Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Aug 1928, p. 7

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Suburban and District News Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Corvespondente ENNISKILLEN Enniskillen, Aug. 23--Glad to Mrs. FI yoke is A ~ Bose for a speedy recovery from her severe illness. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Ferguson, Allan and Donald, are spending two weeks at Muskoka Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Annis, of Scar- boro, called on their many friends Tescuuy, est of Mr. Jas. Stainton. 4% Mrs. Albert Stainton and Cited also Mr. and Mrs. Herb, Shuson, of Toronto, at Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gilbert, of Ottawa, is visiting his brother, Mr.| M Russell Gilbert. Mrs. H. J. Werry visited Rev. Mrs, Honey, of Welcome. Miss Edna Lamb, of Peterboro, Mr. Cecil Willson, of Nestleton, Miss Souch, of Orono, visited at Mr. Lorne Lamb's. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and Ross, Mrs. A. Tamblyn and Miss Bernice Stainton visited friends at Orone, Sunday, Rev, J. M. Whyte returned home alter Yenewing old acquaintances in his home town om Pembroke. He is giving much thought to his sermons and those who miss hearing him, miss something which we all need, an exhortation to better lives, ALMONDS Almonds, Aug. 22.--Mr. and Mrs, Richards, of Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Richards, Bowmanville, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Lee, Base Line. Misses Irene and. Elma Howland spent Sunday with relatives in Pick- ering. Mr. Robin Gale spent the week end with his brother, Mr. Burke Gale,' of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ballard and daughter, Nellie Ballard, Miss Veraa Robinson, of Nobleton, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Richard Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Philip, of Prince Al- bert, visited with Mr, and Mrs. L, C. Osbourne, on Monday. Toronto Exhibition Special Round Trip Fares Going Aug. 23 to Sept, Return Limit, Sept, 12 FROM OSHAWA . 01,60 WHITBY . $1.40 BOWMANVILLE $8.05 NEWCASTLE $2.25 War tax included Proportionately low from other points, ask M. R, JOHNSON or any Ticket Agent fares Take a KODAK Take a Kodak with you, for its picture record of vaca- tion good times will give you inending pleasure in months to come. And, even if you do meet poor weather, it can't in- terfere with your picture- making plans if you have 8 Modern Kodak. For this Modern Kodak's fast lens admits sufficient light for proper exposure whether the sun shines or not. All the Modern Kodaks are in stock here. Get one for your vacation today. Karn's Drug Store PHONE 879 NEXT P.O, REDUCED FARES Account Proportionately Low Fares from Other Points. Consult Local Agents. Canadien National Mrs, Derby, of Kedron, is visiti at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WV. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morcombe and children, Marjorie and Donald, of Wirhipeg, have been holidaying for the past two weeks with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. L. Morcombe. Miss Mable Rowe, of Toronto, is spending two weeks' vacation at her home here. Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur Mackey and children returned to their home in Ottawa on Monday, following a va- cation of ten weeks during which Mrs. A. Mackey enjoyed a trip to England with her mother, while Ar- thur and children visited his mother, rs. M. Mackey, here. Mrs. Armitage and Mr. Harvey Mowbray, of Granton, Ont, were Juesta at the home of Mrs. J. J. othergill, during last week. Miss Evelyn Morcombe has return- ed to her home in Omemee after spending a couple of months at the home of her grandfather; Mr. W. H. Balsdon, Miss Violet Hall is holidaying with relatives in Kinsale. Mr, and Mrs. Richard Shields and children, of Toronto, Mrs. Salter, of Holland Landing, ent Monday with Mr, and Mrs x Brown, Mr. Jinkinsop and Mr, Lapp, of Ottawa, visited with Mr. Arthur Mac- key, of Ottawa, who has been vis- iting with his mother here for some time, COLUMBUS Columbus, Aug. 22. Mrs. Milford Wilkins, Oshawa, visited Mrs, L. L. Guy, Master Donald Burns of Oshawa is visiting with his grandmother, Mrs, I. Trull, Mr, and Mrs. C. Hayes, Dorothy and Bill, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Jennings Stouff- ville, Congratulations to our Oshawa Collegiate students who have pass- ed their Middle School examina- tions. School will soon be re- opening. The trustees have en- gaged MMs Vivian Appleby of Ashburn as teacher here. Mr, and Mrs. Watson James and daughters, Ruby and Marion, of Cambray, visited with Mr, C Hayes recently. The Girls' Softball neyed to Myrtle on Tuesday ant played a game with Prospect girls, The score ended in fav- or of Columbus girls, 19-14, They -- Mr, and team jour- | expect to play the return game with Prospect here on Tucsday night, August 28th. Come out and cheer for your home girls. Master Bohby Pollard of Osha- wa visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilson. Several from here attended the Rotary Street Fair at Oshawa Wednesday night, Miss Elorna Cook spent Thurs- day with her sister, Mrs. W. Suth- erland, at Oshawa. A large crowd attended the fun- eral of Mr. E, Turk at Brooklin United Church on Priday last. Much sympathy is extended to Mrs. E. Webber and f-mily in the loss of her father, )::, E. Turk. Rev. Jas. Beck:", Mrs, Becke}! and family of Napanee visited th former's aunt, Mrs. Levi Ellins, one day this week. Hurrah for the Girls' Ball Tteam again! In a fast game on Wed- nesday night between Brooklin girls and Columbus, the home girls were again victorious with a score of 13-12. Good work, girls. PICKERING Pickering, Aug, 22.--Miss Lila Gee, of Vinelands, is visiting her friend, Mrs. J. E. Stork. Miss Myra Cronk, of Toronto, and Mr. Willard Cronk, of Detroit, are holidaying at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. H, Cronk, Mr. W. W. Monney is spending a few days this week in Wolfe Is- Ai Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, of Pasa- dena, Cal., are visiting their daugh- ier, Mrs. c. C. Bradley, and fam- y Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Balsdon, of Burford, spent the week-end with Pickering friends, Upon their re- turn home they were accompanied by their son and daughter, who have been holidaying here, and by Mrs. John Balsdon and daughter, Blanche, who intend spending » fortnight in Burford. Dr. and Mrs. C. Brown and son, of Markham, spent Sunday with friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pilkey and daughter, Phyllis, spent Sunday with friends in Mt, Albert. upon their return they were accompa- nied by Mrs. Draper and children, who are visiting here for a tinre. Miss M. Wright, of Stockton, Cal., is visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Franklin and young son, and the Misses Bell, of Port Perry, were the Buests of Mr. Boyes, on Sunday. Misses Bunting are visiting 1» Toronto, owing to the illness of their brother-in-law, Dr. Bateman, who fs recovering from a recent operation for appendicitis. 8S. W. Knipe, of the FEaton's Young Men's Club, Searboro, spent Tuesday with Pickering friends. Mrs. Wm. Wilson and daughter, Myrtle, of Oshawa, are visiting their daughter and sister, Mrs. Lockwood, and family. In the absence of the Rev. Mr. Ferguson, the pulpit of St. An- drew's Church on Sunday mern- ing was occupied by the Rev. Mr. Barnes, of Markhanr, who preach- and Mrs. Arthur' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1928 ed a very helpful sermon oa - » Mrs, M. S. Chapman entertained the members of the Swastika Club, on Tuesday evening, in honor ws two ex-members, Miss A. Cronk, and Miss M. Alright, who are both visiting in the village from Cali- foraia. On Wednesday afternoon of last week the Ladies' Ald of St. An- drew's Church held their regular meeting in the form of a picnic at the home of Mrs. E. and Mrs. J. Stork. The aftermoon was spent on the lawn with games of various kinds, and after the picnic supper the company adjourned to the beach to take advantage of the lake breezes, while the young folks spent a jolly time bathing. Mr. C. W. Pilky and family were the victims of a slight motor ac- cident on Saturday evening, in which, fortunately, no one was hurt. When returning home in their car, just a mile east of the village, a car, driven by a Toronto resident, crowded them off the road. The Pilky car was damaged to the extent of about thirty dol- lars. Mr. Wm, Cornell left on Tues- day for the West to visit relatives in Arcola and Regina. He intends remaining away for several months, Miss Elizabeth Percliard, of To- ronto, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Somerville over the week-end. Mr. G. Sproule and friend, of Hamilton, spent Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs W, V, Red- ditt and family. Mr. and Mrs. L. Marquis and sons, accompanied by the former's mother, Mrs, Wm. Marquis, all of Victoria Corners, visited with Mr. and Mrs Jas, Andrew on Sunday. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Somerville were' Mr. and Mrs. Sparling, Mrs. G, M. Johnston and son and daughter, Mr. R. Wilson, and Miss Munro, all of Toronto, Miss Marion Clark, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with the Misses Rorke. The members of St. Paul's choir were treated to a pienie at Fair. port heach on Wednesday after noon. The weather was ideal! for such an outing, and a jolly time was spent by all. Miss Marjorie Annan has recent. ly commenced a business course in tthe city. Her friends wish her much success in the new venture. Miss Laura Andrew, of Toronto, spent the week-end at her home here, Mrs. D. J. Callaghan and young son visited this week at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Murkar. Mrs. 8. M. Gordon and son, Roh- in, had a motor trip to Buffalo last week. Mrs, G. Jackson, who has heen occupying rooms in the residence of Mrs. Rankin, has moved into Mr, Tom. Johnson's residence on Chris- tina Street, Mr, and Mrs. E. Walsh ana daughter, Gertrude, were in Ham- flton last week, attending the mar. riage of Mrs. Walsh's niece, at which little Miss Gertrude made a fi Rn i] Metagama The Empresses, Montroral and Mont. nairn sail from ; all other steam. ships sail from neni By Apply Local Agents or J. B. MACKAY, General Agent Phone ADelaide 2105 C.P.R, Bldg, Toronto. charming flower girl. It is very refreshing to know that in this hopelessly material world there are yet to be found some people who place implicit faith in their fellow-men. Recent. ly, three gentlemen of the neigh- borhood discovered a chicken-thief with the evidence of his misdeeds upon him, The culprit was so pens itent and willing to return the stol- en fowl--in fact, turned his vehi. cle around to do so--that our three trusty friends left him to his own devices while they went in search of a constable, Upon their return with the arm of the law, instead of finding the offender meekly await- ing their arrival, they discovered, much to their surprise, that he had left his horse and buggy on the road, and was greatly conspicuous by his absence. With the one-hun- dred-dollar reward which A they might have collected, now nothing more than a wild dream, the trust- ing trio are sadder but wiser men, Another case of crowding on the highway was evident on Satur- day afternoon, when an accident occurred about a mile east of the village, in which several people were injured, A car driven hv a lady from Niagara Falls, tried to pass a car going in the same direc- tion, and was unahle to do so, ow- ing to the nearness of on-coming cars. As a result, the second car _|tradictory evidence. The insurance was crowded against the guard- rail, and was badly damaged. The five occupants were all thrown from their seats and injured to some extemt. A charge of reckless driving was laid against the lady driver, and was dealt with on Mon- day evening, whem the magistrate dismissed the case, owing to com- company is taking care of all dam- ages. No sorrowing group of mourn- ers, no floral tributes, no majestic shaft of gramite, just six feet of ground in the Potter's Field, a sim- ple service, and a pitifully small group of witnesses marked the bur- fal of the mortal remains of the erazed alien, who passed to the great beyond, by his own hand, un- der cover of darkness, a week ago. One can't help but wonder if, some- where, there is a mother, sister, or wife, who is waiting in vain for some word from a loved one, and if, perhaps, had we but known the circumstances, something could have been done to prevent the trag- edy, which took place in our midst. ENFIELD Enfield, Aug. 22.--Mr. Richard Stephens, Misses Ella and Loulse and Mr. Hiram Davis, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott. Mr. and Mrs, Everett Ormiston, Mrs, F. G. Densom, Bowmanville, and Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Wilcox Hampton, called on Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Ormiston recently. Mr. Frank L. Page, Toronto, and Mrs. Cecil Branton, Osgawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs, S. Page. Misses Doris and Kathleen Brad- ley Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Fountain, and Mr. and Mrs. George Abraham, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ormiston, Oshawa, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. Leslie C. Pascoe. Mrs. John Hephurn spent a few days in Toronto last week, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston, Mrs. N. Smith, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hardine,. of Cincinnati and Mr. Arthur Ormiston motored To Bobcaygeon recently. Mrs. Leslie Pascoe and Misses Helen, Elizabeth and Dorpthv vis- ited friends in Brock recently. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Niddery anc family, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Hephurn, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram H, Forrest called on old acquaintances here recently, 1 #--- Rev. A. E. Harding, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston, d=liv- ered a splendid sermon here last Sunday. The farmers are evidently tak- ing advantage of the splendid har- vest weather and work seems to be progressing favorably. The threshers are in this neigh- borhood again but the alsike crop > w§ is seemingly below the averag>. EN -------- FALLS AT BARN-RAISING | Markdale, Aug. 24 --Henry Hunk- ing, Melancthon farmer, sustained | severe injuries when he fell a dis- | tance of some twenty-five feet at a barn-raising on the farm of Roy| PAGE SEVEN THE WORLD HAS A NEW AND FINER MOTOR CAR It is a fact that the Steering ease and Riding comfort of the Nash "400" are so far superior to anything you have ever experienced that, once you drive the new Nash, you will never, we be- lieve, be satisfied with any other car. NASH2300 Leads the World in Motor Car Value OTHER IMPORTANT FEATURES--NO OTHER CAR HAS THEM ALL Twin Ignition motor Bijur centralized chassis lubrication Aluminum alloy pistons (Fuvar Struts) 12 Aircraft type spark plugs . High compression New double drop frame Houdaille and Lovejoy shook absorbers (Exclusive Nash mounting) REID 7-bearing crankshaft Electrie clocks (hollow crank pins) Short turning radius' Torsional vibration damper Longer wheelbases Nash-Special Design front Salon Bodies snd rear bumpers NASH MOTORS ROBERT REID--Phene 122 Dundas Street--Whitby, Ontario, NEW METHODS, NEW TIMES (Hamilton Herald) The Hudson's Bay Company's plan for a 400,000-acre colonization scheme | in the Vermilion and Alexandra dis- | tricts is about as far removed from the original purposes of the ancient trading concern to-date department stores [ | | | | as its chain of up-| The com- | pany has grown and changed with the | tines. TAKE LESSONS IN FRENCH (Toronto Saturday Night) It is impossible for any of us| | adequately to appreciate the French | Canadian attitude, public affairs, but also towards life, | with all its comprehends, whether of laughter or of tears, unless we know McLaren Tuesday. He sustained cuts | somewhat of the rich and expressive | about the forehead. | langu: age that they speak, not only towards | | REAL USED CAR VALUES 1 McLaughlin Buick 1921 Sedan 1 McLaughlin Buick 1922 Sedan 1 Chrysler Coach 1928 Model, 1 McLaughlin Buick Sedan 1927 Model, Less than 1,000 mi'es on this car and in splendid condition, These cars have all been put in good running order and will be sold at bargain prices while they last, Reid - Nash Motors Dundas Street, Whitby Phone 122 g g Lt x i i EERSTE COMMITTEE SRR 0 aw a dh ] : § ¢ Police. Toronto = oasis of Tite J. Er Eg Sar Qe on te L eft & Do not walk with the traffic--but AGAINST it They must not force pedestrians off the road. They should should not try to pass a vehicle and a ay. Where there is a traffic officer or traffic cross with the wheeled traffic. Don't try to a traffic line. the The drivers'have secured of way from the officer or signal. Cross busy streets at intersections. Then you will save yourself needless risks. Pedestrians who are considerate of motor themselves. drivers will better protect ty Committee Sammars ~J. P. BICKELL, Comm. Wad. Mi ~ of Motor Vehicles. H. K. CARRUTHERS, Sec. Oniamn Be. of Teade of Hamilton MAYOR J. WILSON dig ide ™ COURTESY COMMON 13, 113 Rules for Safety Favs out sar 5 Poriact mechanical shen 1 opi iid 2 Give Jour nad) vided attention to your pt apne d ivy d int Jo ening kulie, be Suis then When other motor vehicles try to _=let them pass. -" main streets or highways, or in 4 pple ST 5 Don't "loaf" where traffic is heavy. O 22 Sigal bekoie Jou low down, stop or change your course. Never back up before ascertaining that the road behind is clear.

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