THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1928 PACE FIVE | LACROSSE SENIORS WIN = JUVENILE AND JUNIOR BALL TEAMS LOSE St. Simons Defeated 5-3 by Oshawa's Fhird Victory in Four Starts} Against Toronto Anglicans Recorded By Local Lacrosse Stars -- Chuck Davidson, {& Closely Watched, Gives Pass es for Three Goals ight now folks, Oshawa's senior Rew team is headed for the sen- O.ALA. crown and from there to a Dominion championship. ; The second place Toronto St. Sim- on's who apparently have no business being in front of Oshawa, were out- layed by just a two goal margin turday at Alexandra Park, finish- ing short 5-3. Fhe visiting Saints were frequently in danger of taking the lead from the green-shirted G.M.C. twelve, es- cidly in the third quarter when hey proceeded to cut down a 3-1 lead and make it 4-3. Bog Stephen- son scored his third goal of the game in the final session and after that there was no more worry. Hectic Goings On It was an interesting battle all the way. Several times during the fray the boys exchanged slaps with the Lalleys that threatened to bring the crowd onto the field to join in the mix-ups, and Shepley, who has layed a nice clean game all season, Roally cracked under the strain and crossed a right and left to Robert- son's jaw, in the last quarter, every- thing pointing to a Donnybrook; the fans swarming on the field with blood in their eyes. Robertson got away Scott-free while Shep took the rest of the game, a niere four minutes, al- though the St. Simon's outside home, who came from the junior ranks just this year exchanged pokes with Shep- ley and deserved a rest. The Oshawa front line worked wonderfully well and Munro's men are passing the ball better than at ny other time this season. Kelley DE oy Charlie McGrath, Chuck Davidson and Jack Walsh gave ev- erything they had all through the yame and clearly outplayed the star- y Anglicans. Degray stood for much ay without once hitting back, for fhe simple reason that another battle will oust the ex-Cornwall and Bramp- i star for the rest of the year. Which only goes to show how one's ast will hold one down. The de- ense players, led hy Teddy Reeve, gave a clever exhibition and broke up the attacks of the visitors in ef- fective style. ; The first goal St. Simons scored happened when Shepley was in the cooler and he came within an ace of preventing it. Sanderson took a nice pass from McKinnon a few feet from the Oshawa net and Shepley came racing on, after his penalty was up, to miss spoiling the shot hy inches. There was none off on the Saints' other two goals which were scored in the third quarter, Robertson tak- ing a pass from McKinnon for the first when he beat Shannon on a wicked shot that found the corner of the net, and Mose Lount, famous To- sonto hockey player, coming back ust two minutes later for the final osers' goal, accepting a pass from the effective Robertson. White Scores First Only two minutes after the face-off in the opening session Toots White, leading goal-getter on the team start- ed Oshawa out right when he grab- bed Chuck Davidson's pass and beat Suds Sutherland. You could see the way the players went into their work that they would finish on top. David- son tricked his way through to with- in shooting distance of the net a lit- tle later and breezed it when Bul- fen checked him, Stephenson touch- ing the ball with the end of his stick to deflect it into the twine. That ve Oshawa a two goal lead to carry into the next quarter, quite a sub- stantial margin, Then Sanderson, who played . brilliantly throughout, scored while Shepley was off, an the fans had visions of a Toronto vic- tory. The threat was only temporary, Jack Walsh showing wonderful tim- ing to increase the lead again when he took a pass from Kelley Degray, while Nettleship was off, and shot the pill at Sutherland just as Frank Cavanaugh checked him, the ball tak- ing a funny hop to lodge in the net i Suds came out to meet him, fhe bell sounding just two seconds later. Reeve's Second Penalty Chuck Davidson again led an at- tack on the enemy net right after the start of the third spasm making bee-line for the goal while Nettle- ip was still off and passing the ball to Bob Stephenson, who was odd, Gordie Thom watching Chuck. Bob had an open field to the goal, count- ing with ease. Robertson and Lout retaliated with their two goals before - the period was over. Dayidson al- most got one for himself when his shot hit the post, according to the 1-umpire, although there was much raised about it. Teddy Reeve took his second penalty of the year in the quarter, when he caught Ben- pett's eye on a check. The final goal of the game, counted by Bob Stephenson when he took a pass from Reeve and came over the of the net, also came in for some yerbal opposition . The Saints claim- ed it lit outside the favored spot and the officials even went so far as to get a tape-line and measure it. It was labelled ok, much to the local joy and the Saints forthwith passed from the picture. Right at the start of the quarter the penalties began to Kinnon, McGrath and Nettle- ship all being off at one time. Nettle- ship spent half his time in the pen- ance-pew but was effective when he was on. Frank Cavanagh, red-head- ed and a fighting fool, was the star of the Anglicans, but McKinnon, San- derson, Thom and Robertson were other prominent visitors. Pat on played sensationally jn goal for Oshawa and is right on 2a with the other netminders in the gor if not 2 trifle above. Bob Steph- enson stepped into the Kleig glare with three counters, _ although the first onc was really irom Davidson. Red Spencer and Smithson played Smart Seniors 3 i one of their best games of the year. Next Saturday's game with , Lav tos in the y should be easy od the Tale he blue-shirts ane ye and nothing appears to be in the for the a I wa Shannon Goal Reeve point She, A ¢. point P, Walsh defence Smithson def Spencer cGrath Davidson Degra I Walsh ' Stephenson White Barron Whyte om _ Nettleship Leighton Rowan McKinnon Davis Lount Sanderson Robertson F. Cavanaugh R. Cavanaugh Fox McLean Stokes spares Officials--Bennett and Barnett, To- ronto. defence centre home home home 0. home i. home spares spares spares Score by Quarters White (Davidson) Sanderson (McKinnon) ,.4e4es J. Walsh (Degray) «...ceveeees Stephenson (Davidson) ..vevveee Robertson (McKinnon) suveves Lount (Robertson) ... Stephenson (Reeve) .....o00000 Final Score Oshawa 5--St. Simons 3. Guelph Deteats Walkerville 3-2 Lefty Goyer Subdues Chicks in First of O.B,A,A. Playdowgy Windsor, Aug. 26--Invadnig Wal- kerville, Saturday afternoon, to play the unbeaten Walkerville Chicks in the first game of the Ontario senior baseball playdowns, Guelph 'scamper- ed off the field winners by a close score of 3 to 2, "Lefty" Goyer, who held the clout- ing Walkerville team to six hits, struck out four men and issued four free tickets to first. He hbreezed along with a two run lead until the ninth, when he appeared to weaken. Only some "dumb" hase running, on the part of Gatecliffe, Walkerville second baseman, saved the day for Guelph, Marchand, Walkerville mounds- man, was just as good as his con- temporary. The four hits that Guelph garnered off him were bunch- ed in the second and eighth innings. For the balance of the route the big right-hander had the Guelph bats- men at his mercy. Five errors, three of them by Jordan, short-stop, and Gatecliffe's penchant for show- ing his speed on the hases, when there was no real necessity, proved too big a handicap for Marchand. Walkerville's much vaunted hitting power was overcome for the first time thjs season by Goyer's great pitching. Johnson, who hits a home run once in a while, fanned twice, and was an easy victim for "Lefty" on his next two appearances at hat. Marchand also was "poison" for O'Connor, Guelph's clean-up batter. 0. M. I. PILE SCORE ON LINDSAY GIRLS Malleable Ladies evened the ex- hibition tilts with Lindsay for this season when they went on a ram- page against the visitors at the Col- legiate grounds Saturday evening, finishing long 22-11, The seventh inning when they counted nine runs was the huge 4 | spasm of the struggle, in which ey- ery player on both teams got aL least one hit. Hargrave, Lindsay hurler, gave way to James at short- stop when the local hitsmiths took too great a liking to her offerings. Teams: Malleables--McDonald, ss; Rom bough, cf; McDonald, 3b; Kay, p; Kilburn, ¢; McLean, 1b; Larson, 2b; Cooper, If; McDopald, rf; Spencer, If; Murphy, rf. Lindsay--Flever, If; James, ss; Parker, c; Werry, 3b; Ferguson, 2b; Kelcher, rf; Kennedy, 1b; Har- Umpires--B. Vickery, C. Vick- ery. : LACROSSE SCORES Lacrosse games played Saturday resulted as follows: Senior 0. A. L. A, Oshawa . 5 Weston Torontos ,,, 7 St. Simon's .,.3 Brampton .,11 St. Catharines . 0.A.L A. 4 Bradford ..6 'Thistles . ,.2 Chatham Georgetown Leamington INTER. SEMIFINAL WON BY BUFFALO Bradiord, Aug. 26--Bradford and Buffalo clashed here yesterday in 2 semi-final intermediate O.AL.A. game, and the locals took their first defeat of the season, 4 to 2, in one of the snappiest and cleanest games ever staged here. They went like a house afire the first period and not- ched three tallies. The visitors added another in the second frame. In the third frame, however, right from the draw, Bradford scored their first goal, and got another shortly af- aterwards, which caused the enemy to buck up a bit, though the third per- iod was clearly in favor of the home talent. The last stanza saw Buffalo showing superior condition and they were able to hold the locals at bay, neither side scoring. Sitneriond | ©: uther! Bullen Th grave, p; Harper, cf. b. | South Oshawa Juveniles Out Eliminated from O. B, A. A. Play-offs By Clever Play- ground Team, Elizabeths Bob Bint's South Oshawa Juven- Thy a i NM do a ! championship was a Stanley Park, Toronto, on Saturday when they were defeated for the sec- ond time beths, representa- tives of the T.A.B.A. in the jon- ship race, by an 8-4 score, losing the round by 18 runs to 6. It was a much more keenly contested and ex- citing game than that pla here in Oshawa last Wednesday. Better fielding combined with more timely hitting was responsible for giving Eli- zabeths the verdict. The Lizzies started out in the very first inning with one run and contin- ued with four in the third, two in the fifth and one in the eighth. South Oshawa broke into the scoring in the fifth stanza and advanced their count to four with a three run rally in the eighth, n the first, after Oshawa had been retired in succession, Elizabeths com- bined three clean hits from Cohen, Miller and Medline, to score a run from Cohen. Both teams had two men on bases in the second without any damage being done while in the third, a hard hitting rally netted the Toronto boys a quartette of counters. Medline started it with a single into center field. He advanced on Fran- kel's hit down to Major and scored when Himel drove into right. In the meantime Patterson drew a walk and he went to third on the drive that scored Medline. He reached home safely when Hall failed to get the ball home quickly enough when Skop- itz hit down to him. Skopitz scored on Wienstein's single to the outfield. South Oshawa showed that they weren't to be whitewashed when they chased Knox across for one run in the fifth inning. Knox, the first bat- ter in the inning, got to first on a nice single and took second on Wien- stein's error on Hurst's grounder. Hall and Matthews followed with successive hits which resulted in the tally. A fast double play when Skop- itz made a sensational catch of Ma- jor's line drive and then threw Hall out at second, prevented any further scoring in the inning. Not .to be outdone hy South Osh- awa's efforts, Elizabeths came back in their half of the same frame to send across Himel and Skopitz for a hair to bring the score up to 7 to 1. imel got to first on a walk and Skopitz followed with a scorcher down to Knox which resulted in hoth runners being safe. Both scored when Parfit, the pitcher, came through with a hit into left. The last of the scoring came in the eighth with South Oshawa contribut- ing three and the winners one. Mat- thews opened the spasm for South Oshawa, drawing a walk. A fiielder's choice, Wienstein to Skopitz retired Matthews however for the first out but Gingeriski went to first on the play. Major drew a walk to further congest the bases while Reeves sac- rificed to put men on second and third with two out. In the crucial moment, James came though with the hit that scored Gingeriski and Major, the drive going over the infield for a smart single. James scored a minute later when Amshury cracked a double into left, a much needed hit coming in the right place. The Lizzies added their run when Cohen -and Miller hit successively and Frankel came through with a sacrifice bunt to score Cohen. Mayor ptiched consistently for South Oshawa while Gingeriski caught his usually fine game. James on first and Hurst and Amsbury in the outfield also looked good. Cohen and Medline were the headliners on the Elizabeth team. Hurst, If Hall, 3b Matthews, 2b, rf .. Gingeriski, ¢ . Major, p .... Reeves, rf, 2b ,,, James, 1b ....sp» Amsbury, cf ...s, Knox, ss xWilson Total o=3 . . . . wg SRN O=ONDOTN a Dmomo=m™o0d WwW ow - DEON OaD Wienstein, ss '. Cohen, cf .. Miller, c ... Medline, 3b, p Frankel, rf .. Himel, If Skopitz, 2b ., Parht, p 4.10040 --- NWO OOmm=ad © ooooonwNND» NOE MLN N| Dm Oo m= Dn | sooocoool ol cocoons a Total 36 81224 9 x--Wilson batted for Hurst in 9th. Summary--Two base hit, Amsbury. Hit by pitcher, Patterson (Major). Walked, by Major 5, by Parfit 6, by Medline 1. Struck out, by Major 12, by Parfit 4, by Medline 1. Innings pit- ched, by Parfit. 7 and 2-3, by Med- line, 1 and 1-3. Double play, Skop- itz to Wienstein. Score by innings-- Oshawa ..... ..,000010030-4 Elizabeths 10402001 x--8 Umpires--Schafer at plate, Spring on bases. ST. GEORGE'S CAPTURE PIT LEAGUE TITLE Toronto, Aug. 27.--St. George's de- feated St. David's Saturday 5 to 2 to cop the Pit League title for fourth straight time, and will go into the City series as favorites. Their ability to produce the hits when they were needed, good team play and tak- ing advantage of their opponents' lapses, gave them the game. "Buck" McKenna's crew mever know when they are beaten, and have come from behind many times throughout the season, as they did on Saturday. Harper was the big sticker, his triple driving in two runs, and he ha¢ two singles in addition. Tim Bar- reit collected three singles. the | ic the: SPORT SNAPSHO1S BASEBALL RECORDS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won lam PC. winner of the the brand of ball displayed in the Cowan Park. Maple Leafs, holders three-game series third, if necessary, Friday. two of the Varsity Grads hocke, line-up. Keep away from the ionsh Bably state Elizabeths, of Toronto, that series. lost by the same margin Saturday., hasn't been announced but it South Oshawa Juveniles lost t Elizabeths, but they, never quit tryi game display, Saturday Kelley Degray ites and Cavanaugh for the or the right to meet Eagles, the to The second game will be played at Cowan Park this Following the ladies' softball game at the between Chevrolet and Buicks, the dates of the league cham; ionship play- offs between Chevrolet and Whitby will be decided' upon. bs tween Chevs and Buicks is the postponed affair which was slated for Fri- day night but which was called off on account of wet grounds. The cham- lay-offs, which will be annoynced in tomorrow's paper, will pro- on Wednesday of this week. The Chev-Buick sudden-death softball final for the Oshawa and District championship at Alexandra Park tonight should draw a large crowd. The e will meet the Toronto champions, not yet decided, and ) J splay: games to date they have a fair chance taking the Queen City titleholders. ; Bell Telephone, Harry Batstone's team, is favored as the Toronto win- ner, although Adanacs and General Electric might upset the dope. The Juvenile Industrial softball league starts its play-offs tonight at of third place, meet Cardinals in a Tung occupants. ednesday and a This Thursday the Solloway-Mills team, champions of the Toronto Bro- kerage Softball League, will be here for an exhibition game with Pontiacs, of the Big Four league, Freddy Miller, famous as centre-player for Park- dale junior and senior hockey teams, will hurl for the visitors, and one or team, Olympic champions, will be on the : } rokerage team's supporters or you'll lose your shirt. In their league hockey games la ten grand on the result of the games without batting an eye. year the moguls bet over Collegiate grounds tonight he game be- The junior baseball play-offs between St. Andrews of this city and nto, are just about the most torrid frays ever seen in The Lizzie lost by one run here Wednesday and the Saints Where the third game will be played should overflow the stands. # better team when they bowed to ng and made many friends by their ---- Oshawa lacrosse fans are becoming too educated. In the game here sprinted behind the Ii y ball, hotly pursued by Frank Cavanaugh. Ee Tei Ceraton; with the Substitute Degray for the Israel- Egyptians and you know what happened. GIRL SPRINTER TO RACE AT EX. _ Montreal, Aug. 26.--When informed that Elizabeth Rob- inson, 100 metre Olympic champion, would be at the Exhibition athletic meet in Toronto next Saturday, Myr= tle Cook expressed herself as being delighted at having a chance to run against Miss Robinson, Fanny Rosenfeld, while pleased that Miss Robinson was going to compete at the Exhibition, was not certain tonight whether she would race or not. She declared that she had always had a hard time getting back into condi- tion once she broke training. She will, however, make up her mind on arrival home to- morrow, Cook's Hurling Tames Toronto Wayomacs Stouffville, Aug. 25. -- Stouffville Baseball Club defeated the Wayo- macs of the T.A.B.A. in the second game of the first round of the O.B. A.A. playdowns by the score of § to 0. Earl Cook, pitcher of the home team, was again a puzzle to the To- ronto batsmen, having 14 strike-outs without a base on balls, and only al- lowed three hits. He was given er- rorless support, with Reesor at the receiving end being outstanding. Lockie, for the losers, struck out six but was nicked for cight hits. The winners now meet Penetang of the Georgian Bay League in the second round. The score: -- R.H.E. Stouffville 000 220 01x--5 8 0 Wayomacs ..,,, 000 000 000--0 3 1 Learn to Swim By Aileen Riggin (Olympic Diving Champion in 19020) Lesson Thirty-O LIFE SAVING (Continued) Another fallacy about rushing to the aid of a drowning person is the tendency such a course has to exhaust the rescuer. Naturally, to arrive at the side of the victim in a state of fatigue is not calculated to prove of much Yale to fither one. Approach with that thought in mind and you will be able to render eal a hee, You hould endea- vor reac rson in danger from behind. i successful, the chances of being seized are greatly lessened, and it affords a better op- portunity to secure the right hold. The best method of rescue, if the person is quiet, is to seize the cloth- ing or bathing suit between the shoul- der blades, use the knee as a lever to elevate the lower part of the body and bring the victim flat on the sur- face wit the face up. Then start wing y Swing on ide, with the arm holding the person strai out. Use a scissor with the legs and 2 downward stroke with the free arm. Sometimes the drowning son will have no ing on. In that c case cup your hand his chin, but avoid pressing too hard, as that would cut off the supply of air. The towing is then commenced as in the first case. (Copyright, 1928, Big News Features, c.) Tomorrow--Life Saving (Continued). SALMON BELLIES WIN Montreal, Aug. 26.--The New Westminster lacrosse team, which represented Canada in the Olympic games, defeated Celtics of Mont- real by a score of- 17 to 5 in an exhibition game here this after- noon. The Salmon Bellies will leave here tomorrow for Ottawa. Shamrocks Lose to 1ecumsehs Juvenile Lacrosse Series Tied Up By Chiefs' Close Victory Tecumsehs and Shamrocks are on even terms in the three games to date in the Juvenile lacrosse se- ries in which one game was tied. The Chiefs registering the lone goal in the game which preceded the senior engagement Saturday, when Bill Fisher went in alone In the third quarter and fooled Mont- | gomery. The battle was just a fought as the previous encounters, neither team having more of the play, although Fisher's effort de- served a goal. The kids are im- proving at every appearance and their passing attacks after much coaching from Chuck Davidson and Pete Walsh drew the applause ot the fans. Bath Blanchard and Montgomery played sensationally between the posts stopping many pellets tnat appeared labelled. The defensive play of both teams was the reason for the lack of goals hut several passes went astray when a goal might have resulted. The next game will he played Wednesday evening at 6.45. Teams: -- Tecumsehs -- Goal, Blanchard; point, Deyman; ec. point, Walker; def., Stanton, Brown, Higgins; cen- tre, Dove; home, Cooper, W. Fish- er, Northey, o. home, Luke; i, home, Judge. Spares--Oke, F. Fisher and Wilson. Shamrocks--Goal, Montgomery; point, Glass; e. point, Gifford; det., Armour, Cook, Campbell; centre, Cornish; home, Hare, Armitage, Topping; o. home, McMurtry; |. home, Kidd. Spare--LeRoy,. Referee--Lou Walker. MERRITTON JUNIORS EVEN WITH PRESTON Preston, Ont, Aug. 26.--After run- ning neck and neck for seven innings the Merritton juniors tied the round with the Preston kids in the second round of the O.B.A.A. playdowns, played at Riverside Park yesterday when they broke loose with three hits in the eighth inning to break the tie and then to follow up with four more| safe hits and three counters to finally emerge on the long end of a 7 to 4 score. It was a thrilling game and the large crowd on hand were well Pleased with the brand of ball play- SOCCER STANDING P.W.L.D, F. A. Pts. Dunlop Rb. 13 11 13 Oshawa City 12 24 48th High. 12 17 Mimico Bh. 13 24 Lancashire 11 31 Dom. Stores 12 22 Goodyear ..12 38 Craigavon .11 32 Saturday's Results Oshawa City .3 48th Highland, 3 By Niagara Falls Caledonia, Aug. 26.--Niagara Falls eliminated Caledonia from the inter- mediate O.B.A.A. semi-finals here yes- terday by a score of 8 to 0. The game was by no means as one sided as the score would indicate, as the breaks went against the locals. Lefty Stewart, for Caledonia, pitched a strong game, being credited with ten strikeouts, four walks and allowed but six hits, while Hudson, for the visitors, struck out 11, passcd five and SONU R IM aa RAE noo traae lm aliowed four hits. hard- | 527 526 f 525 Baltimore . Montreal .. Newark ...vqeaanee 63 Jersey CY ineers 3 Reading . Rochester .... 5-10 Baltimore .. Buffalo ....... 4-10 Jersey City. Toronto at Newark--Rain, Saturday's § i Toronto ...... 5-0 Newark ..., 4-4 Buffalo .. « 4-1 Jersey City, 2-4 Rochester ..., 2-4 Baltimore .. 0-2 Mentreal ..... 6-0 Reading ... 3-2 Games Today Reading at Toronto (2 p.m.) Baltimore at Buffalo Jersey City at Montreal Newark at Rochester NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost St. Louis 48 Treerannnss 7 New York eveanes unday's Scores xBrooklyn ..... 4 New York ... 3 Chicago «+44... 6 Boston 3 Cincinnati 4 Pittsburg .... 3 St. Louis 6 Philadelphia , 1 x--10 innings. Saturday's Scores Brooklyn 3-4 Cincinnati , 0- Pittsburg ..vvves 7 New York .., Chicago «suv e ++ 7 Boston St. Louis 2 Philadelphia , Games Today St. Louis at Chicago Pittsburg at Cincinnati Other clubs not scheduled, AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost P.C. 290 | crossed the plate, Chick O'Neil and Levin sky Ends With One Run Margin for Playground Champs -- Closest Junior Battle in Years St. Andrew's Juniors gave the Toronto Elizabeths a new lease o1 life in the O.B.A.A. playdowns Saturday afternoon when they dropped the return game to the Lizzies by a 4:3 score at Stanley Park, Toronto. This score, and the 5-4 result here last Wednesday show how closely these teams are matched, and the final struggle, on neutral ground probably this Wednesday, will be watched with 7 | interest. ' In spite of thé fact that the Saints had run up a 3-0 lead by the third inning, they weakened and allowed the Lizzies ta collect 484] four runs in the last part of the tussle, while not an Oshawa man The locals, with Chick. O'Neill in the box, as the pivot, fought every inch of that heart-breaking struggle, and al- though they collected 11 hits as against the Lizsies' nine, they couldn't get past third after the third inning. Levinsky, the leading Lissle, hurled for the home team, and mowed down 10 perfectly good Oshawa batters via the strike-out method. O'Neill sent 9 out of the Torontonians to the bench in the same way, though, so the honors were pretty evenly divided, as Levinsky pitched one more inning than O'Neill. Levinsky {issued 2 walks, however, to Gummow and +32 4] 667 9 4 642 64 60 510 57 08 A436 v.30 67 455 67 A453 70 A444 5 78 366 Sunday's Scores Washington ... 5 Cleveland ,.,,,1 Only one game played. y Saturday's Scores 9-0 New York . 3-7 7 St. Louis»... 4 Chicago Philadelphia 3-13 Cleveland ... Washington, 9-4 | Games Today St. Louis at Boston Chicago at Philadelphia Detroit at New York Cleveland at Washington New York 444 Philadelphia. ive 00 St. Louis Washington Detroit Chicago Cleveland Boston Detroit Boston AMERICAN ASSOCIATION, 2 0st C. 59 5 03 03 04 ($4) 2 Minneapolis Kansas City Milwaukee St. Paul x Toledo 0! 70 | Columbus 83 Louisville 83 Sunday's Scores Kansas City .. Louisville ., 3- Toledo ....... 5-4 Minneapolis, 3- Milwaukee ... 3 Indianapolis, I , 0- 1394 1380 St, Paul . a) Columbus .. Saturday's Scores Kansas City ,, 4-2 Louisville i Milwaukee ,... 10 Indianapolis .. Columbus . i St. Paul ..... .... 6 Toledo Games Today Columbus at Minneapolis Toledo at St. Paul Indianapolis at Kansas City, Louisville at Milwaukee. 1 orontos Stop Westonites 7- Strengthened By "Five Junior Stars Cellar Occupants Out- play Power's Pets Aug. 27. -- Torontos, strengthened by players from the junior squad, halted the Weston Sub- urbanites' string of wins and ruined their hopes for a play-off place by defeating them 7-4 at Ulster Stadium Saturday. Only Wilson's consistent Toronto, 5|to start off the frame. Lortie, while Chick had a clean sheet in that regard but hit Kram- er twice with pitched balls. Levin- sky allowed 11 hits, including a double collected hy Little, while O'Neill allowed 9, including a dou- hle by Levinsky and a triple by Samuels. O'Neill retired the bat- ters in order in the ninth, while Levinsky did the same in the fourth and fifth, - Oshawa's big Inning was the first, when they collected two runs. Little, first man up, got to first on Eisen's error, and was advanced to second on Gummow's scratch through the pitcher's box. Little came home and Gummow went to third on the throw-in off Rowden's fly to deep right field, and Gum- mow scored on Carver's single. Hubbell struck out, however, and Gray was downed on 2 roller down the first base line, leaving Carver stranded. The Saints scored another tally in the third, when Carver singled He went to second on Hubbell's sacrifice, and to third on Gray's sacrifice, wuun scored when Shelenkoff singled to centre field. Lortie struck out to end the inning, with Shelenkoff at first, Three runs were tallied by the Lizzies in the fourth, and one in the sixth. Grays error, when he muffed Miller's fly, started the ug- ony, and eight men faced O'Neill before he could subdue the tor- rent, Levinsky followed Miller with a double that sent his pre- decesgor to third, Kramer got on when he was hit in the arm by a pitched ball, and Salsburg obliging- ly flied out to Carver. Then Eck- ler was safe on a fielder's choice that nipped Kramer at third, Cary- er to Rowden, but in the mix-up 4 Miller and Levinsky scored. Then Gibbell was safe on a scratch hit that sent Eckler to second, a sin- gle by Samuels scoring Eckler and putting Gibbell on second. Gray partially redeemed himself by Sandling Eisen's fly perfectly. The Lizzies' winning run came in the sixth, when Salsbergz open- ed with a single to centre. Eckler struck out. Salsberg stole second avd was advanced to third by Gib- bell's sacrifice. Samuels again came through with a single to right, scoring Salsberg. Eisen got to first and Samuels to third on saying prevented the Torontos from Sot > a double count on the team that triumphed over all in Ontario last year, while Hobson, the junior goalie for the Blue Shirts, was just as good, giving one of the best dis- plays this season. Toronios at Best a The young Toronto team set burning pace for the Suburbanites and surprised their supporters with smart team play on the home and strong defence work. On their ex- hibition the Torontos might have beaten any twelve in the group, as the new life, aided by the experienc- ed veterans, just formed a winning combination. Ivan Davis led the Toronto attack, drilling in two goals in the first per- iod, while Godson, Laceby and Dewy Davis added three more to give the locals a 5 to 0 lead at half-time. The teams broke even on the scoring in the last half, Weston staging a full team rampage to get started. Team: 53 Torontos--Geol, Hobson; point, Moore; cover, Godson; defence, Da- vies, Topping, Murphy; centre, Beas- ley; home, Davis, Pherrill, Bain; in- side, Laceby; outside, Wareham; subs, Rundle, Mitchell Weston--Goal, Wilson ; point, Farr; cover, W. Coulter; defence, Holly, Laceby, Ryding; centre, Ella; home, Golden, K. Kingdon, E.. Stevenson; inside, Johnson; outside, Wallace; subs., J. Graham, P. Graham. Referces--Querrie and Gore. "Do you have long hours in the new place where you're working?" Little's error, but O'Neill pulled himself out of the hole by making Caplan bite the dust on three perfect strikes, Nice fielding by Gray marked the mpext in- ping, this stalwart of the centre meadow handling rather dificult flies from Kramer and Salsberg in succession, to retire the side. The score by innings: RHE Oshawa 201000000--3 11 Toronto 00030100x--4 9 f sooo omommyD AB PO A Little, ss. --...- 5 Gummow, 2b. 4 Rowden, 3b. -- 6 Carver, rf. -- 4 Hubbell, 1b. --.. 3 G12Y, £f: eee w Shelenkoft, If. 4 Lortie. e. -- , 3 EE Re "ODO ODRmBW sommdodoool ww Elizabeth Juniors Force | 3rd Game With St. Andrews A Huling Dud Between) Levinsky; three-base hit, Levine sky; bases on balls, off Levinsky 2; hit by pitcher, by O'Neill 2; struck out, by O'Neill 9, Levinsky 10; pasesd balls, Lortie 1; left on bases, Oshawa 9, Toronto 9; um- pires, J. Schafer and Joe Spring. COBOURG DEFEATED BY PETERBORO 6.1 Peterboro, Ont., Aug. 26.--Ray- bestos made it two straight in their first 0.B.A.A. intermediate round, by defeating Cobourg here, on Sat- urday afternoon, by the score of 6 to 1. Masterson held the visitors to four scattered singles and Ed- die Campbell hurled a nice game for Cobourg. Score: RHE. Cobourg ......001000000--1 4 § Raybestos ...,002210010--6 9 3 Batteries--E, Campbell and W. Campbell; Masterson and Rogers. Umpires-- Colling and Kay, St. Kitts Easy For Brampton Oshawa's Threat for Third Place Take Pasting from the League Leaders Brampton, Aug. 35.--Brampton Excelsiors wiped the sod with St. Catharines, O.A.L.A. seniors, here this afternoon, winning by a scare of 11 to 3. St. Kitts looked dan- gerous at the start of the first frame, but faded badly toward the end of the period, and failed to regain their wind and pep until the last period Brampton checked heavily and sustained their speed right through the game, manifest- ing much better condition. Their combination was even better than in their other wins, hut they were dogged by ill-luck when close on the net, and failed to notch a larg- er margin, Large, in the Brampton nets, was the star of the game, making some wonderful plays when his teammates had lost their checks. Beatty, on the defence, was anoth- er brilliant light of the game. The whole Brampton home played smart lacrosse, and worked togeth- er so well that it would be hard to pick the best. Brown and Purdy on the de- fence, and O'Brien on the home, were the Athletics' hest., The game was clean, and the crowd, though small, was appreciative. The teams: Brampton--Goal, Large; point, Ingram; cover, Burton; defence, Totals ... 85 ha) =] Samuels, rf. -. § Eisen, 2b. --.... 4 Caplan, if. 4 Miller, ss. --... 4 Levinsky, p. -- 4 Kramer, 3b. ... Salsberg, 3b. .. Eekler, c. ..... Gibbell, 1b. ... =) Amdowwdww SOOO mm Totals -_. 9 9 "No--the usual sixty-minute kind!" | Summary--Two-base hits, Little, Beatty, Burry, Gowdy; centre, O'Hearn; home, Worthy, Kenaail, Sproule; outside, Jennings; Ins side, Machel; spares, McLean, Core Wilson, ! St. Catharines--Goal, Gow}; point, Brown; cover, Purdy; de. fence, Burnside, Oile, Peart; cen. tre Wagstaffe; home, Pennie Stews art, O'Brien; outside, Cudmore; inside, Miller; spare, Cahill. ? Officials--McDonald and Harris gon, GEORGETOWN WINS { Fergus, Aug. 26.--Georgetown ine termediate lacrosse team beat the Fergus Thistles here yesterday after- noon by 6 to 4 and there was no doubt that the winners had the edge over last year's champions. Three goals were scored in as many miny- tes at the start and the score at the £d of the first quarter was three- In the third period the scored three goals. Fergus tried hard in the last period, but only counted once. The game was the last sche- duled for the group, unless the 0.A, L.A. Council orders two tie games replayed. Hamilton is leading, with Fergus in second place, UH LEAMINGTO! Chatham, Aug, Wins defeated Chatham here Saturday by the score of two to one in the first game of the Intermediate O.B.AA. playdowns, The visitors scored their two runs, when Smithsen hit a hom- er in the first inning, scoring Hew- er, who had single with one man out, ahead of him. These were the only hits secured off Lew Griffin, the lo- cal southpaw, during the afternoon, visitors NEW MARTIN NOW PLAYING Reginald Denny ne eing Also Other Attractions