PAGE Awd THE OQSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1928 | OSHAWA AND DISTRICT Erect New Electric Sign A new electric sign has been erected on Simcoe street south just opposite Bruce street, This is Muf- *fitt and Park's sign, they having recently opened for business here in the northern store of the stores and apartment block which was completed last month, Broadcasting Swim Considerable interest is being manifest in Oshawa today in the broadcast of the Marathon swim at the Canadian National Exhibition. Over two hundred people gathered at the Luke Furniture Company this afternoon while crowds were to be seen all morning and after- noon around various other places where -the broadcast was being received. Wheel of Truck Broken When he misjudged his distance, the driver of a British American Dil truck smashed into the local Fleischmann Yeast transporting automobile in front of The Times building yesterday afternoon, doing some damage to the Yeast truck. The front wheel and fender suffer- ed the most damage, the fender Felt Bros. 1 he LEADING JEWELERS Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South being badly bent while all the spokes were broken in the left front wheel, ¢ Yar ai Hydro Trimming Trees To prevent any further trouble on Athol street similar to that which put the electric lighting system in that district out of order last Monday night,, workmen for the Hydro Electric Power Commis- sion are today cutting down more branches from the trees which are too close to the wires. They are now clearing out the branches along the line between Charles and Drew streets, Local Golfer Competing Dr. H, Bascom, representing the Oshawa Golf Club, is in Toronto today competing at the Lambton Golf and Country Club for the famous Willie Park Trophy for which 168 golfers from all over Canada as well as from Creat Biit- ain, are competing, Dr, Bascom was scheduled to drive off with R. C. Donald of Lambton in the first round of the competition this morning, LAURENT BEAUDRY SLATED FOR POST LEFT BY DESY Ottawa, Sept. 4--It is understood that Laurent Beaudry, who is relin- quishing the post of First Secretary of the Canadian Legation at Wash- ington to return to Ottawa, will be appointed Counsellor of the Depart- ment of External Affairs. Jean Desy, who was Counsellor for the depart- ment, has been appointed to a similar position in the new Legation at Paris. No announcement has yet been made here as to just what post Mr. Beau- dry will be given. He was formerly one of Premier Mackenzie King's secretaries. FARMER HURLED 20 FEET BY BLAST North Bay, Sept. 4.--E. J, Lawr- ence, Widdifield farmer, sustained a fractured skull, severe head and body injuries and temporarily, at least, lost his sight yesterday when a charge of dynamite exploded on his som's farm, Mr. Lawrence was bending over the charge en- deavoring to ignite a fuse by fan- ning glowing coal embers. Mr. Lawrence was blown 20 ft, and was unconscious when his son reached his side. Following first aid Lawrence was transported to the Queen Victoria Hospital, North Bay. An operation today restored the sight of one of his eyes. Becoming impatient when the fuse attached to a stick of dyna- mite failed to explode, Mr, Lawr- ence went to his son's house, se- cured a 'uantity of coals and plac- ed them close to the fuse, and was in the act of blowing on the em- bers when the explosion occurred, the full force of it striking him about the face, head and shoulders. ce ------------ Another thing we need is a few more women who will make their home their kingdom. -- Kitchener Daily Record. Warmer Bedding For the Cooler Nights and Mornings WHITBY Representative--JAMES HOLDEN Phone, House 15--Office 434 Purchase Turn Down Recommenda. tion to Acquire Vinegar Works -- Citizen Appears Before Council to Lay Grievance Against "A Chief of Police and Pro vincial Officer" (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Sept. 5.--By vote of 6 to 1, with Deputy Reeve R. J. Un- derwood excused from participa- tion, the town council adopted at its regular meeting last night the recommendation of the town pro- perty commiittee that no action be taken at present with regard to the proposed purchase of the property and building of the old vinegar works, located at the north end of the park, and now owned by Mr. Underwood. Reeve Jackson alone was opposed to the recommenda- tion reasoning that the town would be making a grave error in not ac- quiring the property at what he considered a very reasonable price. Reeve Jackson explained that the deputy reeve was not interest- {ed in the proposition for his own personal ends pointing out that as a contractor and builder he was | certain of a favorable investment {if he chose to erect residences on this property. He also assured the councillor that the price of §3,- 000 was the bed rock figure and that if the transfer was made to the town it would be done so with- out any real estate commission. The time would come he was sure land for its park. The individual citizen he claimed was improving his home by painting up and clean- ing up to make Whithy more at- tractive and he asked what ists and increase the town's popu- lation. In continuance he council to shelve the matter. the property might be into residences and some revenue obtained in taxes but he referred ed to acquire a certain desirable site for parks purposes and is not now receiving any revenue in the form of taxes. The reeve thought The BRANT KENWOOD Blankets | Two Sizes | 72in.284in. $10.7 Ben. | 60-in.x84in, $O.50 ea. | ALL-WOOL BLANKET Two Sizes 72-in, x 84-in. $8.95 ea. 60-in, x 84-in. $7.95 ea. Ibex Flannelette Blankets Largest Size 72-in.x84-in,---White with Pink or Blue Border, per pair Genuine All Wool | Silk Bedspreads Point Blankets 4 Point 72x90 inches. Pair .... 31/; Point 63 x 84 inches, Pair $21.50 $18.50 The famous Guaranteed All Wool Blankets--White with Pink or Blue Striped Borders--72 x 84, Pair ,......... $2.35 Bed. Comforters | All shades with or without| In many color combina- | borders. | RBIZE 5:17:00 0% " tions. prices $4.95 to .... All from sizes and $25.00 $13.95 sr are Daily Arrivals he converted into:a dance pavi- lion, dining hall and community centre, at a reasonable outlay, and | suggested that certain concessions might be sold which would pay for | its upkepp. Municipalities in Western Ontario, he said, were leading the way in park improve- ments and were enhancing | attractions as communities, The council was of the opinion | that Mr. Underwood's offer was very reasonable, but the majority of members considered that the matter should be left in the hands !of the people to be decided by | plebiscite. Those supporting | committee included Councillors D. Mowat, Wm. Pringle, Charles Broughton, Jas. Ormiston, F. Threadgold and Ed. Bowman. F. Foley, who is charged with a | B.L.C.A, infraction, fore the council board appeared be- to lay a orievance against "a chief of po- | It | lice and a provincial officer." was pointed out, however, by Reeve Jackson that Mr. Foley was out of order and should follow the proper course of procedure, name- ly, to complain to the applications committee. His motion, seconded by Councillor Wm. Pringle, that Mr. Foley be not heard followed. It was pointed out that the eiti- [pesssnmmm------ REXALL STORE NEWS Willie should have Whitby Council Takes No Action in Proposed _of Factory when the town would desire more | the | =3 council was doing to attract tour- | submitted | that it was a grave error for the | True | converted | to a case which occurred a short time ago, wherehy the town refus- | that the old factory building migne | their the | | motion sponsored by the property | zen would recei if he took his grievance to this body and as the motion passed with but two dissentient votes, the applicant agreed to follow the suggestion, A communication from the E. L. Ruddy Co., of Toronto, read by act- ing clerk Geo. Every, requesting that the town lease them advertis- ing privileges for five years at the corner of Dundas and Ash streets for $18 a year, Reeve Jackson thought that the sum was too small and it was decided to ask the company $50 per year for the privi- leges. Decision to allow the Daylight Electric Co., of Guelph, a rebate of $50 on their taxes for 1928, was made in response to a written re- quest from the company. The firm formerly occupied the old vinegar factory which was parti- ally destroyed by fire. Its value was reduced much below 'the as- sessed value and as they had paid full taxes, it was considered only fair to give them a partial refund. Councillor Mowat, chairman of the property committee, moved that Russel Bailey be given the use of the park for 1919 under the same arrangement as previous. The council was in favor, Upon recommendation finance mmittee, accounts to- talling $3,325.11, were passed and ordered paid. They were charg- ed as follows, finance, $334.59; streets, $1,181.28; fire and light, $205; Town property, $335.51; every courtesy of the » vo "4 to Europe for as low as 184 32 Round trip Tourist Third Cabin SEE the capitals of Europe--the cathedrals--the battle-fields, and yet spend on your ocean fares only the cost of an average' vacation, Sailing Canadian Pacific Tourist Third Cabin you go to' Europe via the St. Lawrence, *'the mighty water boulevard to Europe." Your state- room fis cheerful, airy and bright, Your meals are of the famous Canadian Pacific quality. You have plenty of deck space, There issome= thing doing every minute of the day, ECONOMICAL TOURS All ¢ se 32day tours visit- in slond and 1 Gontivent up. Exten 10 77 days, $410.50 up. id See your local agent, or [ J. E. PARKER General Agent, Ocean Traflo C.P.R. Building, Toronto 1709 WORLD'S GREATEST TRAVEL SYSTEM Always Canadian Paci) Com~ Asay, sorry C Vi hi Preise Bo I Boys' Caps, terns. School 'opening special assorted pat- 49c Dominion Clothing Co 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 We Deliver How often Willie or Mary comehome from school with low marks and an excuse like this--"Well, my old pen leaked, or scratched, or wouldn't work." Just have them call in at the Rexall Store and get a brand new outfit of scribb- lers, pens and pencils. There's a real big fountain pen with a real 14k gold nib, self-filling, clip-cap, n'everything, Regular $1.50 for $1.19 Then we have a great big looge leaf notebook for 39¢ and we give av.ay a Scripto pencil and a package of leads with each. JURY & LOVELL Rexall Store WOMAN $0 NERVOUS COULD NOT SLEEP Tells How Lydia E. Pink~ ham's Vegetable Com- pound Helped Her Masson possible and I was --*I was very nervous, was im- run-down. I saw and haye taken E Pinkham's New Carlisle, jdt PrnktameY oiabla 142 BUTTLE, J&., New Carlisle, > : ; about it." --Mgs. WiL- Quebec town property, $210.44; relief, $493; sidewalks, $400; accounts paid and not passed, $282.31. All members of the council were present at last night's session, in- cluding His Worship Mayor Bate- man, Reeve Jackson, Deputy Reeve Underwood, Councillors, Ormiston, Bowman, Pringle, Threadgold, Broughton and Mowat. WHITBY COUNGL HONORS ATHLETE Will Present Melvin Kenny 4 With a Suitable Token | % rs a (By Staff Reparter) * Whitby, Sept. 5--The town coun- cil plans to present Mr. Melvin Kenny, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. M, Kenny, Chestnut street, with some tangible token in appreciation for the honor he has brought to his native town by being chosen as one of the two University students who will represent Canada in the interscholas- tic debates to take place in Great Britain this fall. Mr, Kenny is an Toronto and since his entrance to college he has shown great promise in academic and athletic activities. To be chosen as one of two to rep- resent Canada in competition with scholars from all the great countries of the world in undoubtedly a singu- lar distinction. The council also made comment at last night's meeting upon the success of Douglass Maundrell, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Maundrell, Chestnut street, in making a new pole vault record at the annual high school meet held at the Canadian National Exhibition last week. He will prob- ably receive some recognition. NEW WHITBY SCALES ARE NOW IN USE (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Sept. 5.--The new ten ton Fairbanks- Morse scales, pur- chased recently by the town coun- cil, have been installed and the first truck was weighed upon them yesterday afternoon, The scales are situated inside the town hall yard a few feet south and west of the position of the former scales. They will now he able to handle the heaviest load on the road and a reasonable revenue may he ex- pected from them, For a cool refreshing meal WRISCUTT Awhele wheat water for tea or lunch; (VISITORS WELCOME TO ALL FACTORIES undergraduate of the University of | After a decade of trials and tests with cheaper substitutes, the build. er is now face to face with a condi. tion demanding the use of more substantial materials--those with an established reputation in which the public can place absolute faith. TEN-TEST INSULATING BOARD BIRD & SON ROOFING Telephone us--2821. Oshawa Lumber Co., Limited 25 Ritson Road North Phone 2821 | At a Glance Time will be judged henceforth from nine o'clock in the morning until four o'clock in the afternoon, at least by the kiddies, anyway, Second any of school opens, with no unfortunate incidents happening. LJ . | A Hick town is a place where a | octor tells one patient all about | is other patients. | Ld . | And they say Oshawa is not a popular city, More than 201 new students enrolled at the Oshawa Collegiate yesterday, Which goes to show that aca. demical training still has a great pull here in Oshawa iles- pite the fact that a technical school has much been gd vocated, * Ld "Fliers may continue if they wish"--headline. The Rockford aviators, safe in Greenland, are now told to do what they like in response to adyice from their back- ers, The advice could not have been otherwise, Picture the aviators in Greenland, rarin' to go, and along comes a message saying to quit. Now how in heck would th:y get back if their backers told them they were through witih them, 1 ask you, sh LJ » . Who says the city is not gets tipg back to primitiveness, The whole main part of tho town was plunged in darkness on Monday and we bad to burn the midnight oil. In some cases it had to be candles, rs Immediately following the close of the Dominion's greatest Fajr, the Toronto Exhibition, Oshawa proclaims the opening of her Fair, the South Ontario Agricuttural Fair, on Sept. 11, 12 and 13, Not only will the exhibition equal the Toronto Fair in many respects, but this year it has been promised that many new and original features will be present for the big celebra- tion. For Oshawa itself turns out en fete for the gala occasion. It patronizes, as it should patronize, the one outstanding event of the season which is put on solely for the benefit of the community for betterment in the rearing of stock and for other reasons. It will do well if you bear in mind the fact that the Oshawa Fair opens on September 11. x 5» Why is the golf club taking on the appearance of a deserted place these days? Surely Oshawa men and women are not the kind who take to Jighting fires and crouch- ing dimly behind the grates as soon as a little cold spell snaps up. Ld LJ LJ 4 J Canadian Gladiolus Show In the Armouries, Lindsay AUGUST 22nd and 23rd "FORTY THOUSAND BLOSSOMS" Admission 25¢ T. J. Tilley, Local Sec. We shall appreciate your comments! 0 each of our subscribers we are mail- Our sim, as explained in the questionnai is continually to improve the quality of telephone service, local and long distance, Your frank comment, with specific details of any instances either of faulty service or of occasions on which the operator has been especially helpful will be much appre-