THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1928 PAGE, NINE ) . a ra A these E. W. Beatty, chairman and | NEW HIGH OF $112 stocks to their highest level in |conditions here for it might start other provinces, it being estimated| energetic advertising and publicit MW R PLANS BIG president stated here tha. the mat- $1 history. ; a return flow of gold from Europe, NEW BRUNSWICK that twice as many touring parties bus ever undertaken: on behall eRe ter had engrossed the attention of FOR NICKEL SHARES More than a score of stocks| Which in the last 11 months has have been attracted y Mh Ontario and | of New Brunswick and carried o . the directors at various times dur- reached record altitudes on the|taken $500,000,000 in yellow metal Quebec as last year. this year for the first time throug ing the ory} hy) Jeans, Bit that, v Aug. 28.--Internation- |New York Stock Exchange as pro- from these shores. IS T0 R ST ME The number of United States auto- | the Government Bureau. because of the rather extensive pro-| Montreal, fessional d public alike poured| Gains in today's market rang mobiles that entered New Brunswick S---------- Grum-of comiacton Which the( 81 Niokel shares advanced fo 4 |{esonale and pb 41ke poured, Cott 7 0°31 3 tha. she ak Jub, 3 was MGS Tes BUFFALO PLIERS MISSIXG -- company engaged | new pr o ter taking place in Adams Tess. came in at the 23 s of entry along ON NEW YORK TRI E. W. Beatty Says the Work | upon. further copaidaration of the| Montreal Stock Exchange today, " Scdere hecame 30 gloat Wat they i ME Mate Ra ae Baptens, Tourist travel to New Brunswick] the international Jory Holga § 9. . project had been deferred. the stock rising from $103, or a ash lea, Nickel, American Express, Allis |this season from the United States|number 12771 cars with touring part-| Curtiss Field, N.Y., Aug. 28. Likely to Be Started m Now that the building of the gain of $9 a share. The big ad- the tape to be eight minutes be- Chal Fleisch "Vi shows a sustained increase of ap-|ies were granted tourists' permits for [M. M. Merrill, diminutive boss of Royal York at Toronto was well [vance in price was attributed in|hind the market as the gong Tang mers, schman, Vietor |, o ately 30 per cent over 1927,|stops of periods up to 60 days, as|the Curtiss flying service, who ha 1929 _| under way, and in view of the in-|{ne street to heavy buying on the|at 3 p.m. Talking | Hachite, Commer) In. according to_statistics gathered by |compared with 0838 similar permits SAE ing oh ng phos . Sreated Hallie a the Atlantic that part of United States interests. Favorable earning reports and |p. oo ust an se es the New [Brunswick Government issued up to the corresponding date [pathy and ald when other flie would result from recemt a ut- U.S. Steel Moves Up the failure of money to soar, as oi] ureau of Information an ourist | of last year. disappeared, was himself missin a Sodbury, Aug. 28.--The Camt|ure additions to the comPARY'S| New York, Aug. 28.--The bull brokers predicted, stimulated trad:| op yEaer ac HAD AS ANY Travel showing the Sumber of pes- pat New Brunswick has been (ogay. He and Edwin Ronue, Man Tauit He RA rn tho, fleet of wieamehips, the directors) arket took a new turn today |ing. Huge interest and dividend BAD hits issued for tourists' automobiles alle 10 Siow Such 3 lage percents (ocr of the Buffalo Aeroport, le hear futule stan TS arn had decided that the erection of a) v0 "yniiaq States Steel common, | payments on September 1, caused a (Louisville Times) rom the United States at Canadian|age of increase of motor tourists | om "le to io or 4 oreloek yos building of a modern hotel in Lon-|jarge hotel in Laondon would be Customs Houses at international from the United States when the|! Pp 3 ¥ don, England. For some time there | gone on with, jumping near $4 a share reached |big investment demand. The rec- The worst possiblé combination boundary points in this province, | weather has been especially unfav- terday afternoon to fly an Orang have been rumors current that the it is expected that work on the |a record high price of $155. This|ord low attained by the pound |in motoring we can think of at this | while there ho been an even greater orable because of continued rain, in- Curtiss Falcon belonging to Colo ny company contemplated taking: this|buillding will be commenced in [started a general buying movement [sterling today was cited as a pos- | moment is a tight driver and loose | increase in the number of tourists |dicates that this Province is reaping |! Charles A. Lindbergh to New important step and in reference to|1929, which lifted the average price of sible move towards easier money |brakes, motoring to New Brunswick from|the benefits of the extensive and|York, but they failed to arrive, ony ans TT . ame Bargain Feast Days[#s | Long Sleeve and Ankle | Blues, blacks and leeve and Ankle i" Stripes ! = Es, Styles | Aug. 31st. 3 Is t. At S e t. 1s t: | $2.50 ee y CANNING Men's §& Young Men's Suits THIS INCLUDES OUR NEW STOCK OF FALL STYLES, PLAIN BLUES, GREYS, BLACK AND WHITE STRIPES, Men's Broadcloth AND FANCY WORSTEDS SHIRTS 2 Collars -- 2 Collars $40.00 VALUE, for $31.98 $1.95 Value For $34.50 VALUE, for - - $27.95 0 $1.39 $29.50 VALUE, for H2%.9% MORE SHIRTS!!! $24.50 VALUE, for #519.94% ; 3 : - 2 Collars, one hard collar $22.50 VALUE, for $17.95 $250 Vain For $20.00 VALUE, for $14.95 $1.88 Also a few collar attached styles, MANY OF THESE SUITS INCLUDE EXTRA TROUSERS in plain white and fancy " $1.8 89 for os ane BLACK CASHMERE MEN'S HOSIERY SPECIALS ENGLISH WORSTED RIB SOX Red Heel and Toe, All Wool, Fancy Silk and Wool Hanson 8 1-2 1b, Work Sox All Wool, Black, Grey & Heather Shade 50¢ Valus 3for a 00 75¢ Value, 31 2Pr. $1.00 50¢ Value, 3 3 Pr, -$1.10 §0¢ Value, 3 Pr. $1. 10 ee -- -- Men's Furnishings AT OH Se A LE || QOL WATS SPECIALS | We will release a flock of wild balloons, each containing a valusble : OUTING TROUSERS, $5.75 Value ............. $3.65 Prize Coupon, SWEATER COATS, Value $5.95 .................. 4.85 SWEATER COATS, $3.95 Value ... 205 HB S10 Worth Merchandise Free -- vu B BOYS' ALL WOOL JERSEYS SLEEVELESS PULLOVERS, Club Colors 4s $5.00 HAY FREE A Whrren' a. li my 20 Per Cent Off BLACK CREW NECKS, $3.75, for 310 @ 2° $2.95 SH he PREY IB Boys' School Suits BOYS' BLOOMER PANTS MEN'S FANCY BELTS, $1.00 Value, for ...... .79 BH $1.50 REE Eon rons ot oie $ y | Short and two Longs 20 Per Cent Off MEN'S CAPS, $1.45 Value for 19 ll 5. $1.50 Pr. SOX FREE "20 Per Cont OF MEN'S CAPS, $1.95 Value for. 1.49 aontionsd ball conta) | Special KIDDIES' KHAKI PLAY SUITS BATHING SUITS, All Wool, $2.95, for .......... 1.95 I Besides Prizes minkionsd dbive; adh balloon wil vontain valusble TO wo vies 2 : BATHING SUITS, All Wool, $3.95, for ............ 2.95 W TR iia yy od Vind Brasken BOYS' CAPS tree n bese $1.29 DUST COATS COMBINATION OVERALLS = WORK GOODS : MEN'S WORK BRACES $2.50 Value, for $2.50 Value, for ; ; All OM Trowsers S0¢ Value, for 20% off These Prices s listed Above are Only a Few of the Many Bargains hat We hase fo Offer in These Two Bercaid Festival DavswDors y a TX CANNINGS': Ew, i a Et EE EE