Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Oct 1928, p. 12

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PAGE | WiELVE Tiik Gal lAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 192 CHECKS ARE T0 'BE SHOWN INTHE SHALL MYSTERY (Continued from Page 1) " rsonal reimbursement other i bare Specs, " sie u ye ing to the long-standing . "ds oftered for a solution of the nine-year-old mystery. Dr. Langsner will make a fur- ther statement to the Attorney- General's department as to the exact nature of his proposal, fol lowing which there will be further discussions with Deputy Commis- sioner Alfred Cuddy, Too Much Publicity In a further interview Dr. Langsner indicated that his work was much embarrassed by the publicity he has gained here. Such publicity, he says, is against his will, and he proposes to "vanish" in order to avoid it further, Lind- bergh, he says, had no publicity before his successful overseas flight, but the world acclaimed afterwards. hi "The criminologist insisted that he was human, and that humans may err, and that he might have made mistakes, might make them --might even fall, but he felt con- fident that given the proper aid, he may solve the mystery which now engages him, . Further details of his earlier life and accomplishments were given by Langsmer, who touched especi- ally upon his powers of hypnotism, hypo-narcosis as applied to a sur- gical ease in Homolulu, and other bizarre matters Failure a Possibility Dr, Langsner has come to a path, in the trail towards his promised solution of the Ambrose Small riddle, which he feels he cannot follow without the aid of the provincial police. Dr, Maximilian Langsner, M.L.L. C., having adopted a theory in the Ambrose Small case, is prepared to try it out--provided suitable financial arrangements with the Ontario Government can be made. What hope there may be of such financing 'will be deiermined in further pour parlers, Insofar as discussion of the Small case itself is concerned, that phase may be considered as com- pleted, for the present, at any rate, at a conference yesterday between the criminologist and Acting-Com- missioner Alfred Cuddy, of the Provincial police. It lasted only an hour. Dr. Langsner"s visit to the Pare lament Buildings, or at least his dy had any statement for publica- tion, Commissioner Cuddy also said that he did not expect to report to the Minister at present. Presum- ably there is some further state- ment or proposition to come from Dr. Langsaer, Colonel Price left the building at almost exactly the same time as departure therefrom, d considerable stir, Presence of a cordon of newspaper men and photographers about the Com. missioner's door was obviously distasteful to the visitor, who had tried without success to arrange a conference elsewhere. The Com- missioner compromised to the es tent of showing him out by an un- derground route, Via trapdoor im the office floor. Dr. Langsner was escorted through the cellar to the west door of the building, and thence, in his car, brought around hurriedly from the main entrance, he escaped the cameramen, Langsner, Bayly, Cuddy Confer E. Bayly, K.C,, Deputy Attorney- Langsner on the preceding day, General, who had talked with Dr, was present during this interview. Neither he nor Commissioner Cud- +i | L | Jie Selecting Bacon If you have not made the acquaintance of ARROW BRAND BREAKFAST better quality, BACON, now would be a good time to do so, Those of our customers who have know they can depend on the quality, Try a pound of Breakfast or Back Bacon this week and see how good it is, Confidence in the quality is clearly established by the large quantities sold, which éhables us to give ARROW BRAND is attractively put up in Cellophane Paper under the most sanitary conditions, quality guaranteed, STORE HOURS Btores at 30 Simcoe MN and 156 Simcoe 8, Stores open 8 a.m. Stores close 6 p.m, Close Wed,, 12,30 an} tat, at 10 o'c'ac Rolled Oats 3 Lbs. 15¢ Wax Paper ki Roll 37¢ SPECIAL» PURE RASPBERRY JAM 5 34, Breakfast FigeBsikmih » Currants Tess. Seives rate or. 2 Lbs. 29¢ Raisins Poy amity: Raising pines 'Secacs Lemon Peel T5% coun Cave Crosse & Orange Peel . 2 Phkgs.27¢ Seedless Raisins!**%. 8551 2 Lbs, 25¢ Specials Are on Sale ctf. Featuring Special FRY'S Be Wise -- Drink Fry's Golden Ba Ay ntam Corn imer Brand---No, 2 uality----A: :nyy Tues, & Thw Sp.m, Wed, 1 am, "rd, & Mat, 10 am, 8 pm, Pickles," M™ 20¢ Salt pos woaniss Phg. 9¢ Prepared Mustard French's ,, Quail : Tin 16¢ yimer Peas § 85" 5s Tin 18-02, Tin 22¢ Shelled Filberts Gold. 4 Beans Soli Nor 2 Size Tn 0000000 Finest Quality ws Va Lb, 10e Tin 21¢ Lb, 22¢ SPECIAL~ CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S oll's Lb, 24¢ Turn Down Caps .... Lb. 24c PEEL .. Drained 21 Mincemeat Hoek' euasy .. Coffee QE ETRE Daly... ...Lb, 87¢ Peaches asst Ga... 2Y,-Size Tin 34c Ripened. Cocoanut Siies rine: aus. ...... Lb. 21¢ Diamond Cleanser Fens . 2 Tins 15¢ . +@ Phgs, 23¢ Pears RNS ETEN Sv. wo. 2 me. 12%3e Prunes 2050. Club House Coffee sia® 2 Lbs. 19¢ 1 Lb. 63¢ Ys Lb. 33¢ under vacuum ba ~<y Ny gt Ae EL Water Like ... Pkg. 14¢ the doctor, though less hurriedly, on his way to attend the formal opening of the Children's Convales- cent Home at Thistletown. Financial Ald Dr. Langsner has claimed that he can solve the mystery of Ambrose Small's disappearance and bring to justice the guilty parties. As to when, he is not specific, but there is no vagueness about the one es- sential condition--that of financial ald, . What the Deputy Attorney-Gen- eral and Acting Commissioner Cuddy will recommend with respect to Dr. Langsuer's proposition can only be jectured. The conference, plus an hour or so consumed in arrangement for the underground exit, lasted about 2 hours, Commissioner Cuddy look- ed a trifle borde. He was not pre- pared to reveal what his visitor had narrated, but intimated that the ground had been covered, as far as the Small mystery was concerned, and the doctor's proposed plan of procedure discussed as well, though not to a finality, Mr, Bayly, after seeing the doctor safely off, was busy in his office until after five o'clock, then came out smiling. "Anything to say on the confer- ence?" he was asked, "No." Pressed for detdils, he demand- ed, "How can I say anything be- fore I report to the Attorney-Gen- eral?" "You have something to report to him?" "Sometime, not to-night." The Attorney-General has taken the attitude that he will not 'pooh pooh" any offer of new information In the Small case, Expense May Be Reasonable "No report has been made to me by Mr. Bayly or Mr. Cuddy," sald Attorney-General Price, reached at midnight, "I was out of my office all afternoon,' * His attention ealled to Dr, Langsner's reported proposal for linancial backing by the Govern- ment, Col, Price said he under- stood that the investigator wanted his expenses paid, which might be reasonable, RADIO PROGRAMS (Continued from Page 9) CFCF (411)--~Montreal. Jack Denny, -NRR (312)~Regina, Capitol Theatre, KFAB (319)~Lincoln, Orchestra, KSTP (222)--8t. Paul. Dance, WCAU (261)--Phila, Vincent Lopez, WCCO (405)~Mpls-St, Paul, Dance pros ram, SEE (508)~Boston. Cocoanut Grove, FLA (517)~Clearwater. All-dance, WGBS (349)---N.Y. Vagabonds. WHK (265)--Cleveland. Ace Brigade, WIBO (306)--Chicago, Buddy Fisher, WLS (345%---Chicago, "Showboat." WMAK (545)--DBuffalo, Art Landry, WMCA (370)--N.Y, Dance. WOR (422)--Newark, Hotel Astor, WPG (273)--Atlantic City, Silver Slip. er, Wiva (254)--Richmond, Hotel Rich. mond, WOC (375)--Davenport, Heuer's orches, 11,10 WGR (303)--Buffalo, Statler, WNAC (461)--Boston, Roseland. 11.30 WHN "(394)--N.Y, Silver Slipper, 11.45 KYW (526)--Chicago, Studio orches, WCFL (484)~Chicago, Guy Lombardo, WGN (416)--Chicago, Bobby Meeker, 12 mid WCFIL (484)--Chicago, Orchestra, WHK (265)--Cleveland, Williams, WHO (535)--Des Moines. Dance. WIBT (389)--Chicago. Royal Canadians WSAI (361)--Cleveland. Henry Theis, 12,30 a.m, WCFL (484)--Chicago, Savoy. WGES (242)--Chicago, Spike Hamilton, WMAQ (448) icago, Dance, WMCA (370)--N.Y. Swanee Club. 1.00 NBC System: Dance orchestra: KPO, KFI, KFOA, KGO, KGW, KHJ, KHO), KOMO, KNX (337)--Hollywood. Dance. KYW (526)--Chicago. "Insomnia Club," (Copyrighted, 1928.) CANADIAN MINING PROMOTER WILL BE SENTENCED FRIDAY | | New York, Oct. 25.--Sentence on John Pappasimakes, former well- known Canadian mining promotor} {who was convicted on a grand Jar- ceny charge here last week was postponed until Friday, when Pap- pasimakes appeared in court Wed- nesday,, He was returned to the Tombs. Papasimakes was ocnvicted on the complaint of Caroline Wyckoff of New York that she intrusted $4.- 995 to the accused and that she was given worthless stock in re- turn for her money. Pappasi- makes was connected with the Hattle Gold Mines Company, a Canadian concern, in which a large amount of money was lost by in- vestors, WATERLOO PLOWING MATCH Hespeler, Oct. 25. -- The annual match of the Waterloo township plowing association, held Wednes- day afternoon, was a decided suc- cess. There were three classes for men. three for boys and one trac- tor class. George B. Little, Adin- colirt, acted as judge. W. O. Grenzell was the winner of the first class in sod. ist Tells ay to End ER -- matter what your age may be, how long Poss been troubled or how many med- tried without swocess--if Weakness aad re- TET PT a. DRIVER ARRESTED DURING INQUEST FUNERAL CRASH Barrie, Oct. 25.--After an hour's consideration. following six hours of conflicting testimony, a coroner's jury late Wednesday afternoon brought in a non-commital verdict stating that on evidence submitted they could not attach blame to eih- er driver for last Friday's motor tragedy a Fennell's in which Thom- as Armstrong, Dorothy and Rebecca Watson and- Mary Coleman, all of Toronto. lost their lives. The driv- ers of the two cars were C. W. Car- ter, 655 Queen street, Toronto, and L. W. Laurie, of Agincourt. Before the verdict was delivered. however, the Crown had laid an in- formation against Carter, the driver of the death car, charging him with wilful negligence. The summons is returnable in Barrie police court: October 30th. In taking this ae- tion, Crown Attorney Evans entire- ly disregarded any verdict the jury might return. % Almost at a Standstill W. L, Laurie, "driver of the southbound roadster, swore that he had never exceeded 30 to 33 miles an hour all the way from Coldwat- er, and that he was "almost at a standstill" at the time of the im- pact. He said the funeral car, with its human cargo of seven people. skidded across his path and into his car at about 15 miles an hour, Coroner W. N. Rogers: "It is in- concelvable that such damage anv disaster could result under condi- tions such as you describe." The witness. however, refused to be shaken. He sald he applied both foot and emergency brakes 40 feet away and that his brakes were "in perfect condition." Laurie's companion in the roadster, W. J. Russell of Unionville, who owns the car. sald he did not remember any- thing from 'the time he got a glimpse of the Carter auto. He was unconsious for an hour after and dazed" for days. He could throw absolutely no light on the accident, he insisted when pressed. Rideswined Kenneth Gray, Toronto, mining engineer, at whose mother's home in Coldwater Laurie and Russel? were visiting, and who was follow- paid on 54 Burke St, $35.00 puts this and have it Ea at W. F, BOWDEN in come in. Phone 2580W ster just prior to the crash, placed the speed at about 85 miles, one or two miles either way, and said that Laurie had come almost to a stand still before the crsh. He said the Carter car sideswiped the other while taking the ditch, William Barker, a Toronto sales man, said Laurie and Jdray had ing at a moderate rate of speed. A service station employe, a short distance north of the scene of the accident, corroborated this evi- dence, The latest financial definition of genius is: "An infinite capacity for ing immediately hehind the road- passed him before the accident, 80- | making gains."--Ottawa Journal, ¢ An Pink Capsules Jor Indigestion had 0.4 Te ONTO Sto MEN'S SOX Painter's White 5c. Overalls 50c Silk Ties FOR SALE --====3 Everything Must Go! Balance or Keating's Bankrupt Stock Must Be Sold This Week 10c. Men's Blue Overcoats Lined $10.95 Men's Horsehide Gauntlets CARHART MAKE 75¢. Mens Blue Suits, Pinbead Stripes pant $15.00 Store Must Be VACATED 79 SIMCOE ST. N. 'Half Block North of Armories

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