Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Sep 1928, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1928 Whitby Boy Honored by Town Council, Given Purse of Gold; to Enter Debates in Britain Melvin K. Kenny, Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ken. ny, Accompanied By Mec- Gill Student, Will Leave Shortly for a Tour of England, Wales and Scot. land to Take Part in a Series of Interscholastic Debates (By Staff Reporter) Whithy, Sept. 17.--Melvin K. Kenny, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kenny, Chestnut street, who in company with a student from Me- @ill University, will leave shortly for Great Britain to represent the Cunadian universities in a series of interscholastic debates, was honored by the town council and citizens last Saturday afternoon when he was presented with. a valuable purse of gold at a special meeting held in the council cham- bers. His Worship, Mayor John Bateman made the presentation and read a fitting and well worded address expressing the pleasure feit by the community in Mr. Kenny's success and wishing him further attainments while on his visit to the old land. Although somewhat taken by surprise, Melvin was able to make a very suitable reply and exhibited something of that gift of oratory and ease of manner which has re- sulted in his selection from several thousand Canadian students to rep- resent the Dominion in the old land. He expressed his gratitude for the handsome gi. and thought that f rtune haa uiready been so kind he could hardly expect further good things. To his mind Whitby zlways did things in a big way and this was more evidence of its hig- heartedness, He claimed that he owed his start in public speaking to a h!- school debate bawteen Whitby and Bowmanville, Mel was entirely modest about his achieve- ments and t.ole little credit for himself. He was looking forward to his trip to England, Wales and Scotland and mentioned that he and his companion might possibly have the best time in the latter country as they would be only re- quired to give three debates in two weeks while sojourning there, He hinted the following his engage- | -- -- day to day the public, tional in scope. him, Big Enough to Inspire Confidence | --but still seeking through performance to retain the faith and respect of Fach branch of this Bank is managed by a representative chosen because he is actively concerned with the welfare of his fellow-men, Each branch is a "community bank", linked to a central organiz- ation that places every cus- tomer in contact with a service national and interna- This Bank is strong in re- sources, experience and facili- ties, but it will never be too large to serve every customer as an individual, worthy of all we can accomplish for "THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid Up - » Reserve Fund . $20,000,000 WEDNESDAY MORNING SPECIAL Silk Stripe Vests Balbriggan - Crepe - Dimity loomers Regular 49¢ Quality. For 25¢c Garment 12 Pieces Cretonnes Wonderful Colorings in Rich Designs. Regular 69c Quality. For 39¢c yard W.A.DEWLAND, Limited ments in Creat Britain he might accept post graduate work for the university which would involve a three month's visit to the contin- ent. Words of congratulation and best wishes were expressed by Reeve Albert W. Jackson, Councs. James H. Ormiston, Wm. Pringle and Fred Thr-adgold. Reeve Jack- #°1 regretted that business engage- ments prev ated other members of the council board from being pres- ent but pointed out. that their hearts were with the council in ten- dering Mr, Kenny this slight token of appreciation and gratitude. Mayor Bateman called upon all the gentlemen present and those who responded to his invitation to speak inclyded Mr. R. A. Hutchin- son, president of the chamber of commerce, Rev. A. L. Richards, Messrs. Graydon Goodfellow, R. N. Bassett, F. L, Beecroft, W. E. Thompson, Dr. G. L. MacDougall, Andrew Ross and F, H. Annes. Ladies in the audience were also called upon including Mrs. Good- fellow, Mrs. Beecroft and Miss Willis, Mr, and Mrs, Kenny added their own words of thanks to those of their son, Melvin Kenny is the youngest son of Mr .and, Mrs. Kenny, an older brother having been killed overseas, He was educated at the local public ad high school and af- ter graduating from the latter ni- stitution spent a short period as reported for the Gazette and Chronicle. A few years ago he en- tered Toronto University and grad- uated this summer with honours In English and History. During his college term he took prominent part in academic and athletics activities, was president of the student's council, president of the student's parliament and this year was a member of the Varsity row- ing crew which won the Canadian interscholastic championship and came within an ace of representing Canada at the Olympic games. While in Great Britian, Mel will be the guest of the national or- ganization of British students, ------------------------ A NEW ENTRANCE [5 PLANNED FOR PARK AT WHITBY One of an Imposing Nature May Be Erected at Haydenshore ' (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Sept. 17.--A new, and more imposing entrance, may short- ly be erected at Haydenshore Park by R, 8. McLaughlin, of Oshawa, it was announced by Mr, Fred Hatch at the special chamber of commerce meeting held in the town hall last Friday evening, The question of Improvement to the local harbor entrance and har- bor lands was under discussion when Mr. Hatch made this an- nouncement, Haydenshore Park is a private- ly owned strip of land lying to the east of the harbor and command- ing a beautiful situation on the lakeshore. Within its conrines are to be found numerous comfort- able summer homes overlooking the lake and those who have not visited the park within recent years would be surprised at the improvements which have heen made, The surroundings of the majority of cottages have heen enhanced by trees, shrubbery and flower beds while to the north, and divided by a roadway, is a large commons suitable for camp- ing grounds. The presence of all facilities including light, town wa- ter and sewerage have made the park very popular for summer homes and Haydenshore is now the summer residence of many prominent Oshawa and Whitby families. The owners and operators of the park are the Whithy Street Railway and ark Company. The title would suggest that at one time the company planned to provide street rallway service between the town and the lakeshore, but with the coming of the automobile this pro- ject was abandoned and the com- pany devoted its attention to the development of the park. Tt has always been generous in its attitude towards the public and allowed local people to enter its property freely as long as they respected the rights of the residents and conducted themselves properly The entrance to the park is from the west near the United Church Deaconesses' Home and it is prob- able that the new gates may be built at this point. Sr------------ NEW RECTOR IS WARMLY WELCOMED Rev. J. M. Crisall Assumes Charge of All Saints' Parish (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Sept. 17.--Rev. J. M. Crieall, of Gore's Landing, recently appointed as rector for All Saints' Anglican church, commenced his work in this historic parish, yes- terday, when he conducted both morning and evening services at the church. He was greeted by large congregations on both oc- casions. ? At the morning service Rev. Cri- sall spoke of the regret he felt on leaving his former parish but this he said had been nullified by hearty welcome he had received on coming to Whitby. EIT BOARD OF HEALTH WOULD RID TOWN OF DIPHTHERIA Would Innoculate * School Children Free of . Charge NOT COMPULSORY The Board of Education Gives Its Official Consent Barrie, Sept. 16. -- There will not be a single case of diphtheria in Barrie this winter if full advantage is taken by parents to have their children innoculated against the dis ease by the use of anti-toxin to be provided by the local Board of Health, The campaign to be launch- ed shoryy received the sanction of the Board of Education Monday evening after some discussion. That means that doctors will be empowered to enter the schools to innoculate, but it cannot be done without the parents' consent, of course, and is purely optional, Sev- eral members of the Board expressed themselves as strongly opposed to compulsory innoculation. The medical fraternity of Bar- rie is enthusiastic over the proposed campaign, and particularly Dr, A, T. Little, M.O.H., who is responsible for it. Trustee Dr. L. J. Simpson pre- dicted the day not far distant when diphtheria would he an unknown disease. Asked by his colleagues if innocu- lation produced any ill after-effects, Dr. Simpson sald cases of this kind were indeed rare. The reaction was much less than in the case of vac- cination for smallpox, for instance. Three innoculations are required to insure immunity for life, There is to be no charge. The antitoxin is to be supplied by the Board of Health, No Need for Diphtheria It was Dr. C. J. O. Hastings of Toronto, dean of America's public health officers and a man with a re- markable series of triumphs over dis- ease to his credit, who said that ev- ery time there was a death from diphtheria the coroner should inves- tigate it, His declaration was en- dorsed by other medical men in all parts of the continent, Dr, Hastings' statement was based on the fact that science has already provided the hu- man race with two methods of cop- ing with this scourge--first, the nleans of practically complete protec- tion against the disease, toxoid, and secondly, the treatment, antitoxin. It chiefly attacks children under ten years of age and is much more fatal in young children than in old- er persons, most deaths from it oc: curring among victims under fiyé years of age, Records show that It is most com- mon between November and January and that cases decrease till it is at a minimum from June till August, It is usually more prevalent in cities than in the country and negroes seem less susceptible to it than whites. Frederick Loeffler, a German, was hecked without "dosing." Rub on V, PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8,--~We Deliver Jones' Real Estate Bargain List 5 rooms, near new, $3,650, $300 cash, balance $40.00 per month, On paved street, near G, M, C, 6 rooms, new, $4,600, Paved street mear G, M, C. With garage, $500 cash, balance $40 per month, This is a real buy. Worth $5,000, 5 rooms, near new, $4,300, Hillcroft St, $300 cash, bal- ance $40.00 per month. Just the home for a young couple or for the old people, 6 rooms, McLaughlin Ave, Near new, With electric fixe tures, blinds, electric stove, linoleums, screens, storm doors, etc, Owner leaving city and must be sold, Worth $6,000 and priced at $5,200 with $500 cash, bal. ance arranged, If you have $1,400 cash come and make an offer. This is a delightful home and a real bargain, 7 rooms, new, hot water heating, Oak floors and chestnut trim. The best buy in the city. Ask for particu- lars. : ---- Uriah Jones Real | Estate H. Peyton C. 0. Rogers Phone 2667 Cer. Bond and Simcoe Sts. the discoverer of the actual germ which is the cause. He proved, be yond dispute, that his findings were correct but he Gould not answer all questions connected with the actiom of the disease. He searched through other parts of the body and in the blood for germs and never found any except im the nose and throat. He came to the conclusion therefore, that the germs of diphtheria must give off a deadly vy which was distributed in the Then, a Frenchman, named Emile Roux, proved this definitely by pute ting diphtheria germs in a broth and then filtering germs out after they had grown. The liguid which he had left, absolutely free of germs, would, nevertheless, cause diphtheria poisoning if injected into guinea gs. But science soon made another in- teresting discovery. It was found that animals which had once recov- ered from diphtheria poisoning thereafter were protected from the disease, or "immune" to it. Brantford is one of the Canadian cities where toxoid has received great attention. The value of the procedure has been completely dem- onstrated there. A report from that city a few months ago, covering the preceding quarter-year, revealed the fact that there had not been a soli tary case of diphtheria in the city during all that time. At least this much may be said in favor of French heels; they ale ways keep a girl on her toes.-- Louisville Times, Felt Bros. 1 he LEADING JEWELERS Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South READY TO RESUME WORK IN COAL PITS Springfield, 1Ills.,, Sept. 16. Having ratified the new wage scale agreement by a majorily of 1,341, a large percentage of the states' 90,000 miner population will be ready to descend into the coal pits again Monday morning. For many of them, it will be their first work since April 1. The vote of 26,838 for ratifica- tion and 25,497 against represent- ed the successful culmination of wage scale negotiations. Effective Sunday, September 16, the new wage scale {is in force for four years. It represents a de- crease in salary of from 16 to 19 per cent. The new wage scale is in force for 91 cents for tonnage and $6.10 for day workers, com- pared to the old pact of $1.08 for tonnage workers and $7.50 for day men. BRITISH SHIPS LEAD Washington, Sept. 16.--Britain led all nations in the number of vessels transiting the Panama Can- al during the fiscal year 1923, with a total of 727 ships, accord- irg to a report to the Secretary of War by Governor Walker of the Canal Zoue. The Uait)1 States was secord, with 532 vessols, and Norway third, with 123. The to- tal number of individusl vessels, repieser ting 23 mnat.opalities, woe v £11, POLICEMAN IS SHOT RY YOUTHFUL BANDITS Seattle, Wash, Sept. 16.--Three youthful handits, apparently intox- icated, shot a policeman, possibly fatally, when he attempted to cut oM their escape after they held up eleven persons in a drug store in 15 Watt 25 Watt 40 Watt 60 Watt 100 Watt iNSIDE Another Price Reduction on Edison Mazda Lamps Canadian General Electric Cu., Lid, again announces new low prices on Edison Mazda Inside Frosted Lamps. These prices are effective immediately. EDISON MAZDA | LAMDS ACANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCE New Price Old Price 27¢ 30¢ 27¢ 30¢ 27 30e 30¢ 33¢ 48¢ S0e 11 FROSTED Ls-190 the night. hold up three University distriet Friday [two gas stations The trio then proceeded to |store, and finally eluded policemey other pharmacies, and a grocery who took up their trail, A jldren's Colds, 1d? often away, the estate he VS an is upon tfiem that the schemer preys! The lure of easy money is almost ir- resistible and the savings of a lifetime are gambled away, unknowingly, in un- fortunate speculations, Even the husband and father, anxious to leave his family well provided for, often becomes the victim of some get-rich-quick scheme. Almost without exception, the results are failure and disappointment, When the head of the home is taken a hundred enticing baits are set for leaves behind, With the MI Yor Fer children and Rerself, the widow falls prey to ignorant or unscrupulous advisers, There is one safe, sure method of pro- tecting your loved ones after you are gone + » » thecreating of an estate through Life Tuusancs,. And, by aeeeng. ing for its payment in orm of a regu- far income for your widow, you can guard her for as long as she may live. Let a Life Insurance representative explain to you how easily and safely you may family, provide for the future of yous

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