Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Oct 1928, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1928 PAGE FIFTEEN THE CIA, RRL" where ED SECTION ~~ meets Mr. Seller ~sosawse i So -W. Legal Music Watch Repairing CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc. Con- veyancing and general practice of Law. Offices 73; Simcoe St. south, Oshawa. Phone 4, G. D. Conant, BA, LLB.; AF, Annis, BA, Gat FRANK S. EBBS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary , _ Convey- ancer. Money to loan. Third floor new Alger Building. Opposite Post Office. e 2996. (4tf) W. E. N. SINCLAIR, KC, BANK of Commerce Building, (116-1 yr.) OSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A. ---BAR- Jose Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan. Office 1414 King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 445. Residence phone 837. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, etc. Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St, Phone 13. J. F. Grierson, K.C,, T. K, Creighton, B.A. SWANSON, GERMAN, McKENZIE and Douglas, barristers, solicitors, eonveyancers, notaries public. Mone to loan. 2 King St. Phone 940, 2454. D. A. ). E onion. F. G. Mec- Kenzie, S. B. Douglas. (130tf) LOUIS S. HYMAN AND COM- ny, Barristers. Money to loan. ver Dewland's Store, 16 Simcoe ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEA. cher {Hamburg 3 Natal, To- to, S prepar or Xan Oshawa, ednesday, 92 Simoos st. North. Phone 2754F. (129-11) HERBERT C. TRENEER ORGAN- ist and choirmaster of King street United Church will accept pupils in plana, organ 4nd vocal music. Voices tested free. 50 William St. E. Phone 2896. (53t1) MISS OLIVE B. FRENCH, teacher of pianoforte and theory pu- pils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory exams. Studio 73 John Street, phone 1565W. (Sept. 5-Oct. 5) OHN H. RENWICK, ORGAN- t and choirmaster Simcoe United Church. Teacher of piano, organ, vo- cal. Studio at the church and 11 Connaught St. Phone 2609W. a ) B. F. GALT, A.1.G.M,, ORGANIST, Planist, Teach2r. Preparation in practical and theoretical examina- tions, Phone 1659W, 18 Aberdeen Street. (Sept, 13-Oct, 13) MISS ANNE E., McMASTER, AT. C.M., Teacher of Piano. Six years experience in all grades, Down- town studio, Residence, phone 1648 r22. (Sept. 26-Oct. 26) Insurance street north, Phone 67, resi 1865F. (tf) PARKHILL AND GREER, BAR. risters, etc. Money to loan, Alger Bldg. opposite post office. Phone 1614. A. J. Parkhill, A. W. S. Greer, (49tf) Medical DR. HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Specia references to maternity work and di- seases of women. Two years' post raduate experience, Office and resi- as 167 Simcoe St. N,, (cor, Brock) phone 303. (119-tf) DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- eon, Accoucher, Office and resi- Han King St. East, corner Victoria St, Oshawa. Phone 9%, DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children, Office and vesidence, 97 Bond East. Phone 1155, DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- cian and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work and Electro- theopy. Office, Disney Block, Phone 2050. Office open 9 am. to 9 p. m, Residence 161 King East, Phone 2416, (tf) DR. C. W. CARR, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, office and resi- dence 536 Simcoe St. N, Phone 2415, (Aug. 8-Nov. 8) cP ed Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist al|C. E, HEPBURN, 77 DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re- putable Fire Companies. (118tf) 'WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N, Johns, 80 Simcoe north, Your insurance wants attended to and your interests protected. (Oct, 11-1 yr.) ONTARIO St, District Representative for the Great West Life Assurance Company. Phone 1365]. (Feb. 1-1yr.) INSURANCE--~OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Local agents for one of the best English companies. Of- fice 38 Simcoe St. N. (86-tf) F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shep "at 4434 King Street. West. Your pat- ronage is solicited. f) Transportation CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders. Local and long distance hauling. Phone 924 and 2692F. Smith and Cor. COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR- age. 85 Bond St. West. Phone 82 6 trucks for prompt service. Moving van and storage use equip- ment. Baggage transferred to and from all trains. (64tf) PERRY'S TRANSPORT AND Cartage, local and long distance mov- ing. 91 Ritson Rd, N. Phone A Beauty Parlors PERMANENT WAVING (DOES not need Finger Waving), $7.50. Evalyne Branch, 111 Colborne St. East, Phone 608J. (59-t0) BETTY LOU PERMANENT Wave Shop. Permanent wave, special $7.50. Marcelling, finger waving, 86 Simcoe street north. Phone > 0 t CINDERELLA DRESS SHOPPE, 1538 Simooe St. 8, Marcelling and manicuring from 9 till 6; eveniags by appointma3nt. Phone 2879, Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King west. Phone 629, (56tf) C. S. DICKENSON, V.S. DISEAS- es of all domestic animals scientifi- cally treated. Dominion Government Veterinary, 34 Brock St. E. Phone 105]. (131tf) | Classified Ads. Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. Box number 10¢ additional Professional or Business Cards, $250 per month for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additional word. TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC- COMPLISH MUCH 'TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad De- partmen Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous-Mcek Limited. Phone 1288. (Apr. 26tf) FOR SALE---ONk REGISTERED Jersey cow, 9 years old. Due to calf in February. Apply 437 Sim- coe St. 8. Phone 507, (57ct) BARGAINS IN SECOND HAND drop head s wing machines, from v45 up, Terms as low as §5 down, $3 monthly, Phone 696, Singer Sewing Machine Co., 46 King St. Ww. (Got) = Cleaning and Pressing Money to Loan LOANS ARRANGED ON IM- proved city and farm property, either completed or under construction, Conant and Annis, phone 4. (75tf) CITY AND FARM LOANS, PRO- gress loans arranged, Parkhill & Greer, Barristers, ete, Alger Bldg. Phone 1614, (49tf) WE CAN ARRANGE LOANS ON completed homes at 6% per cent, Have funds available for purchase of good second mortgage, Lett, Nicholis & Hallitt, Phone 3254, 11 King St, E, (61tf) Building Supplies DR. F. T, BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 97, (49-tf) Dental DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, office over DBassetts', Phone 959; Residence 306, 4-1 yr, DR. FRED A, FLORA, DENTISI, 37 King street east, Alger building, Phone 2860, Evenings by appoint- ment, (48t0) DR. D. R. DAVIES, DENTIST, OF- fice in Alger Bldg, opposite Pos' Otfice. Nitrous oxide oxygen gir for extractions. Evenings by 9)- pointment. Phone 231. Residence 3081). (12tf) DR. H. M. LOOK}, 9 SIMCOE ST. north, over Mitchell's Drug Store Gas for extraction. Phone 54. DR. I. E. HUBBELL, DENTIST, Nitrous oxid exygen gas for extrac- tions. Ofiice, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 943. residence, 1378M. 35-tf BROCK, DENTIST, 13 N., over Dewland's Evenings by appoint (July 9tf) GIFFORD, OFFICL Bldg. Phone 1780. 66-1f DR. J. FP. Rimcoe St. Phone 1957 ment. DR. W. H. Regent Theatre Residence 669. Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- io land Surveyors and Civil Engin- gers, sub-divisions, town planning municipal engineers. 365 or 411 King St E. Phenes 2532) or 2544. (89tf) SEE re ETT Window Cleaning OSHAWA WINDOW CLEANERS --House cleaning, woodwork and . floors polished, screen and storm windows put on and removed, Phone 2129F. Woodworking FOR SALE-CEMENT BLOCKS, sand and gravel, Quality guaranteed, Good loam for lawns, Borrow- dales, Phone 1618, (89-tf) WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS- ed timber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. F. L. Beecroft, Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 324 (69-tf) FOR SALE--SAND, GRAVEL AND stone, Immediate delivery, $1,60 a yd, Essery Bros, Phone 332 Ring 11, (Oct. 1-Nov, 1) HARDWOOD FLOORS, LAID BY expert machanies, Old floors fin- Ished like new. Screen windows, combination doors. General con- tracting, B, W. Haynes, 161 King St. W, Phone 481, Residence 180 ra (133tr) "Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- hanging, graining, etc. Twenty years' experience, Prices right, Work guar- anteed, 151 Huron street. Phone 2067W. (45-tf) F. C. HILL, DECORATING, paperhanging, painting, Work guaranteed. Estimates given, I'hone 942W, 135 Brock east, (148tL) UNIVERSAL CLEANERS AND dyers, After tr. holid-~ gcason ) Ir clothes need cleaning and pressing. We do all kinds of repairing, alter. ations, The steam press does won- ders to cloth¢s, r vives, ills germs, looks new, Phone 509. 124 King St, W, (Sept, 8-Oct. 8) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST, East, Ambulance, Residence, 542 Simcoe street north, Phones 210J and 210W, DISNEY-COTT FUNERAL HOM 87 Celina street, Oshawa, Corner Bruce street, Ambulance. Phone 1082. (96-tf) Dressmaking ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING done at reasonable prices, Apply 21 Rowe St, Phone 1347M, (47th) EXPERIENCED DRESSSMAKER., and tailoring, 88% Simcoe St. N, Apt. 1. Mrs. O'Donnell, Phone 3089W, (Oct, . 1-Nov. 1) Architects C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work, Second floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496, Res. phone 909]. (8-tf) THOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS- sociate architects, Simcoe St. 8, Over Felt Bros. (66tf) Agents Wanted FOR SALE--CEMENT BRICKS and blocks, 8 and 10 inches. 192 Alice St. Phone 2043J. (72-Octo. 10) FOR SALE.--ONE SMALL SIZED $15.00. Across from Conlin's Store in Harmony. Phone 1625) (77¢) FOR SALE--3 BURNER GUR- ney Gas Stove, apartment size al- 80 2 burner electric plate, chean. 111 Colborne St. Phone 608J, (77¢) ALL KINDS OF SECOND HAND lumber, doors and windows, new and second hand, All kinds of sash, stairs, lath, plumbing. Ap- ply 80 Ontario St, (77d) FOR SALE--BED AND SPRING. Good as new. Apply 213 Arthur St Phone 2021). (77c¢) FOR SALE--300 FT. HARDWOOD flooring. Apply 310 Elgin St. East. (770) RANGE, top. J63 (78h) ONE MAHOGANY PLAYER PI- ano, wonderful tone, with fifty rc Cost seven hundred Will sacrifice for immediate sale. Owner leaving town. Apply 53 Albert Street. (79¢) FOR SALE--9 PIECE WALNUT dining room suite, Phone 161 r 4. (79b) CREDENZA ORTHOPHONIC VIC- trola for sale, $385 model. Will sacrifice for $285. Monthly pay- ments, Box "Y'" Oshawa Daily Times, (79¢) ONE SMALL FINDLAY practically new. Polished Jarvis St. ils. dollars cash. Made IN SPARL TIME, IN CITY OR town, taking orders, We show you how to make a success. Delivery later. Personal Greeting Cards, Something new and snappy. Mage nificent sample book free, *Imper- ial Art", 61 Wellington West, To- ronto. z (68tf) FOR SALE--BREAKFAST NOOK set, new, go cart, brass bed. "hone 3091, 567 Mary St. (79a) FOR SALE--ONE SOLID OAK library table. $9. One double bed, spring and mattress, Clean, Com- plete. $10, Phone 2562M, (79¢) Dancing Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at Ideal Tire Shop. Tires for sale, Jamieson Bros, Phone 438. (tf) Auctioneer PHONE 716J, W, J, SULLEY, auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 8, We can sell your odd pieces of furni- ture and other articles at our yards 41 King St. W., Oshawa, Ontario, LEARN MODERN DANCING 'BY new easy method. Beginners a spec ialty, Shirley Sudio 69 1-2 Simcoe Street. North, (77¢) Pets and Live Stock THOROUGHBRED MALE POLICE dog, nine months old for sale. 289 Celina Street (77e) FOR SALE -- DAPPLE GRAY horse, 4 years old quiet to work. Apply H. North, Corbett's Point, Phone 350-21, (792) .20tf) Help Wanted CONCRETE WORK, PLASTER- ing, carpentering, electrical work. If you are contemplating altera- tions or building phone Hugh Pal- mateer, 139. 154 Alma St. Satis- faction guaranteed. . (Sept. 22-Oct. 22) WANTED---OPERATOR FOR EL- liott Fisher bookkeeping machine, Must have experience and have had experience on accounts receivable ledger. Apply stating experience and salary required. Box "P" Osh- awa Daily Times, (79h) Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING, - CHESTER- fields made to order, We save you money, Estimates free. G. A. Con- stable, 74 Mechanic street. Phone 1595]. (56tf) LET US REPAIR YOUR DAM- aged fenders and bodys. Don't look reckless, Everything in general gar- age repairs, Hudson and Essex Gar- age, Kin, ' Street West, Garage ' phone, Residence, 2673]. (Sept. 29-Oct. 29) WELLS DUG, CLEANED AND repaired. Prompt service, Prices reasonable, Apply 310 Nassau St. (77¢) cook stove in first class condition | For Rent For Rent APARTMENTS TO RENT--JUST completed. Four and five rooms, Eleciric refrigerator, stoves and fixtures. Incinerator and laundry rooms, All other modern comveni- ences. Reasonable rentals, Apply Apt, 3, Simcoe Manor, corner Buckingham and Simcoe St. The Trusts and Guarantee Co, Lta., To- ronoto, Manager for owner: Phone 2529, Oshawa. (4710) TO RENT -- BRIGHT SUNNY front room, unfurnished. Murphy bed. Immediate possession. 2 Brad- lay Apts. Simcoe Street. 8.© (79¢) TWO LARGE rooms to rent for light housekeep- ing. One block from General Mot- ors offices. Apply 303 Richmond St. E. (79¢) Real Estate for Sale FURNISHED APARTMENT TO rent. All conveniences, Garage. No children. Apply 143 Agnes St. Phone 1775J. (741%) FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM for married couple or two gentle- men, Board if desired. Phone 1387J. (76e) NICE COMFORTABLE ROOM TO rent. Two blocks from town, Phone 1378F. (77¢) ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM, FUR- nished, for rent, Also six room house and bath. Apply 113 Ontario Street. (77¢) LARGE FRONT BEDROOM TO rent for two ladies or gentl to REAL ESTATE, OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Lots on Oshawa Park, Victoria Park and Peace Park. Terms to suit you. Office 38 Simcoe St. N. (86th) FOR SALE--CHICKEN FARM, 27 acres within Uxbridge town limits. Good house, bank barn with run- ning spring at barn, good well, new fron pump. Price $4,500. $3,000 cash. Balance arranged. Best potato and garden land in province. For particulars apply Mrs. W. J. Mc- Narey, 318 French St. (78¢c) FOR SALE----GOOD HOUSE AND two acres of land suitable for poul- try farm. Apply Mrs. J. Gordon, Port Whitby or Box 165 Whitby. (77¢) share. Board if desired. Phone 2635) (77e) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent. Apply 142 Roxborough Ave. (77e) THREE ROOMS AND GARAGE TO rent. 186 Verdun Rd, Phone 53M. (77¢) TWO OR THREE FURNISHED OR unfurnished rooms. for rent, Apply 128 Ritson Rd, S. (77¢) FOR RENT -- UNFURNISHED bath room flat. 3 rooms, Heat, light and water $30. Phone 2752F, (77¢) HOUSE FOR SALE ON RICH- mond street east. 6 rooms and hath, hardwood floors, and mantel. Apply H. Sutcliffe, 22 Ritson Rd. S. (78¢) NEW BRICK VENEER HOUSE with large lot close to General Motors offices. 6 rooms and sun- room, all modern conveniences. Chestnut trim, Oak floors through- out. Coal mantel, French doors. Divided cellar, For a quick sale the price and terms are right, Apply 11 King St. E. Phone 3254, (78h) FOR SALE--SIX ROOM HOUSE. All conveniences. Easy terms, Ap- ply Mrs, M. Fry, 43 Nassau St. (791) FURNISHED Gives lots of Hot Water ery The most beautiful range ever built. Bright nickeled finish throughout . , nick- eled towel bar . , white enae meled back . . six 9 inch TWO OR THREE ROOMS TO rent. Unfurnished or partly furnished. Every convenience. Phone 1158M, (781) HOUSE | veniences. FOR RENT, ALL Phone 1502]. | careful tenants, (78¢) ROOM SUITABLE FOR TWO young gentlemen to rent. Board If desired. 163 Brock St. E. Phone 1165F. (78¢c) FOR RENT--FRONT BED §IT- tinz room. Breakfast if desired. Ap- ply 238 Golf Ot. Phone 1841M, (78¢) CON- Must be TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent for light housekeeping in new home. Close to Motors, FPhona 2443J. (78¢) EIGHT ROOM MODERN HOUSE to rent. In good condition. Apply 56 Divicion St. Phone 1665, (78c) FOR SALE--NEW SIX ROOM brick house. Fully modern, Gar- age. Extra good location, Phone owner, 1672W. (79h) TWO BARGAINS $4,700 buys a lovely modern § roomed home on Buckingham. $300 down while $8,300 is the price of a dandy Burke st, bungalow. Sce Bob Holden, 92 Simcoe N, IP'hane 371W, (79h) Help Wanted---Female WANTED---COOK GENERAL FOR small adult family, Highest wag- es, Apply Mrs, Joseph . King, Whitby, phone 98, (78-d) WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply Mrs. Gowdy, 481 Simcoe St. N, (Tony WANTED--LADY PRESSER AND finisher on ladies' silk dresses. Ap- ply at once. Parker's Dye Works, 434 Simcoe St. 8. (78a) king covers (one reduce ing). With or without the high warming closet of + Peservoir, Happy delicious roasts or bake feath- roomy oven. ished cooking surface is spa. cious and admirably suited for preparing big meals. Burnsany kind of fuel , , . coal, coke or wood. The durable, heat resisting firebox will hold a generous supply of fuel, yet is not needlessly large as to be 0 = avagant consumer of uel, tiful All Enameled HAPPY THQUGHT Range, It's new. Write to the Happy Thought Foundry, Brant particula HOUGH] Quebec Pype RANGES Built at Brantford By HAPPY THOUGHT FOUNDRY COMPANY, Limited Heats-- Cooks-- Roasts | AT more could you ask of a cooking range! You can cook the most cakes in its wonderful, The well burn. Be sure to see the beau. ord, for full rs. Sold by CLEVE FOX---Oshawa MISS M. MILLWARD--Port Hope TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent, 288 Haig St. Phone 1305J, (782) FRONT ROOM TO RENT, BOARD ir desired, Phone 1234M, (77¢) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS ON Gibbon St, Posssesion November 1. Phone 1636J. (77c) FOR RENT -- TWO LOVELY bright unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping. Brand new house, Hardwood floors and gar- age. $30 a month, Phone 2829W, (77c) = Position Wanted YOUNG WIDOW WITH SMALL girl, § years, would like position as housekeeper. Mrs. Florence 1hom- son, in care of Arnott Boate, R. R, No. 1, Omemee, COOK GENERAL DESIRES POSI- tion.. Apply 627 Christie Avenue. (78d) YOUNG WOMAN WITH CHILD, dseires housekeeper"s position in respectable home, Phone 337), Whitby, (78¢c) FOR RENT -- MODERN FIVE room brick bungalow. Close to fac- tories. Apply Fred Murray, 244 Drew St. (78¢) APARTMENT TO RENT--FOUR rooms, central, newly decorated, elec- tric refrigerator, stove, janitor ser» vice, immediate possession, $45. Al- ger Press, Limited, phone 1400, (79¢) TWO HEATED FURNISHED front rooms. Separate entrance, No children, 305 Jarvis St. (79¢) UNFURNISHED FLAT TO RENT, All conveniences, 226 James St, (79¢) NICELY - FURNISHED SINGLE bedroom with private family, Cen- tral, Young lady preferred. Phone 2556F. (79a) FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM, suitable for young married couple, St, E. Phone 1298, (79) THREE ROOM BATH FLAT TO rent. Unfurnished. Heat, light and water furnished. Close to Motors. Al- so garage to rent, 157 Agnes St. (79¢) For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT--SIX ROOM brick house. All conveniences with garage. Apply 143 Agnes St, (74tf) C. H. MILLARD, REAR 442 KING St. E. Phone 2354]. We specialize in storm sash, screens, cupboards, icors and frames. tf) BUILDING AND CONTRACTING. Estimates cheerfully given. All work guaranteed satisfactory, Phone 1314F. (Sept. 5-Oct. 5) Corsetiere Musicians MRS. PENTLAND, SPIRELLA Managing Corsetiére, Spirella Shep 58 Elgin St. E. Phone 936. (Sept. 11-Oct. 11) GIRLS WANTED TO JOIN BRASS band. Apply 8 p.m. Wilson & Lee Music Store. 71 Simeoe St. N. (Sept. 4-Oct, 4) Machinery Repairing Masseuse WANTED --ASSISTANT LEDGER keeper. Must have experience on accounts receivable ledger and banking experience necessary, Ap- ply stating experience and salary required to Box "T" Oshawa Daily Times. (79h) For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-- Farm, first class buildings and land. Will take house, car or lot. Immediate possession. Box "V" Oshawa Daily Times, (79¢) Room and Board 'Wanted to Buy LARGE FURNISHED ROOM suitable for one or two men (board if desired) close to Fit- tings. Apply Box "C" Oshawa Daily Times. (79¢) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent. Apply 261 Eulalie Avenue. (79¢) TO RENT--4 ROOMED HOUSE. All conveniences, Apply 19 King St. W. (798) FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOM to rent, Phone 1778W or call 216 Alice St. (79tL) ROOM AND BOARD FOR THREE or four respectable men. 322 Al- bert St. (79¢) STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE, 18 Church street, repair work doue on all makes cars. Acetylene weld- ing. Body bumping a specialty. (Mar. tf) MRS. JULIA KAUCIKAS. FIVE vears experience. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Appointment. in your Lome. Call 814J or 250 Albert St. Lost and Found _-- LOST--FOUR HEAD OF YOUNG (Sept. 27-Oct. 27); cattle, 7 1-2 years old. A. Geissberger, Phone 1827 r 31, (79¢) SECOND HAND DEALER. FUR- niture bought and sold. 186 Bloor St. E. Phone 1617M. (Sept. 29-Oct. 17) "Add a little starch when doing up cretopnes or slip covers. It will take away that flimsy Ilnok and keep the materials clean louger. WARM SINGLE RQOM WITH board in private family. 618 Car- negie Ave, (79a) Board if desired. Apply 214 Bond S Motor Cars 1927 CHEVROLET SEDAN IN EX. cellent condition, Low mileage Tires like new, Bargain if sold this week. Phone 1121F (77¢) 1927 CHEVROLET SEDAN MUST be sold this week terms to suit, Phone 1556) (77e) (784) | ALL HANDS RESCUED ] FROM SINKING SHIP New York, Oct. 4--Twenty-seven men were rescued from one sinking ship yesterday and cfforts were being Auction Sale AUCTION SALE--FRIDAY, OCTO- ber 5th--71 have received instrue- tions to sell by public auction,, on A, H, Hardy's Farm, Lot 13, Con, § Darlington, one mile e..st of Hamp- ton, at 1 p.m. 50 head of Feeders, Stockers and Springers, This is an opportunity for fa mers to pur- chase well bred Durham and Here- ford Steers and Heifers. Terms-- Six months credit may be had on approved notes bearing interest wt 6 ~er cent, per annum. Wm, Maw, Auctioneer, (75-77278-79) FOR SALE---$776 CASH (1927) Pontiac Cabriolet, Apply A. J. Miles, 38 Gibbons St. (77¢) FOR SALE--1927 CHEVROLET Coach in good condition, Low mile- age, Phone 2720W, (77¢) 1927 BUICK SEDAN FOR SALE, $750 cash or $600 down, remainder monthly payments, 125 Stacey Av- enue, Phone 610. (79¢) 1928 SUPER X MOTORCYCLE, 2500 miles, Al condition, Apply eve- nings to Mr, Routledge, 760 Yonge t. (79¢) McLAUGHLIN BUICK, 27 COACH. In splendid condition, Small mile- age, This car is a good buy for the price, $950. Phone 1688. / (79¢) Help Wanted--Male 'Victoria Street, Toronto, EALED TENDERS addressed to the un- dersigned and endorsed "Tender for cle- vator and improvements, Public Building, Oshawa, Ont,, will be received until 12 o'clock noon, Thursday, October 4, 1928, for the supply and installation of electric ele. vator and improvements to the Public Building, at Oshawa, Ont, Plans and specifications can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the offices of tie Chief Architect, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, the Residene Architect, 59 Ont., and the Caretaker, Public Building, Oshawa Ont, Ten: will not be considered unless made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein, Eeach tender must be accompanied by an mccepted cheque on a chartered bank, pay- able to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent. of the amount of the tender, Bonds of the Dominion of Canada "or bonds of the Canadian National Railway Company will also be accepted as PAINTERS WANTED TO AT- tend an open meeting of the Inter- national Union on Monday, October 8th, in the Y.M.CA. at 8 pm. Low rates for membership, (79¢) up an odd amount, y order, S. E. O'BRIEN, Secretary. or bonds and a cheque if required to make Department of Public Works, made to save two score more on another distressed vessel. The first of the two to be reported in trouble was the Dutch freighter Celacno, rendered helpless by a northeast gale 1,000 miles off New- foundland, A few hours later the United States fishing trawler Fillett reported itself sinking 70 miles off the tip of Long Island. Hawaiian-American The steamer 1"American" reached the Fillet after the crew of 27 had ahandoned ship in two life hoats. The crew was picked np and later transferred to the coast guard destroyer Perry, Phone 193 W. J. SARGANT Yard--289 Bloor Street, E. Orders Promptly | Delivered 'Disney-Cott | AMBULANCE | "hone 1082 | | 87 Celipa St, W. A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 3 KING STREET WEST Hunl-eds of peo)le wear with "utmost comfort Hare's Fa:ltlc: - Lenses ttawa, September 17, 1928. WANTED--A BOY FOR DELIVER- ing parcels and general work around store. Neat appearance and not afraid of work, Must have wheel. Box "Z" Oshawa Daily Times, (79a) NIGHT PORTER WANTED, MUST have experience. Phone 2214. (79) Piano Tuning TO RENT--TWO NICE LARGE rooms on third floor. 'For light housekeeping. Furnished if desired. $15 a month. Phone 1671F. : (79¢) NEIL YELLOWLEES, PIANO Tuner, will be in Oshawa every week-end. Orders left at Harrie Music Store. Phone 1:90. (Sept 11--Oct. 11) COAL COKE Waterous-Meek, Limited Oshawa Agents for STANDARD BRICK WOOD ==

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