Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Oct 1928, p. 11

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Myrtle, Oct. 17-Mr, and Mrs, Scott, of Hamilton, and Mrs. Scott's tla, - Mrs. Thomas Wi of Lewis; Reading, Mrs. Chas, Mun- dy: Somg, Mr, A, J. Mills; Humor ous song, Mr, F, Prosser; Song, Mrs. R. F, 'Le Roy; Duet, Messrs, A. T. Mills and J. Lewis; Reading Mrs, Chas Mundy; Song, Mr, J, Lewis; Humorous song, Mr, F, Prosser; Song, Mr, A. T, Mills; Reading, Mrs, Chas, Mundy; Song, R, F. Le K The evening tional Anthem. Mr. Gouldburn ably accompanied throughout the wro- gramme, SOLINA Solina, Oct, 15--Miss Mr. and Mrs, James Moorey and Mr, Rd Mrs, Charlie Blanchard at Mr. Wesley Ellin's, Toronto, Mrs. Will Hambleton and two chil dren, Rochester, Master Nelson Wil- son, Mr. and Mrs, Levi Ellins, Co lumbus, at Mr. James Moorey's, Mr, Harold Williams, Hampton, at Mrs, T, Baker's, Myr, Jack Walker, Port Hope, at home over Sunday. Mrs, Thos, Baker at Mrs, Edward Hinkson, Oshawa. , Mr, and Mrs, Isaac Hardy and Stanley and Dorothy at Lindsay over the week end. The Solina Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. McKessock with an attend o bers, The roll call was well responded to by to tl rt" Hope Children's Shelter, and also decided at a special meeting to decorate the church, previous to the opening of same on November 4, Mrs, E, J, Black with friends en- joyed a trip to Lindsay, Cannington and Oakwood, Mr. Miller and frifnd, Oshawa, at Mr, W. H, Westlake's, Miss Minnie Bray has returned from a trip at Pickering. Mr. Absalm Abrams at Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Tink and Miss Evelyn, Mr, Hilton Tink at Hastings on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Reynolds, we DODD'S KIDNEY Wilma | th Leach, Hampton, at Mr, J. J, Burn's, |§ clippings, and the Institute voted -$5 | h rs. visited at Mr, John ted her e to it, Mr, Dave Long ha the contract, wa Mary Hawley visited Toronto ere were large. Iv attended and both services were very In the morning Rev. R. J. erriman preached, our local choir rendering special music. 8, ence ison and daughter, Miss Olive, taking the duet un of the anthem, very pleasingly. In the evening our pastor exchanged pits with Rev, Guffus, of Blackstock, e Brooklin male' quartette render- our which were much ed, The church board are very much satisfied with the generous way the congregation responded with the offering, the amount asked for being nearly raised within a few dollar The Ladies' Aid held a spe meeting in the church basement on Tuesday afternoon, the president, Mrs, Ww, Graham, occupying the chair and some special business was trans« acted, : : Mr, Bert Duff ht some fine Cotswold. sheep at Mr, Slach's sale at Claremont last week. Success to the farmers from. this Reighhouthond who are trying their luck at the plowing match, which is being held at Manchester this week, Miss Sylvia Hahn, of Toronto, spent Sunday at their symmer home ere, Mr, Victor Hudging, of Toronto, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs, H, Hu A The Women's Missionary Society [an are holding their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, Oscar , Downey on Thursday afternce of this week. NEWCASTLE _-- Newcastle, Oct, 17.--Miss- Nora Cowan entertained her Sunday school class of girls at her home on Friday evening, Everyone reports a time, . Mr, and Mrs, P, O'Neil and grand- son spent Sunday in Lindsay visiting Mr, and Mrs, Standen, the former of whom is CN.R, baggageman at the Lindsay station, Mr. D. Cooper, recently of Col- bourne, the new .section man on foreman P, O'Neil's gang, has moved with Mrs, Cooper and child into Mr, S. Bonathan's brick house, on the corner of Church and Emily streets, Miss Edith Hicks, of Toronto, vise ited Mrs, George Gray, last week, Mr, and Mrs, Mac ol, of To» ronto, and Miss MacNichol, of Lan- ark, called on Mrs, I, E, Bowell last week, Young people and elder members spent a very interesting evening at League on Monday nig t, The pro- gram was in charge of 2nd vice presis dent, Miss Elizabeth Hancock, Musis cal numbers were rendered by Miss. Eri LiI--EHA P 'For years I suffered with stomach and kidney disorders," says Mr, Fred 8B, BSecord, #5 Peter street, Hamilton, = On- tario, who is employed as yardman by the CNR, in Hamilton, "I was never free from stom- sch distress and indigestion, The sourness came up in my throat like vinegar apd gas would cause pains through my stomach and chest. My kid: neys called me up several times each night and I had a dull aching pain across my back all the time, I imagine that this was the cause of rheumatism setting in my joints and muscles, for they would be so stiff and sore that at times it was agony for me to get around, I was also a chronic victim of constipation, "I read in the Hamilton papers about what Nu-Erb was doing for so many others with similar troubles to mine and decided to give it a trial, That is only & few weeks ago, but I am here to say that it has dope wonders for me. I can pow enjoy my meals without fear of any distress after, for my food never sours or forms that awful gas. My kidpeys are Apparently in fine shape again, pain has left my back and Food Would Sour and Form Distressing Gas Says C.N.R. Employee. Also Suffered From Weak Kidneys, Rheu- fmatism of Joints and Muscles and Constipation--Tells How He Got Relief I sleep the whole night through without being disturb- ed. Nu-Erb has also overcome the rheumatic condition that was getting its hold on me snd I am feeling 100 ter in every respect." Why not let this amazing Nu-Erb help you back to heslth and strength? Every day you read in the Oshawa paper: of some one being helped by this great herbal compound and if you sufter in spy way from stomach, kidney, liver or bowe} troubles you owe it to yourself to investigate Nu-Erb to-dsy, Nu-Erb is being specially introduced in Oshawa by Karn's Drug Store, next to Post Office, to you the merits of this remarksble medicine, it also quiets the merves and puts a stop to the demons rheumatism and neuritis, Go there and let them explain In Toro t J DOT. son betr ! the Saskatchewan wheat. fields. The sidewalk committee of the municipal council has been improve ing the walk to the lake tak up the old plank walk in front (Mrs, Hunter's and replacing it wit ne brown gravel and sand, . screenings from the gravel pit le by the contractors of the Pravin Ady The committee has alse. fixed up and resurfaced other por: tions of the walk with this material ¢ which in time ought to pack fairly: well. 'Sandy Moffatt and' Johir' Gar, rad are the artists and: they deserve credit for the neat job they have made. of the sidewalk and ditches, COLUMBUS ------ " Columbus, Oct, 18, -- Mr, and Mrs, Miltord Wilkens, Mr, and Mrs, Frank James Glendon and Dorothy ted at Mra, John James on Sunday, Mrs, Phillip Stone, Mr. and Mrs, John - Stone, Mr, -and Nps. Story of Shirley spent Sunday in Toros. to, Mr, children Doreen and Donald and Mr Elmer Glover, of Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr, ¥, Glover, Sr, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Gilroys and ohildren Harry apd Allen of Whit. by spent Sundey at Mr, T, Scott's, The funeral of Mr, T. Longs, burst of Columbus was held Oct, 17 fvom his late residence, service was conducted by Rev, J, F, Clugaton, Mr, Longshurst died Monday after a somewhat lengthy liness, Remember the Thanksgiving Service on Sunday next, October 31; In the morning 11 's,m, Rev, Mr, Whatham of Albert * St, Chyreh, Oshawa will conduct the service BoWmanville at 7,p.m, Special muss ic by Brooklin choir, - On Friday evening Oct, 26 theve will be a chicken supper followed bya drama Young People's Class entitled "Home Acres,' Mr, and Mrs, Charles Blight, Miss Lillien Blight and Mr. Jaek' Blight of Brooklin spept Sunday with Mr, end Mrs. John Lambert,' Mr, and Mrs, Norman Stott, of Burketon, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, John Hislop, Mr, and Mrs. W, Sutherland ans sons Neil and Eric of Oshawa spent Quntey with Mr, and Mrs, Thos, 00%, ro HARMONY Harmony, O¢t, 17.--Mr, and Mrs, W. Martin, of the city visited Mr, and Mrs, A, Hollman, on Sunday, Mr, Charles Gibson, of Detroit is visiting his cousins, Messrs Har. old and Merlin Mackie, Messrs Richard Bates and Harold Henry of Cameron spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. J. Bates, Mr, and Mrs, Sanderson and Mr, and Mrs, Palmerston of Cpurtice motored to Cobourg on Sunday. The Sunday School is holding a socia) evening in the Auditorium of the school on Tuesday Oct, 28rd. A good time is looked forward to, Mrs, W, Clancy and Mrs, W, E, Wet ies MncWiniy, Theva. and s Mac rene Gladys Oke attended the Diatriet Teague fr at Neweastle on onday nl y " Mrs; N, Wiser, spent Wednesday , Mrs, Winn of Bownisnville, visit- " Mr. and Me. X, Fletcher on and Wednesday, i Mr. Thom Goyne and family heave moved into the Clifford re. sently vacated by Mr, Crawford, Mr, and Mrs, Geo, pson ily of Toronto and Mrs, A, Stew~ 4 Frog Whithy yisited Mrs, J, H; Baker on Sunday. Mrs, J, FA ® ednesday with Mr. spd » tree snd Mr. and nker spent Sunday in tree's father, ' Mr. and Mrs, W. Michail of Tors onto visited Mrs, Wm, Michael on Mr, and | Rh ? Miss D, Campbell of the eity is visiting her sister Mrs. A. Holimen for-a couple of weeks: * Mr. and Mrs. J. Nask and family of the city spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Saunders. J Mrs. McArthur of bes been visiting this week : with' Mr. and Mrs. L. Hogarth, i] THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 19Z0 A . with Mr, and Mrs. V. Drew, h- Mys, J, Orr, of Scotland is visit- mea \ Mrs, N. Greenfield, Mr, Jand Mrs, Gene Woods and baby of Toronto, visited Mr, and Mrs. L, Edwards on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Henderson of the city have moved into the house re- cently vacated by Mr. A, GhRdman. Mr, R. Cowie of the city visited: with Mr, and Mrs. N, Hind on Sun- d Miss MeCormell of Oshawa vis. | d Mre, Fred Glover and. and in evening Rev. Mr, Maton of: which is being. prepared hy the! New Toronto visiting Mrs, Green- | bod: © Miss Mayme Farewell 1s visiting » velatives in Toromto, Mr, and Mrs, A. Hicks and Bobby Mr. and Mrs. Chas Sopher and Mr. W. Hicks spent Sunday at Tweed. Mr, and Mrs. H. Willson and family spent Sunday with relatives in Toronto, {1 Mra; Cockburn, Miss Edna Cock- burn and Mr, James Cockburn. of infection trouble to his foot and d inflamatory rheumatism. Mr, and Mrs. K. S. Gillies and son Gordon and Mrs. Emos of Tor- onto were Supday visitors with Me. land Mrs. W. A. Gerry, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Barret: have been assisting with the nursing of Mr. Barrett, sr, in Oshawa. Mr, Barrett has beem quite ill but is much improved. The Willing Workers' Sunday School Class will eamtertain the Young Men's 8. 8. Class at a Hal- lowe'en party on Monday evening, October 29th. The services congucted last week were fairly well attended Sunday evening. At the conclusion of the regular service, a commun- ion service was given at which quite a large number took communion, It has been decided ta hold prayer meeting services om Tuesday even- ings for the winter, ORONO Orono, Oct. 19. -- Mrs. A. A. Ralph and niece, Miss Marion Walker, visited aver Sunday with friends at Port Hope. Mr, John Patterson, and daugh- ter-in-law have moved into town from the farm and are occupying his residence, Main St. South. isa Joe Armstrong, who has AE . [been visiting her parents Mr. and , Hind, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Gimblett and Billy spent Sunday in Toronto with velatives, Little Merlyn Luke had the mis- 'fortune of spraining his right ank- le when he fell while walking around last week, He could not step on his foot for several days, but is beginning to use it some now, © 'M#, and Mrs. K. Fletcher and gona 'spent Sunday in Toronto with friends. Mr, and Mrs. Kineh and family are living in Mr, C. Mackie's house, recently vacated by Mr, Stoekhill, * Mr. R. L. Robson of North Bay will spend this week-end at home. Mra, J. Chekburn and family of the city visited with Mr. and Mrs, N. Hind on Sunday. The Home and School Club will hold a social evening after their regular business meeting on Thurs- day Oct, 35. A good time is looked forward to a treat for the children as well as for grown ups will give lots of fun, Come and have a good time, Don't forget Oct. 25. The Trail Rangers met on Wed- nesday night at 7,30 after the reg- ular opening items the boys were shown 'some new games by Mr. Timmins 'which created a great deal of tun, The boys are always ready for Wedneaday night as they al- ways have such a good time, unday School at the usual hour 2 to 8 o'clogk. Every one is cord- fally invited to be present and en- y the Bible Study hour, The 11' Ranger boys are requested to be present, Mr. Timmins will have an {pteresting lesson for them. Mrs. Connell, of Sault Ste, Marie spent the week-end with her daugh- ter Mrs, W, Frayling, Miss Irene Oke attended the chicken ple supper and concert at Thornton's Corners, Wednesday night , NORTH OSHAWA . North Oshawa, Oct, 16,-- The first meeting of the Home and School Club for the term took place op Monday evening, After an in- spection of the new addition to the school the ladies and gentlemen re- paired to the where the retiring president receiv. od the last years reports of the sec- retary and treasurer, after which Mrs, Phillips and Miss Cunning- ham audited the books, Miss Cun- Principal's room {ningham reported that all was in good order. Blect Officers Mr, Arnott presided during the | election of officers with the fol- lowing result: Hon, President, Mrs, Solomon; President, Mrs. Phillips; 1st Viee Pres, Mrs, Scott; 2nd viee president, Mrs, Moffatt; sec- retary, Miss Cunningham; Treasurs or, Mrs, Conlin, Executive comnrit- tee, Mesdames, Lyons, Fice, Cun- ningham, MeGregor, Woolley, Rou- stop and Sykes; Pianist, Miss Al- berta Dennis; assistant planist, Muriel Phillips, ' Future Meetings Appropriate speeches were made by sll new officers, A mumber of |new members were welcomed, It was planned to hold a Hallowe'en Social on Hallowe'en night, The oftieers and members of the execu- "| tive will meet Wednesday after- noon' in the school room to plan for the socisl and for tie Novem- ber meeting. Boy Injured Several . automobile accidents have occurred lately, Sunday sfter- noon, John, youngest son of Mr, and Mrs, Will Powell was struck by a car driven by B. Guy, The little boys had just found out it was John's birthdey on Saturday snd thought to give him a friendly birthday pat, but the little lad rushed out to 'the road to avoid his and | playmates with the result that he was struck to the ground, His fath- er witnessed the accident from the window and rushed to the aid of his son who had developed & con- wyulsion, Dr. Rundle was hastily summoned and foynd a slight frac- ture 'with minor injuries to his shoulder and bruises about the y, Herman Hall Injured * Another accident occurred Mon- isy night when Hermen Hall, re- turping late from work was struck by a ear driven by Mr, Tait of Osh- awe. Mr, Tait ssid 8 car was ap- proaching from Lhe Iiorth with very strong headlights which com- pletely hid the pedestrian from viaw end he had not seep Mr, Hali until be was struck. Mr, Hall wae fendered unconzeious ani yas tak- on to ithe Oshawa General Hospi- New Toronto | tal, 'Mr, MacPhail has been confined Mr, and Mrs. J. Drew spent Sun- to the house and mostly to his bed for the 'past six weeks with some (Mrs. C. G. Armstrong, left last week for Hartford Conn. to take the position of head Dietitian in the new Y.W.C.A. Mr, Isaac Winter who went on a visit te his farm at Mountainsiae. Man., had the misfortune to fall from a hayrake and receive injur- fea to his head which put him in the hospital for a few days. He 1s now able to be around again, Misses Eileen McCamus and Lor- een Lorriman spent the week-end at the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs J, F. Lorriman, Miss L. Buchanan of Mount For- est, former High School principal spent the latter part of the week with former associate teachers here, Miss Ferrier and Miss M, Ad- ams, the latter accompanying her as far as Toronto on her return home, ' Mr, and Mrs. George Mitchell Have returned home from a week's visit with friends in Belleville, Mr. Horatio Hill was seriously injured by an animal while salting cattle in the pasture field the oth- er day. He is reported to have been standing on a boulder feeding out the salt when the animal rushed at him from the rear, breaking a rib at the spine, He was knocked over unconscious and remained in that condition for some time. The only reason that can be ascribed far the infuriated animal not finishing him is that it was attracted by the sar, Mrs, Catherine Killmaster who recently returned from Los Angel- es, Cal, to her sister's Mrs, Junk- er at Oshawa, spent a day last week with relatives and friends here, Mrs, J, Dunham of Toronto, is visiting her cousin Mrs, J, Dickson and other relatives in the districe Mr, Thomas Cowan has returned home from a circuit of the fairs, officiating at several as expert jud- ge, Mrs, Cowan accompanied him the last week of his outing, Mr, Fred Lycett, has tendered his resignation as teacher at Wesley- ville schol to, join the staff of the ville school to join the staff of the Oshawa, Mrs, Elva Thompson who has been visiting friends here the past few weeks, left Monday on her return to New York, Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Parlia- ment of Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs, Plaumandan, of Ottawa, were guests at Mr, O, W, Ralph's over Sunday. Mrs. C. F, Awde accompanied hy her brother and his wife, Mr, and Mrs, H, Hooper, of Pontypool, visit. ed their sister, Mrs, Clifford May, Windsor, aver the week-end, Miss Maquire, Mrs, Camphell, Dr, Drumble and daughter, and WHY / Rheumatism o SUFFER NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO SCIATICA or NEURITIS RHEUMATONE EE TT RHEUMATONE LABORATORIES Oshows, , Ont, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, of Toron- to, were visitors over the week-end at M. O. Scott's also Mrs. Neeland who is making a farewell visit with her brother before leaving for her home in Seattle, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Eran Satten and Mr. and Mrs. Charley Manley of Geneva, N. Y., on a motor trip to Quebec, spent an hour or two ia town Monday last and ' called on friends. Era couldn't forego the pleasure of seeing the old home town again and meeting some of his old friends here. i The Women's Missionary Society of Part St., church held its meeting Thursday, last group 8, Miss Flora Cobbledick, convener had charge of the program. Vocal solo Mrs. A. E. Chapman, Devotional flet by Mrs. A. J. Knox, Scripture Les. son by Mrs. Sterling. Introduction to the New Study Book, "Drums in the Darkness" was read by Miss Mabel Davey and Chapter 1 and 2, were taken up by Mrs. J. Green. Mrs. Kerslake, Miss Cobbledick, Miss Davey, Mrs. O. W. Holph, voe- al solo by Mrs. Roy, reading by Mrs R. Best, and hymns. "By Cool 8il- oams Shady Rill," brought a splen- did programe to a close. The many friends here of Mr. Andrew Pollard were pleased to see hi mon our street once more. Mr. Pollard who was a prominent farmer of this district, he havicg built the beautiful farm home now owned and occupied by Mr, Walter Eherwin, west of the village. It is about 25 years since Mr. Pollard left Orono, for Richmond, Va. where he has since resided. Mr. George Pollard, of Toronto was al- so in town on fair day and the two brothers attended the big Fair to- gether. Dr. and Mrs. D. Somerville, ot Chicago, Ill, received severe in- juries in a head-on collision which completely demolished their car in which they were returning to the city from a trip to Michigan. The terrific impact hurled Mrs. Somer- ville through the windshield and a fifteen foot embankment when she received cut about the face and arms, requiring three stitches to close the wound above the eye and seven in the arm. The doctor was cut about the legs. Both were tak- en to the hospital. It will be some time before he resumes his praes tice. Fill Up for Winter The wise man never waits till is driven necessi Secure your CONGER COAL now ea ty are availab!-. J. H.R. LUKE Phones 871 -- 931 -- 687.W = REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY ' If your Watch 1s not giving satisfaction pair make it tell the correct time We Mo " D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Cana awa Railroads. dian Naticnal and Osh. 10 King 8¢t, W, ™- THE WORLD HAS A NEW ag Twin-Ignition motor More and more * appreciate the White Rose or high CANADIAN Every line and contour of the new Salon Body style suggests the fleet, clean-cut profile of the thoroughbred. The "400" models are big, roomy cars, but without excess bulk, smart cars without exaggeration; They're low, slender, and graceful. You only need to com; the sppear- ance of the "400" to gare of Aig el 7-bearing (boliow crank pins) "400" Special Six Sedan otor Cars of the Future will be low; slender, graceful, like the NASH "400 today N ASH has achieved tomorrow's mo- tor car vogue in the Nash 400," today. new cars of the year, to know definitely that you would rather have the Nash: You only need to drive the "400"--~to steer it, park it--to know that here is exactly the kind of a car-you've always wanted to own, Its new Twin Ignition performance and ease-of-handling are easily the year's most important addis tions to the pleasure.of-motoring;' We'll give you the key to any model you care to drive; Them, we'll leave it to you! i) 9 Sedans from $1234 to $3159 8 Coupes, Cabriolets, Victorias from $1234 to $2504 NASH 400 IMPORTANT FEATURES N0 OTHER CAR HAS THEM ALL ANSI olor Dinos Bijur centralized os ebricuion eweboronhesibastt fenders Clea vision frons posts World'seasiest steering , Sheome plated over Wey : a Desige crankshaft Short turning radius' Causaed mt REID-NASH MOTORS Dundas Strest, Whitby--Phone 123 0 motorists economy of Gasoline for low motors, L COMPANIES, I TED

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