Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Sep 1928, p. 5

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THE USHAWA DAIL 1 TINS. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1928 PAGE FIVE Em---- == Woman's Daily Interest SOCIAL and PERSONAL column, Send in a postcard or phone 385. Miss W. Pipher, Bruce street, spent the week-end in Toronto. * * » Miss Mary Allen of Swamp Lake has returned home after visiting friends here. a. Miss E. Hutcheson of Toronto is spending a few days with Miss Evelyn Andison, Fairbanks street, * % % W. Reid, Oshawa Boule- spent the week-end in To- Mr. vard, ronto. * * w* Mr. and Mrs. F. Cowan, Simcoe street south, attended the opening meet of the Ontario Jockey Club at the Woodbine Saturday. * * * Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Andison, Fairbanks street, left yesterday on on a motor trip to Exeter, Wood- stock, Londen and points west, Mrs. H. * mil and daughter Toronto were the guests of Mr. and Mre. H. Boyce, Oshawa Boule- vard. - id * Mr. John K. Banks and daugh- ter Jean, of Detroit, Michizan, are spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs, John Taylor, Barrie avenue, * * * The directors of the Lindsay Centra! Fair and the Lindsay Ki- wanis Club held a joint luncheon at the Benson House last Friday. The program was composed of an address by Hon, W. H. Price, Attor- ney-General of the Province of Ontario, and solos by Mr. Gow of this city. . * % % Mr. Albert Walker is spending a few days in Toronto. . . Mrs. Stochan of Toronto, is spend- ing a few days with Mrs. Walker, 31 John street, . Messrs. Edwin and Eric Henry, King, street east, left yesterday for the Iniversity of Toronto. . = Miss Margaret Tamblyn, King street street east, will resume her studies at St. Hilda's College, Uni- versity of Toronto, today, Miss Minerva Sinclair is among those from Oshawa returning to the University of Toronto for the coming school Jear. Misses Lola and Olive Brodeur, of Toronto, were the guests of their Aunt, Mrs. J. S. Judge, Victoria Apartments, oyer the yeek-end. Mrs. Thomas Mitchell of Cobourg, attended the mariage of her grand- son, Mr. Williim Marrison, to Miss Lillian Garrow, Saturday afternoon. Mr. W. G. Robertson and mother, Mrs. William Robertson, of Frank. lyn, N.J., were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A, Holden, Gib- bon street. * Miss Helen McPherson of Corn- wall spent the week-end with Miss Edythe Cawker, King street east, re- turnine to University of Toronto with Miss Cawker this Morning, » Nd Miss Elena Stacey, Simcoe street south, and Miss Anne Storie, King street east, left Friday for the Uni- versity of Toronto, where they are enrolled for the coming school year, * * Ld The members of Christ Church Women's Auxiliary were entertained at a social afternoon on Friday, Sep- 'Qaft as Moonlight Yet brig..! "nough for reading pd N77 : ! . diffused light, Use Inside Frosted Edison Mazda Lamps , , . then you will realize the comfort of adequate, well EDISON MAZDA ACTER LAMPS ACANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT] ld h L-88 tember 21, by Mrs. Mannell, Elgin street east. Supper was served in the garden, after which a guessing contest was arranged, the winner receiving a suitable Rrize. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morrison, of Buffalo, attended the wedding of the former's brother, Mr. William Morrie son, to Miss Lilian Garrow, Saturday afternoon, . Major and Mrs. A. 8. Morrison of Niagara Falls, Ontario, we ests at the marriage of their son, William Sidney, to iss Lillian' Garrow, which took place Saturday afternoon. Miss Lillian Garrow, a popular bride of last week, was the raison d'etre at ag miscellaneous shower given at theshome of Mrs. Walter Kilburn, King street west, with Mrs. Kilburn and Miss Jenny Taylor as hostesses. Th te were 24 present. Mrs. Alex. Fisher and Mrs. Albert Wilson, were hostesses at a "Sunny Blue" granite shower at the home of Mrs, Wilson, Alice street, last Tues- day evening in honor of Miss Lillian Garrow, a Fa marriage took place Saturday afternoon. There were about ® guests present. Mr. and Mrs, M, Tamblyn, King street east, have returned from Atlantic City. * Miss Evelyn Pearce, successful scholarship candidate at the Osha- wa Collegiate Institute, left today for the University of Toronto, + % % % Mrs. Blair, Mr. and. Mrs, Fred Blair and baby, June, of Brock- ville, spent the week-end with the former's daughter, Mrs. Ross Lloyd, Albert street. Weddings ABROTT--MACE A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Knox Presbyterian manse, Brock street west, September 23, when Lily Mabel Mace, 139 First avenue, Verdun, Quebec, became the bride of George Stanley Ab- bott, 300 Athol street east, Rev, A, C. Reeves performed the ceremony, The bride wore a becoming frock of beige crepe and hat to match. Mrs, BE, L, McNaughton attended the bride and was attired in a white satin frock and hat to match, Mr, Albert KE. Mace of Verdun, Quebec, brother of the bride, was grooms- man, After a short trip Mr. and Mrs, Abbott will reside in Oshawa, \ MORRISON--GARROW A pretty house wedding took place at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. Garrow, 245 Athol street cast, at J o'clock, Saturday, September 22, when their younger daughter, Lillian Flor- ence, became the bride of William Sidney Morrison, son of Major and Mrs, A. 8. Morrison, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Rev, Ernest Harston per- formed the ceremony, The house was prettily decorated by Mr, Lew- ington with cosmos and carnations, the ceremony being performed be- fore a bank of ferns, and palms, The bride entered: the drawing room on the arm of her father to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march, play» ed by Miss Irene Mitchell, The bride was lovely in a powder blue geor- gette gown and carried a shower bouquet of sweetheart roses, butter- fly roses and lily of the valley, Miss Lillian Garrow, sister of the bride, made a charming bridesmaid in a beige georgette frock, Mr. Harry Morrison, of Buffalo, N.Y. brother of the groom, was best man. During the signing of the register, Mrs. Dun- can Fletcher, cousin of the bride, sang "For You Alone." After the ceremony a huffet luncheon was serv- ed, Mrs, Garrow, mother of the bride, was charming in a black geor- gette over sand gown, while Mrs, Morrison, mother of the groom, wore a becoming gown of brown canton crepe, The groom's gift to the bride was a white gold brooch set with STENOG and typewriting? Join Our Speed Classes RAPHERS Are you interested in improving your speed in shorthand } Monday and Thursday evenings--7.30 to 9.30. Your initial outlay is small; the benefit will last a lifetime, Learn More - Earn More All day school subjects taught at night school. You may begin day classes at any time. Peerless Business College H. G. FAIRBAIRN -- Principals -- G. W. COWAN Y.M.C.A. Building, Oshawa, Ontario r 4 STEINWAY New Steinway Grands fom $1425 w PAUL HAHN & & 88 orr Bast Toronto mE diamonds and pearls, to the brides- maid a handbag, to the groomsman a white and green gold pen knife, to the pianist a silver compact and to the soloist a string of white crystal beads. After the luncheon Mr. and Mrs, Morrison left on a motor trip and on their return they will reside at 10 Drew street. The bride tra- velled in a sand ensemble and brown hat. Among the out-of-town guests were Major and Mrs. A, S. Morrison, Niagara Falls, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs, Harry Mosrison, of Buffalo; Mrs, Thomas Mitchell, Cobourg, and Miss Fannie Tomney, of Toronto, Household Hints A little mustard in the dish water when washing dishes which have contained fish will remove all tish odors, Lettuce or other green stuff should be thoroughly washed in salt water and handled as little as possible, Just hefore using shake in a salad sieve to remove any trace of water, Slices of tongue, baked in thick cream sauce and covered liberally with pimento strips, make a nice luncheon dish. An appetizing salad to serve with spring chicken is made by slicing a Jar of cranherry jelly in thin J, | portions and serving with a cream cheese dressing on lettuce. When hanging pictures glue a thin piece of cork in the eentre of the lower part of the frame. The frame does not touch the wall and the dark streak that sometimes forms in the wall is thus prevented, When a floor polisher is not handy, when polishing floors use a scrubbing brush with a flannel cloth over it. This gives a very fine polish to the floor, To read In hed by a ceiling light or side lights or lamps removed some distance will cause trouble, The light should come over the left shoulder and he on a level with the top of the head. When the lights are so adjusted there is no harm in reading in bed. Keep the can opener and cork screw in a fixed place, then you will not be tempted to use a knife in place of these articles and re- ceive a nasty cut, When substituting sour milk for cream one need simply add % to % of a spoon of soda to the dry ingredients, and lessen the amount of baking powder used, To clean ermine take some flour and mix with it half its weight in whitening. Blend the two ingre- dients thoroughly and place in the oven until nicely warm, then rub the fur well into the mixture till clean. Shake well in the open air, and beat gently with a cane, In the cold weather it is danger- ous for the dog's health as well as to its coat to wash a dog. How- ever, 't is impossible to allow the dog to go all winter without a thorough cleaning. Place some corn meal in & pan and heat slight- ly in the oven. Rub the mixture on the dog and then brush off. This will clean the hair, YOU NEVER CAN TELL (Ella Wheeler Wilcox) You never can tell when you send a word, Like an arrow shot from a bow By " archer blind, be it cruel or i Just where it may chance to go, It may pierce the breast of your v lusies, Viens, Yh i with its poison or balm; To a stranger's' heart in life's greal mast } : : IIt may carry its pain or its calm. You never can tell when you do an act Just what the result may be; But with every you are sowing [ Though the harvest you may not see, Each kindly act js an acorn dropped In God"s productive soil; You may not know, but the tree shall grow, With shelter for those who toil You meyer an nd what your thoughts will do ? In bringing your hate to love; For thoughts are things, and their airy wings Are swifter than carrier dove. They follow the law of the universe: Each thing must create its kind; And they speed o'er the track to bring you back Whatever went out of your mind. FINE MESSAGE AT KNOX CHURCH Dr. Margaret O'Hara, was the speaker at Kuox Presbyterian Church Sunday morning. Dr. O'Hara has given a lifetime to medical missionary work in India under the Presbyterian Church in Canada. In her address she told of the great need of nurses and doctors among the three hundred millions of people in India who in addition to ministering to the ills of the body will also give the Gos- pel message and present Christ as the great Physician of both body and soul. Dr. O'Hara begins this week a tour of Presbyterian con- gregations in Western Ontario. She has meetings arranged for that part middle of November, Leader of Economic Mission Will Study Australian Problems London, Sept #7.-- Sir Arthur Duckham, leader of the Economie Mission to Australia, which has left London for the Dominion said be- fore his departure that he was go- ing with no fixed ideas about ang thing. He had no opinions, and |should wait until he had been some weeks in Australia before he form- ed any, The Terms of reference are! "To confer with the Common- wealth and State Governments, with the development and Migra- tions Commissions and with lead- ers of industry and commerce in Australia on the development of Australian resources and on any other matter of mutual economic interest to Great Britain and the Commonwealth which may tend to the promotion of trade between the two countries and the increase of settlement in Australia." Sir Arthur said that it was to help in the development of Austra- lia's agriculture, cattle farming and mining that the delegation would chiefly advise. The migration of | English women as domestic work- ers, he thought, would not come within the terms of reference, but migration generally would be one of the principal topics of discus- sion, The important questions of -Safe- guarding the Free Trade, about which there are differences of opinion in Australia as well as in the Mother Country, would he dis- cussed, Sir Arthur said, 'but here again it was no use going out with a mind made up." He did not think that Australia would he 'able to teach Great Brit- ain anything about the heavy in- dustries, such as steel, but he in- timated that he might he able to give Australta the benefits of his experience with the use of fuel, Sir Arthur has specialized in furnace work and engineering matters re- lating to the production of power, Save With Safety at your Drug Store Jury & Love] CR of the province up to the || ford, A nt a Whenever circular skirts:and 'jaunty for daytime as well as of all ages. You will find it at this store in its most fashionable versions, TAY 47: conversation. 'where = ok hii . Smart women i findemany. See Windows and Tuesday's paper for Spectacular Values in French and English Velvets by the yard, jacketd, It is smart for women ~ Y/ Seen: About, That's: Velvet bridge table + chatter * turns to clothes, velvet is most apt tobe the of smart places CELL DISCORD THREATENS AT CHURCH CONGRESS London, Sept, 23,--Trouble is expected at the Church Congress sessions at Cheltenham next week because of the threat to boycott many important Church notables, Lord Halifax and 724 clergymen sent an open letter to the Bishop of Gloucester, who is President of the Congreys, protesting against Dr. H. D, A. Major, Principal of Ri- pon Hall Theological College, Ox- and editor of The Modern Churchman, appearing on the Con- gress platform, The letter stated they will abstain from attendance and also encourage other church- men not to attend unless their re- quest is complied with, Charges of heresy were brought against Dr. Major in 1922 by a London clergyman, the Rev. C, Douglas. The charges were based on Dr. Major's expressed view that the resurrection of the body was a spiritual and not a physical event. The demand that a committee of inquisition be set up to hold an in- quiry was refused by the Bishop of Oxford, and the question was dropped. During the controversy it was alleged that Dr. Major "im- ported into Christian religion the teachings of Buddha." Anti-war treaties and things like that have a tough time catchinb the public ear as long as Babe Ruth keeps on socking out home runs,--Border Cities Star, TR Fashion Ntoes A caramel colored satin frock has little soft puffs of the same fa- bric making sn attractive little corsage at the left side of the girdle. Aa Chanel is responsible for a color combination that seems likely to re- ceive approval, He has combined brown and salmon, It is said that scarfs are to be popular again this season. This does not refer to the silk scarf glone, for a fur scarf is also popu- lar, Our Daily Recipes CHOW CHOW PICKLE, 2 quarts cucumbers (cut fine), 2 suarts onions, 1 large cauliflower 3 green and red peppers. Put in a dish and cover with three bands- full of salt, then cover with boiling water. Let stand over night. In morning drain well and add 8 cups sugar, 1-2 gal. vinegar, 1-2 Ib. white mustard seed, 1 ounce celery seed. Let it come to a boil. Make 2 paste of two-thirds cup flour, 1-2 cup mustard, 1-2 ounce tumeric. Boil and bottle. SOUR CREAM CAKE Break 2 eggs into a cup and fil! the cup with sour cream; add 1 "oe teaspoon soda, pinch of salt sift- ed together and 1 teaspoon vanilla, Eat while warm, CORN CAKES Use 2 cups of corn gut from the cob or canned corn. Add 8 eggs, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 teaspoon salt and pepper to taste. Stir ail to- gether and drop by spoonsful into 'hot fat to fry, When browned on' one side trun and brown on the other, They will be better, but harder to fry, if you omit the flour, 2 CURRANT MUFFINS Mix and sift together two cups flour, 1-2 teaspoon salt and two teaspoons baking powder, Beat the yolks of two eggs, add one cup milk, two tablespoons melted butter, the prepared . flour, 1-2 cup currants, dredged with flour and last of all fold in the stiffly beaten whites, Turn into hot buttered gem pans and bake in a hot oven, - BRACE OF DUCKS, STUFFED Dress, clean and singe a brace (2) young domestic ducks, {tuff and truss same as goose, Place ducks on a rack in dripping pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper and cover legs and hreast with fat salt pork. Place in het oven and roast 1 1-4 hours, basting' every 10 minutes with fat in pan, When tender remove strings and skew- ers, pace on hot gerving platter and surround with thorn apples, Serve with Olive sauce, the recipe for which has been published he- fore in this eolumn, See Our Coats and Dresses New Styles Arriving y at the Fashion Sho B84 Simcoe 8, Phone Ww. JIVART velvet rack keeps $41.75 On Oshawa's 1-2 cups flour, one cup sugar, scant : is charming -- dignified ve it snug in uny drawer, oA Lasting Joy to the New Dey Hostess Che SNVER SERVICE 7 COMMUNITY PLATE vs BASSETT'S Main Corner

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