(HE UonAwea DAL Linea. OURIUA 1, we IDEN 4, | 24u "AGE ELEVEN Suburban and District N ews Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Comespondents. { Ziom, Oct. 1.--Mr. and Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. Bailey and granddaughter Lorraine, Toronto, were Sunday ts of Mrs. Wm, Pierce's and Wm. Beckell, Miss Sybil Langmaid, Oshawa, week-end guest of Mrs, Anson Bal- son. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Cameron and Mary spent the week-end in Osh. awa guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. J, Trick. Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Balson and Jean and Marion visited Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Found in Bowmanville on Saturday evening. Next Sunday at 10.30 the regular Sunday school session will be held at 7 p.m. a special anniversary ser- vice will be held when Rev. A, K, Edmison of Little Brittain will be the speaker. Hope for a good atten- dance. ; Mr. Wm. Fice is making some splendid new tables at the chureh, to serve the chicken pie supper, so sll be ready for October 12. Splen- d'd play by the Newcastle folk after the supper. ' MAPLE GROVE if . Maple Grove, Oct. 2--~Services on Sunday were a great success, The church service was held in the church for the first time since it was re- decorated. Chairs filled the aisles and every possible corner in order to ac- comodate the crowd. Qur pastor, Rev. J. H, Stainton, B.A, BD, preached an excellent sermon. Music was rendered by the choir. Abou forty new members were received in- to our church. The Sacrament of the Lord's, Supper was administered. Services next Sunday will be at the usual hour, Rev, Alex Edmison, Little Brittain, will occupy the pul- it. : 4 League rally will be held on Wed- nesday cvening. Rev. Mr. Bick, of Hampton, will give a-talk on "Temp erance." We hope to see a large crowd out, Mrs. W. L. Macklin and Mr, Amos Macklin, Cobourg, are visiting the RADIO Just as the Panatrope reproduces, from records, every note of the entire musical scale, so the Brunswick Light Socket Radio brings to you clearly, without distortion and in full vol ume all the entertainment of the air. In Brunswick Light Socket Radio alone is this possible because it is built to the high musical standards of the Panatrope. Your Brunswick dealer will be delighted to demon. strate a Brunswick Light Socket Radio model in your home without obligation, Prices $185 to $325. BRUNSWICK 265 RADIO _ Built io the high musical standards of the ~ Panatrope The Entire Mowe The Brunswick Panatrope is the ac cepted standard for home musical instruments, It re produces every note of the entire musical scale, an achievement which it is amazing, $115.00, from $575, The BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER COMPANY of C Limited Conads, is as exclusive as New models from In combination with radio , Your records FORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, CALGARY, VANCOUVER Brunswick Panatrope Luke Furniture Co. | 63 KingSt.E. - Phones 78-79 | le, a former's daughter, Mrs. Sam Snow- ited her cousin, M Se Pistia is Sha vi s vi ited "Mine" Vers. Tobie hat Wer nesday and attended the chicken pie s ¢ pol Carrie. Power, town, t the ek end with her niece, Mrs. M. s JT. The chicken pie supper last Wed- nesday night was a success. Proceeds amounted to $400, in- cluding the Sunday collections. Ashburn, Oet. 3--C tulations to our pastor, Rev, W, B. Mitchell and wife, upon the gift of a son at the manse. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. Ly Rap) Emmanuel Shae and fam- ily in their recent bereavement in the death of their Mr. Slach, of Claremont. eased had been ill for a long time, and his re- moval from the neighborhood and church at Claremont, will leave a va- cancy that will be hard to fill. Mr. Lou Richardson spent the week end with Scugog friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerr and a number from here attended the fun- eral of the late Mr. John Dryden, of Toronto, on Sunday. Interment took place in the family plot at the Bap- tist cemetery on the Seventh, a few rods east of Maple Slade, the de- ceased's old home, Mrs. Arthur Reynolds was called to Port Perry last week owing te the critical condition of her father, Ms. George Howsam, whe al er~ ng from an attack of typhoid fever, Mr. Alfred Mole who had his head so badly cut that it required seven stitches, when he was in a motor accident near Myrtle, last Sunday evening, was able to return to work on Monday of this week, and ex- pects to have the stitches removed shortly, A number from here attended Mr. Frank Bradley's sale on the Seventh concession, south, on Tuesday. Mr, Bradley is giving up farming and he and his son Lloyd, have bougnt homes in Brooklin, where they are moving shortly, having gold their farm to a city buyer, wuo 13 swarung a fox ranch on it. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Trull and family were visiting Whitby relatives over the week or Mr. Mark Duff has been acting as judge at some of the fairs around Lindsay, THORNTON'S CORNERS Thernton's Corners, Oct, 1.--8ep- tember J0th was Rally Day at our Sunday School and 97 were in at- tendance. Misses Grace Pierson and Marie LeRoy sang a duet and the three junior classes sang a hymu. All enjoyed the service. Keep. October 17th' clear for the annual chicken pie supper and con- cert, Mrs, G. H, Robinson and Master Ted took a trip te Voronto on Fri day, Mr, and Mrs. Hiram Dearborn and children, of Columbus, were guests at the home of Mr, Wm. Stonchouse on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, O, Pierson and chil. dren and Mr, and Mrs, RK. Hartiord motored to Claremont on Sunday to visit their sister, "Mr, and Mrs. Huber and Miss Aud» rey were week end guests of Mr, and Mrs, Le Roy, , Glad to report that Mrs. J, Luke is steadily improving in health, Mr, George Marmien had a close call on datyrday when his wagon J was struek by an auto and badly wrecked. Fortunately, Mr. Marmien escaped with a bad shaking up, There have been several bad accidents lately on 'the highway near here. Auto dri- vers should exercise a little more caution. Mr. Clarence Scott will soon bg leaving for Regina where he is be- ing sent by the G.M.C. Clarence will be much missed by all, as he is very popular and an active member of all the societies of the community, All arg very glad to be back on standard time again, The South Ontario teachers will hold their 29th annual convention on Thursday and Friday of this week at Centre street public school. This event is keenly anticipated by the pupils as it means two days' heli» days. There is an interesting pr ram prepared for the teachers which in» cludes a tour through the factory of the General Motors, SOLINA Selina, Sept. 29.--~Mr, A. L, Pas- coe, Mr, Harold Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Vice and Mr, Everett Vice, Mr, W. H, Westlake and M W. R., Westlake, at Mr. funeral at Orono en Sunday. The first meeting of the League was opened by singing several hy@ins and a few remarks from our pastor, who introduced the speaker of the evening, Rev. Mr, who gave a splendid talk on his personal ex- periences as a missionary in Chins. He gave a very vivid picture of own church work in Chengtu and brought home the fact that we, on this side can also help by doing our best, hereby, prayer, study an "8 cogratutations to Miss Irene Ar- gue and Mr. Nelson Shapin, on their recent marriage at Hampton, on Monday. Messrs Thos. and John Baker at» tended Blackstock fair where John Baker was a judge of sheep Sr ToD. Hogs wie proved 5 P: rth's sale pri quite successful with Wm. Maw, of Whitby, as auctioneer. Mr. Sam Dewell has returned from asant visie with Lindsay friends, f ' r. "John Brooks and Mr. and Mrs. Brooks and Gwendoling, ut 5, E. Werry's. Mrs. Walter Cryderman attended Lindsay fair. : Mr. A. Walker with Mr. E. Brad- at Mr. P. Walker Mr. N. with friends in Detroit and Mr. Jack Walker has gone to Port Hope to reside. Cecil | Co oy of W Mr. | Flo 'Mr. and Mrs. B. Hunt and Ernest, of Bowmanville, at Mr. and Mrs. S. Mrs. John McGregor, Taunton, vis- | Bush's. asi rs. H. G, Freeman, 'Miss Ruth McKessock at Mrs. Thos. Pascoe's, Hampton. Oshawa, at Mr. Everett Cryderman's, Mr. and Mrs. William Little Brittain, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moase and daughter Grace, of Port s. Mr. and Mrs. John Kivell and Mr. and Mrs, G. L. o's funeral at Orono on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Will Mountjoy and baby Marion, Kedron, and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Werry, of Enniskillen, at A. L. Pascoe's. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert family, of Uxbridge, at Mr. Harvey Hardy's. Mr, and Mrs. Clarance Cryderman and Edna, Toronto, Mr. Harry Cowl- ing, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. John wling, Mrs. Ferguson, Mr. Mrs, Benson Cryderman, Hampton, at Mr. Walter Cryderman's, Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Hockaday and Ernest and Misses Lizzie and Rilda Hockaday at Mr. and Mrs, John Challis', Bowmanville. Mr. Bruce Tink with Mr. Luther Pascoe, Zion. Mr, and Mrs. 8. E, Werry and family, at Mr, Sam Brook's, Oshawa, COURTICE Courtice, Oct. 1.--Misa Mabelle Walters is spending a week in Cleveland, Obio with cousins, She motored there with Mr. and Mw. Rae Brown of Peterbere. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arnot and family, Maxwell, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Eli Osborne. Reeve Wight, Mrs, Wight, Jean and Elleen, of Providence spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. L. J. Courtice. Miss Morris' Bowmanville, was guest of her sister, Mrs, Walter Rundle, Sunday. On Thursday last the regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Bereau Class was held in the home of Mrs. S. 8. Brooks, The meeting was in charge of Mrs, Penberthy's group. The President presided and after the devational and business part of the meeting the following programme was presented. A read- ing by Miss Aura Osborne. Vacal duet was nicely sung by Mrs. Ken. neth Courtiee and Mrs. Ress Pearce, A splendid paper on "Books and Magazines for the home," com+ posed by Mrs. R. J. McKessock, So- lina, whe was unable to be pre- sent at the meeting, was read by Miss Edna Reynolds, Solina, whe kindly came and read the paper, Mrs. Herhert Fink coming along also. The suggestions in this paper as to the kind of reading for the home were fine and well worth re- membering. A piano solo was played by Miss Hazel Rundle, a reading by Mrs, R, R, Gay and the meeting closed with Mizpah benediction, An apetizing lunch was served by Mrs. Penberthy's group to about twenty- tive ladies and a social time spent for an hour, Mrs, Brooks was most genial as hostess, Sunday service were fine. In the morning our pastor Rev. J.H. Stain- ton preached an excellent sermon on "How shall we escape if we neg- lect our soul's salvation." The sac- rament of the Lord's supper was partaken of at the clase of the ser- vice, In the afternoon the Sunday School observed the Rally Day pro- gram. The hymns on the program sheet were sung, and two addresses given, Miss Arnold gave the story of "The Christ of the Andes" which Was very interesting, A pretty voes! duet was nicely sung by Misses Jean and Efleen Wight, Providence, Mrs. Wight accompanying on the piano, A masterful address was given by Mrs, (Rev) Robins, of Bowmman- ville on 'Blessed are the Peace makers'. Mrs. Robins in her ad- dress spoke of the war and the aw- fulness of settling disputes by war ete,, and before closing mentioned the fact that so many of the nar tions of the world have signed the Peace Treaty" encouraging the children to be Wind and win the confidence of the foreign children who come to our country, Supday evening was League Rally in which two addresses were given, Mr, R. E. Osborne gave an address on The challenge to youth" speaking on "The Home," 'the School" and "the church." Mr. Kenneth Cour- tice's address was "The Case Against Alcohol" whieh he made most emphatic with regard to fis influence on young people, The Young People's Rally sheets were used and the hymns supg from them, Miss Edpa Reynold Herbert Fink, : 4 Mrs. Solina, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, W, R. . id R. Courtice, re Miss Verna Trevin, Toronto, was & Sunday guest of her uncle, Rey, J. Stainton, and Mrs, Stainton, ------ RAGLAN Raglan, Oct. i 1.--The 2 list of the pri school at the heat, 3rd yo RW inons in Green ¥ ; » tains, lst in sheaf oF Oats, ao: sheaf of Wheat, 5th in Parsnips, 2nd in Yellow, Clok Danvers, rd in wer j ng. Roy Nottingham--4th in Dooleys, 6th in Writing, 4th class, "Oft in the sully Night." in Pumpkin, in Vegetables, 4th in Salpiplossis, 2nd in Bird House, 2nd in Scrap A Marjoric Bray=--3rd in sheaf of Barley, 5th in sheaf of Wheat, 4th in Chocolate Fudge. Stewart Bray--2nd in sheaf of Wheat. Ivy Wilson--6th in sheaf of Wheat. Lloyd Evans--4th in Turnips. Marion Hubbard--2nd is Table Beets, 5th in Applic Pie, Ist in Gra- Tremeer, of | i Perry, at Messrs John and W. N.|in Pascoe' | and | Dra and }: bam Muffins. Mig Bright--3rd in Table Beets, st' in Inez * Tummonds--1st Beets, 3rd in Catroty, Sth in Chocon late Fudge, Ist in Nigh 2nd in v rd in Guest Towel blic weaking ing, 3rd Wht Sin in Parsnips, Ist Lorna Evans--6th in Zinnias, 1st for convalescent undle, at Mr: Hoop-| child, Pie. Grant Bright--Ist in Asters, 2nd in Table Best, 34 in Breed naming contest for bovs. Merlin Stute--4th in Cak: 6th in, Writing fot 2nd ce 3rd ig 3rd Model Farm Gate, Leonard 'Slute--2nd in Nail. Box, ou in Onions, 4th in writing for 1st class. May Hodgson--4th in Sweet Corn, Doris Bray--4th in Table Carrots, Harvey Wilson--4tlt in Yellow Globe Danvers, 2nd in Onicns, any variety, named. George Ormiston--Ist in Lamb Ewe. We congratulate the teachers and pupils for the great number of prizes they were successful in winni.g. r. and Mrs. { are visiting relatives in wood. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Squelch, Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Squelch, and Mr. George Squelch, Buffalo, ia Table|sils « M d_family | bod J ay and fami Shem Sunday with their mother, rs. Wm. Squelch. Mrs. George Stacey had her ton- removed at Oshawa General Hospital 'last week. We arc pleased to report she is dring fine. Mrs. J. Hughson, Myrtle, spent a few days last week at Mr. \G. Brent's. Mr. Charlie Fox and Mr. King and Miss Dora Fox, of Toronto, . were week end guests of Misses Effie and Greta Brawn. Mr. J. Weldon visited in Toronto on Sunday. The Ladies' Aid held their monthly meeting at Mrs, J. Evans on Wed- nesday afternoon of last week and were favoured with a large attend- ance. The ladies made arrangements to hold a hot meat pie supper in the hall on Wednesday evening, Oc- RED ROSE TEA isgood ted If you want the very best, ask for Red Rose Orange Pekoe tober 17, followed by a sociable eve- ning. After all business matters were transacted, a sociable time was spent and a dainty lunch served. Miss Hazel Grose, of Toronto, 3nent the week end with her parents, r. and Mrs. A. J. Grose. Mr. and Mrs, Harris, of Oshawa, visited at Mr. A. Pilkey's on Satur- day. f you were not at the corn roast on Saturday evening at Mr. Charlie Brawn's, you certainly missed a treat. Charlie made sure that noe ly went away hungry or for want of a jolly time. The farmers are busy these days digging potatoes and getting in their root crop. 2x clean, bright Aluminum LIGHTNING \'/: N 0S COUGH SYRUP NIGHT COUGHS BRONCHITIS venos sus ASTHMA HHI A u HA UJ -- _. A/r NN Model 4-90 $190 or with electric motes $230 plays just or You : Nothing is impossible to the new Orthophonic Victrola---The¥ om spl Ju organs---magn Victor Talkifg¢ Machine Company of Canada, Limited, world's greatest choirs---the finest ificent orchestras-- qall, for you. phonic Vietrola--and makes these wonderful reproductions possible for you in your home, Montres! F-46 --_-- = = Sold in Oshawa D. J. BROWN St West __Phone 189