Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Sep 1928, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS ACCIDENTAL DEATH The jury empanelled to inquire Into the death of Alexander Mills, Napanee, Who was instantly killed by his car crashing into a tree near Marysville, returned a verdict of accidental death, The jury alse. recommendeed that checker-board signs and red danger signals be placed at each end of the danger- ous curves. EMMANUEL PRESBYTERY Rev. T. G. Marshall, Bt, Peter's * Church, Belleville, was elected Moderator of Emmanuel Presby- tery of the Presbyterian Church in Canada at the fall meeting of that body yesterday at Madoe, The mission charge of Wilton and as. sociate charges was raised to the status of an augmented charge, Rev. R. T. Irvine of Deseronto, was appointed Interim Moderator, CLAIMS ROAD DAMAGES The Council of the Township of Seymour, Northumberland County, is making an unusual request of the Federal Government, The municipality claims the building of the Trent waterways has raised the water at a point in the First and Second Concessions, causing the creeks to overflow parts of the boundary line. The municipal ity, accordingly, asks for a grant for reconstruction and maintenance of this boundary road. ? SHUNTER HITS CAR G. C. Henderson, buttermaker, at the Cobourg City Dairy, was seriously injured when driving in a heavy rainstorm Tuesday night, his automobile was struck at the Canadian National Railways cross- ing at Spring and University Sts., Cobourg, by the shunter that runs between the ferry dock and the depot, Mr, Henderson had his hip fractured and was bruised about the chest and had ' some ribs broken, SHAREHOLDERS TO MEET Shareholders of the Brockville Loan and Saving Company will be asked at a general meeting to be held in Brockville on September MISCHA ELMAN The Internationally Famous Violinist endorses and re- commends Williams-made = $450. The Living Reem Medel, the result of threequarters of a century of plane making, The Williams Piane Co, Ltd, Established 1869 Oshawa, Canada THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1928 ---- 21 to approve the issue of the balance of the company's author- ized stock to empower the directors to proceed with the creation of the company into a trust corporation, and to authorize them, should it be at any time advisable or necessary, to delegate any of their powers to an executive committee of three. YOUTH RESCUES GIRLS Eleanor Greaves and Marion Flynn, two 12-year-old school girls of Marmora Village, were rescued from drowning in the Pearce Mill pond by William Knox 16-year-old youth, Tuesday. The girls had, with other girls, gone in bathing and were swept beyond their depth. One of the girls made an effort to gave the other and both were in "difficulty, Knox, who was standing nearby, jumped in with his clothes on and brought the twe girls to safety. DROWNS IN FALLS Robert Edward Dutton, tive, was drowned yesterday morning at Heally Falls, The little lad slip- ped away from home and follow- ed the canal wall to a point where there 1s a sharp curve, It is thought that he was looking back towards the house when he made the misstep that carried him over the brink into twenty feet of water, The, boy was missed shortly after the accident. Theh ody was recov. ered yesterday afternoon by Thom- as Green, of Toronto, who is visit. ing relatives at the Fall. The de- ceased child was the fifth son of Thomas J. Dutton, lock master at lock fifteen, Trent canal, ENTER FOR TRAINING The following yesterday entered Kingston General Hospital Train- ing School: Florence Harkness, Kingston; Hilda Friendship, King- ston; Emma Dodds, ;Gananoque Vera Humphries, Lansdowne; Do- ris Smith, Kingston; Mosseline Burt, Westport; Phyllis Harvey, Royal Military College, Kingston; Bessie Ewing, Westport; Annie MacMillan, Madoei™ Phoebe P. Wat- son, Brockville; Helen J, Gordon, Kingston; Laura M. Keyes, Lans- downe; Golda H. Hughes, Corn- wall; Helen E, Miller, Consecon; Myra Woodruff, Sydenham; Mar- garet Stewart, Balderson, Nor- wood Margaret Blair, Fallbrook; Lenora Loyst, Napanee; Grace Scott, Sharp's Corners; Maude Mills, Eganville, Vonnie MacMar- tin, Finch; Isabel McAdoo, King- ston; Elizabeth Botting, Westport; Mildred Murphy, Kingston, Th l= G Brrr rs saree srr sign and color. Pretty Lace Col ARCADE New "Harvey" Rayon Lingerie--Special Fitting smoothly and trimly, its lack of bulkiness makes this rayon lingerie perfect for wearing under new fitted--hipline dresses, rayon lingerie are now accepted fact, The "Harvey" label on these garments is your assurance that the materials are of the highest quality and the cut and finish is perfect in every detail, The excellent EE Rayon Vests 98¢ In eight popular shades, is usually found at opera top style, Harvey Bloomers $1 Sale of Dress Flowers at 25c each , 25 dozen beautiful imported dress Flowers in every wanted de. On sale main floor, Pes ssrB EEES SELLE 59c In the assortment you will find values up to sess sms rr. heavy weight fabric, In fact much better than 7 oordorborbrldedestordorbondy priori Extra good values at this attractive price. Splendid fitting garments, lar and Cuff Sets at Ltd wearing qualities of good EE Made from good this price. Vests are in Made 19 25¢ PPP PRA BIs pl. JEN PROVINCES SHARE INCREASE IN USE OF CERTIFIED SEED Boston, Sept. 13.--A material in- crease in the use of seed potatoes entered for certification this year, in which New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Islana participated appreciably, is report- ed by the New England Crop Re- porting Service of the United Stat- es Department of Agriculture, "All states and provinces show a material increase in area entered this year," states the report. "The acreage in Maine is increased 30 per cent; New Hampshire 61 per cent; Vermont 16, per cent; New York 52 per cent; New Brunswick 79 per cent; Nova Scotia 17 per cent; and Prince Edward Island 28 per cent, "The variety totals for all sec- tions represented show that Cpb- blers have increased 23 per cent. over last year; Green Mountains 48 per cent; Smooth Rurals 71 per cent. and Russets 75 per cent while Spaulding Rose show a decrease of 2 per cent. Yields of all varieties are expected to turn out well. "Last year of 18,333 acres em- tered for certification, 10,781 acres passed final inspection. The first inspection of this year's crop is about completed." ! That part of the report dealing specifically with the potato crop in the Maritime Provinces follows: "For this season's certification in New Brunswick all fields were planted with certified stock with 50 per cent. of the growers treat- ing their seed. Both chemical and ready mixed fertilizer have been used, At present the crop is look- ing exceptionally well with pros- pect in sight for a bumper crop. So far late blight has not appeared while the weather has been ideal for the crop to make rapid growth. Out of 1904 acres entered last year 1731 acres passed final inspection, "As reported from Nova Scotia the season opened early but the main part of planting was delayed three weeks or more by heavy rains, This year higher quality seed was used than last year, Aphids have been more numerous than us- ual. However, if blight holds off a fair crop will be harvested. Last year 654 acres were entered for certification of which 876 acres passed final inspection, "Prince Edward Island with 31,918 acres entered this year leads the Northeastern states and pro- vinces in area planted for certifica- tion, Most of the area this season was planted with Extra No. 1 cer- tified seed treated with Bi-chloride of Mercury, The fields were plowed in the fall and worked up well in the spring prior to planting in early June, Home-mixed chemical fertil- izers, for the most part, were ap- plied hroadeast hefore planting. Stands generally are good and the outlook is for an average crop un- less blight becomes prevalent. Out of 24,845 acres entered last year 19,915 acres passed final inspec- tion," HAS DECLINED OFFER OF THE HONORARY London, Sept. 18, -- Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll, has de- clined the offer of the Honorary Freedom of Glasgow, which has been offered her by the corporation on the occasion of her visit to the city this month to open the Hous- ing and Health Exhibition, Her Royal Highness has inform- ed Lord Provost Sir David Mason that while she is deeply sensible of the complinmrent which the Corpor- ation proposed to pay her she de- sires at her time of life to be ex- cused from accepting the Freedom. Princess Louise, who is now 80, was married in March 1871, to the Marquis of Lorne, who later be- came the ninth Duke of Argyll. The Marquis was Governor-General of Canada from 1878 to 1883, He died PE LETT, NICHOLLS AND HALLITT Real Estate Insurance and Loans Phone 8254 11 King St, East, Oshawa Boys' All Wool Jerseys. School opening $1 00 Special yrs ov Co » ' Dominion Clothing Co We Deliver McCoy's Puts Weight On Weak Skinny Men Hollows in cheeks--hollows in the sides of neck, --flatness in chest--why den't you do something to make yourself look like a real man? McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tab- lets puts on weight where weight is needed--not only that but they build pp your general health and you grow stronger, more energetic and get plenty of ambition. One woman gaine: 15 pounds in six weeks. McCoy takes all the risk--Read this ironclad guarantee. If after taking 4 sixty cent boxes of Mec- Coy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets or 2 one dollar boxes any thin, under- weight man or woman doesn't gain at least 5 pounds and feel com- pletely satisfied with the marked improvement in hefith--your drug- gist is authorized to return the purchase price. Ask Jury & Lovell, T. B. Mit- chell and W. H. Karn or any good druggist. 5... saditcsesadsc. in May 1914. The Princess is deep- ly interested im art and education and in many works of philanthropy. She resides at Kemsington Palace, and has also a residence at Rose- neath, Dumbaronshire. SCIENCE SEEKS WAY Glasgow, Sept. 1{.--Enunciation by Prince de Broglie of Paris of a new wave theory of matter, described by one listening scientist as among the greatest of modern times, and a t by Prof F. G. D of London, that as a result of recent discoveries there seemed no reason why life, at least on its lowest plane, should not be constructed by the creation of living cells in the labora- tory, were two remarkable features of today's' meeting of the British As- sociation, The association is a cautious, sober and wary body of men, but there were moments today when it felt it- self to be on the brink of great changes and discoveries, foreshadow- ing the solution, perhaps, of most of the mysteries of life and matter. Professor Donnan declared: "The day is nearer when the physiologist will be able to create life, and there is not reason why life on a physio- chemical plane should not be con- structed by 'the creation of living cells." He qualified his statement by the remark that these cells would be of the most primitive kind and that the creation of even so low an organism as the sponge would be unthinkable. E., A. DUNLOPS CONDITION REPORTED AS CRITICAL Ottawa, Sept. 12.--E. A. Dunlop M. P. P.,, who has been removed from his home in Pembroke to the Civic Hospital here, is in a very weakened condition. Dr. Archibald, Montreal, was called in consulta- tion today, and two blood infusions were given the patient, Mr, Dunlop is too weak to undergo a necessary operation, Tonight he was reported as resting comfortably, but his condition is regarded as very grave. ATTORNEY RELATES POLICE CORRUPTION Philadelphia, Sept 1V7.-- District Attorney John Monaghan's investi- gation of alleged liquor rings and fraud { n Philadelphia has run squarely up against "the most flag- rant evidence on police corrup- tion ever seen here." of EEL Bi ea. SHOE that are different 1.Collis & Sons 50-54 King St. W, Phone 738W TO PRODUCE LIFE| uick Service 4 DIRECT LINES TO CENTRAL {hen the first biting blasts of cold weather hit us this wine ter, will your be ready to as- sure your family heat-come- fort? Or will you have to de- pend om the crowded facilities of the busy coal de:ler? Secure your Coal mow. Have your bins in readiness. And of course there is that most ime portant advantage in a saving between present and winter prices, Th 262 Headquarters for---- GENERAL MOTORS WOOD -- HARD WOOD SOFT WOOD BLOCKS 1h.ocks SCRAP WOOD LUMBER Photographs and data, said to be invaluable to the invdstigators, have disappeared from the rogues gallery in the city hall and today Monaghan finds himself confronted with the problem of capturing men who are strangers to his county detectives, "My men are not supposed to know the racketeers and gunmen." Monaghan said. "That is the job of the police. The disappearance of these pictures makes it doubly dif- ficult for us io get the men who can give the necessary evidence, At the same time Monaghan re- vealed that he had obtained posses- sion of an "underworld directory" which, he said, "contained enough evidence to blast the entire racket in Philadelphia." That diréctory, contained Tn the pages of a small, leatherbouna book, provides an alphabetical list of bootleggers, gunmen and their wives and sweethearts. It 1s said also to hold the identity of lawyers and police alleged to have been friendly with the liquor ring. A WHALE'S VENGEANCE St. John's Nild, Sept. 11--The whaling vessel Pepita Maura drove ashore in a storm last night on the forbidding Labrador coast at Water- ing cove after a sperm whale, stung by harpoons, turned on' the ship. Such was the desperate energy of the wounded whale that the Pepita Oshawa Luggage YOUR INITIAL FREE On Suit Oase or Club Bag Saywell & Son BOND ST, WEST Maura emerged from the conflict with part of her stern framework torn clean away and a propeller blade smashed to splinters. She is believed to be a total wreck. The Pepita Maura is owned by the British Nor- wegian Whaling Company, Pile Sufferers You can only get quick, safe and lasting relief by removing the cause--congestion of blood in the lower bowel. Nothing but an inter nal remedy can do this--that's why cutting and salves fail, Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid, a harmless tablet, is guaranteed to quickly and safely banish any form of Pile misery or money back, Jury & Lovell, Ltd., and druggists every- where sell it with .this guarantee, 52 SIMCOE ST. NORTH EATON GROCETERIA Meaty Spare Ribs, 2 po Pound Special Pure Pork Sausage, sess ers passat Wealthy or Culvert Apples Every One Hand Picked and Packed in 6 Quart Baskets ,,. 87c An extra special price with a basket full of Quality 18¢ : 15 POUND PECK Choice Winchester Side Bacon, 2 pound piece up ID ,00 ms o--2Bc Chicken Roll, a new tasty line, 1b, ,,.,.,.48¢c Sweet Pickled Pigs' Feet,,,...... Ham Bologna, pound ,...eerese wesssss EVERY DAY SHOPPING LIST The Children Can Shop Safely Here It is not always convenient for the Housewife to do the family shopping. that if the children come But she may feel assured to the store they will re- ceive the same careful consideration and service as though she came herself safely here, , The children can shop FINE FLAVOR SLICED Head Cheese 2 lbs. 25¢ EXTRA SPECIAL PRICES GOOD TILL THURS,, SEPT. 20 MEATS ~ FRUITS ~ VEGETABLES Variety Loaf, thinly sliced, pound ,,..,.42¢ 6 Quart Basket Spanish Onions, carters .B8c .8 for 2bc .25¢c Sweet Potatoes, Pure Clover Honey, No, B Pollsss ws srr ¥rs 5.870 Eaton's Black Label Tea Ib B2c Seedless Raisins, 2 pounds 25c London Corn Starch Syrup REAL HOP FLAVOR 2 1-2 Ib, tin, 85¢ Jamaica Bapanas ,..... Choice Eating Black Figs, 2 pounds Iceberg Hard Head Lettuce........ Extra Large Bunches Crisp White Celery. , »10¢ sound Firm Tomatoes, ,..28¢c 2 pounds ,..... ..10c 4 pounds ,.... trees vi-Tone.... ...32c and B3c Real Cohoe Red Cohoe SALMON BRAND 25¢ TIN TALL 1 POUND TIN Weston's Crispy Sodas, 1b, 16¢c Eaton's Health Salts, 2 tins 24c Tiger Catsup, large bottle 19c Red River Cereal Food 2 Pkgs. 25¢ Steel Wool, 2 pkgs.:»,,..13¢c Acorn Floor Wax, 1 pound tin Pennant Toilet Rolls, 2 for Te Parowax, 1 pound pkg...12¢ NEW PACK STUART'S STRAWBERRY JAM 400Z, JAR 39¢ Acorn Paints, all colors, Pint Pras» Zinc Rings, doz. .....s*». Rubber Rings, 2 doz. ,.,.. Pint Jars, doz. ... Quart Jars, doz. ........ 99¢ Cherry Fruit Cake, pkg...24c sess EATON GROCETERIA "OPERATED BY #7, EATON Cun Fry's Cocoa HALF POUND TIN ile STORE HOURS Shop Early Pam tof om dailghy includipg Saturday Wednesday § a.m. tr» 32.00 rl All goods purchased after 2 p. ~ Gelivered next day. . W2dnesday morning delivery Mao

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