PAGE FOURTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1928 PHYSIOLOGIST MAY SOLVE THE ORIGIN OF LIFE 'Prof. A. V. Hill to Tell Brit. ish Scientific Association of His Findings CAUSES A SENSATION London Hears New Theory Will Result in Conflict Among Scientists London, Sept. 17. -- Prof. A. V. Hill noted physiologist, apparently is on the threshold of solving impor- tant features of the age-old mystery of life and death, the Evening Stan- dard's correspondent telegraphed from Glasgow, where the British As- sociation for the Advancement of Science is meeting, The statement said Prof. Hill, by studying the muscles and nerve cells of the human body, had reached startling conclusions about the dif- ference in sources of energy be- tween human beings and machines, as well as varying reasons for the disintegration of the body and death. The correspondent forecast "a sci- entific sensation" when the details are disclosed. He said it was ex- tremely probable that the discoveries of Hill would lead to as great a con- flict of opinion as Darwin's theories aroused. The correspondent continued to say, "it is premature to specify the exact advance registered by Profes- sor Hill," but hinted that what al- ready has been achieved "may con- cern even the origin of life" The correspondent said the discoveries probably would be made public al- most immediately. TIME TABLES | C.P.R, TIME slew Schedule, taking ¢ a0 + APTI 3 Going West 5.48 a.m, Daily, .23 a.m, Daily. am, Daily except Sunday, m, Vai exce| unday, Going East a ras -. Send 22 Pp am, Daily, p.m, Daily except Sunday, p.m, Daily except Sunday, - o 12.09 a.m. Daily, 'All times shown above are times trains depart from Oshawa Station, CNR, TIME TABLE Effective Sept. 9, 1928 All times given sre Standard not Daylight aving, thound 8.23 a.m, Daily except Sunday, a.m, Sunday only, m, Daily, .m. Daily except Sunday. m. Daily, : .m, Daily except Sunday. .m. Daily, .m. Daily except Saturday. aily. 09 8.m, Daily, | in SSS oe oO < E35} wo: --- ---- Na Io 6.20 a.m, Daily. 9.07 a.m, Daily except Sunday, 2.06 p.m. Daily except Sunday. .14 p.m, Sun. y. ,45 p.m. Daily except Sunday. Whitby, Oshaws, Bowmanville S LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Arrive Arrive thy Hospital PUTT Doreew IR HRT 533 238 POPOV TTDES pa3pagsapds ~ B © 8 sor EuBRsRNRRE 12.0pm 435 pm. 6.45pm. 0.40 pm, 238k BRON: B Suds wrbBus z EB3 ute dwni BS585558 POPUP POOPSES gadpspaapEaa: =B5 ff sig? Re fh 1 ETE PEs SE Esd 28yE Be oh SES atecabas -A ER RJ v ses L] = > 3 > 8 Saki PPO POOORES BREFEE > BEERRRRESEE R-J 8 pe? PH Mechanism The despatch continued: , "Professor Hill's conclusions are based on the fact that when the hu- man mechanism runs down, with consequent death, the cause is the failure of the oxygen supply. That leads to interruptions of oxydization, has its effect on the molecular struc ture and causes death. The inter) ruption, however, is something very different from that which takes place when an internal combustion engine runs out of petrol, 'While such an engine is not destroyed by the stop- page, the human mechanism is. Ap- parently disintegration prevents the all-important process of oxydization." Professor Hill, who is 41, won the Nobel prize for medicine in 1922. The announcement of Hill's sup- posed discoveries eame just as Bri. tain was engaged in a renewal of the recent national discussion of life af- ter death, The subject was brought to the fore in two addresses made by the two foremost students of spiritualism in England--Sir Oliver Lodge and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Lodge, in a scientific sermon at 'Wellington church in Glasgow, af- firmed his belief in life after death and in "one single mind" that con- trols the universe. "It is a most solemn thought, but 1 believe it true," he said, "We can: not go out of existence even if we wanted to. The material body ve turns to the earth, while we our- selves, as souls or spirits or identi ties, continue. "How do I know we persist after we have left the body? I know by direct experience. What I have as- certained in this connection is that those whom we call dead are not dead, but just separated from the bodily mechanism." Doyle Speaks Conan Doyle addressed an audience of 2,000 at the Congress of the In- ternational Spiritualist Federation in Queen's Hall, London, Sir Arthur announced that Earl Haig, within three days of his death, had sent him a long message from the spirit world, Its contents, he added, were, of interest only to Haig's relatives, but they had de- clined to say whether they would like to see the message. Conan Doyle illustrated his lecture with spirit photographs, showing ghosts, fairies and faces appearing in the centre of ectoplasmic emana- tions from demiums. He said he had subjected the photographs to a "Sherlock Holmes" investigation to test their genuineness. "Persons refusing to accept the evidence of some of these photo: graphs," he said, "have no brains whatever and are not worth arguing with. We not only have photograph- ed spirits but have taken spirit fin- gerprints of persons long dead which 'were identical with the original. If bfingerprint evidence is enough to hang men, the spirit fingerprints we have photographed should be enough to prove the case of spiritualism." 1 (1927) Essex Coupe Chadburn Motor Co, HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTORS 0 Prince 8+, Oshawa [hone 116i VAS I) Jimcos Street South V. A. Henry Insurance & Loans 1} Simcoe St, 8, Phones 1108W--0Office 18568) --Residence W. AJHARE OPTOMETRIST 8 KING STREET WEST Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's Fazitlc. - Lenses For Better Values DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store 28% Simcoe 8, Phone 880 Cash or Terms Conan Doyle went om to say that animals have mediumistic powers. He based his assertion om a photo graph of a dog emitting ectoplasm on which appeared the form of an- other dog dead for several months. "Wherever there is love, life sur- vives hereafter," he said, and evok- ed a storm of applause. Conan Doyle argued that the ear- lier saints of the chuych were spiri- tualistie. "You cannot understand the Bible or what it is about unless you un- derstand spiritualism," he said. "Christ's transfiguration before his disciples after death was simply a mediumistic materialization. "The halos around the heads of saints were simply a representation by the early painters of the psychic wera visibly manifested by the ints. This we now photograph emanating from mediums, calling it ectoplas. The church no longer re- cognizes it because its vepresenta- tives lost their physic powers with early saints." WOMAN SEEKING A DIVORCE MARRIAGE COMPANIONATE Cincinnati, Ohlo, Sept. 15. -- A companionate marriage was ack- nowledged a failure There toaay when Mrs. Ruth Eldridge, twenty, a check girl at the Hillcrest Coun- try Club, applied for a divorce from Elmer Eldriddged, 32, nurs. eryman, addresds unknown. She admitted that they had agreed at Knoxville, Tenn. to live together for only a year and that Elmer fled before the year was out. The judge is withholding his decision to learn whether the hus- band is divorced from a previous wife Henry Ford says that at some time in the future automobile tires will be made from weeds. Just think of the punctures when they start using the thistles.-- Chatham News. FAILS T0 SECURE BAIL OF $40,000 Alleged Winnipeg Fur Rob- ber Held in Police Headquarters Winnipeg, Sept. 14. -- Pending further investigations, and the ar- rival of witnesses from Moose Jaw, Dennis JJ. Pennicard was held at police headquarters Monday night, on remand for one week, following failure to secure bail of $40,000. "Dapper Dan," as he is known to police, is held on a charge of shop-breaking and theft, following a $10,000 fur robbery here. He was captured by members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police near a Moose Jaw farm last week where the police authorities also found a cache of furs, alleged to be those stolen from the Winnipeg fur store. Pennicard appeared in court yes- | Concrete Works Is Your Address for CEMENT BLOCKS And Cement Bricks Phone 1575. Jones' Real Estate Bargain List 5 vooms, near mew, $3,650. $300 cash, balance $40.00 per wonth, On paved street, near G. M, C, @ voomis, new, $4,600, Paved street near G. M. C, With garage. $500 cash, balance Do You Own Your Own $40 per month, This is a real buy. Worth $3,000, 8 rooms, near new, $4,300, Hillcroft St, $300 cash, bal- ance $40.00 per month, Just the home for a young couple or for the old peaple, 6 vooms, McLaughlin Ave, Near new, With elecgric fix. tures, blinds, electric stove, linolenms, screens, storm doors, ete, Owner leaving city and must be sold. Warth $6,000 and priced at $5,200 with $300 cash, bal. ance arranged, If you have $1,400 cash come and mak» an offer, This is a delightful home and a veal bargain. 7 rooms, new, hot water heatir~, Oak floors and chestnut trim, The best buy in the city, Ask for particu. lars, Uriah Jones Real Estate Salesmen H. Peyton CO, 0, Rogers Phone 2667 Cr, Bond and Simcoe Sts, _LATHING FOR QUICK SERVICE HAYTON The Roofer 185 Arthur St. Oshawa | PHONE 7163 Phone 1643W Money to loan at 6% per cent, first mortgages. J. H. R, LUKE Phones: 871 $31; 687TW, Cel A Cl a a A LETT, NICHOLLS AND HALLITT Real Estate Insurance and Loans Phone 3254 | 11 King St, East, Oshawa | W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer Loans, Insurance Collection i! and Real Estate | le SRE Your Real Estate and Insurance Wroker AUCTIONEER 23 King St. E,, corner Celina, Phone 203 846 Simcoe St, 8,, Oshawa | Apartments and Offices 3 and 4 roomed apartments, heated, hot water, electric refrigeration, stoves, wash. era and dryers, Use of laundry. Immediate posses. sion, Rents from $45 te Heated office in Disney Block--opposite Post Office, Immediate possession, DISNEY PHONE 1650 a -- A REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Cutler & Preston 64 King St, West Telephones 872, 223 Night Calls 510, 1560, 2468F By Bill Conselman and Charlic Plumb WHAT'S THIS THAT'S FALL YOU BEAT INVITATION TO MRS. HIGHWATER'S MASQUE BALL 3 ia EN Suro LACE GET THEE BEHIND 0 I'D RENT OF T! AND DON'T PUSH, EITHE NO ONE WOULD EVER KNOW--AND AN HAVE THEM TAKE THE CHEAT A WAS | BORN TO USED | INSTEAD ME, TEMPTATION= R) OF COURSE, EAD OF BE i TET E BALL AND HOME KNOW (T'S FOOLISH, BUT 1 Was BORN THAT : SO HERE I GO| GN. Wtch out, On stepping out this , | you ray Step indo rier [ILE al wornan! BRINGING UP FATHER BAY SPIKE" THERES A VASE IN THE HALL OF MY HOUSE: YOu KIN HAVE |. IT IF YOU'LL DNEAK IN 'AN TAKE IT- | HES A FINE BURGLAR Ol HELL WAKE UP THE AW, | HAD THE VASE IN ME ARMS WHEN YOUR WIFE GRABBED IT AN' BROKE IT OVER ME HEAD - OH: THAT'® ALL RIGHT } JUST DIDN'T WANT HER TO HIT ME WITH IT: | KIN GO HOME By Geo. McManus NOW IN CIRCULATION, # WELL TOMMY, THE UNITED STATES BUREAU OF ENGRAVING 15 NOW BUSY | fl PRINTING PAPER MONEY OF A SMALL- ll ER SIZE TO REPLACE THE GREENBACKS GOODNESS | 1 DREAMED THAT THEY WERE GIVING AWAY SAMPLES OF THAT NEW MONEY JY ORDER TO MAKE IT POPULAR BTC Hew PAPER MONEY WHICH WILL BE PUT IN QJRCULATION JA. 1,1929 BY THE LS TREASURY, WILL BE NEARLY AN INCH SHORTER IN LENGTH AND ALMOST HALF AN INCH I WIDTH THAN THE OLD BILLS. THE MEW BILLS BEING 6% 2%s INCHES » AGAINST THE PRESENT SIZE OF 7% x 361M. RIHE U5. GOVERNMENT HOPES TO SAVE ABOUT $ 787,000 ANNUALLY 11 THER PRINTING BY THE USE OF THE SMALLER SIZED PAPER MONEY. THERE WILL BE A SAVING OF 437 TONS OF PAPER AND 459° TONS OF i IN A BILLION OF THE NEW NOTES, [1 J RELATIVE SIZE OF MEW AND OLD NOTES © 1928. by King Features Syndicate. ne. Grest Britain rights reserved. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of The Eyes in Modern Life Optometry Feature Service our Eyes and Health Eye Care and Eye Strain 1516 PHONE 1516 DISNEY BLOCK Opposite Post Office -- By Ruse Westaver T WST PUT IN My T.0.0.% WHY? WHY, BECAUSE Pv BORROW OFF ME MAKE YOUR DERDSITS! WHAT ARE You " EX GOING MAS, wi You LEND ME Seven CENTS? Private Wire System 11 King Street East, Oshawa Above CP.R. Office Phones 143 and 144