THE OSHAWA DAILY UIMES, WEDNESDAY, OC1OBER 3, 1940 "WHITBY et, Representative--JAMES HOLDEN Phohe, House 15---Office 434 a A Whitby High School Prepares For Record Scholastic Meet Here Friday Set for Big Athletic Event at Alexandra Park, Oshawa -- Whitby, Osh- awa and Bowmanville High Schools to Compete (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Oct. 3.-- Whitby's high school athletes are preparing to engage i nthe sports of the annual inter-school meet of the Oshawa, Bowmanville and Whitby high schools, which takes place at Osha- wa next Friday. For the past two years the local high school has been successful in winning the cup? presented for the meet and if suc- cessful this year will retain the trophy as its own. The results of the field day, held one week ago today, showed that the students participating were in no way inferior to those who have represented the school in years past. In fact many new records were made and this should be a fair criterion of what will be done next Friday. Lapin, otherwise known as the downy rabbitt, is sponsired for sports coats by several Fifth Avenue leading shops, and this fur is seen in reddish browns, beige and gray. DutchBulbs Hogg & Lytle, Ltd. 54 Church St. Phone 203 ATR CENTS + JR. Men's Blue Plush Lined $ Overcoats Special .. 12.95 1.Collis & Sons 50-54 King St. W. Phone 733W || Li ian TAUTO BECOMES PREY TO FLAES Whitby Fire Department is Unable to Save Coupe Near Whitby (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Oct. 3. -- Fire of un- known origin completely destroyed the body of a Ford coupe shortly after 6 o'clock, last night. The coupe was travelling east on the Kingston highway but drew up on the side of the road, near Spruce Villa Inn, when the blaze was not- iced. The local fire brigade was sum- d and responded promptly with the small chemical truck. The body of the coupe fell a prey to the flames but the firemen were able to prevent damage to the en- gine. In a short time a large crowd had gathered at the scene. and the highway became blocked for several minutes. BLOCK OF STOREY Three Stores and Apart. ments May Be Erected on East Side of Brock St. (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Oct. 3. -- A new store block will probably be built short- ly according to plans announced by R. J. Underwood, well known builder and contractor. The build- ing will be erected on the east side Saves Work for Mother for All On the table in a jiffy -- pleasant to eat, easy to digest. The perfect Canadian breakfast. For whole wheat enjoyment--the water, TRISCUIT Made by The Canadian § hredded Wheat Co., Ltd. = ying ng 4 Pair ....). vr vnrrinis WHEN BUYING HOSE BUY THE Ask for "Karo" full-fashioned pure thread silk. Comes in all colors. Silk right to the toe with re. inforced toe, sole and heel. Chamoisette Gloves BEST Sell for I TE $1.95 fancy cuffs in 49¢ All the leading Fall shades, all sizes, Pair ........ sree Ladies' Fall Weight Bloomers White only. Elastic knee and waist, Special value, pair ........ suai 69c Children' natural, Warm fleecy lining. Comes in white and Shecial, suit .... suis vives s Sleepers 99¢ Ladies! boned. Special price Another Shipment Of that popularly priced corset for the week end. Made of fine pink coutil, lightly 89c A A AY House Dresses Ezeh... .. 69c Six only Pink Crepe $1 Kimonas., Each .. Clearing Silk Hose. Pair ... 9c Basement "Shoppe" Week End News Baby's Rubber Pants. Pair ... 19¢ Rubber Crib Sheets. 27 x 36. Each 69 c sess sas sass Lv A. DEWLAND Limited ") IN WHITBY PLANNED TOM MIX And his famous horse "Tony who will be seen in the 'Painted Post" at the Regent Theatre this week-end. of Brock street, in the vacant lot south of Jones' garage. It will contain three stores ' with apart- ments above in the second storey. A large chain retail company is ex- pected to occupy the largest of the stores. --------.,e --- pn, MISS MARGARET CLIMIE Representative Phones: Office 587; Resi- Ii dence 511. TOWN CLERK OF BOWNANVILLE IS 80 YEARS YOUNG Family and Friends Shower Congratulations Upon John Lyle (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Oct. A pleas- ant event took place on Monday, when an esteemed townsman, John Lyle, celebrated his eightieth birthday. Members of the family were home for the occasion and during the afternoon and evening many friends called to offer con- gratulations. A number from out of town were also present and 1n- cluded Mrs, R. Elliott and dauehter Jean, * Mrs. Wilson, Mrs, C. F. Tugman, Mrs. Campbell, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Vokes, and son Don, | all of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs C,| Gibbs, Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs, C. K. Kingston and daughters Betty and Jean, Pickering. Mr. Lyle is enjoying excellent health and is to be found every day at his office. He has entered his thirty first year as town clerk and in that time has only missed one meet- ing of the town council, a record of which he may justly feel proud. REGULAR BUSINESS COUNCIL MEETING AT BOWNANVILLE Waterworks Report Present. ed and Town Clerk Lyle Congratulated (By Staff Reporter) Bowmauviile, Oct. 3.--The regu- lar meeting of the Bowmanville Municipal Council was held on October 1st, members all present, the Mayor presiding. Communica- tions were read and disposed of, and the following reports present- ed: Dep. Reeve Carruthers, chair- man of finance, presented a report from the finance committee, sub- mitting sundry accounts being cer- tified as being correct and recom- mending that orders be granted for payment, Councillor Caverly, chairman of the waterworks depariment, pre- sented a lengthy statement of dis- bursements on account of water- works, local improvemets on sew- ers, pavements and sewer and water connections. Reeve Thickson reported on the Nickerson claim and moved, sec- onded by Councillor Wadham, that Nickerson be paid the sum of $3.50 in settlement of claim, Carried. Moved by Dep. Reeve Carruthers, seconded by Councillor Edger, that the Roads and Streets and Punlic Property Committees confer with the Hydro-Electric Co. in regard to the trimming of trees on the streets. Moved by Reeve Thickson, sec- onded by Councillor Caverly that the sewer and water mains on Duke St. be proceeded with at once, Two local improvements con- struction by-laws were put through their second reading and finally passed. On motion overcoats for thorized, Before adjourning, hearty con- gratulations were extended by the Mayor and Councillors tn John Lyle, clerk, on reaching his eightieth birthday. the purchase of twe the police was au- BOWMANVILLE PERSONALS Bowmanville, Oct. 3.--Mr. John {i Bonathan, Toronto, occupied the pul- pit in St. John's church Sunday eve- ning. His many friends in Bowman- ville were glad to hear him once more. Air. and Mrs. Dr, DeCeu and children, Edward and Janet, Buffalo, were Sunday guests of Mrs, A, E. Mc- Cready, Silver Street, Ed. Weeks, wme over Sunday. Mrs. W. S. Percy and daughter Ruth, Toronto, were in town for the week-end with the Misses Percy, having come down to attend the fun- eral of Mrs. Percy's sister-in-law, Mrs. B. Hall, which took place from the home oi her sister, Mrs, A, Staples, Orono, Sunday afternoon, Dr. and Mrs, Hall, Mimico, and Mr, Jack Buller, Toronto, were Sun- day guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Davitt, Miss Margaret Allin was in Port Hope on Sunday and sang a solo at the morning service in the United Church, which was very much en- joyed, Mr. Toronto, was Miss Eunice Sinclair, Lindsay, is visiting her aunt, Mrs, F. J. Mitchell, Church strect. Miss Sybil Burk, Toronto, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs, H. Burk. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Haddy and son Jack, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F, Haddy, Miss Gladys Bateman, Toronto, was home for the week end, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Percy and daughter Shirley, Toronto, were Sun- day guests of Mr, and Mrs. Tom Percy. Mrs, Staples and daughter are vis- iting her parents, Rev. W. H. and Mrs. Spargo. Rev. Mr. Moore and daughter, To- ronto, spent the week end with Dr. and Mrs. W, P. Corbett. Messrs Clarence and Merrill Fer- guson have returned from the west, where they have had churches for the summer, and are spending a short time with their parents before. go- ing back to University. Mr, Norman Elliott who is attend- ing Ontario College of Pharmacy, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Concession street, Bowmanville Oct, 3.--Vr, and Mrs. F. C. Trebilcock and Mr, and Mrs. Norman Hambly and daugh- ter Jean, Peterboro, were in town over the week-end, guests of Mrs. P. Trebilcock, Division St, Miss Betty Sargent spent week-end in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Elliott, and daughters, St. Catharines, have been visiting Mrs, Elliott's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, 8. J. Henry, Silver St, Mrs, W, Martin and daughter Marion, Stratford and Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Galloway and daughter, Eleanor, Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wil- liams. Mrs. Gibson, who has been visiting Mrs. Williams, returned with them to Toronto, Holy Communion was celebrated in St, Paul's United Church on Sun- day morning at which time four new members were received into church membership. the RE-FLOOR WITH SEAMAN-KENT HARDWOOD JWelei>l])[¢€ Now is the Logical Time! House - cleaning season « « « « with its drudgery and mess . . . will soon be here again. Have the carpenters in now . . . . . equip your home with hardwood floors . ... and you'll simplify your cleaning problem forever. . Ask us about prices. 4 W. J. TRICK CO. Ltd. OSHAWA "mic BEST THAT'S MADE 'IN EVERY GRADE VIVID REALISM IN DEAD MAN'S CURVE cheering thrilling motors, and Thundering crowds, a wreck, a automobile race for fame and tok | tune against heavy odds form the highlights of "Dead Man's Curve", the FBO racing story featuring Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., according to the manager of the New Mar- tin theatre, where this classic of the dirt track will open on Thurs- day. : Vernon Keith, racing driver fo Aladdin Motors, finishes third in a race and contends that the mo.or design of the machine is wrong. George Marshall, chief engineer of the company and Vernon's rival for the love of Ethel Hume, daugh- ter of Fergus Hume, president, ac- cuses Vernon of fearing to speed on Dead Man's Curve, a particul- arly dangerous stretch, Hume refuses to buy a new mot- or Vernon has just designed. The latter resigns from Aladdin Mot- ors and attempts to secure a backer for his engine, When Vernon calls on Ethel that evening, she faars he will be injured in the coming race ,and offers to finance his mot- or if he will agree to not drive the car. Vernon believes she has been led to influence him because her father's company fears defeat at his hands, He leaves, angry, with Ethel. A financier named Benton is willing to back his motor, but wants a three-quarter interest. Ethel arranges to finance the en- gine through Benton without Ver- non's knowledge, and he takes steps to prepare the car, unaware that the money is coming from Ethel, When the machine is completed, Marshall sees it in a trial run and realizes his Aladdin will be beaten. A few days before the race Mar- | shall sends his henchman, Dern, to | wreck the new motor. Dern is caught by Goof Goober, Vernon's mechanic, but when Dern offers Goof a thousand dollars if he can return and study the motor, Goof remembers Vernon needs just that amount for his entry fee, and as- sents, The night preceding the race, Dern and Marshall enter the shop and wreck the motor, Dut when they have gone, Vernon and Goof reveal that the real motor has not been in the car, and both proceed to re-install it, Vernon manages to arrive at the track just before the starting gun. A brilliant piece of driving on Dead Man's Curve enables him to win the race, Ethel and her father hurry to Vernon at the finish. Hume offers to buy the niotor, but Vernon tells him Benton owns a large interest in the car. Benton smiles and announces that Ethel is the backer, Vernon takes her in his arms, TONY ACTS BY INSTINCT, SAYS TOM Tony Mix probably enjoys the distinction of being the best-known horse in the world, and if you be- lieve his owner ,the picture star, not only is Tony the world's best- known horse but the smartest. Although insured for $50,000, his picture worth, Tony's real value as fixed by the Government when shipped to Europe last year was $125. It might not be amiss wo add in this connection that it would take consderably more than $125 to buy him from his present owner. hat ~~ Tony's ancestry is shrouded in more or less mystery, although many experienced horsemen believe there is considerable of the 'steel dust" strain in him. Mr. Mix still holds th bill of sale for Tony, given to him by a little fourteen-year- old Italian boy when he purchased the horse about twelve years ago. At that time Tony was a year- ling, and when first seen by Mix was following a vegetable cart drawn by his mother on Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood. The pur- chase price was $17.50, and Tony was the Italian name given to the colt by the youthful son of Italy who claimed him. While waiting for a man to ar- rive at his home, Mr. Mix and his ranch foreman, Pat Chrisman, saw the colt following a vegetable ped- dler, The agile way in which it dodged traffic along the thorough- fare told Mix that the young ani- mal would make what cow punch- ers know as a fine '"'cuttin' "* pony. "This colt," Mr. Mix told his foreman, "will one day turn out to be a mighty smart horse, so let's buy him." Has Ld % Automatic Motor Protection (C HRYSLER 75 owners never give the menace of cold a second thought--thanks to Pines automatic motor protection. If you worry about your motor in cold weather--there's one way to have the same posi- tive, dependable protection Chrysler 75 owners enjoy. Equip your car with Pines Automatic Winterfront-- the only Automatic Radiator Shutter on the market. Ask for it by name. | i PINES ' WANTERFRONT -7r's Automatic OSHAWA BATTERY SERVICE *A. G. BROOMFIELD 37 King Street West Phone 1184 The vegetable man explained his boy Tony had been given the co't at its birth and any negotiations would have to be made with the rightful owner. That night Mix and the foreman visited the vege- table man's home in the outskirts of Hollywood, where the deal was completed and Tony led away to a corral in Mixville, Cal, For two years Tony romped with other horses around the corral and gradually grew from a gangling colt to a good-lookig 14-hands-high cow pony, Mr. Mix broke him to ride with great care, and it might be added that no one save Tom has ever ridden the horse. From the beginning Tony took kindly to pictures and, like his famous mas- ter, delights in "stunts." He has never been taught tricks. In fact, it might surprise screen patrons who have watched him for years to know that Tony cannot do a single trick before an audience, Mr. Mix has carefully refrained from teaching him the usual horse tricks which horses learn by routine and therefore always repeat In that way. Does the average citizen appreciate practical suggestions in the article: of lumber which he must from time to time buy? Let us see! Let us prove to our own satisfaction the faith we have in the public's prac- tical buying sense. The purchasing of better stocks at higher prices in larger quantities and turning over these stocks to the public at average prices, thus giving them greater value for their dollar, has been one of the pol- icies on which our business is built. We are content with a smaller margin of profit on a greater turn-over rather than have it the other way around. You will find in our yards, materials exactly suited to your needs at prices which you can afford to pay, and in our organization a delivery service which is a guaranteed thing to you, Nervous Woman, 58, Gets Big Surprise "After a year of nervous trouble life is worth living again. At my age, 58, results from Vinol are sur- prising I"--Emma Bryant. Vinol is a compound of iron, phos- phates, cod liver, peptone, etc. The very F 7ST bottle makes you sleep better and have a BIG appetite. Ner- vous, easily tired people are surprised how QUICK the irom, phosphates, etc, give new life and pep, Vinol tastes delicious. Jury and Lovell, Oshawa Lumber Co., Limited 25 Ritson Road North Phone 2821 Druggists. Special Notice hip re putting on a SPECIAL BUSINESS DINNER from 11.30 till 1.30. SPECIAL SUPPER from 5 till 7 during the winter months. WELSH'S King Street West BETTY CAKE SHOP -- we . Oshawa feel Good ailments start from poor elimination nstipation mi-cons , a RMON] life miserable, Tonight try N§= A 'S REMEDY~a!l-vegetable core an ordinary laxative, Sce how Wf wis in your Mid, safe, All Seven Oshawa Druggists against the pubic bone, quered, ! t Rome; Grand Prix, Paris, STOP USING A TRUSS FREE DEMONSTRATION Stuart's Plapao-Pads are different from the truss, being mechanic-chemico applicators made self-adhesive purposely to hold the distended muscles, straps, buckles or springs attached--cannot slip, so cannot chafe or press During 22 years thousands have successfully treated themselves at home--without hindrance from work--most obstinate cases con- Soft as velvet--easy to apply--inexpensive, No Awarded Gold Medal, San Fr for years. Remember 'the time and place. PLAPAO. recovery is natural, so no subsequent use for truss. FREE TO RUPTURED Thursday, October 4th at Central Hotel, Oshawa From 10 a.m. to 7 p.m, by Mr, Gustave Marquardt Mr. Marquardt speaks English, German, Italian and French Do not fail to call on Mr, Marquardt as you may not have another opportunity It costs you nothing to examine and have demonstrate: privately, this scientific self-treatment; you are entitled to the same freedom from the truss and knife achieved by many others. If not able to call, write for FREE TRIAL Address Plapao Co., 998 Stuart Bldg., St. Louis, Mo, Process of to you C-O-A- ~The FamousReading Anthracite Keep Warm This Winter No Smoke, No Dust, Less Ash, No Clinkers and lots of Heat. It costs more, but is sold at the same price. Try the Hamilton By-product Coke ; The Best on the Market Body Hard Wood of the finest quality, also hard and soft wood slabs. Quality and Service Our Motto McLaughlin Ceal and Supplies 10 King St. W. Phone 1246