Laue wo [HE OSHAWA DAILY 1IMES, FRIDAY, SEFIEMBER 28, 1920 Suburban and District N ews Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents. BROOKLIN Brooklin, Sept. 27.--Miss Luella Mowbray who has been visiting at per pareats home, Mr. and Mrs, R. R. Mowbray, has erumed to New York, to take up her duties. Miss Marjorie Allems is spends ng her vacation at her home in Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hogarth and Miss Mary Hunter, of Napanee, visited friends here over the week- end. Miss Hilda Bailey week-end in Oshawa. : Mr. W. B. Robson had a very successful sale of household goods a Wednesday afternoon, We are jorry to lose Mr, and Mrs. Robson trom our village, as they are going to make their home in Hamilton, On Monday evening a play was jven ip the township hall, called Face Tom's Cabin, The hall was lilled and everybody seemed to en- Joy themselves. Several of our W.M.S. women at. ended a meeting at Greenwood, and reported having a very profit- pble and interesting time, Quite a number of people of Ihis vicinity attended Lindsay Fair, A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Jones. Con- gratulations. Rev. Mr. Stainton, of Ebenezer, took the service here on Sunday svening. Rev. Mr, Gull conducting lhe services at Courtice. In the early hours of Sunday, thieves entered Mr, F. Batty's gar- age, and stole his car. It was found pn Tuesday, abandoned a short dis- lance from Lindsay, minus three tres. spent the COLUMBUS Columbus, Sept, 26. -- Mr. and Mrs. Alek Browne of Oshawa spent Bunday with the latters' mother, Mrs. Qarfit. Several from here attended Lind- pay Fair on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Horner, of Raglan, gpent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, J. Pickering. Miss Mary Dyer, of Oshawa spent Sunday at her home here, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ashton, and children Helen and Thelma of Oshawa, spent Sunday at Robt Ash- ton's, . Don't forget the Rally Day ser- vice on Sunday morning Sept, 30th at 10.30 a.m. They have heen successful in se- euring Mr, Farmer of Port Perry as Bpealker. Mrs. W. Bromell is visiting with Skilled Mechanic WANTED WANTED--Foreman to take full charge of Chevrolet and Oakland Dealer Service Stas tion, Steady employment, Must be experienced mechs anic, able to handle men and meet the public, Apply by letter, giving telephone number to Daymond Motors GUELPH, ONT, her son Mr, A. Bromell at Detroit ich. " ss Lena Lumbers visited with Mrs. A. E. Gross for a few days. Mrs. J. James, is visiting with relatives at Cambray this week. Several from here attended Blackstock Fair when Columbus Girl's Soft score ending in defeat for Col umbus. Scott sr, domrestic and butter exhibits, children Ruth and Willard Sunday with relatives at Churchill, Miss Florence Gulls, is visiting friends in Toronto this week. in Oshawa for a few days this week. Owing to the rainy weather only a few were able to get out to hear. Miss Johnston on Thursday. Those who were able to hear her enjoyed very much her talk and the pietur- es of the North West Indians, CLAREMONT Claremont, Sept. 25.--Miss Isobel Gregg is attending Normal school in Toronto. Miss Mabel McLellan spent the week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs, Feashy and son, Allen of Sanford visited recently with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Morgan. Mr, and Mrs, John Smith of New York, spent Sunday with the former's sister, Miss Elizabeth Smith, Mr. John Gregg, who has been quite ill, is recovering. Miss Bernice Story is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Story, Mr, and Mrs, Comba of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, David B. Taylor, We are pleased to see Mr. Wil- liam Coates able to he around ness, On account of the abundant po- tato crop prices are low, ized for the season, Mrs. Readman has at Pepperlaw and Toornto. ville on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Mundell, poorly and is confined home, tained Mr, and Mrs. and family over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford an extended visit In the West, the United Church on Sunday, the 23rd, were well attended, A ent, The anniversary services of the Claremont Baptist Church will be [coar COKE Waterous-Meek, Limited Oshawa Agents for STAND a -- WOOD BRICK on Wednesdays Ball Team played Blackstock Girl's. The Mrs. George Hayes has returned home after spending several weeks with friends at Rochester, U. 8. A. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Scott, of Ked- ron, spent Sunday with Mr. L. Congratulations to Mrs. Harold Hayes on taking several red rib- hons at Bowmanville Fair on her Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Cook and spent Mrs. L. L. Guy is visiting friends again after his recent serious ill- The B.Y.P,U, has been reorgan- returned after a pleasant visit with friends Rev. A. McLellan was in Stouff- Mr. and Mrs, Deverton of To- ronto spent a day recently with Mr. Hugh Gregg continues very to his Mr. and 'Mrs. J. H, Beal enter- PF. C. Beal Soden have returned to the village after The Rally Day Services which were held in he Sunday school of large number of parents were pres- held on Sunday, October the Tih. The special speaker for the day will be Rev. Professor U. H, Parker of McMaster University, On Monday, October the Sth the col- ored choir of First Baptist tist Church, Toronto, will render a choice musical program. Furth- er particulars later. We are pleased to see Mr. Bas- sett able to be around again after his very serious accident. Mr. Frank Disney of Brooklin was in the village on Friday. Miss Adelaide , McCullough has gone to Toronto to begin her course at the Normal school. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith of Uxbridge village spent Sunday with friends and relatives here. The Literary Society of the C.C. C. has been reorganized with the following officers elected: Presi- dent, Alma Ward; Vice Presi ent, Mary White; Seeretary, Mildred Pugh; Bditor-inChief--Doris John- ston; Assistant Editor, Annie Bernstein. Pianist, Grace Dunn. Ist Form Representative, Enid Cook. 2nd Form Representative, Edna Selman. 3rd Form Repre- sentative, Bdgle Pegg. We wish e Society success. tb death ocourred on Friday, September the 21st, of Mr. Cecil Slack. lot 10, concession 8 in Plek- ing Township. Mr. Slack had been in failing health for some time. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to his bereav- ed wife and family. NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, Sept. 26.--Gor- don §. Whita, now in business in our community, has returned from Port Credit where he secured a carload of gluten feed., shipment to be made on October 1, He also received this week twa car- loads of D. L. and W. Scraton coal, We are further informed that he is now established in the new quarters at the O.N.R., North Oshawa station and carries a complete line of flour, feed and ers, Mr. and Mm. Lorne Cobble- dick. Miss Bella Wilson, of Trenton, visited her paremts, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson, Lake Shore. i Misses Marion Allin and Nora Cowan left on Tuesday for Peter boro to begin their Normal School course. Mrs. Dr. Carveth gave a dinner at Crest House last week, to a number of her friends from Torom- to, and afterwards was hostess at a bridge party. Mr. and Mrs. P, F. LeGresley with Mr. and Mrs, C. C. Grubbe of Weston, motored to Haliburton and visited his sister, Mrs. Le Boutiller, Meada J. P, and Laura Fisher and "Carl, visited Mrs, Geo. Wright and daughter, Hazel Ruth, in Toronto, Wednesday last, Miss Margaret Thorne, who has been visiting with Mrs. Galbraith and other friends here, returned to her home in New York, Saturday last. Miss Cooke has returned to Pitts- burg after havng spent a few weeks with her brother, Mr. W. H. Cooke, Mrs. Cooke accompani- ed her to Toronto, Mr. C. Horrocks spent the week end with his family in their sum- mer cottage. Mrs, Rev. James went to To- ronto, last week with her daugh- ter, Miss Mary, who is resuming her studies at Havergal College. General John Hughes of Bow- manville, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fer- guson and Sidney, Burton, Mr, and Mrs. A. A. Henry of Orono, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, W, I. Rickard, "The Grange', Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Neil and grandson, Jimmie Keech, returned home Friday from Philadelphia and vicinity, as guests of their son, Mr. Frank O'Neil. During their visit they motored to Atlantic (lity to see the famous Board Walk and also to Pennsylvania to see the mountains and the coal mines, and the crystal caves. Joy-riding in airpla as automobiles here, was ome of Mr, O'Neil's chief delights. Mrs. (Rev.) Scott Howard and niece, Miss Kimber, delighted the congregation of St. George's, Sun- day evening with their duet, "One Sweetly Solemn Thought". Miss Kimber is a member of St. Mat- thew's Church Choir, Toronto, which recently visited the New- castle congregation. Rev. E. R. James preached good thoughtful sermons at both services. Mrs. Chas. Dashbon and children, Florida, who have been visiting with her aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Fara. comb, "Eber House" left for thei: home last week. Mrs. Wynn is visiting with her son, Mr, Earl Wynn at Port Hope. Mr. Walter Halg spent the week- end with his people at Newtonville. ENFIELD Enfield, September 27.--Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott motored to Niagara last week, with Mr. Leslie Gibson of Oshawa, Misses Hilda and Laura Mackey, Brooklin, Messrs. Rob't Richard- son, Whitby, and Oral McCord, To. ronto, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, Leslle Pascoe. Mr. John Delve and Miss Alice James, Columbus, visited with Mr. and Mrs, John Hepburn, Miss Mary Gibson, Greenwich, Conn., and Mt. and Mrs, Almer Gibson, Oshawa, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Prescott's. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCulloch and Miss Ida McCulloch, motored to Toronto recently. Rally Sunday will be ohserved here next Sunday. The service was well attended which are as common | lin, last Sunday and of special interest was a pretty duet, sweetly render- ed by the Misses Mackeys of Brook- Missionary Sunday was observed last Sunday after the Sunday school session, during which Mr. Fred Bray charmingly rendered "Open the Gates of the Temple", The ladles of the Ald Society will hold their meeting for the wonth of October at the home of Mrs. Will G. Smith on Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 3rd. All ladies are cordially invited to attend. QUEBEC PLANS DRIVE FOR TO AID SETTLERS Quebec, Sept. p7. -- Signs are growing daily that the French-Can- adian Liberal bloc in parliament will make another coming session to persuade the Government to extend to Canadians the same colonizing and transpor- tation facilities out West as are held out to immigrants. The French press here is insist- ing almost daily on the subject, and is picking up everything that will aid in the pre-session campaign. 'LAction Catholique, whose spec- fal writer, Thomas Poulin, has a flair for the "Injustice" fs now concluding a lively little battle with an anonymous gentleman of the Montreal Y.M.C.A, who takes obiection to the suggestion that Britain, lacking farmers and farm- hands the West should look more to the people from the lands of Quebec, "Had the Canadian Government spent one-tenth on its own people of what it has spent on immigration from Europe," says L'Action Cath- olique, "5,000 French-Canadian families could have been settled in the Canadian West." Miner-harvester grumblings, the "Jail of Canada' cases are all be- drive at the] Years from now your Marshall will be as comfy as ever. It never loses its shape or resiliency; it is impossible for a Marshall to pack and become hard or lumpy. Five Styles to a INNER-SPRING MATTRESS You'll always enjoy iis COMFORT ing utilized for arguments that Quebec's sons, used to the land and to Canadian conditions, are the logical source from which col onists for the West should be drawn. It should be noted that there is no antipathy demonstrated toward British immigrants if qual- ified for farming, but the French "lam from their own government as much consideration as that gov- evmment gives to transatlantic peo- ples, Pattern Workers WANTED Apply or write to THE BANCROFT CAST STONE ©O, LTD. Box 741, Weston, Ont. coal. Deliveries hy truck and under the same good service con- ditions now prevailing in the city? Mr. and Mrs. A. Miss Marjory and Mr, Lyle Gerry motored and spent Sunday in To ronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Woodcock and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lawr- ence Woodcock of Ardendale an" Mrs. Benson Scott of Cornwal avenue, and Mrs. Woodeock of Colhorne street, Oshawa, were all guests of Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Ham ilton, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Farrow and Mur- fel and Cecil, and Mr, and Mrs, Al- hert Beckett and Velma and Ver- na all attended the surprise par- tv and weddinz celebration given Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beckett in Oshawa Friday evening last. NEWCASTLE Newcastle, September 27.---Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Thompson, La- Parr, Mich., visited wi.h her aunt, Mrs. J. R. Fisher, while on their wedding trip last week, Miss Minnie Barrett, of Bowman- ville, was a week-end guest of Mrs. E, C, and Miss Emma Beman. Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Rowland of Toronto, who are holidaying at thelr cotiage at Pickering, recent- ly called at his brother's, Mr, How- ard Rowland, here, Mr, Arthur Bell was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hawke at Or- of the marriage of their, Gertrude, and Mr, Robertson, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Gault apd sons, Harold and Bill, apd Jaugh- ter Edith, of Toronto, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. A, PF. Spencer, with. whom Mrs. W. M. Munns and, Miss Dor- othy of North Bay, also spent a day last week. Mr. and Mrs. John McGill anc son, Roy, and Mr, and Mrs. George Mr, and Mrs. Herman McGill anc family, Fleetwood; Mr, and Mrs T. McGill of Janetyille; Mr. an Mrs, Lorne McGill and babe of Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson, Lake Shore Mr. Horace and Mr. Eric Walton Ball have teen baching it at Harris Lodge the past week or so, and assisting gardener Hermon Perr in the harvesting of the early fal: vegetables grown in the Lodge's productive gardens, and which in quantity and quality would com- L. Gerry and | ono on Saturday, on the occasion Hamilton and family of Pontypool; | ' A Paint that defies Sun * Rain and Snow! LINT New Process Paint has stood up under the most severe tests and proved far more durable than ordinary paint, Here is a paint that will give you long-lasting satisfaction. It will pro. tect your home from the effects of driving rain and blistering suns, and pare favorably with some of the best suburban commercial gardens. | Mr. Stanley Benpett and lovely | young bride of Detroit, were week- end guests of his former employ- "A GREAT this wonderful wear-resisting paint can be bought at the same price as ordinary paint, ComeinandletustellyouaboutFlint New Process Paint and other prod. ucts made by the makers of Duco, MADE BY THE MAKERS OF The name Flint is a guarantee of DUCO Ez: HARRY D. WILSON 23 King St. W. Oshawa W. H. A. P ATTE 85 Simcoe St. North Oshawa FLINT PAINT & VARNISH LIMITED, TORONTO, ONT, Subsidiary of CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED HALIFAX MONTREAL SUDBURY WINNIPEG VANCOUVER TO-MORROW ~~ The Last Day of Our Regular Month End DOLLAR DAYS semewoows | TONIC" SAYS | And our Counters which are piled high with Values --in Merchandise which you require NOW. Visit the Basement Shoppe. Here you will find hun- dreds of suggestions in the way of Gifts, Children's Clothing; Women's Dresses, etc. Ready-to-Wear on the second floor, with a most com- plete range in everything for "Milady" at popular prices. We Feature: Penman's Hose "Karo" Hose "Watson's" Lingeries John S. Brown's Linens Merston (guaranteed) Fabrics Lady Mac Corset Jobn Northway Garments A. DEWLAND Limited MRS, RUSSELL E. id Beis I