Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Sep 1928, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1928 HEARING TUESDAY TARIFF ON STEEL More Automobile Business Sought By Algoma Company Ottawa, Sept. 27.--The applica~ tion of the Algoma Steel Company will be heard by the Advisory Tar- iff Board om Tuesday. Tariff alter- ations suggested in the application would abolish drawbacks in some instances and impose new or high- er duties in others. It is proposed to abolish the drawback of 99 per cemt. of duty on steel for springs and axles used in automobiles, The brief sava: "Jt is acknowledged that the auto- mobile industry is reasonably pra- tected under the present Canadl- an tariff and there appears no jus- tification for allowing spring steel or axle steel bars for automohiles to be imported from forefgn sources under a rebate of 99 per cent. of the duty." The proposed chang would still allow such steel to come in under the drawback when used in manufacture of agricultur- al implements. Tt is also asked that imported spiral spring steel be no longer subjected to a 99 per cent. drawback when used in the preference om alloy steel. Om structural steel the brief says: Structural Steel "There is a pro in the present Canadian customs tariff to the effect that when structural steel is made in Canada in all sec ions weighing up to 1203pounds per yard, the present duties will be increased from $2 per net tom British preference and $7 per met ton gemeral. When this order-in- Council was first proposed it was the case that practically no sections weighing 35 pounds per yard and over were procurable in Canada, and therefore the bulk of the coun~ try's requirements weighing 35 pounds per yard and over had of necessity to be imported. Since then Canadian conditions have al: tered considerably, and while it is not yet the case that all sections covered by the order-in-Couneil can be manufactured here, a com- siderable portion of them are mow made which weigh over 34 pounds per yard, Later on the full range of all items indicated in the order- in-couneil will undoubtedly be man. ufactured in this country, but in the meantime in view of the fact that Canadian mills are in a posi- tion to supply every need of the consumer here in all sections of steel angles and in beams up to six inches and channels up to seven inches we sugggest the order-in-Couneil shoud hecome immediately effective insofar as tflese are concerned and the duty advanced to $7 per net ton under manufacture of rallway spiral springs, The brief urges the im position of 'a duty of 35 per cent, ad valorem general and British --_------ rE the general tariff for all weights in these sizes. "Then, when it is possible to procure in Canada the larger sizes of structural steel, the remaining portion of the Act should become effective without being limited to 120 pounds per yard so that the entire range may be produced." It is usggested the duty on pig iron he increased from $1.50 Brit- ish preference and $2.50 general tariff to $5 per ton, and in billats, blooms and slabs the duty be rais- ed from $1.50 British preference and $2.50 general tariff to §7 ver ton. The Algoma Steel Company ex- Disney Block presses the opinion that if a duty Opposite Post Office on coke was granted it would ben- " efit this industry. omer EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of The Eyes in Modern Life Optometry Feature Service Your Eyes and Health ye Care and Eye Strain #H1§ --:i-- PHONE --:-- 1518 TWICE THE PENALTY SELLING ON SUNDAY Quebee, Sept, 27.--8elling liquor without a license means one month in jail, but selling on Sunday means two months' confinement, Judge Choquette yesterday told Laureat Frenette, guilty of in- fringing the Quebee Liquor Aw, W. A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 8 KING STREET WEST Hund-eds of pecile wear with utmost comfort Hare's Fa: tic. + Lenses SRR RE SECURITIES WORTH $1,000,000 STOLEN Boston Sneak Thief Made a Big Haul from Financier ton, Sept. 25.--Securities worth about $1,000,000 were in a strong box takem by a smeak thief from the safe of Howard Clark Davis, Boston financier, last week, Miss Emma Bennett, Davis' seer tary informed the today, The theft came to light with the arrest on Saturday of two men in the Souh End after a chase by & police automobile. Near the sceme of capture of ome of the men, po- lice found a package containing $25,000 worth of the stolen secur- ities. It was not until last night, when Miss Bennett reached Davis boy telephone at Winnipeg, Man., where he is on business, that the extemt of the theft was realized. Davis told Miss Bennett the con- tents of the strong box were: Be- ween 400,000 and 500,000 shares Central Manitoba Mines, Ltd., esti. mated to be worth §1 a share; 1, 000shares American Powder Com- pany; 459 shares of American Wa- diator Company; 1,600 shared Splitdorf Electric Bethlehem Com- pany; several shares Winnipeg Golf Club stock; gold bonds of Ta- bor Academy, worth approximately $19,000; gold mortgage bonds of the Salmen County Club, worth $6,000; between $150 and $200 in gold pleces, The two suspects, who, police claim, have records, will be ar- raigned today on a charge not yet determined, They have refused to make statements and have retained counsel, For the present, they are held on a charge of suspicion, CANADIAN FISH WREK . NOVEMBER OPENING Mentreal, Sept. 27,--Ta increase thee onsumption of fish in Cana- da, a more intensive campaign than ever before is to be instituted next wékk by the Canadian Fisheries Association, Cooking demonsara- tions and the radio will play an important part in the renewed campaign, Starting next Tuesday, semi-weekly lectures on fish men- us and the preparation of such menus will be given over the ra- dio, Somewhere in Ontario or Quebec ODAY, possibly in the early morning or in the late afternoon, somewhere in Ontario or Quebec, one of our installers is putting in the 700 thousandth Bell tele- phone, It may be in a humble home, a mansion, an office in a skyscraper, or a warehouse, But the significant thing is that Bell telephones in the two provinces have reached the 700 thousand mark, Add to these 700,000 the 135,000 telephones of the other Canadian systems whose lines connect with ours, affording complete intercommunication, and you have a total telephone development of very impressive proportions, There are few communities anywhere in the world where the service is more widely used. Note the present telephone development leading cities-- : Montreal in some of our Toronto Ottawa and Hull "Hamilton 23.800 H. M. BLACK Manager THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Health and Comfort The Baby Needs at your Rexall Prug Store are always safe--always vight. You can depend on: Kantleek baby bottles, nipples, bibs, pacifiers, rings, La eyringes; Stork nursers; Maximum baby pants; Puretest zine stearate, fuller's earth, infant suppositories, boric acid, cod liver wil, lanaling Tiny Tot talcum and soap; Electrex emergency heater for warming baby's bottle; Firstaid baby scales, thermometers, absorbent cotton-- these and many other guaranteed items. Whatever your baby needs for health and comfort, get it at your Rexall Drug Store, ..h Safety at your DRUG STORE Jury & Lovell King BE. Phone 28 Simcoe 8, Phone 68 INVENTOR SYNWHETIC SYRUP WINS ACTION WITH AID OF POLICE Windsor, Sept. 27.--Kindly Windsor policemen, to whom he ap- plied for assistance when he was deported fropy Detroit with "less than $1.60 in his pocket and no place to stay, have been largely re- sponsible for justice heing done to Angus W. Shaw, 80, of Toronto, inventor of a formula for the mak- ing of synthetic maple syrup. Shaw when Canadian law barred the making of his syrup, which Is flavored in a natural manner by a secret extract made from maple wood, answered the call of a De- troit man, Ramsay E. Sinclair, who offered him a tempting contract, But Sinclair failed to pay, and Shaw sued him for money due un- der the contract, about $1,600 in all. Then the blow fell in the shape of the United States immigration inspectors, who ordered Shaw de- ported to Windsor, Shaw who had heen getting a precarious living by the sale of his maple syrup to his landlord and a restaurant keeper, landed in Windsor at night with exactly $1.15 in his pocket, The aged Toronto man appealed to police. Not only did they keep him for the night but one of the constables, Andy Johnson, took the octogenarian into his home, keep- ing hin until he could prosecute his suit against Sinclair in Detroit. As Shaw bad been barred from Detroit by the immigration men, who said he would be locked up if he would come to Detroit again, the Windsor police had to help him get by the line, and the only way he could get to court on the other side of the river whem his suit was pending was to have a Windsor policeman go with him. This was done on several occasions, Today Shaw holds a judgment for $500 pageinst Sinclair, awarded him in the justice court presided over by Judge Gordon, who ruled that the money must be paid. And he still holds his formula which he was too canny to diviuge. SIR WILLIAM FOBREST DEAD; WAS CANA- DIAN BANK MANAGER London, Sept. 27.--Sir William Forrest, who was at one time man- ager of the Fergus, Ont., branch of the Imperial Bapk of Canada, died today in his 72nd year. William's only son was killed in the Great War and he leayes no' Vin 1899, er, Sir James Forrest, OFFICER WOUNDED IN BATTLE ATTEMPTED MURDER CHARGED Windsor, Sept. 277.--Raymond "Dolly" Quinton, aged 32, drug addict, is being held at the county HIGHVAY ROBBER TO GET TENLASHES go Term Quebec, Sept. 27.--Rosaire Sim- ard, 22, of Montreal was sentenced yesterday to seven years in St. Vin- cent de Paul penitentiary and in addition was ordered 10 strokes of the lash, when he pleaded guilty to highway robbery with violence. Upon hearing Judge Choquette pronounce sentence Simard collaps- ed, and had to be raised to his feet by court officials. The sentence was for holding up Henri Desrochers near St. Sulpice last week, when Simard and anoth- er man boarded his car, forced Des- rachers to drive them a certain distance, and then stuck a hypoder- mic into his neck, afterwards bind- ing and gagging him and leaving him on the road. Judge Choquette, before pro- nouncing sentence, said: "You are a coward. You had a companion and yet were afraid to attack your victim openily. You paralyzel him before you trussed him up and left him on the roadside. You faced him, gun in hand, when you knew he was unarmed. You belong to that lowest type of criminals, the sneaking highway robber who fears to face his victim unless he is ac- companied by several other bandits of his own kind. You are a slink- ing young eriminal whose only fear is physical pain or bodily harm. Well, you will be given what you would have deserved to get from your victim, You will spent seven years in St. Vincent de Paul peni- tentiary. Your kind are a danger and serious menace to society and you must be kept where you can do no harm for a term of years, But in addition you must be made to fully realize the seriousness of your crime. You will therefore he given 10 lashes, five, eight days after you are admitted to the peni- tentiary, and five more eight days before you leave." KIDNAPPING GANG ACTIVE IN CHINA Chinese Millionaire Seized And Held For $1,500,000 -- Harbin, Manchuria, Sept 26.--A gang of motor-launch kidnappers has appeared on the Sungari River near here and has heen terrorizing the Chinese population, The bandits operate in somewhat the same manner as Northern China outlaws who have within the last week been sought by Japanese and National forces, The first vietim of the Harbin Gang was Yao Sui-Diso, a Chinese millionaire, who was seized from his own launch while crossing the Sungari and was held for $1,600,- 000 ransom, The millionaire was captured in daylight while scores of native hoatmen watched the bandits drag him from his boat into their own fast launch. On the same day a wealthy Rus- sian broker, Gusieff, was kidnapp- ed from his residence by a Chinese rang whieh broke into his com- pound and terrorized his servants with revolvers, 7 he LEADING JEWELERS Estab'ished 1886 12 Simcoe St. South LOANS .ON MOTOR CARS We will loan you monies on your motor car, or if you can not meet your present pay- ments we will pay off the claims and renew your pay- ments for any tesm up to twelve months. See Swan- son, McKenzie & Douglas, 2 King street BE, Phone 940. BULL MOVEMENT ON NEW YORK MART RE New York, N.Y. Speculation for the advance of the New York Stock Exchdmge, which has witnessed the establishment of scores of mew high records almost daily for the past few weeks, re- ceived a decided setback today when a sweeping reaction im the, last hour of trading carried many of the pool favorites down to $5 and $10 a share. The decline probably was inspir- ed by reports, which later proved to be unfounded, that the weekly report on federal reserve brokers' loans issued after the close of the market would exceed the record- breaking total of $4,563,240,000 established last June. The report showed a gain of $54,232,000 in loans, bringing the total to $4,- 524,108,000. GENEVA TO USA, RADIO HOOK-UP Geneva, Sept. 27.--The League of Nations was hooked up direct with America for the first time this afternoon when Arthur Sweet- ser, Assistant director of the in- formation section, telephoned Ray- mond Fosdick. The League has before broadcast messages via a Holland station, but these never were picked up in the United States. GIVEN SETBACK|| Sept. 27.-- ; Your home is probably the most important investment of your lifetime, therefore it is partic ularly necessary that you de everything possible to keep it attractive, enhance its value and 'prevent Vacleas, expense and an. noyance using a superior grade of Shingles, BIRD & SON'S ASPHALT SHINGLES Oshawa Lumber Co, Limited Felt Bros. Today the French operator at Geneva picked up her receiver and asked '"Etes vous la?" "Are you there?" responded the operator in London, and a few minutes later came New York's 'Hello, hello." Supreme~ on every point 25 Ritson Road North Phone 2821 / Shuts out Cold! Stops Heat! Deadens Sound! Saves Fuel! Under critical comparative tests by Canada's leading analysts Insul-Board proved itself to be indeed the Super- Insulator, the staunchest shield against atmospheric change, the ideal medium for efficient insulation of roof, wall and floor construction, Standing up under greater stress, Making roof and walls more rigid and more durable, Cutting the cost of heating and shutting out disturbing noise, Making the home a place of restful, healthful, year round comfort. Choose Insul-Board in the knowledge that its supremacy is beyond question, that J is tested and proved on every poin Insul-Board Lath for better plaster walls A ! BUILDING PRODUCTS LIMITED MONTREAL PORTNEUF PONT ROUGE HAMILTON TORONTO WINNIPEG The Carew Lumber Co. Limited 74 Athol St, W,, Oshawa + + Phones 12 and 1111 = GIO GITISII IIT 4 47 NS EAR E CR pwre nose 54808 222 CANADIAN OIL COMPANIES, LIMITED .

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