Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Oct 1928, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1928 Woman's Daily Interest SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the co operation of its readers im contributing items to this column. Send im a postear or phone 35, ' Messrs. Lawrence Kellett and R. Bowen spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Paul, Cavan. Mr. and Mrs. 'R. 'Gilde, Albert street ,have returned home after visiting friends in London, Ontario. C4 ko Mrs. Edgerton of Pontypool spent the week-end in this city with friends, 4 9 4 Mr. and Mrs, L. MacGill and daughter spent the week-end wit gelatives in Pontypool, : Mrs. L.' Nicholls, Christie avenue, is spending a week with friends in Toronto. * * LJ Mrs. W. Drayson, Saskatoon, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jack Lee, Carnegie avenue, J * * Mrs. Dorothy Stuart, Belleviile, is visiting her aunt, Mrs, D, Cox, Richmond street, $ % Mr. and Mrs, Warden Brown were the guests of Mr. James Paul, Cavan, on Sunday. Ld * * Mrs, Albert Smith of Napanee is visiting her daughter, Mrs, How- ard. oe Mrs .C., Ackerman is ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, Cole, Mil- ford, * * * Mrs, Ernest Smith of Napanee is in town attending the funeral spending a few * niversary services Sunday next. of her father, the late Alexander McKean. $x 0% Mr. George Jones of Lyn is weeks in this city. LJ] LJ] Rev. A. M. Irwin wil) preach #n- at Norwood * Miss Lottie Hindman of Los An- geles is the guest of Mrs. BE. W. Rundle, Richmond street east, for a week, * Mrs, G. ™. kirk has returned to hér home in Arden after visiting her daughter, Mrs, D. BE. Weese, Harmony, for a few days. $s % % Mrs. (Rev.) A, M. Irwin, Greta street, has returned from spend- ing a week in London, where she was the guest of Mr, and Mis, Paul Irwin, formerly of Oshawa, 0% Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Mangan, ac- companied by Miss Mary F. Man- gan and Miss Cryderman of Toron- to, spent the week-end with the former's mother, Mrs, Mangan, Kingston. J * * Mrs. Paul Peters of Toronto, en- tertained at supper last evening for Mr, and Mrs, J. Coard Taylor, Montclare, N.J., who are guests of the latter's mother, Mrs, R McLaughlin, "Parkwood", 4.49 3 The marriage took place in the Church of St. James the Apostle, Montreal, yesterday of Catharine Marcella, daughter of Mr, V, G. R. Vickers, and the late Mrs. Vickers, to Dr. Don Alfonso Baptista, B.S., Consul-General for the United States of Venezuela in Canada, son of Hon, Dr, and Mrs, Octavia Bap- tista, of Berne, Switzerland, Rev, A, P, Shatford officiated, Mrs, BE. wr Runde, Richmond street east, entertained at a bridge yesterday afternoon in honor of Mrs. A, Legge, who celebrated her fifteenth wedding anniversary, There were four tables of bridge and the prizes were won by Mrs, Stanley Gibbs and Mrs, A. Woon, Mrs, White recelved the consola- tion prize. After the bridge Mrs, Rombough presented Mrs, Legge with a silver vase, The tea tables were pretilly decorated with cut flowers and tea was served by the hostess assisted by Miss Hindman, Los Angeles, Weddings GREENWOOD LEWIS The marriage was solemnizad at the North Simeve United Church parsonage, 39 Grota street, by Rev. A, M. Irwin, Tuesday, Octah- er, 18 of Mysanwy Lewis of Belle: ville to Fred Greenwood of Osha- wa. Mr, and Mrs, Greenwood will reside at Park Road gouth, ENJOYABLE EUCHRE The I. 0, F, held a successful euchre in thely lodge rooms, Tuesday evening, October 16. In INVINCIBLE ~ means one thing only texture, smoot creamed dishes spite of the bad weather there was a large attendance. The prize- winners were as follows: ladies' first and second, Mrs, Westlake, Mrs. Thorton and consolation, Mrs, Jardine. Gentlemen's first and second, Mr. Tatifield, Mr, Garrard, and consolation, Mr. Rogers, Mrs, Westlake also received the special prize. After the ing was com- pleted an emjoya program was given by Mr. Gilmour, Th, C.R., of Toronto and Mr. Ford, Following the program refreshments were served by the committee in charge. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Calgary, Alta, Oct. 18.--Mr. and Mrs, J, J. Story announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Evelyn, to Major Sher- wood Lett, M.C., son of the late Rev, F. G. Lett and Mrs. Lett. The marriage will take place dur- ing the latter.part of October, Both Miss Story and Major Lett are graduates of the University of British Columbia. Mr, Lett was elected Rhodes Scholar from Brit- ish Columbia, Miss Evelyn Story was known to Albertans for a num- ber of years as the capable and energetic secretary of the Girls' Work Board of Alberta (C.G.LT.). HEAVIEST CANAL TRAFFIC IN WEST Thirty-eight Million Bushels Wheat at Soo--12 Million at Welland Ottawa, Oct. 18.--While during September 38,172,895 bushels of wheat, and 1,311,440 barrels of flour passed through the Canadian and American locks at Sault St. Marie, through the Welland Canal, there passed only 12,340,482 bush- els of wheat and no flour, and the wheat through the St. Lawrence canals 11,002,134 bushels, The total traffic through the Sault Ste, Marie canals during September was heavier than in 1927 by 2,020,667 tons, Iron ore was heavier by 1,635,980 tons, wheat by 8,377,622 bushels, or 101,328 tons, and other grains in- creased by 3,109,266 bushels. Bit- uminous coal, upbhound, increased by 327,850 tons, but anthracite coal decreased by 80,283 tons, Wheat traffic was lighter than in 1927 by 168,617 tons, or 5,820,~ 560 bushels through the Welland Canal, Rye decreased hy 114,039 tons, and corn by 22,796 tons, Oats showed an increase of 27,199 tons, pulpwood an increase of 17,019 tons, and coke 10,000 tons, the total traffic being lighter by 93,- 814 tons, Traffic suffered a delay of over two days (53 hours) when a vestel damaged a lock on Sep- tember 23. The total traffic from the open- ing of navigation was lighter than in 1027 by 3,308 tons, the large decreases being rye, 364,615 tons, sand, 101,063 tons, and corn 36,- 120 tons, Wheat increased hy 224,627 tons, oats by 139,003 tons, and merchandise, by 36,201 tons, Despite the increase in wheat traffic of 154,709 tons, and in rye of 120,445 tcns, total traffic through the St. Lawrence canals was lighter than in September, 1927, by 28,141 tons, Barley in- creased by 143,010 tons, oats hy 18,241 tons, pulpwood by 20,394 tons, bituminous coal by 82,06 tons, and iron and steel by 11,071 tons, . From the opening of navigation to September 30, the total traffic amounted to 5,074,108 tons, as against 5,752,008 tons in 1927, the large Increases being wheat, 316,- 455 tons, bituminous coal, 157,492 tons, oats, 143,167 tons, barley, 65,807 tons, sand 39,034 tons, and merchandise, 25,443 tons. WANTING HOLIDAY BOYS SET FIRE TO SCHOOL HOUSE Windsor, Oct, 18,--Three small boys, wanting freedom from school work tried to fire the building last evening, police decided after an investigation into a blaze at the Parent Avenue Bungalow School, The school fis of wood, and would probably have been burned bad pot the janitor heen present shortly after the blaze started and managed to extinguish it. He told police that he had found a pile of paper placed against the side of the school, and that they were blazing merrily when he arrived on the scene, SCALLOP DRAGGING TO BE CARRIED ON Eastport, Me., Oct. 16.--Search is being made in local water for important scallop beds believed to exist here. If the Rockland vessels Madeline and Flora and the Virgin- SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 1S "DULY OBSERVED Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood Honored By Their Friends A pleasant social event took place last evening when about twenty-five friends of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Ward, Brock street, gathered to celebrate, with Mr, and Mra. Ward, their silver wedding anniversary. The evening, which had been planned as a surprise for Mr, and Mra, Ward, was spent in progressive euchre, following which Frank Petre presented the host and hostess with a silver tea ser- vice. Mrs, Bunker read the follow- ing address: Dear Mr, and Mrs. Ward: Your family and friends have gathered here this evening to celebate with you the twenty-fifth anniversary of your wedding day, and to wish you a continuance of all the joys that have been yours, You have spent practically all your married life in this vicin- ity and have endeared yourself in the hearts of us all, As a slight token of our good wishes and high esteem in which you are held we ask you to accept this silver tea service with the wish that you may both be spared for a long time to use it. Following the presentation sup- per was served, at which toasts for the health, wealth and happi- uess of the couple, were given, RAILWAYS PLAN TO HANDLE EXPRESS ThreeFourths of U, S. Roads Approve Scheme For Own Operation Chicago, Oct. 18.--More than three-fourths of the major rall- roads of the country have approved a plan whereby they will operate thelr own railway express company it was announced Tuesday by W. B. Storey, president of the Atchi- son Topeka & Sante Fe Rallroad, and chairman of the Uniform Ex- press Contract Committee for Am- erican railway executives. The roads may buy all the Am- erican Railway Express Company's stock, Mr, Storey explained, or they may purchase the company's prop- erty, The American Railway BEx- press now works by contract with railroads, POLICEMAN FORCED TO BE AIDE IN HOLDUP Los Angeles, Oct. 18, -- Using a special polce officer as his unwil- ling aide, a man held up and rob- hed a downtown branch of the Bank of Italy here yesterday of $7,000 and escaped. The robber carried bomb with which he fore~ ed A. F. Kduck, the officer, to ac- company him to a teller"s window. In a low voice Kaduck told the teller: "This is a hold-up man; give him some money." ; dies' Coats Styles are generally the straight and slender, Fabs vics are soft suede-like, and colors the seasons most favored, Paris in- spired modes, 5 Up 1 Ladies' Presses Fabrics form the centre of interest in the mewest early winter frock fash- fons, Soft flounces, side- drapes and flattering cir- cular effects stamp these frocks as mew, $Q.95 Up FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. 8. in Soaks clothes Whiten "ANASTASIA" NOT DAUGHTER OF CZAR Formal Denial Issued By the Acknowledged Spokesman of Romanoffs Paris, Oct. 16.--Speaking in the name of a large portion of the Ro- manoff family, Grand Duke Alex- ander, now at Biarritz, has sent the correspondent a formal denial of the ¢laim that Madame Tchalk- owsky, the guest in the United States of Mrs. William B, Leeds, is Anastasia, daughter of the late Russian Czar, Claim Discredited '"Anastazia's claim that she was miraculously saved when the Im- perial Russian family was shot at Ekaterinburg has frequently been discredited but the - Grand Duke Alexander's statement is the first coming from the acknowledged spokesman of the Romanoffs, The Romanoffs have heen econ- templating this action for some tim, but decided only to denounce her claim publicly {if Madame Tchaikowsky attempted to prove legally that she is Anastasia. After Fortune The motive attributed to Mme. 5 | Tehaikowsky's supporters is to con- stitute her heiress to whatever fortune is held in the Czar"s name outside of Russia. There is sup- posed to he a considerable fortune in an English bank account, BROADCASTING CLEAR IN LONDON London, Oct. 18, -- Newspapers Tuesday said that the - broadcast from Lakehurst, N. J., of the arriy- al of Graf Zeppelin was the clear- est radio relay that had been heard in England, although atmospheric conditons drowned out the en- nouncer's story before the airship was moored. Hundreds of thousands of British listeners-in heard the drone of the dirigible's engines, the che:rs nt the crowd and n band playing "Die Wacht Am Rhein." In an editorial, the Times said: "The achievement and the sue- cess of Dr. Eckener's cautious nay- ization cives golia csuie for satis- faction, The experiment will be of the greatest practical value to the science of the aid and Germany may justly be proud of it." [1CHY PIM AFF IHD F and 2 i CHILD VIOLINIST APPEARS HERE ON MONDAY EVENING Bettina Vegana Without a Rival in Interpretation of Little Miss Bettina Vegara, who is coming to St. Andrew's church on Monday, October 22, is a remarkably clever child and is without a rival in her technique and interpretation of the classical selections which have usually required those of mature years to render acceptably to critical audiences. In a recent visit to New York Bettina Vegara played upon the most valuable violin in the world and yet, with her own instrument, she is able to produce music that scarcely requires an instrument of any great- er value. Anyone fond of music will be delighted with her work, as she has already received the highest com- mendation from the leading artists of this continent. In company with Miss Vagara, Miss Jessie Alexander, Canada's fav- orite elocutionist and entertainer, will also appear on the same evening. Miss Alexander is probably better "known as the author of "Encores." SWEDISH JOURNALIST IS TOURING CANADA RE ------ Halifax, N, 8., Oct. 16.--Willlam | Aner, editor of the Jamtlands Tid- ningen, a newspaper of Ostersund, Sweden, arrived in Halifax recent- ly, a representative of fourteen provineial newspapers of Sweden, to tour Canada for the purpose of reporting back agricultural condi. tions, with a view to promoting im- migration from Sweden, The entire Dominion will be toured and infor- mation compiled for the use of the immigrants proposing to settle here, Although Mr. Anner has not yet completed touring the Maritime Provinces he {3s convinced that a great many Swedish {immigrants could be placed on Eastern farms, The climatic conditions here, he be- lieves, are very similar to those in Sweden. JAPAN PLANS HUGE AIRSHIP FOR WAR London, Oct 18.--Japanese navy officia!s have completed plans for the construction of a new giant airship which will carry guns and bombs and have a cruising radius of 3,000 miles, the Tokio correspon- dent of the Evening News reported Tuesday. V#®.en finished the dirigible will TE RED ROSE 66 o is good tea" Red Rose Orange Pekoe -=Top Quality In clean, bright Aluminum Construction of the ship is ex- pected to begin soon, THIRD SEIZURE OF LIQUOR OF QUEBEC Quebee, Oct. 18.--The third liq- uor seizure to be effected in the district of Quebec in two weeks is reported from Loretteville, nine miles from this city, where customs officers seized 45 gallons of alco: hol in a garage there, contained in 18 two and a half gallon cans, This stock is believed to belong to the same man who lost 2,000 gallons in a id on Charlesbours recently, and is of the famous red hand brand, which comes from Mi- quelon, Nobody was in the garage at the time of the raid but the liquor was brought to Quebec and there placed in the customs warehouse. man's Wholesale be by far the largest in the Far Bast, it was said, It's full-bodied coffee flavour makes a real Drink, NATIONAL GROCERS-COMPANY LIMITED Distributors HAH Zz Quality Counts" od PROVISION WEEK ON STO RES |] Swift's Jewel Brand Shortenin 2b. Pail 39: BUTTER Choice Smoked PICNIC Machine Sliced Delicious for Breakfast "pies 2.29: Bacon Peameal Ib. 35 Finest Canadian Tasty Bread | croice & » COTTAGE AS Peameal ROLLS Mild Strong 28 35- Health Bread 8c Tiger Brand CATSUP:. 21: Pickles :: Raising 21bs.23¢ | | Prunes w. 10¢ || Biscuits 25¢ aeons. MARMALADE 32: or 177 A&B WASHING SURPRISE HANDY OR STAR SODA | SOAP |Ammonia 3 rotor 250/10 57 §2+|3 unr 23 000000060800 860 6000606006060 6 0 fa R. are successful in locating such valuable béds it is expected much impetus will be given this branch of the fisheries. Local fish- ermen point out that Dr Huntsman, biologist in charge of the Canadian Phone 3083W Per 2% Ib, Sour 39:49- J CeCcoOoeO00 Qc : with Borden's St, | § 3) i kg Hi) a1 pik i AW hil HOSIERY SPECIALISTS IN FITTING, WEIGHT AND PRESSURE. 78 FOR CANADIAN SRCLIM g 3 waters, While scallops always have been found in this section no attempt has previously been made to gather them in quantities such as elab- orately equipped boats with large crews should be able to secure. ELASTIC MOSIERY Abdominal ai i engac COX LI ORON CO P00 O00: 022 a0 @ 2 @ aa THORS & JURCH S LU

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