THE OSHAWA DAILY. TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1928 ale Aug. 30.--Mr. wi Tare a holiday with hy ne, BS R. oak, of Cleveland. : 0) LBs Mbt Lane had the i, i BM, re oronto on the greater Ln EE his cousin | pil a 8 A Weldon, of Raglan, preached en aking Tor Ios vert, "The t. Taking for his tex e ood God Became Flesh and elt Us Nest HR our own i ev. erriam will anki at the usual keur of 3 m. ~ Frank Mole of Detroit, and Lavina and Helen Stephens, fon, were recent guests the fo brother, Mr. Edward NF Ted Gammon has moved Mr. Ed. Whippey's farm south A beautiful display of Aurora § were very visible on Satur- ! day night. Just what weather changes i they indicate is uncertain, but the . ety opinion is that we usually ave a change of weather after their arance, r. George C. Lawrence and fam- to of Sabbath | lie Hi ,. have been visiting e's parents, Mr. and Teport that . George | Wr Rodd is recovering * from n attack Tg iy Oscar Mi. Downey returned ned on . West. of=| Wednesday from sche re ope wat September the rior of the building has hly re-decorated and HE) is in fine shape for the reception of both pu- and teacher. Zion, Aug. 28--Mr. and Mrs. Les. e Hoskin sons George and Jack, Amber Sonley, Dr. and M W. Trick, all of Oshawa, _ Miss Hi: Trick's two sisters, the Misses | N.Y, of H er, were S y visitors at Fred Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hagerman and daughters Meda and Ina and grandma Richards, of Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Ferguson, Oshawa, and Mrs. John S. Felton (Bonnie Richards), of Norfolk, US.A., at J. W. Balson's on Sunday. Mrs. Gordon Reid and Miss Betty are visiting R tty's grandparents Reids, at Islington. Miss Mary Mu.phy has been with her brothers in Toronto, Miss Orma Flintoff, Detroit, Mich., is spending her holidays with her Who likes "Canada Dry" better than children? Tell us that! ALL sorts of people like this rare old Princes, embers of Parliament, e know that, gn ger ale, inisters.* Citizens Prime Travelers. of the World. Hunters, Explorers, Those who are intimates of the great everywhere, And those who stay at home, But who likes "Canada Dry" better than the children? Tell us that! Just watch them when they take their first sip of this fine old ginger ale. Don't their eyes sparkle? Don't they smack their lips, though? nd don't they call for more ? Of course they do! Give it to them, for this fine old product has been a favorite with Jorenss for many years. iThis ginger ale is ma from the finest quality of Jamaica ging ger and other absolutely pure ingredients, t is the purest beverage you can possibly buy anywhere, The ginger in it, as well as the carbonation, make it particularly good for the children! 'CANADA Made if Canada by J. J. McLasghlin Limited Toronto and Edmonton. Established 1899. Ie U.5. A., Canada D-~ Ginger Ale, Incorporated, Ness York ida gn | Columbus team here on | Sept. 8. They expect this to be the parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Flint- off and sister Mrs. John Hardwick, of North Oshawa. Mrs. Russell Robbins has been poorly ately, her mother, Mrs, Har- fy Allin, of Bowmanville, has been he her with the work, ongratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Luther Cornish on the birth of a son in Bowmanville hospital Mr. and Mrs. Sobil iy another son added to their family last Sat- urday. Glad 0 Yave DHA ick honk again after spen his s at Bobcaygeon for three weeks. Mr. Everett Gifford and Mr. W. W. Glaspel are attending Syracuse, N.Y, fair, having motored over. Miss Doris Wade, Ebenezer, is vis- iting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sulley. Mr. Bert Glaspel has gone to To- ronto N.E. with a load of Cotswold sheep. Mr. Anson Balson is attending Belleville fair to show sheep for Mr, Harry Curtis, of Warkworth. Miss Ellen Cale, Bowmanville, has been spending a few days with Miss Ruth Fice. Master Arthur Rowe, of Rochester, has returned to his home af- ter having spent three weeks holi- days with his uncle, Mr. Wm. Fice, Mr. Fice and Master Nelson have been spending a pleasant week with friends in Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. Ross West, Miss Ethel and Master Howard West, Mrs. Miliord Maitland and Master Keith, of Oshawa, were Sunday vis- itors at Anson Balson's. On Friday evening last, the boys of the "Gleaners" class with their teacher, Miss Annie McMaster, and the girls of the "Buds of Promise" class, met at the home of their teach- er, Mrs. Wm. Fice for a social eve- ning, the boys being the guests of the girls' class. Games of various kinds were played on the lawn in the moonlight, after which a bounti- ful lunch was served by the teach ers. Just before the party broke up a hearty vote of thanks was accord- ed the girls, for the very pleasant evening which was enjoyed by all present. It is certainly very nice for these evenings, RAGLAN Raglan, Aug. 29.--Quite a number from the community are attending the Canadian National Exhibition at Toronto. this week, Miss Pearl Taylor returned to her home at Burketon after spending two weeks' vacation at her uncle's, Mr, G. Brent, Misses Twila and Thelma Turner and Hazel Pierson, of Toronto, spent the week end at Mrs. Fred Pierson's. Master Lloyd McGaphey, of Lind. say, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. J, Ev- ans. Qur pastor, Rev. Mr, Merriam, will take charge of the service next Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. Mr, Merriam i been spending a month's vacation at his summer home at Rice Lake, Miss Jean Thompson and Mr, Lloyd Thompson have heen spending a eels holidays at Goderich. Mrs. Taylor and sons Ray and Ross et Sunday at G. Brent's, Miss Marjorie Beamish, of Oshawa, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Roy Moon. COLUMBUS Columbus, Aug. 28--Miss Tink, of Brooklin, is visiting her cousin, Miss Muriel Grass. Mr, John Dyer and Miss Mary Pewer, of Oshawa, spent Sunday at the former's home here, Mr, and Muss. Thos. Cook with Mr, and Mrs. W. Sutherland and boys, of Oshawa, motored to Orillia and Barrie on Sunday. Quite a large crowd attended the Blight family picnic held at Mr, Wm, Bromell's on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Purves motor- ed 'to Chatham and are spending a few days with the latter's parents there, Miss Jessie Gray, of Toronto, vis» ited with Miss Bessic Smith for a few days last week. Qur girls' softhall team journeyed to Scugog Island on Monday and played a game with the Blackstock girls in a tournament there. The game ending in favour of Blackstock 9- Muriel Blackstock team $ntend playing on Saturday, best game of the season. So every. body come and cheer the home team, | are visiting their grandparents, | Toronto. Mrs, Lorna Little Ruth and Lorne Goodman at Miss Helen Bromell has returned home after spending the past week with her sister, Mrs. W. Parrinder, Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. A. Murison, Mr, Stewart Murison and Mr. and Mrs, | Earnest Webber motored to Peter- boro on Sunday. Miss Florence Love, of Kedron, spent a few days last week with Miss Margaret Scott. Mr. H. L, Pascoe is in Toronto this week. We are glad to know that Miss Irenc Hobbs is able to be home from the hospital after her recent opera- tion for appendicitis. We hope to sce her out around again soon. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, grealie, Miss Jessie Metcalfe and Mr. Gaven, of Churchill, spent Sunday with Mp and Cook. Kedron, Aug. 28--Congratulations to the students of this community who were successful in their middle and upper school examinations. Mrs. William J. Ryan, of Jersey City, New Jersey, and Mrs. Arthur Carey, Buffalo, New York, visited at Mr. S. Conlin's over the week end. "Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Crossman, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Crossman and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe spent Sunday in Toronto. Mrs. E. Batty and Miss Helen Batty, of Oshawa, visited at the home of Mr. H. T. Cole on Thursday . of last week. Mrs. S. Conlin has returned home after spending a week's vacation in Toronto, Niagara Falls and Guelph. Miss Doris Nesbitt entertained a few of her girl friends on Wednes- day afternoon of this week. Miss Annie Finucan, Mrs. Thomas Make Sure YouSample Gold Medal Coffeentthe Exhibition Li NATIONAL GROCERS COMPANY, LIMITED Booth Nos, 177 and 176 PURE FOOD BUWNDING Finucan and Mr. William Finucan, Toronto, visited at Mr. S. Conlin's on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Allin and sons Sam and Elford, and Mr, Hislop, of Belleville, visited at Mr. W, tep- burn's on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Mountjoy and Marion visited with Mr. and Mrs, G. L. Gibson, Oshawa, on Sunday, Miss Allie Wood has returned from Orono where she has been staying on account of illness. Mr. and Mrs. C, W. Hoskin were at Richmond Hill, Jefferson and To- ronto over the week end, Myr. James Tremeer and Mr, and Mrs. William Batty, Oshawa, spent Tuesday at Mr, H, F. Werry's, Miss Marguerite Conlin spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. TI, Love, in Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs. H. F. Werry, Mr, Harold and Misses Bernice and Wil- ma Werry visited with Mrs, Werry's parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Bat. ty, Oshawa, and attended the serv. its at King Street church on Sune Mr. and Mrs, H. P. Cole and fam-| ily called at the home of Mr. Wil. liam Davis, Oshawa, on Sunday, Mr, Murray Mastin spent the week end in Toronto and attended the ex hibition. Mr, and Mrs, Harold Mountjoy and family visited friends at Richmond Hill and Jefferson on Sunday. Mrs, Clarence Werry and her in- fant son have returned from the hose pital. Mr. and Mrs. Rochester, New Mr. and Mrs. L. Hancock. Mr. and Mrs, E. Davis apd fam- ily motored to Ceasarea on Sunday, Miss Florence Love visited with Miss Margaret Scott, Columbus, re- cently, Threshing is the order of the day in this district now. Master Mark Hancock is spending his vacation in Brooklin. The Ladies' Aid will hold their regular monthly meeting next Wed- nesday. The afternoon will be spent: in quilting. There will be church and Sunday School services at Kedron with Rey, J. F. Clugston, our pastor, to con- duct the services, Misses Marie and Ruth Cole spent Tuesday. in Toronto and Jiended the exhibition, Li i Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Flimof and two children were guests of Mrs, W, N. Hoskin on Tuesday. NEWCASTLE Newcastle, Aug. 29.--Miss Annie Shaw, hospital superintendent, Peau Ohio, is visiting her aunt, Mrs, Jose and her sister, Mrs. A. or Mr. Archie Glenny, General Mot- ors, Oshawa, is spending a couple of weeks at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Glenny, Misses Dorothy and Evelyn Rick- ard spent the week end with Miss Mark Hancock, York, are ot visiting When You Feel I For Your Drug Needs Helen Bosnell, at Welcome. Mr. Chas. Colwill, Windsor, visit- ed his uncle, Mr. A. A. Colwill, over the week rand, having come east om ss. He and Mrs. Colwill spent a fortnights' holiday recently in Mus- koka near Huntsville Mr. Charles Warten, his Mr. Dick Cowan, and Mr. Bric. wan ton-Ball, returned on Saturday from a motor trip to New York city. Major Norman Choate, of Port Hope, visited" his cousin, Dr. Walton, harms Lodge, last week end Mr. and Mrs. Stevens and family, of Toronto, are holidaying in Mrs, W. G. Hay's house, Newcastle-on- the-Lake. This is their second season re. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rowland and Mrs. Rowland's mother, of Toronto, and their nephew and two nieces from the West, were Sunday visit- Pia of Mr. and, Mrs. Howell Row- Miss Florence Walkington, of To- » visiung at the home of Mr, and Mrs. T. H. Clemence and with other friends in the vicinity. ar. and Mrs. John Caswell, Miss- es Nettie and Clara and Master Gar- net, motored to Owen Sound and visited relatives last week end. Mr. Cecil Saunders, of Toronto, has returned from a visit with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Clark also received a visit last week from her sister, Miss Florence Saunders, and Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Cooke and son, of Toronto. Miss Kathleen Spencer 'fas oli daying in Oshawa recently with Mr, and Mrs. Gerrald and Attend 'the General Motors picnic a week ago. She is now receiving a return visit irom her httle friends Jean and Bet- ty Gerrald. Mr. McDougall, of Oshawa, who with his two sons and daughter, is holidaying in one of Mr. Fred Wood's cottages, Newecastle-on-the-Lake, called on his cousin, Mr. WV, J. Hock in, last week. Miss Helena Clark, Rochester, N.Y, is visiting her brother, Mr, Merkley Clark and her friend, Miss Louisa Hedges. Mrs. C. C. Grubble, W eston, and Miss Recidhead, N.B.,, "are visiting Mrs. P. Le Grisley this week. Congratulations to Miss Eileen Cooke, Farewell Blackburn, Richard Cowan and Marjorie Cowan on pass- ing all papers written on at the mid dle school examinations and thus completing their junior matriculation also to Eleanor Anderson who oh- tained first class proficicgey in both French grammar and French auth- ors in her first year in the matricula- SHRI TEE RAIA af EEL OE CRRA At 2 o'Clock Each Day = OF « The Oshawa Merchants' Bargain Feast Days Friday and Saturday We Will Release a Number of Balloons From the Top of the Building Each Balloon Will Contain a Lucky Slip, Entitling the Catcher to a Valuable Prize Free Gasoline to all who attend from the surrounding country A BARGAIN FEAST has been prepared that will satisfy all who appreciate genuine savings on dependable merchandise A fm I tion class, also to Nora Cowan on obtaining her normal entrance. A bunch of young men left this vicinity last Monday and Tuesday on the Harvesters' Excursion to the western wheat fields. Among the number were Ray Brown, Tom Brown, Arthur Bragg, Bill Hoar, Charlie James, Clinton Caverly, Harold Gibson and Ed. Skinner, Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELERS Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South the Methodist South, told the brethren at an antl. Smith meeting in Macon, Georgia, that Mr. lain of the slanderer isters of the Seuth."" that have been wondering how one goes about slandering the Metho- dist nrinisters of the south --- the politically-minded think Heaven is Interested in this election and has chosen them to speak of it--will marvel at the in- genuity of Mr, Raskob, RASKOR, THE MARVEL | (The Argonaut) | Bishop James F, Cannon, Jr, of | Episcopal Church, Raskob is a "chamber- Pope of Rome and a Methodist min- A lot of us of the parsons that awa Rallroads, Official Watch inspector for Canadian Naticnal 10 King St, W, REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY If your Watch is not giving satisfaction we can vepair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER w and Osh. Phone 180 a EATON CROCETERIA 52 SIMCOE ST. + NORTH Potatoes 18¢ Peck Olives, Mason Jar Chocolate Marshmallow, 1b, Jubilee Assorted, Ib. - Marshmallow, Assorted, lb. Date & Jam Cookies, Ib Eatonia Coffee, lb. tin .. Sun-Glo Butter, Ib. .......... Real Cohoe 10 Simcoe St. 8.~We Deliver i \_/} wi WLI New Home Grown Quaker Puffed Wheat, 2 pkgs. Prepared Mustard, large jar . Pickles, sweet and sour, Special, 17e Rpg Se Daisy Marshmallow; lb, ........23¢ toe 3c sh seers reper BIE Eaton's Reception Tea, Ib. ..... 3 sess Ble Eaton's Heatlh Salts, tin ... Sunsweet Prunes, 2 lb. carton . TIGER-SALMON Choose and Save from these Special Week-end and Holiday Offerings Make out your list--come to the Eaton Groceteria--help yourself ~--the quality is guaranteed--the values make their own appeal-- Weston's English Biscuits, full 1 lb, ORE saree toasts rnsiisirnat Rich Cher ry Cake, PKB: s1rerssrs24e McLaughlin's Ginger Ale, quarts, 3 bottles : Boe Grape Juice 63¢ and 33¢ Preserved Ginger, lb, ,.,,.....35¢ Certo, bottle ,..:..::»:» rer 300 Honey in comb, light section ..31e Park section ..»rrirrssrssrer: 108 EAGLE MILK 2 Tins 33c Acorn Floor Wax, Ib. rrr 28e Nonsuch Stove Polish, B & H.,.15¢ Nonsuch Silver Polish, jar ,.,.18¢ P&G Soap, 4 bars ,,..:...,.-18¢ Steel Wool, large pkg. ....2 for 13¢ Heinz Spaghetti, tin ..,.........15¢ Seedless Raisins, 2 Ibs. .,......25¢ Junket Powder, all flavors, pkg. lle Harry Horn's Custard, lb. tin ..24¢ Bee Hive Corn Syrup, 5 lb. tin 33e Pure Maple Syrup, bottle ......34c .25e vse 29e .12¢ ..23¢ ..23¢ .T0e A2e 24¢ and you may prove lower prices by comparison--Use the service --carry your own parcels or let our delivery do it for 10c an order. THESE SPECIAL PRICES GOOD TO THURSDAY, SEPT 6 CHOICE Peameal Back Bacon "2 Ib, Piece and Up Meats and Fruits Sweet Pickled Shoulders, lb, ,,,22e Cottage Rolls, 1b. , 0s :.0000545 308 Picnic Hams, 1b. +4552) 505:.200 Weiners and Sausages: lb. 25¢ Choice Eating Pears ,....7 for 25¢ Celery, 10e. Celery Hearts. .....15¢ Sweet Potatoes, vee-3 Ibs, 25¢ Large Jamacia Bananas, doz....25e PRESERVING NEEDS Pint Jars; BOL: srrrrieeiirss BOE Quart Jars, doz...,..sssss o55.99¢ Parawax, PRE: + rrerereriieer 188 Zine Rings, doz. ».,.000 0000 »5,18¢ Rubber Rings, 2 doz.........,..15¢ Vinegar for pickling, gallon ...40¢ Pickling Spices of all kinds PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES 17¢ Pkg. COOKED HAM~--SLICED THIN~49¢ got EATON GROCETERIA OPERATED BY #7, EATON Clu 1 0 WP pa ! pn Eke