Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Oct 1928, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1928 FRANGE AND ITALY SPEND GREAT SUMS ONWAR MATERIALS don, Eng., Oct. 5.-- Recently ror istics. diclose. a startling increase in armaments throughout Europe. In spite of all the efforts of dis- armament commissions and the League of Nations, and in spite of the determined policy of the Brit- ish Government in securing promis ed reductions in armed forces wherever possible, the accumula- tion of war material is piling up to an extent that seriously perturbs official circles here. It has just been revealed that in- creases amounting to $61,000,000 will be spent by France alone dur- ing the next year, Part of this huge sum will be devoted to building a great defence wall along France's eastern frontiers, Vast Air Estimates It is also understood that the air estimates for 1929 will amount to nearly $65,000,000 an increase of $20,000,000. This figure doeg not include the cost of food and €loth- ing and the construction of quarters all of which has been previously borne by the army and navy but which will now be transferred to the air estimates under the scheme of Laurent Eynae, the new French | Can Live 3 Minutes ] Without Air respiratory organs are so important to the human system that the body can function only three minutes without air, Coughs and colds break down the lung tissue, make breathing difficult and consequently give you that miserable tired feel- ing. d Stop these coughs and colds quickly with GUIASOTE Which quickly relieves all distressing bronchial troubles. 80c Bottle our At y REXALL STORE Jury & Lovell | King E. Simcoe S. ii Phone 28 Phone 68 Alr Dictator, In addition to all this France will spent $425,000,000 om her fighting forces next year, which with $365,000,000 last year, while Great Britain is spend- ing $2,575,000 less than last year. Italy is also going to great ex- pense to fortify her Fremch fromt- fer, which has led France to match these fortifications with a "gun for gun policy. In spite of the disarm- ament of Germany, therefore, Eur- ope seems no nearer the day when plans and expenditures for war and defence will not be the major con- cern of governments. In view of all these increases, the British feel particularly disap- pointed that the plans for a naval disarmament agreement with France have.gone astray, because there is mo doubt of the sincerity lof the Government's effort to re- duce armaments and no doubt of the country's determination to seek peace. FRANGE'S AVIATION PROGRAM OUTLINED Eynac Has Ponderous Plan For Aerial Services Extension Paris, Oct. 5.--France has not yet produced an airplane capable of making a safe crossing of the North Atlantie, in the opinion of Minister Laurent Eynae, but the youngest and newest member of the Cabinet outlined last night an immediate and ponderous plan for extension of the French air forces to all parts of Europe, North Afri- ca, «nd South America, Eynac's program--The first step in his plan to put France in the lead of commercial air forces--will require considerably more than the 1,472,000,000 francs provided by the 1929 budget, he told the United Press correspondent, Eynac was named head of the aviation department last menth when Premier Raymond Poincare was forced by public sentiment to create a new ministry of air in an effort to half the recent series of accidents in France's aviation his- tory. The program, s outlined by the minister, has two principle aims: 1,--Establishment of a postal and commercial liasion between Paris and other European capitals, 2,--Establishment of a similar liaslon with North African points. A All Airplanes Eventually. Eynac predicted the lines will be extended to South Am- erica on a basis--not half seaplane and half boats--but a full distance airplane route, The program at present calls for exploitation of the existing con- tinental lines with fixed daily schedules and night flights as far as Warsaw on the east and Madrid and Lisbon on the west. Eventually there would be another line touch- ing Geneva, Lyon, and Bordeaux Eynac revealed that conversa- tions already have been held with Italy and Great Britain to provide contacts in the eastern Mediterran- NOT THE SAME PERSON AT ALL "Fruit-a-tives" Stopped Pain and Terrible ean, Cairo, and through Indo China to the Far East, "I also ree the extension of France's Mediterranean lines to South America," said the minister, "They would be over a route tra- versed entirely by air, but this would require the production of suitable aircraft material. "Personally, I believe a system of prizes to encourage produetion of suitable craft would be success- ful." The aviation chief plans to main- tain his edict against sensation and record-breaking aviation attempts until there is better material avail- able, "France," he said, "has not the machine necessary to cross the North Atlantic, Momentarily, that remains in the domain of sport, but we must study the atmospherio conditions and choose a route-- either by way of the Azores Is- lands or to Halifax, "I do not believe the crossing can be made regularly without a stop. Not by postal and commercial planes, at least." Acquisition of Reo By Mack is Negotiating New York, Oct. 5---Negotiations between Reo Motor Company and Mack Truck, Inc, involve acquisition of Reo's speed-wagon business hy Mack, and not a merger of the two companies, as first reported, it was learned in Wall Street today. Stocks of the two companies were subjected /to spirited bidding on the New York stock market today, with Mack advancing over sfx points to 101 and Reo climbing to 35, a new high price, Insul-Board Lath Where plaster is to be used Insul-Bozrd Lath is ideal. The horizontal edges have a Ship-Lap Joint at two foot intervals, providing a special groove which gives the plaster added grip where it is needed-- Deadens the Sound' No disturbing noise can penetrate the wall that's insulated with this wonderful new material, Insul-Board makes every room a haven of rest, a ul, quiet sanctuary where next-door neighbor activities will never irritate or annoy, Insul-Board shuts out other disturbing influences just as effectively as it deadens sound. It seals the home interior against winter cold and summer heat, against draughts, and dampness, It assures day and night comfort all season YORK MAGISTRATE DIES SUDDENLY VISITING FRIENDS Thomas H. Brunton Had a Colorful Career and Was Fearless Judge Toronto, Oet. 5.--Thomas H. Brunton, Police Magistrate of York County, and a Police Commissioner for York, whose official activities, his varied and public-spirited in- terest outside his court, brought him into close touch with all ranks and classes, died suddenly Thurs- day evening while visiting friends on St. George street, For four years Magistrate Brunton had been a sufferer from heart trouble, and had received almost medical attention. He was 74 years of age. Every spring it was his custom to go South to recup- erate. Even prisoners brought before him knew him as a wise and sym- pathetic adviser; others as a cheer ful companion; all as a warm- hearted, generous and faithful friend. His Worship was greatly esteemed by the legal profession. While outspoken in his denuncia- tion of wife-beaters, drunken mo- tor drivers, and crimes against wo- men he was generally kind in dealing with criminals, particularly the first offender. Magistrate Brunton had a most interesting career in York County, over which he had jurisdiction. His early days in North York were as- sociated with heated political elee- tion campaigns when the present Chief Justice of Ontario, Sir Wil- llam Mullock, former Postmaster- General, and Sir Allen Aylesworth, former Minister of Justice, were the Liberal candidates, Even his political opponents respected him, and among his warmest supporters for the position of Police Magis- trate were those whom he had op- posed on the political platform, He had special gifts for organiza tion, which found a large place in the war work in York County, di- rected by Sir William Mulock and Norman Sommerville, K.C, Major Brunton wag the first Magistrate in Toronto to give notice that any one convicted of being drunk while in charge of an auto- mobile would be sent ta jail with- out the option of a fine, and he was the first to carry out his threat. Tribute by Attorney-General .... "The department valued his ser- vices us a Magistrate very highly," sald Attorney-General Price. 'He was one of the most conscientious officials I ever knew, and it will be very difficult for us to fill his place," Magistrate Brunton's court was probably, Colonel Price further stated, the largest presided over by a single Magistrate in Ontario, "He was a man of very great ability and, although not a lawyer, he was well versed in all the law necessary to. carry out his work," stated Judge Emerson Coatsworth, "His judgments were sound and he had great common sense in the ad ministration of the law, He was intensely loyal to his county and to Canada, and was a man of very fine disposition ang a splendid man to work with." "It will be a very great loss to the Magisterial bench," stated Judge F. M. Morton, who had been a close friend of Major Brun- ton for many years. "He was the hest Magistrate the County had for many years, He was very fearless and had good common sense, It will be difficult to fill the place left vacant by his death." "He was one of the outstanding Magistrates of Ontario," {in the opinion of Crown, Attorney Erie Armour, K.C. "Major- Brunton was a man of strong personality and, at the same time, was kind and extremely conscientious in the discharge of his duties. He was [1 shrewd judge of human nature and hated cant and hypocrisy, He had many endearing qualities which won for him a large circle of friends." Magistrate Brunton, who was a Major in the Canadian militia, was horn in Baltimore, and when a few years of age was brought to London, Ont, For a number of years he resided in Newmarket, Surviving are a daughter, Mrs, J. FP, Hobkirk, of York Mills, and two sons, Alva, of California and Harold, of Vancouver, DAVIS WILL GAUSES BRITISH COMENT Daily Express Questions Conditions Imposed by Tobacco Magnate London, Oct. 5.--The Daily Ex- press says editorially.--*'Sir Morti- mer Davis, Canadian multi-million- aires, has left a will bequeathing half of his estate in trust to his son for life, but with the stipula- tion that the young man's interest in the legacy fis not to be passed on to his wife or children, continuous | ing On Sale SATURDAY Sales XB617--Each garment in this assortment an indi vidual style, Exact copies of much higher priced coats. f ' In English Duvetyne, Broadcloth and Pinpoint, specially featuring the Paquin Collar, fashion's newest and most acceptable style feature. This is a large cushion of fur, heart shaped, pointed at centre of back, and built up from the neck, allowing plenty of freedom for hat and yet snug emough to provide solid comfort. Also large, well-furred shawl collars, several styles of cuffs featuring the new Spiral shape, the pointed cuff and the large size straight cuff. The fur used throughout is of a fine grade Mandel blended to match coat colorings, The coats are lined with Satin | NE Sh de Luxe and Rayon Brocades, Fully interlined with loose bottom, Shown 0) in Black, Navy, Brown, English Green, f\ Wine, Empire Blue, Rosewood and Grey. ) A Usually sold at from $25.00 to $27.50. Sl DURING THREE BIG DAYS, each ..... this One of Canada's Leading Coat Manu- facturers joined us in maki ble yr vos) 19.95 ing F Season. Quantity Bu means a Creat Poe pass this saving on to you. in Price. We Misses' and Little Women's SI2e8 srr ivrrene to Women's Sizes ,. to Come Early and Save WARD'S On Sale SATURDAY SOCIAL LIFE OF PARIS CENTRES ame Roy Entertain for Premier King Paris, Oct. B,--Canada's Yega- tion was the heart of the French Capital's social life yesterday, when Hon. Phillippe Roy, first Madame Roy held a reception in honor of Premier Mackenzie King, Among the thousand prominent persons who passed through the Canadian Legation was Jean Knight, whose appointment as French minister to Ottawa was of- ficially announced earlier in the day. It was a day of intense activity for the Canadian Premier and M, Roy. Commencing with a visit to the Pasteur Institute where Mr, King deposited a wreath on the tomb of Louis Pasteur, the Canadi- anv statesman and diplomat, were busy from morning till night at- tending official functions, They were the guests of Aristide Briand, French Minister of Foreign Affairs, at luncheon and later Pre- mier King went to d'Elysee, where he was received by President Doumergue. After the Legation reception Premier: King entertained at dinner at the Hotel Crillon, in honor of the Canadian Minister and Madame Roy. About forty guests, all promin- ent Canadian visitors to Paris, at- tended the Premier's dinner... ~ AUTOMOBILE AT LEGATION Canadian Minister and Mad: Canadian Minister to France, ancy the Palais | ---- wTHE WORLD HAS A NEW New Nash "400", People everywhere are telling other people that the "400" is the finest car of the year, the smartest looking car of ® Sedans from $1,234 to $3,159, delivered 8 Coupes, Cabriolets, Victorias from $1234 to NASH 400 Leads the World in Motor Car Value ; IMPORTANT FEATURES- VO OTHER CAR HAS THEM ALL AND FINER MOTOR CAR « o | JULY ecco 2016 more cary than best previous July in Nash history AUGUST +» 4498 more cars than best previous August in Nash history SEPTEMBER 4832 more cars than best previous September in Nash history i The Country hasgone Nasu! LL sales records for all time have been broken by the the year, the peppiest car, the casicst steering car, the casiest riding car they've ever driven, The World has gone Nash~ and no wonder! The Nash price never bought so fine a motor car before, ; in Whitby $2504 delivered in Whitby LOANS "That is a hard condition, Cases can be easily imagined where it might cause a breach between the son and his wife. Has any man 8 right to carry his grievances or pre- judices beyond the grave or to cast a slur upon those who inherit ftom him, to interpose 8 dead hand into the life of 8 mew generation, "Is there not something unseem- ly and ungenerous in this haunting, thwarting with one hand an ex- istence that you are benefiting with the other, Shakespeare was full of the morality of social wisdom, too, when he exclaimed *"Death--that quits all scores," par > and every season. If you're planning mew constr ction use Insul-Board in the walls, If your home is already built line the attic or will be repaid over and over by the big saving in fuel expense. BUILDING PRODUCTS LIMITED PORTNEUF PONT ROUGE HAMILTON TORONTO The Carew Lumber Co. Limited "4 Ahot St. W.,, Oshawa . . Phones 12 and 1111 ' ] Twin-Igaition motor 12 Aircrafi-type spark plugs ( nallors Bi: on One-piece Salon fenders High. compression Togiona) Exterior metslware Jision Houdsille spd Lovejoy pillar posts oudaille sod Lo) World'seasiest steeriog chiome pissed over Nash Special Desige (exclusive Nash mowntivg) =| crankshaft front and rear Salon Bodies ; (hollow eronk pins) | Short turning radivs bumpers Lowest Rates Available a : REID-NASH MOTORS PARKEILL I CREER Phone 122, Dundas St. 4 1814 ' . Lie. 87 King St. E. : Longer wheelbases at the joint, MONTREAL WINNIPEG '

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