Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Oct 1928, p. 6

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PAGE SIX HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1928 Woman's Daily Interest Messrs. Mervin and Arthur 'Wright visited friends in Clarks- burg, recently. * & % Mr. Ernest' Shepley t the week-end at his home in Wallace: burg. * Mr. and Mre! Thomas Farrow and family of North Oshawa were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dadson of Bowmanville, Sunday. Miss Helen Tilley and Mies Mar- garet Tilley were the guests of their sister and brother, Misa Olive Tilley and Mr, J. Tilley, Saturday. - A Pythian Huchre was held last evening in the Knights of Pythias Hall, There were eleven tables in play and the following ladies re- ceived first, second and third prizes: Mesdames Reynolds, Me. Inally, Misset, The gentlemen's prizes were awarded to Messrs, Pol- lock, Goyne and Sweet. Mr, Pol- lock. also received the special prize. Weddings ---- and SOCIAL PERSONAL The Times invites the co operation of its readers in contributing items to this column, Send in a posteard or phone 35. Florence Wherry is spend- Wh. op Bi at her home in Manilla, Mr. B. Whitton spent the week end at his home h Deseronts, LJ Mrs. George Booth of Kingston the guest of her sister, Mrs, W. . Muckler, for a week. * Mr. Johnson Greer of Peter- boro spent the week-end with his daughter, Miss Alma Greer. * % Mr. and Mra, Harry Stinson and daughter visited relatives in Omemee on Sunday. PENFOUND==BRIMACOMBE The marriage took place at 4:30 Saturday afternoon at the North Simcoe United Church parsonage, 39 Greta street, of Laura Brima- Mr, and Mrs. John Irwin of Cambray are spending a week with friends in the city, * * \ Mrs, R, 8. McLaughlin and Miss Jessie Dillon are attending the United Hospitals Aids Convention, which is being held in Hamilton combe, Bowmanville, and Thomas 'Brook Penfound, of Oshawa, Rev. A, M. Irwin performed the cere- mony. The bride was attended by her sisters, Misses Hester Ann and this week. Mary Brimacombe, of Bowmanville, MOS™ POPULAR of | ALL HOSE Sold in Oshawa by, , 'THE ARCADE Limited Silk Hosiery Sold by 3 LAMBLE'S King St. E, Prices Ranging as Follows: $1.50 - $1.65 $1.95 - $2.50 Chiffon, Service Chiffon, Service Weight, in heel, square heel, slipper and half heel Care For Your Hair With Cuticura Soap and waste water. Rinse th. hiy. A cieon, healthy scalp rpsens good bair, --- Mr, and Mrs. Penfound will re- side on Agnes street, Oshawa. i CAIGER---NEALE The marriage took place in St. e's Cathedral, Kingston, Sat- w » October 20 of Ada Georgina Neale, only daughter of Mr. Rich- ard Arthur Neale, Norwich, Eng- land, to Mr, Harry William Caiger, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Caiger, Rockport. The ceremony was performed by the Very Rev, Dean Craig. The wedding music was played by Mr, Harvey. The bride, who was given in marriage by Mr, John H. Jarvis, wore a poudre blue georgette gown and bat to mateh and carried a bouquet of Sunburst roses and white car- na She was attended by Miss Violet Caiger, sister of the groom, who was charming in a frock of sunburst crepe, trimmed with dark brown velvet and hat to match. She carried a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums and baby's breath. Following the ceremony a recep- tion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John H, Jarvis, Later Mr. and Mrs, Caiger left on a trip to Toroato and Niagara Falls and on their return will reside in Oshawa. BETTINA VEGARA, GIFTED ARTIST, IN RECITAL HERE Talented 13-Year-Old Vio- linist Delights Audience at St. Andrew's -- ll sssie ALEXANDER Bettina Vegara, talented 13-year- old violinist, of Toronto, again held an Oshawa audience under the sway of her bow during her appearance at St. Andrew's church last evening. Jessie Alexander, who has also ap- peared several times on Oshawa plat- forms as a reader, was an assisting artiste on the program of the St. An- drew's annual anniversary concert, which proved one of the finest church concerts ever presented in this city, A capacity audience was present, ~ Gifted Artiste The first seletcion by little Miss Vegara was "Hejre Kati," a Hun- garian fantasie by Hubay, and one of the better known violin solo num- bers, She handled the difficult pas- sages with astonishing facility, and her splendid fingering and bowing combined to give most pleasing tone which was maintained through all her selections. Every number was played from memory, Other num- bers were "Siciliano" and "Rigan- don" by Francoeur-Kreisler, "Pondo," by Schubert-Friedberg, "Scotch Lul- laby" by Dr, Luigi Von Kurits, who is her teacher in Toronto, the "Valse Bluette" and "Introduction et Taran telle" by Sarasate. All of her num- bers were played on a costly violin 229 years old, which was presented to her by an interested patron and pat- roness, Bettina was accompanied at the {ane by her mother, Madame E, wy agara, who is a sister of Rev, axwell of this city, Jessie Alexander Jessie Alexander, in her several readings, again demonstrated her ability to lead her audience through all of the varying shades of human emotions. Her first selection was "The Turning Point," a dramatic number, followed by "Should Women Propose," by Dorothy Dix, and "The Point of View," when she was en- cored, "Mary Mahone" was a pleas- ing poem, followed by the humorous short skit "The Middle Girl" when she was recalled by the audience, "Mrs. Aris at the Telephone," and "The Bachelor Sale" for an encore, were her closing selections, Miss H, Johnston Miss Helen Johnston, local teacher il and composer, gaye pleasing interpre- tations of "Romance on the Amonoo- suc" by Hinton, and "Valcik" by Mokrej, as well as two pretty num- bers of her own composition, J, Mac- Kinnon of this city, sang "On the Road to Mandalay" and "Until," ac- companied by Miss E. McIntyre, and Mrs. Grant Berry sang the "Slave Song" and "Bright Li'l Fellow wid his Mammy's Eyes," also accompan- ied by Miss Mcintyre, Misses Margaret and Elizabeth Mc- Nab sang nicely the duets "Lassie O' Mine" and "The Banks of Allan Water," and Miss Margaret MacNab sang "Sweet as any White Chile" and "My Ain Wee House." They were accompanied by J. Buchanan Do- herty, Rev, F. J. Maxwell, pastor of the church, acted in the capacity The King Street Young People's League held an enthusiastic meet- ing last evening when 22 new members were enrolled. The pro. gram was conducted by "A" group, with Miss irene Winter pre' siding. > Following the opening service of worship, Meredith Moffatt, pres- ident of the league, conducted the business meeting, when the pro- gram for the season was outlined. Herbert Porter read several sket- ches and P. Timmins played two piano solos. H, C. Treneer, the speaker of the evening. gave an interesting talk, using "Success" as his theme. By the discussion of a series of thought-provoking questions Mr. Treneer pointed out that to be successful ope must prepare ome- self to do one's chosen task better than apyone else can do it, stat- ing that "perfect things are mot extraordinary things, but ordinary things done in an extraordinary manner." Mr. Treneer also stated that if one would be successful he 'must be able to stand success Simcoe Street Y. P. L. Hold Weekly Meeting The Young People of Simcoe St. United Church enjoyed their regu- lar weekly meeting last evening. The opening musical number on the program was a violin solo by Miss B. Minnaker. The Rev. Mr, Harston continued his helpful talks, using as his subject, "'Rela- tions of the Young People to the Sabbath." He impressed the fact that the Sabbath is made for man and not man for the Sabbath, and that the Sabbath is set aside as a day of rest and worship. A solo, "This Is My Task," was sung by Miss Sybil Langmald. Miss A, Harston gave a short sketch onthe "Life and Work of Tennyson." The young ladies of the league lost to the young men members by TAILORED JUNIOR DRESS ' The small girl today can be as fastidious as her debutante sister in the choosing of her frocks, De- sign No. 3566 buttons down tha front has long sleeves with nar- row cuffs and features the conver- tible collar, It may be worn with or without the wide belt. It will be the delight of any little girl to have a frock like this, of novelty plaid woolens, sheer tweed, wool jersey, printed linen, printed lin- en, printed pique, wool challis; wool crepe or velveteen. Pattern in sizes 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. It only requires 2 yards of 36-inch material with 3-8 yard of 27-inch contrasting. Price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred). Wrap coin carefully, PINTO TOC J YOU S00 SN WOU 00 JF J07 JC JC 9 CC ee ee PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To The Oshawa Daily Times Pattern Department Oshawa, Ont, Enclosed find Please send patterns listed be- rw) ve 2 oslo oboste dock, Le ee Basser Name ,... Address ,...ocos0000000000000 Town ,... Province ,.....00000, bilsrinss Price, 20 cents each. Send stamps or coin. Wrap coin carefully. k + - L r " r 4 " " r " " 9 r 4 4 ¥ 9 9 4 4 - » r 4 sens srsrsssssans 9 4 " r 4 4 ' " lo 3 b 2 bo 3 2 3 3 fo b . 3 3 2 3 3 4 > 2 A > p 1 3 3 b po 4 3 a 3 bo 3 BAB A 0 J J 0h Jn Jb Je Jin 00 SN NC 0 tJ J 20 0 J Jt te Baste Looe aostotorts ste benots todo deotontts tests doctor LA A See the Newest Styles for Autumn in Ladies' Coats at FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. S. Phone 3083W gue ELLY w. TRUSS M1 BEC 50 Sono JIVE \y NV W/ , ES ad ha 135 CHURCH © two points in the Bible Crossword - |Puzzle. This brings the contest to a tie thus far, The games were enjoyed by all and the meeting was brought to a close with a fireside sing song. The week, beginning October 29, 'has been set aside as Young Peo- ples' Week in the churches and the programs of the Young Peo- ple's Leagues promise to be in- teresting ones. Calvary Baptist Y. PL. Hold Fine Meeting Calvary Baptist Y. P, met last evening with 25 members present. Mr. Dolson in the chair, Mr. Beck sang a solo. The topic for the even ing was "One Faith or Many." A guitar and mouth organ selection by Miss Ivy Fleming and Mr. Beck was very acceptable, Mr, Alloway closed the meeting with prayer. OPEN VERDICT IN WHITBY INQUEST (Continued from Page 3) ed the occupants of the wrecked car and denied detecting any liquor on their persons. Russel Peel, who lives oh Brock street, said that he phoned 1. St. Pierre, of the hydro, to have the lights turned off. The street lights went out and he thought the danger was over, Bill Heard describ. ed his part in attempting to release the occupants of the car. Called to Vanstone Thomas Burt declared that he saw the late Mr. Vanstone crossing the street and called to him, "Look out Sam, those wires are loaded." He believed that the unfortunate man had folded his umbrella before get- ting shocked, Walter Bailey had seen likewise. Geo, W. P. Every, superintendent of the public utility commission, and Isadore St. Pierre, employe, testified as to the turning off of the hydro power, Mr. Every received a phone message after 11.30 o'clock and im- mediately hastened to the town hall where he opened the switch for the uptown circuit. The time was 11.3914 o'clock. St. Pierre was first warned at his house at 11.40 p.m. He rush- ed to the town hall to get the neces- sary equipment and then went to the sub-station which controls the cur- rent in the south part of the town, The switch was opened at o'clock, Carried Umbrella Mr. Wilson, Brock street, had seen Mr. Vanstone crossing the road. He thought he was holding an umbrella over his head. This was confirmed by Wm. Davidson and Reg. Parrott, the evidence of Burt and Bailey being discounted, Expert evidence was given by H. P, Pearsall and W, Jones as to the con- dition of the wrecked car, They found that it had struck the post on the right hand side just behind the right wheel. They concluded that it had been traveling at a fair rate of speed. Pearsall stated that although the emergency brake seemed in good "How often I wish I could tell my women patrons" 12.05: If women only realized how often they are in danger of offending others! This new discovery, which neutralizes odor in sani. tary pads, removes all fear of such offense. Deodorizes vecand 4 other important features: - 1=Softer gauze ends chafing; pliable filler absorbs as no other substance can; 2~Corners are rounded and tapered ; no evidence of sanitary protection undes aay gown; 3=Deodorizes-safely, th by a new and wl Shoei process; 4~Adjust it to your needs; filles may be made thinges, thicker, nacrower #8 50g NE woman cannot always speak freely to another on so delicate a subject as this. And often women suffer needless fear, needless self-consciousnesstoday. Because a new process, developed and patented in Kotex Labora- tories, acts in a most remarkable way to end all odor while Kotex is being worn. There is no further need for the feeling that one may be annoying others in this way. been overcome, too. Each pad is rounded and tapered in such a way as to leave no evidence of sanitary protection, You may add or remove layers of filler as needed --a thing all women appreciate. There is a new softness, use both filler and gauze have been specially treated, Finally, Kotex is so easy to dis- Jose of eliminating all need of un ering. Slt is easily disposed pi Miss hd MADE IN CANADA KOTE X The New Sanitary Pad which deodorizes Buya box today, at any drug, dry goods or de- ental store , , , 60¢ for a box of twelve, © The new cut, non-revealing A certain bulkiness associated with old-fashioned methods has condition, the brake control on the | electric current from the suspended right rear wheel was poor. wire to his body. Chief Testifies The presence of a large crowd of Chief of Police Gunson testified | spectators in the town hall indicated that the dead man had been burned | the interest taken in the case. The on the right side of his nose and on [coroner's jury was composed of Mays his left thumb, eonfirming the theory |or Bateman, foreman, Geo. Robb, Ross, W. M. Jermyn, Geo. Anderson, W. J. Luke, Ernest Harper and Sam- uel Murdock, Crown Attorney McGibbon refus- ed to state last night whether the jury's verdict would cause 22v pew charge to be laid against Wellington. that his umbrella had conducted the | Levi Dudley, E. W. Evans, Andrew |Kent as driver of the car. NO 88 X with Slipper Heel' or the woman who desires a slimmer and trimmer ankle. An all pure thread for wear and value... '165 STEE ORIGINAL POINTED HEEL Made is Cansds = at LE» FEE

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