Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Aug 1928, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1928 Woman's Daily Interest | SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the eo operation of ita readers in contributing items to this column, Send in a postcard or phone 36. ---- Mr. John Delve is spending his vacation with hls parents fu Lyn. and Mrs, Vernon Johnston ve recent guests at Gore's Land- ing. LJ] LJ . Miss Kay Rowland of Peterboro {s the guest of Mr, and Mrs, Lawr- ence Bodin, .s * Miss Gladys Maracle of Tyen- dinaga, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Leonard mn. +s Mr. and Mrs, Leo Keeler and family spent a 'day at Gore's Landing recently, * . LJ Rev. J. E, Beckel and family of Napanee are spending their vaca- tion with friends here LJ Mr, and Mrs. William Maracle of Tyendinaga, were guests of their daughter, Mrs. John Brant, LJ * LJ Mrs, Fred Lean and son, George, are spending their vacation with Mr, and Mrs, ' Frank McCulloch, Harwood. * % % Mrs, William Pipher and grand- gon, Frank, of Ringwood, are vis. iting the former's son, Mr. A, Pipher and = Mrs, Pipher, Bruce street, Miss Lulu Gray of Marmora has entered the Oshawa General Hos. pital as a nurse-in-training, 4 4 @ Mr, Robert Hillcoat of New: Orleans is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, G. D, Conant, Simcoe street south, * uw 0 Miss Helen Ward of Chatham, is the guest of Mrs. W, J. Sulley. Rlmeoe street south, for a few ya. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Short and' son, Douglas, were recent guests of the former's father, Mr, Walter R. Short, Green Point. . . . Mrs. 8. Emsley and Miss Eliza- beth Emsley, Brock street east, left this morning for Chautanqua, New York, where they will remain for a week or two. - 9 . Miss K., Mitchell, Simcoe street north, whose marriage to Mr, Max Evans takes place September 5, is the raison d'etre of many social functions. Those who have entertained in her honor are: Miss Margaret Burns, a tea; Mrs, Thomas McDowell, at tea; Mrs, (Dr) Wilson and Miss Marion Mackie at tea at the Oshawa Golf Club yesterday afternoon, Miss Marjorie McGillivray Whitby a shower, Mrs, Gordon Mires is en- tertaining at tea in honor of Miss Mitchell this afternoon. On Fri. day evening Mr. and Mrs, John Pangman are entertaining for Miss Miighell and Mr. Evans at 'Park- wood." Those entertaining next week for Miss Mitchell are: Mra, Alan Findlay, Toronto, a shower Tuesday; Miss Helen Johnston at tea on Thursday next, and Mr, James Hanning, dinner at the Royal Canadian Yacht Club Fri. day, August 81, in honor of Miss Mitchell and Mr, Evans, or ta i Canadian Gladiolus Show In the Armouries, Lindsay AWGUST 22nd and 23rd "FORTY THOUSAND BLOSSOMS" Admission 25¢ T, J. Tilley, Lacal Sec. - have certain bility, The Leading Infant SINCE 1857 O be the right food for babies a milk must unchanging lute purity, unvarying strength, easy digesti Eagle Brand is pp reliability and the ease with which it is digested --even in difficult feeding cases, If you unfor- tunately cannot nurse your baby, we that you and your physician consider Eagle Brend, May we send you helpful booklets on MrT andoy' Food qualities--aheoe noted for its safety, EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK Tue Boroen Co, Limiten; MONTREAL Please send FREE Baby Boks to Nas. Announcement! IN THE announcement in the Special Oshawa Edition under a picture of the Belleville Collegiate School, it was stated that Mr. Ernie Elliott of Peterborou, Thomson & J This statement was misleading. Mr. Elliott assisted in the design of the healing and ventilation of the above mentioned and Vocational was associated with nson, Architects, building, also several other important sys- tems for the However, Mr. above named architects. Elliott is mot in any way connected with the firm as a business partner, "THOMSON & JOHNSON, Architects, i Simcoe St. 5., Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs. Robert J. Bell, of Ottawa, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Inez, to Mr. George H. "Bud" Lander, only son of Mrs, George L. Lan. der of Oshawa. The ' marriage will take place middle of September. F ashion | Notes Hindu turbans fashioned of thin furs are being shown in Paris. Newest sleeves concentrate ful bow, The newest hat shape employs a brim slanted in a long low line at one side of the face, while at the other it resolves into a shallow, shortened effect, while this treat- ment is combined with a round, fitted crown, -- Angora sweaters, especially in soft tones of yellow are being much seen in Paris, where one hand- made sweater has a number of pol- ka dots in gold metal thread as its only trimming, and it 1s worn with a plain yellow crepe de chine skirt in broad plaits, Returning overseas travellers age clare that sport elothes are worn practically all day aboard ship, and rather light, fluffy gowns are fa- vored for evening wear, while chif- fons are advocated becalse of the delightful way they shake off wrinkles and mussed lines, Wish-bones, emplems of juck, are the neewst hat-ornamenfs. At Deauville, LeTouquet and Biarritz, where they are now the latest to the "banded" caps of folded white crepe either of diamonds, pearls or ivory. For colors, Paris holds fairly faithfully just now to the standard lingerie shades, all the pinks, white, Nile green, soft yellow and 4 new turquoise blue. Every shade of purple will he in demand for autumn beginning with royal purple and running through the violets, mauve, orchid and lavender coats. Our Daily Recipes Pudding Sauces Maple Sauce -- 1 1-2 cups of maple or brown sugar, 1 cup cream, 1-2 teaspoon vanilla, 2 tea- spoons butter, Boil about 20 min. utes, This sauce 1s nlce with baked custard. Ginger Sauce--Boi] together 1 cup of white sugar, 1 cup of water 12 cup of preserved ginger, which has been cut into small pieces, for 10 minutes. This is delicious with vanilla fee eream, Pineapple Sauce -- pineapple syrup into a saucepan and add to it 2 tablespoons cold water, 1 heaping teaspoon of sug- ar, 2 tablespoons of grated pine- apple and 1 teaspoon of lemon Juice. Boll for a few minutes be- fore serving. Add more sugar fit not sweet enough, SE ---------------- DOWN OUR STREET There are rows and rows of houses Facing an open street, Where often I walk of an evening And pass with reluctant feet. Put 2 cups Ml walk hy Be rows of houses gaze through pia 8h some opan Into the heart of its home lite, Where history is being made, Sometimes it's a maid and he lover T see by the open fire, Or a mother content with her children Her man and her heart's desire. Sometimes it's a breaking Or sickness, or sorrow, or strife: But I may not reveal the secrets ; I énatch from the looms of lite, heart in the As I walk by the rows of houses ° In the dark and the night os God knows I treasure the picture I tind in each sacred home. ~--Laura Bedell. ---------- EYE C EVE STRAIN. Eye Protection Copryright 1926 By C. H. Tuck, Opt.D, Part "3" Let us speak of a few of the growths more noticeable and rec- ognized, All eyes have a fatty formation on the nasel margin of the Iris about. a millimeter off the Iris on the white of the eye. This is more moticeable in some eyes than others and more pronounced in color. It is 2 normal condition called Ping- uecala. This fatty appearance is of a yellowish color and becomes more pronounced with age or ex- posure to wind and dust. No fear should be felt upon its Appearance. It is quite a common thing for people to go well up in years before ever noticing its ex- istence, Next week I will follow this art- icle by referring to growth, the existence of which it is necessary for some attention some fear to be felt but with the proper attention in time relief may be expected. De- lay and thc': removal leaves a scar whose ill effects blurrs vision as badly as the original growth. (Continued next week) THE GAY DECEIVERS (Border Cities Star) College boys who are slinging hash will soon go back to school and en- tertain their playmates with glowing accounts of wide swaths they cut in society during the summer. __ A in Ottawa the |. ness between the wrist and the el Y scak the clothes in rich Rinso suds, You won't need to boil them «++and there'll be little or no over again there's nothing like Rinso, It's the easiest way to a whiter wash, Buyitat your nearest grocer's. Mads by the makers of LUX Lever Brothers Limited Soaks Clothes ae Whiter a tw CHLOROFORM USED IN CLOSED AUTO Youth and Girl Shrouded Heads in Rugs to Inhale Fumes Woodstock, Aug, 22.--Twenty- four hours of tracing down wild rumors and theories have failed to throw any further light on the death of Gertrude Yelland of In- gersoll, who died as the result of inhalation of chloroform, in an al- leged suicide pact with Robert John Childs of Woodstock, Childs survived the dose of chloroform fumes, but is still confined to bed at his home in a more or less seri- ous condition. He will be ready, however, to give evidence at the in. quest, which is to be resumed to- morrow night. Provincial Officer Arrives This afternoon Provincial Officer Buchanan arrived in the eity to assist in the investigation prelim- inary to the inquest. The police inquiry has failed to reveal apy facts at variance with Child's state- ment that he had decided to epd everything because of his parenis' opposition to his marriage to Miss Yelland. While the result of the post mortem examination will not be made known until the two doc- tors give evidence at the inquest, it is understood that nothing was discovered to disagree with the story given by the hoy. Ald. Fred Childs, father of the boy, who made a statement today, said that his son had a mistaken impression if he became involyed in the suicide pact on the idea that his parents opposed his marriage to Miss Yelland. The girl haa been a frequent visitor to the Childs' home, Father Denies Opposition "Our only objection," said Al- derman Childs, "was to their be- ing married at once. I am not in favor of too early marriages, and my wife and I wanted them to wait until they were a little older, as they were only children, That was the only stand we took on the mat- ter, but we had no objection tc the girl keeping company with Bob, We simply felt that they were too young to be married." Mr. Yelland, the girl's father, states emphatically, on his side, that he had no objection to young Childs, The boy was & welcome visitor at his home, he said, and had often taken Mrs. Yelland and himself for rides in the automobile along with his daughter." Chloroform Purchased in Wood- stock, The chloroform with which Miss Yelland's life was ended was pur- chased at two local drug stores on Saturday night. Leslie Brown, clerk in H, Keith's drug store, stat- ed today that he had sold Childs a six-ounce bottle of chloroform, Childs having. said he wanted enough to kill two small dogs. He had asked if it were poison and had been informed that it was, and a poison label was placed on the bottle. Clerk Murray, proprietor of J. G. Karn's drug store, said that a clerk in his employ had sold a six-ounce bottle of chloroform 10 Childs on the same night, the story in that case being exactly the same as that told to the other druggist. In neither case was the poison book signed, the druggists explaining that this was not required by law. The manner in which Miss Yel- land met her death and young Childs had a narrow escape from death has been told to the police. but the full story will be told at the inquest, when Childs gives his evidence. His story wus that with Household Hints When cleaning brass never use vinegar and salt or other acide as they increase the tendency of the metal tarnish, Although the baby is warm and thirsty after his sum bath, cold water is apt to cause a shock. Sponge him in lukewarm water and give him a drink of moderate. ly warm water when he is brought into the house to make him com. fortable, When sprinkling clothes fo? ironing, use a whisk broom and have the water hot, as hot water will dampen them more evenly, . An empty perfume bottle with patent top is fine for sprinkling clothes. A very satisfactory sprinkler may be made by punch- ing holes in the metal top of a vase- line bottle or any bottle having a screw top. To sprinkle clothes quickly tura nozzle of the garden hose to a fine spray and sprinkle them while on the line. Jelly should be poured into the glasses as soon as it has cooked sufficiently. If allowed to congeal and then poured, it will be cloudy. There are cleaners on the mark- et now that remove stains and pol- ish porcelain at the same time, It is well to have a can of this in the bathroom and one in the kitchen for the sink, as nothing shows up quite so ugly as stains on porce- lain, which can be made so beau- tifully white,' F Instead of using a pastry board when rolling out pastry use the enamel tray on the top of the gas stove this 1s much cooler and eas- fer to clean, After using the grinder for meat, potatoes, ete., run two or three crackers or pieces of stale bread through to force out par- ticles that cling to the knives, A very good stiffener for the popular dimity worn so much this season is made by dissolving two ounces of gum arabic in a pint of hot water, Use in the proportion of 2 tablespoons in 2 quarts of water, It gives just a dainty body to the material without making it look starchy, When washing a white silk blouse or "jumper to which you want to give a little stiffness, add a few lumps of sugar to the rins- ing water, roll tightly in a clean towel and iron while still damp. An electric fron by f{tself is harmless, but in conneition with a woman, a doorbell and a forgot- ten switch, it is apt to be the torch that burns down one's home. You can make your stove look like new if you rub it with a tur- pentine rag first, then clean with hot vinegar and shine, When making puddings or cake, a teaspoonful of gelatine, dissolv- ed in hot milk, makes a substi- tute for two eggs. The "life work" of most of us consists in trying to maintain ex- istence.--Newark News, the doors of the car closed tight, they placed the rug in the car over their heads and opened the bottles of chloroform to let the fumes do their deadly work. The girl died some time during the night, but Childs recovered in the forenoon after, and was just able to drive the car, with the dead body of the girl, to his home in Woodstock be- fore collapsing again, EE7ENR TTOHED IND' BURNED AW XA HOSIERY IN 'mitted that the cost of reconstruct- EARL OF BALFOUR'S ~ 80TH BIRTHDAY The celebration of the Earl of Balfour's 80th birthday has creat. od widespread interest in Great Britain. The British Academy, a learned society of which Lord Balfour has been President for many years, has recently been given a perman- ent home at Burlington House. The funds for panelling and dec- orating these rooms were donated by an anonymous donor. The London Times, however, recently announced that Sir Charles Cheers Wakefield, Bart.,, on the specific request of the committee, ad- ing and adapting the premises was done at his expense. The Academy took formal pos- session of its new quarters and at the same timie celebrated the 80th birthday of its President, Lord Balfour, The Prince of Wales was a guest of honour and proposed Lord Balfour's health. RAIL MEN AFFECTED nin, Bombay, India, Aug. 22.--Workers of the Bombay area of the Great Indian Peninsula railroad are threat- ening to strike, it is reported. The strike in the locomotive shops of the Guarantee State Railroads at Nizam, Hyderabad, spread to the enginemen and other workers, The Times of India, in an article calling attention to the recent strike on the South India railway, said the government must take steps to "check communist mischief before it destroys the peace of the land." The Bombay mill sti#, already in its fourth month, has affected Madras workers, where a strike was called in the Choolai mills in protest against the double loom system. There has been much talk in the press of a threatened "revolution," and the government was called on by several papers to step in, A ---------------------------------- UNTIMELY (Los Angeles Examiner) Our trade commissioner in Ger- many tells of a new German chemi- cal discovery which makes possible skating rinks without ice. But who in August would want a skating rink without ice? Come in and Secure Your Fall or Fur Coat Now A Deposit Will Hold Any One Till Wanted The Fashion Shoppe "SALADA" TEA . Brown Label Quality is the most widely used tea the continent. Unparalleled for value. In Black, Green or Mixed blends. Sold by all grocers. _ 20¢ per 3-lb. 38c per i-Ib. 75¢ per Ib. TUDOR RLATE, The © UQZSERVICE Tray New, 10 Rouse and enhance the loveliness of TUDOR PLATE, you can have this truly striking edition of this tremendously serviceable tray! The silverware rack lifts out ~ the new painting beneath is a dream of romance and color, A set for six -- quality silverware at a moderate price [ ~ Replacement Guarantes, / BASSETT'S On Oshawa's Main Corner OMINION STORES | PURCHASE YOUR PRESERVING SUPPLIES AT DOMINION STORES AND SAVE MONEY pe / 2 > ' . U o) Tid 7 = T LE Quality -- GRANULATED SUGAR 1015s. 62¢ Choice Canadian Potatoes HE 2 Preserving Requisites LARGE RIPE Per 29¢ & Zz. 35¢ CROWN FRUIT JARS Sm'll 8§9¢ doz. Med. 99¢ doz. L'ge 1,39 doz. 3doz25¢ Parowax Dus. 25e¢ CERTO 5% Sottie 29¢ PEANUTS 1. 19¢ FLAKES "TASTY" BREAD IT IS WRAPPED of] em 310 Weight e oaf we | || Mayfield Brand Ib. g2e ------ EERE NEW SEASON'S SEA KING Finest Rock PEAS 2535 1201. [Cc Cleanser Chocolate Bars 61:25. Per UH] rin Tor 25¢| SNAP Gil Tin 18e

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