Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Oct 1928, p. 6

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PAGE SIX A Woman's Daily Interest SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the co- operation of its veaders in contributing items to this column. Send in a postcard or phone 35. Mre. B. Guy of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs, AL H. Hare. - Mr. Ben Kitson was the guest of his parents in Zion-Mariposa re- eently. Mr. Willa 'Clehdenning of Schreiber, Ontario, has takem up yesidence here. y Miss Beatrice Smiley of Drayton, 1s the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R, J, Hyndman, Celina street. * - LJ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Howard t the week-end with the form- er's parents, Mr, and Mrs. B, How- ard, Deseronto, * % % Miss Nora Stoddart of Deseronto spent the week-end with her father, Mr, Willlam Stoddart, in this city. . a Mr. and Mrs. Horace Ripley and daughter spent the week-end with Mrs. Ripley's parents, Mr, and Mrs, James Wilson, Mariposa. LJ * * Miss Daisy Ripley has returned to her home in Zion after spending @ few days with friends in this eity. * * * Rev. W. P. Fletcher is in Day- ton, Ohio, attending the annual meeting of the Mission Board of the Christian Church, of which he has been chairman .for several years, * J Ll Mrs. H, J, Davis, Mary street, who is leaving soon to join Mr, Davis in London, was surprised last evening by about twenty-five friends and relatives, who gathered WK wonderful complexion can he yours, by using this smooth, fragrant face powder, Ask your druggist or write for free sample, FACE POWDER LOLD CREAM VANISHING CREAM CHAMBERLAIN LABORATORIES Dovercourt Road, Toronto nesday, October 10, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Penwarden, Newtonville, of their daughter, Annis Mary, to Joseph Allen Pen found, of this city, son of Mrs, A. A. Penfound and the late Simon Penfound, Darlington. Rev, Thomas Wallace of the United Church, Newtonville, performed the cere. mony, The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a period gown of ivory taffeta, and an embroidered veil, which was caught with orange blossoms, She carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses. Mrs. Staples, sister of the groom, played the wedding music and during the signing of the rvefister Mr. Melville Staples sang 'Go Not, Oh Happy Day", After the ceremony Mr, and Mrs, Penfound left on a motor trip and on their return will reside in this city, The bride travelled in an en. semble in two shades of beige with a small hat to mateh, MUCH INTEREST IS SHOWN IN THE BIBLE CONFERENCE Continuing her addresses on various subjects having to do with the Christian life, Mrs, Eva Rose York spoke last night at Calvary Baptist Church, Athol street west, on "The Eternalness of the Crim. son Stream." Mrs, York traced the history of the sacrificial blood from the eternal past, "the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world," down through the var- fous dispensations to the great sacrifice of Christ at Calvary, then on into the eternal future, when Christ sald he would "drink this wine new with us" as a memorial ever, Tonight Mrs, York will speak on "The Work of the Holy Spirit." Thursday night her subject will be "An Old Time Revival" and Friday "God's Love for the Back- slider." The meetings are undepo- minational in character and all are dially invited, Much interest is being shown in these meetings. CITY RESPONSIBLE Ottawa, Ont, Oct, 17--In his rea- sons for the judgment awarded Mrs, Eligabeth Murphy, of Egan- ville, $2,600 damages against the City of Ottawa, over a fall on an ley sidewalk, Mr, Justice McEvoy admits Ottawa has climatic condi- tions, as well as many streets with serious grades to confend with, These do not excuse the city from liability, however, if the scheme de- vised for looking after the street in winter months is not efficiently carried out, or if officials respon- sible do not fulfil their duties, he said, The Lucille Hairdressing Parlors Have moved into their store and are located at 74 Simcoe St. North (PR, TUCK'S BLOCK) For Appointments Phone 815 10 minutes ago- Remember all the things people used tg do for headaches? Today, the the accepted treatment is always Aspirin. It gets action! ick, relief--and no harm done. No after effects; no 5 nothing in an Aspirin tablet could hurt anyone, (Your doctor will verify this.) For any sort of headache, i Shea, etc., just try Aspirin. Taken pals, soon it can head-off ; thought must be endured, At all druggists, PIRIN . : Aspirin is 8 Trademark Registered in Cansds that sin has been put yin, HONE AND SCHOOL CONGL PLANS SOCIAL EVENINGS Discuss Securing New Quar« ters for Children's Exhibits at Fall Fair The Home and School Coumell met Tuesday afternoon in the au- ditorium of Centre Street School, The first item of business discus. sed was the possibility of new uarters for the exhibits of the dren at the Fall Fair, Although nothing definite was decided it was unanimous among the members that some new arrangements be made, A. L. Smith had again written to the Council asking for help in collecting clothes and books for needy children, The council ac cepted Mr, Smith's plea and Mes. dames Wood and Hartman, were appointed as the Physical Welfare Committee, with power to add to their numbers, to look after this work, Social Evenings Arrangements were made to have four social evenings during the winter season at which a amall charge will be made, One of these will be held in February when Miss Warren will give an illustrated lecture, using slides, painted by herself, Mrs, Norris and Mrs. Wil- son were appointed to arrange these social evenings, It was announced that printed copies of the constitution of the Oshawa Home and School Associa. tion are now for sale by the presi. dent, Mrs. R, 8, McLaughlin, and may be procured for five cents a copy. KING STREET HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB OPENS SEASON Prizes Donated for Art Are Awarded and Musical Pro- gram Enjoyed The opening meeting of the King Street Home and School Association was held last evening. After open- ing the meeting with "QO Canada," Mrs. G. Norris, president of the As- sociation, welcomed the large attend- ance of visitors and members. A committee was appointed to take charge of the skating rink for the winter months, The prizes for art, donated by Mrs, R. 8. McLaughlin, were presented by H. Trencer, Cooking Awards The awards for cooking and sew- ing were presented by Mrs G. Norris who has been especially active in this department, Classes in sewing will be resumed after Christmas. Mr. Brooks pre- sented the prizes' for flowers and vegetables and Miss E. Holmes the prizes for manual training. Enjoyable Program After the business meeting an en- joyable program followed: A solo, Miss Louise Bennett; recitation, Miss Mary McGill; solo, "Sing Sing Bird on the Wing," was well given hy Mr, H. Treneer. The encore "Old King Cole," proved very entertaining. Miss V. Kaiser's room won the one dollar prize for the month, Refreshments were served and a social half hour spent. SEIZURE ILLEGAL IN 3-MILE LIMIT So Long as No Attempt to Land Liquor, Rules U.S, Appeal Court San Francisco, Oct. 17.--A vessel carrying contraband liquor may come within the three-mile limit without violating the Federal revenue laws if there is no direct attempt to land the liquor, the United States circuit court of appeals ruled today. The decision reversed a ruling of the federal district court at Seattle which sentenced Walter McGill to eight months in the federal prison and fined him $500 when the vessel he commanded was seized by coast guardsmen near the coast line of Port Angeles. SECOND ROUND OF CHESS TOURNEY ENDS Berlin, Oct. 16, -- The second round of the international chess masters' tournament was played here at the Cafe Koenig on Unter Den Linden. Only one game WAS completed, the winner being Rub- instein, of Poland. The sum- maries: First board--Capablanca, Cubs, adjourned with Spielman, Austria, in 8 position favorable to Capa- blanca. Second board--Rubinstein, Pol- and, defeated Tarrasch, Germany, after winning a pawn. Third board -- Tartakower, France, adjourned with Reti, Czecho Slovakia, in a position fa- vorable to Tartakower, Fourth board--Marshall, United States, acjourned with Wimzo- Witch, Denmark, in an even posi- tion. Hot water shrinks and hardens chamois leather. After washing rinse in very soapy water, and a few drops TT of protects tea. WONEN FOR SENATE CASE TO BE HEARD Government Likely to Pay Costs of Privy Council Appeal -- Ottawa, Oct. 17.--Those organi: zations which want the right of women to sit in the Senate affirm. od are to be facilitated in the fur ther steps they propose to take, The "facility will probably take the form of the Government pay- ing the costs of both sides in an appeal to the Privy Council from & judgment of the Supreme Court of Canada declaring women inelig- ible for appointment to the Sen. ate under the British North Am- erica Act as it now stands. The Caurt on that point was unanimous. The frequently published report that the decision held that women are not persons, within the mean- ing of the law, is wholly inaccur- ate. The Court, however, did say what under the law they are not "qualified," persons who ave eligible for the Senate. The first intimation was that an amendment to the British North America Act, overcoming this de- fect and bringing the constitution up to date would be sought, but the women's organizations inter. ests prefer an appeal to the Privy Council and, as stated, this will he facilitated. It is thought that this process may be due to the fear that the Senate will not join in an address to the Imperial Parlia- ment to amend the act, and without such a joint request, no action at London would be secured, HARLTON TRIAL MAY BE DELAYED FOR SHORT TIME Counsel Claims Time is Not Sufficient to Prepare Defence in Murder Case London, Oet, 17.~~An applica- tion for the postponement of the trial of Edward Hartlon, alleged slayer of County Motoreycle Officer Jack Waddell, was launched at the opening of the Assizes before Jus- tice Logie, Monday afternoon, and the crown did not seriously contest the motion, Harlton before his escape from jail retained J. M, McEvoy, K. C., to defend him, but since that time his counsel has been elevated to the Supreme Court bench and he is not available. W. B. Henderson, of the firm of McEvoy and Hender- son at the last minute consented to carry on, and will have associated with hinpy J. M. Donahue, who is counsel also for William Murrell, who is also to be tried for murder, It is understood that Mr. Donahue will present the application for postponement and will give as the reason the fact that he has had no opportunity to prepare an adequate defence for & man whose life hangs in the balance, REPORT KILAUEA VOLCANO IN HAWAII TO BE ACTIVE Honolulu, Oct, 17.--The inter-is- land steam navigation company has announced receipt of a report that Hawail, was becoming unusually setive again. No detalls were given, Kilauea Volcano on the island of HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1928 MUSIC CLUBS OF THREE TOWNS JOIN AT FESTIVE BOARD Oshawans Are "At Home" to Bowmanville and Port Hope Music Lovers (By K. 0. M.) The Oshawa Music Study Club was " at home" to the Bowman- ville and Port Hope Music Clubs on Tuesday afternoon and evening in the Simcoe Street United Church. The guests were received by Mrs. R. J. Andison, president, assisted by Mrs. F. BE. Hallitt and Mrs, C. M. Mundy. The supper room presented & cheery picture when at six o'clock the guests together with members of the Oshawa Club took their places at the tables attractive in their bright green covers, green candles in silver holders and preo- fusion of gaily colored autumn leaves and berries, Seldom. if ev- er, have two hundred and fifty women in Oshawa enjoyed a more perfectly prepared and delightfully served repast and Mrs, G. D. Con- ant, with Mrs. W. M. Robertson, who had full charge of supper ar- rangements are to be congratulat- ed on its success. Welcome Song After grace had heen sung & group of Oshawa ladies rendered an original welcome song for the benefit of the visitors and a real singsong was heartily entered In- to by everybody lead by Mrs. Leo Gray with Miss Helen Johnston at the plano. Mrs. R. J. Andison, president of the Oshawa Club in a fgw well- chosen words, welcomed tie guests at the same time extending to them an invitation to the evening con- cert. The thanks of the Port Hope Club was expressed hy its president, Miss Gladys Westaway, and Mrs. Hawkins while Miss Galbraith and Mrs, Bell spoke for the Bowman- ville club. These ladies expressed delight at the hospitality accorded them and also outlined briefly the past work of their organizations and hopes, for the future. Clubs Flonrishing The Music Study Clubs of these three towns certainly appear to be in a most flourishing condition, The enthusiasm and interest manl!- fested at this gathering speaks well for the future of their organ- {zations LADY ASTOR NOW GUEST OF MASSEY Member of British Parla. ment Visiting Washington Few Days Washington, Oct. 17.--Lady As- tor, member of the British Parlia- ment, arrived in Washington Sun- day for a few day's visit hefore she sails for England. She is the guest of Hon. Vincent Massey and Mrs, Massey at the Canadian Legation. Lady Astor and her daughter have been visiting Lady Astor's old home in Virginia, During their stay in Washington they will be entertained by Secre- tary of the Treasury Mellon, Sena- tor David Reid, of Pennsylvania and by the International Associa- tion of Police women in which or- ganization Lady Astor has been in- tefested for some years. WISHES I would go drifting Down a wide stream, ".ighted by tender Starshine"s faint gleam I would lie quiet There in the bow, Hearing sweet voices From far below, Mid-Week Specials In Fashionable MILLINERY $1.98 & $2.98 FELTS, VELVETS METALLICS Feit bats in both brimmed and off the face effects are much in evidence and are lavishly trimmed with plush, panne or velvet. Many priced as low as $1.98. A special group of new met- "allic hats In the season's smartest styles and color combinations lends spark- ling brightness to this at- tractive mid-week offering. Priced from $2.98, I would see only Starlight above, I would feel only The small waves move. Drifting and dreaming The whole night through, Down the dark river, Dreaming of you. I would see only Faint stars above, I would know only Rapture of love. Household Hints Our Daily Recipes SULTANA FUDGE 1 1-2 cups sugar, 1-3 cup milk, 3 Meat cooked in a gas ov i never get dried up if a jar, halt-glied with cold water is placed in the bot tom of the oven. To make rag rugs stay in their place aiter washing starch them a little. This will make them look a little more like new and will prevent them from wrinkling in the middle or curling up at the ends. Some girls are putting adhesive tape on the inside of the finger tips of their soft kid gloves to prevent them from wearing through. They say they get double and triple the wear out of their gloves that they used to. All they did was turn the gloves inside out and put a small V- shaped piece of tape on the finger tips. A package of baking soda on the bathroom shelves has proven its uses to be even more varied than in the kitchen. It is efficacious as a substi- tute for tooth paste, and makes the mouth feel very fresh after using it, It is also particularly .good for re- Joring Wl the "vim, vigor and vital- ity" lot during a shopping tour if about half a package is dYopped in the bath of luke warm water, Use it as a dusting powder if troubled with excessive perspiration. For burns and insect bites we have been delight- ed with the speedy cessation of the sting and almost immediate loss of redness after a thick paste of soda has been smoothed on. Fashion Notes Smart Paris women are wearing light tunics ever a dark founda. tion, Chanel is again using cired lace with stiffened tiers in some of the new evening models. Among the season's brown shoes are those of suede, kidskin velvet, moire, watersnake, satin, lizard; alligator and newest of all--weed, A little variegated bead cluster with green leaves is the newest posy for the tweed ensemble and the leather gardenia in two-tone effect is another smart mode. Long ruffled panels of ombre tulle posed on the skirts of billowy evening dresses are placed at the back of the left hip and give bouf- fancy to otherwise straight lines. Beiges and browns outweigh grays in popularity for costuming this fall but grays are waging a battle by coming out in lovely, soft new tones, Worth is showing versatility in combining black with some unique ornamentations, such as a single jeweled bretelle, a crystal and jade chain with looped ends hanging in the back, bands of beads and silver pailettes edging a decolletage, Color with black is particularly well liked in the new hats, with blue, the wood shades, sand, Span- fsh wines and greens, ranging from almond to English green, par- ticularly stressed. Three different colors are often used in pad ef- fects, as for instance, red, sand and black, Black plumage tipped with color or vies versa is also sponsored, ONTARIO WOMAN BENEFITED MO] Gold Med FIEAT Pe molasses, and 3 table- spoons butter. Boil 2 minutes, add 1 1-2 squares of chocolate. Boil 17 minutes or until done. Add 3-4 cup faising and 1 teaspoon vanilla. -- CANNED TOMATO SOUP Do not skin tomatoes, 1 basket to- Fag 1 head celery, 4 onions. se together and strain, Add 2 ta 8 salt, 1-2 cup graau- lated y 14 4 cayenne per, 1-2 cup flour creamed with "4 cup butter. Rub these in. gredients together. Boil till soup thickens, then bottle in gem jars. Only needs heating to be ready for the table. May be added to meat, stock or milk. -- RASPBERRY CHARLOTTE 1-3 tablespoons granulated gela- tine, 1-3 cup cold water, 1-3 cup hot water, 1 cup confectioners sugar. 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 cup rasp- berry pulp, whites of 2 eggs, 1-2 pint cream. Soak the gelatine in cold wa- ter for 5 minutes. Dissolve in hot water, Add sugar, raspberry juice and lemon juice. Set mixture in pan of ice water, and when mixture begins to thicken beat with egg beater. Fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites and whipped cream. Pour into wet mold. Serve with whipped cream. RICE AND ToMATO CROQUET- 1-2 cup rice, 1 1-2 cups canned to- mataes, 1 slice onion, 1 slice carrot, 1 sprig parsley, 2 cloves, 3 pepper corns, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 egg, 1-4 cup grated cheese, 1 tablespoon but- ter, 1-2 teaspoon salt. Cook 3-4 cup tomatoes, the onion, carrot, parsley, cloves and pepper corn for § minutes. Strain. Add the remaining tomatoes and cook the rice in this liquid in a double boiler until tender. Remove from the fire and add sugar, beaten egg, cheese, butter and salt, Spread on a plate to cool. Shape, egg and crumb and fry in deep fat. -- MIXED FRUIT MARMALADE Pare and cut inte small pieces enough peaches to make three pounds. Add to this one small pine- apple grated or run through the food chopper. Remove all seeds from a n'y Ph silverware service Sig ain A ] Only $17.50*=-abont what you had expected to | Pay also an wnlimited a0 fs of tron Br bears the amous name--Wm. Rogers & Son, And patterns arc the kin you've dreame about! Come in sec them, Wish stainless steed knives, $21.00, Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner large orange and put the pulp through the food chopper. Add 1 pound of green or white grapes from which all the seeds have been removed, Chop the grapes finely. After all the fruits are mixed add 1 pound white sugar for each pound of fruit. Drop in six or eight peach kernels cut m bits and cook the marmalade until it thickens. Pack in hot sterilized jars and seal, Home of the Lethbridge Memorial Works on Bond Street West As the season is now drawing to a close, this is your op- portunity to have ¥ our monumental work done satisfac- torily before winter sets in, I have some very, fine stock on hand now, and it might pay you to visit us at this time, J. T. Lethbridge Monumental Works 94 Bond Street West - with little al fect Ra J of olive oil added will make the gloves soft and pliable. = > Fie w |

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