Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Oct 1928, p. 10

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PACE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1928 ee Suburban and District N ews Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents. EE a EU Ee - COURTICE tice, Oct. 23--Mr. Homer Mi Oshawa, and Miss Bird Dean, Toronto, were recent guests of Miss Mabella Walters. ----- Wi evening was on - quite successful although the night was disagreeable. Mr, A. F. Annis, BA. LLB, Oshawa, gave a fine ad- "How Ro Law Jeera reedom." A piano t Was R Misses Hazel Rundle and Sadie Muir and games were enjoyed by the oung people. y On Friday evening about one hund- red from this community op o rmanville to see our young 3 Bow on their play, "Arnold Goes Into Business." 3 § Saturday afternoon the meeting © the Mission Circle was held at the home of Mrs. Russel Gay. | The president, Mrs. Arthur Pascoe, was present and presided. At the be- ginning of the meetin the vy had a sing song. Miss Beth read the Bible lesson. The story © thirty years in Korea was read by iss Velma Gay. Mrs, Clarence Penfound gave a talk on Home Missions, Re- freshments were served by Miss Hazel Rundle's group and a pleasant time enjoyed by all. Mrs, ay and her daughters, Velma and Bernice, were most attentive to their guests. A good attendance at Sunday ser- vices on Sunday last. Three ser- vices were held as usual. Our pas- tor, Rev. J. H, Stainton, was present and preached morning and evening. At the evening service he preached on "The Religions of India" Next Sunday evening he will preach on "Religions o Shira On a day afternoon Mr. ingale, Os y will address the Sunday School on young people's work. | : Mr. Herbert Osborne is sporting a ew Whippet car. : » While ok A. F. Rundle, Miss An- nie Holt and Mrs, Roy Nichols were in the church service at King St, Oshawa, Sunday evening their car was stolen and was located sometime Monday morning in Toronto, The fellows who stole the car changed the license numbers but the serial num- ber was still on the inside. Mrs. G. F, Annis sang in Hamp- ton Sunday evening it being their W.M.S. service, : 4 Mrs, W. R. Courtice was with Mrs, Frank Smith, Mary St, Oshawa, Sunday. pH picking is the order of the day now. : SOLIN Solina, Oct, 20.--Mr, A. L, Pascoe attended the wedding celebration of Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Osborne's, at Courtice, Mr, and Mrs, B, G, Stevens and Mr, and Mrs, R, C, Scott and Miss Margaret at Mr, A, Beacock's, Nes- tleton, . Miss Sadie Brodie, Toronto, at J, W., Reynolds', Mrs, McArthur, Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Hogarth, Miss Doro- thy, Harmony, with Miss Mary Ho- garth, Mr, and Mrs, J, T, Rundle at Bow- | 4 manville for the anniversary vices, ; Miss Nellie Coleman, Darlingford, Man, and Mr, E, G, Law, Toronto, at Mr, C, Tink's, Mr, and Mrs, R. J. McKessock and Misses Margaret and Ruth at Mrs, Thos, Pascoe's, Hampton, Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Tink and Miss Kathleen at Mr, Geo, White's, Hampton, The Epworth League met on Wed- nesday night last, with Mr, Chas, Shortridge in the chair. The opening hymn was followed by a prayer by ser- Rev, Mr, Bick, The minutes of the | pf last meeting were read and approved, A new secretary was appointed in Miss Baker's place, namely, Mr, Thos, Westlake; also a new pianist, namely, Mr, George Werry. e were then favored with a vocal duet by Jessie and Gladys Yellowlees, Mss, A, J. Reynolds then gave a splendid talk which was both interesting and in- structive, on her trip to Newfound» land. Miss Lena Fi A then took up the devotional part of the meeting, which she made very interesting, us- ing hymns 24 and 40 and several short prayers by the Leaguers, Mr. and Mrs, Everett Hoar and Charles, of Bowmanville, : celebrated their eighth wedding anniversar; with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, J, J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Cowling, Oakville, at Mr, S. Hockaday's, Mrs. J, J, Smith at Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur, Zion, at S, E. Werry's. Mr, and Mrs. M, Byers and family, Pontypool, and Mr, and Mrs, Mac Young 's meeting last | his Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. iller, New k, at J. J. Brown's, Mr. and Mrs. . N. Pascoe at ames Dart's, Burketon. u Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yellowlees and family at Norman Samis', Newcastle, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Blanchard at mother's, at Raglan for her sale on_Monday. Mi Hogarth Mrs. R, ps at Mrs. Newton Stacey's, of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rundle at J. MKensien, | us. Mr. and Mrs, Theo and fam- ily, of Toronto, at N, C. Yellowlees. MYRTLE Myrtle, Oct, 18 --Mrs. Hattie Hud- is visiting her son and other in Toronto, Miss Dorcas McFarlan spent the week end with Mrs. Rosswell . Dob- son, of Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs, Dob- son returning with her Sunday even- ing to attend the special service here. Congratulations to Mr, Arch John- son who was successful in winning a ten dollar cash prize and a wind- breaker on his ploughing at the match which was held at Manchester on Wednesday. Mrs. W. Balmer has returned to her home in Whitby after spending a few days with Mrs, Wilfred Gra- ha m. Mr, Rancier, of Alberta, visited his sister-in-law, Mrs. Rancier, last week. Mr. Charlie Pilkey has got a very large stock of feed and grain on hand at the elevator this fall, Some of the grain he trucked from the farmers. Owing to so many dairy farms in demand for all kinds of mill feeds, Despite the doubtful weather on Thursday afternoon there was a splendid attendance at the Women's Missionary Society which was held at the home of Mrs, Oscar H. Dow- ney. Mrs, Clarence Harrison occupied the chair and after the opening ex- ercises readings were given by Mrs, Merriman and Mrs, Wilfred Gra- ham, Doreen, the little daughter of Mr, and Mrs, George Williams sang very sweetly, "Jesus Loves Me," and received a hearty encore. The meet- ing was then thrown open for the tr ion of busi It was de- cided to have a quilting in the church basement to finish the quilt which has been pieced for and ordered by a lo- cal lady. It was also decided that the first vice-president should still have charge of the meetings, until the end of the year, when the re- election of officers would be held, The meeting then closed by the Miz- ah benediction, after which the kind ly hostess served a dainty lunch for which she was tendered a hearty vote of thanks, The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, R. Long. COLUMBUS Columbus, Oct, 23.--Mr. Thos. Werry, of Toronto, visited at Mr. and Mrs, John Stone's, Misses Dorothy and Bessie Pascoe of Enfield, visited at Mr, and Mrs, Herman Pascoe's, Mrs, Timothy Longhurst and fam- ily wish to thank the Canadian Or- er of Foresters and friends and neighbors for their kindness shown to them in their recent bereavement, Remember the Thanksgiving sup- per, on Friday, October 26. Mr, Ross A, Murison, of Madoc, visited his parents, Mr, and Mrs. A, Murison, over Sunday. Mr. G, Forster, of Madoc, visited at Mr, and Mrs, Tenyson Pereman, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Monroy and daughters Rilley and Margaret, vis- ited at Mr, and Mrs, A, Murison, _ Miss Mary Dyer, of Oshawa, vis- ited over the week end at her home, r, and Mrs, Wm, Dyer, Sunday, October 21st, will long be remembered in the annals of the United Church Harvest Home ser- vices, which brought fine congrega- tions from the surrounding district, In the morning Rev, R, A, Whattam, of Oshawa, preached in his usual im- pressive way, while the local choir led in special service of praise, In the evening every available space was occupied and 'the Brooklin United church choir' rendered fine service, Rey, G, Mason, of Bowmanville spoke on "Faith or the Venture of od," the occasion was not only one of thanksgiving for the season's boun- ties but one rejoicing for the con- gregation, which has just completed a fine enclosed shed which will be finished in a single season, Now we look forward to the annual festival on Friday night. Supper will com- mence at 5 o'clock. The ladies are advertising roast chicken, hot scal- loped potatoes and pumpkin pie, The program will consist of a drama en- titled "Home. Ties," by local talent, ' BH. W. SHERIDAN. Agent "RasES 79 Shmooe Ht. 8, Phone 513 Pacific, Learn the a IHS ET, Phone Adie Canadian Pacific the neighborhood there is a constant | --=------ interspersed by musical numbers, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Purves motered to Chatham Tuesday to be at the bedside of her father, who has been confined to his bed for sometime. Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Ashton, Mr, and Mrs, E. L. Vickery, of Oshawa, and Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Robinson, ot Toronto, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Levi Ellens' on Sunday. The dance at the township hall be- ing the first of the season was re- ported a good time last Friday night, Mr. Elmer Glover, of Oshawa, is spending his holidays with lis par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. F, Glover. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Tarves spent Sunday at Blackstock at Mv. and Mrs. Badwell, Mr, Bob Gilroy, of Toronto, and lady friend, of Oshawa, spent Sunday at Wm. Ellens', Mr, M. A, James, Mr. and N. S. B. James, Bowmanville, Mrs, Dr. White, Mrs. Jas. Phillips, New York City, visited at Mrs, J. James, on Sunday, Mrs, ZION -- Zion, Oct. 23.--Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cameron and Miss Mary were Sun- day guests of Mr, Fred Belson's, near Courtice. When ready to go home, driving a horse and buggy, they had gone over to the right side of the highway, intending to turn north on the town line, but a car, coming from the cast, failed to see the buggy and crashed into it, breaking two wheels, but fortunately, no person nor the horse were badly hurt, only badly scared. Mr. Norman Fursey, Oshawa, came along and took the Cameron's home, . Mr, and Mrs, Everett Mark and children, Little Brittain, were Sun- day visitors at Mr. W., W, Glaspel's, Rev. Mr. Lovelace, of Ivanhoe, took our service very nicely Sunday morn- ing and was entgrtained to dinner by Mr, and Mrs, A. T. Stainton, Miss Doris Stainton is spending a week with her grandparents in Bow- manville, : The Ladies' Aid will hold a quilt- ing at the Sunday School rooms on Wednesday afternoon, October 31, at one o'clock, Each lady bring a lunch, Subject for roll call Thanksgiving or harvest home, Please let everyone respond, with this subject or a verse of scripture, Miss Annie McMaster, AT.CM, is teaching a piano class in Oshawa this term, OPPOSES REVISION OF DAWES SCHEME Belgian Government Gives Attitude on Reparations Agent-General Paris, October 24,--Conversa- tions in Brussels yesterday between 8. Parker Gilbert, Jr., Agent-Gen- eral for Reparations, and Premier Jasper and the Belgian Ministers of Finance and Foreign Affairs, made it clear that Belgium is not at all keen to see any revision of the Dawes plan which would affect its reparations claims, Mr, Gilbert left Paris with cer- tainty that the conferences be- tween himself Premier Poincare and Winston Churchill, Chancelloy of the British Exchequer, bad est- ablished complete harmony in the views of the French and British Governments toward the main prin- ciples of the proposed revision, It is understood that JLondon and Paris have agreed upon the general tions to be given their rep- resentatives on the committee of experts which is expected to meet early in December in Berlin. One of the questions on which it was feared there might be a dit- ference of opinion between France and Great Britain was Poincare's claim that France must receive a dufficient amount of reparations payments from Germany to leave ber a substantial sum toward the cost of reconstructing her devast- ated areas after paying off her in- debtedness to the United States and England. Churchiil assured Poincare the British Treasury would not oppose this conception. velop better contact ment continue limit of 14 years as a permanent feature of immigration, BRITISH YOUTH SOUGHT TO BE GEE HE Ottawa, Oct. 24.--More and bet- ter juvenile immigrants are ex- pected to come to Canada from the Motherland as a result of a confer- ence held at the Department of Im- migration yesterday. . The meeting was attended by representatives of the Canadian Council of Child Wel- fare, the Provincial Government Departments of Child Welfare, agents of the British Immigration Association and officials of the Fed- .' |eral Department of Immigration, The conference lasted all day dls- cussing better methods of selec. tion of juvenile migrants before embarkation, more careful medical inspection, better methods of place. ment in Canada and follow-up work, Important recommendations were made with respect to future policy. It was felt that juvenile immigration, properly selected and directed, is very useful to Canada, and that the boy settlement schools of the Federal and Provincial Gov ernments and the Overseas Settle. ment Department in Britain are most depirable, The conference was marked by a fine spirit of co- operation, though there were air- ferences of opinion, Mrs, E, M, Thorburn of Ottawa presided. The report of Mrs, Breckenridge McGregor of Toronto, concerning the "home" boys and girls and what becomes of them at the end of the probationary period when they have reached the age of 18, was an important topie of discus sion, and it was felt by some that there should be more Canadian control in the management of these "homes." Canadian Doctors With regard to a recommenda- tion that more adequate safeguards be provided for the selection of juvenile immigrants overseas, it was suggested that the work of in- terview and selection in the British Isles be placed in charge of a Cana- dian official thoroughly familiar and sympathetic with life in Can- ada, It was also urged that no child be passed for Canada without a health certificate signed by a Canadian doctor on the overseas Canadian Department of Health staff, which shall include a favor. able report on tuberculin, Wasser- man and psyciatrical tests and a complete social history of the child and his family background, 1, The Department of Immigra- tion and Colonization adopt certain standards for the placement and after-care of these children and al- low only those societies to engage in the work which are properly equipped, 2. That a prior visit of Inspee- tion be made to every home -in which it is proposed to place a child before the application is ap- proved, 3. That every society be requir- ed to provide a receiving home for the children. 4, That greater effort be made to. afford advice and vocational guidance to immigrant boys ana girls at the expiration of their in. denture, 6. That a substantial addition be made to the present inspection staff of the Juvenile Immigration Branch, or a working arrangement be made with the Provinces where- by the services of their child-curs ing resources may be utilized in some co-operative way. 6. Co-operation between the Dominion and Provinces to the end that there may he moved into each Province only that number of juvenile immigrants that can pro. perly he absorbed, 7. That steps he taken to de- and under- standing hetween Old Country and Canadian interests, 8, That all agencies sending children to Canada function through Canadian Advisory Com- mittees, 9,--~That the Canadian Govern. the minimum age FRANCE STILL SUSPICIOUS OF GERMANY'S INTENTIONS Brussels, Oct, 24--Count de Broqueville, Minister of National Defense, replying to the Senate yesterday to criticisms of the new military laws extending the period of military service, openly cited the possibility of a sudden attack by Germany as a thing always to be feared, He admitted, however, that it now was unlikely, That, he add- ed, was why the six-months per- fod of service was useless, because it would mean that the Eastern garrisons would be open to attack for half the year. HIGHWAY IN NOBTH . COVERED BY WATER North B ay, Oct, 24.--The Northern Development Branch last night reported that a section of the North Bay-Sudbury Highway, immediately west of Warren, is flooded to a depth of over five feet, due to the continued rains, At this point the level of the river 8 risen ten feet. This condition developed last night, and although the department kept teams of horses at this point to assist mot- orists over the stretch, today the increased depth of the water made it necessary to abandon this ser- vice. . PREFERS DEATH TO TRIAL Osborne, Kan., Oct, 24.--Fred Kaser, who was to have faced trial here today for the murder of his brother's family of eight, shot and killed himself yesterday at his farm home, near Covert, We offer, Subject to prior sale 1,000 UNITS ROBERT FRASER, LIMI (Incorporated under the Ontario Companies Act 1928.) OFFICERS and DIRECTORS ROBT. FRASER, Esquire, Oshawa, Ont. President and Managing Director F. W. WATKINSON, Oshawa, Ont. ARTHUR GUEST, Oshawa, Ont. Director Aasst, General Manager G. L. M. KIRKWOQD, Peterbore D. CAMPBELL, Oshawa, Oat. Secretary-Treasurer "Director G. D. CONANT, Barristerat-law, Oshawa ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, Oshawa, Ont. Solicitor for the Company ers HEAD OFFICE and PLANTS, OSHAWA. BRANCH PLANT, PETERBORO, '(The following is a copy of a letter received by us from the President of the Company) Messrs, Walsh, Stone & Elliott, Central Building, Toronto, Ont. Gentlemen: In connection with the sale of the Capital Stock of Robert Fraser, Ltd,, | would inform you that this Company has been organized for the purpose of acquiring the plants, equipment, stores, restaurs ants, leases, copyrights, business, real estate, etc., of the Electric Nut Krust Bakeries, located in the cities of Oshawa and Peterboro, Also to erect and equip a thoroughly modern Bachelor Aparts ment Hotel on the location now occupied by one of the Company's Restaurants, The Electric Nut Krust Bakeries have been in existence in Oshawa and Peterboro for a number of years, and have been operated at a profit by Mr, G, L. M, Kirkwood and myself since 1923, Sales for a four-year period ending December 31st, 1927, were $362,151.45, and produced an average anual net profit of $10,880.27, which is equivalent to approximately 12! per cent. of the amount of sales, Since the beginning of the current year we have acquired two well located restaurants, adjacent to the General Motors Factories in Oshawa, and not only have these been operated at a satisfactory puoi, but they have provided an outlet for the bakeries, thus considerably increasing the volume of usiness, 1 The Bassler Apastment Hotel will be located at the comer of Division and Brock Streets, and will consist of a large cafeteria occupying the entire Sound x 'a seating capacity o about 350 at one sitting. On the upper floors there will sleeping accommodation for 'approxie mately seventy-five permanent guests. The building will be of brick and concrete construction, and will be thoroughly modern in every convenience, This Bachelor- Apartment Hotel fills a long-felt . want in Oshawa, where the problem of living accommodation is assuming serious proportions, In addition to the erection of the Hotel, the Company proposes to enlarge upon its catering active ities, which at the present time are an exceptionally profitable division of the business, The affairs of Robert Fraser, Limited, will be managed by myself, and Mr, G, L, M, Kirkwood, Secretary. Treasurer, who will continue to direct the Company's affairs at the Peterboro Branch, Mr. Arthur Guest will be in direct charge of the catering and Cafeteria Departments, Mr, Guest, who is a chef and caterer of national prominence, has been retained in the past by such institutions as the Canadian Government, Canadian National Railways, the Governments of Alberta and Saskatchewan, and the Canadian Pacific Railway, as well as a number of other cone cerns, He is particularly qualified to conduct an enterprise of this nature, and | have no hesitation in placing the utmost gonfidence in him, After. a careful survey of the situation, | have come to the conclusion that the Company will have no difficulty in showing net earnings in excess of SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLA PER ANNUM, commencing immediately on completion of this financing. These figures are based on past earnings, plus a conservative estimation of earning possibilities of the enlarged enterprise, At the completion of this financing Robert Fraser, Limited, will be conservatively valued as a going concern at approximately two wat and fifty thousand dollars, having no outstanding obligations except Capital Stock issued, Very truly yours, R. FRASER, Pres. and Managing Director, » ROBERT FRASER, LIMITED, Orders for Units May Be Submitted to the Undersigned FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CLIP COUPON AND MAIL TODAY, 'WALSH, STONE & ELLIOTT INVESTMENT BROKERS Oshawa Phones 3120 74 Simcoe St. N, 3121 ) . W. N-- -- ---- -- Investment 74 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. Viton | TO OUR CLIENTS; * After an exhaustive and thorough investiga tion of the Robert Fraser Company, Limited, we have come to the conclusion that an investment in this Company not only offers exceptionally at- tractive profit making possibilities, but absolute safety of principal. We strongly recommend the immediate pure Without obligation on my past, kindly let me have full information regarding this issue.

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