Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Oct 1928, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 192 Labor Prime Minister, and after its adoption it was considered by the by Repeal of the Trades Union Act of 1927, designed by the Baldwin Government to prevent a repeti- tion of the gemeral strike of 1926, was favored im the program. The act made illegal any strike desigm- ed or calculated to coerce the Gov- ernment, or to intimidate the com- munity and made i an offense to take part in such a strike. Provi- sion was made ofr the protection of trade unionists disobeying a strike er, Banking Policy Questioned In its reference to banks, the program set forth that banks must consider the interests of the na« tion in their activities, and not the interests of the financiers, The program pledged the introduction of a minimum wage in industry. As long as the owners -- capital-- PUBLIC OWNERSHIP 1S CHIEF PLANK LABOR PLATFORM Mines, Transportation, In surance and Farms Included in Plan Birmingham, Eng. Oct, 4.--So- cialism, the vision and goal of the British Labor party, is struck om the election program of the party adopted at the annual conference Wednesday. The program de- elares for the public ownership of coal mines, transportation facili- ties, hydro-electric power, agricul [formed ome class, there would be tural land and life insurance. no equality between capital and la- Adoption of the program fol- |bor lowed several lively tilts between conflicting sections of the party, during which it was obvious that Bolshevist doctrines have mo place in the party's platform as previously emphasized by party leaders, The program, based on a §50-page book- let, prepared by Executive Com- mittee, was Introduced by Right Hon, J. Ramsay MacDonald, first Cheers which followed Mr. Mac- Donald's speech were renewed when James Makton, Labor mem- ber for Bridgeton, made his first |speech of the conference. Mr, Mak- ton complained that the booklet was not a gprogram of the party. but a thesls giving the mext Laher Government a free hand to de- vise any program it liked. He sald What more Beautiful as a Gift? or THOSE who seek a remembrance Fox to give keenest delight, our sug- gestion is celebrated COMMUNITY PLATE Tbe Tableware of Distinction Here are appropriate gifts galore--ex« quisite Correct Service Pieces, gorgeous spoons, knives and forks, small complete 'sets and larger ones -- silverware indise pensable, And in giving Community PraTe you are dealing in terms of lifetime service and satisfaction, the day of propaganda had passed. A stormy scene occurred when Mr. Maxton suggested that the La- bor party would get a clear majority at the mext election if, instead of "getting the Comumnists by the throat," they started to get capital- ism by the threat." t by Audience "Weed out the Communists." one delegate shouted. "That will do you mo good," another delegate retorted. "Slap it to him, Jimmy," still another delegate urged whem Mr. Maxton had replied to am interrup- te from a catastrophe, the essemtial industries must be controlled by the Government, Mr. Maxton said. He concluded by insisting that Mr. MacDonald, George Lansbury, Right Hon. Arthur Henderson and Right Hon. Philip Snowden redeem their promises to the country made during the term of the first Labor Government. "Such a speech may bring cheap cheers, but does" not help," de- clared Herbert S. Morrison, Labor member for South Hackney, who took the floor as the applause following Mr. Maxton's speech was dying down. He declared the member for Bridgeton was more about marchnig in step with the rest of the army, and concluded with an eloquent plea for the adop- toin of the party program. Soviet Aims Tmputed John Rhys Davies. Labor member for Westhoughton, Lancashire, said Mr. Maxton evidently aimed at a form of Soviet government in Great Britain, whereupon Emanuel Shin- well, national organizer and Parli- amentary agent of the Amalgam- ated Marine Workers' Union, said that many people would be in the Communist party tomorrow only hey fainted at the sight of blood. '" A. J. Heal opposed the report on he ground that it was drafted merely to suit those on the fringe f the movement who are not pre- pared to accept socialism. There was an angry scene when Right Hon. J. Wheatley, Labor member for Shettleston, was speak- ing. Mr. Wheatley heatedly com- plained of 'venomous utterances' which, he said, were being made from the platform behind him, Amid cries of "Shame!" and "Give him a fair hearing," George Lansbury, the Chairman, arose and said he had not heard the utter: ances to which Mr. Wheatley re- ferred. When the family is very fond of the filling in a fowl, try making an extra amount and putting it in a muslin bag, laying the filled bag alongsige the fowl in the roaster. Baste it as well as the fowl, Daffodils Hogg & Lytle, Ltd, 54 Church St, Phone 208 In all parts of the British Empire women are i y recom- mending the Moffat to their friends and acquaintances, There is a range for every require- ment; for large small homes and apartments, here, is a compact range 19.5c 0 sual os 1 Ji enjoy - capacity, repre- NEES she very Lancs word in cleetig equipment, costs no an ordinary range. MOFFATS LIMITED, WESTON, ONTARIO MOEFATS Gold Medal ElecinclRanie Wu, MOFFATS ELECTRIC RANGES FOR SALE BY THE ELECTRIC SHOP Simcoe Street North--Oshawa, Ontario, r. If the nation was to be saved* anxious about his own view than FATHER AND SON BATTLE IN HONE; CHILD HAD TED Chief of Police of Cobourg Has Nos¢ Broken Trying to Interfere Cobourg, Oct. 4.--Under arrest following a brutal fight in which 70-year-old Chief of Police Ruse had his nose broken, William Mec- Kenzie, Sr., and his son, Alex., may not be able to attend the funeral tomorrow of the elder man's youngest son, Wliliam Jr., aged 2. Terrified women's screams and the crying of children caused the undertaker, arriving at the home with the baby's body in a casket early Tuesday evening, to tUta around and call the police. In a brutal fight, which police allege, terminated several hours' drink- ing, the father and the som Alex. were trying to choke each other, it is claimed. House in Darkness The house was in darkness and the two men were rolling about on the floor it is said, when Chief Ruse and Constables Storey, Noble and McKee arrived, With some difficulty, Chief Ruse forced the elder McKenzie into a chair and was pleading with him to be quiet for the sake of his wife and the dead son whose body lay outside. Suddenly, McKenzie lashed out with all his strength and struck the police chief on the face, break- ing his nose, With this move, the fighting started anew. When the constables grappled with the angry father, the son, who had been prone on the floor, jumped up and piled in. Tumbling and wrestling in the arrow darkened hall. it tcok the officers some minutes to overpower the pair and get them into the police car, On the way to the jail, McKenzie, Sr., it is said, threaten- ed to shoot Constable Noble first chance he got, Only when the con- stables drew their billies were the men cowed, Remanded in Court "" Both men appeared in court to- day, McKenzie, Sr., being charged with assaulting an officer while the son ig held on a drunkenness charge, They were remanded until Saturday. Questioning of the men revealed no specific cause for thelr quarrel, Chief Ruse, who is among the oldest police chiefs in the Domin- ion, was confined to his home to- day, suffering severely from the broken nose and the shock of his experience, THEATRE RAIDED, CAST ARRESTED, COSTUMES TAKEN New York Play is Speedily Ended By the New York Police New York, Oct, ¢.--Mayor Walker and District Attorney Ban- ton staged a new and successful drive on Mac West's latest presen- tation, "Pleasure Man," at the Biltmore Theatre yesterday, As a result the Appellate Divi- sion of the Supreme Court unani- mously abrogated the temporary injunction, granted the evening pefore by Supreme Court Justice Valente, restraining the police trom interfering with performances of the play until Friday, As apother| vesult a second rald op the show was staged in the late afternoon at the first matinee performance of the play, and 49 men apd women of the cast, all in thelr stage cos- tumes, were arrested for a second violation in three days of the law against obscene plays. By 8 o'clock in the evening all the prisoners had been released in $500 ball each, for appearance tomorrow morning in West Side court, Further Production Abandoned This action by the authorities prought the announcement from Nathan Burkan, counsel for Miss West and the 65 members of the company who had been arrested in the first raid at the premiere last Monday night, that further at- tempts to give performances of "fool-hardy," and . consequently there would be no performance tonight. Action by the officials was speedy, and was attended by excite- ment, inside nad outside the theatre, such as had not been seen in the theatrical district in many years. House May Be Padlocked Miss West, who was taken into custody after last Monday night's raid, was not among the prisoners, Deputy Chief Inspector Bolen, head of the mid-town inspection district, explained that her first arrest would be sufficient for the purposes of those in charge of the future prosecution in - the case. Miss West's insistence on giving performances of "Pleasure Man" against the wishes of the city au- thorities, however, will probably lead to Grand Jury action early next week. Should indictments be returned and covictions follow, there is also the possibility that the padlock feature of the Wales law will be brought into play for the first time. This would close the Rilt- more Theatre for upward of 8 year, at the discretion of the court. FRIDAY styles; specially select- ed. A few of them illustrated, suitable SATURDAY ' LE DRESS OFFERI One of Canada's fore. /§ ; most Manufacturers of operated with us in Misses' Sizes Outsize Sizes 1420] 5:38 +44 42.52! XB618--There are twelve or more styles in this assort- 'ment of Dresses made from splendid qualities of Flat Crepes, Satins, and Satin and Velveteen combinations. Exquisitely styled with plenty of Tuckings, Pleats, Lace Collars and Cuffs, Rhinestone Ornaments, contrasting Vestees, Em- broideged Appliques, etc. An attractive range of colorings, such as Olympic Blue, Montella, Marron Glace, Independent Blue, Green, Rosewood, in the Flat Crepes and Satins as well as the always desirable Navy and Black, Dresses in this display usually sell up to $1295. See these at our store. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, each FRIDAY SATURDAY PEAGE PLEA MADE BY MEXICAN BISHOP Asks New President to Re: lieve Distressing Condi. tion of Catholics Mexico City, Oct. 3.--Speaking without the authority of other pre- lates Bishop Migule de la Mora, of San Luis Potosi, has addressed an open letter to President-elect Por- tes Gil, expressing confidence that he may relieve th distressing con- dition of the Mexican Catholics by enforcing the religious law with- out resorting to punishment or rigor. The bishop said that thus Portes Gil would support new policies out- lined by President Calles in hie recent message to Congress 1n which be "opened pew horizons in iid political lite and gave rise to pes of a prosperous Mexico, the sons of which would be linked py fraternal bonds in ap atmosphere of liberty fortall lawful inclina- tions and honest ambitions." After defining the words "priv- ate" and "public," the bishop con- cluded that the constitution did not forbid the practice of religious services within homes because they e private and that neither were usebolders liable to arrest apd punishment because they invi friends to attend such services. Consequently he asked that Cath- olics throughout the country he allowed to have priests conduct religious services within the homes Pumps, two-eyelet oxfords and one-strap sandals gre featuring the pew "high-low" heels of medium light that is fashioped of leather. COULDNT EAT MEALS-- GAS, GAS ALL THE TIME "Gas on my stomach was so bad I couldn't eat or sleep. Since tak- ing Adlerika, I eat a8 I wish and never felt better."--Mrs. Jas. Fill- er. Even the FIRST spoonful of Ad- lerika relieves gas on the stomach and removes astonishing amounts of old waste matter from the system. Makes you enjoy your meals and sleep better. No matter what you have tried for your stom- gch and bowels, Adlerika will sur- prise you. Jury & Lovell, Druggists. -al SAVING PRICES OL' can rely on the efficiency andsafety of the drugs we offer here. We're cautions, eon. Y seryative and scrutinizing as to what goes on our shelves and over our counters, What we offer must have basic qualities for its claims--must render corrective or constructs ive service. And when it does it is to be had here at economy prices, Riker's Lilac Vegetal (After-Shave) 69c A 25c Cake of Jonteel Soap Free with a purchase of any of the following JONTEEL TOILETRIES JONTEEL TALCUM » sess srnpssss BOO JONTEEL FACE POWDER ....., ssssps000.80C JONTEEL ROUGE . Bc JONTEEL COMBINATION CREAM ..,,,,ss:..50c JONTEEL COLD CREAM . »B0e Georgie Ross | Wedgewood | Rikers Milk of Bath Salts Magnesia. 59¢ (Large) 39¢ Save With Safety at Your REXALL DRUG STORE JURY & LOVELL King E. Simcoe "Phone EEE a RR a A ERS NEES Vinolia Castile 8 Cakes 25¢ Hooper's Seidlitz Powders 19¢ Money-Savers 25¢c Carter's Pills .............. 20¢ 78¢c Carter's Pills , 29¢ $1.00 Marmela Tabs. .... .... 35¢c Minard's Liniment 35¢c Chase's K. and L. Pills 25¢ Deckle Edge in silver 29¢ ---------------------------- Two Service Stores in Oshawa S. 68 --------. }

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