Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Sep 1928, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1928 = -- Woman's Daily Interest | SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the c¢o- operation of iis readers in contributing items co this column. Send in a postcard or phone 35, Miss Lily Stephers spent a few days in Toronto with friends. 0% * Mr. W. hh, spent the week- end and holiday at his home in Kingsion. * -. Mr. Jack Dale has returned fron. spending a week at his home in Orillia. * L] Miss Mildred Hunt has return® ed. from spending her vacation in Belleville. * * LJ Mr. Robert Latimer of Brook- lyn, New York, is visiting rela tives in the city. * * * 8. Crossett were Port Hope Mr. and Mrs. the guects of friends iu over the week-end. LJ] ww 1] Mrs. A. M. Hope, 325 Simco2 street south, has re.urned from a short vacation at Muskoka. L] * L Misces Marion and "Ted" Chev- erill spent the week-end and holi- day with their parents in Peter. boro. * L * Messrs. 13. Drinkle, ¥. Bowden, C. Cox motored to New York City, where they will spend their holi- days. Ll * * Mrs. H. Herancourt Ross, and Mr, A. street, have left for Florida. and son, Henry, Drew a holiday in ¥ % 0% Miss Ebba Larson, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her pgr- ents, Mr. and eMrs. O, Larson, Elena street, * LJ LJ / Wardman sails England, where he relatives 'for a few Mr. William Friday for will visit weeks, Ll] * LJ] Mr. and Mrs. M. Reynolds, Fox- boro, Ontario, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. F Vice, Gladstone avens ue, this morning. ow NM Mr. and Mrs, Frank Bambridge, Dekalb, Illinois, have heen spend- ing the past week with the latter's sister, Mrs. M. J. Goyne, Rich- mond street, ys ad Colds Vapors inhaled quickly clear head Varg Mr. 8S. McComb spent Saturday in Toronto. . a Miss Lillian McKnight spent the week-end and holiday in King- ston, . . » Mr. F. L. Mason left Saturday for the Western provinces, where he will spend the next five weeks. . - - Mrs. Frank Schafer, 86 Wood street, is sailing on September 20 to spend a few weeks with rela- tives in England. | . LJ | Mr. and Mrs. W. Bentley an Mr. and Mrs. A. Rowden span the holiday in Bufixlo, LaSalle and Niagara Falls, hs \ Ll . Ll] Mr. P. Blackburn, city treasurer, attended the annual session of the Ontario Municipal Association in Toronto Saturday. » . . Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Ewing and family, have returned from spending their summer vagotion at Kilworthy, Gravenhurst. * LJ LJ Mr. Everett Coedy, of Walker- ville, spent the week-end and holi- day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Coedy, Nassau street. . Ld . Mr, and Mrs, Harry Boyce and son, Oshawa boulevard, have re- turned from spending two weeks with relatives in Collingwood. . . LJ Mr. and Mrs. E, Wilkins enter- tained a few friends at a lhouse- warming in their nsw home on Patricia avenue over the holiday. * Ll . Mr. Harry Wolfe motored from Philadelphia over Labor Day and was the guest of his sister, Mus. Norman Magee, 818 Rowena street. . * J Mr. and Mrs. Campion, Mrs. Patfield and daughter, Llewellyn, and Mr, F. Marshall motored Buffalo, New York Falls over the holiday. J v * Mr. Byron Edmondson has 1e- turned to Walkerville after spend- ing the week-end and holiday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Edmendzon, Simeos street south. ' Mr, and Me O.'M, C00, street Barth, Rev: PF. J. Max- well and Rev, A, M. Irwin are at- tending the Ge neral Council of the United Church this week in Win- nipesg, Alger, Sim- . LJ . Mr, and Mrs, Edward Athol utreet east, wish nounce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Norah Beal- rice, to Richard Henry Davis, Osh- awa, son of Mrs. W. CC. Richardson of Orillia, The marriage fo take place Saturday, September 8, * ¥ 3» Mr Harry Belt, manager of the Winnipeg branch of the Bank of Montreal, Mrs, Belt and daughter, visited the former's brother, Dr, Belt, over the week-end. Mr. Harry Belt is a former Oshawa Buck'er. to an- >, having been born in this city en 'his father, Rev. Canon Belt, 23 rector of St, George's church. to | and Niagura Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Brown and family, of Echo Hill, Alberta, have started om their return jour- ney, after visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. James Vice, Gladstone avenue, Ya =: iW Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Mundy, Sim- coe street north, have returned from a cruise on the "Manitoulin" from Owen Sound to Saulte Marie and return. % 4 Rev..A. M. Irwin, pastor of the North Simcoe street United Church. is in Winnipeg attending the Gen- eral Council of the United Church. At the close of the Coun-il Rev. Irwin will proceed to Jasper, where he will spend his holidays. » ~ Mr.:and Mrs. W. J. Garrow, 245 Athol street east, announce the en- gagement of their younger daugh- ter, Lilllan Florence, to Willlam Sydney, younger son of Major and Mrs. A. S. Morrison, Niagara Falls, Ontario. The marriage to take place the latter part of September. A 8 8 Mr. and Mrs. E. Bradley and son, Bruce, Simcoe street north, Mr. and Mrs. C. W, Detenbeck, King street east, Mr. and Mrs, L. C. James and son, Fred, Simcoe street north, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Storie, King street east, Mrs. Roy Kirby and son, Harold, of Toronto, formerly of Oshawa, who sailed on the "Mount Royal', June 23 tor a holiday on the Continent re- turned to the city the latter part of last week. FALL TIME CANNING TIME With quickly ripening to. matoes, onions, cucumbers, ete, the thoughts of Mrs, Housewife turn to canning and pickling. We can sup- ply you with all the needs for making your preserves more tasty, J. & L, Pickle Mixture 85c Parke's Pickle Mixture #bc Parke's Catsup Flavor ,86c Fruit Jar Rings ,.lJ)c doz. Parowax ... ++,...20c 1b, Sealing Wax ,,....15¢ tin Spices ,.,.,.,....Bc ounce CATCH MR, FLY! SURESCRATCH I'LY. CATCHERS, 5 FOR 10c THE REXALL STORE Jury&Lovell King E, Phone 28 Simcoe 8S. Phone 68 '1 warn every woman I employ" Says the woman Personnel Manager in a large office Realization of this unconscious offense distresses many women, Now such of fense is unnecessary, This remarkable sapitary pad deodorizes completely. N the world of business, in society, often find th lves em- bacrassed at certain times. Sometimes they offend without knowing why. When they learn, miserable self-con- sciousness follows. Make-shift efforts to counteract the difficulty seldom succeed. Now a discovery made in Because corners of the rounded it may without evidence under the Kotex Laboratories ends all these fears and worries. Science has dis- covered a Way tO CORDLEract 8 SELious - offense. Kotex now completely deodorizes Kotex has brought a new idea of fem- ianine hygiene to women all over the world. In the past ten years they have Jearned new comfort, new ease-of- mind through this sanitary protection. Bow, afar years of work, 8 process perfected that completely has been methods. And you can adjust the filler, make it thinner, , DALLOWES ~ LO Suit your own 8 special pesls. ks is saslly d is neces- sary. oh of oo Suvnviising is ved than ever before. Buy a box today~60c for twelve. On sale A Al drug. diy goods 1-8 ends chafing; Safi gous absorbs as no othér are rounded snd ; no evidence of sanitary any gown, 3-Deodorizes-safely, y Renaomiats, thoroughly. process: -Adjvss # to yr weeds; 4 iJ: dude weeds; Sli Puy be 5 be thinges, i" 8-1 Js surly dishomd of; no Made io Canada mKOTE X The New Sanitary Pad which deodorizes Crisp crun on fit'on Let the Heat Bother You! vvenbaked . keeps ith ¢ cool» milk and fruit TRISCUIT A! real | whole-wheat 'cracker MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS : VISITORS WELCOME Weddings ¢ POLE~HROWNLEE 'a The marriage was solemnized on Monday afternoon, September 4, of Anna Relia Brownlee of the city of Sarnia to Walter KE. Pole of the same city, at the King street United Church parsonage. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. KE. Cragg. For three years Miss Brownlee was the leading soloist of the Divine street United Church during the whole period of Mr. Cragg's pastorate, The. young couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mosson of Quslph. After an extended motor trip Mr. 'and Mrs. Pole will take up Tesidence at 289 Vidal street, Sar- nia, BURROWS=--KDWARDS The wedding took place on Sat- urday, September 1, at the King street United Church parsonage of Ethel Edwards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Edwards, Base- line, to Henry Burrows, son of Mrs. Margaret Burrows, 154 Col- borne street east. The bride was becomingly gown- ed in a blue crepe de chine gown and hat to match, After the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. C. E. Cragg, Mr, and Mrs. Burrows left for Niagara Falls and Buffalo, On their return they will reside at 190 Bruce street, Our Daily Recipes CHOCOLATE COATING To coat a white frosting atop a cake with chocolate, melt cooking chocolate and spread quickly while soft. Do not sweeten it, CREAMED TONGUE Slices of tongue, baked in thick cream sauce and covered 'liberally with pimento strips, make a nice luncheon dish, CUCUMBER SALAD Sliced cucumbers are delicious when served with a sour cream dressing and a bit of pimento. Serve on water cress. LUNCHEON DISH Fried slices of tomato makes an atiractive luncheon dish when serv- ed on toast, covered with cheesc sauce and garnished with two grill- ed slices of bacon. ORANGE JAM Very nice for those who like a sweet with their toast for break- fast. Slice: very thin and seed 12 oranges, Pour over them 3 quarts of cold water and let stand for 6 hours. Then add 6 pounds of sugar and simmer until thick, JELLY SALAD A delicious and cool-looking salad is made by combining cucum- bers and pineapple in a clear jelly salad. Slice the cucumbers as thin as possible and grate the pineap- ple. Serve chilled on lettuce, with mayonnaise at the side. Garnish with pimento, CHICKEN SALAD Mix 2 cups diced cold chicken with 1 cup celery. Marinate with a mild French dressing, drain well and mix with cooked dressing. Mayonnaise may be used if more convenient. Arrange on beds of bard lettuce leaves and garnish with ripe, green or stuffed olives, HERE'S A PROBLEM (New York Times) If George White, the eminent pro- ducer of the annual "Scandals," does as he theatens to do and goes ex- clusively into the talking movie busi- ness, how will he arrange to get Mayor Walker into the cast on open- ing nights? She Gained Weight With McCoy's Liver Extract Tablets You remember of course--not so long ago fhe was a regular scare-crow--skinny is a mild word for the way she looked. Just look at her now-----if ever a woman had a perfect figure she has it--she is the envy of half the girls in town. It's nothing to get excited about --all she did was to take on weight --{filled out the hollows in face, neck and chest--any skinny, weak, run down woman can do the same al gain a clean, clear complexion at the same time. McCoy takes all the risk---Read this ironclad guarantee. If after taking 4 sixty cent boxes of Mec- Coy"s Cod Liver Extract Tablets or 2 one dollar boxes any thin, underweight man or woman doesn't Sain at least 5 pounds and feel completely satisfied with the mark- ed improvement in health---your druggist is authorized to return the purchace price. Ask Jury & Lovell, T.B. Mitchell, and W. H. Karn, or any good druggist. ines «oh a om. | the small ring NORMAN SCHELL DIES Norman Schell, a member of the Canadian Lacrosse Club, champi- ons of 1888, 1890 and 1891, died at his residence on Langemark Av- enue, Sunday, following a brief ill- ness. Schell was well known in the days when lacrosse was at its best. He is survived by two daughters, Funeral will be held today to Mount Pleasant Cemetery, SANDE TO BE TRAINER New York, Sept. 3--Earl Sande, for so many years the leading jockey in America, 'will be an owner and trainer before the season closes. Months ago Sande decided that the strain of making the riding weights required was more of a phy- sical strain than he was willing to hear, and he decided to give up rid- ing and organize a stable of his own. | Household Hints aa] If you use your vacuun clean- er on your mattresses every week fit will not only keep them clean but fluffy. Was 1 youd umbrella every once in a while Opan amd use a nall hrash dipped In warm am- monia water. It spotted, soap suds can ba used. Tun the Lath shower on to rinse. Some Household cleanser or salt sprinkled over a doubled newspa- per is excellent for cleaning off the soiled iron. Rub the hot fron over it several times, then over a a clean cloth hefore ironing. To remove discoloration from the doorsteps, mix chloride of lime into a thin paste with cold water. Apply at night and leave on un- til morning. Wash off with clear water, and Your will Le clean. steps Vegetables should be cooked in little water, and uncovered. This lots them retain their coloring. Most peonle cook vegetables too long. For the best food values, mer resident of Fort Perry. We are glad to report that Mr. John Irvine, who has been quite ill, 1s Improving. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Christy, Miss Francis Christy and the Misses Har- ris, have returned home after a de- lightful motor trip through Ontario, Quebec and some of the United Sta- tes. Mrs. Elton Wright, visiting her parents, Mr. Rodman. Mr. Irvine Coates, of Toronto, was home last weck. Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Milne and Mr, and Mrs. Smith, all of Toronto, and Mr. E. Chamber- lain and son, of Winnipeg, were re- cent guests of Mr. John Irvine. Mr. and Mrs. C, Butt visited their son, Mr, E. Butt, of Seagrave, this week. Mr. and Mss. R. Cockburn and their sons, James and Robert, of Combermere, are staying with Mr, and Mrs, J. C. Cockburn. Mrs. Jewell, of Los Angeles, Calif, is visiting her bother, Mrs. C. in Vickery. Among those who spent the weck- end in Port Perry were: Mr, C. 5, Miller and Mr. F. A. Eaton, of Ham- ilton; Mr. A. H. Warren, Qakville; Mrs. R. A. Windsor, Port Credit; Mr. Charles Bennett, Uxbridge; Mr. Wm. Miller, Caistor Centre; Mr. A, A. Larnier, Oshawa, and Mr. Wal. ter Nouell, Miss N. C. Christic, Mr, Lionel Meade, Mr. Percy Nouell, Mr. Herbert Nouell, Mrs. E. Dennison, Mr. E, J. Edmonds, Mr. Walter Ed- monds, Messrs, E. R. and J. W. Un- derwood, Mrs. R. F. Louden, Messrs H. W, and E. Miles, Mr, G. 5. Saun- ders, Mr, and Mrs. Snell and son, Mr, Robert Leitch, Mr. A. E. Hill, Mr. Jack Bows and Mr, W. Blan. don, all of Toronto, We are sorry to report that Mrs, Wagner is quite ill. We hope for a speedy recovery, Mr. Cecil Beare has 'taken up resis dence in the house formerly occu- pied by the late Mr. D. Campbell, Mrs. Campbell's daughter, Mrs. S. F. Wilson, has returned! to her home in Portland, Ore, USA of Detroit, is and Mrs, see Our Coats and Dresses New Styles Arriving Daily at the Fashion Shoppe 84 Nimcoe B, Phone 3083W Piles Go Quick Piles are caused hy congestion of hlood in the lower bowel. Only an internal remedy can remove the cause. That's why salves and cut- ting fail. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem- Roid, a harmless tablet, succeeds, because it relieves this congestipn and strengthens the affected parts. Hem-Roid has given quick, safe and lasting relief to thousands of Pile Sufferers, It will do the same for you or money back. Jury & Lovell and druggists everywhere sell Hem-Roid with this guaran- tee. ONE HUNDRED HY-LOOM Silknit Princess Slips Substandards of the famous Hy-loom Quality, in a Spe- cial Offering on Wednesday Morning. Deep double shadow-proof hem, A good selection of all the best colors and white. WEDNESDAY MORNING SALE $1.69 50 DOZEN WOMEN'S Silk and Art Sik Hose Special purchases from the Puritan Maid and Supersilk Mills. All first quality Hose of a beautiful texture. Double Lisle soles and garter tops. In a very complete range of the season's popular shades as well as black and white. Regular $1.00 value. ON SALE WEDNESDAY Little children are easy prey of flies. The tender skin is so easily pierced, Flies carry germs of dread disease, They taint everything they touch, Flies must be killed, FLY-TOX protection issoeasy ..,. and pleasant , , . fragrant , , , harmless to people , , , guaranteed, Phone 22 for Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St, 8 We Deliver cook a very ghort time A handy twine holder is a small funnel. suspended from the kitch- en well in a convenient attached to 1;t place the ball of twine inside and run the end of the string out through the funnel end. It you find the floor or fire- place tiles to be a little lonse, fix them immediately before they are lost. A little plaster of Paris mix- ed with vinegar to a paste should he placed on the loose tiles.and the tiles then cemented Into place, Protect them from footsteps until they are thoroughly hardened, we "PORT PERRY "i" Port Perry, Aug. 31. --Among those who attended the family picnic which was held on the old Mark homestead, Honeydale, recently, by the descen- dants of Mrs. Wm, Mark, were Mrs. Wm. Mark, Mr, and 'Mrs. Fred Mark, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mark and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bruce and family of Seagrave, Mr, and Mrs. R. Woon and family, Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. Lowe and fam- ily, of Port Hope; Mr, and Mrs. J, Mark, of Seagrave ; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martyn and family, of Prince Al- bert; Miss Laura Ingram, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rattenbury and family, of DeKaelb, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Cope- land, of Lindsay ; Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Pherson and family, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mark, Mr. Jas. Mark, Mrs. Carnegie and Master Kenneth Pridham, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. M. Letcher spent a couple of days in Toronto this week. Miss Francis Mellow, of Toronto, was home for the week-end. Mr. R. M, Hitby had the mis for- tune to lose a valuable bull on Tues- day when it was struck by lightning during the storm. We are glad to see Mrs. Jenkins about again after her recent illness. Mrs. F. Branon, and daughter, of Cannington, were guests of Miss M. Parish, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, of Hamilton, visited the Misses McPhail recently. Word was received here last week that Mr. W. I. Fenton, of St. John, N.B., died suddenly on August 23rd in Montreal while returning from a business trip. Mr. Fenton was a for- - WEE ~ TRUSSES AUTHORS ¢ COX b n place hy | ood Writing assures BETTER SCHOOL bands, esenting the six different nibs available in the Number Seven Pen, is your guide to sat- dgasiony pen ~poing lestion,; , . Lo O onder Waterman's Pons have such. 2 reputation students to IME der Biomed 41 For these pens are mechanically perfect. And they can be secured with a variety of nibs to suit the pressure of the individual students 'Waterman's Scholar Pen, selling as low as $2.75, has been specially made to conform to Board of Education rulings." Ask to see the whole wonderful Waterman range. Watermans Sdection and Service at 5,500 Canadian Merchants

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