Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Aug 1928, p. 6

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- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, 'THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1928 [ Woman's Daily Interest | [sociAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the ¢o- operation of its resders in contributing items ¢o this column. Send in a posteard or phone 36. hl , Mr. Ford Lloyd has returned visiting relatives in Ganan- ue. : . vn Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith, Arthur reet, are spending their vacation Wasago Beach, * Ll ] Miss Leola Palmatier of Picton accepted a position with Gen- al Motors of Canada here, ; * 0% 9 Mr. and Mrs. Card have been e guests of the former's brother, Hy Wellington Card, Cavan. ¥ % % Mrs. Riddell and daughter, Flor- ce, of Medicine Hat, Alberta, are iting Mr. and Mrs. Bath, Brock ptreet east. * % x % Mr. Gillvray McRae of the Dally visiting his umecle, Rev. John Galt, 13 Aberdeen street. * Miss Lottie Sickle ot Port Dover is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. R. Alloway, Simcoe street north. . * L Miss Lela Elliott, of Paris, On- tario, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. J. McLarty, Simcoe street north. * A * Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gay, De- troit, Michigan, are spending their wedding trip with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Northey, Mill street. * \ . Mr. and Mrs. John Brant are spending a week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Maracle, Tyendinaga. -. L] . Miss Thelma Darling has re- turned home from visiting her Miss Annie Arkless and cousiy', ) C. McCullough, Port Hope. * % 5 % Mrs. Mr. Andrew Connell and son, Joseph, of Sault Ste. Marie are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Walter Shipp, Jarvis street. * % % % Mr. and Mrs. J. (G, Langmald, Yigin street east, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. 5. 8. Brooks, Cour- fice, are on a motor trip in North- ern Ontario, CE Mr. and Mrs. Ace Maracle are visiting friends in Tyendinaga. Friends of Miss Marguerite Dickie will be glad to learn that Graphic, Portage La Prairie, {is "I DEPEND ON RINSO" Mrs. J. Mishuk, 33 Sheffield St., Hamilton ug depend on sury Cana i's veally uch eleantil est it makes ® work it week's ns That an opular is 80 POY be beabi' yo, 7, ES a yer 5 for my W Rinso rising with the wow Mishuk, A "and all my Al as! V f time 8 wonder y I'm not sy ised that |! pen of ow city=--It simply Hamilton 33 sheffield St, Yes! Youcanget whiter clothes in less time with less work { | ' prov { day, happier, wo yet that ever g Rinso makes such ave actually waked e ed, bar soap, chi does the w ESN'T that sound welcome to you women who know what hard wash day work means? And Rinso does exactly , what we say, Millions of women ed it, They're using Rinso each wash And they are feeling better--feeli Rinso saves them hours of har Jet haye the whitest clothes a woman's eyes, rich, soapy suds that clothes clean. A little rub here where the things are badly or eT have other she is recovering nicely following an operation for appendicitis at the Oshawa General Hospital. * - ». Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mills and Miss Lulu Mills, have been called suddenly to Napanee owing to the sudden death of their, father, the late Mr. Alexander Mills, * > * Mr. T. A. VanVechten, Miss Clara Chase of Rochester, N.Y., Mr. end Mrs. Webster Hazen and daughter, Lorraine, of Brockport, N.Y., are guests of Mrs. Edith Parks, Simcoe street south, * * * Miss Eleanor Sheppard, Ryland Farm, Taunton, has returned home after spending the past three weeks with her cousing, Mies Jones, Perry, N.Y., and Miss Sime, Brockport, N.Y. » Ld . Mr. and Mrs. Gilon Beauvais and Mr. and Mrs, Willam Taylor have returned by motor to their home in East Jeffery, after spending the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. William Graham, 192 Alice street. . 8 0% The many friends of Miss Ger- tie Petrie, Harmony, wish her a speedy recovery from her recent operation for appendicitis, which she underwent in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital last Monday, * * * Miss Norma DeGuerre, marriage to Mr. Edmund Jeffs, takes place early in September, was the raison d' etre of a mis- cellaneous shower last evening at the home of Mrs. Harry, Alice street. The guests included the manager and staff of the Arcade. Weddings FLANNIGAN--FOX The marriage took place at St. Michael's church, Cobourg, Mon- day morning, August 27, of Gert- rude Evelyn, of Oshawa, youngest daughter of Mrs. Fox and the late John Fox, of Cobourg, and Joseph Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- whose ;|seph Flannigan, Cobourg. The bride, who entered the church on the arm of her brother, Mr. Cyril Fox, was lovely in a coral crepe gown, trimmed with gold lace. She wore a hat to match, ' ' Miss Mary Fox, sister of the pride, acted as bridesmald and wore a pretty gown of yellow satin and georgette with hat to maten, | The groom was attended hy his brother, Mr. Thomas Flannigan, | After the Nuptial Mass, which was celebrated hy Rt. Rev. Mon- s{gnor Kelly, a wedding breakfast was served to the immediate rela- tives at the home of the bride's uncle, Mr, William Fox, Mr, and Mrs. Flannigan left for Sarnia, where they will reside in the future. Fashion Notes Purple for a regal air and laven- der for an air of simplicity form an ideal combination for the late summer ensemble, Eggshell satin----the smart mate- rial for evening wear--is being used in trimming black velvet at- ternoon gowns, Poke brims are being widely ac- cepted in Paris, Some of the fronts of the crowns are folded to achieve the irregular silhouette, Red-brown is a favorite Paris shade, That Agnes is presenting a sil- houette with a slightly higher waistline, with a princess line sug- gested in coats that mold the boad- ice section, while the flaring hems are accented hy fur borders. For the formal occasion of late summer and early autumn the black satin frock has a perennial chie, Chanel is featuring American beauty for young girl frocks. Paris reports a vogue for three- quarter jackets, VALUABLE RING IN GARBAGE CAN North Bay, Ont, Aug. 30--An en- gagement ring, valued at $600, lost last Friday, was discovered Monday when young Ernest Sagadore, was exploring the rubbish thrown out of the hotel for funny papers. The boy did not realize its worth and carried it about with him for two hours. The owners of the ring are Mr. and Mrs. Reory Phillips, of Clawson, Michigan. HOLD WEINER ROAST On Monday evening about 75 campers at Pine Point enjoyed the apnual corn and weiner roast at the point, Lake Scugog, after which a dance was given. Canadian National Railways CENTRAL REGION Tenders for_Paving Roadway at Station, ort h Sealed tenders, marked "Confidential", and addressed to Mr. I, 1. Irving, Chief Engin- eer, Central Region, Canadian National Rail- ways, Room 43, New Union Station, Toronto 2, Ont, will be received up to 11.00 am. Standard Time, September 1ith, 1928 Forms of tender and instructions for ten- dering may be obtained at the Office of the ineer of Construction, Room 439, New Union Station, Toronto, and the Station Agent, Port Hope, Ont. Plans, specifications and forms of contract may be seen at the above offices and copies may be obtained by depositing a certified cheque on a Chartered Bank Canada for $100 made payable to the Treasurer, Cana- «dian National Railways, which will be re- funded on return of plans and specifications. Tenders will not be considered unless sub- mitted on forms supplied by the Railway Com- pany, and in accordance with the instructions or tendering. The lowest or any tender mot necessarily accepted. A. E. WARREN, General Manager. Toronto, August 26th, 1928, i 4 Household Hints | A meringue will pot fall if baked slowly in a warm oven with the door open. Beat the cake batter rather than stir it. It adds more air and makes the cake lighter. When you burn the cake just cut off the burnt portion, or if it is only slightly scorched grate it off. Then cover the cake with frosting and the cake will probably be pro- nounced perfectly delicious. When one lives in a boarding house one cannot permit triend piarm clock 'o get too 0isy early iz the morning. Yet w2 must get to work 'on time. Procura a heavy rubber band and snap it around the sides of the clock and the bell. It will mu:de: the hell enough to prevént it becoming a nuisance and yet permit enough noise to awaken the sleeper. Wind elastic bands around the ends of your clothes hangars and you will not be annoyed zuy fur- ther with dresses slipping from them, \ - Cheap polishes are poor econ- omy, as the acid in them wil! dull the finish of the 'wood and event- ually prove destructive, Our Daily Recipes CURRANT SHORT CAKE Three cups flour, 3-4 pound cur- rants, 3 teaspoonfuls baking pow- der, 2 cups of water, 1 1-2 cups sugar, 3 tablespoonfuls butter and 1 egg. Wash and dry currants and | dredge with flour. Sift flour witn | baking powder and rub in the but- | ter. Add currants: Mix eggs and | sugar with water and adgl to tne | mixture. Bake in a deep take tin for 10 minutes. Serve with hard sauce, ASPARAGUS ON TOAST After cutting off the tough stalks and washing the asparagus thor- oughly, tie them in small hunches, place in a saucepan and hall cover with water, boiling, allowing the tender tops to stick out of the water. Cover the saucepan and let boil from 20 to 30 minutes. In this way the tender tops that do not require such long boiling will be steamed. Do not add salt until the last 6 or 10 minutes, Serve on | toast with drawn butter, : BEET AND EGG SALAD Chill small tender peeled cooked heets and slice into even slices, Ar- | range alternate glices of heets and | hardhoiled eggs on crisp lettuce and garnish with narrow strips of green peppers, Serve with mayon naise dressing. NUT CAKE One cup sugar, 1 1-2 eggs second white Mor frosting), tablespoons melted hutter, 3-4 cup milk, 1 teaspoon soda and 2 tea- spoons cream tartar, dissolved in milk; 1 1-2 cups flour, vanilla, | salt, 1-2 cup chepped nuts. (use 3 FORGET IT go kicking the heat Forget go cussing Forget it Mop your brow a bit and smile Say "this weather's just my siyle" Forget it. Don't at it down t] 10 street Don't Is your collar soaking wat? Forget it. It's no cooler if you fret, Forg:-t 1t Bear the weather Throw?! away that Take life easy Forget "Troubled With Painful Eruptions Cuticura Healed "I was troubled with itchy, sore eruptions on my head for over a year. They were very embarrassing in company as I wanted to be scratching all the time, and if I did scratch them a watery fluid came from them. They were very painful, and my hair came out in patches. "I tried many remedies durin, that time but without success. § read an advertisement for Cuticura Soap and Ointment so sed some. The irritation stopped after one week's treatment, and after us- ing three cakes of Cuticura Soap and three boxes of Cuticura Oint- ment I was fomplely healed." (Signed) Miss B. Rendall, 309 Kensington St., St. James, Man., Sept. 7, 1927. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal- cum are all you need for all toilet uses, to cleanse, Ointment to soothe, Talcum to powder, Bg ou Md A Crs ; A Bic. Talcum be. Shaving Stick 25¢. like a man, palm leaf fan, while you can, it. (0311420 4 SPECIALISTS IN FITTING, WEIGHT AND PRESSURE. AGENTS FOR CANADIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SEAM AND SEAMLESS ELASTIC HOSIERY | by-law | Profession" ORONT( AUTHORS & cox LTD READERS" VIEWS THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE MINISTERIAL IATION DEPUTAT To the Editor: -- PN Since the City Council did not see fit 10 hear the deputation from the Ministerial Association which re- spectiully awaited the pleasure oi that body gn Monday evening to sub- mit reasons why the Brewery By-law should be repealed, and since the remarks made by some members of the Council m regard to the Minis- terial Association under circumstan- ces which made reply impossible it seems to one member of the deputa- tion that it is in, the public interest that something further should be said. One alderman made the assertions that only the United Churches and the W.C.T.U. were opposed to the Brewery and that the Petition of the Ministerial Association did not rep- resent all the ministers and that it was an insult to the Council. The following statement will enable the public to. judge as to the quality of these assertions, The Resolution of the Ministerial Association relative to the Brewery was passed by un- afiimous .vote of the jmembers and with every member * present. The membership of the Association cons sists of the Ministers of Eleven cone gregations in this city; the officers oi the Association are President; Vice President and Secretary-Treas- urer and, since it seems to be implied that only the United Churches are active in opposition to the Brewery proposition, 1t may be well to state that neither of these offices are fill- ed by a United Church Minister, at present, and further that of the three ministers who waited on the pleasure of the Council not one belonged to the United Church of Canada nor, it may be added, did anyone of them ever experience a denial of a hear- ing before any body before which they presented themselves. What the deputation might have said to the Council had it been heard would have depended on circumstati= ces but the following considerations would have been submitted. That it is undesirable to add to the number of Breweries in Ontario because the capacity of those already existing is more than eight times greater than the volume of trade through controll ed channels; the only lawful method of disposal in the province. Because the only other methods of disposal are the supply of bootleggers for ale for unlawful entry mto the United States to supply bootleggers there, Because the establishment of more hrewcries will make the en forcement of the existing liquor laws of the province more difficult if- not impossible and because the Chairman of the Liquor Control Board, Sir Henry Drayton in his reply to the resolution which the Oshawa ' City Council did not even read, states that the establishment of any more breweries is undesirable. At least one of the deputation would have added that it was un- desirable to involve Oshawa in the sorry business of supplying the un- derworld of the United States with the means of breaking the law and debauching the people of that coun- try and that it is undesirable that Oshawa should make personal con- nection with the low type of men engaged in such contemptible trans- actions, Objection was raised to opening the discussion of the motion to re» peal on the plea that the mover not having voted in favor of the original could not move to reconsid- er. The alderman who made this amazing statement evidently did not know that a motion to reconsider can only be made at the same session at which the motion to be reconsidered was voted on, notwithstanding that he had filled the office oi Mayor; neither did the presiding officer not did the members of the "Learned who were sitting in council: none of them seemed to know the difference between a mo- tion to reconsider and a motion 10 repeal. 1i the alderman who threat- ened to retire from the council "if a few fanatics are going to run the city" should really do so and if he should succeed in inducing those who stood with him to follow his example they may rest assured that there is no likelihood of our being able to locate any set of grown men who knew less about the laws usages and courtesies of deliberative assemblies. The votes went to the supporters of the brewery, the honours of the debate belonged to the minority who advocated so reasonably and temper- ately for repcal and accepted defeat as gentlemen always do. Yours very truly, JOHN GALT COMMUNISTS SUPPRESSED BY GOVERNMENT OF LATVIA Riga, Latvia, Aug. 29.---Death sentences against three of the four men recently convicted at Ryez- hitza of espionage on behalf of the Soviet, have been commuted by President Gustav Zemgals. The former chief of the frontier guards, Korniloviteh, must die. The guar- tette were members of the front. ier guard, ok Acting under the instructions of the Ministry of the Interior, the police have suppressed the inde- pendent Socialist and Communist party ,which procldimed a general strike on August 22, during whica there was some rioting in the capi- tal. The Court of Appeal will he called upon to decide whether the ministerial action is legal and caa be upheld. PREFERENTIAL RATE OPPOSED Wainsion, Aug. 29.--The Fed- eral Reserve Board today an- nounced that it would oppose any attempt to provide a preferential rate of interest or rediscount rate on loans secured by Government Bonds, as against loans secured by {other collateral. x If It's Style You Want See the NEW FASHION CHICAGO THEATRES GRANT EXTRA PAY TO MUSICIANS Chicago, Aug. 29.--A dispute between owners of legitimate theatres and musicians was set- tled early today when the Theatre Managers' Association signgd a two-year contract gramting union musicians an increase in pay from $77 to $90 a week. -. ! Extra musicians and players ine burlesque houses also were gramt- ed salary increases by the agree- ment, which affects 300 orchestra players. MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA HOLDS EASTERN CONVENTION Murray Bay, Aug. 29.--The Mut- ual Life of Canada held its Eastern summer convention at Murray Bay, Aug. 27, 28 and today, and ban- queted the members of its Quarter Million Dollar Club and Eastern members of its Century Club on Tuesday, Aug. 28, at the Manoir Richelieu. C. M. Bowman, Chair- man of the board, presided and in- spiring addresses were delivered by Sir Lomer Gouin and W. H. Somerville, General Manager of the Mutual Life of Canada. A THRIFTY HOUSEWIFE Always lays in a stock of Eggs sufficient to last "her over the time when the price has soared so high that to use them for haking is ex- travagant, A two pound tin of Certified Water Glass Egg Preserver Will pack about twelve dozen Eggs, It's so easy. No muss, no fuss, 25¢c, When in need of Drugs Phone The Rexall Store JURY & LOVELL King E. Simcoe §, Phone 28 Phone 68 Oshawa Luggage YOUR INITIAL vREQ On Suit Case or Clnh Bag Saywell & Son BOND ST, WESI "SALE TEA One out of every five pou Is "SALA and better the best Orange value than Pekoe Blend, 85¢ nds of tea used in Canada "the reason--Iit Is more satistyi Sales proof. Brown Label Quai. T5c per Ib, per Ib. Sold everywhere, SEY VICC Canadian women Lr Smart Fabrics Luxurious Furs The model No. 4126 is a Normandy Blue Coat of fine broadcloth. Flounces suggest the flared sil- houette with fullness in front, novelty shawl col- lar of sable opossum forming throw scarf, with cuffs and flounces trimmed to match, Northway Garments are sold at the leading stores throughout and Son John NORTHWAY "limited 91.93 Wellington Sireet West, Toronto e+ eo Ontario WN-13 "Where Quality Counts' % Ll ERA ------ EO NW ON 2 ZZ STO RE "Where Quality Counts" Cand y, Special Cocoanut 25¢ Special Offering Palmolive Soap 4Cakes25¢ 2 Pkt, Ld STELNA '] BRAND BUTTER Braeside 4 Fo. Mayfield Brand Brand {an 47. Bayside 2 L'ge Tins ® Tomatoes 29¢ Norwegian 2 Tins FY Sardines - 25¢ Beaver Br, Prepared Cup I) CORNED BEE Packed by the Manufacturers of Bovril, 11h. Tin | Qe Finest Quality Jap. Tin Crabmeat 35¢ Fancy Wet Pack Tin Quaker Corn Flakes 3 rors. 28 Spirit Vinegar 4 0- Gal. Blended White or Brown Lynn Valley . Asparagus Tin Cuttings 25e¢ Lb, Tin ® Crisco -- 23¢ For Frying or Shortening Lazenby's Chef Bot. Beans With Pork voz 12. 'Tasty' Bread A Full Weight Wax Wrapped Why Pay eo More? Loaf CherryCake FruitCake 38cm. 35cm. For Cleaning Pots, Pans Hawes 12-0z. Bot). Lemon Oil 23¢ Perfection 000006 [] OO xrxxrxrxxl

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