Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Sep 1928, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1928 {i Woman's Daily Interest | SOCIAL and PERS ONAL The Times s invites the "%o- operation of its readers in . contributing items, to this column. Send in a postcard or phone 35, "4 Mr. Roger Rose is visiting friends in Belleville. - Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Crossett spent Sunday in Port" Hope. Dr. L. Hubbell and Mr. F. S. Ebbs spent Saturday in Lindsay, * * * Mr. W. E. Baker of Lindsay was in town last week on business. * * * Mr. Tom Moore spent the week- end with iriends in Belleville, * * * of Wark- A. McBirney Mrs. Joseph Topping, worth, 1s visiting Mrs. here. * 4 4 Messrs. Gordon Cook and Leonard Thomas spent the week-end at their homes in Lindsay. * 0% Miss Grace Tait of Cobourg is spending a few weeks with relatives here. * nw Mrs. F. Armstrong is visiting her mother, Mrs. George Darragh, King- ston. CE Miss Keitha Booth, of Gananoque, is spending her vacation with rela- tives in the city, * * Mrs. Lyman Gifford has returned from spending two weeks in Orillia, Midland and Penetang. * * » Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conlon and daughter, Bernice, of Claudeboye, Ontario,. motored and spent a few days with relatives here, * * Lieut. and Mrs, C. M, Knight and child have returned to their home 'at Parris Island, U.S. Navy after a ten days visit with the former's mother, Mrs. P. Knight, Captain nd Mr Sidney Lambert and two sons, Mr, and Mrs. Darrich, all of Toronto, were the guests of Misses A. and E. Davis, Simcoe street' north, on Saturday. * * * Miss Dorothea Mortimer of Provi- dence, R. I, is now living in town and has. accepted a position with Jean Scott's Millinery, Simcoe street south, J * * * Mrs. John Hart, formerly of Sim- coe strect north, has returned from spending the summer in St. Cath- arines, London and other western points and is now residing at 127 Elgin street east. Misses Lois Mundy, Simcoe street north, Margaret Anderson, Division street, and Harriet Swail, Masson street, leave tonight dor Ontario La- dies' College (Trafalgar Castle), Whitby, where they will attend thus year, Weddings VERLAND-MAY The marriage of Annie Pearl, daughter of Mrs. Thomas May and the late Mr. May, of Harmony, to Paul Alfred Verland, of Havre, France, was solemnized in Green- wood United Church, Saturday, Sep- tember 1, by Rev. Walter Smart, brother-in-law of the bride. Miss Marjory Smart, niece of the bride, played the wedding music. The bride wore a smart gown of delphinium blue georgette and hat to match, carrying a bouquet of Ophelia roses and maiden hair fern, After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's sister, Greenwood, following which Mr. and Mrs. Verland leit on a short trip. On their return they will reside in Oshawa, Among the guests were: Mr, aid Mrs. James Gamble, My. H. Trull, Mrs. Thomas May, Miss Maud May, all of Harmony. THE MOTHER k We saw her as she passed us by, A mother with a wistful eye, A mother with a brood of seven, To help the world and later Heav- en. Her skirt was frayed and out of date, Her hair was straight; Her face was pale and lined w with care, And yet a there. pulled back very certain charm was Her hands which and white, Were red with night; And yet no painted woman gay So sweet a smile could® quite dis- play. once were soft toiling day and And even as I watched her there, I saw her brood at eveninz prayer; And thought of all the virtues good The loveliest is motherhood. Nor time, rer care toil A mother's charm haye power to spoil; However weary she may Her face still kecps the glow. nor grief ner grow, mother IMMIGRATION COMMISSION RAMSAY MACDONALD'S IDEA Montreal," Sept. 10.--"I am going home to press upon the Government the necessity of appointing a com- mission, which should be half British and half Canadian, to go into the whole question of Canadian imnii- gration," said the Right Hon. Ram- say MacDonald, ex-Premier of Dri- Fashion Notes Black-white Is aga again among the season's smartest combimations. A black fur beret has its little top- knot of gleaming white pearls, in the shape of a tiny leaf. A sumptuous black crepe frock that is topped by an ermine trim- med black coat has a four inch belt of ermine, with a rich eorystal buckle. Coudurier has a wonderful fabric called maharadjor, one side of vari- ous silks, taffeta, moire faille being given a bath of pure gold, which gives an inconceivably rich effect and there are many velvets in this collection, the most important being known as velour-donatello, Velveteen is united with lame in the expressing of afternoon ensembles by Cecile Welly, one of the informal Paris houses ,and Burgundy colour- ed velveteen in one instance is de- veloped into a coat with matching skirt and worn with a sleeveless blouse and brocaded and metallized silk designed with daisies. One of the newest-shaped bags to be seen is of Morocco leather with a ring handle of suitable size to slip on the wrist, and there is also a new kind of felt, dark blue in colour, which is being made into most fas- cinating handbags with silver fittings and a pale grey lining, A black satin frock for autumn af- ternoons has a rich cafeau lait yoke that points back and front and a matching flounce of lace that runs up to the knees in front but stays discreetly shallow the rest of the way around the skirt, MOTHER 1S KILLED AND FAMILY INJURED Montreal, Sept. 10--A mother was killed and her husband and six chil- dren received injuries rangingfrom minor to very serious when an auto- mobile, laden with the family of Al- phonse Roy, en route to a picnic, collided with a taxicab here Sunday. The driver of the taxi was uninjured, and is held as a material witness for tomorrow's inquest, The dead woman is Mrs. Alphonse Roy, aged 37, who suffered a frac- tured skull, and died while being taken to hospital, Estelle Roy, 1 1-2, was suffering from a cerebral hemorrhage; Andre, 3, from face injurics and a bruised leg; Fernand, 7, face and head in- juries; Florette, 11, fracture of the thigh ;Lucien, 9, broken collarbone, and Anthime, 5, face injuries and general bruises Roy's automobile was struck on the side, and turned over. From the force of the collision it skidded a distance of 38 feet, crashing into a post. The family, with the exception of Mr. Roy, who was driving, was thrown out, BAKED CALF'S LIVER Buy a fresh calf's liver and lard it well, Put it into a solution of weak vinegar and 1 onion, some sprigs of parsley, salt and pepper, Let stand tain, and leader of the British Labor Party; the official Opposition in the House of Commons, upon his arrival here from Ottawa. in this milk pickle for 24 hours, | Then roast in the oven, basting fre- quently with the vinegar solution, Serve with slices of crisp bacon, "If only I could speak plainly to my women customers' Says the head saleslady in a smart shop Embarrassingtotell them~buttheyshould know about this new process of neutral izing odor in sanitary pads, It means greater mental comfort than ever before. Vln fe ii tion of personal [Eien that can at their happiness. They do offend others attimes, Andthisnew treatment which deodorizes every Kotex pad positive- offense. ly prevents such The deeadlol self-consciousmess Hat beni events catefree assumption of conspicuous--~is ners of the Kotex pad ace scientifically rounded and no evidence when worn. Yet every advantage remains When you need greater or less pro- tection, you can so easily add or re- move layers of filler, Iti is, as ag, rbent to an koi ie 10 40 Win) (eles. THE it makes a great difference to women. And a pew treatment renders it softer, ed 50 8s to leave sanitary protection other important features: 1-So/ier Rd ope £hds chafing; tapered ; no evidence of sanitary protection under any id id 3~Deodorizes-safely, thoroughly by anew and exclusive pateated process; 4~ Adjust it to your meedsp filler may be made Foi d » Gh 2s required; ~1It is easily di: sot pd of fluffier, than you thought possibl 'Won't you try the ImprovediKotex ~buy 2 box this very day. It is 60c for 2 box of twelve, at any drug, dry goods or departmental store, Made in Canads OTE X The New Sanitary Pad which deodorizes | \ ES. Jou con cooly akes, Discus, ughnuts, Cooes, etc. MAGIC BAKING POWDER TORONTO, CAN, Mm Our Daily Recipes ST. BERNARD'S PUDDING Line edge of a pudding dish with pastry and spread 2 tablespoons of jam in the bottom. Blend 4 table spoons of butter with 3% cup flour; when smooth stir in 3 cup evapor- ated milk and 3 cup water, 4 table spoons sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 3 teaspoon salt and 2 yolks of eggs: stir well together and pour over jam. Bake 30 minutes. Beat whites of eggs to a stiff froth, add 2 table spoons sugar and arrange roughly on the top. Place in oven until lightly browned, COCOANUT MARSHMALLOW ICIN 1 cup shredded cocoanut, 1 cup granulated sugar, 3 tablespoonfuls water, 1 egg white, unbeaten. 12 marshmallows. Put the sugar, water and egg white in a double boiler and beat with a Dover egg beater, for seven minutes after the water is boiling. Have the marshmallows chopped in a bowl. Pour the mixture over them and beat until thick. Stir In half the cocoanut, spread quickly and sprinkle the remaining cocoanut on top. JELLIED FRUIT SALAD Soak 1 envelope granulated gelatine in 1-2 cup cold water 5 minutes, Add 2 cups bolling wai- er, 1-2 cup lemon juice, AY cup sugar and 1-2 teaspoon sat. Strain and when mixture begins to con- geal add 8 cups diced fruit. Any desired combination may be used. Chill and serve on crisp lettuce, with whipped rceam mayonaisse, APPLE WHIP ... ... Pare, quarter and slice sour ap- ples. Cook slowly until soft. Household Hints Press through a sieve or potato ricer. To 1 1-2 cups of pulp, sweetened to taste with powdered sugar, add 3 unbeaten egg whites. aL €.W. GILLETT CO. LTD: A Darning Hint: wool, as it will shrink when stockings are washed and pull pther hole, Use as usual, Worms in House Plants: rid of worms from indoor plants of water, be taken off and disposed of, Stained Hands: bedome soiled try teagpoon of brown .sugar with soaj on your wet hands: leave them soft, When thoroughly some vinegar ing. someone who is ill, filled with very hot water leaving it a few minutes, orange or yellow, To clean white shoes buy oxide of zine in powder form, put it in a wide-mouthed bottle and fill the bottle with water, Apply with a sponge and let the shoes dry over night, repeating the next night if necessary, A tablespoonful of sugar added to the water used for basting a joint will improve the flavor as well as add to the rich brown col- or of the gravy. To keep tiled floors looking new, wipe them over twice a week with skimmed milk and once in oil and a soft cloth. Cedar oil is excellent for clean- ing all delicate lacquer work, lin- crusta, polished (not painted) stairs and banisters, If blankets, after being washed and dried, are beaten with an or- dinary carpet beater, the wool will b elight and soft, Brown paper can be used as & substitute for a fel unaerlay be- neath the carpet; 't helps to pro- long the Ife of the carpet, To keep a mernguye from fallng or gettng strngy, sprnkle Ightly wth sugar just before putting it into the oven. GOOD SAMARITANS IN DEMAND AT RESORT, SOUTHEND, ENGLAND London, Sept. 11, -- The Good Samaritan of the Parable, only had that single experience on the way from Jerusalem to Jericho, But the police of Southend, the popular seaside resort at the mouth of the Thames, find they have to-act thé role nearly a dozen times a night, The travellers who they have to be- friend are mostly girls who have missed the last train home. The Southend Police are getting a bit weary in well-doing. "You know how time flies when you are out with someone," is the usual plaint of the stranded dam- sels, who expect the man in the police office not only to relieve them of the burden of finding lodg- ings but also of paying for them. Other frequent requests are to get on the nearest phone "and tell mother what has happened" or to call through to the police at home and 'Let them send a messenger." Most of the applicants to the po- Llice are day excyrsionists, When mending woollen stockings do not use new the an- To remedy this put wool {nto a steamer or over the tea-kettle for five minutes and then let it dry. To get water them every other day with a solution made of half a teaspoon of carbonate of ammonia to a gallon This will cause the worms to come to the surface and they can the hands rubbing a half It will clean and To make a tough steak tender, mix and olive oil and rub the steak on both sides; let stand for two hours before cook- Spilled water in sick bed--If wa- ter is spilled in bed when attending it can be quick- ly dried by slipping a hot-water bag between the bedcover over the wet spot and Regular flower pots can be made highly decorative to a room by lac- quering them in gay Chinese red, Beat until stiff enough to hold shape. Pile lightly on glass serve ing dish, chill and serve with cus- tard sauce or cream, MOLASSES COOKIES One egg heaten light; add half cup sugar, half cup melted short- ening, Let half cup molasses with one dessert spoon soda stirred in it stand for five minutes, then mix | with first mixture, Add two tablespoons cold water and one tablespoon vinegar, about three cups sifted flour, spice ta taste, [ use one teaspoon each cinnamon and ginger and a small half tea- spoon salt. Quite a ho: oven is best for these, | CANADIANS PASS ARMY EXAMINATIONS London, Sept 11,--Nineteen Can- adian officers are named by the war office as having successfully pass- ed the examinations for promotion, and the names are to he published in Command orders, The success- ful Canadian eandidates are: Capt. (Bt.-Major) Bouchard, B, R., Royal 22nd. Regt, Capt. Campbell, A. H, C., Royal Canadian Regt, Capt, Flynn, Regt. Capt. Logan, H, M., adian Regt. Capt. Poston, H. B,, Royal Can- adian Regt, Capt. Preston, J. F.,, Royal Can- adian Artillery, Capt, Taschereau, Royal Canadian Corps, Capt, Tidswell, J. E, H, Royal Canadian Army Service Corps. Capt. (Bt.-Major) Utton, F, W, Canadian Small Arms School, Capt. Weeks, E. G,, M, C., Royal Canadian Corps of Signals, Lieut. Andrews, W, C. E., Roy- al Canadian Engineers, Lieut. Beach, C, P, Lord Strath- cona"s Horse, Lieut, Chauveau, C., Royal 22nd, Regt. Lieut, Cameron, H. M. Royak Canadian Army Medical Corps, Lieut. Girard, R. Royal Cana- dian Horse Artillery. Lieut. Hunter, J. E, Royal Can- adian Army Medical Corps, Lieut, Leach, 8. H, J. Royal Can. adian Army Service Corps, Lieut, Ovens, F. N, Royal Can- adian Corps of Signals. Lieut. Snow, T. E, Royal Cana- dian Regt, Join S oi Invites you to a special Shouing 0 P.,, Royal 22nd Royai Can- C. Army E. de M, Service FALL MILLINERY at her shop 155 Simcoe St.S. AUTHORS [1 0) NW 15 135 CHURCH ST. TORONTO 4 SWEDISH VICAR GREAT BOTANIST Aged Explorer Climbed on Hands and Knees to Top of Mountain Stockholm, Swenden, Sept 11. -- Johan Enander, a Swedish conn- try Vicar, well over eighty years of age, who has achieved fame amongst botonists the world aver as the "Salix King," has achieved 4 new record a strength and en- durance in hunting for rare spec- ies of plants in the wilds of Am- erica and Canada. In order to find some new varieties for his collec tions the aged explorer, who un- doubtedly is the world's foremost expert in this special line of bot- ony, undertook an excursion into the most inaccessible parts of the Gaspe peninsula in the Province of Quebec according to advices re- ceived here. He travelled many miles by motor on the road and by canoe on a river with numerous ra- pids and finally climbed for many hours on his knees and hands to reach the top of a high and steep mountain. The hardships endured did not seem to effect Johan Enanders' iron physique in the least. The old clergyman now has an ambi- tious and strenuous programme ahead of him. He is going to Als aska and thence as far as the Ber- ring's straits and Kamtschatka to Los. Angeles and by ship to Japan and China as far as Pekin. He then plans to go south to Calcutta, from there up to Sikkim on the North- east slope of the Himalayes and and into Tibet. Further to the Persian Gulf, Bagdad and Jericho, after which he plans to celehrate ET. RED ROSE TE Alisgood ted Red Rose Orange Pekoe =Top Quality In clean, bright Aluminum and some anxiety and pray for his safe return to the peaceful and pic- turesque vicarage in the little par- ish of Lilllrerrdal in the north of Sweden. NOVA SCOTIA OPPOSITION PLANS SPEAKING DATES Halifax, Sept. 10.--The Govern- ment's speaking campaign having been inaugurated by Premier E. N. Rhodes, on Saturday, forces of the Liberal opposition have set Wednesday, September 12, as the day on which their bid for success at the polls on October 1 will be opened, Hon. William Chisholm, leader of the opposition, and mems= ber for Antigonish in the Legisla- tive Assmbly, will address the King's County Liberal Association at Kentville on Wednesday afe | ternoon, | it was determined today, iy OK; be i li A MOSQUITOES BED BUGS ANTS ROACHES MOTHS Christmas in Bethlehem. From there he goes to Constantinople and finally by airplane back Sweden. His paris are lowing the adventur Pick That Coat Now---A Deposit Will Hold Any One Fashion Shoppe 84 Simcoe 8, Phone 3083W to | fol- | exploits | of their azed shepherd with pride | World Wide Favorites For The Skin And Scalp "oR THE SKIN AND SCALP / \ Citic OINT MEN | f3mpls Bac Each Pree by Mall. Address Canadian Paget: ment 25 pis) 50c. by touches of Cuticura Ointment when required, keeps the complexion fresh and free from eruptions and the hair live and glossy, Cuticura Preparations are unexcelled in purity and are regarded by millions as unrivaled in the promo- tion of skin and hair health, Regular use of Cuticura Soap, cal Lu. ontreal."" Price, Soap Ze. Taleum 25e., Cuticura Shaving Stick 25¢. WILTON CII IEIS SAS AXMINSTER SASHA hg dR i VAP AV A AAV AVA AV AV VA TAP AY AV AVA AA A A Aa Ar RR ar i i air ZF AAA AIIRT ITT 7 deceivers!" The luxuriously soft, cushiony pile you feel as you walk upon a Barrymore gives no hint of the long years of give you, Var AVA AAPA LLLASS ALLE ASL Ts FLAS LILI ISS ARRYMORE RUGS are, in a sense, 'gay PASTELS ELE, ' iron service the rug will ava Vala Very modish, very smart and handsome; all sizes; and prices decidedly moderate, See the new patterns in any leading store, TORONTO CARPET MFG. COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO Eubd. 1894 A) . SAXONY

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