THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1926 Suburban and District News Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents, a SESS NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, Oct. 8. -- The sunday evening service conducted ay Rev. Mr. Bunntr were very in- toting sad faatructive. The heme was Child Welfare. The il- lustrations were good and approp- riate. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy sang a pretty duet, which was much en- joyed. The week of services began OR Monday evening, Rev. Mr, Tonkin preaching, followed on Tuesday by Rev. Mr. Irwin, on Wedntsday by . J. W. Bunner and on Thurs- vid by Rev. Mr. Whattam, Every one invited to come, Mr. Kennedy was a delegate to the Laymen's convention, held in Massey Hall, Toronto, on Friday and Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jollow and Mrs. Albert Beckett attended Mark- ham fair on Saturday. Miss Della Glover under went a successful operation on her throat at Dr. Rundle's hospi- tal on Friday, Dr Rundle per- formed the operation. Miss Glov- er is improving nicely. ENFIELD Enfield, Oct, 6. -- Mr. Frank Page, Toronto, visited at Mr, S, Page's home. Mrs. Gordon Leask, Taunton, visit- ed with Mrs, Frank Gilbert recently, Miss Helen N, Pascoe, Peterboro, spent the week-end at home, Mr. and Mrs, Harry James, Colum- pus, visited with Mr, and Mrs, John Hepburn, Mrs, A, Smith, Oshawa, spent the week-end at Mr, W, G. Smith's, Messrs, John, Sr, and Will Alex- ander and Miss Francis, Oshawa, visited at Mr, L. Pascoe's. Mrs. Mervin Hobbs spent the week- PURE CASTILE SOAP Regular Five Cent Cakes Special 8 Cakes for 25¢ KARN'S Drug Store Next P, O, Phone 378 end in Lindsay, Mrs. P. Mountjoy, Enniskillen, visited at Mr. Edwin Ormiston's last eek. Stark have been successful exhibi- tors at the fall fairs which they at- tended. The ladies of the Aid held their and Thora back again after an ab- sence of several years when they were in_ Blenheim. Mr. Robert Wallace and family are moving into Miss Gamble's house on Lilla street. Miss Grace Rose, of Toronto, "is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ose. meeting at the home of Mrs, W, G.|A. H. R Smith last week. The attendance was regular, The program, although short, was well rendered. It con- sisted of a piano solo by Mrs. James Parr, an excellent paper by Mrs. Al- fred Prescott, a reading by Miss Ma- rion Simpson, and a piano solo by Miss Dorothy Pascoe. The ladies of this Aid presented Mrs, A. Smith with an electric heater and toaster combined as a remem- brance of the many years she spent in this community, On account of Mrs. Smith's present ill health, the present and address were presented informally, Rally Sunday was ob served here last Sunday. HAMPTON * Hampton, Oct. 6. -- The September meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Miss Sadie Virtue, on Tuesday, Sept. 25. Present, Mrs, (Rev) I R. Bick, opening the meeting. After the business the superintendent of the cradle roll, Mrs. C. J. Kerslake, took charge of the program. A duet, "Won't We Have a Happy Time," was well given by Mrs. C. W, Souch and Mrs. Geo. Barron, Mrs, McCartney read 'the scripture lesson followed by several short prayers, Mrs, Trenouth gave a reading, "Little Life Bearers." "Christian Motherhood" was read by Mrs, Bick, Mrs, W, Wilbur favored with a solo, "Little Sunbeams." Mrs, Jebson read, "Motherhood in Hea- then Lands." A short reading by Mrs. Petley, "Only a Baby Small." Mrs, Barron recited, "Where Did You Come from, Baby Dear;" Mrs, J. Colwill read, "Childhood in Hea- then Lands," and Mrs, W. Wilbur read, "Gather the Children In" Meeting closed with a hymn and the Mispah benediction, Group No, 1 served lunch, Reserve 1uesday, Oct. 9, when the W.M.8, are giving a play entitled, "New Eyes for the Old," Also a number of lantern slides on India, Special music is being prepared. Everybody come. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Cryderman and family and Mr, Harry Cowling, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mrs, Jno. Cowling's. Mr, Albert Allin, who has been employed by the Fisheries Depart: ment and has been spending the summer on Lake Erie, spent a few days at home recently, before re- suming his duties at the Toronto University, Mr, Theopholis Salter, Toronto, is visiting relatives in the village, Mr. and Mrs, C. W, Souch motored to Windsor on Thursday where they intend spending a couple weeks with their daughter, Mrs, Kenneth Cav- erley. Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Cryderman were in Orono recently attending the funeral 'of Mr, Harry Hooper. Mrs. George Armour and Mrs, Herb Rundle visited their sister, Mrs, Del- This Space Is Reserved for 'Bobbies NNOUNCEMENT Watch Saturday's Issue Quite a number of Port Perry peo- e were in Toronto last week, Mrs, ve Carnegie, Mrs. H. Emerson, Mrs. Arthur Carnegie, the Misses Cockburn and Mrs. G. A. Woods were among them. Mr, Earl Sweetman, of Toronto, visited his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Neil Sweetman, over the week end. Mr. Fletcher, of Toronto, was the guest oi Miss Lois Lundy, over the week end, The sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the late Mr. Geo, Howsam in their 'recent bereavemcnt. Mr. J. W. Crozier is visiting her daughter, Miss Bessie Crozier, in New York, for a few days. Miss Elsie Bell is in the Port Perry hospital, where she underwent an operation for appendicitis on Satur- day. We Lope for a speedy recovery. Miss Laura Ingram, of Toronto, was ho ae for the week end. The Church of Ascension was beau- tifully decorated on Sunday fer the Harvest services. The rector, Rev. T. A. Nind, preached a ...ust interest- ing and helpful sermon in the morn- ing and Rev .P. G. Powell, Black- stock, gave an inspiring addr®s in the evening. Special music was sung by the choir at both services includ- ing Stainer's beautiful anthem, "Ye Shall Dwell in the Land." Mr, John Davey, of Toronto, was home for the week end. Mr. and Mrs, Spain and Mr, and Mrs. Waddell, of Toronto, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Gibbs, Jr, at their summer home recently. Dr. Stewart has moved to Oshawa where he will carry on his surgical practice, Dr, Jeffrey who remains in town has moved into Dr. Stewart's new house on Queen street and will be assisted in his practice by Dr, Rennie, of Guelph, Mr, Henry and family moved in- to the house vacated by Dr, Jeffrey, He is the manager of the Royal Bank here. Mrs. Mac Beare gave a card party for a number of friends en Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Foster, of Toronto, yere at their summer home on Sun- ay. Miss McBride, of Niagara Falls, visited her sister, Mrs. Jas. For- man, over the week end, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Beare visited friends in Greenbank last Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, F, A, Fisher, of To- ronto, visited Port Perry friends last week, COURTICE Cotlrtice, Oct. 8--Miss Lear, Oshawa, spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs, A, J. Gay. Mr. and Mrs, Otis Worder, Misses Patty and Doris, Toronto, were Sun- day guests of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Rundle and Miss Hazel Rundle ac- companied them back to the city, Mrs, Wm. Rundle, Bethesda, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Elsi Oke, Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Sanderson, To- ronto, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. W. R, Courtice, Mrs, Horsburgh, Cleveland, is vis- iting her sister, Mrs, A. F. Rundle, We welcome Mr, and Mrs. Delbert Flintoff and family into our munity. They came from Zion. Qur young people held the opening meeting of the League on Tuesday cyvening last with the president, Miss | Hattie Osborne, in the chair. Mrs, | Blake Courtice gave the Bible lesson and topic. The speaker of the eve- ning was Rev. H. Bowles, returned missionary from China, who gave a "very interesting talk on his work there in Chengtu, telling several in- cidents in connection with his own xperience, Miss Hazel Rundle gave . piano solo and Mrs. (Rev.) Stain- on sang. Games were enjoyed after. wards, pumpkin pie was served boun- tifully to all present. The young peo- ple's meeting will be held this week on Thursday evening and will be in charge of Miss Arnold, The C.G.LT. girls held a weiner roast at Mr. G. F. Annis' woods on Saturday afternoon and had a fine time. Sunday morning Rey. Alex Edmi- son, of Little Brittain, occupied the pulpit and preached a beautiful ser- mon. During the seryice a vocal solo was rendered by Mrs. W. R.' Cour- tice. In the evening Rev. J. R. Bick of Hampton, preached most accept- ably. : Our regular meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society will be held on Thursday afternoon at the home Amelia with com- of Mrs. R. E. Osborne, Bowmanville, as may be desired. DOMINION OF CANADA REFUNDING LOAN BONDS MATURING 15th OCTOBER, 1928 THE BANK OF MONTREAL, at all of its Branches in Canada, will accept the above bonds for redemption at maturity. For the convenience of owners of the bonds, the Bank of Montreal will accept the bonds at any time prior to October 15th, and will make payment either by issuing a cheque or by placing the amount to the owner's credit in the books of the Bank, -| Miss Arnold Mrs. H, F, Osborne's group being in charge. Our teachers, Mr. 5.0. Yougand ended 4 Eesat conven in Bi ille and Belleville last week, : Miss Mabelle Walters has .return- ed from a very pleasant visit in Cleveland, Ohio. HAMPTON Hampton, Oct. 8--Mr, Frank Hastings spent the week end at ome. . Mrs. Sydney Hockaday, Solina, vis- ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Cowling, recently. ' Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Davjps, Oshawa, visited at H, W. Wilcak's over the week end, Misses Doris and Margaret, and Master Billie Doidge, Oshawa, visit- ed at Mr. Gilbert Adcock's. Mr. and Mrs: Isaac Bulmer and Mr. James Hewson, Oshawa, visit- ed at Mr. W. Wilbur's on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Will Ranton and daughter. Margaret, and Mrs, John Ranton, Trcuton, were week end vis- itors at Mrs, W. J. Virtue's, Misses Marjorie Martin and Ruth Ferguson, Bowmanville, spent Sunday at their respective homes. Our young people expect a visit from the Maple Grove Young Peo- ple's League on Thursday night of this week. Mr, and Mrs, W. W. Hom and Mrs, R. Avery and Mrs. A. Dan- caster, Bowmanville, enjoyed a motor trip to Buffalo and visited Mr. and Mrs. Milton Avery, who have recent- ly taken up residence there. Mr. and Mrs. Luffman are moving into Mr. G. Adcock's cottage recent ly vacated by Mr. and Mrs, Lutz and family, - The church service morning was fairly well attended, Rev. Bick will exchange pulpits with Rev. Harold Neil, of Wooler, next Sunday. Service here will be in the evening as usual. Owing to the withdrawal of the evening service here on Sunday evening on account of special service at Zion quite a number attended service at Enniskil- len, Bowmanville and Zion. The Mission Band and the Mission Circle will meet at the home of Mus, Jas. Jebson on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalfe and children visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ambrose Trenouth, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wilkinson, Toronto, with the latter's father, Mr, Irvin Trull, Several from here attended Mark- ham fair on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Boyd, Toron- to, spent the week end with the lat. ter's parents, Mr..and Mrs. Enoch Stevens Mr. and Mrs. T. Salter, at Mr, F. G. Kerslake's. Miss Sadie Virtue attended a Mis- sionary conference in Toronto last week, A heavy frost was observed on Monday morning, a gentle remember that winter is gradually coming, Miss Ina Carr, Bowmanville, spent Sunday at home. EBENEZER Ebenezer, Oct. 8--Three splendid services were held at 'Ebenezer church and Sunday school on Sun- day last, Our pastor, Rev, H, Stainton, was conducting anniversary services at Little Brittain and in his absence the pulpit was most ably fill- ed by Rev. A. Edmonston, of Little Brittain, in the morning service and by Rev, J. Bick, of Hampton, in the evening. Both delivered excellent ser- mons which were very inspiring to all. The choir rendered good music as usual. The Sunday school held a regular helpful session in the after- noon, Miss A. Lear, of Oshawa, was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr A : on Sunday Toronto, . Jv GRY, Mr. William Penberthy, who has heen out to the Western Provinces for some time past returned last week to his home here. The regular weekly meeting of the Young People's League will be held on Thursday evening of this week at the usual hour. A good program is being prepared and all who are in- terested are asked to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sanderson, of Toronto, were visitors with Mr, and Mrs, W. R. Courtice, on Sun- day. The younge people are busy re- hearsing their play, "Arnold Goes Into Business," which they are to give in Bowmanville in the near future. We wish them the best of success, : The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society will be held on Thursday afternoon, Octo- ber 11, at the home of Mrs. R. E. Oshorne, Bowmanville, The program, which is in charge of Mrs. : Oshorne's group, promises to be good and all the ladies are cordially in- vited to attend. Remember the date, October 11 at 2.30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Worden and Misses Patte and Dora, of Toronto, spent the week end with relatives here, oi 5 The girls of the Mission Circle are holding a sale at the market in Osh- awa, on Friday, October 12. There is to be home-made cooking and there will also be a rummage sale.' The girls will be very grateful to any who feel like helping them in their work by giving any donations. Mrs. Horsburgh, of Cleye- land, Ohio, is_visiti with her sis- ter, Mrs. A. F. Rund A Three services will be held as usual at Ebenezer on Sunday, October 14, Rey. J. H. Stainton will occupy the pulpit in the morning and the eve- ning service will be in charge of the Women's Missionary Society. The speaker for the evening will be Mrs, (Rey.) Irvine, of Oshawa, who with her husband, has carried on mission ary work in Trinidad. Her talk is sure to be interesting and it is hoped that a good crowd will be present, A ladies' choir will lead in the ser- yice of song in this meeting. Sun- day school will meet as usual at 2.30 pm. Everyone is welcome. : We welcome into our community, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Flintoff andy family, formerly of Zion, who have recently moved to the John Trull farm on the Lake Shore. We have been having some fine weather again and the farmers are harvesting the fall crops, making good use of their time in \ a 30 inches wide. Dress 31 inches wide, 70 inches. for, each .::1:v:is On sale Wednesday o.oo vvvrrne sovrnnes MONEY MORNING AND AFTERNOON Wednesday Bargain DE EEEEEE=--=--=-- YA Best Quality Fugi Silks | In a complete range of colors. A price that has the best previous offering beaten a good margin. 45c yd. Flannels 1 he Finest all Wool Quality 25 pieces, representing all the most wanted colors, 69c Buy Your Window Blinds Here on Wednesday and Save Special purchase makers' seconds, standard size, 36 x Mounted on strong spring rollers, Plain white, cream or green, Each ...... Plain Oil Opaque, white only. 69c : Regular 3 25 98¢c vor Duplex--white with green Faveiee side. On @1 29 SBE 108 CCR vv rors tidsnires di nsiua unusual, Women's $1.50 and sale for, each ...., Women's Pure Wool Vests. for, each .. . Terre ee ees On sale for ...... Women's 75¢ Vests for vee vee Women's $1.50 $1.75 Combinations. rer ees Women's $1.00 fleecy lined bloomers, elastic needs replacing, Otherwise garments are RR I A) You Can Shop at any Hour on Wednesday AND SAVE STORE OPEN ALL DAY=WONDERFUL BARGAINS BOTH RDS Wondertul Values In Women's Winter Weight UNDERWEAR Substandards and broken lines bought from one of Canada's foremost factories at prices that are. really On 89¢ srr eee Regular $2.50 $1 39 Peete ve perfect, 49 r 49c Silk and Wool Vests, On sal Wednesday ,.....,., seeding "ele 80c CI A) Zion, Oct, B--Mr. J. W. Balson was a judge of sheep and pigs at Warkworth fair last Friday. Mr. R. W. Robbins exhibited his sheep there also, Messrs Anson Balson, Bert Glas- pel and Alf Ayre were exhibitors at Markham and Orono fairs. Mr. and Mrs. Sulley Orono fair and visited the cousin, Mrs. Wes. Andrus. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson and Jean, Mrs, R. F. Richards, Oshawa, also attended Orono fair and were entertained at Mr. Lewis 'Buckley's, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Cameron were at Mr, attended latter's ASK FOR IT BY Df THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL | A GREAT LINIMENT Isaac Chapman's, Orono and attend- ed the fair, Mr. and Mrs, S. G. Chant spent the week end in Toronto and, were entertained by his brother while at- tending the convention of laymen, Mrs, H, G. Pascoe, Mrs. J. W. Balson also delegates at the Massey Hall Jaymen's convention were en- tertained by Miss Ada Pascoe, Mr, and Mrs, Joe Awde and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Houghton. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Reid and Betty have moved to Islington to help on his father's farm, We are sorry to lose these young people. _ Miss Ruth Fice, Cradle Roll super- intendent, wishes that the mothers of young children to understand, that she will look after the little folks in the Sunday School rooms while they wait on table at the chicken pie sup- per on Friday night, Sunday night our church was lit up by new Coleman gasoline lamps which makes a big improvement, The church was well attended Sunday night when the Rev. Alex Admison, of Little Brittain, spoke from the text, "Where Do You Live," and it was very interesting. Our quartette consisting of Messrs Alex McMaster, Arthur Stainton, S. G. Chant and Arnold Venner sang two selections very nicely, Mr, and Mrs. H. E. Tink and Miss Evelyn, Mr. Tom Wilbur, Mr. Bruce Montgomery and lady friends, El- dad; Mr. and Mrs. Theo Salter, Mr, and Mrs. Peters and Miss Mary, of Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fer- guson, and Mr. and Mrs, George Hilts and Miss Ruth, Mrs, (Rey.) A. Edmison, Little Brittain, were Sun- day visitors at our /services. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton vis- ited the latter's sister, Mrs. Willis Gladwell while attending the con- vention in 'Massey Hall, Toronto, and Mr. Stainton attended a banquet for the superintendents and presidents of Sunday School and Young People's Societies in Sherbourne street church. Please take notice that the supper provisions will be called for in the afternoon. Chicken pies to be brought as hot as possible when the makers come. Little Bessie Snowden is home from Toronto Sick Children's Hospital and improving slowly. iss Nora Robbins had her tonsils removed in Bowmanville hospital last Thursday by Dr. Slemon and after- wards spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Percy Langmaid, Osh- awa. r Mr. Walter Trull and mother, Co- lumbus, have moved to the farm va- cated by Mr. Delbert Flintoff. Wel- come to Zion} BISHOPS BECONE LAWBREAKERS IF POLICY CONTINUES Bishop of Birmingham Says Outcome May Prove Disastrous London, Oct. 8--"If the Bishops adopt their tentative policy, they be- come lawbreakers, and thus challenge the soundest instinct of the British people," Right Rey. E. W, Barnes, Bishop of Birmingham, declared in an interview last night. He referred to the announcement of the Archhishops of Canterbury and York, last Septem- ber 28. Continuing his statement tonight, the Bishop of Birmingham said the sitgation was likely to be so grave and the end so disastrous, that he hoped private remonstrances of men of weight would prevent the adoption of the policy. "Even if the Bishops ask the con vention to approve of the 1928 book without the contentious clauses, the book will be illegal without the cons sent of the Crown, but a formal quae rel between the Church and the State will then be opened and Church pegs ple desiring to defy the State would be in the position to plead that they had the moral authority of the Church. For the Bishop thus to pres cipitate a formal quarrel would be in« discreet and unwise, The obvious res ply of the nation would be disestahs lishment and severe disendowment, but such a policy would be preferable to the indefensible policy suggested by the Bishops." Pink Capsules Jor Indigestion . M )J - 70} EXCE Manay~ My 888 ieee Nome. LSIOR weonnez LIFE MAIL THIS TO-DAY H. A. MacDONALD " Nehawa. Ont. | Send me full information about your "EXCEL" Policy. 45 -- 110.85 COMPANY. Address