, Hopkins of Midland is visiting Mrs. Spoffard. Mr, and Mrs, John Smith spent Sunday with the latter's sister, Miss Helen Scott, who is seriously ill at her home in Claremont, Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Hayward of Ardberg are visiting relatives in town, Mrs. Thos. Wilson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Scott in Hamilton, The Mission Band of the United Church will hold a Hallowe'en tea on Wednesday, Oct. 31, followed hy a choice program given hy members of the band, Tea will he served from 5 to 630 pm. Admission, adults 25 gents; children, 12 years of age and under, 15 cents, Everybody welcome. Rey. H. R. Stevens and Mr, F. C, Gostick are in Hamilton attending the Baptist convention, The Mission Band of the Baptist church held a re-opening meeting on Monday with Mrs. Wm. Birkett in charge of the band, Services were conducted in the Baptist church on Sunday in the morning by Mr, E. Lewis of Toronto; and in the evening by Rev. E. Bell- smith of Toronto, Mr. Gordon Goodman intends hold- ing an auction sale of farm stock, im- plements, furniture, ete, on Saturday, Oct, 27th, . Miss Margaret MacNab who has been visiting in Uxbridge with her brother, Mr, Chas, MacNab, returned home on Saturday, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Johnston of Toronto spent the week end with the latter's father, Mr. Jas. Courts, Mr, and Mrs. John Sands and son Jack of Toronto accompanied hy the former's mother, Mrs. Wm. Sands, of Dresden, were guests of Rey, and Mrs. A, MacLellan on Sunday, Mrs. Thos, Neal and daughter, Miss Clara, visited the former's daughter, Mrs. Stewart Graham, at Myrtle on Sunday. Miss Margaret Graham, who has heen visiting friends ip Whitby and Oshawa has retwrned home, The members of Braugham Ma- sonic Lodge bad a big night on Wed- nesday last when they entertained a large number of visiting brethren from Toronto lodges, The main fea- ture of the evening was the presen- tation of regalia to R.W, Bro, Rey, acLellan, P.D.D.G.M, The pres- entation was made by the District Deputy, RW. Brs. Davis, Supper was served after which a good pro- gram was proyided by the visitors, The regular meeting of the Aid of the United Church was held on Thursday of this week. Following the meeting, tea was served by Mrs, J. Stewart Mrs. Roy Ward, Mrs, F, Cooper, Mrs, T. Bacon and Mrs. H. Johnston, PICKERING Pickering, Oct, 24 --Mprs. E. Burch, of Toronto, a former resi- dent of Pickering, paid a short visit to local friends on Monday, Miss Laura Andrew, of Toronto, spept Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Andrew, Mrs. Cyril Morley, of George- town, visited relatives in the wuu- age this week, Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Pilkey, and daughter, Phyllis, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Draper, at Mount Albert. ; Mrs. A, Bayes spent Tuesday with friends in Toronto, Mrs. A. Burrell and son, Rus- gel], spent the week-end with rela- tives in Peterboro. The St. Andrew's Y.P.8. held its weekly meeting on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clark. After the regular program in which the delegates to the Lay- {men's Convention at Toronto, and the Y.P.S. Convention at New- castle, gave their reports, the ey- ening was closed with games and lunch. Mrs. J. 8. Ferguson spent Sum- day with relatives in Potobore, Jas. Richardson is confined to his home through illness. Mrs. Wm. Burt and Mrs. Wm. Peak, of Toromto, visited with Pickering friends. on Wednesday. Motorists who forget to carry their permits are in danger of run- ning up against the trafic officers in the district. During the past few days they have been exercising their privilege of seeing such per- mits, and as a result, are hailing over thirty unlucky drivers into the local court. The minimum for such an offence is one dollar and coats, Mrs, J. C, Stork spent Wednes- day in Toronto. The members of St. George's Church met together on Friday evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thas, Mansfield, Fairport, around a banquet table, in honor of Rev, W. R. Sproule, who left this week to take up his new du- ties at Windsor, After the sup | per, a program of toasts was given, under the direction of ©. Fair, who acted as toastmaster, Rev. Mr, Langford, and Messrs, Watkins and Channon, both of Wycliffe College, were present, and joined with the congregation in wishing Mr. Sproule all success and happiness in his new charge. The most important event of the evening, was the pres- entation to the guest of honor, by Mrs. Mansfield, of a silver sick communion set, suitabley engrav- ed. Mr, G. W, Barker read the address af presentation. Mrs. Sproule, mother of Mr, Sproule. who was present, was presented with a beautiful bouquet of mums hy little Miss Betty Birminezham. During the evening, the gathering was entertained with a series of moving pietures, showing Niagara Walls, and the "Big Swim" held at 'he Canadian National Exhibition, All arrangements have heen made for splendid anniversary ser- vices to be held at St, Andrew's Church, on Sunday. In the morn- ing, Rev, D. M. Solandt, D.D., of Toronto, will he the spe2ker. The home choir will provide the musie, assisted by . Mr. Gordon Brown, tenor soloist, of Taronto, and Mr. W. Wright, violinist. At the even. ing service, Rev. H. J. Prichard. B, A., of North Broadview United Church, will preach, and the musie will. be vendered hy the Cedar Grove Choir, On the Tuesday evening, after the chicken ple sup- ner, which will be served from § to 8 o'clock, in the basement, 8 worth while program will be given hv Mrs. Lenore Hurd Best, singer, n'anist and elocutionist, the Holden "fale Ou-rtette. of Oshawa and Mr, Roht. Holden, saxophone a0loist. No one can afford to miss the musical treat whieh will he nrovided on that evening, not to mention the hreath taking repast which the ladies will serve preced- ne the concert, CLEAR HEADS and CLEAR NOSES, If so, remember 'Nostroline," It clears the head and stops mucous discharge. Jsn't that what you want? - Get "Nostroline" just as soon as you can reach, or mail order to, Kam's Drug Store, pext Post Office, King Street East, Oshawa. So soothing and pleasant, Your Nose Needs 'Nostroline' MODEL GITY HAS NO UNEMPLOYNENT Silver End in England Said To Be Happiest Town London, Oct, 26.--Because F. H, Crittall never forgot 'that 40 years 280 he worked as a village black- smith, and because he and his eld- est son believe in carrying precepts into practice, Silver End, im the county of Essex, claims to be the happiest town in the kifigdom. Its population largely is made up of ex-service men, many of them badly wounded or mutilated. There ia not a man out of work. There is no poverty, There is no smoke, no soot, no noise, Every family has a mice house with gar- den, electric lights, bathrooms, and modern conveniences. It all has ha ed as an after- math of the World War, When the conflict was over many of the employes of the Crittal Manufae- turing Co! y came back from the army looking for jobs, Their places had been filled, but Presi- dent Crittall was eager to ao something for them, The company has plants in Braintree, Maldon and Witham. One day Crittall and his eldest son, V. G. Crittall, who is managing di- rector of the concern, heard of a large tract of flat farm land, situ- ated almost in the centre of the triangle formed by the three towns, "We'll buy this and build a mo- del factory here," sald the two men, So said, so done. A plant was erected, designed to manufacture bronze handles and other fittings for doors and windows, The name Silver End was given to it, The employes work from 7 in the morn. ing until noon and from 1 o'clock until 5. The early hour for start- ing was chosen by a vote of the men themselves. There is no work on Saturday or Sunday. Silver End beat even Henry Ford to the five-day week, Out of 321 employes, 225 are ex-service men and of these 115 are suffering from war disabilities, The method of pay is original. Every man when put te work, is given a shilling an hour, thus earning 45 shillings a week, After gaining experience, a newcomer is put into one of three plece-work gangs. Their earnings are pooled and shared equally, whatever. op- eration each man performs. long ago the weekly wages pald to each man topped $22.50, which is high for England, The men have a liherty In the factory that is rare in England, They are allowed to smoke as much as they please. Having built the factory, the Crittalls proceeded to construct a garden city to house thelr work: ers. Roads and streets were con- structed and 400 residences put up, substantially huilt of brick and concrete in pretty designs. Tennis courts, cricket fields and a miniature golf course were lald out, President Crittall built his own home in Silver End, It is constructed of the same material as the workmen's and his nearest Not |4 (2 The October Bedding Sale Is Going Over In a Very Big Way Why wouldn't it? Look at the real money it is saving our customers. Look at the quality merchandise that is offer~ ed at these sensationally new low prices, Was there ever a bedding sale planned mor timely. Right when cool nights bring their need for cosy blankets and - comforters, these savings are yours, ------. T0 SUPREME COURT Asks Review of Decision Covering Immigration Regulations Washington, D.C., Oct. 26.--At- torney-General Sargent has decided to apply to the Supreme Court again for a review of the District Court decision which has held in- valid immigration regulations which hampered border crossing by foreign-born citizens of Cana- a. The District Court at Buffalo held that Canadian citizens, even though born abroad, were entitled to cross the United States border for employment in this country, re- turnuing to their homes nightly, and retaining residence in Canada The Government appealed to the Supreme Conrt, which recently re- fused to intervene, SIMOOE ST, NORTH SARGENT TO APPLY | I | ee REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY If your Watch is not giving satisfaction we make it tell the correct time WE pair and D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian Naticmal and Osh. awa Railroads, 10 King St, W, Phone 189 J.D.KELLOGGS sthma REMEDY Dr, J, D, Kellogg's old reliable Asthma Rem. edy is a simple but effective relief for Asthma and Hay Fever, It is composed of herbs, the fumes of which when burned, quickly and effective- ly relieve all Sits. tion, Acts safely and surely, Manufactured by NORTHROP & LYMAN COMPANY, LIMITED Canada Toronto neighbors are workmen, AMBLE'S There's Only One More Day Left To Avail Your- selves of the Shopping Advan- tages in this Store Tomorrow is positively our last day in this store-the more we sell the less we move--hence the reason for such good values in all lines LAMBLE'S Don't Get Mixed In The Address 4 King St. E.

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