gE PAGE EIGHT ~ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1928 NEW YORK POLICE SEEKING BANDITS Four Gunmen Escape With Satchel Containing $18,000 ew York, Aug. 27.--A wide search 3 under ha or four bandits who up the Surface Transportation offices, seized a satchel con- i 8,000, shot down a company a and stole an automobile to make their escape after wrecking their own machine. The bandits held up the offices af- ter trailing an armored car through the city to the Bronx, After seizing the satchel they ran out to the street, firing more than a dozen shots, onc of eh struck John Brandley, a ny cashier. wo Ly they reached the street they waved back a bystander, He was a ewelry man, carrying valuable stones ut they did not molest him, The bandits jumped in an automobile and sped away, while company officials leaped in the jewelry salesman's ma- chine and asked him to follow the bandit car. : The bandits fired on their pursuers and the fire was returned as they raced through the streets, Brandley was wounded in the exchange. : After a short chase, the robbers car was wrecked against the side of a house. They leaped out, forced an autoist nearby and a girl from their machine, got in and drove away. PRESSMEN VIEW ~~ BRITISH AIRSHIP Rapid Progress Made on Construction of Giant Dirigible London, Aug. 27.--Rapid progress is being made with the construction of R. 101 the giant British airship which it is expected will fly to Montreal next year on its demonstration flight. Press representatives from all parfs of the Empire today inspected the construction work at Cardington Royal Airship works and were amaz- ed at the magnitude of the great ship which is driven by five Diesel engines of 650 horsepower each giving a mini- mum cruising speed of 70 miles per hour with a load of 100 passengers in addition to the crew. Construction work began at the end of June and completion of the craft is expected early next year, Af- ter three months home trials the air- TIME TABLES TIME TABLE, taking effect 12.01 y 1928 am. PR, ol, Sa April 148 a.m, Daily, Bohr sasept. Sunde pm, aily, iar: p.m, Dail 30.05 a. y. 'West sept Sundey, 33 inn CNR, TIME TABLE M times iii Ay Ee adaed aot Daylight ta I~ A] 11] gor Eileen ~ BENG FERRFREEEE BERENS P ! E ship will fly to has a gas capacity X feet, its length is 724 feet, diameter 131 feet and height 140 feet, Passenger accommodation, placed mid-ships, consists of two berth ca- bins, a lounge extendnig the full width of the ship, promenade decks on either side, smoking room and kitchen, There are electric eleva- tors to the dining room which will accommodate 50 at a sitting. There are 47 fuel oil tanks and 1,250,000 pieces of goldbeater skin stuck on canvas forming 10 gasbags, while the whole ship, with the exception of the power units and control cabins, is covered with Irish linen treated with aluminum, with windows along the promenade decks. : A new type of hydraulic head for the mooring mast at Montréal was shipped last month. OBSERVES SIGNS OF PRE-CAMBRIAN LIFE Prof. Sir Edgeworth David Says Evolution Goes Back 600,000,000 Years previous theories and calculations by scientists about the daww of life on the earth may be upset by Prof. Sir Edgeworth David, of Sydney, world famous geologist. His discovery in rocks taken from Mount Lofty and Fliners Ranges of South Australia, of perfectly presery- ed remnants of animal life millions of years older than any so far classi- fied by science, is of enormous inter- est and reveals that evolution may date back to a much earlier period than was supposed. The earliest forms of life that had been classified, occurred in rocks of the Cambrian period, which available date suggests to have settled 500,000,- 000 years ago. An American geolo- gist who died last year, Dr. C, D, Walcott, had discovered in Montana a few obscure fragments which prov- ed that remnants of animal life might he found in rocks older than the Cambrian, but these specimens were so fragmentary that it was impossible to classify them, even roughly. Scien- tists wondered what form of life had taken hefore the Cambrian period, but were left with guesses, Recent Discovery Suddenly Professor David stepped into a new world. For 30 years he has heen searching for ancestors of the Cambrian period, but it is only within the last few weeks that he has found traces of life nearly 600,- 000,000 years ago. Through a powerful microscope he continued his observations incessant- ly. Founding his hopes upon what science supposed of the period, he was looking for white shells, His discovery of fossils perfectly and ex- quisitely colored was a surprise, The fossils range over a stratum at least 10,000 feet thick, This fauna must, therefore, have existed for many millions of years, and as it was a marine fauna spread over approxi- mately a million square miles in Aus- tralia, it must have crossed the Paci- fic and other contemporaneous oceans, It has heen supposed the strata in which the remains are fossilized were non-fossilliferous, but Professor Da- vid believes that every cubic inch of the limestone and clay shale rocks will he found to contain innumerable remains, 1 (1927) Essex Coupe Chadburn Motor Co. HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTORS 0 Prince 8+, Oshawa Phone 116uv oats 18 Simcoe Street Somth V. A. Henry Insurance & Loans 13 Simcoe St. BS. Phones 1108W---Office 8 KING STREET WEST Hundreds of people wear Sydney, NSW, Aug. 27. -- All [him = aly , aud Indi subsequently to A 300.000 a CHINESE EXPLAINS REVENGE MURDERS Fell in Love But Parents of Girl Were Opposed to Match Fairfield, Calif, Aug. 26. -- Orien- tal romance, drugs and revenge in- spired Leuno King, Chinese fruit picker, in the most astonishing series of murders the state has ever known, he confessed to officers who brought him here. Less than 24 hours after he killed 10 members of his own race, Ying was captured near Nevada City and Tetumed here to stand trial for mur- er. In a jargon he told officials the story of events that were climaxed when he killed more persons than any murderer of California's history. Real- 0 Joe Tanko and Floyd Hall, youth- ul desperadoes who terrorized . the state for many months. "I just like Tanko and Hall--very very sick," he complained before he started the weird recital of love for a young Chinese girl, the antagonism f the girl's relatives and his strange reams of their attempts to poison im. "T no eat Chinese cake," Ying told authorities. "I know who want kill e. I kill them first." Ying, who is 29 years old, was under the effects of drugs when he started his crimes, Sheriff John Thornton, of Solano County, said he learned from his prisoner. Fell in Love Several months ago Ying fell in love with Nellie Gee, 16-year-old daughter of Wong Gee, patriarch of the Chinese fruit picking camp here. Gee, his wife and three small children izing his position he likened himself | were the first to be killed by Yings "revenge," Thornton said, ellie was seriously wounded. Wong Gee did not like the romance and ordered Ying to leave, the sher- iff said he had learned. The suitor did not bother the girl any more and sought solace in oriental drugs, whence came the ideas that his hie was in danger, Thornton claimed. After Ying had killed six members of the Gee family he murdered Yong Fong, Wong Win Fong, Chew Yue and Low Check and fled in an auto- mobile. PLAN TO PROTECT TROUT FISHERIES Quebec to Seek Order Pro. hibiting Sale for Indefinite Period \ Quebec, Aug. 26. -- The prohibiting of the sale of trout for an indefinite period from May 1 next is planned hy the Provincial Government, in or- ler to prevent the extinction of trout in various lakes of the province, Careful study has been given the natter by the Minister of Mines, Col- nization and Fisheries, Hon. J. E. errault, and in view of the fact that dertain lakes in the province are be- ihg entirely depleted of trout, the wa- ters being dynamited and other illegal means being used to secure the fish, sdme measures will have to be adopted iy order to prevent their extinction. At present the sale of trout is pro- hibited between Aug. 15 and May 1, the order in council being passed by the Dominion Government at Que- bdc's request. he regulation would be maintain- ed' in force until it is found that the supply of trout has reached such a state that fishing and the sale of fish can once more be allowed. PRINCE WAITS FOR "RIGHT MOMENT" Albanian Royalty Will Not Act in Ahmedzogu Step to Throne Berlin, Aug. 26. -- Prince William of Wied, who for a brief period reign- Do You Own Your Own ed sternly over Albania, still main- tains his claim to the throne of that country. He awaits only the coming of the "right moment" to take action. This was the gist of a telegram which the Prince sent to the Berlin purcau of the Associated Press on Friday in response to a message ask- ng his attitude toward Ahmedzogu, vho is to give up the presidency and gssume the throne of the country on aturday. The inquiry was sent to Prince. William at his Rhineland cas- fi "Neuwied" and brought a Teely om Munich over the signature.' inet of the Prince." eply was: "Prince William left Albania in 1914 ith reservation of all his rights and spill maintains for himself and de- scendants all claims to the throne, de- The text of the $3 down, Water and sewers, HORTON & FRENCH CHOICE LOTS Oshawa Blvd. Die trict, easy terms, $35 balance $5 monthly. 87 Simcoe St. S. spite the personal aspirations to the kingship of Ahmedzogu. "A majority of the Albanian people still remain faithful to the Prince for whose return, however, a free and untrammeled vote is at present im- possible. "Free from personal ambition and only mindful of the well being of the Albanian people, the Prince intends for the present to avoid external po- litical difficulty and awaits the com- ing of the right moment." Dr. Mayo declares walking is the best exercise one can take. So it is, Doc., so it is--if you can find any place to walk.--""Milwaukee Journal" $4,200 room brick with 3 piece bath, furnace, hardwood doors, verandah, etc. is a real buy. 25 King E, with $300 cash for splendid 6 veneer home French This floors, Lycett REAL ESTATE Phone 205 W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer Loans, Insurance Collection - and Auctioneer 846 Simcoe St, 8, Oshawa REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Cutler & Preston 64 King St, West Telephones 572, 223 Night Calls 510, 1560, 2468F 3 and 4 roomed apartments, heated, hot water, electric refrigeration, stoves, wash- ers and dryers, Use of laundry. Immediate posses- son Rents from $45 te 165. Heated office in Disney Block--opposite Post Office, Immediate possession, DISNEY PHONE 1580 RL U.S. REAL ESTATE purcheers. R. M. KELLY 610 8itmeoe St, N, Phone 1068W sr U.S. Par. Off; Copyright 1928, . i gk THE $50,000 eR RX Dire CAN YOu LEARN IT ll] IN FIVE 7 7 n/ 7 Ra / 7 Z sIAYR KX 2 2 2 : 7 By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb ({/ mits 1 saw SY SOMEONE AT THE WINDOW | Aral Ware z 2 1 ir l Soidtol! 8-27 BRINGING UP FATHER FOR THE NIGHT = WELL: AFTER ALL TS GOOD TO STAY IN THE HOUSE AN'ENJOY A GOOD REST=1"M IN THE PHONE 1S RINGIN' - WHO KIN THAT BE? By Geo, McManus YES-DINTY REALLY» 191T COOKED WELL DONE?T SAY NO AN' KEEP BRINGIN' \T IN UNTIL) TELL YOU TO STor- CORNED BEEF AN' CABBAGE - TELLING TOMMY WELL, SWALLOWS HAVE BEEN TIMED . FLYING AT THE RATE OF 200 MILES § AN HOUR, TOMMY I 3HE SPEED OF THE FLIGHT OF MANY A © Co DUCKS AND GEESE ATTAIN A SPEED OF THE RECORD TIME FOR A RACING CAR 1S 207 MRK. MAYBE THEY SEND A MAN-0-WAR BIRD IT BEFORE THE KINGBIRD with utmost comfort BIRD HAS BEEN TIMED OVER MEASURED Hare's Faultless Lenses = WW DISTANCES BY THE USE OF STOP WATCHES, = / AIRPLANES AND AUTOMOBILES Er AnD SwALLOMS Cab REACH SPEEDS OF FROM FIFTY TO TWO | HUNDRED MILES PER HOUR . FROM FORTY 10 MINETY MILES PER HOUR S AND BLACKBIRDS ONLY MAKE FROM THIRTY-FIVE TO FORTY-FIVE MILES PER HOUR E NORMAL SPEED OF ROBINS, SHRIKES, AND HAWKS 15 UNDER THIRTY MILES PER HOUR wn REE ¥ t i HECK | : WORST LUCK * IF | WAS PARTICULAR ABOVY VERY a Author of Zhe Eyes in Modern Life Optometry Feature Service Your Eyes and Health Eye Care and Bye Strain £1 ty nV) Count Brionin 3