Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Oct 1928, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1928 PAGE FIVE Automotic Gear London, Oct. 11.--Most import- ant of the many features of the Na- tional Motor Show, which opemed at Olympic today, is an automatic gear-change. No gear shaft protrudes from the floor of the automobile which ex- hibits the mew device. Instead, a lever, like that of 4 Swaine Shae tle, operates om a lying on the hub of the steering wheel, and as the lever is moved the gear changes from low to second or high or reverse. - Motor experts of England say the mew mechanism is a practical manufacturable commodity, and not a freak, If this proves to be a ! fact, t will climax the unceasing efforts automotive engineers have been making for at least a genera- tion to eliminate the necessity of reaching for a gear-shifting lever. Gear-changing, to many drivers, Change Feature at London's Automobile Exhibit Jism works a mechanical finger. depress the rest. The driver can choose his gear in advance. If he is driving on high and approaches a hill, it is obvious that he will require a lower gear whem the car begins to lose speed. So he puts the pointer least sign of laboring he presses the pedal and the car changes down into the mext gear without making any bones about it or giving an imitation of a coffee-grinder. The self-changng gear box is silent. Except for the variation of engine beat, it is impossible for the driver to know in which gear the reinvestment of funds: ou% Bonds | October, 1958 Due 15 July, 1958 DOMINION OF CANADA Due | February, 1932 TOWNSHIP OF YORK 5% Debentures Due | June, 1951 Due | June, 1956 - - BURNS & CO, LIMITED Due | June, 1948 Dus [ July, 1948 LIE | MONTREAL LONDON, ENG, Fy J REDDIN. Rafipwntative I -- ey Holders of DOMINION OF CANADA 5% BONDS MATURING OCTOBER 15th, 1928 may cash these securities free of expense at our office, 26 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. We offer the following suggestions for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA - Runrantesion Camden tional Railway 5% garadan Nation GATINEAU POWER COMPANY 5% First Mortgage Bonds 534% First Mortgage Bonds ITED GAS & FUEL P. oF MILTON, LIMITED ANY 536% First Mortgage Bonds Dominion CORPORATI Hed Office: TORONTO, 26 King St. B, Price Yield Pie WN 45% ec « 10000 500% eo 100.00 5.00% cre WS 30% ce. 950 559% fcr WM 5.9% SECURITIES ON LIMITED WINNIPEG VANCOUVER 23 Simeos Street North Oshawa Ontarie car is running except by looking at the guadranmt. Finger The automatic change mechan- When the pointer on the quadrant gear, the mec) finger is auto matically ed into position to effect the change. When the pedal is pressed the mechamical finger buckles down to work. The automobile expert of the London Daily Mail declares he has been able to make 15 gear changes on the automatic gear car in 10 seconds. He declares that because of the time saved, the self-chang- .|ing gear car gaimed 33 per cenmi. speed on an ordinary car. One motor company has adopted the automatic gear as a ular feature of its cars and claims to have tested it out successfully on runs totalling 50,000 miles. ------------------ PREMIER KING 1S INFAVOR OF IMMIGRATION Offers Settlers to Canada Prosperity and Opportunity, in London Speech London, Ont., 11.--Addressing the Canada Club at its annual din- ner Wednesday - night, Premier Mackenzie King, of Canada, speak- ung for hs administration, said Canada offered with open arms the prosperity and opportunity of the Dominion to British migrants who possessed the necessary initi- ative and self-reliance and a desire to improve their condition, He also discussed diplomatic representation by the Dominions, and paid a high tribute to Hon, P. C. Larkin, Canadian High Com- missioner in London, whose office, the Premier said, 1s placed as first and foremost of the Dominions representative positions abroad, Empire Bonds A letter from Premier Stanley Baldwin, expressing his inability to accept the invitation to attend, was read by Hon, P, C, Larkin, who presided, Mr, Baldwin sald "I think the growing sense of fel- lowship between Ministers of the Crown in the various parts of the Empire, which has been so note- worthy in recent years, is one of the strongest indications of, the strength and vitality of the bonds uniting us." Premier's Speech Premier King opened his speech with some complimentary refer- ences to Lord Hailsham (former!y Sir Douglas Kogg), Lord Chancel: lor, who had proposed the Cana- dian Premier's health, He express- ed regret that Lord Hailsham had been unable to lead the British delegaton to the Empire Parlia- OPEN to ALL OURS is the best battery service in town-and it is real service for all makes of batteries. If car owners watched the condition of the charge in their batteries as carefully as they watch the air pres- sures in their tires, their batteries would last far longer and serve much better, Ontario Battery Service King St. W. Phone 925 GENUINE WILLARD BATTERIES AND WILLARD SERVICE FOR ALL MAKES is moved to opposite the desired | Ep -------- £ wise time to travel excellent accommodation, a world «renowned cuisine and the certainty of having plea. sant company, Weekly sailings to Plymouth, Cherbourg, London, fast, Ly Glasgow Jrom tbs ar pao aad ila 0. Departures from Hal{fan thereafler, EE John, Bee your local sleamship agent, or wrile , CANADIAN [ VICE SAncho! L uNEs THE ROBERT REFORD 00, £97, Cor, Bay and Wellington Sts,, Tors onto, Telephone Klgin 8471 A mentary Assocation's recent Cana- dian tour ,and referred to the ex- cellent manner in which Lord Peel acted as the Lord Chancellor's deputy on this occasion, DEPLORES COST OF TORONTO ASSIZES Toronto, Oct, 11.--Chief Justice R. M, Meredith in his address to the grand jury at the opening of the assizes Monday denounced what he said was a great delay in the Su- preme Court of Ontario, He de- clared that the Assizes cost the ratepayers of Toronto nearly $100,» 000 last year, whereas the Hamil- ton assizes lasted a similar per fod, eight days, and cost the rate- payers of Hamilton #900, WINTER AIR SERVICES Halifax, N, 8., Oct, 11,--Hon, P, J. Veniot, post master general, an- nounced here today that winter air services to Montreal, of certain trans-Atlantic mail landed at Hal- ifax and Saint John, would be es» tablished shortly, similar to the summer air mail service between Rimouski and Montreal, If sue- cessful, the new service would he made permanent, he said. INORLD-WIDE WORTH OF UNITED GHURCH WAS EXPLAINED Two Thousand Delegates to Convention Carry Word to 820,000 They Represented More than two thousand laymen of the United Church of Camada, representing comgregations im the provinces of Omtario and Quebec assembled in Massey Hall, Torom- to last Friday evening for the open ing session of a notable conference, Three meetings were held on Satur- day and the comvention closed on Sunday afternoon. In addition to regular delegates, hundreds of vis- itors were present. J. H. Gundy, the eminent financier, and Sir Robert Falconer were among the laymen who presided at the different ses- sions. . World Wide Work The abject of this convention was to inform the 2000 delegates respecting the world-wide work of the United Church, and through them to interest amd inspire the 820,000 individuals they represent- ed. Delegates who fail to report to the congregations sending them, or congregations neglecting to afford their representatives an opportun- ity to tell something of what they heard, are culpably indifferent to the success of the splendid mis- sionary undertakings of their church, Brilliant Addresses Twenty brilliant addresses were given, all but two by United Church men, Dr. Robert E. Speer of New York, one of the best known mis- sionary leaders in any land to-day, and Rev. F, W. Boreham, the noted Australian preacher and essayist, were the two outside men on the program. No one who heard, can forget Dr. Speer's noble loyalty to Jesus Christ and Christianity, Dr, Boreham's matchless delinea- tions, the {nimitable records of work that counts, presented hy J. Richmond Craig and George Pring- le, the joyous enthusiasm of Dun- can McLeod, Formosan missionary of the memorable words of many others whose names are known and honored through Canada, Stimulate Interest Interest in the great work of the United Church of Canada, at home and in other countries should be stimulated to a very marked ex- tent by this convention. PAPERS OF AUSTRIA VOICESATISFACTION Vienna, Oct, 11,-- Commenting on Sunday's demonstrations at Wiener Neustadt, all the papers here express relief that peace was not disturbed. The Socialist papers express the hope that the impend- Ing conferences on general inter- nal disarmamrent will make an end to all armed party formations. The non-Socialist papers express. lively satisfaction over the manner in which governmental authority was asserted, laying particular stress on the fact that the small Austrian army has hecome an absolutely de- pendable instrument in the hands of the government and stands above parties, '40+ The Danger Age For Most Men Much Tl Health of Later Years Due to Neglect of Conditions First Noticed in Middle Life With middle age ailments attacking over two-thinds of those past 40, it is time every man who notices such distressing symp» toms as Lameness ,Pains in hack and dows through groins, scanty but frequent | Eye Care and | Eye Strain Next week I will deal with catar- act while it is considered that cat- aract is taken off the eye or that it is a growth upon the eye this is not true but is a common error which I will endeavor to explain when I go into the subject more fully. You may the more readily un- derstand, the more you read of the many dangerous conditions existing why it is wise to seek advice even though you pay the small fee for examioption and find your eyes normal or free from damger. It is better to have many eye examina- tions and be free than to have none at all and run the risk of danger. The man who knows and knows what he knows will charge you for it, and you will seek his advice but he who offers his advice free can only place a limited value upon his To be Continued. Red, Inflamed Eyes Made Healthy--Lustrous DR. PETTIT'S EYE SALVE, 120 years old -- many million boxes sold! Could anyone ask for a better recommend? This old reliable is simply wonder- ful to soothe eyes that itch, burm, smart, discharge--to quickly heal styes, granulated lids. Such healthy, beautiful eyes with brilliant sparklg and luxurious lashes if you faith- fully use DR. PETTIT'S 30c and 50c tube at Jury & Loveil's and al? drugstores, 8 rination, "Getting-Up-Nights," Nervous Jrritability and ig of idl should at once try the amazing value Dr. Southworth's URATABS, ile new to many, the truly remark. able value of URATABS has been proven by many years of successful use. "iid from Doctors and Users alike ofier conyin- cing evidence: "I never found anything to help my case until I tried UFATABS." "URATABS are the best thing for Bladder Weakness and Irritation I have ever tried." "No more backaches, no more pain, no more daily embarrassment or "Getting Cp- Nights, I now sleep soundly and get up in the moming full of pep--thanks to URA TABS!"--This is amazing evidence! No matter how long you have been troub. led or how stubbom Your Shee may Jee , A ten-day test r. worth's URATABS offers t can make the test without risk of cost. for any Sood t will you on sup antee money back if not satisfied. Try URATABS today! LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard Phone Oshawa 324 Whithy 12 LOANS ON MOTOR CARS We will joan you monies on your motor car, or if you can and relief--and you. ACCIDENT VERDICT IN NB. SHOOTING Inquest Conducted Into Death of New York Broker Newcastle, N. B.,, Oct. 11.-- A verdict of accidental death was re- turned and recommendations that hunters wear clothing easily distin- guishable from the underbrush, ete. while in the woods, were made by the jury at the inquest conducted here by the coromer, Dr. J. A. M. Bell, into the death by shooting of Clarence E. Reese, 66, New York City real estate broker, in the woods several miles above this town Sunday morning. Reese was wear- ing a dark greem hunting jacket when shot. All members of the party of sportmen and guides were exonerated of blame in the fatal- ity. Reese, mistaken for a bear, was shot twice by his companions, the bullets entering the head and hear. | Sout h Plowing Match WILL BE HELD ON THE FARMS OF ' Messrs. John Boyes & Alex Johns Lot 10, Concession 3, Reach Township QUARTER MILE WEST OF MANCHESTER STORE Wednesday October 17 SEE LARGE BILLS FOR PARTICULARS Those wanting teams to plow, apply ta JOHN MEDD, FORT PERRY, RR. LUNCHES and Meals served by Manchester Ladies' Aid President, James Lee, Greenbank, Ont, Sec.-Treas., 'W, Ss Croxall, Brooklin, Ont. Ontar Checking Your Parcels Another Loblaw Convenience On passing the turnstile an attendant will check any parcels you may have, This is another exclusive Loblaw feature, which makes shopping at our stores much more pleasant, After you have completed your shopping and are ready to leave, an attendant will hand you back your parcels and assist you to your car, if necessary, Next week--"Helping Yourself," SPECIAL New Pack Orange and Lemon Peel Blackwell's Al Soap Powder Enrivalied for AN Domestic Purposes S nach 0. 2 Size Tin , 8.0.8. Cleanser Things Look vic Ute 508. SPECIAL ~ Finest Quality CALIFORNIA Muffets Pkg, 12¢ Delicious Cherry Cake Corned Beef on These Being Frm wrsrrsrreree bi 360 ROT "em ov... Tin Be Pure Honey Rich Frit and Nut Coke Prait Drops. dons? Fu ' BE ee Tin 61c Fresh Valencia C ake ln Sg ox 10c PE. Tin Be pemrrrirt 10 216 "rm sncis,, , Box 15 Cream of Barley CALEDONIA Licorice Allsorts ITs Wianies Pkg. 28¢ Taper Sli %ex. mox Box 20¢ Cake Flour SALMON | cherries i Privirees Pkg. 23¢ Choice Tall 16- le siee Tin 22¢ Lima Beans Pink Tin Vita Wheat Ros B80... Tin 17¢ Pkiremeche Phe, 28¢ SPECIAL ~ A Pork and 2 i. Lb, 24¢ 3 Pkgs, 14¢ Ivory Soap 2 Cakes 9¢ 2 Tins 27¢ 3-Pad Phg, 14¢ PEAS 3m 25 FARA lin [ nai Thad WW. rp fa) CROSSED FISH SARDINES feat 21im3 1. Tasty QUEENLAND White Onions "tor. 46- Queenland Pickles Sweet Mustard and Sweet Mixed Sweet Mustard and Sweet Mixed Sour Mixed Chow Chow iin Jar 29¢ 6: ar 35-02. Jar 35-0z. Jar Jar 36 TO Jar 31c Loblaw"s Cake YLMER SPECIAL~ > Beans {| Heinz Tomato FEATURING SPECIAL ~ Christie's Arrowroot Biscuits». 2 3. The Standard Since 1853 Marshmallows Finest for Toasting , Campfire Br. Tin 34¢ Chocolates Queen Anne--A Delicions Assort- ment of Hard and Soft Centres ,,, 1.lb, Box 39¢ Sardines siipper Br. |, 2 Tins 3le¢ Shrimps 5%. Tin 21e Nu Jell Assorted Flavors 2 Pkgs. 15¢ SPECIAL~ PEARL WHITE LAUNDRY SOAP Je 10-

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