Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Oct 1928, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1928 Suburban and District News Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents, MYRTLE rile, Oct. 13. -- Will Ross is Oc adelliAR 4000 16 his resi dence. The Women's Missionary Society will hold their regular meeting at ,the home of Wm. Hoar mext Thurs day afternoon, where all the ladies of the neighborhood are cordially in- vited to atten Mrs. R. Long is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs, Roy Scott, of Seagrave. Mr. and Mrs, Austin of Toronto |g. were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Levy. Apple picking is now on. The crop this year is a very fair one and the quality is very good. The Young Fooplen eagle Ja n reopened for LM months, with Mra, Clarence Mr. and Mrs. George Mark, of To- ronto, visited at the home of their Harrison as president. In order to|end stimulate more interest and have a bigger attendance a contest has started, with Erle Cook and Charlie Gordon as captains and all are work- ing very hard to be on the winning side. John Thom , Who sold his farm to Mr. Howsam this fall had a sale recently, and has moved to Brooklin, where he purchased the house and lot on Railroad street, be- longing to Mr, W. B. Robinson, who has moved to Hamilton. Mr, How- sam has since sold this farm to Ar thur Savage of Brooklin. Mrs. Graham and daughter of Claremont have been visiting at the home of Mr. Stewart Graham. Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn visited Toronto friends during the week. SEAGRAVE Seagrave, Oct. 15.--Mr, and Mrs. Orr Shunk and daughter, Muriel, were in Toronto during last week. Mr, and Mrs, Charles Banks and family were visiting friends here last Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, James Harding and family were in Toronto during the past week, Mr. and Mrs, Aubrey Moon and little daughter, Gwendolyne, were visitors here over the week-end. Mrs. Moon is staying with her mother for a week, Mrs, R. 8. Long has been visiting ily of Toronto visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Harding last Sunday, The Ladies Aid held a quilting bee in the Sunday school room of our church and were successful in quilt ing two quilts in one afternoon. The Girls' Club also quilted a comforter, Mrs. George Ewen visited in To- ronto during the past week. Miss Irene Spoffard was away last week attending the teachers' convention, Mrs, Archie Burnett and two girls were in Toronto last week for a couple of days. Mrs, Edgar Butt is improving in health a little. Mrs. C, W, Clarke and son Harvey are visiting friends in Toronto this week. Miss Una Sleep is attending teach- ers' convention in Lindsay this week. Mrs. Goodale of Hamilton came to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Watson; while there she had the misfortune to fall on wet grass and broke her leg. The Ladies' Aid will be held at the home of Mrs. H, Wannamaker next Wednesday, Oct. 17. Mr. and Mrs, D, Nicols, Mr. and Mrs. A. Nicols and family visited at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. A, Or chard last Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, John Rowe and fam- A he POLAR BEAR | /s Able to Put u With it OLD is fine for Polar Bears, INSTALLED This symbol is the identifying mark of » Warm air heating sys tem installed sccord: but not so good for human beings! A chilly or poorly heated home, for example, is a menace to the health of everyone in the household, There is only one answer-- ing to the specifications of the Standard Code, A McClary "Sune shine," Code installed, guarantees 70° of heat for every room in sero weather, =_=_-------- McClary "Sunshine" Warm Air heating, For real home comfort, for mellow, healthful warmth, no other heating system can compare with it, Like the balmy breath of a June day, the air is kept con. stantly recirculated, properly moistened, So unlike the dry heat from iron radiators ! Burns any kind of fuel, the famous 'Ventiblast" ring making thorough combustion a certainty, Saves money in actual use and it costs much less to install this guaranteed McClary Warm Air 7 GENERAL STEEL WARES Product "Authorized Dealer Miller & Libby 23 Celina St. circuit of Mr. Bick). Those who did not attend to hear Rev. Neil were the losers. Sunday School was also held at the close. Mr. A. Stainton and Miss Doris sang a duet at the church service. Next Sunday at 10.30 the Rev, Loveless of Ivanhoe will take the services here, we hope for a good crowd and also the Sunday school will be held after the preaching service. Remember Bible class members to bring the answers to the last ques- tions given out, and be there to get some new ones, ' Miss Norma Glaspel had an op- eration for tonsils in Bowmanville hospital by Dr, Slemon on Wednes- day last and is getting along nice- ¥. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Syer and four children of Leskeard, were Sunday guests at J. W. Balson's. They, report that their roast fowl supper will be held October 29th, when any from here will be wel- come, Mr, Chas. Ferguson has been helping Mr, Elmer Wilbur for the fall work, but now has secured a position with the Phillips Glass Co. Oshawa. The President and members of the Ladies' Aid wish to express their very great appreciation to any and all who helped in any way to make the chicken pie supper such a wonderful success, On account of shortage of help in this awful busy season, some of our visitors arrived before tea was ready, but when we got going everyone enjoyed themselves to the full, and we are especially pleased to see so many of our for- mer Zionites come to our suppers. The church was very hot and so overcrowded there wasn't standing room , The play, "Dust of the Earth" was very excellently given by Newcastle people, and those who did not hear it at Zion may hear it in Bowmanville opera house on Friday, November 2nd. Misses Bertha Northcott and Au- drey Werry, Oshawa, played some pretty piano duets and Mr, F. Har- ris, Toronto, sang.a solo very nicely. Proceeds of the supper, $306.70. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Nicholson and 2 sons, Miss Annie and two girl friends of Dunbarton; Mr. and Mrs, Adams, Mr, and Mrs, W. Willis, Toronto, and a great crowd of visitors from Maple Grove, Bowmanville, Eldad, Kedron, Osha- wa, Ebenezer and- Hampton attend- ed our supper. Mr. Wm, Martin is home from Davidson, Sask, where he helped with the harvest of Mr, Lick, a relative of Mrs, Jas, Stainton. Messrs, J. W, and Anson Balson were at Little Brittain Saturday, and brought home 2 Oxford sheep from Mr, Stanley Dix, Apple picking and silo filling are the two chief jobs just now.. THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Corners, Oct, 15.-- Miss Flora French was a recent guest of her sister Mrs, Isaac Puck- rin, of Baggotsville, Several from here attended the chicken pie supper at Zion on Friday evening last and report a pleasant evening, Master Ted Robinson took a trip to Toronto on Friday last. The Boy Scouts meet on Tuesday at St. George's Parish Hall, Osha- wa, to be inspected by Field Sec- retary Paddon, who is in Oshawa all this week to inspect all Troops and to help the movement in any way possible, October 17th is the date of the hot chicken pie supper. All are in- vited to come, An especially good programme has been prepared, Don't miss it, After school on Friday the girls of the Oshawa Collegiate, under the supervision of Miss Mary Dry- den, physical instructress, left for a hike to the lake where supper was served at Barnhart's pavilion. The hike was to develop a school spirit along the line of the Big Sister movement. The girls of the upper forms took as their com- panions the girls of the lower iors HW Joie denotes a good girls certain] themselves. 7 ®hjored Sunday, October 14th, was Rall Day at our Sunday School with #A attendance of over one hundred. The Rey, Cragg of King St, United Church was the special speaker for the day and Miss Louise Bennett of Oshawa, sapg a solo and Miss June Luke gave a reading, Every- one enjoyed the services, -- Harmony, Oct. 13. -- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hudson of Berry's iid visiting Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Haynes, Harold Hart is attending Dairymen's Convention at Cleveland this week. - Mr, and Mrs. B. Shier and family, of Sunderland spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mackie, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mackie and Misses Helen and Doris Mackie spent Sun- day at Colborne with Mrs, Chapin. Mrs. G. Bunker of the city, visited Mrs. R. Luke on Wednesday. J. Clark has returned from Gra- venhurst. r Mr. and Mrs. McNichol and Miss Margery McNichol of the city visited Fi" silo} gieg FFL 26,878 1.28 psi i Hk if Es HT e 7 i ily spent Sunday with friends at Perry Town. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gimblett at- tended the chicken pie supper and concert at Zion on Friday night. J. Clark will build on his property just south of the house he now oc- cupies. Mr. and Mrs. Cowie of the city visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Peterson on Sunday. Mr. W. B, Haynes and his mother are leaving Saturday for Hamilton and Wiarton, 'where 'Mrs. Haynes will spend the winter. The Trail Rangers Club met on Wednesday at the usual hour with all but one member present, After the regular business report several games were played. Bert Bailes, who visited the club, suggested some different games which he and Mr, Timmins joined with the boys and enjoyed the fun. It is an even- ing greatly enjoyed by the boys, and great credit is due Mr. Timmins for the interest he takes in the boys. Little: Joan Saunders is con- valescing from the badly cut hand which she got several weeks ago. She has the use of all her fingers except the forefinger and the doe- tor thought the cords had not knit- ted, but upon opening it today at the hospital, it was found all right, Mrs, R. L. Robson was hostess at home in honor of Mr, and Mrs. Rob- ert Russell on Thursday night, About: forty of their friends, were present, Mr, and Mrs, Russqll re ceived many beautiful and "useful presents, To each of them was at- tached a verse which they were re- quested - to read. Although greatly surprised, Mr, and Mrs. Russell re- sponded appropriately, The evening was spent in games and music, and about midnight a dainty luncheon was served, The friends upon de- parting for their homes, wished Mr, and Mrs. Russell many happy years of married life, NEWCASTLE Newcastle, Oct. 12.--Miss Bella Wilson spent Sunday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, C. H, Wilson. Mrs, Harris and baby daughter, Alliston, are visiting her parents, Rev. and Mrs, E. R, James. Miss E, Roland, Willowdale Rest Home entertained a few of her friends at a chicken dinner on Tuesday evening. Messrs, Bill Slade, Orang Carvie and Basil Wilson, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, C, H, Wilson, Lake Shore. Coun, A, O, Parker has been fighting the flu or some kindred ailment for the past week and 1s only now getting the better of it, Their brother-in-law, Mr, 8id Knight, and niece, Miss Edna Snell, Newtonville, were week-end guests of fMr, Jas, Robinson and sisters, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Rogerson, three sons, and friends, Toronto, visited Newcastle on the lake last week-end and sojourned at Bark- ham Hall, Prof, C. B. Sissons, Orono, Sec- retary of Toronto Milk Producers' Association, addressed a meeting of Durham Milk Producers in Coun- cil Chamber here Saturday even- ing, Principal J. M. Roszel of the High School having accepted the principalship of the Newburg High School at a salary of $3,000 has tendered his resignation to take effect December 31st, Miss Evelina Ida Parker has re- ceived word of the death of her aunt, Lady Mary Wild, widow of the late Sir Oscar Wild of Shef- field, England, on September 4, 1928, after a very short iliness. Lady Wild was a very worthy woman, very wealthy and used her money to help mapy needy causes. General Garnet Hughes married a niece of deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gurley and daughiters have moved from the lake shore east and taken up resi- dence in Mr. D. J. Galbraith's farm ing been engaged by Mr. Galbraith as farm foreman and mill opera- tor. Mr, John Bird, who formerly held the position, has moved into the Wm. Jamieson house, King Street, Mr. Lawrence Cryderman's Sun- the| day School Class numbering over 20 boys, including himself, adven- tured to W. H. Pearce's beach at the Upper Marsh Friday evening and on the wide gravel bar be- tween the quiet waters of the less far reaching waters of Lake Ontario they built 8 bon fire and hung a kettle, about fn the same spot and much in the same man- ner as Richard Lovekim, the first white settler in this locality, did over 130 years ago. History tells vs that Lovekin and bis compsn- house, Belmont, Mr. Burley hav- from the orchard of our apple king, Mr, W. H. Gibson, is twelve and one gnarter inches in circum- feregce and weighs fully three quariers of a pound. Rev, W. R. Rogers and Mr. Rob- ert Martin are attending the Pres- bytery meeting at Claremont this Mrs. | Thursday. Dr. and Mrs, E, J, Shirley, Osh- Awa, announce the engagement of their elder daughter, Georgina Margaret, to Mr. Percival Edward Gilbank, B.A. of Berth, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gilbank, Bow- manville, the marriage to take place in October. Mrs, (Rev.) E. R, James has re- turned from visiting her daughter at Alliston, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown and children, Port Hope, who have been visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Sam Brown are return- ing to Port Hope this week. Mr. Brown has been recuperating here since his operation for appendicitis in August and expects to go to work next week. COURTICE Courtice, Oct, 12.--A goodly number of the ladies of this eom- munity motored to Bowmanville on Thursday afternoon when the monthly meeting of our Women's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. R. E. Osborne, who is a member of our Auxiliary, The meeting was in charge of Mrs, H. F. Osborne's group and a splendid program was presented. The Presi- dent, Mrs. F. W, Rundle, was in Hose. Chintz. 36 inch Curtain Nets, 36 inch Scotch Madras, 36 inch Drapery . Store Open All Day Wednesday In The Morning at 830 In The Afternoon at Women's Black Artsilk Hose Women's Black Artsilk Women's Artsilk Hose Women's Artsilk Hose. Black and white. 2nds. 2 pairs for 25¢ Men's Work Socks Men's Grey Wool Work 25 Socks. Reg. 39¢ pair, for.... C 25¢ striped centre. money. 2 0clock English Bath Towels Natural color with pink ever remember selling for The price is actually less than wholesale cost. Size 21 x 42 inches. On sale at 2 p.m. for, 80H savin sin All Day Wednesday -all at 25c¢ yd. or blue The best towel we the 25¢ N the chair, and reports were given from the different group leaders on the money raised which was most encouraging. The President called on Mrs. "Rev." 'Robins of Bow- manville, to say a few words on the matter of giving, which she did in a splendid manner, impress- ing with the thought that as long as God is giving to us, we should feel it our duty to give to His cause. Mrs, H. F. Osborne read the bible lesson and a piano solo was well rendered by Mrs, Mel- ville Staples of Orono. Mrs, Chas, Wight, Providence, gave a very in- teresting talk on Korea, illustrat- Ing the provinces with a map. Mrs, Wight gave an account of the missionary work of the different denominations in Korea, the pop- ulation and the means of liveli- hood there, Mrs. Staples and Miss Louise Osborne played a piano duet and the meeting closed with a short prayer by Mrs. Robins, A fine lunch was served to abut forty ladies and everyone enjoy- ed the social hour, Mrs, Osborne and Miss Louise were most atten- tive to their guests, Messrs, Alfred Huggins, George Welsh, Frank Walters and Ronald Courtice have all returned from the harvesters' excursion to the Northwest, looking fine, Do rot forget our Sunday ser- vices. Our Pastor, Rev. J. H. Stainton, will preach Sunday morn- ing, and in the evening the W.M.S, will have charge when Mrs. "Rev." Irvine of South Oshawa, will ads dress the meeting, Mrs, Irvine is a very interesting speaker and a ladies' choir will also furnish spe- cial music, Everyone is invited to attend, N. B, YACHT LATE VISITOR Marblehead, Mass, Oct, 16.--The seventy-eight foot auxiliary ketch Uvira, owned by Richard B. Van Horne, of the New York Yacht Club, which has St. Andrews, N, B, as a home port, was one of the late visitors at this yachting center, Uvira was designed by Swasey, Raymond & Page in 1916 and bully by the Camden Anchor-Rockland Machine Company. a miscellaneous shower held at her [ym The LATEST STYLES are Always Available at The 'Fair' FARIS FASHIONS for AUTUMN Déja Above, From Marcel Rochas is this: yo three-pine frock A se08- mous pg { Flows yp on in blending color, Right, After August Yl of parc ch jako end side-gathered skins, reed-girt marsh and the more rest- |} Jnspired by MOLYNEUX, CHANEL, AUGUSTA BERNARD MARCEL ROCHAS, GERMAINE LECOMTE As advertised in VOGUE © Om sale today at the wwiform price of $39.50 HE FAI 't, Chanel inspired rok tiered and ruffied chiffon frock, with cape-effect collar, Below, Germaine Leo- foe inspired this two-piece which ties pif A shoulder and hips, SIMCOE STREET 8S. Phone 1173

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