Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Oct 1928, p. 2

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Exte ol Build ision Frase Work on the cf and room Division Catering Robert pany, 1c This bull the On on this made a permit The p were pH 210 Deca present one to' stQry at rear. in the # the bul to Mr, the n bi can be In a cafe on by upper rooms When 40 by than i built wall El vel r med i used 0 positia on th heating comny PAGE I'WO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1928 + WHITBY Representative--JAMES HOLDEN | Phone, House 15--Office 484 Prominent Speaker Will Address Next Meeting of Whitby Trade Body ts apicce and Francis J. Mcintyre was appointed to rvise their dis- iribution, President Hutchison point. ed out that the luncheon wil begin sharp at 12.30 pm. and conclude be- fcre 2 o'clock. will assist in the program by leading in a sing song. Cal Dr. G. L. Th: veers JN appointed to arrange for the serving of nch and it is expegted that the catering contract will be given to the Whitby Lawn Bowling and Tennis Club. The ladies of the Women's Institute were caterers for the last luncheon and the executive expressed pleasure at the splendid manner in which they performed this service. It was thought, however, W. H. Moore, of Dunbarton, Chairhan of 'the Domin- ion Tariff Board, to Ad: on October 12 -- Secre- tary Ormiston Agrees to Carry On -- Opportunity for Social Service Work is Dunbarton, chairman of the Domin- ion Tariff Board and Liberal candi- date for South Ontario in the last Dominion election, will be the speak- er at the next luncheon of the Whit- by Chamber of Commerce, which will be held at noon on Friday, Oct 12. Announcement to this effect was made at a meeting of the executive held in the council chambers, last night, with the president, H. A. Hut- chison presiding. Important Event , + y At the last luncheon of the Cham- Pointed Out ber of Commerce the attendance ~ - numbered more than one hundred (By Stafi Reporter) and an effort will be made to make Whitby, Oct. 4--W. H. Moore, of | this coming event even more suc- INCIB[ FF means Yo Best, d tit must = > Jelien make deli i t the flavor must be r be INVINCIBLE, Try INVINCIBLE, We promise you a surprise, Jellies as as name-- and the word "INVINCIBLE" means "the best" and only the best are INVINCIBLE, Quality Foed Products for THEIR FLAVOR IS. TRULY -- INVINCIBLE ud y) org ns of the town should be given a chance for the job, Wi Secretary J. H. Ormiston gave notice that he wished to resign irom this post on account of the pressure of business affairs. He was however urged to reconsider this decision and the executive, recognizing the good work he has done in the past, de- cided to assist him by authorizing him to hire a stenographer on a part time basis for any clerical work which might be required. The sec- retary agreed to carry on under this arrangement. Social Service The great opportunity for social service work locally was pointed out to the chairman of the social ser- vice committee, Rev. T, F. Best, when he required of the secretary what should be the function of this committee. As chairman of the relief committee in the town council, Sec- retary Ormiston was able to state with authenticity that there are sev- eral very needy families in the town who might be assisted in many years. He announced that the paper, which he represented, was soon to open a fund to provide Christmas cheer to ' oor and it was thought that the social service committee might assist «aig and distributing this . Quick Pile Relief Dr, Leonhardt's Hem-Roid is | guaranteed to banish any form of {i Pile misery, or money back, It gives quick action even in old, { stubborn cases, Hem-Roid is a armless tablet that removes blood ongestion in the lower bowel-- he cause of piles, It brings joyful elief quickly and safely or costs 10thing, Jury & Lovell and drug- jists everywhere sell it with this 3uarantee, BOVRIL Why is it that one has such a fine feeling of buoyancy after drinking a cup of Bovril? Modern research has shown that in addition to proteins of exceptionally high food value, beef has certain unique powers of stimulating cellular activity--that is to say of stimulating vitality. Bovril is the concentrated essence of this "vitality power" of beef. That is why Bovril is such a powerful stimulant and sustainer, why, in fact, "Bovril prevents that sinking feeling." of a, A EE prevents that Sinking Feeling 1 ¥ lay in your winter suppl: EL nr En » 54 Church St. POTATOES We have just unloaded a car of New Brunswick Potatoes These are real choice stock and you will do well to y now- HOGG HLYTLE, Limited Phone ul, Tickets will be issued at 50 W. J. H. Richardson | T that the various l-interest locally, fund. Rev. Mr. Best intimated that he would call a mee his com- mittee a3 soon as le. night's meet- Those present at ing included President R. A. Hutchi- som, Secretary J. H. Ormiston, Rev. . F. Best, Dr. G. L. MacDougall, Messrs. W. J. H. Richardson, Fran- cis J. Mcltayre, W. C. Town, and A wi PROMINENT WHITBY CITIZEN DIES AFTER SHORT ILLNESS Wells Levi DeLong Was a Resident of Town for Past Three Years (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Oct. 4--The death occur- red yesterday morning of Wells Levi Delong, well known resident of Whitby, in his 64th year. The late Mr. Delong was retired from active work on account of poor health but death came following a comparatively short illness. The deceased was born near Tren- ton, Ont, and before coming to Whitby had resided at Hinckley, Minnesota, Enniskillen and Sault Ste. Marie. He resided in the latter city nine years, having held a res- ponsible position as superintendent of a large chemical factory. Upon his retirement, three years ago, he mov- ed with his family to Whitby and has resided on Euclid street ever since. Highly respect:d During his short stay here, the late Mr. Delong won himself many friends and acquaintances who will regret his death. Possessing a splen- did character and kindly disposition he was known as a highly respected citizen. He attended the United Church and was a member of the Masonic order, Besides his widow, who hefore her marriage was Margaret Tripp, the deceased is survived by one daugh- ter, Vera, of Toronto. The funeral will take place on Friday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock from the family resi- dence on Euclid street, with inter- ment in the Union Cemetery, The service will be under Masonic aus- pices, Rev, A. L. Richards, pastor of the Whitby Tabernacle United Church and Rev. A. M. Irwin, pas- tor of the North Oshawa United Church to be in charge, EXPECT JUDGMENT IN LIQUOR CASE AT WHITBY TODAY Two Charges Against Frank Foley, Local Service Station Operator (By Staff Reporter) Whithy, Oct, 4--Judgment in the case of Frank Foley, local service I station operator, charged with having liquor in an illegal place, - will be given this afternoon by Magistrate \Villis, providing Foley's counsel, | Frank Regan, K.C., of Toronto, can [be present at court, Second Charge The hearing, which excited much took place a week ago last Friday, adjournment being made until last Monday to allow His Worship to give the matter full con- sideration, On account of the illness of Mr, Regan the case was further adjourned until today, Foley is also accused with "obstructing a police officer in the discharge of his duties, WHITBY CLAIMS KIN T0 CAPITAL OF THE EMPIRE Dense For Covers the Whole Area of Ontario's County Town (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Oct, 4--The streets of On- tario county's seat may have resem- Getting Skinnier Every Day Something Must Be Done and Done Right Now----Quick Tens of thousands of thin, run- down men--yes, and women too-- are getting discouraged--are giv- ing up all hope of ever being able to take on flesh and look healthy and strong, All such people can stop worry- ing and start to smile and enjoy life right now for McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets are putting flesh on hosts of sknny folks in all parts of the world every day. One woman, tired, weak and dis- couraged, gained 15 pounds in five weeks and now feels fine. And this shows what faith the makers have in McCoy's for they say; if any thin person don't gain at least 5 pounds in 30 days your money will be refunded--and only 60 cents for 60 tablets--Economy Size--3$1.00. Ask for them at Jury & Lovell, T. B. Mitchell, W. H. Karn or any drug store. Tulips Hogg & Lytle, Ltd oe -------- W------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 54 Church St. Phone 203 bled those of the Empire's capital, last night, with dense fog limiting the vision of both pedestrian and motorist. The street lights gave forth but a sickly glow and were like pale stars in the milky way. . An explanation for the occurrence is given in the fact that the tem- ip of the air has been warmer or the last day or two while the carth remained cold. The warm air coming in cemtact with the colder ground would thus cause vaporiza- tion and fog. WHITBY SCHOOLS CLOSED DURING THE CONVENTION Students Rejoice as Teachers Gather for Discussion of School Problems (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Oct. 4--Five hundred pupils of \Whitby's public schools are rejoicing today in the wisdom of staging an annual teachers' conven- tion for South Ontario, being held at Centre street school, Oshawa, to- day and tomorrow. This gathering of pedagogues from public schools all over the southern portion of the county means two days of recreation for the students and 'with weather, as it is today, the holidays are much appreciated. UNDERWOOD BLOCK NEAR COMPLETION Another Sign of Whitby's Growth and Increasing Prosperity (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Oct. 4--~Work of excava- tion has already commenced on the new Underwood block to be erected on the cast side of Brock street, north of the - Hewis block. When completed Whithy will possess a new and handsome husiness building, the first of its kind to have heen built here for many years. This is an- other sign of the town's growth and increasing prosperity, s book-and the FINDLAY CHART ~ is Ah Tolar {+ your pocket OWNERS and home builders who heat with warm air have combined comfort with HEALTH--for Warm Air Heating is the only 3 means by which humidity, circulation and , air ture Nn be maintained. s Systems--based on a furnace built on scientific --are guaran- teed. Theyare the only real systems offered, It isnot the actual tee which is so vitally is the fact that the perform- Findlay ea this guarantee before coal bills come in. W. I. BOWDEN 34 Burke St, Phone 238)0W, WARM AIR HEATING SYSTEM FINDLAY BROS, CO, LIMITED - Carleton Place, Ont. AUTOMATIC PHONES EIGHTEEN DIE AFTER MEAL FROM MAMMAL London, Oct. 4--London's fourth Felt Bros. automatic telephone exchange ha been opened at Bermondsey, the fir ut " os , Oct. 3.--Eighteen per- three having been Holborn, Bishopa- London 3 e D gate and Sloane. Two more will be [Sons died in the village of Travan. A completed this vear and fourteen in |€Ore, India, after eating the flesh Estab'ished 1886 1929 and 1930, In different parts of [of a giant mammal which resembl. ed a porpoise, a Calcutta dispatch the country there are now a hundred to the Daily Telegraph said. Many and twenty automatic exchanges, and 12 Simcoe St, South several are to be openéd shortly. others are seriously ill. ¥ EATON CROCETERIA 62 SIMCOE ST "ORT! FRUIT SPECIAL 1,000 Pounds American Beauty Tokay Grapes Real Choice Quality 10¢ Pound Maple Syrup, Preserving Needs Parawax, Ib, pkg. 12¢ Red or White Sealer Rings, 2 doz, for, .15¢ Crown Sealers, Imperial Quarts $1.43 Nonesuch Stove Polish Bottle ... 17e stove Brush, each. 1c Jelly Beans ,,4,,,,.25c Lady Caramels ,,,,...25¢c LAST MINUTE SPECIALS A ited Peanuts ,,,,,,,,,, 250 Floor Wax, Ib, ti 20 Chotolate Buds ,,,,,,,,,,,,25¢ Acorn Floor Wax, Ib, tin ........,. 20¢ ' Hawes Lemon Oil, large bottle ..... 22¢ " Rutter Scotch Drops ,,,++,,,,.25¢c Eaton's Jelly Powders, all flavors, ! oasted Marshmallows ,,,,,,,,..25c BIOr :sr00r 21» grr aarti rarer es Me London Cornstareh, 2 pkgs, ...,,r+,18¢ Feather strip Cocosnut 1-2 Ib, ,,,,,.10¢ Ever da 2 oz. bottle ,,,,,,,68¢c y y Needs Here is a golden harvest of special values, notable for their excellent quality as well as their attractive prices, Bring your grocery list to Eaton's and enjoy the pleasure of economical selfsservice in clean, pleasant sure roundings, a SPECIALS IN NUTMEATS Walnuts, Broken French, 31 ..., 22 Lue Almonds Valencias, 1-2 Ih, 26¢ FRUITS & VEGETABLES 4 New Carrots, basket ..,,.2ic 3 Cooking Onions, basket , , 45¢ Grape Fruit, 2 for,,,,+»,28c No, 1 Potatoes ¥ Thusits [J] Peck ... 18c C d Choice Cauli- an 1es flowers ,, 120 , In neat boxes at bulk prices Humbugs ,,,, ..25c Eaton's Reception Blend Tea (Bed Label) 1:2 Ib, 85¢. 1 1b, ..,., +0 T0c Eaton's Plantation Blend Coffee, fresh ground, 1-2 Ib, 80c, 1 Ib, Perr rrr, Eatonia Fresh Extracted Honey, deliciously 5 1b, tin ,,, rrr Weston's Assorted Biscuits Demonstratio y n Pkg. 20¢ Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, Pkg, ,...,.,,. 5 A7c FOR UNEXPECTED COMPANY Keep These Handy in the Home for Emergencies Eatonia Sweet Mixed Pickles, 40 oz, jar 12200000 sarssnss. 8c American Beanty Shrimps, wet pack, tin ,82¢ Brunswick Sardines, very tasty, 3 tins ,. ..17e Kraft Cheese, 1-2 Ib, pkg...... Keiller's. Little Chips Orange Marm- lade, 12 oz. jar rrr Bide Delmonte sliced Pineapple, No. 2 size tin srsrrrrrrrrr rie good, titres orrank 65c AAS EEE FET EY XN PRPs rannnarry Provisions Sweet Pickled Shoulders, Ib, .. : Quality Head Cheese, Ib, ....., ssnssrrs Be sweet Pickle Cottage Rolls, Ib, .......... 30c¢ Choice Breakfast Bacon, Sliced to Sait, Ib. 39c Pure Little Pork Sausage, Ib, OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY EERE delivery, 3 p.m.; STORE HOURS Shop Early 9 am. to 6 pam. daily, includ- ng Wednesday and Saturday livery, 3 p.m.; livery, 11 am.; Thursday de- livery, 3 pm.; Fnday Saturday 2 deliveries, 10 a.m, to 3 p.m. EATON GROCETERIA OPERATED BY #T, EATON Clu [

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