THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1928 [EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS MEMBER OF FACULTY * OF STIRLING H. 5. RESIGNS Stirling, October 22.--Miss Mar- garet Wilton, who has been a member of the Stirling H.S. staff since the beginning of the term 'has handed in her resignation to take effect at once, owing to ill health. Miss Wilton taught junior selences and mathematics and up- per school biology, PANTS BURGLAR GETS $200 FROM ONE BELLEVILLE *HovsE Belleville, Oct. 22.--The resid- ence of L. F, Reid, a dairyman re- siding in Sidney Township, was on Friday night visited by a midnight prowler and $200 taken out of his pants pockets. The thief had to walk around the bed where Mr. and Mrs, Reid slept to pro:ure the pants. LIGHTNING HITS OTONABEE BARN Peterboro, Oct, 22.--The big electric storm that swept the dis- trict Friday evening did not pass without doing some damage, 'The large barn of John Doherty, near Drummond's Station, was struck by lightning, and was totally de- stroyed by the fire that resulted. The first flames were seen shortly after seven o'clock, and quickly the fire spread until the whole build- ing was blazing madly. Neighbors SERVICE That Satisfies Phone 2560 quickly gathered, but no attempt could be made to save the harm from destruction. Fortunately there was no stock in the barn. However, the loss was consider able, as there was considerable grain which had not yet been threshed, TORONTO FRIENDS OF WILLIAMS MAKE PLEA Kingston, Oct, 22.--Toronto people who knew Wilbur Williams, convicted here of murdering his wife, are interesting themselves in his case and joining in forward- ing to the minister of justice at Ottawa representations on his be- half in order to obtain a commu- tation of the sentence. He is re- membered at Toronto by several citizens who attended the univer- sity with him twenty-five years ago. To one of these he presented an athletic picture, which is being sent to the minister of justice. Former friends do not believe that he was sane and actions at that time are to be cited in proof of this. In addition to going to the University' Williams for a time was a stenographer in a Toronto telegraph office, PURSE SNATCHERS ACTIVE IN BELLEVILLE SATURDAY Belleville, Oct, 22.--Lightfinger- ed gentry was busy in the city Saturday, The police had a case re- ported of a young girl, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, A. H, Fisher,' 272 William Street, had heen relieved of a purse contain- ing about $8.00, it is thought in a local bank early today, Mrs. Fisher and her daughter were in the bank trasacting some business and then proceeded to the market to purchase necessities for the home during the week, On making pay- men it was found that the purse had disappeared, The two went to the station and gave the police a fairly accurate description of the man they think did the lifting, An investigation is being made, A meri Rubbing ety Your silver takes on a PACMAN iil Less work to clean--1less work to keep clean, IDEAL L By the Makers of the femons ¥ Steen ® Stove Polish PROVISIONAL INFANTRY SCHOOLS OF INSTRUCTION Kingston, Oct. 22.--Provisional infantry schools of instruction have been established 'during the past week at Belleville, Brockville and Napanee under the admin- istration and supervision of Major W. Neilson, D.S.0., the R.C.R., who is performing the duties of District Weapon Trainihg Officer in this Military District. These schools will continue for six weeks ,the actual instruction being in charge of members of the Per- manent Instructional Cadre at District Headquarters, and will create an opportunity for officers and non-commissioned officers to qualify for their rank or for promotion, DEMONSTRATION HELD TO COACH PLOWMEN Kingston, Oct, 22.--A very large number of prospective competitiors in the approaching ploughing matches ta be held by the Fronten- ac Ploughmen's Association gath- ered at the farm of John Shibley, Harrowsmith, on Saturday morning for the demonstration being held under the supervision of James McLean, the well-known ploughing expert and judge. The demonstra- fon was arranged in. order to create an opportunity for the coms petitors in the coming match to receive expert coaching from Mr, McLean in the methods adopted in such competitions and those who took advantage of this will un- doubtedly have a far better op- portunity of figuring among the prize winners, HYDRO POLE PREVENTED ORASH INTO RIVER Belleville, Oct, 22.--Only a Hydro light pole last night saved three women and a man, Thomas O'Hara, Coleman street, from ser- ious injury if not death, While While travelling along Station street about ten o'clock in his Chevrolet Sedan, Mr, O'Hara was struck with terrific force by a Chrysler Sedan, owned by Frauk Smith, taximan, and driven by Herman B, Flindall, Park Street. The impact drove the O'Hara car over the sidewalk on the river side, snapped off a telegraph pelc, and then hung half way over the bask of the river, The water at this spot is some seven or eight feet deep at this time of the year and had it not been for the pole stopping the car there is no doubt that it would have crashed through the fence and into the water, FAIRCHILD CO, TO MAKE OWN PLANES Quebec, Oct, 22, -- IL. J. Dalton, general manager of the Fairchild Aviation Company of Canada, has announced that the Fairchild Avia- tion Company would in future manu- facture its own planes in Canada, For this reason, Mr, Dalton said, the Fairchild Company had cancelled The Arcade Limited Attractive Glove Values at 59c¢ Women's Fall Weight Chamoisette Gloves with fancy turn back cuffs, excellent choice of colors, Sizes 5) to 8, Women's Pullover Gloves at 98¢ Unusual Value at this Low Price, Smart looking Gloves of French Chamoisette, very chic looking and very serviceable. B TR . r French Kid Gloves Fine, Soft French Kid Gloves, well made, colors to har» monize with the color of the cuff trimming. New shades, Priced at $2.95 and $550 pr. DODDS KIDNEY PELLS Ll ll LITTER wwe ese. its contract with Canadian Vickers Limited of Montreal, The company, went on Mr. Dalton, would erect a new $500,000 plant in Grand 'Mere, Que., and expected to begin operations early in 1929. Pro- duction would probably be at the rate of five or six planes a week. In addition landing fields and addition- al hangars were to be prepared. Some 500 to 600 men were to be employed, he said, RADIO PROGRAMS (Continued from Page 8) WTIC (535)--Hartford. Banjo Hour, WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee. Oriental melodies. NHC System: Dutch Masters Minstrels: WIZ, WTMJ, WBZ, WHAL, WHAM, KDKA, WLW, KYW, W REN, KWK! KMA (394)- _Shenandoah. Gypsy Trio, WMCA (370)--N.Y., Madrigal Singers. WTIC (535)--Hartford. Old Fashioned Singing School. 9.45 WRNY (326)--N.Y. 10.00 Columbia Chain: Boat : ANG (German Hour, Hank Simmons' Show WFAN, 2XE, WNAC, WFBL, WMAK, WKRC, 4 W ADC, WBBM, WGHP, OW0, KMOX, KMC, WSPD, Mice, WHK, WLBW NBC System: Clicquot "Club Eskimos: WEEI, WW He WIAR AG, WC WFI, WG WOR, WOAE, WTAM, WT, WSAL WGN, WTMJ, KSD, wceo, WOC, WMC, WHO, WOW, WDAF, KVOO, WFAA, KPRC, WO, WHAS, WSM, WSB, WBT, KO CNRA (476)-- A orchestra, KSTP (220)--8t. Payl, Phantom of the Opera. NBC System: Works of Rreat Roses WIZ, KYW, WRC. WVIBAL (285)--Baltimore. sons, WES (242)--Chicago. Feature hour, WHAM (280)--Rochester. Midshipmen, WSUN (517)--St, Petersburg. Popular program. Whar (370)--Kansas City, Cook Paint. WEAF (492)---N.Y., Vaughn de Leath and novelty orchestra, WGR (303)--Buffalo, Studio, WOC (375)--Davenport, Ten Banjoleers, WPG (273)--Atlantic City, Musical Maids. WSB (476)--Atlanta. Army Night. WSM (337)--Nashville. Studio program, WTIC (535)--Hgrtford, String theatre Organ, WMT (294)--Milwaukee. Zither. 5 KOA (326)--Denver. Atwater Kent Au. ition. NBC System: Eveready Hour: KPO, KFI, KFOA, KGO, KGW, KHJ, KHQ, KOMO., WJZ, NBC System: WRC, KWK, WGES (242)--Chicago, Stage show. WCCO (405)--Mpls-St. Paul, Wheaties quartet, /GR (303)--Buffalo, Village Quartet, KYW (526)--Chicago. Studio program, WCFL (484)--Chicago. Recital by Burt Squire. wax (416)--Chicago. Louie's Hungry Wii (394)--N.Y, Loew's Theatre or: Wiio Niel Des Moines, Apollo sthing IY] ay REO (384) Oakland. The Pil, ad KsTP (220)--St, Paul, Mi 11g Eh NEE" "Gin --Edmonton, Instrumental "RApi0 TALKS--FEATURES 11,30 a.m. NBC System: Republican National Committee: WEAF, WEE] WTIC, , WCSH, wEe, wey, "AE. F (492)--N.Y, State Com, WNYC (526)--N.Y. Italian lessons. NBC System: Voters' Service: WEA , WIAR, WTAG, WCSH, Wii WRC, "WwW iY, WOR, WCAE, inl, KSD, WoC, Pio, WHAS, Ws, KOA, WOC, KDKA (316)--E. Pitks, U, of a wiz *UsH-N.Y, Committee, 7.20 WLW (428)--Cinci, Aviation questions, 7.25 KYW (s2)_Chicago, World Book Man, 45 WMAK (545)--Bulfalo, *'About Town with. Dorothy. 8.00 WADC (238) Akron, News Headlines, WGN (416)--Chicago. Radio Floorwalk- WMCA (370)=N.Y, Little Roumaisn Rendezvous. WiAQ (448)--Chicago. U, of Chicago 8.15 were (484)--Chicago. Labor flashes, WIBO (306)--Chicago. Sport news. 820 wag (448)--Chicago, Biographies in Bra 1 Col i Chai: ublican National 52 Columbi WABC Repke" Wear WNAC, WEA we BL, WMAK, WTAS, WADC, WHR, WGHP), WBBM, WOWO, WAMOX, MBC, ween, WIDD, WHE, WLBW, WNYC (526)--N.Y, Every day Eng- lish 0 RBC System: Three-in-One WBZ, WBAL, WHAM, ROK wi W, KYW, KWK, W REN. A (326)--Denver, Question Ro RE Clarinda, Newsboy, 9.15 W, icago. v3 WRAY Coohr-N.Y Hugo Gernsback, 9.50 KTHS (500)--Hot Springs. News of the Wi 10.00 KFI Got) --Los Angeles. Nick Harris detective 10.30 KOA ( es, Financial questions 10.55 WHN (394)--N.Y. Poems. 11.00 Wag 8) Chicago. "Amos and Little Concert Com« The Patter- Slumber music: Ye Olde Tyme rims, ight Republican Democratic State arm sules will relieve you quickly. 1% WK (45)--Buffalo, Television: 1.90 KGO (3)--Oakland. D-X News TO Fas) Balms ie od br WhAL, Dahimore, for every Tuesday from 6.30 7.0 pm, Eastern Sanda Tune. This new Necks Joa feawe is being sponsored b by the Suef Piano pany of Baltimore, and these 6) Avant Ha Pomar. WWF Deva: Barton Terenas. Wk Erni 80 Wiz Ln 80 (FCA SVE 1 (ey WBAL |» a of in. Fourteen weeks after the ground at Ry as broken the new son, Ohio, Ww: To -- building of Poa lig' Re dio Corporation, the new wi station went on the aur for a test piogram, / Authority pas been received from the Federal Rad: [¥ 10 test the station between mid. hal-hours hg to radio artists has marked the GI7)--T FAB 9 Lincoln. kd mic, LU 0 Banta Dick Fidier 2.3 WEAR de rug KE rer "King " 10.00 WENR ( Md Pp rey Patio. The R 273) Atlan C %0 gkel x ( tic City. astiians. he mew building and the in- of the Every part of the a was carefully scheduled. 'There was no failure whem it was put on the air or the first time on the moring of October 2. "The Little Duke," an D Opereita by Charles Le Cocq, will be presented by the United Light Opgia Goinpany at hg o'clock, East. Ww )--Cinci. G RR WCAU as --puia G Neco & 405)--Mpls- gy Paul. Dragon. WaN sin--st. Petersburg. Dance 10.3 23 (333) Springfield, Mass. Bert 11.00 KAR. (319)--Lincoln. WEAF (492)-N.Y. TRY ED. Wik (265)--Cleveland. Ed. Day. WIBO (306)--Chicago. Buddy Faker, ip Phila. harles Warren, WL Wa Bt Hotel Gibson, WOE tod "bavenort Hi (375 venport, Heuer's orches, R (422)--Newark. Orchestra. TAM (400)--Cleveland. Dance. NAC (461)--Boston, tate ballroom, GR (303)--Buffalo, Arcadia. WPG (273)--Atlantic City. Follies Ber. RNY (326)--N.Y. Villa Richard. WTMJ (24)--Milwaukee. Dance. 11.45 WBBM (389)--Chicago. Royal Canadi .10 1.30 Ww \ Ww WV WO W w Ww Ww fi St. rough stations sey d ---- Colunbia. Broadeas ting The be highly melodious music of the ope: is woven around a plot which pre Bg pe i marriage of the fifteen year old Duke for political [ipons, so that a vast fortune ma ept in control of the wing atations will a the The Holle United Light Ope: CAR FEAT of "The Little wig: » EAN MAK, 4 3 "Ww BBM,' KMOX, LL MWSPD, ice: WHE, W Political LB at accounted for an wun. usual amount of activity im the control rooms of the WBBM Air Theatre, Chicago, during the past few weeks. At one time, over 17 remote control pickups were made over 3 special lines while WBBM acted as key station for an chain of stations broadcasting for the Democratic National Committee. A humorous sketch entitled "Waiting for the Midnight Train," with accompanying musical sel by a guitar and male WGES (242)--Chicago. Spike Hamilton Wi( (416)--Chicago. Bobby Meekers, ws (476)--Atlanta. Neil Weldon, 12 mid KSTP (220)-St. Paul. Marigold. Witk (265)--~Cleveland. Club Madrid, WHO (535)--Des Moines, Sheasly or. chestra, : (389)--Chicago, "Everybody WIinT Dance." WOC (375) -Pavenport. Jrave O'liearn, WSAI (361)--Cinci, Henry Theis. WMAQ (448) --Chicago. + A orches, 12.30 a.m. CFL (484)--Chicago. Savoy ore ches 1245 W DAR (370)--Kansas hawks. 1.00 NBC System: Dance music: KFI, KFOA, KGO, KGW, KH], RHO, KOMO. KNX (337)--Hallywood. Cocoanut Grove KYw (526)--Chicago. "Inson.nia Club," \ RADIO TID-BITS Tuesday, October 23 « C. Francis Jenkins, 1s now engaged in developing vies" and *'Radio-Vision," talk through the of the Radio-'I'ricians this evening at 8.00 o'clock, Eastern Standard Time, Mr. Jenkin's subject will be 'Modern Development in Television and Radio- Vision." The speaker, whose laboratories are lo- cated in Washington, D.C., is known as the inventor of the motion picture projection ma- chine, This machine, produced by Mr, Jen- king more than 35 years ago, is the proto. type of the projection machines now in use. n recent years, Mr. Jenkins has devoted his time to the development of "Radio-Mo- vies" and "Radio- Vision." In addition to Mr, Jenkins' talk the pro- gram of "The Radio-Tyicians" will fea. tured with a fifteen-piece orchestra under the direction of Samuel Korman, Stations broadcasting this program are WEAF, WTIC, WJAR, WTAG, WCSH, WFI, WRC, WGY, WGR, WCAE, WTAM, WWJ, WSAL KSD, WOC, WHO, Wow, WDAF and KYW, Some of the most distinguished musical stars in the country will be heard exclusively over WRBAL this fall during a series of special artists' recitals which have just been k- City, Night. noted Mvsator, who "Radio- Mo- will broadcast a NBC System as guest y quartet, will be presented by a Hou of blackface artists as a feature of utch Masters Minstrels program to be broadcast through the NBC System this evening at 2.30 o'clock, Eastern Standard Time. Hugo Mariani will direct the orchestra in a ne ovelty selection, "Porcupine Rag," while "Georgia Camp Meeting" will be given a rousing presentation by Carson Robison and William Carlino as a guitar and banjo duet, Mr. Robison will be heard from vocally in "Doin' the Best I Can," while Al Bernard, popular comedian and one of the end man in the show, will contribute "That's Gratis Minstrels will tude." be heard WBZA, The Masters through WIZ, WBZ, WBAL, KYW, KWK, 1928.) Ww HAM, KDKA, WLW, WRE (Copyrighted, URGES RADIOS FOR AIRPLANES ON OCEAN HOPS Machines of Intermediate Frequency Recommended By Naval Expert Washington, D.C, Oct. 22.-- Aeroplanes making transoceanle flights should be equipped with radio sets capable of transmitting on the intermediate frequencies, particularly the 500 kilocycle "dis- tress frequency', Capt, 8, C. Hoop- TELEPHONE to Cental 4 Direct Lines 262 +The DIXON COAL CO. Your Furnace, Registers or Hot Water Plant, your Cook Stove or any Heating Unit, may require a minor adjust- ment. We will send an expert to your home, office or store, correct your trouble at no cost to you, Buy Your Coal - Jeddo m5 Preinu Coke - Solvay Wood - Gen. Motors Dixon CoalCo. QUALITY, SERVICE ASSURED er, director of naval communica- tions, maintains. Failure of Canadian and Green- land coast stations to hear messag- es sent by the high frequency trans- mitter aboard the "Greater Rock- ford" and to obtain compass bear- ings on the plane, is cited by Cap- tain Hooper as an illustration of the unreliability of the extremely short wave transmission for use on long flights, "High frequencies give long dis~ tance but due to the fact that they require special watches and there are skip distance zones whera the signals are not heard, they cannot be depended upon to secur: assis- tance from all nearby stations," he said, "Direction finders cannot be used to take hearings on high fre- quency transmissions. Commander Byrd's trans-Atlan- tle plane 'America' was equipped with a radio set capable of trans- mitting on 500 kiloeyeles, which is 600 metres, and was heard hy mer- chant vessels and shore radio sta- tions throughout its flight. The British flying boat, piloted hy Cap- tion Courtney, also had a medium wave set, and this type of equip- ment undoubtedly was the prinei- pal cause of the early rescue of the crew." YOU POOR KID, WHY ARE YOU'SO SKINNY Don't your Mother know how to put pounds of good healthy flesh on your bones in just a few weels? * @ her every druggist has Me- Coy . in sugar-coated tablets now so that in just a few weeks she can help you get back your appe- tite--make your body stronger-- your feet nimble and your mind keener, Tell her if they don't help great- ly in 30 days she can get her money back. Tell her that McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets are full of weight increasing and energy creating sub- stances and are the most success- ful flesh producers and health builders she can find. One sickly thin kid age 9, gain- ed 12 pounds in 7 months, She must ask Jury & Lovell, T. B. Mitchell, W, H, Karn or any good druggist for McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets--60 tablets --60 cents--economy size $1.00-- as pleasant to take as candy. complete. in Oshawa, stock at rr) Sale of Radios New and Used Battery Sets frm $75.00 up, These prices have all been rer duced below cost due to over-stock, We must clear out these Radios to make room. Don't miss these bargains, You are always welcome to look over our LUKE'S RADIO DEPT, Phones 78-79 H, E, ARMSTRONG, Sub-Agent Phone 377 Lowest prices Flannelette Blankets 25 New Junior Floor Lamps have just been opened up and put on display .They are the very latest Fall designs, There are some wonderful creations amongst them, a large variety of shapes and combination col- orings to choose from, in Silk and Georgette, Vellum and Sheep Skin on Walnut, Poly- chrome, and Art Iron Stand ards, They range in price from $15.90 " $50.00 Bridge Lamps 25 New Bridge Lamps in the latest models and colorings are also here for your ap- proval.. They come in Parch- ment, Silk and Georgette with Silk or Glass Bead Fringe. Vellum with painted decora- tion. Ranging in price from $8.90 " $25.00 New Junior Floor Lamps 3 Pce Chesterfield Suite J Piece Chesterfield Suite comprising Chesterfield, Arm and Wing Chairs, upholstered in high grade Jacquard Velour, built by Sny- ders and. guaranteed moth proof. Large, roomy suite of good proportions, very comfortable and will stand up well under the hardest wear, 2 Suites only at this price, Regular $162.50, for-- 'e $149.50 9 Pce Dining Room Suite Walnut Dining Room Suite comprising 60 inch Buffet fitted with drawers and cupboards. Extension Table and set of 6 Diners, upholstered in blue leather, A splendid buy. Regular $225.00, for 63 KING STREET EAST Use Our Club 2 Payment Plan Largest size Flannelette Blan- kets in heavy quality that will give the best of service, Fin- ished with Blue or Rose Bor- ders. 72 x 90, $2 69 pair 1] Reg. $2.95 for Towels We have a large stock of Towels of every description from hand Towels to bath room size, at a special saving of 10 per cent. for this week, Ranging in price pair up 39¢ from ,,,, Chintz New Chintz in a wonderful variety of Patterns and De- signs. All 36 in, wide That is is wide enough to split for Drapes, There are patterns suitable for every room at a big reduction in price. Come pd look them over if you are thinking of new drapes. 32 Reg. 89¢ for yd, wC Silk The pew Fall Silk Bedspreads are here in a splendid range of Designs and Colorings, Rose, Blue, Gold, Mauve and some combination colorings. A in price from $4.75 ° $10.95 4 Pce Walnut Bedroom Suite Handsome Bedroom Suite in Walnut with real smart straight lines, comprising large size Dresser, full size Vanity, Cheffonier and Bowend Bedstead, ata very low price. The regular price is is $249.00. For $217.00 LUKE FURNITURE CO, 9H WA PHONES 78.79