Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Oct 1928, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1928 PAGE 3k THREE Next Year's Chevrolet Will be an All Canadian Automobile CITY NEWS | 2 aaa aaa so 8a aa on First Radio Equipment by Airplane From U.S, to Canada TTT TTT Trees (Supplied by Stoble, Forlong & [FOOT INJURED Co) F, E, Train, Sales Manager for the Luke Furniture Co., sustained an injury to his foot last evening when he Jlenped on a nail which penetrated his boot, inflicting a painful wound, MERCURY DROPS The mercury dropped to 28 de- grees above zero in the darkemed ed of the early morning and Cn, Malt, Oshawa had its first ice of the sea- Cty, Dry son in poke of water on low-lying Imp. Tob. ground, The barometer rose rapidly Imp. OA during the night, the pressure in- Int, Pet. dleating 30.50 above ses level. Loblaw Ms, Hr, 8, Station Sh, Wht, Hr, Wal, Md. Nickel 33 Mines 295 October leads her radiant hy 8 Q'er all the ------ pings gay Ta Wenn procession Tide, eool-- Re after all, what can you ex- pect during the dying days of Oc tober? A temperature below the freez- hts, and a fine Tug point these nig Na Stock High Low Asbestos 24 24 AbitRod 43 42% Bell Tel, 166% 165 Br, Am. 48 46% FN. Burt 19 70 Cark ., 33% Cn. Brd, 152 12.30 24 .down and seme and then hy That's HeGoaan: eveasary for ] e rest Is a clea fq at a a sight, too, last a gh, ® gaze Into the deep blue of and see Venus, the mighty xoddess of the heavens, shining brilliantly fn the southwest, and away in the east the giant planet Jupiter, seem- * ingly out, the to al each other in brillianey - and glory, Later in the evening that great plant Malt, to which some peoble Toniy imagine they are sending signals, No better sky than the October sky to see the heavens: lighted by the great lanterns of the gods, And the Hunter's moon-- esse Your golden moon is high, And the leaves like little harle- | Bldgood INQUEST TONIGHT he inquest into the death of Gertrude Irene Grose, who died in Oshawa General Hospital allezed- ly from an illegal operation some time ago, will be held in th coun- cil chambrs tonight at 7.30 o'clock. Coroner Dr, Holg is conducting the inquest, GUELPH HERE TOMORROW At Alexandra Park tomorrow ar ternoon General Motors interme- diate Rugby crew will play Guelph, Supporters of the Oshawa team expect a vietory in view of the record of the local aggregation, with three victories and not a sin- gle defeat, to thelr credit, 316 , 386 Amulet Abana quins Go lightly blowing by, As though to keep a rendezvous With joy before they die, And where are the songs of Spring? Aye, where are they? Just now it's a song of October, that has its music like the other months, while barred clouds bloom the soft-dving day and touch the stubble fields with rosy hue, And where are the blackbirds that only a short time ago gathered in the shade trees and counselled about the trip down South? October's colors fleat and fling Their banners 'gainst the sky, As in the sun-filled languid days Her hrilliant train sweeps by, Greater Oshawa faces the end of the year with'the proud satisfaction of a population close to 27,000-- the city of motors and the city of progress, Oshawa 1s helping to make the old proverb come true = He whe hesitates is tossed, And tomorrow the Oshawa In- termediates go out to another vie- tory and this time over the pros- trate bodies of the Guelph crew, Every little victory has a mean ing all its own and this means that Sarnia and Oshawa will seon he trying it out for a provincial cham- pionship, ¥ Meteorologically speaking -- the outlook is fair and eool, Pair and cool tonight, Fair and cool on Saturday, Last night the mereury dropped to 88, hich means 4" degrees of frost, v And the barometer ' is roosting high at 80.50 above sea level, in. dicating some fine, crisp Octnner weather, It doesn't seem so cool in Osha- wa when we realize that it's sero at Dawson City, Meanwhile--fair and cool, See Venus in the southwest to- pight about 6.80 o'clock, Then turn east and see Jupiter, If you're out at late as 10 o'clock look In the southeast and see Orion, the Mighty Hunter, ris- ing in the sky, « 100 ve 960 CLOUDY AND COOL The Weatherman says that to- night will be very cool again and that Saturday will be cloudy and cool, with east and southeast winds prevailing. The weather has been mostly fair and cool from Manitoba eastward, and mild in Saskatchewan and Alberta, KIWANIS CLUR The Oshawa Kiwanis Club meets in Welsh's Parlors tonight to fur- ther the organization of the Club in this city. Temporary officers are A. J. Parkhill, President. R, B, Smith, Vice-President, T. W, Joyce, treasurer; J, B. Waterous, secretary; F, G. Carswell, district trustee, | Fir, by Que, Mandy MeDoug, Meln, Malar, MA), ,, Mn, Cr, 3815 Nipls, ., 295 Noran, ,6826 Pad, Ore, 1835 Potter, , 3% Prem, ,,,222 Ribago , 7% Rb, Mt, L] 8d, Bs, 716 8h. Gr, 685 Tk, Hg, ,,878 Tow, ,,, 806 Wr, Hr, 287 21 13% +1166 a6 ++ 3160 130 2% TOP PICTURE shows arrival of Buhl airplane from Buffalo, This ! machine is owned by National Air- Ie craft Limited and was chartered by Tait Radio Sales, distributors of Federal Ortho-Sonic Radio to bring a special shipment of radios from Buffalo to Toronto, aronto. Standing Corporation, J. M. Char PISREGARDED SIGNAL Not all motorists pay the same attention to the stop and go sig- nals at the eity's main intersection as do the local motoring fraterni- '{ty, This was witnessed yesterday afternoon when a big touring car, of tub:like appearance, paused for a hare second ahead of the red light and then shot on impudent- ly. Fortunately for the driver, 280 Johnston, Pilot, m fait, President Tait Radio This is a sis- | Customs Officer, A. NEW YORK STOCKS Stock High Low Amer, Can, 110% 100% Briggs Mfg, 63 62% Can, Dry ,, 171% 7% Chrysler ,,,184 132% Congoleum 26% 26% Fam, Ply, ,160% 160% Gen, Mot, 221% 220 Gra, Pa, ,,, 483% 40% Hudson ,,, 86% 82% Hupp 1000 78% 8% Int, Comh, 690% 69 Mt, Wrd, ,886% 8832 Mar, Ofl ,, 44% 415 Phil, Pet, , 456% 45 Pan, Am, ,, 62% 2% Packard ,,, 06% 06% Radio 100 8380% 227% Srs, Rbek, ,167% 157% Sin, Ol ,, 87% 36% Stan, Oil ,, 47% 47% Studebaker 80% 79% Simmons ,, 915 00 U.8, Rubber 80% BOY U.S, Steel ,163% 162% Wiys, Ovid, 29 28% [Westmount. school, hers of school children recross the highway at every day and as it is b city limits, the traffic mo ly, making it youngsters, ticed recently whereby {school boy riding a biey out on the highway fro there was no police officer in sight, or his negligence would have meant a "ticket,"" KINSMEN'S CLUB Cyril Churehly local jeweller, was the speaker of the evening at the regular meeting and luncheon of the Kinsmen's Club held last night at Welsh's parlors. A splen- did wild duck supper was provid ed. On account of the council holding a special banquet for the senior lacrosse team, the meeting was held on the first floor of the parlors. Angus Barton acted in the" capacity of critic for the ey» ening, Plans were made for a meeting on November 22 when other Kinsmen organizations will be represented here, Woolworth 201% Wr, Aero ,.166% Vie, Talk, ,138% L Yellow Cah 388% 200% 166 136 87% 201 166% 138% 38% speeding. car, The usual sign would serve to put ers on their guard, COUNT ON TRIAL (Cahle Service to The Times by Canadian Pre Toulousse, France, Oct, 26.-- Count Plerie Marie Raymond de Crouset Rays Bae, aged 32, has ad- mitted throwing his 17-monfh=-"'"' illegitimate son into a canal on January 18, The Count is now on trial here in a court room heavily, guarded, since the. feeling against him is strong, lars of Temperance was last night at the Sons o Hall under the auspices wa Council, R. T, of T. Millan, Toronto, Grand for Ontario of the Royal and J, WARNING SIGN NEEDED There is evident need of a warn- ing sign being placed on the Kings- ton highway in the vicinity of tuted the new council, ter plane to the one used hy Mrs. are I Horle, Chief Engineer, Federal R tadio | dian representative and Lt. W. J In front is WW. l.arge num- hazardous An incident was no- street and nearly collided with a JUNIOR ROYAL TEMPL A junior council of-Royal Temp- , W. M, Mc» Smith, Toronto, director ot junior councils for Ontario, ley, Cana- J. E H. Sales with | hrought Mr. Ward. there. Later LOWER PICTURE shows shipment Lindbergh in flying from Detroit to | being transferred to Moth plane | which Mr. Tait flew in to Brantford {to make delivery to Federal dealer in the afternoon this | ph ine with Pilot Geoffrey Younger Tait to Oshawa, land. ling in Alexandra Park. members. cross and this eyond the ves quick- for the cillor Ronald seretary, Lloyd Collacutt; Chappell; son; sentinel, Mrs. 8, a care'ess cle darted 1 Re cautionary The officers lect Councillor Frank Cragg; councillor Roy Drecell; Manning; (iiles Barnard; secretary Lorne Dalton; guard, Se- vice. past couns recording financial treasurer, chaplain, Bessie Clifford James are: Chappell, J. Collacutt is director of the local junior council, Johns Volume of Sales Has Reach- ed a Point That Warrants Manufacture in This Country Instead of the United States, Says H. A. Brown, General Manager of General Motors of Can ada --Oshawa Not Affect. 'ed By the New Project Commencing with the production of the 1929 Chevrolet, all Canadian Chevrolet engines wiil be made in Canada, at the Walkerville plant of General Motors of Canada, Lim- ited. The old engine foundry at Walkerville is being rehabilitated and will be in operation making the new Chevrolet engine, late in December or by January 1. This statement was made by H. A. Brown, general manager of General Motors of Canada, Limit- ed, to The Times this morning, It comes as a definite announcement following the forecast to this effect which appeared in The Times about two months ago, All Canadian Machine Mr. Brown said that this would, he thought, mark the realization of the company's ambition to make the Chevrolet more nearly all- Canadian than any other car, A plant is being established at Walkerville to manufacture axles, Both the wooden and metal parts of the bodies are made in Oshawa, and most of the other parts are made either in this or other Cana- dian cities, so that the Chevrolet will now be practically an all- Canadian automobile, Volume of Production It is mot practical at the present time to manufacture engines for the other General Motors' cars in Canada, stated Mr. Brown, who pointed 'out that it was only in an automobile with the volume of production that Chevrolet has at- tained, that it is practical to make the engines here. Until four years ago, engines for Chevrolet, Olds- mobile and McLaughlin-Buick auto- mobiles were made at the Walker- ville plant, but this was closed when it was felt that it was not practical to make the engines with the volume of production then being attained, and the engines have since heen imported from the United States and built into the cars in Canada. Now, however, the the driv- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ARS : age. Immediate organized f England FOR RENT--HOUSE AND GAR- Very possession, central. Apply 76 Hogarth St. (98¢) Chevrolet has attained a volume of sales that will warrant the manufacture off engines in this country, Passenger Autos .... The addition which is being con- structed at the Walkerville plant of Osha- Secretary Templars, | floor, instl- with 16 Apply 201 Mary TWO FURNISHED rent for light housekeeping. ground use of electric washer. objections to two small children. Phone 739W. St, (98¢c) ROOMS TO No will he opened about December 1, said Mr, Brown. The new office building being constructed there will be opened about Novembey 15, snd the axle plant is oractically ready for operation, The Fisher body plant ,which was al,o closed Engines For Canadian Chevrolets To be Made at Walkerville Plant four years ago, is being re-opemed to make truck cabs and bodies, as the entire line of Canadian-G.M.C. and Chevrolet trucks will be made in Walkerville, leaving the Oshawa assembly lines free for passenger automobiles. Plant Regina Construction work on the mew Regina plants, being erected to assemble Chevrolet and i'ontiac automobiles for the Western Can- ada trade, will be complet:d De- cember 1, the original date set by the company, sald Mr, Brown, Work has proceeded satisfactor- ily, and the lines will be started in operation December 1, it is ex- pected. This plant will be an ase sembly unit, assembling the bodies, engines and other parts shipped from Oshawa and other Ontario cities. Mr, Brown stated clearly that the opening of the Walkerville en- gine plant would not affect Osh- awa in any way, and certainly would not take any work from this city. WRIGHT--Tuesday, Oct. 23, 1928, to Mr, and Mrs, J, A. Wright, 128 Gibbons St.,, a son. Both doing well, (98a) (n Memoriam ii FRINK--In Glen Frink, 25th, 1924. Four long years have passed dear Glen, Since Angels came for you Yet through the mist of all our tears Your face comes smiling through Bach lovely hour that we have spent Is woven through and through With golden threads of memory Dear Glen all for you, Ever remembered, Wife, Billie, mother-in-law, father-in-law, (98a) IN evening, loving memory of who died October Coming Events 8 Cents per word ach ine sathm, Mintmum charge Tor each insertion, 8c, PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE Orange Hall, Friday October 26. Good prizes. (98a) INTERNATIONAL AUTO WORK- ers' Union special general meet- ing in the Knights of Pythias Hall. 8 o'clock, Saturday even- ing. Please mote address of hall, (98a) ST. ANDREW'S LADIES' AID Church Fair will be held Tues- day, December 4. (98a) | SATURDAY . EXTRAORDINARY SELLING NEW FALL SUITS | | AND O'COATS FOR MEN & YOUNG MEN MODELS MATERIALS Double Bi Breasted Single Breasted Come In and See 37 Only of These Tailored Suits for Saturday and the Week End at a Price that Eliminates Competition--- But 37 Men Will Get a Super Value of the Season To-morrow. Note the Styles and the Cloths---Choos- ing Will Be Easy if You e Here Saturday. AS ALWAYS, COMPLETE SATISFACTION IN FIT, PRICE, MATERIAL AND TAILORING--OR YOUR MONEY BACK. bartwright's : 6 KING EAST MEN'S PYJAMAS NEW FALL HATS Your choice of the house in these guar- pnteed pure fur felt bats -- apy style-- any shade. $2.95 $3.95 $4.95 MEN'S SHIRTS Arrow make, spar- tan repp, fine shirts of outstanding qual- ity, fine patterns and 81.95 Pe prrrrr Pree 'FORMERLY DETENBECK'S Prrprp Prrrrrrr Two Button Three Button Men's "True Knit' fall weight combina- tions made from a light cream, fine ww $1 39 prrssssr Navy Fancies "8 i | I's' weight combina- specially fine garment for tiops. » A Oxford Grey Serge lue Pin Stripe Greys, Browns, BH Blue Serge [4 25 NO CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS GOOD QUALITY UNDERWEAR FOR MEN AND BOYS winter Boys' "Penman's' and "Mercury" com- binations for winter wear in a fine mer- vid *Penman's 95" combinations, A ino. Wear well and wash well. $1.29 Sothink poss PESR per $3.95 MEN! ODD TROUSERS, SPECIAL AT $1.95 $2.95 $395

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