Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Oct 1928, p. 11

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ar Nant 46% AS teri ¥ Lives, LURAY, OCTOBER 9, 1928 PAGE ELEVEN THE CIA, ARARRARL" where OSERIED SECTI ON NNO BR ES l J \ Sy "LLB. AF, Annis, BA Fo RANK S. EBB cits, Notary oney 18 loan, ce. Ng ire Spe W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K. he of Commerce Building. (116-1 yr.) OSEPH P. MANGAN, PAAR | JOSE Solicitor, Notary Public, cer, Money to loan, Office 1434 i] East, Oshawa. Phone 445. e phone 837, RR & CREIGHTON--BAR- sisters, Sen, Nata s Pub ic, ete. or Stands Bank, Eitee Si Simcoe os St P hone 13. Grierson, K.C., T. K. Creighton, SWANSON, GERMAN, McKENZIE and uglas, barristers, solicitors, foie. 3 Rng Sr EF is. Roa Rs 5% As , G. Me- Konic sh Suna, F. (130th) LOUIS 8. HYMAN AND COM. ny, Barristers. oney to lean. ver Dewland's Store, 16 Simcoe rect north. Phone 67, Yesidence PARKHILL AND GREER, BAR- fitters, etc. Money to loan, Alger Bldg, opposite post office. Phone 614" A, T Parkhill, A, W, 8. Gees, Medical DR, HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon, Obstetrician, S WEE Music Ee mot Eaten Fs. DE. VOCAL TEA- fo)» a b [North. Phone 2764F. (129-41) ) | HERBERT C. TRENEER ORGAN- ist and choirmaster of King stem United Church will wen pupils in na, organ and muaie. olces tested free, 50 0 Wiliam 8t. E. Phone 2896. - (53th) | TSS OLIVE B, FRENCH, | oo cacher ny 0 eory pus pe plbelcy eg bin] Conger exams. Studio 73 John Str Phone 1565W, (Oct. 5-Nov, OHN H., RENWICK, ORGAN. J and thelmastes piano, area United Cy urch, Teacher gh Ste a fo Sh "od | ne naught one (57tf) B, F, GALT, A.1.U.M., ORGANIST, Planist, Teacher, Preparation in practical and theoretical examina. tions, Phone 1669W, 18 Aberdeen Street, (Sept, 13-Oct, 13) MISS ANNE BE, McMASTER, A.T, O.M,, Teacher of Piano, Six years experience in all grades, Down- town studio, Residence, phone 1648 rad, (Sept, 26-Oct, 26) SRR eam | & King Street Sa Watch Repairing F. A, VON GUNTEN, EXPERT atehmaken, fe at Transportation GARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders, Local and long distance hauling, Phone 924 and 2602F, Smith and Cox, COLEMAN CARTAGE and R- Bt trucks for service, Moving - a A : Ri erred SON m aggage 0 frees Sagan (oth) PERRY'S oct done do AND and nee mov- fr Riven Ra. N. Phone 2880. (9011) Beauty Parlors BETTY OU, PERMANENT Wave Shop. nent wave, Shecial 50. Marcelling, finger ui imcoe street north, Phone On) PERMANENT WAVING (DOES not need Finger Waving), $7.50. Evalyne Branch, 111 Colborne St. East. Phone 608J. (59-th) Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa, 30 Re- putable Fire Companies, (118tf) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R, N, Johns, 80 Simcoe north, Your insurance wants attended to and your interests protected, (Oct, 11-1 yr.) references to maternity work and pia seases of women, Two years' post raduate experience, Office and resi: Jui A Simcoe St, N,, (cor, Brock) phone 30 (119-tf) DR, Dy PHYSICIAN, SUR- eon, Accoucher. Office and resis ence, King St. East, corner Victoria St, Oshawa, Phone 94 DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases © Infants and children, Office and residence, 97 Bond East, Phone 1155, fIR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- cian and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work and Electro. theopy. Office, Disney Block, Fhone 2050, Office open 9 a.m. to hE hone Residence 161 King East, 2416, DR. C.. W, CARR, ET] Surgeon, Obstetrician, office and resi- dence 53 Simcoe St. N, Phone 2415. C, E, HEPBURN, 77 ONTARIO St, District Representative for the Great West Life Assurance Som any. Phone 1365]. (Feb, 1-1yr.) CINDERELLA DRESS BHOPPE, 153 Simooe St, 8, Marcelling and manicuring from 9 till 6; evenlags by appointment. Phone 2879, Veterinary Surgeon DR, SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, Cat aud Dog Hospital, King west, Phone 629, (56 C. S. DICKENSON, V.8, DISEAS- es of all domestic animals scientifi- cally treated. Dominion Government Nererinary. 34 Brock St, E, Phone INSURANCE-OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Local agents for one of 'the best English, « sompanies. Of- fice 38 Simcoe 86-tf) Money to Loan (1314) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. East, Ambulance, Residence, 6542 Simcoe street north, Phones 210J and 210W, CITY AND FARM LOANS, PRO- gress loans arranged. Parkhill & Greer, Barristers, etc, Alger Bldg, Phone 1614, (49) DISNEY-COTT FUNERAL HOM4 87 Celina street, Oshawa. Corner Bruce dtreet, Ambulance. Phone 1082, (96-t1) WE CAN ARRANGE LOANS ON completed homes at 6% per cent, Have funds available for purchase of good second mortgage, Lett, ) [Nicholls & Hallitt, Phone 3264, 11 King St, B, (61tf) Building Supplies (Avg ._8-Noy. 8) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR, F, T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for consultation and treatment of discases of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 97. (49-tf) Dental DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, office over Bassctts', Phone 959; Residence 306. 4-1 yr, DR. FRED A, FLORA, DENTIS), 87 King street east, Alger building. Phone 2860, Evenings by appoint: ment, (48t) DR. D. R, DAVIES, DENTIST, OF: fice in Alger Bldg., opposite Pos" ffice. Nitrous oxide oxygen gér oo extractions. Evenipgs by a) Phone 231. pointment, Residence , 80817, (12te) DR. H. M. cuOK!t, 9 SIMCOE ST. north, over Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction, Phone FOR SALE---CEMENT BLOCKS, sand and gravel. Quality guaranteed, Good loam for lawns, W. Borrow- dales, Phone 1618, (89-tf) FOR BALM--SAND, GRAVEL AND stone, Immediate delivery, $1.60 a yd. Essery Bros. Phone 882 Ring 3 1 (Oct, 1-Nov, 1) Dressmaking ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING done at reasonable prices, Apply 21 Rowe St, Phone 1347M, (47t0) EXPERIENCED DRESSSMAKER. and tailoring. 33% Simcoe St. N, Apt, 1, Mrs, O'Donnell, Phone 3080W, (Oct, 1-Nov, 1) [i Rates for i Classified Ads. Firat insertion--134 cents por word. Minimum charge--30c. Bach sal & inserts le per word, Three consecutive insere tions for the price of twa first insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions, 80 cents, Box number 10c additional Professional or Business per month for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additional word. TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC. COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad De- Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous-Meek Limited. Phone 1288, (Apr. 26tf) For Rent For Rent FURNISHED APARTMENT TO rent. All conveniences, Garage. No children, Apply 172 Mary St. Phone 496. (74-41) TWO OR THREE ROOMS TO rent. Unfurnished or partly furnished, Every convenience. Phone iy 781) | st. W. THREE ROOMED FLAT FOR rent. Heated and all modern con- veniences. In new home. Furnished or unfurnished. 226 James St. (83¢) FOR RENT--3 UNFURNISHED|g rooms, hardwood floors, 151 King (83a) STORE TO RENT INCLUDING shelves, counters, electric fixtures, and heat. Size 22 x 56 ft. Immedi- ate possession. 148 Simcoe St. S. Apply N. 8, Baird, Phone 9 ) TO RENT---NICELY FURNISHED bedroom. Simcoe St., N. Also gar- age, Phone 212. (81e) il| FOR RENT. -- APARTMENTS -- Four and five rooms, Victoria Apartments, 291 Simcoe St, South. Simcoe Manor and Buckingham Manor--Buckingham and Simcoe streets. Refrigeration. Incinerator Laundry rooms, all other modern conveniences, immediate possession phane local representive -- Mr. Grier, 2529, or The Trusts and Guarantee Co, Ltd, manager for owner, 302 Bay 8t, Toronto, (81tf) FOR RENT -- 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, heated. All conveniences, 266 Ritson Rd. South, (81c) FURNISHED FIVE ROOMED apartment for bachelors or family. Unfurnished if desired. Hot water, heat, All conveniences. Phone 2TTTW, (81¢) FOR SALE--ONk REGISTERED Jersey cow, 9 years old. Due to calt in February, Apply 437 Sim- coe St, 8. Phone 6507, (67t0) FOR SALE--CEMENT BRICKS and blocks, 8 and 10 inches. 192 Alice St. Phone 2043J. (72-Octo. 10) FOR SALE, Phone 44. (80tf) FROM $20, gems set in 14 karat mountings, Also silverware, watches, dishes, toilet sets, ete, Only one dollar deposit, Easy pay- ments, O, H. Dell, 261; Simcoe south, Phone 1666, (Oct, 6- KITCHEN RANGE FOR SALE IN good order, New grates, 309 Cen- tre street, (880) BRUNSWICK PHONOGRA PH; value $215, and records value at $76. Almost new. A snap. Enquire Apartment 16, Buckingham Ave, (83¢) LARGE HEATER IFOR SALE, IN good condition, Phone 1002J (83¢) BILLIARD TABLE First class condition, DIAMOND RINGS Beautiful white Nov. 5) Architects C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work, Second floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res, phone 909], (8-tf) FOR SALE -- KITCHEN TABLE gas stove, and fixtures, 173 Ritson Road South. (83a) TWO SEMI--FURNISHED ROOMS on hathroom flat for light house- keeping. Phone 1783M. (82¢) HARDWOOD FLOORS, LAID BY expert mechanics, Old floors fin- ished like new, Screen windows, combination doors, General con- tracting. B, W, Haynes, 161 King St. W, Phone 481, Residence 180 rs (138tf) ed Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- hanging, graining, etc. Twenty years' experience. Prices right, Work guar- anteed. 151 Huron street. Phone 2067W, (45-tf) PF. ©, HILL, DECORATING, paperhanging, painting, Work guaranteed. Est!mates given, Phone 942W, 1356 Broce east, (148t0) DR. L. E. HUBBELL, DENTIST, Nitrous oxid oxygen gas for extrace tions. Office, Royal Bank Bldg, Phone 948, residence, 1378M. He -t Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at Ideal Tire Shop. Tires for sale, Jamieson Bros. Phone 438. (tf) DR, J. P. BROCK, DENTIST, 13 Simcoe St. N., over Dewland's Phone 1957. Evenings by appoint- ment, (July otf) Dk. W. H., GIFFORD, OFFICE Sgent Theatre Bldg, Phone 1780 Residence 669. 66-1! Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- io Land Surveyors and Ciyil Engin eers, sub-divisions, town planning 365 or 411 Ki BOR ay do Window Cleaning OSHAWA WINDOW CLEANERS ~--House cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, screen and storm windows put on and removed. Phone F. Woodworking C. H. MILLARD, REAR 442 KING St. E. Phone 2354). We specialize in storm sash, screens, #uphoard bs, Auctioneer THOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS- sociate architects, Simcoe St, 8, Over Felt Bros. (66LF) Agents Wanted "$250 Made IN SPARL TIME, IN CITY OR town, taking orders. We show you how to make a success, Delivery later, Personal Greeting Cards, Something new and snappy. Mug- nificent sample book free, "Imper- ial Art", 51 Wellington West, To- ronto. z (68tLE) Motor Cars CAR FOR SALE--1028 PONTIACL sedan, Been carefully driven und in Al condition, Cheap for quick sale. Box ""H" Oshawa Daily Times, (81ec) 1926 FORD COUPE FOR SALE. New rear axle, Four new tires. Pinieh in Al condition, $350, Terms to responsible party, Apply 160 Ritson Rd. 8. (82¢) PHONE 1718), W, J, SULLEY, auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 8, We can sell your odd pieces of furni- i ture and other articles at our yards 41 King St. W., Oshawa, Ontario, .20tf) Contracting CONCRETE WORK, PLASTER- ins, carpentering, electrical work. you afte contemplating altera- tions or building phone Hugh Pal- mateer, 139. 164 Alma St. Satis- faction guaranteed, (Sept. 22-Oct. 22) Masseuse MRS, JULIA KAUCIKAS, FIVE years experience. Satisfaction guar- anteed, Appointment, in your bome, Call 814J or 260 Albert St. (Sept. 27-Oct. 27) Piano Tuning MAXWELL, 4 PASS, COUPE--IN good condition, Must sell immed- iately, A real sacrifice at $110, Phone 2614, 82 Wood street (83c) 1928 PONTIAC COACH AT SAC- rifice for straight sale. Car like new with less than 4000 miles. Terms arranged, Phone 2347W (83h) Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT--FURNISH- ed apartment. Phone 2681 be- tween 9 and 6. (82h) WANTED TO RENT--3 ROOMED flat or 5 roomed house by Novem- berl, Apply Box, *'D" Oshawa Daily Times, (83e) WANTED FOR RENT -- LARGE room, suitable for studio, central State rent and other particulars to Box "J" Oshawa Daily Times doors and frames, tf) Corsetiere MRS, PENTLAND, SPIRELLA Managing Corsetiere, Spirella Shop £8 Elgin St. E. Phone 936. (Sept. 11-Oct. 11) Machinery Repairing STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE, k 38 Church street, repair work done g. " ake £Rre. Acetylene weld- y mping 2 ialty. ' peer. tf) NEIL YELLOWLEES, PIANO Tuner, will be in Oshawa every week-end, Orders left at Harris Music Store, Phone Z:90. (Sept 11---Oct. 11) For Sele or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT--SIX ROOM brick house. All conveniences with garage 172 Mary st. Phone #496. FOR SALE OR RENT. HOUSE ON Verdun Road. Apply 63 Colborne St. E. (82¢) Pets and Live Stock FOR SALE REGISTERED Shropshire Ewes, 2 and 3 years o'd. Price reasongble, John Reeson R. R. No. 1 Raglan, Ont, (85D) Room and board Wanted WANTED-- BUSINESS WOMAN with small child, wishes board and room in private home, preferably with widow who will take complete charge of child. Apply Box "F" Oshawa Daily Times. (81-¢c) HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES sale, 642 Front, St, (V3c) FOR SALE MOFFAT FOUR BUR- ner electric range, good condition, Dining room suite, 468 Simcoe St,, N, Phone 825. (83h) MANGELS FOR SALE -- APPLY to J. Sollitt, Kingston Road, West of Union Cemetery. (83h) NINE PIECE DINING-ROOM suite, Gramophone and other artic- les, 280 James St. (83c) COMBINATION COAL AND GAS Treasure stove, Cheap for quick sale, Phone 1964. (83c) FOR SALE--TWO SIMMONS BEDS with walnut finish, Phone 2382. (83¢) TENT FOR SALE CHEAP, 59 Di vision Bt, (83¢c VOR: Hardly used.|N TO RENT--BARBER SHOP IN ideal location. Apply W. C. Hut- chison, 106 William St. BH, or 54 William St. KE, (8itf) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS SUIT- able for light housekeeping. Apply 185 Arthur St. (81c) ROOM WITH PRIVATE FAMILY. Board if desired. 24 Prince St. (83¢) STORE TO RENT--STEAM HEAT and fixtures. Large full size base- ment, 14 x 40 feet. Box "N' Osh- awa Dally Times. (8310) FOR RENT--FURNISHED BED- room suitable for office girl or gentleman, Breakfast if desired. Phone 19104, (83¢) TO RENT-- UNFURNISHED OR partly furnished flat, three bright roome, one large furnished down stair room. Conveniences, Apply 263 Albert St. (83c) Real Estate for Sale FARM FOR SALE--CORNER OF Wilson and Rossland, Rds, Apply Archie Hopkins. Oshawa. (811) REAL ESTATE, OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co, Lots on Oshawa Park, Victoria Park and Peace Park. Terms to suit you, Office 38 Simcoe St. N. (86th) FOR SALE--SIX ROOM HOUSE. All conveniences. Easy terms. Ap- ply Mrs, M, Fry, 43 Nassau St. (701) Roow snd Board Auction Sale ROOM OR ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen. Single beds. Close to G.M.C. Call 33% or 62 Division St. (821) ROOM AND BOARD, 352 JARVIS St. (82¢) ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE home for one or two business men or ladies. Phone 846. (82¢) Notice Notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my son, Anson Richards, after this date October 9, 1928. : MRS. ETHEL RICHARDS (33¢) Help Wanted--Male SEVERAL GOOD VACANCIES TO be filled by live wire Life Insur- ance salesmen. Particulars to box "H" Oshawa Daily Times, (84a) Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER- fields made to order, We save you fhoney. Estimates free. G. A. Con- stable, 74 Mechanic street, Phone 1593]. * (56tf) LET US REPAIR YOUR DAM- aged fenders and bodys. Don't look reckless. Everything in general gar- age repairs, Hudson and Essex Gar- age, King Street West, Garage phone, 2943; Residence, 2673], (Sept. 29-Oct. 29) BIG BARGAIN, §4000, NEW brick veneer 8 room house, small cash payment will exchange for good closed car, Apply 256 Ritson, Rd. South, (81c) FOR RENT---STORE ON BOND street east, Possesslon November 1st. Apply K. F. Beamish, Brook- lin, Phone 2300. Brooklin. (8ote) 2. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEE!- ing rooms to let, Apply 120 S:acey Ave, Phone 718J. (81lc) FOR RENT--TWO ROOMS IOR light housekeeping. Furnished or unfurnished. Phone 1778W. 21¢ Alice St. (81tf) GARAGE TO RENT AT 164 BL- gin St. E. (82h) FURNISHED APARTMENT S8UIT- able for couple, Six months from Nov. 1. $70 per month, Phone 2410), (81c) ROOMB TO LET---2 BEDRQOMS, tuitable for respectable gentle- men, Conveniences, 32 Mill St, ¢ (82¢) FOR RENT---SIX ROOM HOUSE with conveniences, Apply 214 Dear- bourne Avenue, Phone 1984M, * 8§2¢) SIX ROOM MODERN HOUSE TO rent, 45 Division St, Phone 376, (82¢c) FOR RENT--ONE COZY BED- room for gentlemen, Single $3 per week, Double $2.60, Close to Mot- ors, Also garage, Phone 2882/7, (82h) TO RENT--THREE UNFURNISH- ed rooms for light houseeekeeping. Apply 165 Simcoe St, 8, (823) FOR RENT---TWO UNFURNISH-, ed rooms in new home, Apply 271 French St. or phone 2443J, (82¢) FOR RENT---TWO LARGE UN- furnished rooms, Light, water, heat and furnished, Near General Mot- ors, Phone 2608), 22 Ritson Rd. ' (82h) FOR RENT--TWO FURNISHED bedrooms in private home, Nassau St. Phone 1782F, (82¢c) FOR SALE -- GURNEY GAS stove, like new. Phone 3283W, (83a) FOR SALE--A SMALL HEATER in good condition, Phone 13407, (83a) THREE SINGLE BEDS IN LARGE bedroom to rent. Suit friends. One minute from Four Corners, Phone 1260J. 26 Prince St, (82¢) FOUR ROOM BUNGALOW TO rent, Phone 1531W. (82h) Business Opportunities DAIRY--LOCATED IN - LARGE town 80 miles east of Toronto, de- livering 60 cans per week, Seyen room frame house in connection. Total sale price $7,500.00. A splen- did opportunity for eomeone to step into this well established business. Apply Roberts, Colin & MacKenzie, 16 Bank of Commerce Building, Peterborough, Ontario, (83a) TO RENT--BEAUTIFULLY FUR- nished, double bed sitting room, individual beds, every convenience, Very warm, Suitable for business couple or two friends. Apply 78 Bond St, W, or phone 804, (828) TO RENT--WARM FURNISHED room, Single beds, For two ladies or two gentlemen. Breakfast if de- sired, 20 Maple St, Phone 799W. (82¢) Lost and Found LOST -- PURSE, CONTAINING sum of money, watch and ban book, Saturday. Return to 20 Col- borne St, W. Reward, Phone 1451J. (82¢) LOST--IN OSHAWA, PACKAGE of keys in leather case, Return to R. 8. Virtue, Hardware, 48 Simcoe St, N. Reward. (82h) LOST--BROWN POUCH PURSE on King St. E., containing sum of money. Name in purse, 458 Simcoe St. N. Phone 310, (82¢) LOST--A. SUM OF MONEY IN.AN envelope, bearing the name of C. Batrik. Finder kindly notify C. Batrik, 752 Douglas St, (82¢) LOST--KEYS IN LEATHER CASE Saturday night on Celina St., or uptown. Kinder please leave at 315 Celina St. Reward. (821) i | men. 456% Simcoe St. 8. TO RENT--TWO BRIGHT FUR- nished rooms, Conveniences. Board if desired. Suit business gentle- (82¢) FOR SALE--A BEAUTIFUL FIVE room cottage with furnace, three piece bath, ete, on a lot forty hy one hundred and seven feet, Price twenty-nine hundred and eighty- five dollars. Two hundred dollars cash, and balance twenty-five dol- lars per month, Te include interest and principal, with no taxes to he paid for the first year. Apply W. G. Miller, 4 Tod St, W, Phone 2780, (821) $10 PER FOQT UP ON LONG terms, building sites in built up part of city, Improvements in. Realty Improvement Co. Ltd., Mail Building, Toronto. (T-T Oct, 4) FIVE LOTS8-- ON PARK ROAD, North for sale, Price $500. Rox (22 Whitby or Phone 181 Whithy. (85h) FOUR ROOM COTTAGE $2400, $300 down, Would take car, Phone 3285, (83a) FOUR ROOM COTTAGE MUST BE sold. $1400, $400 down. Phone 3285, (83a) NEW BRICK BUNGALOW FOR quick sale. $2,400, $400 down. Phone 3285, (88a) $6,000--SOLID BRICK HOUSE very central on paved street. 8 rooms and summer kitchen, 4 hed- rooms and unfinished attic. Hard- wood floors, all modern conveni- ences and garage, Suitable for a rooming or hoarding house. $1,000 down, balance arranged. Apply 11 King St. Phone 3254. (83h) $4,800--NEW BRICK VENEER house on paved street, 6 rooms, all modern conveniences. Chestnut trim, Hardwood floors. Electric mantel with fixture, Electric fix- tures and blinds included. $800. cash balance $35 monthly, Apply 11 King St. E, Phone 3264. (83b) Help Wanted --Female HOUSEKEEPER WANTED--FOR family of three. On farm, State age and wages when writing to Albert J. Malyon, Raglan Nntario, (83a) CAPABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, Good wages, Mrs, H. Arnold, on Highway near Plekering Phone Pickering 6100, (83h) WANTED-- GOOD CLEAN COOK middle age preferred, Second maid kept. Apply 309 Golf Bt. Phone 1069, (83tf) WANTED EXPPERIENCED nursemaid. Not under 20. Baroness J. orft, Willowvale Farm, Phone 2026. (83tr) MAID WANTED FOR GENERAL housework, Apply 160 Alice St. (83c) EXCEPTIONAL PROPOSITION open for good saleslady, Full par- ticulars to Box "W" Oshawa Daily Times. (84a) Wanted to Buy WANTED--COUPLE TO SHARE furnished house. Apply 39 Burk Be (82 FOR RENT -- TWO FURNISHED rooms, Conveniences. Immediate possession, Phone 1552W. (83¢) SECOND HAND DEALER. FUR- niture bought and sold, 186 Bloor St. E, Phone 1617M, (Sept. 29-Oct. 17) LY aan FEATHER BEDS, MADE INTO beautiful Sanitary Folding Matt resses and Comforters, Hair, Oster- moor, Felt and Kapok Mattresses remade like new. Represntative in town now. Box. "M" Oshawa Dally Times, (Oct, 6 to Nov. 6.) RADIO SETS INSTALLED ADJUS- ted, repaired. Phone 882 ri11, En- dorsed by the National Radio In- stitute Washington, D. C. Expert service at a reasonable Price (Oct, 9- Nov. 9) Returned Harvesters Are Well Satisfied London, Oct. 9.--DBritish harvesters who returned to Great Britain Sun- day, landing at Liverpool from the liner Adania, strikingly refuted com- plaints concerning conditions in Can- ada brought back by other harvest- ers. There were many harvesters from the Adania who had been quite successful in the Dominion. The ma- jority of the men returning said they had found steady employment in Can- ada at wages of from three to four dollars a day. Some of then were ahle to pay their passages home at the special rate of sixty dollars. One harvester from Wigan after paying his passage home had thirteen pounds sterling in his possession, Shown Kindness A striking example of the kind- nesses shown many of the harvesters hy Canadian farmers was given hy a young Britisher named Hoare. Hoare said he was taken ill while working in the fields and the farmer and his wife not only took care of him dur- ing his illness, but paid him for three days at the rate of three dollars a dav. The harvesters who returned today were very hitter over the actions in Canada of what they termed the "communist section." This section, they stated, wrecked the scheme as soon as the harvesters landed in Can- ada. Their influence had been so had that in many instances Canadian far- mers before employing men asked whether they were communists. We Repair. An «omit in a Jewelry Store BASSETTS JEWELLERS On Oshawa's MRS. B. J. THORNTON, 63 Al- bert Street, City, will sell by public auction her household effecta as follows on Thursday, Oct. 11 at 1.30 p.m. 1 player piano, 8 rolls, gramaphone records, walnut couch, settee and chairs, 1 oak extension table, buffet and chairs, rugs con- goleums, beds springs and wmat- tresses, Gurney Quebec cook stove, gas stove, tables, sewing machine and motor, water power, washing machine ,electric heater, curtains, dishes and numerous other articles. Also two overcoats. Anyone wish- ing to put articles in this sale notify E. J. Pomeroy, auctioneer, 18 King St, Bast, (82¢) AUCTION SALE -- SATURDAY, Oct. 13th, Mr. Wm, Wright will sell by public auction at his home on the Bartlett Road about a quar. ter of a mile north from the King- ston Road, just east of the Union Cemetery, Kast Whitby, all of hia farm stock and implements and furniture. Sale to start at ane o'clock. Terms cash. See posters for full particulars, Wm. Sulley, Auctioneer, (83-86b) Smee AIMEE OPENS HER CAMPAIGN IN THE CITY OF LONDON Hostile Criticism of Evan. gelist Brings Out a Great Audience London, Oct, 9.--Aimee Semple McPherson, Los Angeles evangelist, opened her English revival cam- paign in Royal Albert Hall Sun- day night before an audience of 11,000 persons, while many thou- sands more, unable to get into the auditorlum, crowded around the doors. As a result of a hostile press campaign against Mrs, McPher- son's activities here, 'intense inter- est in her has been aroused. One hundred and twenty boxes in Albert Hall are privately owned and more than a thousand persons in Sunday night's audience, most of them box-holders, arrived in luxurious motors. The rest of the audience was made up of earnest enthusiasts, many of whom wait- ed in long lines from early morn. ing to gain admittance to the hall. Felt Bros. The LEADING JEWELERS Estab'ished 1886 12 Simcoe St. South For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8,--~We Deliver AUTOMOBILE LOANS Do you need some Ready Cash, Are your monthly pay. ments too heavy. We can arrange a loan on your car at Lowest Rates Available PARKHILL & GREER Phone 1614 87 King St, E, 1 Ton Ford Truck in Al condition, $125. Cash or terms, See Owner 93 Nassau St, W.A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 8 KING STREET WEST Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's Faculties Lenses Position Wanted LARGE BRIGHT ROOM WITH Board, suit two gentlemen close to |8 Motors, $7 per week. 280 Halg St. (83¢) POSITION IN GROCERY STORE---- years experience, References, Phone 1365). Evening. (83¢) SIX ROOM HOUSE AND BATH 107 Eldon Ave. Apply Owner, 113 Ontario St. Ope large room with single beds for two roomers, (83¢) APARTMENT TO LET -- TOUR beautiful bright rooms. Oak floors, fixtures, kitchen cabinet, Bleetrie stove, tiled bath, downtown section. Steam heat. Apply Box "N'% Oshawa EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER with General office experience and knowledge of Stepography desires position (References.) Phone 1365) Oshawa. (83¢) YOUNG WIDOW WITH SMALL girl, 5 years, would like position as bousekeeper. Mrs. Florence Thom- son, in care of Arnott Boate, R. R. Daily Times, (83h) No. 1. Omemee. (83h) LAL Disney-Cott 87 Celina St. Phone 1083 Waterous-Meek Limited Othewe Agssts for STAND

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